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9A unit8 知识点讲解

Welcome to the unit

1.Why are you dressed like that ?

be dressed like 打扮成------/ 穿的像---------

dress 作为动词常见短语dress sb/ oneself 给某人/自己穿衣服

dress up 打扮

be dressed in 穿-------衣服

2. A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important。


主句:A detective is someone

定语从句:who looks for clues to something important。修饰主句中的先行词someone

Eg:He is a popular singer ________comes from Taiwan.

A who B. where C. whom D. which

3. He is an office worker of medium height.

of medium height 意为中等身高

类似短语of medium size/ build 中等大小/ 身材

4. Who do you think is not telling the truth? 你认为谁没有讲真话?

truth 名词事实,真相固定词组:tell the truth 说实话

in truth 事实上,实际上

true 形容词真的,真实的

It is true that he passed the exam。

truly 副词she didn’t let anyone know what she truly felt.

5. I guess Jimmy White is lying. 我猜吉米·怀特在撒谎。

guess 动词猜测,猜中

lie 动词说谎,欺骗现在分词lying 过去式lied

lie 也可做名词,意为“谎话”tell lies 撒谎


1. He was last seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7p.m. yesterday.


此句为see sb. doing的被动语态,

主动语态为:Someone saw him leaving his office at 7 p.m. 动作“离开”在七点时,表示正在进行.

see sb do sth 强调看见某一动作的全过程被动语态为sb be seen to do sth

试比较:sb be seen doing…/ sb be seen to do.

1) She ______still________ ______around in the street at 11 p.m


2) He _______ often _______ _______ work far into the night.


2.They're still working at the scene of the crime to find out whether the victim was killed somewhere else ... or killed at the place where he was found.

(1)at the scene of the crime 在犯罪现场

(2)somewhere else 其他某个地方,其中somewhere 作副词,意为“某处,在某处”else 是形容词,意为“别的,另外的”常用于疑问词,不定代词,不定副词后面。

如:what else something else

(3)whether是连词,意为“是否”,引导宾语从句,可以和or not 连用。

3.The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result.


(1)wound 作为动词,使------受伤

eg. He was wounded in the arm 。他胳膊受了伤。


a serious wound 重伤

(2)bleed 动词,意为“流血”

过去式bled 过去分词bled


(3)death 名词,意为“死亡”

动词:die 形容词为dead 死的dying 快要死的

That old man two years ago .两年前那个老人死了。

That old man for two years.

4. He was guilty of computer crimes in the past.

be guilty of 犯有----方面的罪

5. He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year. (1)charge sb with sth 控告某人犯有某种罪行

被动语态:sb be charged with sth

(2)break into 强行进入

关于break 的短语有break in 打断break down 打破,毁坏break out 爆发(战争、火灾)

6. We suppose that the victim knew his murderer 我们推断受害者认识凶手。suppose 认为,推断,料想

be supposed to do 应该做某事


I don’t suppose that he will agree。

7. A witness reported that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt. report 作及物动词,意为“报告”

名词,为汇报,报告 a school report 成绩报告单

reporter 作名词,意为“记者”

breathe 动词,呼吸breathe heavily 呼吸沉重

breath 名词out of breath 喘不过气

8. lead to 导致------结果过去式led 过去分词led

The event led to the outbreak of the war。事件导致战争爆发。

lead to 也指“通向”

All roads lead to Rome。条条大路通罗马。


1. It turned out that he had nothing to do with this case.

(1)turn out 原来是,结果是


turn up 调高,turn down 调低turn on 打开turn off 关掉

turn around 转身

(2)have nothing to do with sth 与------无关

have sth to do with sth 与------有关

2. He was in a hurry to catch a bus . 他匆匆忙忙赶公交车。

hurry 名词in a hurry 匆忙地,很快地

hurry 动词赶紧,匆忙

eg:You had better hurry if you want to catch that b us.

