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The Japanese pay much attention to the luck of telephone number. The bathhouses, for example, (1) _____ to use 4626, because when read in Japanese, it has the (2) _____ pronunciation as “Have a good bath.”(3) _____ the clothes shops and the butcher’s like 1429 better than (4) _____ number because this number can either be read as “good dress” (5) _____ “good meat.” (6) _____ these numbers are (7) _____ with something (8) _____, people can remember them very (9) _____. So they have (10) _____ advertisements for the shops. On the other hand, there are also telephone numbers which are (11) _____ as forbidden by the Japanese people. 1564, for example, has the sound of “kill people” (12) _____ the number 4219 has (13) _____ of “people die”. At present there are about forty-four million (14) _____ in Japan. Yet it is almost (15) _____ for everyone to get (16) _____ telephone number. So these (17) _____ have become commodities(商品) and can be (18) _____ as goods. The (19) _____ can reach as (20) _____ as 222 thousands Japanese yen(日元).

1. A. like B. come C. have D. ought

2. A. English B. a strange C. different D. same

3. A. For B. Neither C. Either D. Both

4. A. any B. some C. other D. any other

5. A. but B. or C. as D. and

6. A. Since B. Although C. Even D. When

7. A. joined B. connected C. fixed D. mixed

8. A. to do B. useful C. nice D. important

9. A. hard B. slowly C. smoothly D. easily

10. A. become B. been C. turned D. made

11. A. sounded B. regarded C. pronounced D. appeared

12. A. but B. because C. as D. while

13. A. sound B. meaning C. that D. this

14. A. shops B. Japanese C. telephones D. numbers

15. A. possible B. impossible C. easy D. necessary

16. A. interesting B. nice C. lucky D. suitable

17. A. telephones B. advertisements C. shops D. numbers

18. A. used B. made C. sold D. stored

19. A. shop B. number C. telephone D. price

20. A. valuable B. expensive C. high D. large


1. A 11. B

2. D 12. D

3. D 13. C

4. D 14. C

5. B 15. B

6. A 16. C

7. B 17. D

8. C 18. C

9. D 19. D

10. A 20. C


The journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful. Cathy suffered some terrible 16 in her early childhood. After years of regular treatment, she17became healthy. Two years ago, while Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little head— to be a swimmer. Last summer, she wanted to18our local swim team. She practiced hard and finally19it. The team practice,20 ,was a rough start. She coughed and choked and could hardly21 her first few weeks. Hearing her coughing bitterly one night, I decided to22her from it all. But Cathy woke me up early next morning, wearing her swimsuit23to go! I told her she shouldn’swimt after a whole night’coughing,s but she refused to24 and insisted she go . From that day on, Cathy kept swimming and didn ’ t 25 a single practice. She had a 26intention within herself to be the best she could be. My ten-year-old was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this27 human being with a passion and a mission. There were moments of28of course: often she would be the last swimmer in the race. It was difficult for Cathy to accept that she wasn29---ever. But that’didnta’ t stop her from trying. Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year. Cathy didn’ t expect any award but was stil 30 her friends and praise their accomplishments. As the ceremony was nearing the end, I suddenly heard the head coach31 ,“ The highest honor goes to Cathy!” Looking around, he continued,“ Cathy has inspired32 us and enthusiasm.33skills and talents bring great success, the most valuable asset(财富 )one can hold is the heart.” It was the greatest34of my da ughter’ s life. With all she hadbeen35in her ten years, this was the hour of true triumph( 成功 ). 16.A. failure B. pressure C. loss D. illness 17.A. usually B. finally C. firstly D. frequently 18.A. improve B. train C. join D. contact 19.A. increased B. found C. created D. made 20.A. however B. therefore C. otherwise D. instead 21.A. use B. survive C. save D. waste 22.A. pull B. tell C. hide D. fire 23.A. afraid B. nervous C. ready D. free 24.A. take off B. set off C. give up D. show up 25.A. attend B. miss C. ban D. Start 26.A. rich B. weak C. firm D. kind 27.A. trusted B.determined C.experienced D. embarrassed 28.A. frustration B. delight C. excitement D. surprise 29.A. beginner B.learner C. partner D. winner 30.A. cheer on B. compete with C. respond to D. run after 31.A. admitting B.explaining C.announcing D. whispering 32.A. humor B. will C. honesty D. wisdom 33.A. Although B. Since C. Once D. Because 34.A. discovery B. choice C. influence D. moment 35.A. through B. under C. across D. around My fiance (未婚夫) and I were excited about shopping for our first home. But our funds were 16 , and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory. One agent 17 a house in particular. Although her description sounded wonderful, the price was18our range, so we declined. But she kept urging us to have a look 19. We finally did and it was20at first sight. It was Our Home, small and charming, overlooking a quiet lake. Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners, a nice elderly couple, we felt the warmth and21of the


