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Globally convergent adaptive tracking of angular velocity and inertia identification for a 3-DOF

Globally convergent adaptive tracking of angular velocity and inertia identification for a 3-DOF
Globally convergent adaptive tracking of angular velocity and inertia identification for a 3-DOF

Globally Convergent Adaptive Tracking of Angular Velocity and Inertia Identi?cation for a 3-DOF Rigid Body
Nalin A. Chaturvedi, Dennis S. Bernstein, Fellow, IEEE, Jasim Ahmed, Fabio Bacconi, and N. Harris McClamroch, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—This paper addresses the problem of a rigid body, with unknown inertia matrix, tracking a desired angular velocity reference using adaptive feedback control. The control law, which has the form of a sixth-order dynamic compensator, does not require knowledge of the inertia of the rigid body. A Lyapunov argument is used to guarantee that asymptotic tracking is achieved globally. Furthermore, an analytical expression for an upper bound on the magnitude of the required torque is presented for a given reference signal. Next, suf?cient conditions on the reference signal are given under which asymptotic identi?cation of the inertia matrix is achieved. Reference signals that satisfy these suf?cient conditions are characterized and simulation results that illustrate the control algorithm are presented for a constant spin about a ?xed axis and for sinusoidal spins about the body axes. The controller is implemented on an experimental testbed, and experiments are performed for several commanded reference signals. The experimental results demonstrate the tracking performance of the controller, and parameter convergence is observed. Index Terms—Adaptive control, angular velocity tracking, control saturation, estimation, inertia identi?cation, rotating bodies, space vehicle control.
I. INTRODUCTION TABILIZATION of a single free rigid body in three dimensions is a widely studied and a fundamental problem in spacecraft dynamics. Although the problem is trivial in the presence of three control torques, signi?cant research has been devoted to the cases of two torques [2]–[10] and one torque [3], [4], [11]. If minimum fuel or miminum time performance is required in addition to stabilization, then this problem is challenging even in the case of three torques [12]–[14]. When rotors are used to provide control torques, the problem involves multiple bodies and signi?cantly greater complexity [15], [16]. The above discussion is based on the assumption that the spacecraft mass distribution is known. In practice, however, fuel usage, moving appendages, and complex geometry limit the ability to determine the mass distribution with arbitrary accuracy. Hence, it is of interest to determine stabilizing controllers that can operate with minimal inertia information. This motiManuscript received January 05, 2005. Manuscript received in ?nal form April 5, 2006. Recommended by Associate Editor D. W. Repperger. This work was supported in part by the Air Force Of?ce of Scienti?c Research under Grant F49620-98-1-0037 and by the National Science Foundation under Grants ECS-0140053 and ECS-0244977. The authors are with the Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA (e-mail: dsbaero@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e89920375.html,). Digital Object Identi?er 10.1109/TCST.2006.876908
vates the use of Lyapunov-based techniques to design an adaptive controller [17]. In the present paper, we address the inertia uncertainty problem by deriving an adaptive controller that tracks an angular velocity reference without any information concerning the mass distribution. In addition, we present suf?cient conditions on the reference signal that guarantee asymptotic identi?cation of the inertia matrix of the rigid body. The reference signal need not be periodic. Reference signals that satisfy these suf?cient conditions include a constant spin about a body-?xed axis and a sinusoidal spin about a body axis. The controller provides asymptotic tracking of angular velocity reference signals. For a rotating spacecraft modeled as a rigid body, the adaptive tracking controller is effectively a PI control law involving six integrators whose values correspond to estimates of the entries of the inertia matrix. The case of single degree-of-freedom (DOF) rotation with an input nonlinearity was considered in [1]. It is important to point out that angular velocity tracking does not imply attitude tracking. Attitude control of a spacecraft under inertia matrix uncertainty was studied in [18]. The inclusion of attitude states within an inertia-independent adaptive controller is given in [19]. The tracking problem, considered in the present paper, can be viewed as an extension of [19] to the case in which attitude measurements are not available. Furthermore, we present suf?cient conditions on the reference signal that guarantee asymptotic identi?cation of the unknown inertia. Also, the present paper includes experimental results obtained from implementing the controller on an air-bearing testbed. These results demonstrate the tracking performance and parameter identi?cation ability of the controller. The contents of the paper are as follows. In Section II, we consider the three-dimensional (3-D) case of a rotating rigid body. We develop the equations of motion for a rotating rigid body, and we rewrite these equations in a form that isolates the uncertain inertia parameters. Next, in Section III, we present an adaptive tracking control law that requires no knowledge of the inertia matrix. In Sections IV and V, we present methods for identifying the inertia matrix with aperiodic and periodic reference signals, respectively. Simulations and numerical examples are presented in Section VI to illustrate the tracking and identi?cation algorithms. In Section VII, we discuss implementation issues for the control algorithm, and we provide details of an experimental testbed (TACT). In Section VIII, we discuss experimental results obtained from the implementation of the algorithm. Finally, we close with conclusions in Section IX.
1063-6536/$20.00 ? 2006 IEEE

II. RIGID BODY EQUATIONS OF MOTION Consider a rigid body, such as a spacecraft, with actuators that provide body-?xed torques about three mutually perpendicular axes that de?ne a body-?xed frame located at the center of mass of the body. For each axis a body-?xed torque can be obtained by employing, for example, a pair of actuators to produce equal and opposite forces perpendicular to the line joining the actuators. The lines joining each pair of actuators need not pass through the center of mass. , the angular velocity of with For respect to an inertial frame , and resolved in , satis?es
it follows that:
Equation (3) can now be rewritten in the form
(1) where where is de?ned by
(6) We now present an adaptive controller for angular velocity of . We denote the inertia tracking based on an estimate . Furthermore, let denote estimate error by the Euclidean norm. Theorem 1: Assume that is differentiable and bounded, and that is piecewise continuous and bounded. Let and be positive de?nite, and consider the closed-loop system consisting of (5) and the adaptation and control law
is the constant positive-de?nite inertia matrix of the body, also is the vector of control resolved in , and torques. The notation for denotes the skewsymmetric matrix
(7) The inertia matrix is assumed to be unknown. denote the desired angular velocity of Let with respect to . We assume that is differentiable. De?ning the angular velocity error (8) Then, the zero solution of the closed-loop dynamics of (5), (7), and (8) given in error coordinates by
(2) it follows from (1) that satis?es
(9) (10) and is Lyapunov stable. Furthermore, for all , the solution of the closed-loop system (9), , , and (10) satis?es exists. Proof: Equations (9) and (10), comprise a nine-dimensional (9-D) nonlinear, time-varying system, for which is an equilibrium. Furthermore, since is is piecewise continuous and bounded, the bounded and right-hand side of (9) and (10) is piecewise continuous in time and locally Lipschitz in states, uniformly in time. Thus, solutions of the closed-loop system (9), (10) exist. To prove asymptotic tracking, consider the positive-de?nite Lyapunov candidate
(3) The control objective is to determine such that as for all initial conditions and without knowledge of . III. ADAPTIVE CONTROL LAW In this section, we present a feedback control law that asymp. We de?ne a totically tracks the reference angular velocity linear operator acting on by

which does not explicitly depend on time and is radially unbounded. The total time derivative of , along trajectories of the closed-loop system, is given by
of [1] yields that
. Therefore, it follows from (9)
(16) (12) which shows that is negative semide?nite and is not an explicit function of time. Hence, Theorem 8.4 of [20] implies that and , the solutions of (9) for all initial conditions and (10) are bounded and approach the set . Hence, as . Also, is positive de?nite and is negative semide?nite, since it follows that the equilibrium of the system (9) and (10) is Lyapunov stable. as and and are bounded, it Since as . Furthermore, follows from (10) that and , and, hence, , are bounded. Now, since and for all , it follows that exists. in (11) yields Next, letting Note that
(17) Since implies that as and and are bounded, (17)
(18) Furthermore, since
it follows from (16) and (18) that
where the right-hand side exists. Hence, exists. IV. INERTIA IDENTIFICATION Note that the control law (7) and (8) does not require converges to zero knowledge of the inertia . Although and converges, does not necessarily converge converges, it does not necessarily converge to and, even if the actual inertia . We now give suf?cient conditions under which converges to . The following lemmas and notation are needed. De?ne by
(13) Lemma 1: Consider the closed-loop system (9) and (10) under the assumptions of Theorem 1. Then
, denote the th largest singular value . Furthermore, and denote the largest and the smallest singular values of , respectively. Lemma 2: Consider the closed-loop system (9), (10), under , de?ne the assumptions of Theorem 1. Furthermore, for . Then, for every and every , such that, for all and , there exists . and . Since and are Proof: Let , it follows from the de?nition of and bounded for all is bounded for all and, hence, (13) that is bounded for all . De?ne and and . choose such that, Next, it follows from (14) that there exists for every , . Similarly, since as , it follows that there exists a , such that for , . Choose . Then, for every and every of by
Proof: Theorem 1 implies that
(14) . Then
(15) Since is continuous and bounded and is piecewise continis globally piecewise uous and bounded, (9) implies that uniformly continuous (see [1] for de?nition). Now, applying the generalized version of Barbalat’s Lemma given in Appendix B