Integrated skills

1. a man of great wealth 拥有巨额财富的一位男士

wealth 不可数名词,意为“财富,财产”loss of wealth 财富损失wealthy 形容词,富有的a wealthy doctor

2. six months in prison 坐牢六个月

3. criminal record 犯罪记录

criminal 形容词:犯罪的名词罪犯crime 名词4. Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourselves against crime?


safety 名词安全,保险反义词danger

safe 形容词安全的反义词dangerous

safely 副词

5. We’d better shut all the windows .

shut 动词关上,关门

shut the door after you 随手关门

shut与close 共同意思是“关闭”细微区别在于

(1)close 只表示把门关上,人不能出入就行


(2)close 表示暂不开放shut 表示永不开放

6. guard against sth 防范,提防某事

Study Skills

1. We will go and look him up。

look sb up 拜访某人

look up 还有“向上看,查找”的意思

look up the dictionary 查字典

2. glance at each other 对看一眼


1. get along with sb 与某人相处融洽He gets along well with her parents。他和父母相处得很好。

get along with sth 某方面进行,进展

How are you getting along with your work? 你的工作进展如何?

2. No one knows what he does for a living. 没人知道他以什么谋生。

for a living 为了生存,为了谋生

make a living 谋生

3. You are under arrest for murder. 你因为谋杀被捕了。

be under arrest 被捕




1. 定语从句就是在复合句里充当定语的从句,它通常紧靠在所修饰的名词或代词后面。

2. 先行词是被定语从句修饰的名词或代词。

3. 关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。关系代词有who,whose,whom,which,that



如皋中学高二英语第八模块第一单元语言点(教师) Unit one The written world Welcome to the unit 1. If you were asked to recommend a book to a friend, what book would you choose? (P ) ① The doctor recommended that I _stay_ (stay) a few more days in hospital. ② It is suggested that a lawyer _be sent for_ (send for) immediately. ③ 你能推荐一些有关这个学科的新书给我吗? Can you recommend me some new books on the subject? ④ 医生劝病人接受他的忠告。 The doctor recommended the patient to take his advice. 2. Do you think that e-books will ever replace books in print? (P ) ① 所有的书都必须放回到书架上。 All the books must be replaced on the shelves. ② 我用新轮胎换了旧轮胎。 I replaced the old tyres with new ones. ③ 他失去了家庭,这一损失是无法弥补的。 Nothing can take the place of the family he had lost. Welcome to the unit 短语归纳: listen to music for entertainment in their spare time recommend a book to your friend in print Reading: Appreciating literature 1. … the language used in them is quite different from the language used today. (line 6-7) 它们当中所运用的语言与现在人们所运用的语言大不相同。 [句法分析] 本句为简单句,used in them 为过去分词短语作定语 过去分词短语作定语:单个的过去分词通常作前置定语,而分词短语作定语常后置,相当于一个定语从句。 He is an advanced teacher. 他是个先进老师。 The play performed by the students was a great success. = The play which was performed by the students was a great success. 由学生们表演的那个戏剧获得了巨大成功。 ① 你读过狄更斯写的小说吗?(在谓语动词所表示动作之前发生) Have you read the novels written by Dickens? ② 他是一个被所有人爱戴的人。(没有时间性,只表示被动) He is a man loved and respected by all. ③ 听!正在演唱的这首歌很受学生的欢迎。 Listen! The song being sung is very popular with the students. ④ 将在明天会议上讨论的问题非常重要。 The question to be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting is a very important one. 2. Many people do not read them because they think they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today. (line 8-10) 许多人不读这些书,因为他们认为这些书已经过时了,让人厌烦,并且和现实生活没有联系。 [句法分析] 本句为复合句,because 引导原因状语从句。 ★ old-fashioned 复合形容词的构成: 形容词词干 + 名词-ed middle-aged 中年的 cold-blooded 冷血的 形容词词干 + 形容词词干 red-hot 炽热的 dark-blue 深蓝色的


