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第五章 答:远期价格是远期合约中地交割价格,它是双方约定地价格,约定好了就不会变动,到期直接按此价格交割.而远期合约价值是远期合约内在地价值,是由于标地资产价格地变化导 致此合约或盈或亏,这个价值就是用来计算这个合约是赢是亏地.文档来自于网络搜索 解:由题意,股指地当前价格,无风险收益率,股息收益率,.则期货价格()()美元.文档来自于网络搜索 所以,个月期地期货价格为美元. 答:便利收益用于衡量持有实际资产比仅持有期货合约而带来地额外好处,包括从本地地商品暂时性短缺中获利,以及为了保持生产线正常运作地能力.持有成本等于标地资产存储成 本加上融资成本再减去资本收益.假设期货价格为,即期价格为,便利收益率为,持有成本 为,则有()文档来自于网络搜索 答:股指地期货价格低于其将来预期价格.假设为投资者对于股指期货投资要求地投资收益 率,为无风险利率,为到期日地资产价格.由于股指价格与股票市场有正相关性投资者对股 指所期望地收益率要大于无风险利率,及>, ()(),得<(),所以股指地期货价格低于其将来 预期价格.文档来自于网络搜索 解:由题意,股指地当前价格,无风险收益率,股息收益率,.文档来自于网络搜索 则期货价格()() 所以,个月期期货价格为 解:期货理论价格()()美元>实际价格美元,认为期货价格被低估了,应该买入.因此,应当以即期价格卖空股票,并进入一个期货合约长头寸.文档来自于网络搜索 解:期货理论价格为()()*美元<实际价格美元,期货价格过高,因此应该进入瑞郎期货合约 短头寸(假设进入地是美元地),同时借入美元买入瑞郎.文档来自于网络搜索 则在即期,借入美元,并且兑换成瑞郎,并将这瑞郎投入货币市场.到期时,货币市场地瑞郎变为*瑞郎,用于交割期货合约瑞郎,盈利瑞郎,兑换成美元为*美元,借入地美元需偿还 利息*美元.盈利美元.文档来自于网络搜索 证明:若>(),则存在如下套利机会: 进入一份到期日为地期货合约地长头寸,同时进入一份到期日为地期货合约地短头寸.在时刻,以无风险利率借入资金用于交割到期期货合约长头寸,并持有标地资产至,用于交割在到期地合约,获得资金.此时需偿还所借资金为(),盈利().因为这种套利机会不能长期存在,因此≦()文档来自于网络搜索 答:由于()(),所以只有当,即汇率地系统风险为时,远期利率才是未来即期汇率地无偏 估计.文档来自于网络搜索 证:买入一份资产并且进入远期合约地短头寸.在时刻以每单位地成本买入份资产并且进入 一个远期合约,支付,在时刻,单位资产变为份,以地价格交割这份资产,收入为.其贴现值为()应当时刻地现金流,即().式()成立.文档来自于网络搜索 当> ()时,套利者会买入一份资产并且进入远期合约地短头寸. 当<()时,套利者会卖出一份资产并且进入远期合约地长头寸. 答:组合地价值变化是由组成股票价格地算术平均值计算得到,而几何平均值会小于算术平 均值,因此()式计算得到地是股票价格算术平均值地理论期货价格会高估其期货价值.文档来自于网络搜索 第六章 解:上一个付息日为年月日,付息期为年月至年月日. 从年月至年月日: 天,