. . .
where is de?ned in Lemma 2. Lemma 3: Consider the closed-loop system (9) and (10) under the assumptions of Theorem 1. Then, for every and , there exists such that, for every and . and . Then, Lemma 2 imProof: Let plies that there exist , such that, for every , , where . Consider and , where . any , . Then, note that Hence, substituting and , yields . Thus
initial inertia estimate error. We denote these bounds by and , respectively. Thus, let and satisfy and . In Theorem 1, it was assumed that and are bounded . Let and satisfy , and in for all . Furthermore, let , and be positive numbers satisfying and . Theorem 3: Consider the closed-loop system consisting of (5) and the adaptive control law (7) and (8), where and are positive de?nite. Denote
(20) where
(21) (22) , and . Proof: Consider the Lyapunov function (11) as in Theorem 1. It follows from Theorem 1 that for all and hence Then, for all
The next result provides a suf?cient condition for convergence of the inertia estimate to the actual inertia . Theorem 2: Consider the closed-loop system consisting of (5) and the adaptive control law (7) and (8), where and are and such that, positive de?nite. Suppose there exist for every , there exist such that . Then . Proof: Theorem 1 implies that exists. If , then, since is nonsingular, . Now suppose . Then, for every , there exists such . Choose that, for every . Hence, for every , . Furthermore, . , . Hence, for every , there exist Next, by assumption, for every , such that . Therefore, it follows that, for every , there exist such that
(23) Next, note that
(24) and
(25) Furthermore, since and (26)
However, Lemma 3 implies that there exists that, for every and which is a contradiction. Hence, .
such , , and thus,
Thus, from (23), (24), (25), and (26), we obtain
for all
and hence
Next, we provide an analytical expression for an upper bound on the maximal magnitude of the torque required to track a given reference signal. To compute this bound, we require knowledge of an upper bound on the initial angular velocity error and the

Next, (27), (28), and the upper bounds on and Therefore, for all
, yields .
(28) where are de?ned as in (21) and (22). Thus, and . Now, the control torque in (8) can be written as and and the result follows. If the upper bounds , , , , and are known, then in Theorem 3 can be computed. Thus, Theorem 3 implies that as long as the actuators can provide a torque of magnitude , the controller given by (7) and (8) can track any reference and , command signal that satis?es . Thus, provides a minimum saturation level for for all the applied torques. Remark 1: The bound computed in Theorem 3 is conservative since the maximum required torque level can be much lower than . Theorem 3, however, demonstrates that the controller given by (7) and (8) can function even under saturation represents an upper bound for the required sateffects, and uration level. V. INERTIA IDENTIFICATION USING PERIODIC REFERENCE SIGNALS Furthermore, express . Then 2-norm. Note that To obtain . Then as , where . Therefore, , where is the induced . be such that The following corollaries of Lemma 1 consider the special case in which is constant. The proof is similar to results presented in [19]. De?ne
Thus, bound on where where . To obtain an upper , we ?rst ?nd an upper bound on , is given by (4) and and . Given , express in (4) as ,
, let
(29) Corollary 1: Assume that is constant. Under the control as . law (7) and (8), In Corollary 1, represents a constant spin about a body-?xed axis. In the case that this body-?xed axis is the principal axis, . For such a case, we expect that it is equivalent to as . The following result shows that the control law (7) and (8) indeed has this property. Corollary 2: Assume that is constant and satis?es . Then, under the control law (7) and (8), it follows that as . We now apply Corollary 1 to identify the off-diagonal terms , , and . , where Proposition 1: Let be constant. If , then, under the control law (7) and (8), and as . Furthermore, if , where , then, under the control law (7) and (8), and as . Theorem 2 provides suf?cient conditions on the reference signal that guarantee asymptotic identi?cation of the inertia matrix. In particular, the reference signal need not be periodic. However, in the case of a periodic reference signal, we obtain a stronger result. and supProposition 2: Let be periodic with period such that rank pose there exist . Then, under the control law (7) and (8), as .
Therefore, , Thus
and hence, . Since, .

Proof: Since rank , there exists such that . Choose . Next, , there exist we show that for all such that . as the remainder obtained when is divided De?ne . Then, can be expressed as by , where , for some non-negative integer . Choose , for all . Clearly, and
Thus, has a time period . Thus,
, for all , it follows that
. Finally, since and hence, , there exist .
[0:5 0 0] .
Fig. 1. Identi?cation of off-diagonal terms in the inertia matrix using  =
. Thus, for all such that The result now follows from Theorem 2. VI. SIMULATION RESULTS
To illustrate Theorem 1, we demonstrate the results in Propositions 1 and 2, which demonstrate the convergence of the inertia parameters to their true values, as well as, convergence of the angular velocity to the reference angular velocity. The moment of inertia chosen for the model is given as
kg/m For simulations demonstrating Proposition 1, the gains for the and , and the controller are chosen to be correinitial condition for is chosen such that sponding to the two reference angular velocity signals given in Proposition 1, where each of and are chosen to be 0.5. The gains and for the controller, were chosen by trial-and-error to obtain reasonable convergence rates. Also
Fig. 2. Angular velocity tracking for  = [0:5 0 0] .
kg/m The ?rst reference angular velocity to be tracked is given by rad/s. As guaranteed by Proposition 1, the esand , converge to the true values and , timates respectively, as shown in Fig. 1. However, is not guaran, and as shown in Fig. 1, does not. Also, teed to converge to Theorem 1 implies that the angular velocity converges to the reference angular velocity . The corresponding numerical results are shown in Fig. 2. Next, consider the reference angular velocity rad/sec. In this case, Proposition 1 implies that the off-diagonal and converge to their true values. Again, note that terms the estimate for the off-diagonal entry does not converge to
[0 0:5 0] .
Fig. 3. Identi?cation of off-diagonal terms in the inertia matrix using  =
its true value, and the angular velocity converges to the reference rad/s as seen in Figs. 3 and 4. Hence, the off-

Fig. 6. Error in angular velocity tracking for  (t) = [sin t sin 2t sin 3t] . Fig. 4. Angular velocity tracking for  = [0 0:5 0] .
Fig. 7. Error in identi?cation of diagonal terms in the inertia matrix. Fig. 5. Angular velocity tracking for  (t) = [sin t sin 2t sin 3t] .
diagonal terms , , and can be identi?ed by performing two constant tracking maneuvers. We now consider periodic maneuvers for identifying the entire inertia matrix. To satisfy the conditions of Proposition 2, consider the periodic reference angular verad/s. Then, with and locity , we obtain
Fig. 8. Error in identi?cation of off-diagonal terms in the inertia matrix.
The maximum and minimum singular values of are 5.2406 and 0.3512, respectively. Therefore, rank . Hence, Theorem 1 and Proposition 2 guarantee that, under the control law (7) and (8), and . We choose , , and for simulations, and
is chosen as before. Figs. 5 and 6 show that as , while Figs. 7 and 8 indicate that in accordance with Proposition 2. The control effort is shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9. Control torques applied to track  (t) = [sin t sin 2t sin 3t] .
Fig. 10. TACT. This testbed, which is based on a spherical air bearing, allows low friction, 3-D motion with unrestricted roll and yaw and 45 pitch.
VII. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP In this section, we discuss implementation issues, as well as, modeling of the actuator moments in the experimental setup. Our experimental implementation uses the Triaxial Attitude Control Testbed (TACT) in the Attitude Dynamics and Control Laboratory of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. This testbed is described in [1], [21], and [22]. The experimental testbed is based on a spherical air bearing manufactured by Space Electronics, Inc., Berlin, CT. An 11-in diameter aluminum sphere ?oats on a thin ?lm of air that exits from holes located in the surface of the cup. Air at 70 psi is supplied to the cup by means of a hose that passes through the center of the vertical support. The spherical air bearing allows unrestricted motion in yaw (rotation about the vertical axis) and roll (rotation about the longitudinal shaft axis). The plates and pitch (rotation about a horishafts are designed to allow zontal axis) at all roll and yaw angles. Once the main components are mounted, additional masses can be added to modify the mass distribution. This mass distribution balances pitch motion. However, when the center of mass is not located at the rotational center, the body possesses pendulum dynamics [23]. In the experimental results reported herein, the center of mass of the supported body is assumed to be located at the pivot point. This balancing implies that there are no gravitational moments on the body so that the body is modeled by the equations of motion given in (1). Fig. 10 shows a picture of the TACT and Fig. 11 shows a schematic of the relative positions of the thrusters. The TACT has four thrusters, each of which has nonlinear input-output (I/O) characteristics. In [1], an adaptive feedback-linearizationbased controller was designed to handle this nonlinearity. In the present paper, for simplicity, we identify the nonlinearity and invert it in the controller. A maximum torque of about 20 N m can be generated using these thrusters. Figs. 12 and 13 represent the forces due to the thrusters and the corresponding torques about the pivot point. Let denote the voltage applied to the th thruster, and let and denote the
Fig. 11. Orientation of thrusters on the TACT.
Fig. 12. Forces due to thrusters on the TACT.
Fig. 13. Torque applied due to thrusters on the TACT.

