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unit 1 reading word pretest 1-4 abba 5-8 bcbc

reading comprehension 1-6 babbcc

word search

1-5 assignment, irony, reverse, accomplish, assemble

6-10 squeeze, sensual, fragment, narcotic, adolescence

use of english

1. bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition.

2. the world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the pole alone.

3. he took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments.

o the top of mount fuji.

5. the members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat.

6. they took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. synonyms 1-5 adaptability, purpose, strained, hold, defeat

cloze important, second, france, student, bilingual, monolingual, serious, means, use, difficult

section b 1-5 fttca 6-10 bbbbt 11-15 tfftt section c 1-5 fttft 6-10 fffff

unit 2 music

decide whether each of the following statements in true or false. 1-5 tfttt 6-8 ttf

word search

1-5 folk, capacity, sensuous, qualified, abuse 6-9 stuff, mood, clarify, strive

semantic variations

1-6 bbbbab synonyms

1-5 discriminating, widespread, compatibility, clearness, association

cloze music, form, south, dance, interest, instruments, voice, roots

section b

1-3 ftf 4-6 fft 7-9 tff 10-12 fft 13-15 tft

section c

1-5 daddd 6-8dda

unit 3 generation

circle the letter of the best answer

1-5 dccab 6-8 cab

word search

1-5 lull, associate, client, utterly, certificate 6-10 rags, jerk, foreman, demanding, sentimental

semantic variations 1-6 ccbabc

antonyms 1-5 hopeless, disobedient, weighty, agree, clear


active, girls, skirts, move, raised, force, show, fly, hesitated, plane

section b

1-3 bcc 4-6 bcc 7-9 cca 10-12 ccc 13-15 acc

section c

1-5 ftttf 6-10 ftftt

unit 4 weather and climate word pretest 1-5 daaba 6-10 cabdc reading comprehension 1-7 bbbbcab

word search

1-5 slanting, equator, amplifier, vapor, desert

6-10 latitude, altitude, monsoon, drain, precaution synonyms 1-5 mixture, eternal, impact, humidity, remote

cloze radio, incorrect, predict, misunderstanding, unexplained, happen, up, right

section b 1-5 bcaf 6-10 ffftc 11-15 cbtft

section c 1-5 ttftf 6-10 tftff

unit 5 work circle the letter of the best answer

1-6 caaccb

word search

1-5 intangible, crave, ego, attributable, stall 6-10 tool up, at stake, cram, forfeit, corny circle the letter of the best answer

1-6 badaac


1-5 graceful, spontaneously, oppose, usual, client

cloze staff, maximize, objectives, participate, potential, skills, easier, appointed, specific, commitment section b

1-3 acb 4-6 ftf 7-9 acd 10-12 bcb 13-15tft

section c decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

1-5 ftftf 6-10 tftft

unit 6 the african-americans

decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

1-4 fttf 5-8 tftt

word search

1-5 destined, relief, segregation, boycott, sit-in 6-10 legacy, chronicle, assault, plight, vigilance

for each italicized word, decide which semantic variation best expresses the meaning of the author. circle the letter of the best answer. 1-6 cacabc

antonyms 1-5 observe, admit, dismiss, eulogize, advance

cloze nominated, raised, immigrated, earned, rose, assignment, position, army, autobiography, speaker decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

1-3 ttf 4-6 cbd 7-8 dd 9-11 tff 12-14 ftt

circle the letter of the best answer

1-4 addc 5-8 cbdc

unit 7 greek stories word pretest 1-5 cbdda 6-10 bbacc

reading comprehension 1-4 bccc 5-8 cdcd

word search

ripplea little wave on the surface of water

mischief naughty behavior by children

hospitality welcoming behavior

billow a large sea wave

spelldelightful influence

nymph a goddess of nature

banda group of musicians

suitor a man wishing to marry a particular woman

mortal a human being

warrior a soldier

crafty cunning



tamenot wild


resumeto take again


despise to look down on with contempt

dismaya strong feeling of fear, anxiety and hopelessness

duskthe time just before night

antonyms 1-5 forbid, clarify, sorrow, remain, conceal cloze name, place, arrows, wandered, power, mischief, won, neglected, celebrate, expedition section b 1-5 ccacd 6-10 ttfff 11-15 ttbbc

section c 1-4 cadb 5-8 adcc

unit 8 attitude towards life

circle the letter of the best answer

1-4 cabb 5-8 cbbb

word match

astonishing-surprising considerate-thoughtful preach-to advise or urge… strenuous-taking or needing great… arena-an enclosed area…

