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第1题This offer is firm subject to your immediate reply ___ should reach us not later than the end of this month.






第2题The price is ___ of your 5% commission.






第3题The following credits that give the beneficiary a great assurance of payment are ___ .

A、Revocable L/C

B、Irrevocable L/C

C、Confirmed L/C

D、Transferable L/C


第4题You can find ___ for black tea here.

A、a ready market

B、most popular

C、great popularity

D、selling fast


第5题We are glad that we have an agreement on this matter ___ .






第6题We have made ___ that we would accept D/P terms for your future orders.


B、it clear

C、that clear

D、it is clear


第7题We assure you of our full ___ in executing the contract.






第8题___ our S/C No.301, we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by Oct.10.

A、With reference to

B、Refer to


D、With refer to


第9题___ your letter of March 5,we are pleased to inform you that the L/C has been received.

A、Replying to

B、Replying for

C、Replied to

D、Replied for


第10题I suggested he should ___ himself to his new condition.






第11题He took a note on the calendar to ___ himself of their luncheon date.






第12题It was the second time that they ___ the museum.


B、would have visited

C、had visited

D、would visit


第13题The business negotiation is well ___ between the two companies.

A、under way

B、in way

C、under progress

D、at progress


第14题It is important that the hotel receptionist ___ that guests are registered correctly.

A、make sure

B、has made sure

C、made sure

D、must make sure


第15题The British constitution is ___ a large extent a product of the historical events described above.






第16题___ evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated.

A、It being

B、It is

C、There is

D、There being


第17题I had just started back for the house to change my clothes ___ I heard voices.






第18题We are pleased to ___ you that 6000 dozen shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C123, L/C No.5678 have gone off on S.S. “Dragon”.






第19题Claims for ___ or incorrect material must be made within 30days after arrival of the goods.






第20题It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you ___ it.

A、mustn’t have done

B、wouldn’t have done

C、mightn’t have done

D、didn’t have to do



大学英语4 第一次作业 一、单选题 (共90.00分) 1.How did the writer feel when his father advised him to try Westminster College of Law? A.He felt shameful and refused to take the advice. B.The advice was useful and realistic, but going to a much less famous school than the previous one hurt his self-esteem. C.He thought it easy to attend Westminster College of Law. D.He didn’t take it seriously and ignore the advice. 正确答案:B 2.What do you think resulted in the writer’s success? A.He had a strong dignity. B.The writer had the talent of a lawyer, which the dean of the University of Colorado School of Law had mistaken him. C.Westminster College of Law is better than the University of Colorado School of Law. D.His ambition, diligence and taking advantage of chances. 正确答案:B 3.The writer had tried very hard and got enrolled by the University of Colorado School of Law. A.True B.False正确答案:B 4.The writer’s father understood very well why his son had been ki cked out of the University of Colorado. A.True B.False正确答案:A 5.The writer didn’t feel proud when he went back to the University of Colorado after graduation. A.True B.False正确答案:B 6.We should try to _______ all educational opportunities. A.take advantages of B.take the advantage of C.take advantage of D.take advantage with正确答案:C 7.In given conditions, bad things can _______ good results. A.lead to B.results in C.issued in D.lead in正确答案:A 8.I’ll tell our manager about it and ask him to _______ you. A.connect to B.connect C.contact with D.contact正确答案:D 9.She has long been hoping to become the _______ manager. A.assistant B.assistants C.assistance D.assisted正确答案:A 10.The earthquake _______ several stores in the business area. A.damage B.blasted C.hurt D.destroyed正确答案:D 11.I’ll let you borrow it _______ you lend me your bicycle in return. A.on a condition B.on conditions C.on one condition D.in one condition正确答案:C 12.The doctor will see you again next week. _______ you must rest as much as possible. A.Meanwhile B.Otherwise C.Also D.Moreover正确答案:A 13.After the accident it took a long time before she had the _______ to get on a plane again. A.encourage B.courageous C.confident D.confidence正确答案:D 14.Is it worthwhile putting so many resources toward something that is _______ a reliable thing? A.nothing but B.anything but C.something but D.everything but正确答案:B 15.What food did Amy like most? A.The roasted turkey. B.The sweet potatoes. C.The cooked fish. D.The soft fish cheek. 正确答案:D 16.When she knew that Robert would come for the Christmas dinner, Amy was so excited that she cried. A.True B.False正确答案:B