in Figs. 14 and 15 were obtained by ?tting a third order polynomial using least squares. The approximate expressions, and for each of the thruster in the thruster pairs (1,2) and (3,4), respectively, are given by (33) (34) and are in newtons. In where is in volts and and other words, . Now , , where is the length as shown in Fig. 12. Substituting this in (30)–(32) and expressing , in terms of and yields expressions for torques along the body axes given by
Fig. 14. Data for force versus input voltage for thrusters 1 and 2 (
(35) (36) (37) m and m. where the lengths , , and are computed by the adapNote that tive algorithm. Furthermore, (35)–(37) are linear equations with , and as unknowns, and and are known invertible functions. Since there that are four unknowns and three equations, there are an in?nite number of solutions for the corresponding thruster voltages. These solutions represent alternative actuation schemes that can be implemented using four thrusters to generate three independent torques. Out of the possible solutions, we select the scheme wherein the load for the roll moment is shared symmetrically between the thruster pairs (1,2) and (3,4). This choice results in the constraint equation
Fig. 15. Data for force versus input voltage for thrusters 3 and 4 (
(38) force and torque due to the th thruster, where . It can be seen that the net torque due to the thrusters is given by (30) (31) (32) , is the length and is the angle as shown in where Fig. 12. Experiments were performed on the TACT to determine the force generated by the thruster as a function of voltage. These experiments involve balancing the TACT by masses for a given thruster voltage, and then computing the force of the thruster from the torque required to balance the masses. Figs. 14 and 15 represent the one-to-one mappings obtained between the input voltage applied to a thruster and the resulting thrust force, for thruster pairs (1,2) and (3,4), respectively. The nonlinear maps Then, solving for the four unknowns in (35)–(37), using (38), and inverting the nonlinear map yields the thruster voltages (39) (40) (41) (42)
VIII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this section, we implement the controller (7) and (8) on the TACT testbed. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the control algorithm, we perform two sets of experiments. In the ?rst set,

we track a reference angular velocity, starting from an initial angular velocity provided by giving the TACT an initial push. The aim of this set of experiments is to demonstrate the angular velocity tracking capability of the designed controller. In the next set of experiments, the aim is to demonstrate the parameter identi?cation capability of the control algorithm. These experiments are guided by the conditions given in propositions 1 and 2. Whereas Proposition 1 requires a constant reference angular velocity about one of the body axes, Proposition 2 requires a periodic angular velocity along all three body axes. Unfortunately, this requirement from Proposition 2 is stringent for two reasons. First, it is dif?cult to balance the TACT so that its center of gravity lies exactly at the pivot point. Second, the support of the TACT restricts the free motion in pitch, and hence, limits the class of angular velocity signals that can be given to the controller to track. Thus, for the reasons mentioned above, it is dif?cult to demonstrate Proposition 2. However, we demonstrate Proposition 1 in the second set of experiments, where a constant angular velocity reference is given and the off-diagonal inertia estimates are computed. Again, due to the presence of an onboard computer, sensors and the associated electronics and the electrical wiring, the moment of inertia of the TACT is unknown. This limits our ability to simulate a con?guration that is close to the TACT. A. Angular Velocity Tracking As mentioned above, we push the TACT to provide an initial angular velocity, and command a constant angular velocity reference to the controller. The chosen reference angular velocity is /s, and the controller gains are chosen to be
Fig. 16. Error in angular velocity for  (t) = [30 0 3 sin(0:25t)]T. The roll oscillation of amplitude 0.5 is due to imperfect balance of the TACT.
Fig. 17. Angular velocity tracking for  (t) = [30 0
0 3 sin(0:25t)]
Furthermore, . , , and given by We now compute the bounds Theorem 3. Corresponding to the reference signals we choose /s rad/s and /s rad/s . Also, kg m . Since we start from rest, rad/s, and assuming that our estimates for the principal moment of inertia are close to about 5 kg m , we kg m . choose Now, choose kg m , kg m , and note that , , and . Then computing from (21), (22), and (20), we obtain rad/s /s, kg m , and N m. Note that this is a conservative estimate, and as we see subsequently, our controller performs satisfactorily with actuators having a much lower torque capacity of about 20 N m. The angular velocity tracking error, plotted in Fig. 16, shows that the yaw angular velocity error converges to zero quickly, whereas the error in pitch converges to zero relatively slowly. correThis suggests an increase in the feedback gain in sponding to pitch oscillations. However, attempts at this caused large transients, in which the amplitude of the pitch oscillation
was close to 45 pitch constraint. Nevertheless, it is clear that the amplitude of the oscillations in the pitch decrease with time after 75 s. In roll response, the angular velocity error is modulated by a high frequency component. A power spectrum analysis of the signal reveals a harmonic component with a frequency of about 6.5 rad/s and amplitude 0.5 . The only frequency component of is 0.25 rad/s, and hence, the ratio of the noise frequency to the reference signal is approximately 25. This oscillation was not discernible to the human eye. The roll oscillations are believed to be due to imperfect balancing of the TACT, leading to pendulum-type behavior due to gravitational moments [23]. Next, the roll data are ?ltered and the angular velocity error is shown in Fig. 18. The angular velocities are shown in Fig. 17. From this plot, it is clear that the angular velocity converges to the reference angular velocity, even for large initial errors, thus, demonstrating the global tracking ability of the controller. B. Inertia Parameter Identi?cation In this section, we demonstrate the parameter identi?cation ability of the controller (7) and (8). Speci?cally, by means of

Fig. 18. Error in angular velocity for  (t) = [30 0
0 3 sin(0:25t)]
Fig. 21. Angular velocity tracking for  = [0 25 0] .
Fig. 19. Angular velocity tracking for  = [25 0 0] . Fig. 22. Inertia estimates for  = [0 25 0] .
Fig. 20. Inertia estimates for  = [25 0 0] .
Proposition 1, we use two constant maneuvers to identify the off-diagonal entries of the inertia matrix. Thus, we command /s and /s. the constant signals Figs. 19, 20, 21, and 22 show the response of the TACT to the reference angular velocities.
Since the TACT is constrained to a pitch angle of magnitude less than 45 , it is not possible to allow the TACT to follow the starting from a position as in Fig. 10, reference command since a pitch rate of 25 /s might result in a collision with the supporting pillar. Therefore, before commanding , TACT was rotated by 90 about the -axis (see Fig. 12 for an illustrative diagram of the body-?xed axes for the TACT). In the new position, the -axis points vertically and, hence, a pitch maneuver (i.e., rotation about -axis) involves rotations in the horizontal plane, thus, avoiding collision with the supporting pillar. Ideally, the center of mass is balanced to lie at the pivot point of the TACT, and thus, there are no gravitational moments. Thus, experiments can be performed starting from an arbitrary initial attitude since attitude does not play a role in the dynamics of the system. However, in practice, there is some residual gravitational moment due to unbalanced mass distribution. Hence, the TACT has to be rebalanced to attain the new initial con?guration. Due to this balancing requirement, the reference signals and were applied to different mass con?gurations. Thus, the inertia estimates for the two cases cannot be compared.