强化训练10 完形填空(二) (45分钟,100分) A Visitors to the dry, hot Sonoran Desert of the southern Arizona and northern Mexico are amazed at the many-armed giants. They are the saguaro cacti (树形仙人掌), a giant which gives the landscape its __1__ appearance. In the dry desert the saguaro cacti can live for more than 200 years, grow to a __2__ of 60 feet, and have as many as 50 arms. More __3__ , the saguaro cacti still persist despite the unbearable desert climate. Those that have grown to old age have __4__ droughts, freezes, flash floods, and bush fires as well as the __5__ caused by groups of rats that eat their seedlings(秧苗). Like all other desert __6__ , these leafless giants can store water for use during the desert's long dry seasons by __7__ water through their long roots. Naturally, the great saguaro cacti are a(n) __8__ part of the desert life. Actually the giants may be __9__ to many animals, including woodpeckers, owls, doves, bats and insects. In addition, after a saguaro __10__ the age of 50 or so, cold-resistant flowers __11__ at the top of the plants once a year. These flowers __12__ birds, bats and bees, which come for the honey and for the tasty flowers with their black seeds. __13__ the splendid saguaros are plentiful in the Southwest, they are unfortunately __14__ . These giant cacti have great value in landscape gardening, and the thieves can earn thousands of dollars by uprooting and __15__ them to nurseries (苗圃). To protect these southwestern __16__ , agents for the Arizona Department of Agriculture go around and __17__ the desert. It's a most important job though a hard one. But without the saguaro cacti, many desert animals would suffer a lack of __18__ and loss of nesting sites. The Southwest, too, would __19__ something of unique importance, since these desert giants have become a __20__ of the dry region. 1. A. general B. basic C. unique D. lovely 2. A. length B. height C. size D. width 3. A. pleasingly B. inspiringly C. interestingly D. amazingly 4. A. lived through B. broken through C. cut through D. got through 5. A. crisis B. damage C. destruction D. load 6. A. plants B. lives C. animals D. creatures 7. A. pouring B. squeezing C. pumping D. absorbing 8. A. independent B. vital C. original D. mysterious 9. A. spot B. field C. home D. camp 10. A. turns B. takes C. meets D. gains


体裁突破(四)夹叙夹议文2 A (2017·苏北四市摸底考试) I wrote my first novel when I was 22.It was a 1 .I didn’t know how to properly format dialogue or 2 a plot.Those were all 3 I planned to work out later.I gave the book to my father to read,and within a day he left me a voice mail saying that it was 4 and that I was going to sell it for 300,000. 5 ,and rather quickly,the book was 6 by every publisher in New York.If there were a literary prize for Most Rejections,I would have won it.I was 7 ,of course,but I knew better than to 8 —writing wasn’t an easy job,and if this book wasn’t my 9 in,maybe the next one would be.I got back to work. But this scenario(剧情) happened again:I wrote books...and then they wouldn’t 10 .Still,my father’s faith in me never wavered(摇摆),even 11 I worked a host of other jobs.Some of the jobs,like being a bookseller,were great and 12 to my writing life.Some,like selling overpriced jeans to 12-year-olds,were only good insofar as they were material for future 13 .And they were—because it finally 14 .I sold a book!I was going to make it big! I completely agree with motivational speaker and author John Maxwell’s words:“Successful and unsuccessful people do not 15 greatly in their abilities but in their 16 to reach their potential.” Life’s not 17 .It never was,it isn’t now,it won’t ever be.But do not fall into the entitlement trap of feeling you are a 18 ,you are not.Get over it and 19 with it.And yes,most things are more 20 when you break a sweat to get them. 1.A.mess B.mix C.confusion D.puzzle 答案 A 解析根据后文“I didn’t know how to properly format dialogue or a plot.”可知此处指那时我的写作简直是一团糟,故选A。 2.A.follow B.structure C.discover D.hatch 答案 B