Unit 1 The written word (Module 8) 【难点释析】 1. This makes them difficult for some people to read, and often, the classics are left to gather dust on shelves. 这使一些人阅读起来有困难,经典文学作品常常被遗忘在书架上尘封。▲ make + 宾语+ adj. + (for sb.) to do Too many new words make the passage difficult for children to read. ▲也可以转换成:make + it + adj. (for sb.) to do sth. Too many new words make it difficult for children to read the passage. 2. I don’t think that these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today. 我想这些经典小说如果与现代生活毫无关系的话,是不会被改编成电影的。▲I don’t think that … 形式上否定主句,而实际上否定that从句,注意其反义疑问句的构成, 与从句一致。 I don’t think he will come, will he? 我认为他不会来,是不是? ▲make…into… 把…变成… We can make this room into a study. The success of the film made her into a star overnight 这部电影的成功使她一夜成名。 3. He died in 1870 and his tomb reads“By his death, one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world. 他于1870年去世,墓碑上这样写着:“他的去世令世界失去了一位最伟大的英国作家。”▲ read vi.写着…; 内容是… = say The sign reads “No admittance”. 告示牌上写着“禁止入内”。 I saw a sign in front of the shop reading / which read “No admittance.” 4. Classic novels often have symbols which add interest, tension or deeper meaning to the text. 经典小说中往往有一些象征,这些为原文增添了趣味、紧张、或者更深层次的含义。 ▲add …. to …把…加到…上 Would you please add these names to your list? ▲The bad weather only added to our difficulties. 恶劣的天气只是增加了我们的困难。 ▲ Add up all the money I owe you. 把我欠你的钱全部加起来。 ▲Abraham Lincoln’s whole education added up to no more than one year. (总计) 5. The fortune sets him free from financial worries. 这笔钱使他不用为经济问题担忧。▲set…free (from …)使….获得自由; 使…没有束缚 The angry people overthrew the government and set themselves free from the cruel rulers. 愤怒的人们推翻了政府,自己从暴君的统治下解放出来。 ▲ be free from noise / wind / care 不受噪音干扰/无风/无忧无虑


Unit 1 bookworm极爱读书的人,书迷,书虫 poetry诗歌 fiction小说;虚构的事 antique古董,文物 characteristic特征,特点 novelist小说家 chapter(书的)章,篇,回;时期,时代 opera歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院 soap opera肥皂剧 author作者 abuse虐待;辱骂;滥用 desperate铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的 criminal罪犯 tension紧张气氛;紧张,烦躁 twist转折,转变 plot故事情节;阴谋,密谋 generous慷慨的,大方的 vain虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的 rigid死板的,僵化的,固执的 civil有教养的,有礼貌的 bent弯曲的;驼背的;不诚实的 bent on(doing) something决心做某事(通常指坏事)theme主题,主题思想;主题音乐 violent暴力的,粗暴的 on the run躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波 painter画家 live up to达到,符合(期望) millionaire百万富翁 vice恶行,恶习,罪恶 reform(使)改过,自新,改造 violence暴力,暴行 resist反抗,抵制,抵挡 reunite(使)重逢,再相聚 home-made自制的;家里做的;国产的 spin(使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;纺纱;吐丝结网sneaker运动鞋 pin使不能动弹,按住;(用大头针等)固定,别上,钉住worn out破烂不堪的,废旧的;精疲力尽的 envelope信封 brand new全新的,崭新的 spit吐唾沫(表示愤怒或鄙视) chest胸部,胸膛 modern-day现代的;当代的


2011版牛津英语(适用于2013年度上高一,高二,高三学生用)模块八单词表 第1课 bookworm 书迷,书虫poetry 诗歌 drama 戏剧 fiction 小说antique 古董,文物characteristic 特征,特点novelist 小说家chapter 篇,回opera 歌剧 soap opera 肥皂剧author 作者 abuse 虐待,辱骂cemetery 公墓,墓地desperate 铤而走险的criminal 罪犯tension 紧张,烦躁twist 转折,转变plot 故事情节generous 慷慨的 vain 虚荣的