adversity-bad fortune batter-to damagereverse-the opposite

penetrate-to see into or throughself-esteem-one’s good opinion of… doom-to cause to suffer… emerge-to come out

or … blessing-a gift from god… mess up-to get into disorder devastating-completely destructive

common denominator-a quality or belief s hared by all… adds-the probabilities that something.. stack-to arrange dishonestly so as to… motivate-to provide with a strong… falter-lose strength or effectiveness… for each italicized word, decide which semantic variation best expresses the meaning of the author. circle the letter of the best answer. 1-6 cbbacb


appear, ready, hide, skillful, careless


intelligent, activities, workout, attitude, off, reducing, seem, aside

1-3 ccc 4-5 cc 6-8 tft 9-11 ftt 12-15 tfft

decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

1-5 ftftf 6-10 tftff

unit 9 first aid word pretest 1-5 bacb 6-10 bbacb

reading comprehension

1-4 bcdb/d/a/c 5-8 ccac/a/b/d

word search

1-5 ambulance, urgent, emergency, massage, yell

6-10 vein, artery, fracture, blister, tetanus

use of english

1. the government has come in for a lot of criticism.

2. it’s hard to come to terms with the government’s defense policy.

3. after retiring in 1980 he has decided to make a comeback to the political scene.

4. the situation has come to the boil now that the government has to face a vote of confidence.

5. the tax cuts announced in the budget do not come into effect until next year.

6. the miners came out on strike against the government’s pr ivatization plans.

synonyms 1-5 give, stop, antiseptic, block, penetrate

cloze pedestrians, adults, declining, avoid, signals, case, impaired, fatalities

section b 1-5 cbbda 6-10 cbatf 11-14 fftt

section c 1-5 ftftf 6-10 fffft

unit 10 marriage

word pretest 1-4 cccc 5-8 aaac

reading comprehension 1-4 abcc 5-8 bcaa

word match

quotation a sentence or passage taken from a book

artificial not natural

anguishvery greater pain and suffering, esp. of the mind

anniversary a day which is an exact year or number of years after something has happened superstition a belief based on association of ideas instead of reason or fact

bouqueta bunch of flowers

heedto give attention to

escortto accompany

confettismall pieces of colored paper thrown on weddings

concealto hide



vowa solemn promise or declaration of intention

ritesforms of behavior with a fixed pattern for a religious purpose

sermon a talk usually based on a sentence from the bible and given as part of a church


use of english

1. will you please keep me company for a while?

2. i couldn’t keep a straight face when he told me of his plan.

3. the staff are going to b e kept in the dark about the firm’s plans for the future.

4. i’ll keep an open mind until we’ve discussed it.

5. i’ll keep away from her until she’s feeling more optimistic.

6. try to keep your head even if you don’t know what’s going to happen. synonyms 1-5 naughty, divine, break, give, seize

cloze wrong, dislike, midnight, standard, homelife, convinced, meantime, capital section b 1-5 tftfb 6-10 ccdcd 11-16 ftfacb

section c 1-5 tfttf 6-10 ftfft

unit 11 creativity

word pretest 1-4 baab 5-8 abaa

reading comprehension 1-6 acaacc

word match

glowto give out heat or light

instinctive (of ideas, behaviors) natural, not based on learning or thinking

exemplify to serve as example

funnela wide-mouthed tube used for pouring liquids into a narrow-necked container preludea short piece of music that introduces a large musical work

applaud to praise by clapping one’s hands



section a

word pretest

1. d

2. b

3. b

4. c

5. d

6. d

7. a

8. b

reading comprehension

l. f2. t 3. f4. t5. f6. f7. t8. f

vocabulary building

word match

rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions

established accepted; recognized


panic sudden fear

consolidate strengthen

assignment homework

biologicalof living things

flexiblenot fixed

strenuousstressful; requiring effort and energy


recreationway of spending free time

estimatecalculate roughly

routineregular; usual

priorityfirst concern


1. flexible

2. established

3. panic

4. strenuous

5. priority

6. routine

7. rationally

8. recreations


1. familiarize

2. visualize

3. merely

4. idealize

5. finalize

6. necessarily

7. physically

8. highly


favorabletheir respected professors authority

role expect need several changes

section b

1. d

2. c

3. c

4. b

5. c

6. b

7. d

8. d

section c

l. d2. a3. b 4. d5. c6. b7. c8. a

unit 2 culture shock

section a

word pretest

1. c

2. a

3. d

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. a

8. d

reading comprehension

1. c

2. d

3. d

4. d

5. d

6. c

vocabulary building

word match

exaggerate say more than the truth about something

slang nonstandard vocabulary

adapt make or become suitable

insecure weak; uncertain; unprotected

distinct different; separate

challengingdifficult, but in an interesting way

range vary within limits

adjust change slightly in order to make suitable

aggressiveready for conflict

cope with deal with

occur happen

identity the distinguishing character or personality of an individual automatic self-acting; under its own power