未命名 完形填空 专练 未命名 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 未命名 请点击修改第I卷的文字说明 一、完形填空 The summer before the ninth grade, procrastination(拖延 )affected my life in a deep way. With only a few days until the start of school, I had 1 just one of three homework tasks we were 2 Instead of enjoying my last few moments of 3 , I spent that time doing homework, which was an 4 way to end the vacation. Putting in 100 percent 5 , I always started with strong 6 at the beginning of each school year. 7 I struggled to maintain that energy as the weeks passed. One night, my father and I were having a 8 about college. He told me, " It doesn’t 9 much whether you get into an Ivy League university or just a(n) 10 college-what matters is how you get there and what you do to 11 it". This really spoke to me, because it made me focus more on the 12 of my work rather than the quantity. Thanks to that conversation, I 13 the way I went through life. I started to 14 that trying my 15 best is a thousand times better than simply doing something to get it done. My effort began to 16 in my first year of high school. I had never 17 that my grades in some harder classes could be better than those in the easier ones I took last year. Now I would rather work hard for something and enjoy the 18 of success, than not try at all or give up halfway. Motivation can 19 become a habit if you repeat a(n) 20 that helps you avoid procrastination.


完形填空高考真题解析 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D四个选项中,选 出最佳选项。 I started volunteering at a soup kitchen several years ago. The original reason I was going was to 1 community service hours for school. My plan was to 2 go there a few times and get my service hours, but it taught me a lot. The typical volunteer there served 3 to people. Basically, I was 4 serving bread and juice to whoever wanted it, which was a simple task. Some of the people were homeless, and some of them were 5 families. All of them were people in need of a hot meal and a place to 6 for an hour or several minutes. 7 some of them looked like they weren't behaving well, we always took care of them. The first time I went there was right before Christmas. For the people coming to the soup kitchen, it was not exactly a 8 time. It made me think about my happy Christmas and made me feel how 9 I was. Unlike them, I have a home and I don't 10 cold or hunger. At that point, I decided that I 11 wanted to go back there. I couldn't offer them much, but I could always offer my time and 12 . The experience also gives me a feeling of 13 . Whenever I go there, people are 14 that I showed up again. They know my name and they know that I am more than happy to 15 them. It truly feels good to know that you can 16 someone's day. I've realized that the feeling of doing good for people can be a better 17 than any amount of money. You can't buy that feeling. I have never 18 a single second of my volunteering. It 19 me that dozens of cities have made it illegal to set up a soup kitchen. But I will continue my volunteer work and find more ways to show my 20 to people in need. 1. A. reduce B. avoid C. complete D. cancel 2. A. yet B. just C. even D. still 3. A. food B. work C. time D. money 4. A. tired of B. worried about C. responsible for D. free from 5. A. busy B. serious C. experienced D. struggling 6. A. hide B. rest C. live D. study 7. A. Although B. If C. Because D. Until 8. A. available B. strange C. pleasant D. painful 9. A. wise B. honest C. curious D. fortunate 10. A. turn down B. suffer from C. pass down D. learn from 11. A. definitely B. gradually C. equally D. hardly 12. A. reason B. effort C. chance D. patience 13. A. stability B. guilt C. loss D. appreciation 14. A. grateful B. confident C. proud D. shocked 15. A. change B. leave C. forget D. help


一、ABC Radio Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program.Most of the girls___1____ boys like the program. They ___2___like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him ___3___ his work. There are lots of ___4___ to him every day,too. Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning.He has bread and a glass of milk ___5___ breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and ___6___ his office at 7:15. The program ___7____ at 7:30.He plays the new records (唱片)of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners. At 8:00 it's time ____8____ the news. Jim finishes work at 10:30. He goes home ____9____ his car.He ___10___ newspaper and listens to music after supper. He thinks his life is very interesting. ( )1.A and B with C but D about ( )2.A too B to C also D so ( )3.A to B for C fo D and ( )4.A letter B letters C friends D words ( )5.A at B with C for D to ( )6.A goes B gets C gets to D gets up ( )7.A begins B finishes C over D start ( )8.A to B for C of D in

