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Subject Outline

Subject Outline
Subject Outline

Department of Foreign Language

Jiangxi Science & T echnology Normal University

Subject Outline


English Newspaper and Magazine


Semester 1, 2010

1 Introduction of the subject

1.1 Name of the subject:英语国家报刊选读

Book for the subject:美英报刊文章选读(上)

How to use the book:节选部分内容,组成单元式话题

1.2 General content of the subject

This subject will mingle reading with review and essay writing.

Based on the texts, not only some newspaper and magazine

reading skills but also writing ones will be introduced and practiced.

T o be specific, reading skills as article electing, title reading,

skimming and scanning, and so forth are included. Moreover,

reference requirement for writing will be emphasized.

1.3 Purposes and aims of the subject

Based on the texts and some further reading material, this course

establishes its main purpose that to introduce newspaper and

magazine reading skills; furthermore, the course intents to help

students to form a logical and critical thinking way, and encourage

students to express their own opinions on issues. In addition, some

writing skills are also mentioned and emphasized to enhance logical

and critical way of thinking, and to develop students? general English


The core aim of the course is to develop students? ability to master

English. T o be more specific, it is to help students to obtain the skills

of newspaper reading, it is to teach, guide and encourage students

to express their opinions on issues, it is to standard writing structure

for Chinese students.

2 Summary of Structure and Content

3 Assignment

3.1 Assignments and due dates:

3.2 Assignment standards

3.3 Explanation of assignments

3.3.1 Task 1: Class Performance

Each student is expected to attend every scheduled class, so there will be five times of name calling to measure the attendance which contributes 50% of the class performance. In addition, each student is required to read all reading materials listed on the structure table above, and is encouraged to involve in the classroom activities.

Therefore, students?motivation and involvement in the class will contribute the other 50% of the class performance. Up to the involvement, frequency of students? utterance will be kept as the basis of the mark for it. For instance, if you miss a total of 2 classes, your attendance will be marked as 30, and if your class-involvement mark is

4 (maximum is 5), then your final regular mark is 70.

3.3.2 Task 2: Reading Material Preparation

Each student is required to join into a group of about 10 which is the same group as Assignment 3, and prepare at least 2 articles in one topic for the whole class. The reading materials should be made into

11 copies, and brought to class in week 6. Any student fail to achieve

this task will be delivered 50% penalty of final exam mark. In order to facilitate measurement, each group will be named a leader as the chief

editor of Assignment 3. This editor should arrange the whole process of the material selection, and report the involvement of the preparation. For incidence, the one may hold a meeting to decide a topic and assess a task to all group members to search at least 1 article relevant to the topic. Finally, the editor may select 2 articles from them, and report the name of student who did not take part in this activity.

3.3.3 Task 3: Presentation

Each student is required to take part in the presentation on his own topic in any way, but the one failed will be marked 50% penalty of final exam mark. T o be specific, the presentation will be directed by the group leader who also will report the performance of all group members. That is, in week 7, the chief editor will hand in the name list of students who failed to take part in task 2 and 3. In addition, not all students are required to perform on the stage, but ones can take part in the preparation of the presentation, for example, writer and photographer. Moreover, the presentation could be in any type.

3.3.4 Assignment 1: Review

In this assignment, students are required to write a minimum 150 word review on “Home at Last” (Larmer, cited by Zhou and Yuan, 2005).

In this review, students should not summary the article, but to write about their own opinion on the social issue. Furthermore, ones may use anecdotes to support their opinions. In addition, it is not necessary to criticize author?s view, but his opinions are encouraged to be used in the review.

Reviews should be set out in accordance with accepted academic

requirements for formal written work. That is, students should use academic words, and form a well-structured essay which includes an introduction, a body and a conclusion.

The review should be printed out in following format:

●Font: Arial

●Size: 12

●Space: 1.5

●Header: “Review on …Home at Last?” (Size:14)

●Footer: Name and Student Number (Size: 12; for example: 袁文青


Due Date: Class in Week 6; there is no negotiation on the due date.

3.3.5 Assignment 2: Essay

In this assignment, students are required to write a minimum 400 word essay on the topic “Crisis of BP”.

Students should read at least 3 English articles on the topic, and write an essay which express ones own analysis on the issue. Moreover, relevant information should be used and cited in this essay to form an argument or discussion.

Essays should be set out in accordance with accepted academic requirements for formal written work. That is, it should include a title page (providing details of essay title, student?s name, and student?s number), an introduction, a coherent analysis and argument, a clear and concise conclusion and the correct citation of sources, including a

full bibliography of all sources consulted.

The essay should be printed out and format is the same as the review except header and footer.

Due Date: Class Week 12; there is no negotiation on the due date.