华丰路小学四年级特色寒假作业 共同作业: 1.请每位家长大年初一早晨给孩子一封信作为新年礼物,夸夸自己的孩子。好孩子是夸出来的。 2.家长和孩子一起选购一本好书,亲子共读,进行交流、探讨,写读后感,家长和孩子的交流有利于孩子的进步。 3.亲子共同讨论,找出孩子的特长,给老师写一封推荐信,让老师更加了解你的孩子。 语文作业: 1. 收集春联最少20幅,制作“春联集”。(用稿纸完成) 2. 留心身边发生的事,写3篇日记,日记内容要真实、具体;并记录两件以上在假期中最有感触的事情,写成作文,要求内容真实、准确。(用稿纸完成) 3. 以“春节”为主题做一张手抄报。钢笔字、毛笔书法作业各选10张上交。 4. 查找有关“马”的成语20个。抄下来。(用稿纸完成) 数学作业: 1.在家长指导下,在8K纸上用彩笔画一幅公交线路图。(任选一路公交)。 2.留意身边的事情,运用本册学过的三位数乘以两位数和三位数除以两位数,结合生活实际,自拟情景问题并解答,写在8K纸上,共10道题。 3.绘制一张条形统计图,统计自己的压岁钱是如何分配的。 4.做口算题卡,每天一页。 美术作业: 画两张有关“欢度春节”的图画;自己动手做一个元宵节灯笼;自己动手写一幅春联;自己动手做一个模型或手工作品;完成一件手工小制作;学剪纸,剪一幅自己喜欢的吉祥物的物品,如兔子、牡丹花、苹果等等。 以上任选其中的一项完成。 英语作业: 1.每天读英语一课。 2.把所有学过的单词进行归类。比如,表示心情的单词有哪些?表示家庭成员的单词有哪些?表示动作的单词、表示天气的单词等有哪些?并把每个归类的单词配上相对应的图片,在对应的图片下方写上相对应的单词。图片可以画也可以剪。 以上作业全部整理在塑料文件夹里,开学交给班主任老师,班级将进行优秀特色寒假作业展评。 祝全体学生及家长春节愉快、身体健康、万事如意! 2014年1月20日


周次时间教学内容教学 时数 4 1 2010.9.5 Introduction & Lesson 6 Visiting Schedule 4 2 2010.9.12 Lesson 1 Business Inquiry 4 3 2010.9.19 Lesson 2/4 On Price 4 2010.10.17 Lesson 3 Payment&delivery 4 5 2010.10.24 Lesson 5 4 Shipment 4 6 2010.10.31 Lesson10 Packing &labeling 7 2010.11.7 Lesson11 4 Insurance 8 2010.11.14 随堂考试 4 期末考试题型:谈判模块对话,回答商贸相关问题,英汉句子互译。 Lesson 6 Arranging the Time Schedule of a Visit Words and expressions 1.Section Chief 2.Department Manager 3. the Liaison Office 4.China National Light Industrial Import and Export Corporation 5. Far East Trade Department The countries and regions of eastern and southeast Asia, especially China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Mongolia. 远东:东亚和东南亚的国家和地区,特指中国、日本、朝鲜、韩国和蒙古 6.You are going out of your way for us.


WORD格式 大学英语 4第一次作业 一、单选题(共90.00分) 1.How did the writer feel when his father advised him to try Westminster College of Law? A.He felt shameful and refused to take the advice. B.The advice was useful and realistic, but going to a much less famous school than the previous one hurt his self-esteem. C.He thought it easy to attend Westminster College of Law. D.He didn’ t take it seriously and ignore the advice. 正确答案: B 2.What do you think resulted in the writer’ s success? A.He had a strong dignity. B.The writer had the talent of a lawyer, which the dean of the University of Colorado School of Law had mistaken him. C.Westminster College of Law is better than the University of Colorado School of Law. D.His ambition, diligence and taking advantage of chances. 正确答案: B 3.The writer had tried very hard and got enrolled by the University of Colorado School of Law. A.True B.Fals e 4.The writer A.True B.Fals e 5.The writer didn A.TrueB.Fals 正确答案: B ’ s father understood very well why his son had been kicked out of the University of Colorado. 正确答案: A ’ t feel proud when he went back to the University of Colorado after graduation. e 正确答案: B 6.We should try to _______ all educational opportunities. A.take advantages of B.take the advantage of C.take advantage of D.take advantage with 正确答案: C 7.In given conditions, bad things can _______ good