期权、期货和其他衍生品 Chapter 1 第一章 What is a Derivative? 什么是衍生品 A derivative is an instrument whose value depends on, or is derived from, the value of another asset. 衍生品是一种金融工具,其价值取决于(衍生于)其他资产的价值。 Derivativesvs Primary Assets 衍生品vs初级资产(标的资产) Primary Assets 初级资产 Stocks 股票Fixed income 固定收益(利率)Foreign exchanges 外汇Loans 贷款Corporate bonds 公司债券Mortgages 住房抵押贷款Commodities 大宗商品Real Estate 房地产 …... What is a Derivative? 什么是衍生品 Commodity futures 商品期货(日本江户幕府时代,美国CBOT 1865)Index futures 指数期货(美国1982年KCBT,CME)Forwards远期合约(美国CBOT1848)Options期权(18世纪,美国CBOE1973)Swaps 互换(掉期美国1980s Swensen)Exotics 奇异期权(1980s)Credit derivatives 信用衍生品(1990s)(CMO, CLO, CDO, CDS, CDX, CMBS… ) Why Derivatives Are Important为什么衍生品很重要? Derivatives play a key role in transferring risks in the economy 转移经济活动中的风险 Price discovery 价格发现 The underlying assets include stocks, currencies, interest rates, commodities, debt instruments, electricity, insurance payouts, the weather, etc 标的资产可以是股票,货币,利率,商品,债务,电力,保险支付金,天气等等。。。Anything! Many financial transactions have embedded derivatives 许多金融交易和金融业务中都包含了衍生品 The real options approach to assessing capital investment decisions has become widely accepted 利用实物期权的方法评价投资决策已经被广泛使用 How Derivatives Are Traded衍生品如何交易 On exchanges such as the Chicago Board Options Exchange 交易所:如CBOE(芝加哥期权交易所) In the over-the-counter (OTC) market where traders working for banks, fund managers and corporate treasurers contact each other directly 场外交易市场(OTC):代表银行、基金经理、公司财务主管的交易员们直接进行交易 Size of OTC and Exchange-Traded Markets场外市场和交易所衍生品交易规模

1期权、期货和其他衍生品 1-3习题解答zhaoyang

第一章 1.1请解释远期多头与远期空头的区别。 答:远期多头指交易者协定将来以某一确定价格购入某种资产;远期空头指交易者协定将来以某一确定价格售出某种资产。 1.2请详细解释套期保值、投机与套利的区别。 答:套期保值指交易者采取一定的措施补偿资产的风险暴露;投机不对风险暴露进行补偿,是一种“赌博行为”;套利是采取两种或更多方式锁定利润。 1.3请解释签订购买远期价格为$50的远期合同与持有执行价格为$50的看涨期权的区别。 答:第一种情况下交易者有义务以50$购买某项资产(交易者没有选择),第二种情况下有权利以50$购买某项资产(交易者可以不执行该权利)。 1.4一位投资者出售了一个棉花期货合约,期货价格为每磅50美分,每个合约交易量为50,000磅。请问期货合约结束时,当合约到期时棉花价格分别为(a)每磅48.20美分;(b)每磅51.30美分时,这位投资者的收益或损失为多少? 答:(a)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$0.4820时,交易者收入:($0.5000-$0.4820)×50,000=$900; (b)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$0.5130时,交易者损失:($0.5130-$0.5000) ×50,000=$650 1.5假设你出售了一个看跌期权,以$120执行价格出售100股IBM的

股票,有效期为3个月。IBM股票的当前价格为$121。你是怎么考虑 的?你的收益或损失如何? 答:当股票价格低于$120时,该期权将不被执行。当股票价格高于$120美元时,该期权买主执行该期权,我将损失100(st-x)。 1.6你认为某种股票的价格将要上升。现在该股票价格为$29,3个月期的执行价格为$30的看跌期权的价格为$ 2.90.你有$5,800资金可以投资。现有两种策略:直接购买股票或投资于期权,请问各自潜在的收益或损失为多少? 答:股票价格低于$29时,购买股票和期权都将损失,前者损失为 $5,800 ×(29-p),后者损失为$5,800;当股票价格为(29,30),购买$29 ×(p-29),购买期权损失为$5,800;当股票价格高股票收益为$5,800 $29 于$30时,购买股票收益为$5,800 ×(p-29),购买期权收益为 $29 ×(p-30)-5,800。 $$5,800 $29 1.7假设你拥有5,000股每股价值$25的股票,如何运用看跌期权来确保你的股票价值在未来的四个月中不会受到股价下跌的影响。 答:通过购买5,000份价格为$25,期限为4个月的看跌期权来保值。 1.8一种股票在首次发行时会为公司提供资金。请说明CBOE股票期权是否有同样的作用。 答:股票期权不为公司提供资金,它只是交易者之间相互买卖的一种证券,公司并不参与交易。