3.3.6 Assignment 3: A newspaper or magazine

In this assignment, students should for into a group about 10 which is the same one as in task 2 and 3. A newspaper or magazine is required to be produced in either printed or handwriting.

Students should get familiar with English newspaper and magazine, and make a brand new one by their own. T o be specific, they should establish a theme for the newspaper or magazine, and form some relevant columns for it, and the most important is that students should write the article themselves.

There is no word limit, but all the articles should contribute to their columns, and all columns should form an integrated newspaper or magazine.

Due Date: Class in week 15


初三(下册)数学各章节重要知识点总结 二次函数 1. 二次函数的一般形式:y=ax2+bx+c.(a≠0) 2. 关于二次函数的几个概念:二次函数的图象是抛物线,所以也叫抛物线y=ax2+bx+c;抛物线关于对称轴对称且以对称轴为界,一半图象上坡,另一半图象下坡;其中c叫二次函数在y轴上的截距, 即二次函数图象必过(0,c)点. 3. y=ax2(a≠0)的特性:当y=ax2+bx+c (a≠0)中的b=0且c=0时二次函数为y=ax2(a≠0); 这个二次函数是一个特殊的二次函数,有下列特性: (1)图象关于y轴对称;(2)顶点(0,0);(3)y=ax2 (a≠0)可以经过补0看做二次函数的一般式,顶点式和双根式,即: y=ax2+0x+0, y=a(x-0)2+0, y=a(x-0)(x-0). 4. 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c (a≠0)的图象及几个重要点的公式: 5. 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c (a≠0)中,a、b、c与Δ的符号与图象的关系: (1) a>0 <=> 抛物线开口向上; a<0 <=> 抛物线开口向下; (2) c>0 <=> 抛物线从原点上方通过; c=0 <=> 抛物线从原点通过; c<0 <=> 抛物线从原点下方通过; (3) a, b异号 <=> 对称轴在y轴的右侧; a, b同号 <=> 对称轴在y轴的左侧; b=0 <=> 对称轴是y轴; (4) Δ>0 <=> 抛物线与x轴有两个交点; Δ=0 <=> 抛物线与x轴有一个交点(即相切); Δ<0 <=> 抛物线与x轴无交点. 6.求二次函数的解析式:已知二次函数图象上三点的坐标,可设解析式y=ax2+bx+c,并把这三点的坐标代入,解关于a、b、c的三元一次方程组,求出a、b、c的值, 从而求出解析式-------待定系数法. 8.二次函数的顶点式: y=a(x-h)2+k (a≠0);由顶点式可直接得出二次函数的顶点坐标(h, k),对称轴方程 x=h 和函数的最值 y最值= k. 9.求二次函数的解析式:已知二次函数的顶点坐标(x0,y0)和图象上的另一点的坐标,可设解析式为y=a(x -x0)2+ y0,再代入另一点的坐标求a,从而求出解析式.(注意:习题无特殊说明,最后结果要求化为一般式) 10. 二次函数图象的平行移动:二次函数一般应先化为顶点式,然后才好判断图象的平行移


分子生物学复习题(11整理版) 一.名解 1.*Supercoil (超螺旋):DNA双螺旋本身进一步盘绕称超螺旋。超螺旋有正超螺旋和负超 螺旋两种,负超螺旋的存在对于转录和复制都是必要的。 2.positive supercoiling(正超螺旋):按DNA双螺旋相同方向缠绕而成的超螺旋称为 正超螺旋。 3.negative supercoiling(负超螺旋):按DNA双螺旋相反方向缠绕而成的超螺旋称为 负超螺旋。因为生物界仅发现负超螺旋的存在,推测负超螺旋有利于DNA的表达。 4.Palindrome(回文序列):在同一条DNA单链上,存在两段实质上相同,但序列颠倒并 且二者碱基能形成互补的序列,这两段序列很容易就会根据碱基互补原则,互相吸引、配对,从而使得这条单链回折形成互补的双链结构。 5.domain(结构域):分子量大的蛋白质三级结构常可划分为一个或数个球状或纤维状的 区域,折叠较为紧密,各行使其功能,称为结构域。 6.Motif(基序):一般指构成任何一种特征序列的基本结构。作为蛋白质结构域中的亚单 元,其功能是体现结构域的多种生物学作用。 7.protein family(蛋白质家族):指结构相似,功能相关的一组蛋白质。通常一个蛋白 质家族由同一个基因家族内的基因编码 8.microRNA/miRNA(微RNA):内源性的非编码RNA分子。这些小的miRNA和蛋白质形成 复合体时具有各种调节功能,在动物中,miRNA可以通过和mRNA不翻译区域互补结合(不需要完全互补)来抑制蛋白质翻译。 9.*the ubiquitin-mediated pathway (泛素化途径):泛素间隔或连续地附着到被降解 的蛋白质赖氨酸残基上,这一过程称为蛋白质泛素化。泛素:一个由76个氨基酸组成的高度保守的多肽链,因其广泛分布于各类细胞中而得名。泛素能共价地结合于底物蛋白质的赖氨酸残基,被泛素标记的蛋白质将被特异性地识别并迅速降解,泛素的这种标记作用是非底物特异性的。 泛素依赖的蛋白选择性降解过程: ①泛素活化酶(E1)与泛素结合,活化泛素。 ② E1-泛素随后与泛素携带蛋白(E2)结合,成为E2-泛素,E1被置换。 ③ E2-泛素在泛素蛋白连接酶(E3)作用下与目标蛋白连接。这样多个泛素结合上目标蛋白后,目标蛋白即被标记,随后被proteosome(蛋白酶体)降解。这个过程需要ATP提供能量。 10.open reading frame(ORF) (开放阅读框):指一组连续的含有三联密码子的能被翻译 成多肽链的DNA序列。它由起始密码子开始,到终止密码子结束。 11.satellite DNA (卫星DNA):又称随体DNA。真核基因中的高度重复序列,其碱基组 成与主体DNA有较大的差异,因而可用密度梯度沉降技术,如氯化铯梯度离心,将它与主体DNA分离。因为不具有启动子,所以一般不转录。 12.Human Genome Project(HGP) (人类基因组计划:)这一计划旨在为30多亿个碱基对 构成的人类基因组精确测序,发现所有人类基因并搞清其在染色体上的位置,破译人类