江苏省高考英语 专题检测卷(十八)完形填空

完形填空 (建议用时: 40分钟) A The “Doorman” On a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant, a man, with a 1 beard and dirty hair, jumped up from a bench and opened the door for us. Regardless of his 2 , he greeted us in a friendly way. Once inside, my daughters whispered, “Mom, he 3 . ”After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the kids to look 4 the dirt. We then watched other customers approach the restaurant but many 5 him. Seeing this rudeness truly upset me. The day I became a mother, I had resolved to set a good 6 to my children. Yet sometimes when things didn’t go right, being a good example was 7 . When our meal arrived, I realized I had left the car-sick pills in the truck. With the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I 8 myself from the meal and went to get them. Just then, the “doorman” was opening the door for a couple. They rushed past him without even acknowledging his 9 . Letting them in first, I said a loud “thank you” to him as I 10 . When I returned, we talked a bit. He said he was not allowed inside 11 he purchased food. I went back and told my family his 12 . Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich. The kids looked 13 as we had already eaten, but when I said the order was for the “doorman”, they smiled. When it was time to 14 our trip, I noticed the “doorman” enjoying his meal. Upon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartily. He then 15 his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted. I suddenly noticed the tears in his eyes—tears of 16 . What happened next drew great astonishment: I gave the “doorman” a 17 . He pulled away, with tears 18 down his face. Back in truck, I fell into deep thought. While we can’t choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude(感恩). I said thanks to a man who had 19 help open a door for me, and also said thanks for that 20 to teach my children by example. 1. A. heavy B. long C. messy D. grey


最新小学英语五年级完形填空专题练习(含答案) 一、完形填空 1.完形填空完形填空 One morning, Charles left his house with six donkeys to the town. After a while he felt 1 and got on one of them. He counted (数) the donkeys, and there were only five, so he got 2 and went to look for the sixth. He looked and looked but didn't 3 it. Then he went back to the donkeys and counted them again. This time there were six, 4 he got on one of them again and went on. After a few minutes he counted again. A friend passed by and Charles said to him, "I 5 my house with six donkeys, then I had five, then I had six again and now I have only five!Look! One, two, three, four, five." "But Charles," said his friend, "you are 6 on a donkey. Isn't that the sixth donkey?" 1. A. busy B. happy C. tired D. careful 2. A. up B. off C. to D. on 3. A. see B. hear C. find D. watch 4. A. because B. yet C. so D. but 5. A. left B. bought C. moved D. built 6. A. putting B. getting C. carrying D. sitting 【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(3)C;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B; 【解析】【分析】这是一篇讲述Charles数毛驴的笑话。 (1)句意:过了一会,他感到......骑上了一头。A选项是:忙碌的;B选项是:高兴的;C 选项是:累的;D选项是:小心的。根据句意,C选项正确。故答案为:C。 (2)句意:因此他.....去找第六只毛驴。根据前面叙述他骑在毛驴上,这里是短语get off“下来”,这是固定搭配,B选项正确。故答案为:B。 (3)句意:他找啊找,可知没有......它。根据上句“去找毛驴”可知这里是“没有找到”用find“找到”,see“看到”,hear“听到”和watch“观看”意思都不合适。故答案为:C。 (4)句意:这次有6头,......他又骑上一头继续走。根据句意这里是顺承,用so“因此”。because“因为”表示原因,不合适;yet“已经”,意思不合适,but“可知”表示转折,不合适。 故答案为:C。 (5)句意:我带着6头毛驴......家。A选项是:离开;B选项是:买;C选项是:移动;D 选项是:建造。根据句意,A选项正确。故答案为:A。 (6)句意:你正......一头毛驴上。get on“上(车)......”,put on“穿上”,carry on“继续”, s it on“坐落”。根据前面句子he got on one of them again可知用get on,这里是现在进行时 的句子,get用getting。故答案为:B。 【点评】这是考查知识综合运用的题目。要注意短语的运用和短文意思的提示。 2.完形填空完形填空 Mrs. Green lives in the country, and she doesn't know London very well. One day, she went to London. She couldn't find her 1 Just then, she 2 a man near the bus stop. " I can


