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Peopel and Nature

Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and nature. At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and harvested. Peopel respected nature and was one part of nature.

It seems that people today are masters of Nature . But while we are disrupting the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seeking its revenge. Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate punished greedy human beings. We have taken too much from nature, and given back too little.

Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the interdependent relationship between people and nature,when the world work of peopel persistently to protect nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or servant. Sure, people can live in harmony with nature is the key to peopel survival. So we should protect our natural .

I love Nature


圣诞节的英语作文和翻译 圣诞节已经成为了一个全世界性的节日,下面我整理了四篇关于圣诞节的英语作文,来看看小朋友们是怎么过圣诞节的吧! 圣诞节的英语作文篇1 Today is Christmas, up in the morning I order after I have been think: old daddy load would bring me what gift? When I washing a face, ready to brush their hair, suddenly discovered that a fairy straight bar stand on my desk, I'm a wink, it is still there, I grabbed it, really! I look and see, fondle admiringly. I think: Christmas grandpa really spirit, still, and know my heart! I got a Christmas gift today, I am so happy! 今天是圣诞节,我早晨起订之后就一直在想:圣诞老爸爸载会给我带来什么礼物呢?等我洗完脸,准备梳头的时候,忽然发现一根直直的仙女棒挺立在我的书桌上,我眨眨眼,它还在,我一把抓住了它,真的啊!我看了又看,爱不释手。我想:圣诞老爷爷真灵,还知道我的心思呢! 我今天收到圣诞礼物了,我好开心呀! 圣诞节的英语作文篇2 Yesterday, the school organized the English carnival activities, because Christmas day is on Sunday, so they


Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. Travel may relieve a person of boredom and gloom. Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. [范文] Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. [p?'spektiv] It makes you come into contact with different cultures,meet people of different colors. Travelling much,you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences,but also be aware of the Magic of nature. Travel may also relieve person of boredom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience,which will disperse [dis'p?:s]vt. 使散开;分散;传播your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later,you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences. which transportation would you like to choose? Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive,but they soon make you feel uncomfortable. Ships provide you with co mfort unless you get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle,which,although slow,can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature. I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes t o the world. What's more, it refreshes me. 旅游不单是一种兴趣,还是一门学问,快乐的旅途是你终生难忘的回忆。要是有点探险精神的,三两同游,好玩的多逗留,游个饱,不好的不看也罢,自由自在;不参加旅游团为好,


英语作文关于圣诞节在中国比较流行的原因以及我们的看法和建议 【篇一:圣诞节的英语作文】 圣诞节英语作文 christmas is the most important festival in the western world. it falls on december 25th. when my mother and i stayed in america, we were invited by one of my mother‘s friends to have christmas with an american family. we bought some presents for our american friends on our way to their house. they had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house, such as christmas candles, cakes, cards, little toys, biscuits and so on. a christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall. how beautiful it was! we were impressed by these. we had a big meal. after dinner, they told us some interesting stories about christmas. we learned that christmas had something to do with god. we went to bed at midnight. though we knew the santa claus was not true, we were still waiting for the santa claus with white beard to bring us presents.and we received many beautiful presents the next morning. this christmas was really unforgettable. not only did i have a good time, but also i knew something about foreign culture. 12月25日的圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日。我和妈妈在美国的 时候,曾应妈妈的一位朋友邀请,去一个美国家庭过圣诞节。在去 他家的途中,我们为美国朋友买了一些礼物。 我们到时,他们已为家人及客人们准备了各种各样的礼物,有圣诞 蜡烛、蛋糕、卡片、小玩具和饼干等。圣诞树放在灯火通明的客厅 的一角,实在是太荚了。这一切给我们留下了深刻的印象。我们吃 了一顿大餐。饭后,他们给我们讲了一些圣诞节的故事,我们知道 了圣诞节与上帝有关。我们午夜时分才上床睡觉。尽管我们知道圣 诞老人不是真的,但还是等待着白胡子的圣诞老人为我们送来礼物。第二天早晨我们收到了许多漂亮的礼物。 这个圣诞节实在太令人难以忘怀了。我不仅过得很愉快,还了解了 外国文化。 【篇二:对圣诞节看法英文作文】


