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Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have become

Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have become
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have become

A Simple Method For Estimating Conditional Probabilities For SVMs

Stefan R¨uping

CS Department,AI Unit

Dortmund University




Support Vector Machines(SVMs)have become

a popular learning algorithm,in particular for

large,high-dimensional classi?cation problems.

SVMs have been shown to give most accurate

classi?cation results in a variety of applications.

Several methods have been proposed to obtain

not only a classi?cation,but also an estimate of

the SVMs con?dence in the correctness of the

predicted label.In this paper,several algorithms

are compared which scale the SVM decision

function to obtain an estimate of the conditional

class probability.A new simple and fast method

is derived from theoretical arguments and empir-

ically compared to the existing approaches.


Support Vector Machines(SVMs)have become a pop-ular learning algorithm,in particular for large,high-dimensional classi?cation problems.SVMs have been shown to give most accurate classi?cation results in a vari-ety of applications.Several methods have been proposed to obtain not only a classi?cation,but also an estimate of the SVMs con?dence in the correctness of the predicted label. Usually,the performance of a classi?er is measured in terms of accuracy or some other performance measure based on the comparison of the classi?ers prediction of the true class.But in some cases,this does not give suf-?cient information.For example in credit card fraud de-tection,one has usually much more negative than positive examples,such that the optimal classi?er may be to the de-fault negative classi?er.But then,still one would like to ?nd out which transactions are most probably fraudulent, even if this probability is small.In other situations e.g.in-formation retrieval,one could be more interested in a rank-ing of the examples with respect to their interestingness in-stead of a simple yes/no-decision.Third,one may be inter-ested to integrate a classi?er into a bigger system,for ex-ample a multi-classi?er learner.To combine and compare the SVM prognosis with that of other learners,one would like a comparable,well-de?ned con?dence estimate.The best method to achieve a con?dence estimate that allows to rank the examples and gives well-de?ned,interpretable val-ues,is to estimate the conditional class probability. Obviously,this is a more complex problem than?nding a classi?cation,as it is possible to get a classi?cation function by comparing to the thresh-old,but not vice versa.

For numerical classi?ers,i.e.classi?ers of the type

with a numerical decision function, one usually tries to estimation the conditional class prob-ability from the decision function. This reduces the probability estimation from a multi-variate to a one-dimensional problem,where one has to?nd a scaling function such that. The idea behind this approach is that the classi?cation of examples that lie close to the decision boundary

can easily change when the examples are randomly perturbed by a small amount.This is very hard for examples with very high or very low(this argu-ment requires some sort of continuity or differentiability constraints on the function).Hence,the probability that the classi?er is correct should be higher for larger absolute values of.As was noted by Platt[10],this also means there is a strong prior for selecting a monotonic scaling function.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows:In the next section,we will shortly present the Support Vector Ma-chine and Kernel Logistic Regression algorithm,as far as it is necessary for this paper.In Section3,existing methods for probabilistic scaling of SVM outputs will be discussed and a new,simple scaling method will be presented.The effectiveness of this method will be empirically evaluated in Section4.


2.1Support Vector Machines

Support Vector Machines are a classi?cation method based on Statistical Learning Theory[12].The goal is to?nd a function that minimizes the expected Risk

of the learner by minimizing the regularized risk reg, which is the weighted sum of the empirical risk with re-spect to the data and a complexity term reg


2.2The Kernel Trick

The inner product in Equation2can be replaced by a kernel function which corresponds to an

inner product in some space,called feature space.That is, there exists a mapping such that

.This allows the construction of non-linear classi?ers by an essentially linear algorithm.

The resulting decision function is given by

The actual SVM classi?cation is given by.It can be shown that the SVM solution depends only on its support vectors SV=.See[12;2]for a more detailed introduction on SVMs.