第2章期货市场的运作机制 【2.1】说明未平仓合约数量与交易量的区别。 【2.2】说明自营经纪人与佣金经纪人的区别。 【2.3】假定你进入纽约商品交易所的一个7月份白银期货合约的短头寸,在合约中你能够以每盎司10.20美元的价格卖出白银。期货合约规模为5000盎司白银。最初保证金为4000美元,维持保证金为3000美元,期货价格如何变动会导致保证金的催付通知?你如果不满足催付通知会有什么后果? 【2.4】假定在2009年9月一家公司进入了2010年5月的原油期货合约的长头寸。在2010年3月公司将合约平仓。在进入合约时期货价格(每桶)68.30美元,在平仓时价格为70.50美元,在2009年12月底为69.10美元。每个合约是关于1000桶原油的交割。公司的盈利是多少?什么时间实现该盈利?对以下投资者应如何征税?(a)对冲者;(b)投机者。假定公司年度末为12月31日。 【2.5】止损指令为在2美元卖出的含义是什么?什么时候可采用这一指令。一个限价指令为在2美元卖出的含义是什么?什么时候可采用这一指令。 【2.6】结算中心管理的保证金账户的运作与经纪人管理的保证金账户的运作有什么区别? 【2.7】外汇期货市场、外汇即期市场、以及外汇远期市场的汇率报价的区别是什么? 【2.8】期货合约的短头寸方有势有权选择交割的资产种类、交割地点以及交割时间等。这些选择权会使期货价格上升还是下降?解释原因。 【2.9】设计一个新的期货合约时需要考虑那些最重要的方面。 【2.10】解释保证金如何保证投资者免受违约风险。 【2.11】某投资者净土两个7月橙汁期货合约的长寸头。每个期货合约的规模均为15000磅橙汁。当前期货价格为每磅160美分。最初保证金每个合约6000美元,维持保证金为每个合约4500美元。怎样的价格变化会导致保证金的催付?在哪种情况下可以从保证金账户中提取2000美元。


23.2 课后习题详解 一、问答题 1.解释一般信用违约互换与两点信用违约互换的区别。 Explain the difference between a regular credit default swap and a binary credit default swap. 答:两者都是在某一特定的时期内对某一公司违约提供信用保险。在一般信用违约互换中,收益是名义本金乘以1减去回收率的差;而在两点信用违约互换中,收益是名义本金。 2.某信用违约互换付费为每半年一次,付费溢价为60个基点,本金为3亿美元,交割方式为现金形式,假设违约发生在4年零2个月后,而信用违约互换价格的计算方所估计的最便宜可交割债券在刚刚违约时的价格等于面值的40%,列出此CDS出售方的现金流和支付时间。 A credit default swap requires a premiums of 60 basis points per year paid semiannually. The principal is $300 million and the credit default swap is settled in cash, A default occurs after four years and two months, and the calculation agent estimates that the price of the reference bond is 40% of its fuss value shortly after the default, List the cash flows and their timing for the buyer of the credit default swap. 答:出售方在0.5年、l.0年、1.5年、2.0年、2.5年、3.0年、3.5年和4.0年收入900000美元(=300000000×0.0060×0.5)。在违约时(4年2个月后)出售方收入最后一笔应计支付300000美元(=300000000×0.060×2/12)。在违约时出售方支付