The gains are chosen to be
Figs. 20 and 22 show that the off-diagonal inertia estimates converge. Although the actual inertia values are not known, calculations on a simple model of the TACT suggest that the estimates obtained experimentally have the same order of magnitude as the values computed for the off-diagonal terms of the inertia matrix. To estimate the remaining entries of the inertia matrix, we need to use reference angular velocities that satisfy the conditions of Theorem 2 or the conditions mentioned in Proposition 2.
IX. CONCLUSION An adaptive feedback control algorithm is developed that provides global tracking of reference angular velocity signals. The control algorithm assumes no knowledge of the inertia of the body and is, thus, unconditionally robust with respect to this parametric uncertainty. Using a Lyapunov argument, it is shown that the angular velocity tracking error converges to zero and an analytical expression for an upper bound on the magnitude of the required torque is presented for a given reference signal. Furthermore, the control algorithm is used to identify the inertia matrix when the reference angular velocity signal satis?es certain conditions. Numerical simulations demonstrate tracking and identi?cation of the inertia matrix under such conditions. Finally, implementation issues using the TACT to test the control algorithms are discussed. Results obtained from the experiments validate the effectiveness of the adaptive control algorithm in tracking an angular velocity reference and estimating the moment of inertia.
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[1] N. A. Chaturvedi, “Adaptive tracking of angular velocity for a planar rigid body with unknown models for inertia and input nonlinearity,” IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technol., vol. 14, no. 4, Jul. 2006. [2] R. W. Brockett, “Asymptotic stability and feedback stabilization,” Differential Geometric Contr. Theory, Progress in Mathematics, vol. 27, pp. 181–191, 1983. [3] D. Aeyels and M. Szafranski, “Comments on the stabilizability of the angular velocity of a rigid body,” Syst. Control Lett., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 35–39, Jan. 1988. [4] E. D. Sontag and H. J. Sussmann, “Further comments on the stabilizability of the angular velocity of a rigid body,” Syst. Control Lett., vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 213–217, Apr. 1989. [5] C. I. Byrnes and A. Isidori, “New results and examples in nonlinear feedback stabilization,” Syst. Control Lett., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 437–442, Jun. 1989. [6] C.-J. Wan and D. Bernstein, “Nonlinear feedback control with global stabilization,” Dyn. Control, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 321–346, Oct. 1995. [7] H. Krishnan, N. H. McClamroch, and M. Reyhanoglu, “Attitude stabilization of a rigid spacecraft using two control torques: A nonlinear control approach based on the spacecraft attitude dynamics,” Automatica, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 1023–1027, Jun. 1994. [8] H. Krishnan, N. H. McClamroch, and M. Reyhanoglu, “Attitude stabilization of a rigid spacecraft using two momentum wheel actuators,” AIAA J. Guid. Contr. Dyn., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 256–263, Mar.–Apr. 1995.
Nalin A. Chaturvedi received the B.Tech. and M.Tech. degrees in aerospace engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, in 2003, where he received the Institute Silver Medal. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is a Research Fellow with the University of Michigan. His main research interests include nonlinear stability theory with applications to aerospace and mechanical systems/robotics, geometric mechanics, nonlinear and geometric control, nonlinear dynamical systems, state estimation, and adaptive control with applications to nonaf?ne systems.
Dennis S. Bernstein (M’82–F’00) is a Professor in the Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His research interests include system identi?cation, state estimation, and adaptive control, with application to vibration and ?ow control and data assimilation. Dr. Bernstein is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Control Systems Magazine. He is the author of Matrix Mathematics, Theory, Facts, and Formulas with Application to Linear Systems Theory (Princeton Univ. Press, 2005).

N. Harris McClamroch (M’66–F’88) received the Ph.D. degree in engineering mechanics from The University of Texas at Austin, Austin. In 1967, he joined the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering. During the past ?fteen years, his primary research interest has been in nonlinear control. He has worked on many control engineering problems arising in ?exible space structures, robotics, automated manufacturing, control technologies for buildings and bridges, and aerospace ?ight systems. Dr. McClamroch received the Control Systems Society Distinguished Member Award and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal. He has served as Associate Editor and Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, and he has held numerous positions, including President, in the IEEE Control Systems Society.
J. Ahmed received the Ph.D. degree with a focus on spacecraft control from the University of Michigan in 2000. He is currently with the Research and Technology Center of the Robert Bosch Corporation, Palo Alto, CA. His current interests include the development of model-based control for complex physical systems involving thermal-chemical-?uid interactions.
F. Bacconi was born in Florence, Italy on April 26, 1974. He received his M.S. degree cum laude in automation and control engineering from the University of Florence, Florence, Italy, in 2002. The topic of his M.S. thesis was attitude control of underactuated spacecraft in the presence of actuator failures. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in automatic control at the Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica at the Università di Firenze. His research interests include areas of control of aerospace systems, formation ?ying control, and hybrid predictive control.


地理位置 位于墨西哥大学城以南的库库尔坎(Kukulcan),是玛雅文化前古典期晚期(公元前800年——公元前200年)中部高原文化的重要文化遗址之一,“库库尔坎”的原意是“舞蹈唱歌的地方”,或表示“带有羽毛的蛇神”。 建筑结构 “库库尔坎”金字塔是我们现在看到的早期墨西哥金字塔是一座用土筑成的 九层圆形祭坛,高29米 ,周边各宽55米多,周长250米左右,最高一层建有一座6米高的方形坛庙,库库尔坎金字塔高约30 米,四周环绕91 级台阶,加起来一共364级台阶,再加上塔顶的羽蛇神庙,共有365阶,象征了一年中的365 天。台阶的两侧宽达1米的边墙,北边墙下端,有一个带羽行的大蛇头石刻,蛇头高1.43米,长达1.80米,宽1.07米,蛇嘴里吐出一条大舌头,颇为独特。 这座古老的建筑,在建造之前,经过了精心的几何设计,它所表达出的精确度和玄妙而充满戏剧性的效果,令后人叹为观止:每年春分和秋分两天的日落时分,北面一组台阶的边墙会在阳光照射下形成弯弯曲曲的七段等腰三角形,连同底部雕刻的蛇头,宛若一条巨蛇从塔顶向大地游动,象征着羽蛇神在春分时苏醒,爬出庙宇。每一次,这个幻像持续整整3 小时22 分,分秒不差。这个神秘景观被称为“光影蛇形”。 每当“库库尔坎”金字塔出同蛇影奇观的时候,古代玛雅人就欢聚在一起,高歌起舞,庆祝这位羽毛蛇神的降临。 库库尔坎金字塔,是玛雅人对其掌握的建筑几何知识的绝妙展示,而金字塔旁边的天文台,更是把这种高超的几何和天文知识表现得淋漓尽致。 建造工艺 在没有金属工具、没有大牲畜和轮车的情况下,古代玛雅人却能够开采大量重达数十吨的石头,跋山涉水、一路艰辛地运到目的地,建成一个个雄伟的金字塔。金字塔最高的可达70米,其规模之巨大、施工难度之高,令人吃惊。 古代玛雅的金字塔和古埃及的金字塔在建筑形式上有着明显的不同。埃及的金字塔的塔顶是尖的,而玛雅金字塔却是平顶,塔体呈方形,底大顶小,层层叠叠,塔顶的台上还建有庙宇;在用途上也不一样:埃及金字塔是法老的陵墓,而玛雅的金字塔除个别外,一般是用来祭祀或观察天象的。除金字塔外,玛雅人还兴建了不少功能性强,技艺高的民用建筑,主要有:房屋(包括庙宇、府邸、民居等)、公共设施(球场、广场、集市等)、基础设施(桥梁、大道、码头、堤坝、护墙等)和水利工程(水渠、水库、水井、梯田)等。