圣诞节这一天英语作文 每年的12月25日,所有基督教国家的人们都欢庆圣诞节。一般认为圣诞节是耶稣诞生的日子。以下是小编整理的圣诞节这一天英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家! 1圣诞节The name of Christmas is short for “Christ Mass”。Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ。In 4th century is a holiday for the church。By the 12th century,Christmas had become the most important religious festival in Europe。In 19th century,two Christmas customs became popular—decorating Christmas trees and sending Christmas cards to relatives and friends。Many well—known Christmas songs were written during this period。 For most people who celebrate Christmas,this is a special holiday for gathering of family and friends,enjoying delicious foods,and giving gifts。A traditional Christmas dinner in American includes stuffed turkey,mashed potatoes and so on。One of the most important Christmas traditions is receiving gifts from Santa Claus。Today,Santa Claus brings presents to children in many countries,including the Unites States,Canada,Great Britain and Australia。。 2圣诞节Christmas DayChristmas Day falls on the twenty ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

人与自然 美文欣赏

人与自然 大自然的神奇造化,无论是宏观或者微观,都使人在它的粗糙面前显得细腻,在它的细腻面前又显得粗糙;在它的高大面前显得渺小,在它的渺面前又显得高大;在它的强盛面前显得脆弱,在它的脆弱面前显得强盛。 这样说,并非说人与自然是对立的。应该说,人与自然是平等的,是并列的,是整个自然界中共生物。人与自然,都是生命,应该是互相观照的。当意识到这一点时,人才能感受到:天然的钻石、琥珀、珍珠,是自然的珍贵;连绵起伏的群山,是自然雄伟;烟波浩淼的江海,是自然的壮阔;广阔无际的沙漠,是自然的贫瘠。甚至对于人自己,欣赏那个人性未开的小孩子,也感受到自然的纯粹。自然的价值,就在于自然。是群山,让人脱离了低眉弄眼抬起了双眼;是山泉,以叮咚的清响,呼唤人的清纯;是野地的青草,告诉人们回归自然的普通。 而人,是自然的,又超越了自然,人是自然和社会的结合体。有人说,人是自然的精粹,只能理解为,这是人自己的认识。对于自然,人远远没有理解,没有认识,没有真正把握。究竟谁是自然之神,自然自己知道。 自然不可消失,人对自然无奈,只能极小部分地掌握。虽然人是自然与社会的结合体,但人首先是自然的。一切,首先是天然的,然后才是其它。人为的建造无论怎样完美,也取代不了自然的造化,也不如自然的完美。当然,自然也有局限。自然虽然丰富多彩,然而缺少的正是人的思想性,或者说,我们没有发现自然的思想性。思想的功能,似乎大自然只给了人。 是大自然让人做它的思想者吗?是吗?人类在脱离大自然的行进中,毁灭性的损害应该是一种罪恶。为什么要脱离大自然呢?因为人自以为高贵。人把自然当作了敌人,而不是并列共生的朋友。因此,这个大自然的思想者,曾经表现了无尽的愚昧。当人面对自然进行毁灭性破坏时,人自以为是高大的,强悍的;当人意识到与自然的亲密关系时,人又不得不低下高贵的头。人向自然悔过自新,承认了自然生命与人的共存,这是人类的进步。


高中圣诞节英语作文 Merry Christmas It was one of the last days before Christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager Christmas shoppers. At one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes. When the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice. "Thank you very much, madam," the old lady suddenly cried out, "Oh, I almost forgot..."——"Anything else, madam?" said the girl, "Yes," began the old lady, "I'd like to buy another pair, but I' m not quite sure about what exactly I should cloose. I wonder if you could help me." "Certainly, madam", was the girl's reply. The old lady then went on to explain that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age. She was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too. The tired girl did her best to help the old lady make up her mind, showing her ail kinds of gloves. At last the chosen pair of gloves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the girl was about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a little parcel and


与圣诞节有关的英语单词 圣诞:the birthday of Jesus Christ 圣诞歌:Christmas carol 圣诞卡:Christmas card 圣诞老人:Santa Claus 圣诞树:Christmas tree 圣诞快乐:Merry Christmas 圣诞柴:yule log(圣诞节原木形大蛋糕) 圣诞节的次日:Boxing Day 圣诞晚会:Christmas party 圣诞节日历:menology 圣诞节前夕(12月24日):Christmas Eve 圣诞节期:Christmastime 圣诞季节:yule,yuletide,yuletime 圣诞节快乐!MERRY CHRISTMAS! Christmas greetings 圣诞祝贺 Christmas shopping 圣诞采购 Christmas card 圣诞卡 reindeer 驯鹿 Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕 candy 糖果 Christmas Day 圣诞节 chimney 烟囱 Christmas season 圣诞节节日 fireplace 壁炉 Christmas time 圣诞节假期(自十二月二十四日至一月一日或一月六日)