期末考试题型:谈判模块对话,回答商贸相关问题,英汉句子互译。Lesson 6 Arranging the Time Schedule of a Visit Words and expressions 1.Section Chief 2.Department Manager 3. the Liaison Office 4.China National Light Industrial Import and Export Corporation 5. Far East Trade Department The countries and regions of eastern and southeast Asia, especially China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Mongolia. 远东:东亚和东南亚的国家和地区,特指中国、日本、朝鲜、韩国和蒙古 6.You are going out of your way for us.

go out of one's way 或 go out of the way To inconvenience oneself in doing something beyond what is required. 不怕麻烦地:超出要求之外做某事而使自己麻烦 7. to feel at home 8. by all means尽一切办法, 一定 9.No better time than now. 10. empress Dowager n. 继承亡夫爵位(或遗产的)遗孀, 贵妇 慈禧太后,孝钦显皇后,满族,1835年11月29日(道光十五年十月十日)~1908年11月15日(光绪三十四年十月二十二日),又称“西太后”、“那拉太后”、“老佛爷”,徽号“慈禧端佑康颐昭豫庄诚寿恭钦献崇熙”。死后清朝上谥号为“孝钦慈禧端佑康颐昭豫庄诚寿恭钦献崇熙配天兴圣显皇后”。咸丰帝的妃子,同治帝生母,光绪帝养母。慈禧博学多才,能书善画,书法长于行书、楷书,绘画有花卉等传世。 11. be all for [口]完全赞成; 急于得到 12. get bogged down on details bog down [俗](使)陷于泥沼; 使陷于困境; 使停顿 13. If all goes well 14. take in v. 接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗 15. off-hand


题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 Not until the 1980's, when the company was taken over by Eisner, ________ an advantage in the hot competition. A、had it gained B、did it gain C、it gained D、gained it 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 ________extremely fashionable clothes and ________ by reporters, the famous actress picked up the microphone. A、Wear,surrounded B、Wearing,surrounded C、Wearing, surrounding D、Wear, surrounding 学员答案:b 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to _______ the investment plan in a week. A、work out B、put out C、point out D、set out 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ________ on benches, chairs or boxes. A、having seated B、seating



四年级数学个性化作业班级姓名得分 一、填空。(17分) 1、三位数除以两位数,商不是()位数,就是()位数。 2、要使□53÷48的商是一位数,□里最大填();要使□53÷48的 商是两位数,□里最小填()。 3、680÷17=40,51÷3=17,列成综合算式是 ()。 4、96时=()日 25升=()毫升 2时=()秒 5、()和26相乘的积最接近183,而又小于183。 6、在△△○△△○△△○……中,12个△之间有()○;第16个是 (),在前50个图形中有()△。 7、口袋里有5块红色橡皮,3块黄色橡皮,橡皮的形状、大小相同,从中 任意摸一块橡皮,摸到()橡皮的可能性大,如果想使摸到黄色橡皮的可能性大,至少要往袋中放入()块()橡皮。 8、★÷△=18……18,△最小是(),★最小是()。 二、计算。 1、直接写得数。(8分) 540÷6 25×2 40×70 24×5 720÷8 87-29 23-18÷3 (25+75)×5 2、能简便计算的就简便计算。(8分) 630÷45 11000÷125÷8 540÷9×6 40+60×3 3、脱式计算。(18分) 360+360÷12 837÷27+65×4 (720-360)÷(12×6)(742-42×15)÷56 540÷[12×(80-75)] 420÷[(205-198)×4] 4、竖式计算并验算。(12分) 973÷48 774÷24 480÷68 580÷70 三、解决问题。(37分) 1、义务献血时,每次的献血量一般为200毫升。照这样计算,一天 某单位有10名员工参加了义务献血,一共献了多少升? 2、小李参加唱歌比赛,八名评委的评分分别是:96分、100分、93 分、89分、94分、88分、97分、95分。去掉一个最高分和一个最低 分,小李最后的平均得分是多少分? 3、小红和小丽一起去买同一种练习本,小红买6本练习本用去了42 元,小丽买8本练习本需要多少钱? 4、小华和她另外的3个好朋友5天一共写了320个毛笔字,平均每 人每天写多少个? 5、一本童话书共有165页,小强前4天看了60页。照这样计算,看完这 本书一共要用多少天?