Outline The statements: This paper is going to discuss the liberalism that rooted in Isabel Archer’s mind—the heroin in the portrait of a lady.But sometimes she seems to go against her liberalism after marriage with Gilbert Osmond. 1. Introduction 2. The Maturity of Isabel Archer 3.Isabel's View of liberty 3.1 Liberty of Mind 3.1.1 Isabel's Attitude toward Life 3.1.2 Isabel's Attitude toward Love and Marriage 3.2 Liberty of Behaviours 3.2.1 Isabel's Refusal to Ideal Suitors—Goodwood and Warburton 3.2.2 Isabel's Choice to Marry Gilbert Osmond 4. Paradoxs in Isabel's View of Liberalism 4.1 Request for Liberty Versus Social Limitation 4.2 Love of Liberty Versus Fear of Liberty 4.3 Preservation of Dignity Versus Acceptance of Mistakes 5. Conclusion



专题01 二次根式的化简与求值 阅读与思考 二次根式的化简与求值问题常涉及最简根式、同类根式,分母有理化等概念,常用到分解、分拆、换元等技巧. 有条件的二次根式的化简与求值问题是代数变形的重点,也是难点,这类问题包含了整式、分式、二次根式等众多知识,又联系着分解变形、整体代换、一般化等重要的思想方法,解题的基本思路是: 1、直接代入 直接将已知条件代入待化简求值的式子. 2、变形代入 适当地变条件、适当地变结论,同时变条件与结论,再代入求值. 数学思想: 数学中充满了矛盾,如正与负,加与减,乘与除,数与形,有理数与无理数,常量与变量、有理式与无理式,相等与不等,正面与反面、有限与无限,分解与合并,特殊与一般,存在与不存在等,数学就是在矛盾中产生,又在矛盾中发展. =x , y , n 都是正整数) 例题与求解 【例1】 当x = 时,代数式32003 (420052001)x x --的值是( ) A 、0 B 、-1 C 、1 D 、2003 2- (绍兴市竞赛试题) 【例2】 化简 (1(b a b ab b -÷-- (黄冈市中考试题) (2 (五城市联赛试题)

(3 (北京市竞赛试题) (4 (陕西省竞赛试题) 解题思路:若一开始把分母有理化,则计算必定繁难,仔细观察每题中分子与分母的数字特点,通过分解、分析等方法寻找它们的联系,问题便迎刃而解. 思想精髓:因式分解是针对多项式而言的,在整式,分母中应用非常广泛,但是因式分解的思想也广泛应用于解二次根式的问题中,恰当地作类似于因式分解的变形,可降低一些二次根式问题的难度. 【例3】比6大的最小整数是多少? (西安交大少年班入学试题) 解题思路:直接展开,计算较繁,可引入有理化因式辅助解题,即设x y == 想一想:设x=求 432 32 621823 7515 x x x x x x x --++ -++ 的值. (“祖冲之杯”邀请赛试题) 的根式为复合二次根式,常用配方,引入参数等方法来化简复合二次根式.