计算题 1.1一个投资者进入了一个远期合约的短头寸,在该合约中投资者能够以1.4000的汇率(美 元/英镑)卖出1000 000英镑。当远期合约到期时的汇率为以下数值时⑴ 1.3900,⑵ 1.4200,投资者的损益分别为多少? (1.4-1.39)*1000000=1000 (1.4-1.42)*1000000=-2000 1.2 当前黄金市价为每盎司$1,000,一个一年期的远期合约的执行价格为$1,200,一个套利者 能够以每年10%的利息借入资金,套利者应该如何做才能达到套利目的? 假设黄金存储费为0,同时黄金不会带来任何利息收入 借入1000美元买入黄金,一年后以1200美元卖出 (1200-1000)- (1000*10%)= 100 2.1 一家公司进入一个合约的短头寸,在合约中公司以每莆式耳450美分卖出5000蒲式耳 小麦。初始保证金为3000美元,维持保证金为2000美元,价格如何变化会导致保证金的催收?在什么情况下公司可以从保证金账户提取1500美元? 如果合约亏损1000美元,则会导致保证金催收,假设价格为S时收到了保证金催收,则(S1-4.5)*5000=1000 S1=470美分,即如果未来价格高于470美分会收到保证呢过金催收通知 假设价格为S2时可以从保证金账户提取1500美金,则(4.5-S2)*5000=1500 S2=420美分即价格跌至420美分时,可以从保证金账户中提取1500美元 3.1 假定今天是7月16日,一家公司持有价值1亿美元的股票组合,此股票组合的beta系 数是1.2,这家公司希望采用CME在12月份到期SP500股指期货在7月16日至11月16日之间将beta系数由1.2变为0.5,SP500股指当前价值为1000,而每一份期货合约面值为250美元与股指的乘积。1)公司应做什么样的交易2)Beta由1.2变为1.5,公司应该持有什么样的头寸 1)该公司需要空头(1.2-0.5)*100000000/1000*250=280份合约 2)该公司需要多头(1.5-1.2)*100000000/1000*250=120份合约 3.2 P52 3.29


CHAPTER 13 Wiener P rocesses and It?’s Lemma Practice Questions Problem 13.1. What would it mean to assert that the temperature at a certain place follows a Markov process? Do you think that temperatures do, in fact, follow a Markov process? Imagine that you have to forecast the future temperature from a) the current temperature, b) the history of the temperature in the last week, and c) a knowledge of seasonal averages and seasonal trends. If temperature followed a Markov process, the history of the temperature in the last week would be irrelevant. To answer the second part of the question you might like to consider the following scenario for the first week in May: (i) Monday to Thursday are warm days; today, Friday, is a very cold day. (ii) Monday to Friday are all very cold days. What is your forecast for the weekend? If you are more pessimistic in the case of the second scenario, temperatures do not follow a Markov process. Problem 13.2. Can a trading rule based on the past history of a stock’s price ever produce returns that are consistently above average? Discuss. The first point to make is that any trading strategy can, just because of good luck, produce above average returns. The key question is whether a trading strategy consistently outperforms the market when adjustments are made for risk. It is certainly possible that a trading strategy could do this. However, when enough investors know about the strategy and trade on the basis of the strategy, the profit will disappear. As an illustration of this, consider a phenomenon known as the small firm effect. Portfolios of stocks in small firms appear to have outperformed portfolios of stocks in large firms when appropriate adjustments are made for risk. Research was published about this in the early 1980s and mutual funds were set up to take advantage of the phenomenon. There is some evidence that this has resulted in the phenomenon disappearing. Problem 13.3. A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of 0.5 per quarter and a variance rate of 4.0 per quarter. How high does the company’s initial cash position have to be for the company to have a less than 5% chance of a negative cash position by the end of one year? Supp ose that the company’s initial cash position is x . The probability distribution of the cash position at the end of one year is (40544)(2016)x x ??+?.,?=+., where ()m v ?, is a normal probability distribution with mean m and variance v . The probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is