4月24日作业: 1. 读《假如给我三天光明》5页。√ 2. 默写语文书第80页的“日积月累”。√ 3.读语文第17课三遍,并背诵其中的第4段和第5段。√ 4.听写“词语盘点三”和“词语盘点四”√ 5.数学练习本中完成脱式计算,能简算的要简算:√ 9.2+5.8×2.3 4.1×2.6+2.6×5.9 12×(17.4-9.6) 4×5.34×2.5 6.数学预习第46~47页。√ 7.语文书第80页“16个四字词语”,意思已经粘在语文书第80页,要求熟练背诵意思。周一检查。√ 8.事情: (1)整理个人卫生。√ (2)五月初学校会有期中考试,请同学们自己看书复习所学过的知识。√ (3)拿校本课材料,其中贴画组拿:海绵纸、剪刀、白胶、卡纸、铅笔、橡皮。√ (4)周一有阅读课,拿《假如给我三天光明》这本书。√ (5)今天没有交方格本的同学,及方格本没有包好本皮的同学,请周一交。√ (6)《弟子规》要求,从“兄道友弟道恭”————背诵到“勿畏难勿轻略”。要熟练背诵哟。熟练背诵下面五首古诗《鹧鸪天.送人》、《饮酒》、《鸟鸣涧》、《约客》、《社日》。√ 9. 英语作业:M5M6单词标题句5+1.背诵M6课文。√ 4月27日作业: 1. 读《假如给我三天光明》5页。√ 2. 背诵并默写语文书第80页的“日积月累”。(今天检查时,多人不会背诵)√ 3.读语文第17课、18课三遍,并背诵第17课的第4段和第5段。√ 4.抄写“词语盘点五”,在语文书第94页。是抄写不是听写。√ 5.数学练习本中完成脱式计算,能简算的要简算:√ 1.25× 2.5× 3.2 4.7×101 12.5×25×3.2 0.362+0.362×99 6.数学预习第46~47页。√ 7.事情: (1)参加小足球射门的10名同学,请加紧练习。30日比赛。(人员已确定)√ (2)背诵古诗《村夜》。家长检查,在语文书前面的古诗单子上,√ 4月28日作业: 1. 读《假如给我三天光明》5页。√ 2.读语文第18课、19课各三遍。√ 3.抄写“词语盘点五”,在语文书第94页。是抄写不是听写。√ 4.数学练习本中完成竖式计算√ 3.79× 4.8 8.94×700 简算题:76×10.1 1.25 ×25 ×0.32 5. 数学预习第46~49页。√ 6.语册做到第46页。√ 7.事情: (1)参加小足球射门的10名同学,请加紧练习。30日比赛。(人员已确定)√ (2)背诵古诗《陶者》。家长检查,在语文书前面的古诗单子上。√ (3)背诵《弟子规》从“勿践阈勿跛倚”背到“勿畏难勿轻略”√ (4)《五一致家长一封信》给家长签字,明天收。√ (5)美术课拿:上节课作业(艳丽的大公鸡)、彩笔、蜡笔。√ 8.英语作业:M5单词标题句5+1.背诵M5课文。√