Outline Thesis statement: like coins have two sides, giving students grades has advantages and disadvantages, say it is useful, imperfect, and harmful. I.Giving students grades is useful A.It can help students work hard. 1.My classmate, Sun didn’t want studying very much, when he was twelve years’old. But after my teacher, Miss Zhang told him that his grade in class is low, Sun began did his best to study. B.It can let students to know their disadvantages. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ec7457717.html,st year, my grade in our class was always high, but this year, my grade got lower. After my analysis, I know finally, I don’t have a good way to study. C.It let students who have high grade become more confident. 1.My classmate, King has a high grade in class, so he is very confident to study, and he becomes more and more successful. II.On the other hand, the disadvantages far overweight the advantages, because giving students grade is not perfect. A.It can’t reflect students’ comprehensive abilities.


初三下册数学知识点 1 二次函数及其图像 二次函数(quadratic function)是指未知数的次数为二次的多项式函数。二次函数可以表示为f(x)=ax bx c(a不为0)。其图像是一条主轴平行于y轴的抛物线。 一般的,自变量x和因变量y之间存在如下关系: 一般式 y=ax∧2; bx c(a≠0,a、b、c为常数),顶点坐标为(-b/2a,-(4ac-b∧2)/4a) ; 顶点式 y=a(x m)∧2 k(a≠0,a、m、k为常数)或y=a(x-h)∧2 k(a≠0,a、h、k为常数),顶点坐标为(-m,k)对称轴为x=-m,顶点的位置特征和图像的开口方向与函数y=ax ∧2的图像相同,有时题目会指出让你用配方法把一般式化成顶点式; 交点式 y=a(x-x1)(x-x2) [仅限于与x轴有交点A(x1,0)和B(x2,0)的抛物线] ; 重要概念:a,b,c为常数,a≠0,且a决定函数的开口方向,a>0时,开口方向向上,a牛顿插值公式(已知三点求函数解析式) y=(y3(x-x1)(x-x2))/((x3-x1)(x3-x2) (y2(x-x1)(x-x3))/((x2-x1)(x2-x3) (y1(x-x2)(x-x3))/((x1-x2)(x1-x3) 。由此可引导出交点式的系数a=y1/(x1*x2) (y1为截距) 求根公式 二次函数表达式的右边通常为二次三项式。 求根公式 x是自变量,y是x的二次函数 x1,x2=[-b±(√(b -4ac))]/2a (即一元二次方程求根公式)

求根的方法还有因式分解法和配方法 在平面直角坐标系中作出二次函数y=2x的平方的图像, 可以看出,二次函数的图像是一条永无止境的抛物线。 不同的二次函数图像 如果所画图形准确无误,那么二次函数将是由一般式平移得到的。 注意:草图要有1本身图像,旁边注明函数。 2画出对称轴,并注明X=什么 3与X轴交点坐标,与Y轴交点坐标,顶点坐标。抛物线的性质 轴对称 1.抛物线是轴对称图形。对称轴为直线x = -b/2a。 对称轴与抛物线的交点为抛物线的顶点P。 特别地,当b=0时,抛物线的对称轴是y轴(即直线x=0) 顶点 2.抛物线有一个顶点P,坐标为P ( -b/2a ,4ac-b ;)/4a ) 当-b/2a=0时,P在y轴上;当Δ= b ;-4ac=0时,P在x轴上。 开口 3.二次项系数a决定抛物线的开口方向和大小。 当a>0时,抛物线向上开口;当a|a|越大,则抛物线的开口越小。 决定对称轴位置的因素 4.一次项系数b和二次项系数a共同决定对称轴的位置。 当a与b同号时(即ab>0),对称轴在y轴左; 因为若对称轴在左边则对称轴小于0,也就是- b/2a当a与b异号时(即ab0, 所以b/2a要小于0,所以a、b要异号 可简单记忆为左同右异,即当a与b同号时(即ab>0),对称轴在y轴左;当a

样例Persuasive Speech Outline带身体语言设计

样例:Persuasive Speech Outline 2011级国贸1班王红交稿时间2012.10.26 Independent travel is the best way of tourism Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that independent travel is the best way of tourism. Central Idea: Independent travel is the best way of tourism because of three merits----more freedom, arranging the travel according to your needs, and experiencing a more authentic life when traveling by yourself. Introduction I. II. ? II.For packaged travel most of you must have experienced a lot, out with your parents. But now, as a college student I could say that independent travel must be the best way of IV. ?It is a self-arranged travel, which means you have to book the tickets and hotel V. So today, I will show you three of the independent travel to explain why it is the best way of tourism. Body I. A. 2.Or if somewhere is attractive enough, you can choose to stay longer to enjoy the beautiful scenery. (Transition: Actually, freedom is just a beginning. The second one is truly the most exciting one.) II. A.Packaged travel often has a which may contain many B.And also you can change your route randomly.