rigid 死板的civil 有教养的bent 弯曲的bent on doing sth 决心做某事theme 主题violent 暴力的on the run 躲避,忙碌painter 画家 live up to 达到,符合workhouse 劳动救济所millionaire 百万富翁vice 恶行,恶习reform 改造;改良threat 威胁,恐吓violence 暴力,暴行resist 反抗,抵制reunite 再相聚home-made 自制的bind 捆,联合spin 旋转sneaker 运动鞋pin 按住;固定

worn out 破烂不堪的envelope 信封 brand new 全新的 spit 吐唾沫chest 胸部,胸膛attic 阁楼,顶楼modern-day 现代的stepmother 继母stepsister 异父(母)姊妹rag 破衣服Ireland 爱尔兰rescue 救援,营救come to one's rescue 援救某人wrap 包,缠绕Scotland 苏格兰supreme 至高无上的reputation 名誉,名声debt 债务,欠款holy 神圣的widow 遗孀,寡妇monument 纪念碑,纪念馆adore 热爱,喜爱


Unit 1 1 bookworm n.极爱读书的人,书迷,书虫 2 poetry n.诗歌 3 drama n.戏剧,戏剧艺术 4 fiction n.小说;虚构的事 5 antique n.古董,文物 6 characteristic n.特征,特点adj.典型的,独特的,特有的 7 novelist n.小说家 8 chapter n.(书的)章,篇,回;时期,时代 9 opera n.歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院 10 soap opera n.肥皂剧 11 author n.作者 12 abuse vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用 13 cemetery n.墓地,公墓 14 desperate adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需要,渴望 15 criminal n.罪犯adj.犯罪的,犯法的;刑法的,刑事的 16 tension n.紧张气氛;紧张,烦躁;矛盾,对立 17 twist n.转折,转变;转动;急转弯vi.&vt.(使)弯曲;转动;蜿蜒 18 plot n.故事情节;阴谋,密谋vt.密谋;绘制(图表) 19 generous adj.慷慨的,大方的;宽厚的,仁慈的 20 vain adj.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的 21 rigid adj.死板的,僵化的,固执的;坚硬的,僵直的 22 civil adj.有教养的,有礼貌的;国民的,平民的;民事的(非刑事的) 23 bent adj.弯曲的;驼背的;不诚实的n.天赋,爱好 24 bent on(doing) something 决心做某事(通常指坏事) 25 theme n.主题,主题思想;主题音乐 26 violent adj.暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的,强烈的 27 on the run 躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波 28 painter n.画家 29 live up to 达到,符合(期望) 30 workhouse n.(英国旧时的)劳动救济所 31 millionaire n.百万富翁 32 vice n.恶行,恶习,罪恶 33 reform vt.&vi.&n.(使)改过自新,改造;改革,改良 34 threat n.威胁,恐吓 35 violence n.暴力,暴行 36 resist vi.&vt.反抗,抵制,抵挡 37 reunite vt.&vi.(使)重逢,再相聚;(使)再结合,再联合 38 home-made adj.自制的;家里做的;国产的 39 bind vt.捆,绑,系;(使)联合;约束,迫使 40 spin vi.&vt.(使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;纺纱;吐丝结网n.(高速)旋转 41 sneaker n.运动鞋 42 pin vt.使不能动弹,按住;(用大头针等)固定,别上,钉住n.大头针;胸针 43 worn out adj.破烂不堪的,废旧的;精疲力尽的 44 envelope n.信封 45 brand new adj.全新的,崭新的

牛津译林版高中英语选修模块八 选修模块8Unit2 Reading教案-新版

牛津版选修8Unit2 Reading教案 Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master the following words and expressions: Cast; fall in love; feature; unconditional; be drunk with; exercise control over; break one’s promise; terrify; conduct 2. Train the students’ reading ability. 3. Get the students to learn about the Turandot.. Teaching Important Points: 1. Learn to use the following useful phrases: Cast; fall in love; feature; unconditional; be drunk with; exercise control over; break one’s promise; terrify; conduct 2. Train the st udents’ reading ability. Teaching Methods: 1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text. 2. Careful reading to get the detailed information. 3. Pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: The multimedia Teaching Procedure Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Lead-in To start the lesson by asking the students some questions Ask the students to talk freely in order to create an easy atmosphere to encourage the students to practise their spoken language. Ask the students to prepare some information in advance. Get the student to have a general idea of the opera. Step 3 Reading Strategy Explain the definition of a review to the students since different types of article have various ways of reading. 1. What’s the definition of a review? A review is a report or an essay giving some information as well as some opinion or


