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Pro-coagulation tube 促凝管


Micronized silica particle纳米级硅胶颗粒


Prevent infiltration渗透物浸润物

Flexural strength 抗折强度

Vacuum blood collection system 真空采血系统Fibrillation 纤维性颤动

Citrate 柠檬酸盐

Stabilizer 稳定剂

Cell strainer细胞筛

Cuvette 比血皿比色杯分析杯

Shallow dish or vessel for liquid holding

Sodium fluoride二氟氰化钠

Lithium fluoride 氟化锂

Potassium 钾

Potassium oxalate 草酸钾

Sodium oxalate 草酸钠


Sodium hepalin肝素钠

Lithium hepalin肝素锂

ESR measurements 红细胞沉降率

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate


Westergren Method 韦氏血沉法


Coagulation 凝血

Cascade 凝血级联,凝血连锁

Plasma 血浆

Prevent infiltration 下渗

Ante meridiem 上午

Quan ti fication 定量量化

Qualitative 定性的定质的质化

RNA amplification test RNA 扩增检测

Precision-engineered tube roundness 试管真圆度精密设计

The new plug cap combination technique 新型塞冒组合技术

All rubber safety cap puncture surface全橡胶穿刺面安全帽

Customized blood collection system at different altitude 定制不同海拔采血管

Supporting bio-safety lid machine 配套生物安全开盖机Biochemistry生化

Immunology 免疫学

Virology 病毒学

Effluent 污水流出物废气

Sewage 污水污物下水道Luer鲁尔接口(医疗设备零件)

Human epididymis protein 人附睾蛋白

Testis 睾丸


Ovarian cancer 卵巢癌

Ovary 子房卵巢

Anaerobic 厌氧的没有气而能活的

Anaerobic bacteria 厌氧菌

Anaerobic fermentation 无氧发酵

Aerobic 需氧的增氧健身法的

Anaerobic microbiology application

Agar inoculation/ inoculation on agar slant


Streaking 裸奔,加条纹


Eliminate the risk of infection due to the aerosol formation of pathogenic substance 浮质,喷雾治病物质,病原Pathology病理学

Cross contamination 交叉感染

Sterile separation packed 无菌分装

Zip-seal resealable可重封的

Tamperproof 可防止拆封的防止乱摆弄






2 充填速度慢,在充填过程中温度下降,而发生这种现象。加快填充速度。

3 如果唧嘴过长,则在唧嘴处温度下降,因此,冷却的原料最先射出,发生压力下降,而造成流痕。将唧嘴设计短,并且唧嘴口要大。

4 冷料井小,射出初期,温度低的原料被先充填造成流痕。加大加深冷料井。











---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 小学生必会语文词语汉字听写词库小学生必会语文词语汉字听写词库一、双音节词语: I 难度★★1.光绪:(ɡuāng xù)即“爱新觉罗·载湉” 。 清朝皇帝。 2.梧桐:(wú tónɡ) 落叶乔木,叶子掌状分裂,叶柄长,花单性,黄绿色。 3.间歇:(jiàn xiē) 动作、变化等每隔一定时间停止一会儿:心脏病患者常常有~脉搏。 4.陡峭:(dǒu qi ào ) (山势等)坡度很大,直上直下的:这个~的山峰连山羊也上不去。 5.黏稠:(nián chóu) 液体浓度高,有黏性,不易流动:黏稠的浆糊|黏稠的松脂|黏稠的大米粥。 6.陀螺:(tuó luó ) 儿童玩具,形状略似海螺,通常用木头制成,下面有铁尖,玩时用绳子缠绕,用力抽绳,使直立旋转。 7.蜈蚣:(wú gōng)节肢动物,身体长而扁,头部金黄色,背部暗绿色,腹部黄褐色,头部有鞭状触角,躯干由许多环节构成,每个环节有一对足。 8.破绽:(pò zhàn) 衣物的裂口,比喻说话做事时露出的漏洞。 (9.驿站:(yì zhàn) 古代供传递政府文书的人中途更换马匹或休息、住宿的地方。 10.矫健:(jiǎo jiàn) 强壮有力:~的步伐。 1/ 7

11.青涩:(qīnɡ sè)果实尚未成熟时果皮颜色发青、口感发涩,多形容不成熟:~年华。 (12.诧异:(chà yì)觉得十分奇怪:听了这突如其来的消息,我们都十分~。 13.萧瑟:(xiāo sè)(1)形容风吹树木的声音:秋风~。 (2)形容冷落;凄凉。 门庭~。 14.辍