----- 初三数学知识整理与重点难点总结 第21 章二次根式 知识框图 理解并掌握下列结论: (1)是非负数;(2);(3); I.二次根式的定义和概念: 1、定义:一般地,形如√ā(a≥0)的代数式叫做二次根式。当a>0 时,√ a 表示 a 的算数平方根 ,√0=0 2、概念:式子√ā(a≥0)叫二次根式。√ā(a≥ 0)是一个非负数。 II.二次根式√ā 的简单性质和几何意义 1)a≥0; √ā≥0[双重非负性] 2)(√ā)^2=a(a≥0)[任何一个非负数都可以写成一个数的平方的形式] 3)√(a^2+b^2) 表示平面间两点之间的距离,即勾股定理推论。

IV. 二次根式的乘法和除法 1运算法则 √a·√ b= √ab( a≥ 0,b≥0) -1- ----

√a/b= √a/√ b(a≥ 0,b>0 ) 二数二次根之积,等于二数之积的二次根。 2共轭因式 如果两个含有根式的代数式的积不再含有根式,那么这两个代数式叫做共轭因式,也称互为有理化根式。 V.二次根式的加法和减法 1同类二次根式 一般地,把几个二次根式化为最简二次根式后,如果它们的被开方数相同,就把这几个二次根式叫做同类二次根式。 2合并同类二次根式 把几个同类二次根式合并为一个二次根式就叫做合并同类二次根式。 3二次根式加减时,可以先将二次根式化为最简二次根式,再将被开方数相同的进行合并Ⅵ.二次根式的混合运算 1确定运算顺序 2灵活运用运算定律 3正确使用乘法公式 4大多数分母有理化要及时 5在有些简便运算中也许可以约分,不要盲目有理化 VII.分母有理化 分母有理化有两种方法 I.分母是单项式 如:√a/ √b= √a×√ b/√b×√ b=√ ab/b


怎样撰写英语的outline 好的outline对你撰写正文内容具有很强的指导作用。不管你要撰写的是什么类型的文章,outline都是非常必要(通常情况下也是必须的)。接下来的内容对撰写提纲有很大帮助。 1.明确文章的主旨。 一篇文章都有其所要表达主旨。选择一个最终主旨不仅能引导你主题的方向,还有助于你有逻辑的组织文章。比如你在写论文,写下能够概括文章主旨的中心思想,以帮助你确定主旨: ? 比较和对照两个事物。 ? 列出因果 ? 阐明或分析一个特殊方面 ? 列出单个或两者的论证 ? 提供证据并得出结论 ? 列出问题然后提供解决方案 2.收集辅助材料。 这些被收集来的材料可能来自引用他人成果、数据统计、理论、实验结果等。通过收集材料,明确这些材料使用,这些东西可能会体现在essay outline中。 3.决定如何安排辅助论证来支撑主旨。 举例:如果你在呈现一个历史概述,你可以按年代来排序;如果你在辩论文学方面内容,你可能要按主题排序;如果你处在某观点立场的两级徘徊时,你可以先列出和你立场有矛盾的证据,然后用反论证消除达到有说服力的结果。 4.撰写主题提纲或者句子提纲。 如果文章非常灵活多变,那么你可以用利用一些短语作为主题大纲;用句子大纲阐述细节。 ? 一般来说你可以尝试先用主题提纲来开始你的提纲撰写,然后再逐步转变成句子提纲。 5.确定主要类别。 根据文章的主旨和找到的辅助材料来决定把全文的大主题分散整理到不同逻辑类别。这些类别将会被标记成罗马数字来形成提纲的第一步。 ? 当写文章时,通常会用一个大点去代表一个段落:比如,一、文章的开头段,二、主体段落的第一段,等等。例如,如果描写飞机历史发展史的概论,每一个大点就该包括各个飞机历史上的时期。 6.确定论点。