外贸英语口语对话:支付条款 Having settled the price of transaction. Mr Fracer is having a talk about payment terms with Mr Li from our trading corporation. F:Of talking over the price,at all is on the high sides as compared with those of arrival goods,the quality of your products,I suppose,will probably make up for it.Now,let's come to the terms of payment. L:Ok.That's what I am going to say.As usual,our terms of payment are by confirmed,irrevocable at sight draft against presentation of shipping documents. F:But other suppliers can give us more favorable terms.You see,the world market has been rather down recently,besides,our exchange quota is rather limited. So,we'd like to use DA to this transaction. L:I am afraid we cannot accept the DA,as you know,devaluation of the dollar and its consequent repercursions are major currencies.Having given rise to grave and certain days in the international monatery market.Therefore,we find necessary to handle our business on LC basis,at least for the time being. F:Payment by LC involves additional expense for us.This leaves no margin and profits at the terms of payment. L:Mr Fracer,you know quite well that chinese goods enjoy an excellent reputation in foreign markets.Moreover,there is at present a volk for chinese goods.The article you are interested in is greatly in demand and it sells especially


大连理工大学2012春季《大学英语(四)》第一次在线作业答案(满分) 第1题–It’s our great pleasure to have you visit our company. --_________________ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:外宾来本单位参观时的常用语 第2题– Would you mind giving me an introduction of your company? --________________ 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:当被问及是否介意时常用否定的回答 第3题– Are there any morning flights to Wuhan? --_______________ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:预定机票时的常用语句 第4题– How much is the air ticket? -- ________________ 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:预定机票时的常用语句 第5题– Which flight do you want? -- _______________ 您的答案:D 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:预定机票时的常用语句 第6题– Excuse me, how long can the taxi get here? -- _____________ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打出租车时常用的句子,询问时间时要有表示时间的句子来回答。

第7题– How much do I owe you? -- _________ 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打车付费时的常用语 第8题 I saw them _________in the river. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:see 感官动词的宾语补足语常用不带to 的不定式。看到某人做某事see sb.do sthl 第9题 She pretended _______ me when I passed by. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:pretend后要跟动词不定式作宾语,否定形式中not 放在to 前面。 第10题 She reached the top of the hill and stopped _______ on a big rock by the side of the path. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:stop后可跟动词不定式也可跟动名词作宾语,但意义不同:stop to do 表示放下当前的事去做另 一件;stop doing表示停止做某事 第11题 He was too excited _________. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:too…to 的用法,“太…以至于不能…” 第12题The problem _______ at tomorrow’s meeting is a very difficult one. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:动词不定式做后置定语修饰problems,且该问题要在未来的时间讨论


四年级数学下学期校本作业(一) 班级姓名座号 一、填空。1、38×50-24÷3可以同时先算()法和()法,再算()法。 2、已知12×3=36,15÷4=60,36+60=96,把这三个算式列成一个综合算式是()。 二、脱式计算。 13×5+6×12 13+5×6×20 38-15×3÷9 360÷4+5×32 三、填空。 1、已知100÷25=4,6+4=10,12×10=120,把这三个算式列成一个综合算式是()。 2、如果要改变852+152÷19×8的运算顺序,使其先算除法,再算加法,最后算乘法,那么算式应该是()。 3、在○里填上“>”或“<”。 5+25×2○(5+25)×2 96÷6-3○96÷(6-3) 20+12+60÷3○20+(12+60)÷3

90÷(3+6×2)○90÷[(3+6)×2] 4、30与60的和除以25与10的差,商是多少?正确的列式是()。 四、根据运算顺序添上括号并计算。 1、32×800-400÷25 先减、再乘、最后除 2、32×800-400÷25 先除、再减、最后乘 3、32×800-400÷25 先减、再除、最后乘 五、实验小学四年级一班40人共拾可回收垃圾5400克,四年级二班45人共拾可回收垃圾4500克。哪个班级平均每人拾可回收垃圾多?多多少克? 六、添一添。 1、巧添“+”“-”“×”“÷”“()”,使等式成立。 4 4 4 4=0 4 4 4 4=2 4 4 4 4=3 4 4 4 4=1 4 4 4 4=9 4 4 4 4=15