Beat generation 垮掉的一代 Tea-ceremony 茶道 Badger game 美人计 Scene stealer 抢镜头的人 Hooligan 阿飞,足球流氓 Repeated offender 惯犯 Double agent 双重间谍Mr. Big 黑社会老大 Love child 私生子 Hand-to-hand fighting 肉搏 Box news 花边新闻 Screen agers 整天看电视玩电脑的孩子 June-December wedding 双方年龄悬殊的婚姻King’s English 标准英语 Leap day/year 闰日2.29/年366 Maid of Orleans 圣女贞德 Narrow squeak (口)九死一生的脱险 Ninja turtle 忍者神龟 Poet laureate 桂冠诗人Ponytail 马尾辫 Bearish 行情下跌 的 Bullish 行情上涨 的 State prisoner 政治 犯 Stowaway 偷渡者,逃票的乘客 Plainclothesman 便衣警察 Police dog 警犬 Police post 派出 所 Negligent homicide 过失杀人 Impostor 江湖骗子 ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法院 Espionage 间谍

Protestant 新教徒 Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖 Rat race 激烈的竞争 Red-light district 红灯区 Reader’s Digest 读者文摘 Russian roulette 俄罗斯轮盘赌Sexual harassment 性骚扰 Short fuse 易怒的脾气 Soft-soap 奉承讨好 Silent contribution 隐名捐款 Silly money 来路不明的钱 Silver screen 银幕,电影界 Summer complaint 夏季病,拉肚子Tenth-rate 最低等的,劣等的 Vertical/lateral thinking 纵向,横向思维Wide-body 大部头的作品 Wheel of life (佛教)轮回Xenomania 媚外 Yearbook 年鉴年刊 Zen 禅


第一章绪论(Introduction) 高分子化合物(High Molecular Compound):所谓高分子化合物,系指那些由众多原子或原子团主要以共价键结合而成的相对分子量在一万以上的化合物。 单体(Monomer):合成聚合物所用的-低分子的原料。如聚氯乙烯的单体为氯乙烯。重复单元(Repeating Unit):在聚合物的大分子链上重复出现的、组成相同的最小基本单元。如聚 氯乙烯的重复单元为。 单体单元(Monomer Unit):结构单元与原料相比,除了电子结构变化外,其原子种类和各种原子的个数完全相同,这种结构单元又称为单体单元。 结构单元(Structural Unit):单体在大分子链中形成的单元。聚氯乙烯的结构单元为 。 聚合度(DP、X n)(Degree of Polymerization):衡量聚合物分子大小的指标。以重复单元数为基准,即聚合物大分子链上所含重复单元数目的平均值,以表示;以结构单元数为基准,即聚合物 大分子链上所含结构单元数目的平均值,以表示。聚合物是由一组不同聚合度和不同结构形态的 同系物的混合物所组成,因此聚合度是一统计平均值,一般写成、。 聚合物分子量(Molecular Weight of Polymer):重复单元的分子量与重复单元数的乘积;或结构单元数与结构单元分子量的乘积。 数均分子量(Number-average Molecular Weight):聚合物中用不同分子量的分子数目平均的统计平 均分子量。, N i:相应分子所占的数量分数。

重均分子量(Weight-average Molecular Weight):聚合物中用不同分子量的分子重量平均的统计 平均分子量。, W i:相应的分子所占的重量分数。 粘均分子量(Viscosity-average Molecular Weight):用粘度法测得的聚合物的分子量。 分子量分布(Molecular Weight Distribution, MWD):由于高聚物一般由不同分子量的同系物组成的混合物,因此它的分子量具有一定的分布,分子量分布一般有分布指数和分子量分布曲线两种表示方法。 多分散性(Polydispersity):聚合物通常由一系列相对分子量不同的大分子同系物组成的混合物,用以表达聚合物的相对分子量大小并不相等的专业术语叫多分散性。 分布指数(Distribution Index):重均分子量与数均分子量的比值。即。用来表征分子量分布的宽度或多分散性。 连锁聚合(Chain Polymerization):活性中心引发单体,迅速连锁增长的聚合。烯类单体的加聚反应大部分属于连锁聚合。连锁聚合需活性中心,根据活性中心的不同可分为自由基聚合、阳离子聚合和阴离子聚合。 逐步聚合(Step Polymerization):无活性中心,单体官能团之间相互反应而逐步增长。绝大多数缩聚反应都属于逐步聚合。 加聚反应(Addition Polymerization):即加成聚合反应,烯类单体经加成而聚合起来的反应。加聚反应无副产物。 缩聚反应(Condensation Polymerization):即缩合聚合反应,单体经多次缩合而聚合成大分子的反应。该反应常伴随着小分子的生成。 塑料(Plastics):具有塑性行为的材料,所谓塑性是指受外力作用时,发生形变,外力取消后,仍能保持受力时的状态。塑料的弹性模量介于橡胶和纤维之间,受力能发生一定形变。软塑料接近橡胶,