第五章分子生物学研究方法(上) ——DNA、RNA及蛋白质操作技术5.1 重组DNA技术 重组DNA技术(recombinantDNAtechnique)又称遗传工程,在体外重新组合脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)分子,并使它们在适当的细胞中增殖的遗传操作。 重组DNA技术一般包括四步:①获得目的基因;②与克隆载体连接,形成新的重组DNA分子;③用重组DNA分子转化受体细胞,并能在受体细胞中复制和遗传;④对转化子筛选和鉴定。 特点:不受亲缘关系限制,为遗传育种和分子遗传学研究开辟了崭新的途径。 适用于获取目标基因的表达产物。 5.2 DNA基本操作技术 (1)核酸凝胶电泳技术 将某种分子放到特定的电场中,它就会以一定的速度向适当的电极移动。某物质在电场作用下的迁移速度叫作电泳的速率,它与电场强度成正比,与该分子所携带的净电荷数成正比,而与分子的磨擦系数成反比(分子大小、极性、介质的粘度系数等)。在生理条件下,核酸分子中的磷酸基团是离子化的,所以,DNA 和RNA实际上呈多聚阴离子状态(Polyanions)。将DNA、RNA放到电场中,它就会由负极→正极移动。 适用于DNA、RNA片段的分离。 缺点:紫外对DNA分子有损伤,染料毒性大。 (2)细菌转化与目标DNA分子的增殖 细菌转化是指一种细菌菌株由于捕获了来自供体菌株的DNA而导致性状特征发生遗传改变的过程。提供转化DNA的菌株叫做供体菌株,接受转化DNA 的细菌菌株被称做受体菌株。 常用的方法:CaCl2法和电击法 大肠杆菌是最广泛使用的实验菌株。在加入转化DNA之前,必须先用CaCl2处理大肠杆菌细胞,使之呈感受态(Competent Cells),Mg2+对维持外源DNA的稳定性起重要作用。 转化载体上一般带有LacZ基因,常用带有不同抗生素的选择性培养基结合α-互补蓝白斑筛选法鉴定转化细胞。 (3)聚合酶链反应技术 用于体外快速扩增特定基因或DNA序列最常用的方法。 反应体系:模板DNA、PCR引物、四种核苷酸、Mg2+、TaqDNA聚合酶、缓冲液和超纯水。


Introduction to the Course --- Public Speaking Outline Specific purpose: To inform the students about the aspects of the course --- Public Speaking Central idea: The four aspects of this course include five purposes of opening the course, the way the course will be conducted and the teaching schedule, 14 requirements to ensure an effective result; and the evaluation and grading. Introduction I. First let me ask you three questions: A. A. Why do you choose this course B.What is a good speech C.What is the greatest obstacle if one wants to deliver a great speech II. As a veteran teacher of English I find Chinese students are reluctant to make a public speech. A.Chinese students are more likely to have stage fright because they are not or less trained. B.Public speech is a compulsory course in most of the American universities. III. For the next 30 minutes or so I’d like to talk about 4 things: the purposes of this course, the way the course will be conducted, the requirements you should meet and grading scheme. (Transition: Let’s start with the purposes of this course.) Body I. There are five main purposes to open this course.


初三数学下册重要知识点总结 第25章概率 1、必然事件、不可能事件、随机事件的区别 2、概率 注意:(1)概率是随机事件发生的可能性的大小的数量反映. (2)概率是事件在大量重复试验中频率逐渐稳定到的值,即可以用大量重复试验中事件发生的频率去估计得到事件发生的概率,但二者不能简单地等同. 3、求概率的方法 (1)用列举法求概率(列表法、画树形图法) (2)用频率估计概率:一方面,可用大量重复试验中事件发生频率来估计事件发生的概率.另一方面,大量重复试验中事件发生的频率稳定在某个常数(事件发生的概率)附近,说明概率是个定值,而频率随不同试验次数而有所不同,是概率的近似值,二者不能简单地等同. 第26章二次函数 1. 二次函数的一般形式:y=ax2+bx+c.(a≠0) 4.求二次函数的解析式:已知二次函数图象上三点的坐标,可设解析式y=ax2+bx+c,并把这三点的坐标代入,解关于a、b、c的三元一次方程组,求出a、b、c的值, 从而求出解析式-------待定系数法. 5.二次函数的顶点式: y=a(x-h)2+k (a≠0);由顶点式可直接得出二次函数的顶点坐标(h, k),对称轴方程 x=h 和函数的最值 y最值= k. 6.求二次函数的解析式:已知二次函数的顶点坐标(h,k)和图象上的另一点的坐标,可设解析式为y=a(x -h)2+ k,再代入另一点的坐标求a,从而求出解析式. 8. 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c (a≠0)的图象及几个重要点的公式: 9. 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c (a≠0)中,a、b、c与Δ的符号与图象的关系: (1) a>0 <=> 抛物线开口向上; a<0 <=> 抛物线开口向下; (2) c>0 <=> 抛物线从原点上方通过; c=0 <=> 抛物线从原点通过; c<0 <=> 抛物线从原点下方通过; (3) a, b异号 <=> 对称轴在y轴的右侧; a, b同号 <=> 对称轴在y轴的左侧; b=0 <=> 对称轴是y轴; (4) b2-4ac>0 <=> 抛物线与x轴有两个交点; b2-4ac =0 <=> 抛物线与x 轴有一个交点(即相切); b2-4ac<0 <=> 抛物线与x轴无交点.