库库尔坎金字塔位于墨西哥尤卡坦半岛北部,是曾经古玛雅人留下的文明遗址。 库库尔坎在玛雅文化中是带羽蛇神的意思,被誉为是太阳的化身,即太阳神。羽蛇神主宰着晨星、发明了书籍、立法,而且给人类带来了玉米,还代表着死亡和重生,也是祭司们的保护神。古典时期,玛雅“真人”手持权杖,权杖一端为精致小形、中间为小人的一条腿化作蛇身、另一端为一蛇头。到了后古典时期,出现了多种变形,但基本形态完全变了,成为上部羽扇形、中间蛇身下部蛇头的羽蛇神形象。 羽蛇神与雨季同来,而雨季又与玛雅人种玉米的时间相重合,因而羽蛇神又成为玛雅农人最为崇敬的神明。在玛雅人眼中羽蛇神与犬神有同样高的地位 在现今留存的最大的玛雅古城奇岑-伊扎,库库尔坎金字塔屹立其中。它的每个面有91级台阶,4个面象征一年四季,共364级台阶,加上塔顶的神殿共365级,象征一年365天。4个边缘分别代表春分、秋分、夏至和冬至。在金字 塔的北面两底角雕有两个蛇头。每年春分、秋分两天,太阳落山时,可以看到蛇头投射在地上的影子与许多个三角形连套在一起,成为一条动感很强的飞蛇。好像从天空中游向大地,栩栩如生。春分蛇由上至下出现,仿佛从神庙中爬出来一样,秋分则由下至上出现,像是爬进去一样。只有每年的这两天里才能看到这一奇景。所以,现在它已经成为墨西哥的一个著名旅游景点。而在当年,玛雅人可以借助这种将天文学与建筑工艺精湛地融合在一起的直观景致,准确把握农时。与此同时,也准确把握崇拜羽蛇神的时机。考古学家在玛雅神庙下方发现神秘的坑洞,进一步的考察发现,坑洞是自然形成的,延伸大约34米,深度为20米 左右。最新的消息指出,神秘下方的洞穴可连接到其他洞穴或者地下湖泊,同时具有深层次的宗教意义,在玛雅文化中处于非常重要的地位。这座寺庙名称为Kukuerkan,即库库尔坎金字塔,这是中美洲最著名的古文明遗址之一,是玛雅文明的巅峰之作。那么金字塔下方的洞穴为何会存在呢,具有何种宗教意义? 考古学家发现玛雅人在1000年前建造了金字塔,位于一个巨大的天然深坑 上,他们相信建立在深坑顶部的建筑是宗教信仰的一部分,因为库库尔坎金字塔内有一尊玛雅蛇神,或者认为是有羽毛的蛇,它是玛雅人非常崇拜的蛇神。由于蛇神需要水,因此神殿下方是一个被填满水的深坑,水流的运行由北向南。考古学家通过一种新的探测技术对神殿下方的结构进行研究,发现了深坑的存在,探测器能够探测到岩石结构走向,分辨出水流和岩石的相对位置。

2019年(春)六年级美术下册 第1课《追寻文明的足迹》说课教案 人美版

2019年(春)六年级美术下册第1课《追寻文明的足 迹》说课教案人美版 教材分析: 本课是“欣赏`评诉”领域的内容。世界文化遗产是人类进步的闪光足迹,是全世界共同的财富。通过本课的欣赏活动,让学生了解人类的智慧和壮举,了解不同历史时期的文化现象,从而引发学生对人类文化遗产的关注,激发学生的求知欲。 教学内容与目标: 认知: 1、知道什么叫文化遗产,能说出7处-10处世界文化遗产。 2、能够对世界文化遗产的保护有正确的认识。 情意: 1、让学生认识到文化遗产是人类共同的财富,增强保护文化遗产的意识和方法。 2、学习了解各个国家不同时期的文明足迹,尊重不同文化背景下的文化现象,接纳多元文 化,拓展国际视野。 能力: 1、能够运用美术知识制作宣传栏,传播世界文化遗产知识。 2、能够收集世界文化遗产的相关资料,初步认识、了解自己感兴趣的文化遗产。 教学重点与难点: 重点: 1、通过资料阅读、课上交流等途径,认识7处—10处世界文化遗产,较细致的了解2处— 3处世界文化遗产。 2、能够从文化遗产的历史背景、审美价值、社会影响、经典特征等方面,介绍2处—3处 世界文化遗产。 难点:有步骤、有层次的介绍2处—3处世界文化遗产。 学习材料: 资料、剪刀、彩纸等 教学过程: 一、了解不同背景的世界文明遗迹 1、课前将学生分成四个组:阿布辛拜勒神庙(非洲)、库库尔坎金字塔(美洲)、法隆寺 (亚洲)、奥林匹亚遗址(欧洲) 每个学生根据书中的问题,查找最下边的 一行图片资料。 (1)《掷铁饼者》、《竞技表演》是哪方面的内容?用的是什么手法? (2)阿布辛拜勒神庙建造于什么地方、什么时代、有什么特点? (3)库库尔坎金字塔的所在地、建造时间、艺术特色。说一说它和埃及金字塔有什么相同与不同之处? (4)法隆寺的建筑特点,它和中国的塔有什么相同与不同之处? 教学意图:培养学生收集信息、整理信息的能力,以及小组合作、探究的意识。 二、欣赏分析多元的世界文化遗产


(完整word版)人美版六年级美术试题 亲爱的读者: 本文内容由我和我的同事精心收集整理后编辑发布到文库,发布之前我们对文中内容进行详细的校对,但难免会有错误的地方,如果有错误的地方请您评论区留言,我们予以纠正,如果本文档对您有帮助,请您下载收藏以便随时调用。下面是本文详细内容。 最后最您生活愉快 ~O(∩_∩)O ~

六年级美术试 一、填空。. 1、《哪吒闹海》是一幅__壁_画,作者张仃在这幅画中运用了中国传统壁画表现手法,又借鉴了构图的理念,在色彩、造型等方面都进行了成功的探索。 2、拉斯科洞窟的岩画是人类最早的绘画。 3、法隆寺是世界上最古老的木建筑之一。 4、装饰画偏重表现形式的装饰画偏重表现形式的装饰性,不强调真实光影和透视关系,注重色彩的象征性及整体的和谐,多以夸张、变形、简洁的手法,给人以明快、强烈的艺术美感。 5、农民画家敢于把牛画的艳丽,显示了他们对色彩生活丰富的想象力和对的无限热爱。 6、雕版印刷三大特点:主板线稿多块色板鬃毛刷。 7、我们曾学过纸版画对印版画粉印版画拓印版画等许多版画制作方法。 8、肌理是指由于材料的不同配列、组成和构造而使人得到的触觉质感和质地。手感触感织法性质纹理等说法都可包含在肌理之中。 9、第一部动画片是《一张滑稽面孔的幽默姿态》,第一部有声动画片是《威利号汽船》,第一部彩色动画片《白雪公主,第一部三维动画片是《玩具总动员》。 10、传统民间门神形象中取自《封神演义》的是赵公明和燃灯道人。 11、许多文化遗产是、文字、绘画、建筑、遗址、口传方式记录下来的,非物质文化遗产是不用文字以民间戏曲为主的活态文化,如各民族的文字绘画建筑遗址口传方式民间戏曲舞蹈神话传说节日礼仪刺绣玩具剪纸面花皮影等。 12、抓髻娃娃是我国北方民间剪纸中一个典型的形象,它既象征着性生命


六年级 美术(电子备课) 于颖 目录: 六年级下册: 第1课追寻文明的足迹 第2课探访自然的器官 第3课装饰色彩 第4课装饰画 第5课彩球的设计 第6课城市雕塑 第7课各种材料来制版 第8课装饰柱 第9课精彩的戏曲 第10课戏曲人物 第11课画故事 第12课动画片的今夕 第13课拟人化的动漫形象 第14课留给母校的纪念 第15课我的成长记录 第16课剪纸中的古老记忆 第17课绣在服装上的故事