Literary Terms(文学术语解释) *Legend(传说): A song or narrative handed down from the past, legend differs from myths on the basis of the elements of historical truth they contain. *Epic(史诗): 1)Epic, in poetry, refers to a long work dealing with the actions of gods and heroes. 2)Beowulf is the greatest national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. John Milton wrote three great epics: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes. *Romance(罗曼史/骑士文学): 1)Romance is a popular literary form in the medieval England. 2)It sings knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. 3)Chivalry(such as bravery, honor, generosity, loyalty and kindness to the weak and poor) is the spirit of romance. *Ballad(民谣): 1)Ballad is a story in poetic form to be sung or recited. 2)Ballads were passed down from generation to generation. 3)Robin Hood is a famous ballad singing the goods of Robin Hood. Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a 19th century English ballad. *The Heroic Couplet(英雄对偶句):1)It means a pair of lines of a type once common in English poetry, in other words, it means iambic pentameter rhymed in two lines. 2)The rhyme is masculine. 3)Use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer. *Humanism(人文主义):1)Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life. 2)Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life, but had the ability to prefect himself and to perform wonders. *Renaissance(文艺复兴):1)It refers to the transitional period from the medieval to the modern world. It first started in Italy in the 14th century. 2)The Renaissance means rebirth or revival. 3)It was stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek classics, the new discoveries in geography and astrology, the religious reformation and the economic expansion. 4)Humanism is the essence of Renaissance. 5)The English Renaissance didn’t begin until the reign of Henry Ⅷ. It was reg arded as England’s Golden Age, especially in literature. 6)The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. 7)This period produced such literary giants as Shakespeare, Spenser, Marlowe, Bacon, Donne and Milton, etc. *University Wits(大学才子): 1)It refers to a group of scholars during the Elizabethan age who graduate from either Oxford or Cambridge. They came to London with the ambition to become professional writers. Some of them later become famous poets and playwrights. 2)Thomas Greene, John Lily and Christopher Marlowe were among them. 3)They paved the way, to some degree, for the coming of Shakespeare. *Blank verse(无韵体):1)It is verse written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. 2)It is the verse form used in some of the greatest English poetry, including that of William Shakespeare and John Milton. *Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞诗节):1)It is the creation of Edmund Spenser. 2)It refers to a stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter and the last line in iambic hexameter(六音步),r hyming ababbcbcc. 3)Spenser’s The Faerie Queene was written in this kind of stanza. *Sonnet(十四行诗)1)It is the one of the most conventional and influential forms of poetry in English.2)A sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, restricted to a definite rhyme scheme.3)Shakespeare’s sonnets are well-known. *Soliloquy(独白)1)Soliloquy, in drama, means a moment when a character is alone and speaks his or her thoughts aloud. 2)In the line “To be, or not to be, that is the question”, which begins the famous soliloquy from Act3, Scene1 of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. In this soliloquy Hamlet questions whether or not life is worth living and speaks of the reasons why he does not end his life. *Metaphysical Poets(玄学派诗人):They refer to a group of religious poets in the first half of the 17th century whose works were characterized by their wit, imaginative picturing, compressions, often cryptic expression, play of paradoxes and juxtapositions of metaphor. *Enlightenment Movement(启蒙运动)1)It was a progressive intellectual movement which flourished in France and swept through Western Europe in the 18th century.2)The movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance from 14th century to the mid-17th century.3)Its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.4)It celebrated reason or nationality, equality and science. It advocated universal education. Literature at the time became a very popular means of public education.5)Famous among the great enlighteners in England were those great writers like John Dryden, Pope, Johnson, Swift, Defoe, Fielding, Sheridan, etc. Neoclassicism(新古典主义)1)In the field of literature, the 18th century Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works. This tendency is known as neoclassicism.2)The neoclassicists hold that forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers such as Homer and Virgil and those of the contemporary French ones.3)They believed that the artistic ideas should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity *Sentimentalism(感伤主义文学)1)It is a pejorative term to describe false or superficial emotion, assumed feeling, self-regarding postures of grief and pain.2)In literature it denotes overmuch use of pathetic effects and attempts to arouse feeling by pathetic indulgence.3)The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith is a case in point. *The Graveyard School(墓地派诗歌)1)It refers to a school of poets of the 18th century whose poems are mostly devoted to a sentimental lamentation or meditation on life, past and present, with death and graveyard as theams.2)Thomas Gray is considered to be the leading figure of this school and his Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is its most representative work. *Epistolary novel(书信体小说)1)It consists of the letters the characters write to each other. The usual form is the letter, but diary entries, newspaper clippings and other documents are sometimes used.2)The epistolary novel’s reliance on subjective poi nts of view makes it the forerunner of the modern psychological novel.3)Samuel Richardson’s Pamela is typical of this kind. *Gothic Romance(哥特传奇)1)A type of novel that flourished in the late 18th and early 19th century in England.2)Gothic romances are mysteries, often involving the supernatural and heavily tinged with horror, and they are usually against dark backgrounds of medieval ruins and haunted castles. *Picaresque novel(流浪汉小说)1)It is a popular sub-genre of prose fiction which is usually satirical and depicts in realistic and often humorous detail the adventures of a roguish hero of low social class who lives by his or her wits in a corrupt society. 2)As indicated by its name, this style of novel originated in Spain, flourished in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, and continues to influence modern literature. *English Romanticism(英国浪漫主义文学)1)The English Romantic period is an age of poetry. Poets started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution. They saw poetry as a healing energy; they believed that poetry could purify both individual souls and the society.2)The Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798 acts as a manifesto for the English Romanticism.3)The Romantics not only eulogize the faculty of imagination, but also stress the concept of spontaneity and inspiration, regarding them as something crucial for true poetry.4)The natural world comes to the forefront of the poetic imagination. Nature is not only the major source of poetic imagery, but also provides the dominant subject matter. *Ode(颂歌)1)Ode is a dignified and elaborately lyric poem of some length, praising and glorifying an individual, commemorating an event, or describing nature intellectually rather than emotionally.2)John Keats wrote great odes. His Ode on a Grecian Urn is a case in point. *Lake Poets(湖畔派诗人)They refer to such romantic poets as William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge and Robert Southey who lived in the Lake District. They came to be known as the Lake School or “Lakers”. *Byronic hero(拜伦式英雄): It refers to a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. With immense superiority in his passions and powers, this Byronic hero would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and would rise single-handedly against any kind of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion, or in moral principles with