1病原生物基因组在医学上有何应用?详见书P3 a菌种鉴定b确定病毒感染和病毒载量c病毒分析d细菌耐药监测和分子流行病学调查 2什么是原癌基因,原癌基因有什么特性,原癌基因可以分为哪些种类以及原癌基因常见的激活机制有哪些? 原癌基因是指人类或其他动物细胞(以及致癌病毒)固有的一类基因,能诱导细胞正常转化并使之获得新生物特征的 基因总称。 特性:进化上高度保守,负责调控正常细胞生命活动,可以转化为癌基因。 功能分类:生长因子,生长因子受体,信号转导蛋白,核调节蛋白,细胞周期调节蛋白,抑制凋亡蛋白 激活机制:插入激活,基因重排,基因点突变,基因扩增,基因转录改变 3试述Down综合征(21三体综合征)的主要临床特征及核型。 临床特征:生长发育障碍,智力低。呆滞面容,又称伸舌样痴呆。40%患者有先天性心脏畸形。肌张力低,50%患者有贯通手,男患者无生育能力,女患者少数有生育能力,遗传风险高。 核型:92.5%患者游离型:核型为47,XX(XY),+21 2.5%患者为嵌合型:46, XX(XY)/47 ,XX(XY),+21 5%患者为易位型:46,XX(XY),-14 ,+t(14q21q) 4简述淋球菌感染的主要传统实验室诊断方法及其主要特点,对比分析分子生物学方法的优势1直接涂片染镜检:敏感度和特异性差,不能用于确诊。 2分离培养法:诊断NG感染的金标准,但是其对标本和培养及营养要求高,培养周期长,出报告慢,难以满足临床要求。 3免疫学法:分泌物标本中的非特异性反应严重以及抗体法间的稳定性和条件限制,推广受限。 分子生物学的优点:敏感,特异,可直接从了临床标本中检出含量很低的病原菌,适应于快速检测 5、在单基因遗传病的分子生物学检验中,点突变检测常用方法有哪些? 1异源双链分析法(HA)2突变体富集PCR法3变性梯度凝胶电泳法4化学切割错配法5等位基因特异性寡核苷酸分析法 6DNA芯片技术7连接酶链反应8等位基因特异性扩增法9RNA酶A切割法10染色体原位杂交11荧光原位杂交技术 6、简述白假丝酵母菌的分子生物学检验方法 白假丝酵母菌分子生物学检验主要包括白假丝酵母菌特异性核酸(DNA RNA)的检测、基因分型和耐药基因分析 等。 1PCR技术:选择高度特异性的天冬氨酸蛋白酶基因设计引物 PCR—斑点杂交技术:正向杂交和反向杂交,后者可一次检测多种真菌 DNA指纹技术:RFLPRAPD电泳核型分析 AP —PCR技术:定义方法简便,快速,特别适合临床应用 DNA序列分析:可测定rDNA序列也适用于基因突变引起的耐药 基因芯片技术:适用于病原体的耐药研究 7、 F VIII基因倒位导致血友病A,DMD基因外显子缺失导致与杜氏肌营养不良,珠蛋白基因突变导致与珠蛋白合成障碍性贫血。 (第11章,P197,P203,P207。窝觉得大家把题目读三遍就可以了) 答:F VIII基因倒位是导致的血友病A的主要原因(占50%)其它基因突变,如点突变,缺失,插入也会导致血友病A。 同理DMD基因外显子缺失是迪谢内肌营养不良(杜氏肌营养不良)发生的主要原因(60%-70%)。 珠蛋白合成障碍性贫血有六种,主要的两种是a珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血和B珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血,基因突变是主要发病原因。&基因多态性有哪些的临床应用?(P4)

Topic Outline

Read the following passage carefully and compose a "topic outline" for it. Oceanography has been defined as “The application of all sciences to the study of the sea”. Before the nineteenth century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go to sea to further this work. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that the question 'What is at the bottom of the oceans?' had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineers had to know the depth profile (起伏形状) of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured. It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings (测深) were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea. The cable was laid, but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea. Within a few years oceanography was under way. In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition, which lasted for four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea. Their classification and analysis occupied scientists for years and led to a five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895.


人教数学九年级下册初三下册数学知识点归纳 学好数学的关键就在于要适时适量地进行总结归类,接下来WTT就为大家整理了这篇(九年级)初三下册数学知识点归纳,希望可以对大家有所帮助。 二次函数及其图像二次函数(quadratic function)是指未知数的最高次数为二次的多项式函数。二次函数可以表示为 f(x)=ax^2+bx+c(a不为0)。其图像是一条主轴平行于y轴的抛物线。 一般的,自变量x和因变量y之间存在如下关系: 一般式 y=ax+bx+c(a0,a、b、c为常数),顶点坐标为(-b/2a,-(4ac-b2)/4a) ; 顶点式 y=a(x+m)2+k(a0,a、m、k为常数)或y=a(x-h)2+k(a0,a、h、k为常数),顶点坐标为(-m,k)对称轴为x=-m,顶点的位置特征和图像的开口方向与函数y=ax2的图像相同,有时 题目会指出让你用配方法把一般式化成顶点式; 交点式 y=a(x-x1)(x-x2) [仅限于与x轴有交点A(x1,0)和 B(x2,0)的抛物线] ;