由东方来朝见初生的耶稣的三个贤人 candle 蜡烛 candle stick 烛台 Christmas feast 圣诞大餐 package 包裹 Christmas dinner 圣诞大餐 poinsettia 圣诞红 glittering decorations 灿烂耀眼的装饰物品 Bethlehem 伯利恒(耶稣降生地) Christmas gift 圣诞礼物 Jesus Christ 耶稣基督 Christmas present 圣诞礼物 Christ Child 圣婴 Christmas tree 圣诞树 Christmas carol 圣诞颂歌 Christmas spirit 圣诞气氛 manger 马槽 Christmas music 圣诞音乐 angel


圣诞节英语作文:merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐 merry christmas [参考译文] 圣诞快乐 那是圣诞前的一天,在一所大商店里,售货员都忙着为那些渴望购物的顾客服务。 在一个柜台前,一位老太太在挑选手套:红色的是买给她儿媳的;淡蓝色的是买给她侄女的;粉红色的是买给她孙女的,绿色的是买给她妹妹的,等她将所有她要买的选好的时候,柜台上已放满了各种颜色、大小不一的手套。 最后女售货员开了发票,疲乏地说了声非常感谢,太太,正要转向下一个顾客时,老太太突然叫了起来,哦,我差点忘了&&还要别的什么吗,太太?女售货员问道。是的,老太太说了起来,我想再买一双,不过我不知道该选什么样的。不知你能不能帮我选选。售货员的回答是当然可以,太太。老太太接着解释说,她要买的是一双像女售员这样年轻的姑娘戴的手套。她一点也不知该选什么颜色。再说,选什么式样也是个问题。 疲惫的女售货员尽力地帮她选好一双手套。 最后选好的手套被包了起来,也付了钱。当女售货员正要转向另一顾客时,老太太把一个小包裹递给她说:亲爱的,这是给你的,谢谢你这么耐心。祝你圣诞快乐。 [点评] 这是一篇非常动人的记叙文。时间:圣诞节前夕;地点:一个大商店里;人物:一位老太太和售货员;事件:买手套。故事安排得非常精巧,尤其是它的结尾让人感到意外,又令人感动不已。只是篇幅有些长。 圣诞节英语作文:圣诞节夜景美丽的描写

圣诞节的英语作文:圣诞晚会-the christmas party 昨天是圣诞节,我们在学校举办了圣诞晚会,我的许多朋友都来参加晚会。我们互道圣诞快乐后,开始唱圣诞歌,像雪绒花等。然后我们讲圣诞故事,如圣诞老人等,我们都玩得很开心。当晚会即将结束时,我们互祝新年快乐。 圣诞节英语作文:santa claus--圣诞老人的由来 saint nikolaas (sinter klaas), from the dutch father christmas, from the english kris kringle, from the germans befana, from the italians bobouschka, from the russians (a grand motherly figure instead of a male) origin of christmas圣诞由来 圣诞 翻译:圣诞节在每个人的心中是很重要的节日。那天将会有很多折扣在商场。我和我的家人会待在一起度过。我们将会做感恩。因为我们相信基督能给上帝带去希望和崇拜。。 每年12月25日是圣诞节,全世界的人们在这一天庆祝耶稣的诞生.人们在这一天会互赠礼物. 小朋友会期盼圣诞老人带给他新的玩具, 他们也会和家人一起去教堂. 每家每户都会