第18课复制与传播 学情分析: 本学期我教的就是六年级三个班的美术课,随着学生年龄的增长、生理、身心健康的不断发展,学生们对美术的要求有所不同,对美术知识、技能的掌握程度也不同。她们更多地追求现实的、真实的东西或喜欢目前流行的“动漫”,对此进行大量的临摹在绘画技巧上显得成熟,线条也十分流畅,但画风呆板,表现欲下降,缺少童趣。但她们对色彩有辨别能力,把握物体形状的能力很强,乐于动手,对手工制作课充满了极高的热情。对美具有了较高的欣赏能力。 这学期就是她们迈入初中的过渡时期,既要努力响应学生目前的兴趣爱好,又要深入浅出地灌输客观的美术学科理论知识,与初中知识进一步接轨,将平时教给学生的初中知识更加明朗化介绍给学生,使她们从儿童绘画到少年绘画的转型,更重视有欣赏内容与工艺设计教学,即学生的创造能力上的培养,其实就就是对儿童想象力的深化,转变为更理论性含量的创造能力。 知识要点: 该教材贴近学生的心理,符合学生的年龄特点,每课的主题都有美术带来的有趣的惊喜。六年级美术教材一共分为19课。每一课都侧重于“造型·表现”、“设计·应用”、“欣赏·评述”、“综合·探索”四个学习领域中的一个方面,同时也有不少系列的课,教学内容前后联系比较紧密,非常适合学生较深入地做一个专题。并且有些教学内容还设计成了案例学习、问题学习与项目学习,这就要求我们老师应多引导学生进行主动的探究学习,增加学生集体合作的机会。其次本册教材继续体现了人美版教材的可操作性强、贴近生活、关注美术文化的渗透与注重学生学习兴趣的培养等特点。 “造型·表现”:在教学中,让学生运用形、色与肌理等美术语言,选择合适自己的各种工具、材料,记录与表现所见所闻、所感所想的事物,发展美术创作能力,传递自己的思想与情感。 “设计·应用”:运用对比与与谐、对称与均衡、节奏与韵律等组合原理,了解一些简单的创意、设计方法与媒材的加工方法,进行设计与装饰,美化身边的环境。“欣赏·评述”:欣赏认识自然美与美术作品的材料、形式与内容等特征,通过描述、分析与讨论等方式,了解美术表现的多样性,能用一些简单的美术术语,表达自己对美术作品的感受与理解。 “综合·探索”:结合学校与社区的活动,以美术与科学课程与其她课程的知识、技能相结合的方式,进行策划、制作、表演与展示,体会美术与环境及传统文化的关系。 【授课内容】1、追寻文明的足迹 【课时建议】1课时 【教程目标】 知识与技能:知道什么叫文化遗产,能说出7-10处世界文化遗产。能够对世界文化遗产的保护有正确的认识。 过程与方法:通过资料阅读、课上交流等途径,认识了解2处-3处世界文化遗产;能够从文化遗产的历史背景、审美价值、社会影响、经典特征等方面,介绍2-3处世界文化遗产。 情感、态度与价值观:通过本课学习,认识到文化遗产就是人类共同的财富,增强保护文化遗产


科潘玛雅古迹遗址 科潘玛雅古迹遗址位于洪都拉斯西部边境,遗址面积数十平方公里,1980年入选《世界遗产名录》。科潘属于玛雅文明古典期(公元250—900年),为玛雅文明最盛时期。金字塔式寺庙较为精美,台顶神殿有大量浮雕。科潘是玛雅文化的学术中心,不少建筑遗址与天文、历法等学术活动有关。这里保存了玛雅文化中最长的铭刻,多达2500字,号称“象形文字的梯道”。科潘玛雅遗址是玛雅文明最重要的地区之一,有着宏大的建筑,还有丰富的象形文字,是极少数起源于热带丛林的文明的例证。这些建筑表明科潘的玛雅人有高度发展的经济和文化。 公元1839年,美国探险学家史蒂芬斯(JohnlioydStephens)和卡瑟伍德(FrederikCatherWood)受到一个古老传说的暗示,披荆斩棘,深入浓荫蔽日的雨林之中,然而,他们没有找到被巫师催眠的美丽公主,却发现了一座已荒废千年的古代城市遗址。在这座叫作科潘的旧城废墟上,高大的纪念碑被藤条缠绕,湮没在荆棘之中;雄伟的金字塔上长满了粗壮的树木,变成一座座荒丘。史蒂芬斯他们被眼前的这一切惊呆了,这些遗迹所代表的就是辉煌灿烂的玛雅文明。 玛雅文明是世界著名的古代文明之一,也是唯一诞生在热带丛林而非大河流域的文明。玛雅人具有的抽象思维能力让同时代的旧大陆文明相形见绌。他们创造了精确的数学体系和天文历法系统,以及至今仍有待我们去破译的象形文字系统。玛雅人最重视对太阳和月亮的观测,他们能算出日蚀和月蚀出现的时间,并已将七大行星都列入了研究范围。他们对金星运行周期的计算和现代科学实测结果完全一致。玛雅历法体系由"神历"、"太阳历"和"长纪年历"组成。玛雅人有一个独特的数学体系,在这个体系中,最先进的部分便是"0"这个符号的使用,它的发明和使用比欧洲大约早了800年。玛雅的数学体系的适用性和科学性,使他们能在许多科学和技术活动中解决各种难题。在世界各古代文明中,除了起源于印度的阿拉伯数字之外,玛雅数字要算是最先进的了。但非常可惜,有关玛雅数学的图书或文献一本也没有流传下来。玛雅的象形文字对现代人来说真是一部天书,它的谜底直到今天仍未解开。玛雅象形文字以近似圆形或椭圆为主,字符的线条更多地依随图形起伏变化、圆通流畅。 科潘是玛雅象形文字研究最发达的地区,它的纪念碑和建筑物上的象形文字符号书写最美、刻制最精、字数最多,例如,在科潘遗址中,有一条六七十级的梯道,用2500多块加工过的方石砌成,这是一座纪念性的建筑物,梯道建在山坡上,直通山顶的祭坛。宽10米,两侧各刻着一条花斑巨蟒,蟒尾在山丘顶部:梯道的每块方砖上都刻着象形文字,每个形文字的四周均雕有花纹,梯道共刻了2000多个象形文字符号,它是玛雅象形文字最长的铭刻,也是世界题铭学上少见的珍贵文物,由此被称为"象形文字梯道。" 不仅如此,科潘的经济与政治实力仅次于蒂卡尔而远远超过其他城邦,在文化上则完全可以和蒂卡尔并肩而立,甚至还略有超越,有学者认为科潘的重要意义决不在蒂卡尔之下,它们如双峰并立,是玛雅文明两座最伟大的灯塔。确实,从考古发掘的城市遗址看,科潘在规模上可能略逊于蒂卡尔,但美丽却有过之而无不及。据记载公元805年以后,玛雅人突然弃科潘城北迁,科潘城随之变成一片废墟。 奇琴伊察玛雅城邦遗址曾是古玛雅帝国最大最繁华的城邦。遗址拉于尤卡坦半岛中部。始建于公元514年。城邦的主要古迹有:千柱广场、武士庙及庙前的斜倚的两神石像。9层,高30米的呈阶梯形的库库尔坎金字塔以及圣井(石灰岩竖洞)和筑在高台上呈蜗形的玛雅人古


六年级美术下册--《追寻文明的足迹》说课教案(人美版) 教材分析: 本课是“欣赏`评诉”领域的内容.世界文化遗产是人类进步的闪光足迹,是全世界共同的财富.通过本课的欣赏活动,让学生了解人类的智慧和壮举,了解不同历史时期的文化现象,从而引发学生对人类文化遗产的关注,激发学生的求知欲. 教学内容与目标: 认知: 1、知道什么叫文化遗产,能说出7处-10处世界文化遗产. 2、能够对世界文化遗产的保护有正确的认识. 情意: 1、让学生认识到文化遗产是人类共同的财富,增强保护文化遗产的意识和方法. 2、学习了解各个国家不同时期的文明足迹,尊重不同文化背景下的文化现象,接纳多元文化, 拓展国际视野. 能力: 1、能够运用美术知识制作宣传栏,传播世界文化遗产知识. 2、能够收集世界文化遗产的相关资料,初步认识、了解自己感兴趣的文化遗产. 教学重点与难点: 重点: 1、通过资料阅读、课上交流等途径,认识7处—10处世界文化遗产,较细致的了解2处—3 处世界文化遗产. 2、能够从文化遗产的历史背景、审美价值、社会影响、经典特征等方面,介绍2处—3处世 界文化遗产. 难点:有步骤、有层次的介绍2处—3处世界文化遗产. 学习材料: 资料、剪刀、彩纸等 教学过程: 一、了解不同背景的世界文明遗迹 1、课前将学生分成四个组:阿布辛拜勒神庙(非洲)、库库尔坎金字塔(美洲)、法隆寺(亚 洲)、奥林匹亚遗址(欧洲)