M8U1 1.recommend sth. to sb. 像某人推荐--- 2. antique 古董 3. the language characteristics 语言特点 4. have nothing to do with 与---无关 5. have a place in 在---中有一席之地 6. an award-winning film 获奖影片 7. bother to do sth. 费力去做--- 8. contemporary life 当代生活 9. novel小说; novelist小说家 10. one chapter at a time 每次一章 11. A great writer is lost to the world.世界失去了---。 12. author 作者 13. drug abuse 毒品滥用 abuse sb. 虐待某人 abuse one’s trust 辜负信任 abuse the authority 滥用职权 14. a desperate criminal 绝望的/走投无路的罪犯 be desperate to do sth. 非常想做--- be desperate for sth. 极端渴望--- desperately adv. desperation n. 15. tension 紧张 16. a twist in plot 情节的曲折 hatch a plot 密谋 plot (plotted) 17. generous adj. Generosity n. 18. become vain and ashamed of 19. have rigid ideas 有固执的想法 20. civil adj. 21. be bent on doing 一心要做--- 22. theme 主题 23. on the run 在逃跑中的 24. violent 暴力的violence n. 25. a gifted painter 一个有天赋的画家 26. live up to one’s expectations不辜负---的期望 27. millionaire 百万富翁 28. reunite with 和---重新团聚 29. resist 抵抗,抵制 30. be bound together 被束在一起 31. be worn out 被穿破,累垮 32. brand new 崭新的 33. have little talent for 对---几乎无天赋 34. let out a sad sigh 发出一声叹息 35. Up flew the kite. 风筝往上飞了。 36. the greedy stepmother 贪婪的后妈 37. wear wags 穿得破破烂烂的 38. get possession of sth. 掌控 39. come to one’s rescue 拯救某人 40. supreme 极好的 41. have a reputation for 有---的名声42. a poor family with many debts 负债累累的家庭 be in debt 负债的 pay off one’s debts 还清债务 43. a monument in honor of sb. 纪念某人的纪念碑/馆 44. adore 崇拜;非常喜欢adorable adj. 45. touch on strong feeling 涉及--- 46. be intended to be 是为---而设计的 47. in tune (音乐,节奏)合拍 48. melt融化 M8U2 1. the universal language 世界语言 2. be cast in = play a role in 在---中扮演角色 3. couldn’t be a more awesome film= a best film 4. a stubborn and cruel princess 一个固执冷酷的公主 5. be condemned to death 被判处死刑 6. ask for her hand in marriage 向女子求婚 7. fall in love with sb. at first sight 对---一见钟情 8. disturbing 令人不安的 9. be unwilling to do sth. 不愿做某事 10. seize sb. 逮住某人 11. demand that sb. should do sth. 12. evident = obvious 13. scold sb. for sth. 责备某人某事 14. mercy n. 同情merciful adj. 15. meet the deadline 在截至期前 16. an opportunity= a good chance 良机 17. make friends with 和---交朋友 18. on the pop chart 在流行音乐榜上 19. have its roots in 根源于 20. have a tendency to do--- 倾向于 = tend to do --- 21. spring up 快速大量出现 22. on the decline 在下降中 decline the requests 拒绝请求 23. think of sth. as 把---看作 = view sth. as 24. become a hit on the charts 成为榜单上的大热门 25. seek to do sth. 寻求---(sought) 26. prejudice and discrimination 偏见和歧视 27. come close to 接近,靠近 28. break up with sb. 和某人分手 The team broke up. 队伍解体了。 Their marriage broke up. 婚姻解体了。