Beat generation 垮掉的一代 Tea-ceremony 茶道 Badger game 美人计 Scene stealer 抢镜头的人 Hooligan 阿飞,足球流氓 Repeated offender 惯犯 Double agent 双重间谍 Mr. Big 黑社会老大 Love child 私生子 Hand-to-hand fighting 肉搏 Box news 花边新闻 Screen agers 整天看电视玩电脑的孩子 June-December wedding 双方年龄悬殊的婚姻King’s English 标准英语 Leap day/year 闰日2.29/年366 Maid of Orleans 圣女贞德 Narrow squeak(口)九死一生的脱险 Ninja turtle 忍者神龟 Poet laureate 桂冠诗人 Ponytail 马尾辫 Protestant 新教徒 Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖 Rat race 激烈的竞争 Red-light district 红灯区 Reader’s Digest 读者文摘 Russian roulette 俄罗斯轮盘赌 Sexual harassment 性骚扰 Short fuse 易怒的脾气 Soft-soap 奉承讨好 Silent contribution 隐名捐款 Silly money 来路不明的钱 Silver screen 银幕,电影界 Summer complaint 夏季病,拉肚子 Tenth-rate 最低等的,劣等的 Vertical/lateral thinking 纵向,横向思维 Wide-body 大部头的作品 Wheel of life (佛教)轮回 Xenomania 媚外 Yearbook 年鉴年刊 Zen 禅 Paparazzi 狗仔队 Show people 娱乐界人士 Exotic dance 脱衣舞Bearish 行情下跌的 Bullish 行情上涨的 State prisoner 政治犯Stowaway 偷渡者,逃票的乘客Plainclothesman 便衣警察Police dog 警犬 Police post 派出所Negligent homicide 过失杀人Impostor 江湖骗子 ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法院 Espionage 间谍间谍活动 Lifer 职业军人 Mine 地雷水雷 Panzer 装甲车坦克 Off limits 军事禁区 Q-boat 伪装成商船或渔船的武装船只 Riot corps 防暴部队 Standing army 常规军 Sniper 狙击手 Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角洲 Brain drain 脑力人才外流Brawn drain 劳力外流 Break- dancing 霹雳舞French windows 落地窗Funeral home 殡仪馆 Taillight 车尾灯 Visiting team 客队Runner-up 亚军 Black referee 黑哨 Foul play 犯规动作 Standing broad jump 立定跳远Underachiever 差等生Hothouse 对儿童进行学前教育Whiz kid 神童优等生Newsbreak 重要新闻 Needle trade 成衣业Moonlight 作动词,干第二职业