每个学生根据书中的问题,查找最下边的 一行图片资料. (1)《掷铁饼者》、《竞技表演》是哪方面的内容?用的是什么手法? (2)阿布辛拜勒神庙建造于什么地方、什么时代、有什么特点? (3)库库尔坎金字塔的所在地、建造时间、艺术特色.说一说它和埃及金字塔有什么相同与不同之处? (4)法隆寺的建筑特点,它和中国的塔有什么相同与不同之处? 教学意图:培养学生收集信息、整理信息的能力,以及小组合作、探究的意识. 二、欣赏分析多元的世界文化遗产 1、教师讲述关于拉斯科岩画的故事. (1)这幅画表现的什么?让你联想到什么? (2)猜猜当时的人用什么工具创作的? (3)他们为什么要画这些壁画? 2、2008年8月8日在北京将要发生一件非常重要的事情,是什么?有谁知道这界奥运会是 第几届?第一届奥运会在哪里召开的?这个国家在哪个洲? (1)教师介绍希腊奥运之城. (2)请学生代表介绍查找到的关于《竞技表演》、《掷铁饼者》的资料 小结:古代的建筑、雕塑和体育已经完美的结合了,说说你还知道奥运会的那些项目?书中还有哪些建筑在欧洲? 3、学生介绍有关阿布辛拜勒神庙资料. 小结:由此我们知道建筑、雕塑和宗教也有着亲切的联系,你还知道埃及有什么建筑?他们是哪个洲的文明遗迹?说说埃及金字塔和库库尔坎金字塔有什么不同?在美洲还有什么文明遗迹,请你说说. 4、对于美洲古代文明遗迹你有什么感想? 5、法隆寺的建筑特点,它和中国的塔有什么相同与 不同之处?书中还有哪个是亚洲的建筑? 6、亚洲还有什么文明遗迹? 教学意图:


The stepped pyramids, temples, columned arcades, and other stone structures of ChichénItzá were sacred to the Maya and a sophisticated urban center of their empire from A.D. 750 to 1200. Viewed as a whole, the incredible complex reveals much about the Maya and Toltec vision of the universe—which was intimately tied to what was visible in the dark night skies of the Yucatán Peninsula. The most recognizable structure here is the Temple of Kukulkan, also known as El Castillo. This glorious step pyramid demonstrates the accuracy and importance of Maya astronomy—and the heavy influence of the Toltecs, who invaded around 1000 and precipitated a merger of the two cultural traditions. The temple has 365 steps—one for each day of the year. Each of the temple’s four sides has 91 steps, and the top platform makes the 365th. Devising a 365-day calendar was just one feat of Maya science. Incredibly, twice a year on the spring and autumn equinoxes, a shadow falls on the pyramid in the shape of a serpent. As the sun sets, this shadowy snake descends the steps to eventually join a


库库尔坎金字塔 库库尔坎金字塔 库库尔坎金字塔在墨西哥尤卡坦半岛北部,有座著名的古建筑称为库库尔坎金字塔,是曾经的古代玛雅人留下的文明遗址。库库尔坎在玛雅文中是带羽毛之神蛇的意思,被誉为是太阳的化身。 基本认识 地理位置 位于墨西哥大学城以南的库库尔坎(Kukulcan),是玛雅文化前古典期晚期(公元前800年——公元前200年)中部高原文化的重要文化遗址之一,“库库尔坎”的原意是“舞蹈唱歌的地方”,或表示“带有羽毛的蛇神”。 建筑结构 “库库尔坎”金字塔是我们现在看到的早期墨西哥金字塔是一座用土筑成的九层圆形祭坛,高29米 库库尔坎金字塔 ,周边各宽55米多,周长250米左右,最高一层建有一座6米高的方形坛庙,库库尔坎金字塔高约30 米,四周环绕91 级台阶,加起来一共364级台阶,再加上塔顶的羽蛇神庙,共有365阶,象征了一年中的365 天。台阶的两侧宽达1米的边墙,北边墙

下端,有一个带羽行的大蛇头石刻,蛇头高1.43米,长达1.80米,宽1.07米,蛇嘴里吐出一条大舌头,颇为独特。这座古老的建筑,在建造之前,经过了精心的几何设计,它所表达出的精确度和玄妙而充满戏剧性的效果,令后人叹为观止:每年春分和秋分两天的日落时分,北面一组台阶的边墙会在阳光照射下形成弯弯曲曲的七段等腰三角形,连同底部雕刻的蛇头,宛若一条巨蛇从塔顶向大地游动,象征着羽蛇神在春分时苏醒,爬出庙宇。每一次,这个幻像持续整整3 小时22 分,分秒不差。这个神秘景观被称为“光影蛇形”。每当“库库尔坎”金字塔出同蛇影奇观的时候,古代玛雅人就欢聚在一起,高歌起舞,庆祝这位羽毛蛇神的降临。库库尔坎金字塔,是玛雅人对其掌握的建筑几何知识的绝妙展示,而金字塔旁边的天文台,更是把这种高超的几何和天文知识表现得淋漓尽致。[1] 建造工艺 库库尔坎金字塔资料图(5张) 在没有金属工具、没有大牲畜和轮车的情况下,古代玛雅人却能够开采大量重达数十吨的石头,跋山涉水、一路艰辛地运到目的地,建成一个个雄伟的金字塔。金字塔最高的可达70米,其规模之巨大、施工难度之高,令人吃惊。古代玛雅的金字塔和古埃及的金字塔在建筑形式上有着明显的不同。埃及的金字塔的塔顶是尖的,而玛雅金字塔却是平顶,塔体呈方形,底大顶小,层层叠叠,塔顶的台上还建有庙宇;在用途上也不一样:埃及金字塔是法老的陵墓,而玛雅的金字塔除个别外,一般是用来祭祀或观察天象的。除金字塔外,玛雅人还兴建了不少功能性强,技艺高的民用建筑,主要有:房屋(包括庙宇、府邸、民居等)、公共设施(球场、广场、集市等)、基础设施(桥梁、大道、码头、堤坝、护墙等)和水利工程(水渠、水库、水井、梯田)等。 历史溯源 玛雅文化的历史


玛雅遗址的建筑历史详细介绍 蒂卡尔是玛雅文明的文化和人口中心之一。这里最早的纪念碑建造于公元前四世纪。城市在玛雅古典时期——大约公元200年到公元850年左右,达到顶峰。 蒂卡尔的历史可以追溯到公元前1世纪,起先她只是个二流城邦,奉北部城邦米拉多为盟主,蒂卡尔可能从公元二世纪开始奉行与中美洲当时的大国提奥提华坎友好的政策,并取得成功使自己国力大涨,从而成为玛雅世界最强大的城邦之一。 公元292年,Balam Ajaw(传统上译为“Decorated Jaguar”,被装饰过的美洲虎)继位为蒂卡尔国王,开始了强大的蒂卡尔王朝。在一块刻有他形象的石碑上记录有公元292年7月8日的日期。这个时间也通常被历史学家当作玛雅古典文明的开始之日。 公元360年,Chak Toh Ich’ak I 美洲虎之爪一世(Jaguar Paw I)为国王之时,蒂卡尔空前强大,“美洲虎之爪一世”的弟弟“吸烟的青蛙”于公元378年1月16日征服邻邦乌夏克吞(Uaxactun),并成为乌夏克吞的君主。

美洲虎之爪一世以后的蒂卡尔国王叫做Nun Yax Ayin,(King Curl-Nose 蜷鼻王) 是一个来自提奥提华坎的贵族,于379年继位,蜷鼻王虽来自提奥提华坎,但却也是个地道的蒂卡尔国王,保持着蒂卡尔的强大与繁荣。 公元411年至公元456年,Siyah Chan K'awil II 暴风雨天空二世(Stormy Sky II) 为国王。从美洲虎之爪一世到暴风雨天空二世的一百年间是蒂卡尔历史上第一个强大的时期。 此后蒂卡尔以北的城邦卡拉克穆尔强大,蒂卡尔出现了一个衰落时期,直到公元7世纪,Hasaw Chan K’awil 阿赫卡王(双月,巧克力领主Double Moon or Lord Chocolate 682年-734年在位),蒂卡尔重新强大,打败卡拉克穆尔,使得蒂卡尔重新成为玛雅中部地区的霸主。以后是Yik’in Chan Kawil 雅克金王(734年-766年在位)和Yax Nuun Ayiin II 奇坦王(Chitam 768年-790年在位),在这一百年间是蒂卡尔第二次鼎盛时期。蒂卡尔壮丽的遗迹主要也是这三位国王在位期间筑成。 奇坦王之后,与同一时期其他玛雅城邦一样,蒂卡尔迅速衰落,已知可考的最后一位国王是Jasaw Chan K'awiil II (869年-889年在位) 在这之后,没有建造什么主要的纪念碑。一些宫