2.3Kernel Logistic Regression

Kernel Logistic Regression[13;5;14;11]is the kernelized version of the well-known logistic regression technique. The optimization problem is similar to the SVM problem in Equation1except that an exponential loss function is used instead of the L1loss:

In contrast to the SVM,Kernel Logistic Regression di-rectly models the conditional class probability,i.e.

can be estimated via which monotonously maps the decision functions value to the interval.The scaler assumes that for the decision function is of the type and hence for the classi?ers class decision is smallest such that is mapped to the conditional class probability.This allows to view softmax as a probability.However,this mapping is not very well founded,as the scaled values are not justi?ed from the data.

To justify the interpretation,it is better to use data to calibrate the scaling.One can use a subset of the data which has not been used for training(or use a cross-validation-like approach)and optimize the scal-ing function to minimize the error between the predicted class probability and the empirical class probabil-ity de?ned by the class values in the new data.There are two error measures which are usually used,cross-entropy and mean squared error.Cross-entropy is de?ned by

(where),which is the Kullback-Leibler dis-tance between the predicted and the empirical class proba-bility.For comparison of different data sets it is better to di-vide the cross-entropy by the number of examples and work with the mean cross-entropy mCRE.The mean squared er-ror is de?ned by

with to obtain a monotonically increasing function. The parameters and are found by minimization of the cross-entropy error over a test set with. For an ef?cient implementation,see[8].

Garczarek[4]proposes a method which scales classi?-cation values by

where is the Beta distribution function with param-eters and.The parameters and are se-lected such that over a test set

1.the average value of for each class is identical

to the classi?cation performance of the classi?er in this class and

2.the mean square error is minimized. Originally,the algorithm is designed for multiclass prob-lems and computes an individual scaler for each predicted class.For binary problems,it is better to modify this ap-proach such that only one scaler is generated.This avoids



(x,y)SVM KLR

Figure 1:One-dimensional comparison of SVM and KLR

predictions.Negatives examples are drawn from N(0,1)(dots at y=-1),positive examples from N(2,1)(dots at y=1).Both methods ?nd the class border at x=1,but the SVM prediction is essentially constant for y outside [-1,1].KLR correctly estimates higher con?dences for points nearer to class centers.

discontinuities in

when the prediction changes from one class to the other.

Binning has also been applied to this problem [3].The decision values are discretized into several bins and one can estimate the the conditional class probability by count-ing the class distribution in the single bins.Other,more complicated approaches also exists,see e.g.[7]or [12],Ch.11.11.

3.1Theoretical Limitations

Bartlett and Tewari [1]show that there is a tradeoff between sparseness of a classi?er and the ability to estimate condi-tional probabilities.Their result says,in short,that if one is able to estimate on some interval,sparse-ness is lost in that region.Hence,the question arises in how far the decision function of the SVM,which gener-ally produces sparse classi?ers,can approximate the true conditional density or the estimate of the non-sparse KLR,respectively.

The problem can be seen in Equation 1.To obtain a max-imally accurate classi?er,the SVM contains

in its objective function,i.e.the classi?er is punished if

(it becomes a support vector).In this case,

this forces an ordering on the values where the value is the higher,the more similar the example is to the rest of the examples in its class in feature space.Conse-quently,an estimation of

can be constructed from .When the example is classi?ed correctly with suf-?cient margin,i.e.,this example generates no loss and hence no speci?c order is enforced on these exam-ples.For the SVM,all the examples on the right side of the margin have the same probability .This behavior can be seen in Figure 1.

What can be said about the support vectors?In the pre-vious section we already saw that minimizing the mean

squared error between the estimation function

and gives a proper estimate of ,as for a ?xed the MSE is minimized for .How-ever,the error criterion in the SVM is the absolute er-ror,not the squared error,and one can show that for a ?xed the absolute error is minimized at iff and otherwise.What

comes to the rescue is that

is not determined for each independently,but for all together.Hence,if not over-?tting occurs,at least a value of

is an indicator of and it seems plausible that contains some useful information about .