绿色荧光蛋白科技名词定义 中文名称:绿色荧光蛋白英文名称:green fluorescence protein;GFP;green fluorescent protein 定义1:从水母(Aequorea victoria)体内发现的发光蛋白。分子质量为26kDa,由238个氨基酸构成,第65~67位氨基酸(Ser-Tyr-Gly)形成发光团,是主要发光的位置。其发光团的形成不具物种专一性,发出荧光稳定,且不需依赖任何辅因子或其他基质而发光。绿色荧光蛋白基因转化入宿主细胞后很稳定,对多数宿主的生理无影响,是常用的报道基因。应用学科:生物化学与分子生物学(一级学科);方法与技术(二级学科)定义2:最初从水母(Aequorea victoria)体内发现的发光蛋白。含有发光团,在不同物种中均能稳定发出荧光,其基因是常用的报道基因。应用学科:细胞生物学(一级学科);细胞生物学技术(二级学科)以上内容由全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公布 求助编辑百科名片 绿色萤光蛋白(green fluorescent protein),简称GFP,这种蛋白质最早是由下村修等人在1962年在一种学名Aequorea victoria的水母中发现。其基因所产生的蛋白质,在蓝色波长范围的光线激发下,会发出绿色萤光。这个发光的过程中还需要冷光蛋白质Aequorin的帮助,且这个冷光蛋白质与钙离子(Ca2+)可产生交互作用。 目录 基本介绍什么是绿色荧光蛋白 绿色荧光蛋白有什么用呢 GFP性质 发现过程 GFP应用骨架和细胞分裂 细胞器动力学和泡囊运输 发育生物学 生物技术中的应用研究 GFP在肿瘤发病机制研究中的应用 在信号转导中的应用 光伏发电 神经生物学 其他应用 GFP vectors and technology Other Interesting GFP Link 应用前景 获得诺贝尔奖基本介绍什么是绿色荧光蛋白 绿色荧光蛋白有什么用呢 GFP性质 发现过程 GFP应用骨架和细胞分裂 细胞器动力学和泡囊运输 发育生物学 生物技术中的应用研究 GFP在肿瘤发病机制研究中的应用 在信号转导中的应用


名词的分类、定义和例子 名词是指表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念等的名称词。名词根据其词汇意义,通常分为专有名词和普通名词。而普通名词根据其语法性质,又可以细分为个体名词、物质名词、集合名词和抽象名词四类。 一、专有名词 专有名词主要指人、地方、组织、机构等的专有的名称。专有名词的第一个字母通常大写,如Mary, Mr Black, Paris, Sunday, September, French等。请看例句: They kept it for Mary. 他们留着这个给玛丽。 My plan was to go from Lyon to Paris. 我的计划是从里昂到巴黎。 The park is open from May through September. 公园从5月到9月开放。 I work every other day: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 我隔天上班:每周 一、三、五。 二、普通名词 普通名词通常指人、物、概念等的一般名称。事实上,除了专有名词外,其余的名词都可以叫普通名词。如:boy, pen, teacher, water, idea, cloudy, money等。注意,有少数的普通名词与专有名词词形相同,只是用作普通名词时第一个字母用小写,而用作专有名词时第一个字母用大写。如: He saw the best china in China. 他在中国见到了最好的瓷器。 Mrs. Green likes to wear green clothes. 格林夫人喜欢穿绿色衣服。 三、个体名词 所谓个体名词就是指表示人或物的个体的名词。如boy, girl, tree, book, cup, desk等。在通常情况下,个体名词都是可数的。如:


小学生必会语文词语汉字听写词库 一、双音节词语: I 难度★★1.光绪:(ɡuāng xù)即“爱新觉罗·载湉”。清朝皇帝。2.梧桐:(wútónɡ) 落叶乔木,叶子掌状分裂,叶柄长,花单性,黄绿色。3.间歇:(jiàn xiē) 动作、变化等每隔一定时间停止一会儿:心脏病患者常常有~脉搏。4.陡峭:(dǒu qi ào ) (山势等)坡度很大,直上直下的:这个~的山峰连山羊也上不去。5.黏稠:(nián chóu) 液体浓度高,有黏性,不易流动:黏稠的浆糊|黏稠的松脂|黏稠的大米粥。6.陀螺:(tuóluó) 儿童玩具,形状略似海螺,通常用木头制成,下面有铁尖,玩时用绳子缠绕,用力抽绳,使直立旋转。7.蜈蚣:(wúgōng)节肢动物,身体长而扁,头部金黄色,背部暗绿色,腹部黄褐色,头部有鞭状触角,躯干由许多环节构成,每个环节有一对足。8.破绽:(pòzhàn) 衣物的裂口,比喻说话做事时露出的漏洞。(9.驿站:(yìzhàn) 古代供传递政府文书的人中途更换马匹或休息、住宿的地方。10.矫健:(jiǎo jiàn) 强壮有力:~的步伐。11.青涩:(qīnɡsè)果实尚未成熟时果皮颜色发青、口感发涩,多形容不成熟:~年华。(12.诧异:(chàyì)觉得十分奇怪:听了这突如其来的消息,我们都十分~。13.萧瑟:(xiāo sè)(1)形容风吹树木的声音:秋风~。(2)形容冷落;凄凉。门庭~。14.辍

学:(chuòxué)中途停止上学。因病~。15.蜥蜴:(xīyì)爬行动物,身体表面有细小鳞片,多数有四肢,尾巴细长,为迷惑敌害,可自行断掉。16.桔梗:(jiéɡěnɡ)多年生草本植物,叶子卵形或卵状披针形,花暗蓝色或暗紫白色。供观赏。根可以入药,有止咳祛痰的作用。17.禁锢:(jìn ɡù)(1)封建时代统治集团禁止异己的人做官或不许他们参加政治 活动。(2)关押;监禁。(3)束缚;强力限制。18.造诣:(zào yì)学问、艺术等所达到的程度:~很高。19.滂沱:(pāng tuó)1. 形容雨下得很大。2. 比喻眼泪流得很多,哭得厉害。涕泪滂沱。3. 形容水流盛大的样子。20.苔藓:(tái xiǎn)苔和藓同属隐花植物中的一个大类,有很多种,大多生长21.在潮湿的地方。一般不细加分别,统称苔藓。22.湿疹:(shīzhěn)一种皮肤病。23.饶恕:(ráo shù)不计较过错,宽容,宽恕。24.惆怅:(chóu chàng)犹豫不决或指有些不知所措,大多用来形容很无奈的意思。25.范畴:(fàn chóu)(1)哲学用语,指的是最高级的概念,能应用于任何事物、最普遍的、哲学的概念。(2)领域,范围,多对抽象思维而言。26.乾坤:(qián kūn)天地。27.推卸:(tuīxiè)指耍滑头、施展诡计逃避责任。28.凭证:(píng zhèng)各种用作证明的证件.29.吝啬:(lìn sè)小气,当用而舍不得用,过分爱惜自己的钱财。30.藿香:(huòxiāng)藿香为唇形科多年生草本植物,分布较广,常见栽培。31.稚嫩:(zhìnèn)幼