distortion twist; changing shape

reverse opposite; contrary

l. slang 2. exaggerate 3. cope with 4. reverse

5. adapt / adjust

6. range / ranged

7. occurred

8. aggressive suffix

l. dividable / divisible2. determination3. dependable4. satisfaction

5. correction

6. relation

7. usable / useable

8. recognizable cloze

foreignanxiousbehaviormean necessarily

appearunsure approachfrustrationssystem

section b

l. c2. b3. d4. c5. c6. d7. b8. d

section c

l. c2. b3. b4. d5. b6. c7. a 8. d

unit 3 movie

section a

word pretest

l. b2. d3. b4. c5. d6. b7. a8. d

reading comprehension

l. c2. d3. b4. c5. d6. b7. c8. a

vocabulary building

word match


create make; invent

stare look at for a long time

reducedecrease; make less

overhearaccidentally hear what others are saying

impressfill someone with admiration


victimone who is harmed or killed

float stay on the surface of the water


miniaturesmall; tiny

substitutesomething / somebody that takes the place of another

grateful thankful

scrapescratch away

illusionfalse impression

l. scrape 2. grateful 3. substitute 4. expenses

5. reduce

6. staring

7. impressed

8. floats


l. confidence 2. distance 3. devilish 4. presence

5. importance

6. childish

7. patience

8. appearance


stars drawingsmovieslove remember

kindsserious well-known collecthanging

section b

l. d2. c3. c4. d5. c6. d7. a8.d

section c

l. t2. t 3. t4. t5. f 6. f7. t8. t

unit 4 food

section a

word pretest

l. c 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. b

reading comprehension

l. c 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. c

vocabulary building

word match

flavor taste

compliment praise

vegetarian one who does not eat meat

dairy relating to milk or milk product

ingredientany of the things that are formed into a mixture

dessertsweet food served after the main part of a meal

diet food and drink usually taken by a person

barbecuecook food on a metal frame outdoors

cuisinefood cooked in a particular style

appetizerfood or drink taken to increase the desire for food

courteouspolite and kind

staple basic food

portionpart of something larger

doughflour mixed with water ready for baking


l. courteous2. flavor 3. staple 4. ingredients

5. barbecue

6. compliment

7. portion

8. sufficient


l. disagrees2. misunderstands 3. disappearance4. misleading 5. disadvantage6. misfortune7. discourage 8. misinterpreted cloze

ingredients called handsincrease rising allowed final oven

section b

l. a 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. b

section c

l. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. b

unit 5 business

section a

word pretest

l. b 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. c

reading comprehension

l. d 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. d

vocabulary building

word match

disputean argument or disagreement

enterprisebusiness company

authenticreal; true

enlightened showing true and deep understanding

successora person or thing that follows another


negotiation discussion aimed at reaching an agreement

measurea method for dealing with a situation

serial in or forming a series

captureseize by force

multilateral involving more than two groups or countries

staff the group of people who work for an organization

annualhappening once every year

infrastructure basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies commitment a promise or decision to do something

1. authentic

2. successor

3. negotiation

4. dispute

5 facilities 6. measures 7. multilateral 8. staff


1. minimize




5. frightened


7. partial




least work price open form

section b

1. c

2. c

3. b

4. b

5. b

6. b

7. b


section c

l. t 2. t 3. f 4. f 5. f 6. f 7. t 8. f 9. t l0. t

【篇三:泛读教程第二版第一册unit 8】

txt>1-5 acbcbb ab

1-5 ftftf ttf

word match

stumble to speak in an uncertain way

tentative not certain

spouse husband or wife

tyrant a person who uses power cruelly and unjustly brood to spend time thinking sadly about something

reassurance something said to make someone stop worrying inadequacy being not enough or good enough; being not adequate alienateto cause to become isolated or hostile; estrange persuasive able to cause people to do or believe something

strideto walk with quick, long steps

intimidate to threaten; to frighten

committed having made a firm promise

inherit to receive something from ones parents

personality character; individuality
























1-5 cabaa bcc

1-5 bbbbc bab

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