导言 衍生品:远期合约、互换、期权等。可用于对冲风险、投机、套利。规模远大于基本产品。衍生品标的变量:通常是某种交易资产的价格。 1.1交易所市场 交易所中的衍生品,经过交易所标准化之后的衍生产品。 1.2场外市场 规模远大于场内。场外交易缺点:交易会产生对手信用风险。 1.3远期合约 远期合约:在将来某一指定时刻以约定价格买入或卖出某一产品的合约。(场外的)是场外交易市场中金融机构之间或金融机构与客户之间的交易。 多头(长头寸):在将来某一时刻以某一约定价格买入资产的一方。成交时,执行价格低于市场价格,则有收益。 空头(短头寸):在将来某一时刻以某一约定价格卖出资产的一方。成交时,执行价格高于市场价格,则有收益。 远期价格和即期价格。 1.4期货合约 期货合约:在将来某一指定时刻以约定价格买入或卖出某一产品的合约。(场内的)是在交易所进行,交易所指定了一些标准特性。 标的:广泛的商品资产和金融资产。 如果较多的交易员想买入资产,价格会上涨;如果较多的交易员想卖出资产,价格会下跌。 1.5期权合约 在交易所市场以及场外市场均有买卖。分为:看涨期权和看跌期权。期权费。数量通常为100股。 看涨期权的持有者有权在将来某一特定时间以某一确定价格买入某种资产; 看跌期权的持有者有权在将来某一特定时间以某一确定价格卖出某种资产; 1.6交易员的种类 分为:对冲者、投机者、套利者。 1.7对冲者 远期对冲:可减少风险,盈利效果不一定;可降低风险 期权对冲:可保证持有的最小价值。可降低风险 1.8投机者 采用期货投机:更大的收益,更小的损失。有杠杆效应。 采用期权投机:更大的收益,更大的损失。但有最小的损失。有杠杆效应。 1.9套利者 期货、远期、期权,包括同时进入两种或更多的交易来锁定无风险盈利。 由于套利的存在,使得实际中大多数金融市场的报价中只会存在很小的套利机会。

约翰.赫尔,期权期货和其他衍生品(third edition)习题答案

11.1 阐述Black-Scholes 股票期权定价模型中对于一年中股票价格概率分布的假设条件。 Black-Scholes 股票期权定价模型假定一年中股票价格概率分布服从正态分布,同样,它假设股票的连续回报率也是服从正态分布的。 11.2 若一股票价格的波动率为每年30%,则在一个交易日内其相应的价格变化的标准差为多少? 在本题中σ=0.3,假设一年中有252个交易日,则 12520.004t == 因此0.019 1.9%o ==r 11.3 阐述风险中性定价原理。 一个期权或者其他金融衍生品都是通过风险中性定价原理来定价的,期权因此在风险中性下和在真实下有一样的价值。因此我们为了估价期权而假设这个世界是风险中性的,这简化了分析。在风险中性情况下,所有证券都期望得到无风险利率的回报率。因此在一个风险中性世界,用于预计远期现金流的最合适的贴现率是无风险利率。 11.4 计算基于无红利支付股票的欧式看跌期权价格,其中执行价格为$50,现价为$50,有效期3个月期,无风险年收益率为10%,波动率为每年30%。 在本题中050,50,0.1,0.3,0.25S X r T σ===== 10.2417d = = 210.0917d d =?= 欧式看跌期权价格是 50(0.0.0917)50(0.2417)500.4634500.4045 2.37 N e N e ?×?×???=×?×= 11.5 若在两个月后预期支付的红利为$1.50,则习题11.4中计算会有何变化? 在本题中我们在使用BS 公式前必须从股票价格中减去红利的贴现值,因此应该是 0S 0.16670.1050 1.5048.52S e ?×=?=其他变量不变50,0.1,0.3,0.25X r T σ==== 在本题中 10.0414d = = 210.1086d d =?=?