(一)第一部分: 中华文明 Chinese civilization [sivilai`zei??n] 文明摇篮 cradle of civilization 华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestors 秦始皇帝 First Emperor, Emperor Chin 皇太后 Empress 女皇;皇后Dowager 太后;太后 汉高祖刘邦 founder of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) 成吉思汗 Genghis Khan ; Temujin 夏朝 Xia Dynasty 明清两代 (of) Ming and Qing dynasties 地名:特别注意四川和陕西拼法 四川 Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan 陕西 Shaanxi 四大发明 the four great inventions of ancientChina 火药 gunpowder 印刷术 printing 造纸术 paper-making 指南针 the compass 汉字 Chinese character 单音节 single syllable n. 音节 汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters 阳平 level tone 阴平 rising tone 上声 falling-rising tone 去声 falling tone 四书 the Four Books 《大学》 The Great Learning 《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》 The Analects 文选,论集of Confucius 《孟子》 The Mencius 《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals 编年史 《史记》 Historical Records 《诗经》 The Books of Songs; The Book of Odes 颂诗,颂歌 《书经》 The Books of History 《易经》 I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》 The Book of Rites 仪式,典礼 《孝经》 Book of Filial 子女的Piety 虔诚,虔敬 《孙子兵法》 The Art of War 《三字经》 The Three-Character Scripture 经文,圣典 ; The Three-Word Chant 吟颂,咏唱 《三国演义》 Three Kingdoms 《西游记》 Journey to the West; Pilgrimage 朝圣之旅 to the West 《红楼梦》 Dream of the Red Mansions 大厦;宅第 《山海经》 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

煤矿 科技名词定义

煤矿科技名词定义 中文名称:煤矿英文名称:coal mine;colliery 定义:生产煤炭的矿山。所属学科:煤炭科技(一级学科) ;煤炭科技总论(二级学科) 本内容由全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公布目录[隐藏] 地下开采 全国再关闭小煤矿1000处我国主要煤矿分布 地下开采 全国再关闭小煤矿1000处我国主要煤矿分布 煤是最主要的固体燃料,是可燃性有机岩的一种。它是由一定地质年代生长的繁茂植物,在适宜的地质环境中,逐渐堆积成厚层,并埋没在水底或泥沙中,经过漫长地质年代的天然煤化作用而形成的。在世界上各地质时期中,以石炭纪、二叠纪、侏罗纪和第三纪的地层中产煤最多,是重要的成煤时代。煤的含碳量一般为46~97%,呈褐色至黑色,具有暗淡至金属光泽。根据煤化程度的不同,煤可分为泥炭、褐煤、烟煤和无烟煤四类。煤矿是人类在开掘富含有煤炭的地质层时所挖掘的合理空间,通常包括巷道,井峒和采掘面等等. [编辑本段]地下开采 大部份矿层均远离地表,因此无法使用露天开采的方式。地下开采目前占世界煤矿生产的60%。在矿坑,通常使用房地下开采柱法在矿层中推进,梁柱用来支持矿坑。共有四种主要的地下开采法: 长壁开采–长约300米以上的采掘面。一台精密的采矿机在矿层隧道

中前后移动。松动的矿石掉入输送带中,并移到工作区域。 连续开采–利用一台有碳化钨钻头的机器从矿层中刮下煤矿。在"房柱法"系统中操作–在一系列约10米的房间区域中工作。 爆破开采–传统的开采方式。使用炸药打碎矿层,将矿石收集放在矿车或运输带中。 短壁开采–使用连续开采的机器。类似长壁开采有着可移动的坑顶 [编辑本段]全国再关闭小煤矿1000处 2008年全国计划关闭小煤矿864处、实际关闭1054处。攻坚战以来,累计关闭不具备安全生产条件和破坏资源环境、不符合产业政策的小煤矿12155处,淘汰落后能力约3亿吨。2008年驻各地煤矿安全监察机构共监察矿井1.5万处、3.8万矿次,责令停产整顿矿井1616处、提请关闭260处,实施行政处罚9410次、经济处罚5.6亿元。小煤矿整顿成效进一步显现,去年小煤矿事故起数、死亡人数同比减少300起、540人,分别下降17%和18.6%。2008年煤矿安全生产工作取得了明显成效,在全国原煤产量达到27.2亿吨、同比增长7.5%、煤矿事故总量连续两年下降幅度超过20%的基础上,又实现了“三个明显下降”。一是事故总量明显下降,二是较大事故明显下降,三是百万吨死亡率明显下降。目前,小煤矿数量仍占矿井总数的近80%,总体看,这些小煤矿安全生产基础条件差、安全保障和防灾抗灾能力低下;2008年小煤矿产量仅占全国总产量的35%,而事故死亡人数高达73%;小煤矿共发生26起重特大事故,占