重要概念:a,b,c为常数,a0,且a决定函数的开口方向,a0时,开口方向向上,a0时,开口方向向下。a的绝对值还可以决定开口大小,a的绝对值越大开口就越小,a的绝对值越小开口就越大。 牛顿插值公式(已知三点求函数解析式) y=(y3(x-x1)(x-x2))/((x3-x1)(x3-x2)+(y2(x-x1)(x- x3))/((x2-x1)(x2-x3)+(y1(x-x2)(x-x3))/((x1-x2)(x1-x3) 。由此可引导出交点式的系数a=y1/(x1*x2) (y1为截距) 求根公式 二次函数表达式的右边通常为二次三项式。 求根公式 x是自变量,y是x的二次函数 x1,x2=[-b((b^2-4ac))]/2a (即一元二次方程求根公式)(如右图) 求根的方法还有因式分解法和配方法 在平面直角坐标系中作出二次函数y=2x的平方的图像, 可以看出,二次函数的图像是一条永无止境的抛物线。 不同的二次函数图像 如果所画图形准确无误,那么二次函数将是由一般式平移得到的。 注意:草图要有 1本身图像,旁边注明函数。


2.6分子生物学分析 目前较常采用的微生物学分析方法有两种,一种是使用传统的微生物培养技术(culture)将微生物富集、分离,然后通过一般的生物化学性状或表现型来分析的间接途径。然而使用传统的微生物培养技术存在许多困难,尤其是环境中大多数微生物生长缓慢,例如本论文研究中针对的anammox菌的培养富集时间均在2年以上,同时对培养条件要求极为苛刻,客观上阻碍了采用这种方法对其的研究。第二种途径依靠聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction,PCR)技术及应用进化和功能基因探针直接从环境样品中检测和分析目标微生物,不需富集培养。分子生物技术有简洁、快速、精确等特点,广泛应用于微生物生态学研究中。尤其是目标微生物主要功能基因的DNA序列数据库和PCR技术结合在一起,使许多分子生态学手段可以直接应用于环境样品的研究中,,推动了环境中微生物生态学研究。本论文研究中采用了第二种途径中的定量PCR技术手段。下面将根据实验中的具体操作进行叙述。 2.6.1DAN提取 本文研究中主要采用的是试剂盒提取方法。DAN提取盒使用美国MP公司的土壤DNA提取试剂盒(FastDNA SPIN Kit for Soil,MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana, USA)。提取方法依据说明书进行微小变动,即向污泥中先加入Sodium Phosphate Buffer(磷酸钠缓冲液),再将其移至Lysing Matrix E管中,具体操作方法如下:(1)向 1.5ml取回污泥离心(10000rpm×10分钟)的湿污泥加入978 μl Sodium Phosphate Buffer(磷酸钠缓冲液),然后将其移到Lysing Matrix E管中(尽可能将其全部加入),然后加入122 μl MT Buffer(MT缓冲液)。 注:因为FastPrep?仪器的剧烈运动,在Lysing Matrix E管内会形成巨大的压力,样品和基质的总体积不能超过管体积的7/8;留一些空间也会提高混匀效果。 (2)在FastPrep?中处理上述离心管,速度6.0,40秒。 (3)Lysing Matrix E管离心14000g×15分钟。 (4)将上清液转移到一个新的2ml离心管(自备)中,加入250μl PPS,并用手上下颠倒10次进行混合。 (5)离心14000g×10分钟,至形成白色状沉淀物,将上清液转移到一个新的10ml离心管(自备),并加入1ml Binding Matrix Suspension(在用之前重悬Binding Matrix Suspension,一定要摇匀到瓶底看不见沉淀为止,加5个摇一次以


The spice of my life Outline Specificpurpose: To inform my audience about my experience living with my sister Central idea:To tell the story and feeling living with my sister. Introduction Eye contact Recently, China is about to carry out generally two-child policy. People have different views on the policy. Businesspersons discover new opportunities. Young parents are considering if they want a second child. How about you? Most of you are the only child. When you hear d the policy, are you happy your parents won’t want a second at this age? Or do you feel ashamed the policy carrying out so late? Slow down.But for me, as an older sister, my emotion is complex. I think of my experience living with my sister. She is like the spicy of my life.Today,according to my feeling I will divide the experience into four stages to share with you. (preview statement) (transition: let’s get down the first stage, sour) Body I. The first stage is my mother was pregnant, my feeling is sour. In other words, I was jealous of the little life. A.The reason why I hate younger sister 1. Before, I heard that if you had a younger sister or brother, all of your things would be shared. I believe it without doubt. 2.When my mother was pregnant, I was not allowed to be close to my mother, my