1、只有服从大自然,才能战胜大自然.。——达尔文 2、大自然是善良的慈母,同时也是冷酷的屠夫。——雨果 3、人们常常将自己周围的环境当作一种免费的商品,任意地糟蹋而不知加以珍惜。—— 甘哈曼 4、大地给予所有的人是物质的精华,而最后,它从人们那里得到的回赠却是这些物质的 垃圾。——惠特曼 5、非但不能强制自然,还要服从自然.。——埃斯库曼斯 6、我们违背大自然的结果是,我们破坏了自然景观的美,自然动态的美和天籁的美。—— 诺曼·卡曾斯 7、人生欲求安全,当有五要:一要清洁空气;二要澄清饮水;三要流通沟渠;四要扫洒房屋; 五要日光充足。——南丁格尔 8、我的人生哲学是工作,我要揭示大自然的奥妙,为人类造福。——爱迪生 9、只有顺从自然,才能驾驭自然。——培根 10、我不是不爱人类,而是更爱大自然。——拜伦 11、大自然从来不欺骗我们,欺骗我们的永远是我们自己。——卢梭 12、造物无言却有情,每于寒尽觉春生,千红万紫安排着,只待新雷每一声 清·张维屏 13、自然是善良的慈母,同时也是冷酷的屠夫。——雨果 14、大自然的每一个领域都是美妙绝伦的。——亚里士多德 15、天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。——荀子 16、非但不能强制自然,还要顺从自然。——埃斯库罗斯 17、只有按照自然所启示的经验来生活。——叔本华 18、这自然法规我认为是最高的法规,一切法规中最具有强制性的法规。 ——马克·吐温 19、当人类欢呼对自然的胜利之时,也就是自然对人类惩罚的开始。——黑格尔 20、我们已经背弃了大自然,她曾经那样准确地为我们指路,而我们却想用她的教导来 教训她。——佚名 21、自然不掺杂半丝人情。谁抵抗它,谁就被一脚踢开;谁顺从它,谁就承受其恩典。 ——佚名 22、人不给自然留后路,自然也不给人留后路。——佚名


今天为大家推荐一篇关于圣诞节起源的英语作文,附有中文翻译,供参考—— The name Christmas is short for "Christ's Mass". A Mass is a kind of Church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus. There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the world. But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas in the world. The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The virgin's name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take Mary as wife. And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. Before Jesus births, Joseph and Mary came to Quintus was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up out of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and of the lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was


关于圣诞节的英语作文_圣诞节初中英语作文六篇 圣诞节快到了,圣诞节是同学们最喜欢的节日,因为可以收到许多礼物。那么关于圣诞节英语作文怎么写呢?以下是小编为大家准备的写圣诞节的英语作文,欢迎大家前来参阅。 关于圣诞节作文英语作文 For Christmas. Though not religious countries in Europe, but we are still the feast. When I picked up my socks ready to see the gift, I suddenly heard a burst of crying softly. I had no time to put down the socks, confused dashed downstairs. "Meowed, good cold!" A little girl was shivering in the cold. I went over and looked at her heavy the sack in his hand: "little sister, why don't you go home?" The little girl looked up slowly, clear bright eyes looked at me plaintively: "elder sister, I was out by my dad, he said that if I don't sell Christmas gift, he would not play CARDS, I can't go home... the elder sister, you buy, ok..." I pity to looked at her, said: "your dad is so cruel! What do you want to go home? I give you money, you go home. Well, 50 yuan can?" She shook her head firmly, "no, not good. So my sister lost. I don't money, you pick a gift, give me another." I looked at the girl, stubborn, have pride, said: "well, I'll take this." I chose a most expensive, handed the money to her, her beautiful pure smile of mine in the small face: "well, thank you for your sister!" I gave the gift to her again: "come on, take it. This was a Christmas gift I send to you!" She smiled again, faint, lovely, it is like the plum blossom... This year Christmas, I received the best gift, is a girl that like the plum blossom of stubborn, resolute, self-esteem, smile! 过圣诞节了。