2、添上括号,使下面的算式成立。 6 × 8 + 12 ÷ 4 - 1 = 52 6 × 8 + 12 ÷ 4 - 1 = 14


关于外贸英语对话练习 随着经济全球化时代的到来,外贸英语翻译在我国经济生活中的地位与作用越来越重要。精心收集了关于外贸英语对话练习,供大家欣赏学习! A:How much do you pay wholesale for your products? 你们产品的批发价是多少? B:We have a few different wholesale vendors, so our cost varies a bit over the fiscal year. But the difference is miniscule, a fluctuation of about 0.2%. 我们几个批发商的情况都不一样,所以本会计年度的费用支出 不好确定.但差别很小,大约上下浮动0.2%. A:That must impact your bottom line at least a little bit, doesn't it? After all, your sticker price is pretty much set in stone. How much do they go for retail? 那多少会影响到你们的底线吧?毕竟你们的定价相当固定.那你们产品的零售价是多少?

B:Retail price is 29.95 per unit. We take into consideration changes in supply cost when figuring this price. 零售价是每套29.95美元,定价时我们把供货成本的变化因素 考虑进去了. A:Is that including tax? 包括税吗? B:No, that's the price before tax. The tax rate is varies from different marketing areas, so it is difficult for us to figure in. 不包括,这是税前价.不同的销售区税率各不相同,所以我们很 难把它核算进去. A:How much is your profit margin then? 那么你们的利润率是多少?


第一次在线作业 单选题 (共40道题) 展开 收起 1.( 2.5分) -- How do you do, Mr. Wang? --_________________. A、How do you do? B、I’m doing fine. C、Nice to meet you. D、I’m OK. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分) -- What’s up? --______________. ?A、How do you do? ?B、Hello. ?C、Nothing much. ?D、What’s down? 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分) -- ______________ -- Quite well.And you? ?A、Good to see you. ?B、How are you doing? ?C、Hi! ?D、What’s up? 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 4.(2.5分) He responded with great anger ________this unfair treatment of his classmates. ?A、for ?B、at

?C、to ?D、with 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 5.(2.5分) You should take an umbrella with you when you go to school _______of rain. ?A、in case ?B、in the case ?C、in cases ?D、in the cases 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分) He works ______. ?A、lone ?B、lonely ?C、alone ?D、lonesome 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 7.(2.5分) He got up at 6:00 that day but he ________up at 7:00. ?A、usually getts ?B、getts usually ?C、usually gets ?D、gets usually 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 8.(2.5分) The plane is scheduled to arrive ______ because of bad weather. ?A、lately ?B、late ?C、later ?D、latest


四年级数学上册第二周个性化作业 班级:姓名:学号:等第: 一、口算。 612÷6= 100÷4= 300÷50= 480÷60= 390÷3= 720÷80= 280÷70= 450÷90= 700÷70= 810÷90= 二、列竖式计算并验算。 940÷4= 191÷20= 257÷50= 328÷60= 三、填空。 1、 8000毫升=()升 10升=()毫升 2、一瓶酱油有500毫升,()瓶这样的酱油正好是2升。一瓶果汁有250 毫升,()瓶这样的果汁正好是3升。 3、在括号里填上“升”或“亳升”。 一脸盆水10 ()一瓶橘子汁有500()一瓶墨水50() 一瓶眼药水8()小华每天喝牛奶200 ()一桶纯净水19() 4、在○里填上“﹥”、“﹤”或“=”。 8500毫升○8升 1001毫升○999升 301毫升○3001毫升 7000毫升○7升 6000毫升○5升 13升○1300毫升 5、括号里最大能填几? 20×()<136 80×()<352 70×()<335 50×()<426 90×()<439 60×()<512 6、一个数除以20,商是20,余数是12,这个数是()。 7、一个数除以30,商是12,有余数,当余数最大时,这个数是()。 8、最大的三位数除以最小的两位数,商是(),余数是()。 四、判断。 1、热水瓶的容量比奶瓶的容量大。() 2、一个普通的茶杯大约能装300毫升的水。() 3、小明口渴时一口气能喝13升水。() 4、一瓶橙汁可以倒满7杯,另一瓶也可以倒满7杯,这两个橙汁瓶的容量一样。 () () 5、甲容器可盛水4000毫升,是乙容器可盛水量的一半,乙容器可盛水8升。 五、选择。 1、家里的洗菜池大约能盛()升水。 A.5升 B.10升 C.50升