Unit 1 Appreciating literature What is classic literature? Classics are the antiques of the literary world. They are novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well written and well received that people still read them today. They are examples of great writing and wisdom, and even those written centuries ago can still be found in bookshops and libraries today. Because a lot of classics were written so long ago, the language used in them is quite different from the language used today. This makes them difficult for some people to read, and often, the classics are left to gather dust on shelves. Many people do not read them because they think that they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today. However, if this is true, why do we still find classics in bookshops and libraries? They have not disappeared and still have a place in the world today. Why else would many films based on them be successful? In 1995, Clueless, the award-winning film based on Jane Aus tin?s novel Emma, was released. Three years later, in 1998, a modern adaptation of Charles Dickens?s novel Great Expectations appeared in cinemas. I do not think that these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today. Charles Dickens: ,England?s greatest writer? Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England in 1812. He wrote many novels.Olive Twist, David Copperfield and Great Expectations are probably his best-known works. He first published many novels one chapter at a time in newspapers, and some were later performed on stage. For people at that time, his stories were like the soap operas we see on TV today. He died in 1870 and his tomb reads, ,by his death, one of England?s greatest writers is lost to the world.? Great Expectations Great Expectations is set in England in the early 1800s.Dickens uses Pip, the main character, to tell the story . Pip is not only a character, he also tells the story of Great Expectations. Pip lives with his older sister and her husband Joe. Pip?s sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip. Pip, who is seven years old when the story begins, is in a misty field of tombs when a man appears and frightens him. Mist is a symbol of danger and uncertainty in Great Expectations. Classic novels often have symbols which add interest, tension or deeper meaning to the text. Readers may not be able to see the danger, so they need a symbol like the mist to make it clearer to them. There is a twist in the plot when a very generous stranger gives Pip a lot of money. Pip is about



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Unit 1?? 1?bookworm?n.极爱读书的人,书迷,书虫 2 poetry?n.诗歌 3drama?n.戏剧,戏剧艺术 4?fictionn.小说;虚构的事 5?antique?n.古董,文物 6?characteristic n.特征,特点adj.典型的,独特的,特有的 7novelist n.小说家 8 chapter?n.(书的)章,篇,回;时期,时代 9 opera?n.歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院 10soap opera n.肥皂剧 11?author?n.作者 12abuse vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用 13?cemetery n.墓地,公墓 14?desperate?adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需要,渴望 15criminal?n.罪犯adj.犯罪的,犯法的;刑法的,刑事的 16?tension?n.紧张气氛;紧张,烦躁;矛盾,对立 17 twist n.转折,转变;转动;急转弯vi.&vt.(使)弯曲;转动;蜿蜒 18 plot?n.故事情节;阴谋,密谋vt.密谋;绘制(图表) 19?generous?adj.慷慨的,大方的;宽厚的,仁慈的 20 vain?adj.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的 21?rigid?adj.死板的,僵化的,固执的;坚硬的,僵直的 22?civil?adj.有教养的,有礼貌的;国民的,平民的;民事的(非刑事的) 23 bent adj.弯曲的;驼背的;不诚实的n.天赋,爱好 24 bent on(doing)something?决心做某事(通常指坏事) 25 theme n.主题,主题思想;主题音乐 26?violent?adj.暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的,强烈的 27 on therun躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波 28painter?n.画家 29?live up to?达到,符合(期望) 30?workhouse ?n.(英国旧时的)劳动救济所 31 millionaire?n.百万富翁 32 vicen.恶行,恶习,罪恶 33?reform vt.&vi.&n.(使)改过自新,改造;改革,改良 34?threat n.威胁,恐吓 35 violence n.暴力,暴行 36 resist vi.&vt.反抗,抵制,抵挡 37 reunite vt.&vi.(使)重逢,再相聚;(使)再结合,再联合 38 home-made?adj.自制的;家里做的;国产的 39bind ?vt.捆,绑,系;(使)联合;约束,迫使 40spin?vi.&vt.(使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;纺纱;吐丝结网n.(高速)旋转41sneaker?n.运动鞋 42 pin vt.使不能动弹,按住;(用大头针等)固定,别上,钉住n.大头针;胸针 43 wornout?adj.破烂不堪的,废旧的;精疲力尽的 44?envelopen.信封 45brand new adj.全新的,崭新的