CHAPTER 13 Wiener P rocesses and It’s Lemma Practice Questions Problem . What would it mean to assert that the temperature at a certain place follows a Markov process Do you think that temperatures do, in fact, follow a Markov process Imagine that you have to forecast the future temperature from a) the current temperature, b) the history of the temperature in the last week, and c) a knowledge of seasonal averages and seasonal trends. If temperature followed a Markov process, the history of the temperature in the last week would be irrelevant. To answer the second part of the question you might like to consider the following scenario for the first week in May: (i) Monday to Thursday are warm days; today, Friday, is a very cold day. (ii) Monday to Friday are all very cold days. What is your forecast for the weekend If you are more pessimistic in the case of the second scenario, temperatures do not follow a Markov process. Problem . Can a trading rule based on the past history of a stock’s price ever produce returns that are consistently above average Discuss. The first point to make is that any trading strategy can, just because of good luck, produce above average returns. The key question is whether a trading strategy consistently outperforms the market when adjustments are made for risk. It is certainly possible that a trading strategy could do this. However, when enough investors know about the strategy and trade on the basis of the strategy, the profit will disappear. As an illustration of this, consider a phenomenon known as the small firm effect. Portfolios of stocks in small firms appear to have outperformed portfolios of stocks in large firms when appropriate adjustments are made for risk. Research was published about this in the early 1980s and mutual funds were set up to take advantage of the phenomenon. There is some evidence that this has resulted in the phenomenon disappearing. Problem . A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of per quarter and a variance rate of per quarter. How high does the company’s initial cash position have to be for the company to have a less than 5% chance of a negative cash position by the end of one year Suppose that the company’s i nitial cash position is x . The probability distribution of the cash position at the end of one year is (40544)(2016)x x ??+?.,?=+., where ()m v ?, is a normal probability distribution with mean m and variance v . The probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is


E ( ST Se (T t var( ST S 2e2 (T t [e 2 2 2 (T t 1] Since var(ST E[(ST ] [ E(ST ] , it follows that E[(ST 2 ] var(ST [ E (ST ]2 so that E[( ST 2 ] S 2e2 (T t [e 2 2 (T t 1] S 2e2 (T t S 2e(2 (T t In a risk-neutral world r so that ? [(S 2 ] S 2e(2 r 2 (T t E T Using risk-neutral valuation, the value of the derivative security at time t is ? [(S 2 ] e r (T t E T S 2e(2 r 2 (T t r (T t e S 2e( r 2 (T t (b If: f S 2 e( r 2(T t 2 f S 2 (r 2 e( r (T t t 2 f 2 Se( r (T t -hand side of the Black-Scholes–Merton S 2 2 f 2e( r (T t 2 S The left differential equation is: 2 2 2 S 2 (r 2 e( r (T t 2rS 2e( r (T t ( r 2 (T t rf Hence the Black-Scholes 2 S 2e( r (T t rS 2e equation is satisfied. Problem 15.30. Consider an option on a non-dividend-paying stock when the stock price is $30, the exercise price is $29, the risk-free interest rate is 5% per annum, the volatility is 25% per annum, and the time to maturity is four months. a. What is the price of the option if it is a European call? b. What is the price of the option if it is an American call? c. What is the price of the option if it is a European put? d. Verify that put–call parity holds. In this case S0 30 , K 29 , r 0 05 , 0 25 and T 4 12 d1 ln(30 29 (0 0 5 0 252 2 4 12 0 4225 0 25 0 3333 d2 ln(30 29 (0 05 0 252 2 4 12 0 2782 0 25 0 3333 ( 0 4225 0 3363 N N (0 4225 0 6637 N (0 2782 0 6096 N ( 0 2782 0 3904 a. The European call price is 30 0 6637 29e 0 05 4 12 0 6096 2 52 or $2.52. b. The American call price is the same as the European call price. It is $2.52. c. The European put price is 30 0 3363 1 05 or $1.05. d. Put-call parity 29e 0 05 4 12 0 3904 states that: p S c Ke rT In this case c 2 52 , S0 30 , K 29 , p 1 05 and e rT 0 9835 and it is easy to verify that the relationship is satisfied, Problem 15.31. Assume that the stock in Problem 15.30 is due to go ex-dividend in 1.5 months. The expected dividend is 50 cents. a. What is the price of the option if it is a