【英语】完形填空高考真题解析 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 Have you ever seen a miracle happen? Two winters ago, I did. It was 1 that day. The road was covered with snow. I asked my mom if we could go to our neighbor's hill and take my dog, Buddy. She said, "Sure. 2 don't go any farther than that." After a while, we walked over to another hill by a pond (池塘) not far away. Then suddenly I saw Buddy walk out onto the ice. I was 3 when he walked to the middle of the pond. The 4 was thin there. We 5 Buddy, but he didn't listen. Then 6 the ice broke, and my dog 7 into the water. I asked my friend if I should go in and get him out. She said, "NO!" 8 , I ran to my house to tell my mom. It was 9 for me to run on the snowy ground. I was tired, but I had to 10 Buddy. When my mom heard what 11 , she said, "Get in the car." When we got there, she told me to run home 12 and get her phone. But back at the pond, my mom 13 to get Buddy out of the water and fell in. 14 , my friend saw it happen. She ran to a neighbor's house for help. Soon they got my mom out of the water, but Buddy was still 15 for his life. The fire department (部门) put a ladder (梯子) out onto the ice to get him, but it didn't 16 . I was back again by then, and someone said I should 17 inside the neighbor's house. It didn't look 18 for Buddy. I went inside and 19 and hoped for a miracle. Then, my uncle walked into the house with Buddy in his arms! I was so 20 , I hugged Buddy and thanked the firefighters (消防员). 1. A. dry B. rainy C. warm D. cold 2. A. Unless B. Or C. So D. But 3. A. dissatisfied B. moved C. frightened D. excited 4. A. light B. air C. voice D. ice 5. A. looked for B. laughed at C. shouted at D. woke up 6. A. suddenly B. slowly C. naturally D. possibly 7. A. jumped B. fell C. ran D. walked 8. A. Still B. Besides C. However D. Instead 9. A. difficult B. fun C. wrong D. important 10. A. find B. watch C. help D. train 11. A. followed B. happened C. came D. appeared 12. A. again B. once C. too D. together 13. A. stopped B. agreed C. tried D. decided 14. A. Luckily B. Firstly C. Strangely D. Sadly 15. A. swimming B. dreaming C. hunting D. fishing


(四) (they, careful, be, fact, take, would, other, stand, what, decide) I’m eighteen years old this year. I 1._________ a pupil before and now I’m a university student. My mother was my first teacher when I was very little. Then, I had three 2. ________ teachers in different schools. Now Miss Williams is one of my university teachers. I have never expected that I will be a teacher one day. I am a shy girl and I am afraid of 3. ______ before many people. I do not know 4. _______ to say. But I will be a teacher tomorrow! Tomorrow morning! I made this 5.______ just two weeks ago. Miss Williams, my English teacher, told me there was a teacher job, just for two weeks in this summer. She asked if I 6.________ be interested. I wanted to make some money, so I said “yes” to her. At once I regretted but it was too late to 7. ______ my word back. There are about twenty foreign boys and girls in the class. They know very little English. I have 8._______ read the book that Williams gave me. Four of the lessons are very simple, in 9._______ too simple. I do not know what to do with these few simple words and sentences. I will read the lesson to them, and ask them to read after me, and then ask them to read it 10. ________. That will be about ten minutes. What shall I do next? (五) (how, they ,winter, spend, care , dance , show , open , only, good) The world of the out-of doors is full of secrets. And 1. ________ are so interesting that quite a lot of people are busy studying them. All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about 2.________ they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be. Do you know that one of the great presidents of the United States 3 ________ hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in insects(昆虫) that he began to collect them. He now has more than one thousand different kinds 4. ________ kept in the glass boxes. Come then with me, and I will help you find some of Nature’s secrets. Let us go quietly through the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for 5. ________ sleep. We shall watch bees 6. ________ in the air to let other bees know where they can find food. I will 7.________ you many other interesting things, but the 8. ________ thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes and ears 9.________ when you go out of doors. Nature tells her secrets 10.________ to people who look and listen carefully.

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