人与自然 一我和自然 农村生活往往更贴近自然,我生在农村,对自然有一种特别的感情,小时候常在村子周围的田野里整天地到处游荡,在河沟里游泳玩水,在更远处的荒野中去探索未曾到过的地方,十几年在农村的环境里长大,感觉自己已然属于那种环境,后来去到大城市里求学生活,感觉并不如农村自在,到处是高楼大厦水泥森林,快节奏喧闹的都市生活不能使我感到心灵的安宁,所以当年读研结束离开北京并没有些许的留恋。大学时读到陶渊明的诗歌《归园田居》,诗中所描写的生活意境真实地引起我深深的向往,我的性情本也是爱着田园和自然的。 在我的阅读记忆中,留下印象比较深刻的往往是与自然有关的故事和知识,《海底两万里》、《八十天环游地球》、《野性的呼唤》都令我一度深深的着迷,中学时我买到一套科学第一推动丛书,《时间简史》、《可怕的对称》、《时间之箭》,虽然看不大懂,但也看得很入迷,神往于宇宙中那些神奇的现象。记得有一本《细胞生命的礼赞——一个生物学观察者的手记》讲述自然微观世界的生物奇妙的互相依存关系,也留下了很深的印象。高中因为眼睛色弱问题被分到文科班,但对自然探索的愿望使我对理科一直念念不忘,读研时一度还想再考一个理科的研究生学位。时至今天,电视上自然探秘的纪录片总会在第一时间引起我的观看兴趣,荒野求生类节目也往往是我的最爱,我始终没有割舍掉对自然的那份特别的感情,自然在我心中是一种永恒的情结。 二医学之争 近几年因为偶然的机缘接触到了传统中医学,使我此前对自然模糊朦胧的好奇,找到了一个确切而实在的切入点,进入了一个全新的领域;传统中医学是华夏文明的一个支流和应用,循着基础理论追本溯源我又来到了华夏文明的根本和源头之处,站在华夏先祖们曾经站立的地方,遥望那永恒的太阳,此前对自然生命宇宙万物的认识上升到一个全新的高度,视野大开。 医学面对的是人体的自然,现代科学研究发现,人体是一个太复杂的系统,堪称小宇宙,于是人体研究变成一门体系庞大的科学,医学也变成一个分工协作的巨大的体系,这在当下科学思维占主导的主流观点看来理所当然,但与传统中医学观察人体的角度完全不同,近代以来人们越来越多地接纳赛先生的思维方式,对于先祖们如何观察和理解自然世界慢慢淡忘了。 人体确实复杂,但事物的简单与复杂总是相对的,越深入微观越复杂,越回归宏观越简单;微观世界,一滴水、一朵花中都有无穷尽的奥秘,万物的复杂在微观的层面都是相似的。当代人类在人体微观领域的探索已相当深入,但是,这种探索越深入,对医学来说,就越会迷失在自然细节的迷宫中,生命在微观和局部的现象是无常的,地球生命的终极秘密不在微观,西方人对地球生命理解的局限,使他们不可能发展出高层次的医学,西医只是依赖医疗仪器的技术医学,西药无论丢到自然中还是丢到人体中都是一种污染物。天地宇宙,大道至简,以繁驭简,方向完全错误,不可能找到生命的终极秘密。 中医与华夏文明的根本一脉相通,其对生命的理解立足于天(太阳)、地(地球)、万物(地球生物圈)的宏观,是对地球生命秘密的终极解释;人类只是地球生物圈之一物,地球生物圈的秘密也是人类的秘密。这一秘密就科普知识来说也许地球人都是知道的,那就是地球与太阳之间永恒的规律的自转与公转运动,对于这一运动,西方科学早已可以做到精确观测和精确计算,但在五千年前,华夏文明的人文始祖伏羲氏对这一运动的观察和理解却完全不同,这种不同也揭示了东西方文明之间发展路径的根本差异。 三地球生命唯一秘密 相对论揭示了时间、空间、物质之间的关联,暗示整个宇宙是联系在一起的,中医与华夏文明对自然宇宙的理解也是建立在一种整体联系的观念之上,尤其对生命与天地万物的理解更是如此,古代东方人认为人、万物与天(太阳)、地(地球)具有浑然一体的整体关联性,而且这种关联并不空泛,体现在每年、每天以至于每时每刻的所有的生命活动中,包括外在的生命活动,也包括每时每刻的内在的生命运行,人与天地万物浑然一体的联系,是中医观察人体的宏观视角也是唯一视角。地球与太阳之间的自转与公转运动的实质,是太阳的光和热能在地球表面有规律地永恒地消和长的变化运动过程,所有的


圣诞节的英语作文范文4篇 That was the first time that I celebated Christmas Day、 My friend aksed me to take part in Christmas party、 At the party we danced and celebrated with carols、 I knew some new friends、 We exchanged gifts and said best wishes to each other、 I had a pleasant time、Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world, which people all over the Christian countries celebrate、 It is on the25th day of each December、Christians consider it as the birthday of Jesus Christ、But now many customs and habits are beyond religious meaning, The Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday、 There is always a shopping boom during this period、So it’s really a happy season for shop owners、 bout foreign culture、 it was christmas day yesterday、 we had a christmas party at school、 many friends of mine came to the party、after we said”merry christmas”, we began to sing christmas songs, such as edelweiss, andso on、 then we told some christmas stories, such as christmas father、 then i danced and laughted with my friends、 we


初二英语作文:中国的旅游产业 以下是我们为大家整理的关于初二英语作文:中国的旅游产业的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! recent years have seen a tendency in china that tourism is growing faster. according to a recent survey made by some experts about 47% urban residents travel regularly and 28% rural residents also make their tour across the country. the survey also shows that more people are interested in tourism and will join the army in the future. " facing this tendency we cant help exploring some underlying factors that are responsible. in the very first place with the policy of reform and opening up chinese peoples living standard has been greatly improved and therefore most of them can afford to travel around. whats more it is believed that people now take a more positive attitude to tourism and regard it as a life style. in addition tourism facilities are becoming better and better. for example transportation develops fast and many scenic spots are available now. "