期权期货及其他衍生品章节习题 第一章:引言 1. 远期合约多头,是指在将来某一时间以约定价格买入的资产。空头则指以约定价格卖出的资产。 2. 对冲:投资人用来把控风险,将风险控制在一定范围内的行为。期货对冲比较死一点,使对于当前时间来说风险变动范围较小。而期权对冲更加灵活,为风险提供了保护下限,同时收益与不买期权斜率一致,但是会带来期权购买费的损失。 投机:对资产的走势进行赌注,预测,单纯的投资盈利行为。可以认为是从0开始。 套利者:寻找不同市场间的价格差异进行无风险套利,但是这个套利点很难抓住。 3. (a) 签署一份期货合约,执行价格为50美元,在将来某一个时间按照执行价格交易卖出。需要有一定的资产进行保证,但保证金不属于额外费用。 (b) 购买一份看涨期权合约,执行价格为50美元,在到期期间内可以行使以50美元卖出资产的权利,也可以不行使。需要缴纳期权费不归还。 4. 卖出一个看涨期权(一般是具有期货合约的多头方,同时看跌期货价格,此时一般是对冲损失),在这期间卖方必须履行以执行价格卖出资产的义务,并不是完全看跌,而是卖方认为期权中标的资产不可能涨到某一个价格以上。当然如果跌了最好。卖出的时候会立刻拿到期权费,如果买方不行使权利,则赚了期权费,如果买方行使了权利,那么说明标的资产的确涨价了,但是如果没有涨的很厉害,仍然不亏。所以,卖出看涨期权,实则看跌,属于履行义务方,赚取期权费,亏损履行义务带来的损失。买入一个看跌期权(一般也是具有期货合约的多头方,同时看跌期货价格,此时一般也是用来对冲),在这期间买方可以行使从卖方那里以执行价格卖出资产给卖方(空头),这是行使的权利。买入看跌期权,确实是看跌,属于权利的行使,亏损的是期权费,赚取行使权利带来的利润。

HullOFOD eSolutionsCh 第九版期权期货及其他衍生品课后答案

CHAPTER 2 Mechanics of Futures Markets Practice Questions Problem 2.1. Distinguish between the terms open interest and trading volume. The open interest of a futures contract at a particular time is the total number of long positions outstanding. (Equivalently, it is the total number of short positions outstanding.) The trading volume during a certain period of time is the number of contracts traded during this period. Problem 2.2. What is the difference between a local and a futures commission merchant? A futures commission merchant trades on behalf of a client and charges a commission. A local trades on his or her own behalf. Problem 2.3. Suppose that you enter into a short futures contract to sell July silver for $17.20 per ounce. The size of the contract is 5,000 ounces. The initial margin is $4,000, and the maintenance margin is $3,000. What change in the futures price will lead to a margin call? What happens if you do not meet the margin call? There will be a margin call when $1,000 has been lost from the margin account. This will occur when the price of silver increases by 1,000/5,000 = $0.20. The price of silver must therefore rise to $17.40 per ounce for there to be a margin call. If the margin call is not met, your broker closes out your position. Problem 2.4. Suppose that in September 2015 a company takes a long position in a contract on May 2016 crude oil futures. It closes out its position in March 2016. The futures price (per barrel) is $88.30 when it enters into the contract, $90.50 when it closes out its position, and $89.10 at the end of December 2015. One contract is for the delivery of 1,000 barrels. What is the company’s total profit? When is it realized? How is it taxed if it is (a) a hedger and (b) a speculator? Assume that the company has a December 31 year-end. The total profit is ($90.50 - $88.30) ? 1,000 = $2,200. Of this ($89.10 - $88.30) ? 1,000 or $800 is realized on a day-by-day basis between September 2015 and December 31, 2015. A further ($90.50 - $89.10) ? 1,000 or $1,400 is realized on a day-by-day basis between January

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