3.2A Simple Estimation Method

From the previous discussion we know that decision func-tion value with are unreliable for estimating the

conditional class probability.Values with

di-rectly optimize the order of the examples with respect to

.Hence,the question arises if it is possible to esti-mate by the following trivial procedure



495148diabetes 7688digits

77664ionosphere 35134liver

3456mushroom 8124126promoters 106228

SVM-Platt:SVM using Platt’s scaling.

SVM-Beta:SVM using Garczarek’s beta scaling.

SVM-Beta-2:SVM using binary beta scaling.

SVM-Bin:SVM and binning.

SVM-Softmax:SVM and softmax scaling.

SVM-01:SVM and output clipped between0and1. SVM-PP:SVM and output clipped between


All reported results were10-fold cross-validated.For the linear SVM and KLR,the following results were obtained: Method MSE mCRE



With respect to the mean squared error,we get the fol-lowing ranking:SVM-Platt SVM-Beta-2SVM-PP SVM-01SVM-Softmax KLR SVM-Bin-10 SVM-Bin-50SVM-Beta.Sorting by mean cross-entropy,SVM-Beta-2and SVM-PP change places,as well as SVM-Softmax and Bin-10.

The RBF kernel gave the following results:

Method MSE mCRE



This gives the following ranking for MSE:KLR SVM-Platt SVM-Beta-2SVM-PP SVM-01SVM-Bin-10SVM-Softmax SVM-Bin-50SVM-Beta.

A close inspection reveals that these results do not give the full picture,as the error measures reach very different values for the individual data sets.E.g.,the MSE for Ker-nel Logistic Regression with radial basis kernel runs from (mushroom)to(liver).To allow for a better comparison,the methods were ranked according to their performance for each data set.The following table gives the average rank of each of the methods for the linear ker-nel:

avg.rank from

Method MSE mCRE

SVM-01 4.91 5.09

SVM-PP 3.45 3.55

The corresponding table for the radial basis kernel:

avg.rank from

Method MSE mCRE

SVM-01 5.36 5.64

SVM-PP 3.64 4.73

To validate the signi?cance of the results,a paired t-test ()was run over the cross-validation runs.The fol-lowing table shows the comparison of the cross-entropy for the linear kernel of the best?ve of the scaling algorithms. Each row of the table shows how often the hypothesis that the estimation in that row is better than the estimation in the corresponding column was rejected.E.g.,the6in the last row and?rst column shows that the hypothesis that soft-max scaling is better than KLR was rejected for6of the data sets.The contrary hypothesis was rejected on2data sets(?rst row,last column).

KLR Platt Beta2PP Bin10Soft KLR000000





Soft997960 The corresponding tables for MSE show similar results. Summing up,we see that

Kernel Logistic Regression give the best estimation of the conditional class probability(with some outliers in the linear case).

The best scaling for the SVM is obtained by Platt’s method and binary Beta Scaling.

The trivial PP-scaling performs comparable to the much more complicated techniques.

Multiclass Beta scaling gives by far the worst results (which was expected from the non-continuicity of its method of scaling each predicted class on its own).


The experiments in this paper showed that a trivial method of estimating the conditional class probability from the output of a SVM classi?er performs comparably to much more complicated estimation techniques.


The?nancial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft(SFB475,”Reduction of Complexity for Multivari-ate Data Structures”)is gratefully acknowledged.