关于圣诞节的英语作文-Merry Christmas

关于圣诞节的英语作文-Merry Christmas Christmasdfss is one of the most importasdfsnt celebrasdfstions of the yeasdfsr for the western countries. It fasdfslls on the twenty- fifth of December asdfsnd hasdfss the sasdfsme importasdfsnce asdfss Chinese New Yeasdfsr to people with English basdfsckgrounds. The celebrasdfstion is for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God in Christiasdfsnity. Now dasdfsys Christmasdfss is no longer only celebrasdfsted by the Christiasdfsns, but by most people from asdfsll over the world. 第一段,首先简单介绍一下圣诞节的起源背景。 On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it’s the dasdfsy before Christmasdfss which is casdfslled Christmasdfss Eve. The children asdfsre usuasdfslly sent to bed easdfsrly asdfsnd asdfsre wasdfsrned thasdfst “Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsus will only come asdfsnd give you asdfs present if you be good.” The younger kids asdfsctuasdfslly believe thasdfst Sasdfsntasdfs will come down the chimney on the sleigh thasdfst’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short breasdfsd asdfsnd beer asdfsre prepasdfsred for Sasdfsntasdfs when he comes, however most times pasdfsrents just easdfst them. Some children put socks asdfsnd sasdfscks


关于人与自然关系的哲学思考 人依赖于自然,又能动地作用于自然,既是自然的一部分,又是自然演化发展的新因素、新力量。人与自然的关系,既影响着自然界的演化进程,更关系着人类社会的前途命运。人与自然的关系一直贯穿于人类历史进程,是人类生存与发展的一个永恒主题,也是哲学研究的一个基本问题。哲学作为智慧之学,正是从宏观上引导人们善于认识和处理自己同自然的关系。 人与自然的关系,从本体上说是部分与整体的关系,人离不开自然界。从总体上看,人与自然的关系经历了三个阶段。人类社会早期,人类社会的生产力还不发达,人们的生活受制于自然界,人们只能靠自然界提供的现有的物质资料维持生存。这时人与自然的关系是一种低水平的和谐,人以顺应自然为主。进入农业文明时代,人类开始征服、利用自然资源,甚至在对自然界知之甚少的情况下,出现了过度耕种、过度放牧、过度渔猎。人类历史上出现了环境问题。众多的和谐之中出现了不和谐。不过这时的环境问题远远未危及到人类的生产,毕竟生产力的发展水平有限,自然界还是可以依靠自身的能力恢复的。到了工业文明时期,生产力急速发展特别是科学技术开始了突飞猛进,人类驾驭自然的能力也越来越强,人类竭尽一切可能的利用、征服自然。“人定胜天”是这一阶段的表征。科学技术在给人类带来高质量

生活的同时,也助长了人类对物质财富的无穷追求与享乐主义的滋长。表现为人类对自然界的索取越来越厉害,越来越贪婪,很多东西超出了自然界能够承受的限度,严重破坏了自然生态的平衡,出现了物种灭绝,资源枯竭等生态危机。尤其是目前人类社会已进入后工业化阶段,人与自然之间的不和谐已经影响到了人类的生存,这时提出人与自然和谐共处无疑是具有重大意义的。人与自然和谐发展,已是当今世界学者们公认的提法。为了人类的未来,为了实现可持续发展,人们需要在自然观上有一个重大的转变,即要从人与自然对立转到人与自然和谐。人与自然和谐共处,是当代人类面对生态危机的理性回归,是对以往人与自然关系伦理观的继承与发展。人类应该从整体利益和长远利益出发来重新考虑人与自然的关系,调整人类的行为模式和实践活动,促使人类的行为准则和价值取向根源于、并服从于生态环境系统协调平衡的生态规律,更好地实现人与自然和谐相处,社会经济有序、协调、健康、持续发展。 人类来自自然并要回归自然,自然界孕育并哺育了人类,人与自然密切相连、密不可分,人是自然之子,不能存在其外,只能存在于自然之中。所以,我们应该融入到自然界之中,保有一种谦虚理智的态度,约束自己的行为,不急功近利地损害大自然,不强行掠夺、过度开发大自然,要遵循自然界发展的规律,维护生态平衡与稳定。人类只有一个地球,我们也只有