四年级数学下册 作业

第一天姓名家长签字 一、口算题 138-89= 5400÷54=200×34= 550-450= 18000÷600=2700÷30=45×14= 890÷100= 0.82+0.08= 73×11= 二、脱式计算题 630÷(21-12)×16(420-42×7)÷6 186-900÷(100-95)30+54×4÷8 三、应用题 1、一个长方形的面积是225平方米,如果长除以5,宽乘以5,这个长方形就变成了一个正方形,这个正方形的面积是多少?这个正方形的边长是多少? 2、学校将360本图书分给二、三两个年级,已知三年级所分得的本数是二年级的2倍,问二、三年级各分得多少本图书? 第 1 页共 52 页

第二天姓名家长签字 一、口算题 0.63×10= 40÷10=17÷1000=0.56+0.4= 80×25= 1-0.93= 1.25×100= 5.6+99= 100÷25=90-0.9= 二、脱式计算题 6.2+16+3.8= 1.2+1.8+1.4= 2.5+67+7.5= 5.6+2.7+4.4= 三、应用题 1、用一根长24米的铁丝围成一个正方形或长方形,它的面积最大是多少?最少是多少? 2、小宁有钢笔30枝,小青有钢笔15支,问小青给多少支钢笔给小宁后,小宁的钢笔枝数是小青的8倍? 第 2 页共 52 页

第三天姓名家长签字 一、口算题 41×100=8800÷400= 0.12×10= 600÷30= 7.59÷100= 150+70= 356-98= 125×8= 612÷6= 12×80= 二、脱式计算题 64+36-58 40×38×25 2×96×5(18+25)×4 三、应用题 1、一列火车身长800米,每秒40米行驶,经过一座为1600米的大桥,请问车头上桥到车尾需要多少时间? 2、两数相除商为17余6,被除数、除数、商和余数的和是479,被除数和除数分别是多少? 第 3 页共 52 页


对话1 A: How long will it take for our order to be delivered? B: Let's see...You are importing fifty containers of textiles from China. They should be able to place your order before the end of next week. It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningbo. The freight will take 3 weeks on the open ocean, and will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today. Domestic shipping will be your responsibility; you can make arrangements with the pier in Los Angeles. A: Fine. We will handle domestic shipping, but what about customs? Will we have to pay tariff on our imports? I hope we don't run into any problems with the border control. B: No, the Chinese company has that all worked out. With the paperwork you receive with the shipment, you should be good to go. 中文 要过多长时间我们订的货才能送到? 我看一下…你要从中国进口50个集装箱的纺织品.他们应该在下周末之前下订单.运到宁波需要两天时间.货运在公海上还需要三周时间,到达洛杉矶的时间从今天算起大约在一个月以后.国内运输有你们自己负责,你们可以和洛杉矶码头达成协议. 很好.我们会处理好国内运输的,可是海关那里怎么办?我们还要交进口税吗?我希望我们在边境检查时不会遇到什么问题. 不会的,这个问题中国公司都解决了.拿着受到的货运文件,你应该会办得很顺利. 单次详解 Deliver: to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to take somebody somewhere 递送;传送;交付;运载 We promise to deliver within 48 hours. 我们承诺在48 小时内送到. textiles['t?ksta?l]:n. 纺织品,织物adj.纺织的 Freight[freit]: goods that are transported by ships, planes, trains or lorries/trucks; the system of transporting goods in this way (海运、空运或陆运的)货物;货运 to send goods by air freight 空运货物 a freight business 货运公司 passenger and freight transportation services 客货运业务 approximately[?'pr?ksimitli]: 大概;近乎 There were approximately fifty people there. 那儿大约有五十个人. domestic:Domestic political activities, events, and situations happen or exist within one particular country. 国内的 domestic flight国内航班;国内班机;国内航线;国际航班 domestic price国内价格;出口国价格;本土价格 Shipping: the activity of carrying people or goods from one place to another by ship 航运;海运a shipping company/group/line 航运公司╱集团╱公司 customs: the taxes that must be paid to the government when goods are brought in from other countries 关税;进口税 to pay customs on something 为某物缴纳关税 customs duty/duties 进口税 tariff['t?rif]: a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country 关税

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