六年级美术练习题 一、填空1、《哪吒闹海》是一幅有民族气派的现代(壁画),画家(张仃)在画中运用了传统壁画的表现手法,又借鉴了现代装饰画的理念,在(构图)(色彩)(造型)等方面都进行了成功的探索,(构图)新颖、色彩绚丽,颇有(旋转感)和装饰意趣。 2、《拉斯科洞窟的岩画》被称为“史前的卢浮宫”,产生于1.5万年前的旧石器时代,这是人类最早的绘画。是用蕨草、羽毛等工具,木炭、矿砂等颜料画成的。书中画的是(马)。 3、墨西哥的《库库尔坎金字塔》与埃及金字塔不同,埃及金字塔外表的四个面是(平)的,顶端是(尖)的;《库库尔坎金字塔》外表呈(阶梯)形,塔顶是(平)的,是羽蛇神庙,它产生于2000多年前的玛雅文明,由9层晒台91级台阶组成。 阿布辛拜勒神庙前的拉美西斯二世雕塑始建于公元前1300年——公元前1233年。它是埃及最强大的国王拉美西斯二世时期建造的。 4、日本的《法隆寺》建于1400年前,是最古老的木建筑,它与中国传统的塔造型相近,但比中国的塔纤秀、飘逸一些,檐翼宽大,塔顶尖细。 5、奥林匹克运动会起源于公元前776年古希腊的运动竞赛,由古希腊的一个地名奥林匹亚而得名。古希腊雕塑是世界雕塑史上的一座丰碑,健美的运动员,造型高度写实,姿态优雅,容貌端正,反映古希腊人对美的追求。(掷铁饼者公元前450年、竞技表演公元前510年)哈夫拉金字塔埃及公元前2500年、巨石阵英国公元前3100-公元前1100年、毛阿伊石像智利公元700-800年、比萨斜塔意大利1173-1350年、圣瓦西里大教堂俄罗斯1561年。 6、世界第一峰是珠穆朗玛峰,海拔8844.43米,藏语中,其含义是(圣母)的意思。尼泊尔人称它是(“萨加玛塔峰”),意思是“摩天峰”。 7、《巨人之路》位于英国,它的四万根石柱,完全是(大自然)的杰作。 大堡礁位于澳大利亚东北部,由2900个珊瑚礁组成,是世界七大自然奇景之一。 自然美是一个整体,天空、大地、山峦、河流、树木……构成了和谐之美。自然美不是精致的,而是动态的,有四季、气候、生命的变化……我们可以亲身感受他们的芬芳、声音、冷暖……自然美的特征有a 自然本身的质地、材料、色彩、形状等。B 自然偏重于形式。C 自然具有联想性等。 维多利亚瀑布非洲津巴布韦,加兰巴国家公园非洲刚果民主共和国,科罗拉多大峡谷美洲美国,罗斯格拉西亚雷斯冰川国家公园莫雷罗冰川美洲阿根廷,马埃谷地自然保护区非洲塞舌尔,乌卢鲁国家公园的艾尔斯巨石大洋洲澳大利亚吴哥古迹柬埔寨亚洲、科罗拉多大峡谷美国美洲

世界著名旅游景点介绍(doc 18页)(精美教案)

世界著名旅游景点一览秘鲁印加遗址——Machu Picchu – Peru 20世纪初,人们传说在秘鲁安第斯山脉的崇山峻岭中有一座神秘的古城。西班牙人在长达300年的殖民统治期间对它一无所知,秘鲁独立后100年间也无人涉足。400多年的时光,只有翱翔的山鹰一睹古城的雄姿。它就是今天的马丘比丘印加遗址。

墨西哥玛雅古迹——Chichen Itza - Mexico 奇琴伊察玛雅城邦遗址曾是古玛雅帝国最大最繁华的城邦。遗址拉于尤卡坦半岛中部。始建于公元514年。城邦的主要古迹有:千柱广场,它曾支撑巨大的穹窿形房顶。可见此建筑物之大。武士庙及庙前的斜倚的两神石像。9层高30米的呈阶梯形的库库尔坎金字塔。以及圣井(石灰岩竖洞)和筑在高台上呈蜗形的玛雅人古天文观象台,称“蜗台”。

印度泰姬陵——Taj Mahal 泰姬陵是莫卧儿王朝第五代君主沙杰罕为宠姬泰吉·玛哈尔修筑的陵墓,整个建筑通体用白色大理石砌成,外形端庄华美,无懈可击,寝宫门窗及围屏都用白色大理石镂雕成菱形带花边的小格,墙上用翡翠、水晶、玛瑙、红绿宝石镶嵌着色彩艳丽的藤蔓花朵,光线所至,光华夺目,璀璨有如天上的星辉。几百年来,不知有多少文人墨客为泰姬陵折腰,写下无数

动人的诗篇。但是当你真正站在她面前时,才会深深体会到,泰姬陵之美,原来是任何文字都无法书写的。绝代有佳人,遗世而独立。俏立于亚穆纳河畔那个洁白晶莹、玲珑剔透的身 影,秀眉微蹙,若有所思。 好望角——Cape Town 非洲西南端的岬角。1488年葡萄牙航海家迪亚士在寻找欧洲通向印度的航路时到此,因多风暴,取名风暴角。但从此通往富庶的东方航道有望,故改称好望角。苏伊士运河通航前,来往于亚欧之间的船舶都经过好望角。现特大油轮无法进入苏伊士运河,仍需取此道航行。好望角多暴风雨,海浪汹涌,位于来自印度洋的温暖的莫桑比克厄加勒斯洋流和来自南极洲水域


《追寻文明的足迹》创新教案 学习目标: 1能够收集世界文化遗产的相关资料,初步认识、了解自己感兴趣的文化遗产。 2通过本课学习,认识到文化遗产是人类共同的财富,增强保护文化遗产的意识及方法。 3学习了解各个国家不同时期的文明足迹,尊重不同文化背景下的文化现象,接纳多元文化,拓展国际视野。 教学重、难点: 重点:1通过资料阅读、课上交流等途径,认识7处~10处世界文化遗产,较细致地了解2处~3处世界文化遗产;2能够从文化遗产的历史背景、审美价值、社会影响、经典特征等方面,介绍2处~3处世界文化遗产。 难点:有步骤、有层次地介绍2处~3处文化遗产。 课前准备: 教师:文化遗产高清组图,视频资料等; 学生:搜集感兴趣的文化遗产资料(格式不限)。 教学过程: 一、我们一起来了解一下奥运会的发祥地——希腊。 1、欣赏图片,了解奥林匹亚遗址及有关奥运会知识。 希腊属于欧洲,首都是雅典。奥林匹亚是奥林匹克运动的发祥地。这里气候宜人,景色优美,到处都是橄榄树、桂树和柏树。古奥运会起源于公元前776年,终止于公元394年,共举行293届,绵延1170年。1896年4月6日至15日,第一届现代奥运会终于在雅典隆重举行。奥林匹克运动从此开始了一个崭

新的纪元。现代奥林匹克运动会虽然改在各国轮流举行,但仍然沿用这一名称,并且在这里点燃各届奥运会的圣火。奥林匹亚有世界上最古老的运动场。 2、欣赏《掷铁饼者》,了解相关内容。 在古代奥运会上获一次冠军者,可以在运动场墙壁上镌刻自己的名字;三次夺冠,雕塑家就会找上门来,为你塑像。我们看到的《掷铁饼者》就是这样一尊雕塑,它属于圆雕作品。大家看到这尊雕塑有什么感受? 刻画的是一名强健的男子掷铁饼的过程。在作品中创造了一个出色的健美而又富于力感的运动员形象。 雕塑选择的是将铁饼摆到最高点、即将抛出的一刹那,有着强烈的“引而不发”的吸引力。虽然是一件静止的雕塑,但艺术家把握住了从一种状态转换到另一种状态的关键环节,达到了使观众心理上获得“运动感”的效果,成为后世艺术创作的典范。这尊雕像被认为是“空间中凝固的永恒”,直到今天仍然是代表体育运动的最佳标志。 此雕塑由米隆创作于约公元前450年,被公认为体育运动和健美体魄的象征。这是雕刻家从实际生活中观察得来的真实形象。我们看到的大理石雕复制品,高约152厘米,罗马国立博物馆、梵蒂冈博物馆、特尔梅博物馆均有收藏,原作为青铜材质。 3、欣赏《竞技表演》。 《竞技表演》也是一座以表现奥林匹克运动为内容的雕塑作品,它属于浮雕。从图片上大家可以看出哪些内容?(一些运动员的动作,各种运动项目。)从这些人物的表现上你感觉这些运动员身体素质怎样?(非常健美,有力量的感觉。)这座浮雕通过表现竞技场上的运动员们在精神上与肉体上的坚强有力和美感,向我们传达出生命的健美、庄重与和谐,给我们带来美的享受。 二、了解其它世界文化遗产。

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