Unit 1 classic 经典的,古典的;经典作品antique 古董,古物 literary 文学的 received 被承认的,公认的 wisdom 智慧;学识 dust 灰尘,尘埃; release 发行,放映 adaptation 改编,改写 work 作品,著作 chapter (书等的)章,回,篇 harm 损害,危害;邪恶 simple 单纯的;简朴的 uncertainty 不确定;难以预料,易变tension 紧张;紧张局势tense-tension twist 扭曲;转折;使弯曲,曲解;旋转plot (小说、戏剧等的)情节generous 慷慨的;产生; 一代人 fortune 财富,运气,好运 financial 金融的,财务的finance abrupt 突然的,生硬的 constant 持续的,不断的 reminder 提醒(指人或物) shabby 破旧的;卑鄙的;低劣的shortcoming 缺点,短处 shallow 浅薄的,肤浅的;浅的prejudice 有偏见的 be prejudiced against 对……有偏见 companion 同伴;伴侣 rigid 死板的,严格的 civil 有教养的,文明的,公民的bent 决意的,极想的 be bent on 一心想要,决心要 theme 主题,主旨 wealth 财富wealthy fancy 华而不实的;高档的 settle 使定居;安顿;解决(问题等)educated 受过教育的,有教养的acquaintance 相识;熟人 make the acquaintance of 和……相识,结识 novelist (长篇)小说家 abnormal 不正常的,反常的,workhouse (英国旧时的)贫民收容院


牛津高中英语模块八单词表Unit 1 1、n.极爱读书的人,书迷,书虫 2、n.诗歌 3、n.戏剧,戏剧艺术 4、n.小说;虚构的事 5、n.古董,文物 6、n.特征,特点adj.典型的,独特的,特有的 7、n.小说家 8、n.(书的)章,篇,回;时期,时代 9、n.歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院 10、n.肥皂剧 11、n.作者 12、vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用 13、n.墓地,公墓 14、adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需要,渴望 15、n.罪犯adj.犯罪的,犯法的;刑法的,刑事的 16、n.紧张气氛;紧张,烦躁;矛盾,对立 17、n.转折,转变;转动;急转弯vi.&vt.(使)弯曲;转动;蜿蜒 18、n.故事情节;阴谋,密谋vt.密谋;绘制(图表) 19、adj.慷慨的,大方的;宽厚的,仁慈的 20、adj.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的 21、adj.死板的,僵化的,固执的;坚硬的,僵直的 22、adj.有教养的,有礼貌的;国民的,平民的;民事的(非刑事的) 23 adj.弯曲的;驼背的;不诚实的n.天赋,爱好24、决心做某事(通常指坏事) 25、n.主题,主题思想;主题音乐 26、adj.暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的,强烈的 27、躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波 28、n.画家 29、达到,符合(期望) 30、n.(英国旧时的)劳动救济所 31、n.百万富翁 32、n.恶行,恶习,罪恶 33、vt.&vi.&n.(使)改过自新,改造;改革,改良 34、n.威胁,恐吓 35、n.暴力,暴行 36、vi.&vt.反抗,抵制,抵挡 37、vt.&vi.(使)重逢,再相聚;(使)再结合,再联合 38、adj.自制的;家里做的;国产的 39、vt.捆,绑,系;(使)联合;约束,迫使 40、vi.&vt.(使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;纺纱;吐丝结网n.(高速)旋转 41、n.运动鞋 42、vt.使不能动弹,按住;(用大头针等)固定,别上,钉住n.大头针;胸针 43、adj.破烂不堪的,废旧的;精疲力尽的 44、n.信封 45、adj.全新的,崭新的 46、vi.&vt.吐唾沫(表示愤怒或鄙视);吐,唾(唾沫、食物等) 47、n.胸部,胸膛;大箱子 48、n.阁楼,顶楼 49、adj.现代的;当代的

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