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一、such as 的七个用法 1. 表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。如: There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly. 像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。 Adverbs are used to modify verbs, such as “quickly” in “she ran fast”. 副词用来修饰动词,例如“她跑得快”中的“快”。 Animals such as rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter,finding food wherever they can . 像兔和鹿这样的动物整个冬天都是很活跃的,它们到处寻找食物。 用于此义时的几点说明: (1) 这类结构既可表现为“名词+such as+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。如: I enjoy songs such as this one.= I enjoy such songs as this one. 我喜欢像这首歌一样的歌。 (2) 若后接动词,通常用动名词,有时也可用动词原形。如: Don’t do anything silly such as marry him. 不要做什么蠢事,比如说去嫁给他。 Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 魔术师常常变从帽子里抓出兔子的戏法。 (3) 不要按汉语意思将such as用作such like。 (4) 其后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西。如: 正:I know four languages, such as Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如日语、英语。 误:I know four languages, such as Chinese, French, Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如汉语、法语、日语和英语。 (5) 在现代英语中,such as可与etc. 连用。如: They planted many flowers, such as roses, sunflowers,etc. 他们种了许多种花,如玫瑰花、向日葵等。 They export a 1ot of fruits,such as oranges,lemons,etc. 他们出口许多水果,如桔子、柠檬等。 2. 表示“像……这样的”,其中的as 用作关系代词,引导定语从句,as 在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。此外,不要按汉语意思把该结构中的as 换成like。如: He is not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像他看起来那么傻。


word短语用法小结 甘肃省民勤一中高雪萍邮编733300 一.中学阶段常用的含有word的短语主要有以下几个: 1.in other words换句话说,也就是说 He doesn’t like work. In other words, he is lazy. 他不爱工作,换句话说,他很懒。 2. in words 用文字 Can you describe it in words? 你能用文字描述它吗? 3. in a / one word 总之,简言之 In a word, I think he’s a fool. 总之,我认为他是个傻瓜。 4. in word 口头上 The teacher asked his students to explain the law in word.老师让学生口头上解释一下这个定律。 5. have a word with sb.和某人说几句话 Can you spare me a few minutes? I’d like to have a word with you. 你能给我几分钟的时间吗?我有话跟你谈。 6. have words with sb.与某人争吵 She had words with his husbands about who should do the housework. 她和她丈夫就谁应该做家务吵了一架。 7. by word of mouth 口头上的 He received the news by word of mouth. 他得到的是口头上的消息。

8. a play on words 双关语 The advertising slogan was a play on words. 那条广告的口号是双关语。 9. word for word逐字地 He repeated what you said word for word.他一字不差地复述您说的话。 二.word常用的其他短语有: break one’s word失信; be as good as one’s word/keep one’s word守信;例如: You’ll find she is as good as her word. eat one’s words承认自己说错话; leave word留言;例如: Please leave word of your safe arrival/that you have arrived safely. big words大话; fair/good word恭敬话; go back on one’s word 食言; from the word go从一开始;例如: She knew from the word that it was going to be difficult.


For example与such as的用法及区别 1)for example和such as都可当作“例如”解。但such as用来列举事 物,插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间。例如: The farm grows various kinds of crops, such as wheat, corn, cotton and rice. 这个农场种植各种各样的庄稼,例如麦子,玉米,棉花和稻米。 2)for example意为用来举例说明,有时可作为独立语,插在句中,不影 响句子其他部分的语法关系。例如: A lot of people here, for example, Mr John, would rather have coffee. 这儿的许多人,例如约翰先生,宁愿喝咖啡。 【注意】 (a)such as一般不宜与and so on连用。 (b)对前面的复数名词部分起列举作用,一般不全部列出。故不可以说: He knows four languages, such as Chinese, English, French and German. 应将such as改成namely, 后面加逗号。即:He knows four languages, namely, Chinese, English, French and German. 这两个短语都可以表米“例如”,但含义及用法不同。 l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如: Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。 There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染。 2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号。如: Many of the English programmes are well received, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science . 其中有许多英语节目,如《跟我学》《跟我学科学》,就很受欢迎。 English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚加拿大 1


一般词汇 数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理axiom 定理theorem 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove 假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题proposition 算术arithmetic 加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数augend, summand 加数addend 和sum 减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.) 被减数minuend

减数subtrahend 差remainder 乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数multiplicand, faciend 乘数multiplicator 积product 除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 被除数dividend 除数divisor 商quotient 等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于is greater than 小于is lesser than 大于等于is equal or greater than 小于等于is equal or lesser than 运算符operator 数字digit 数number

自然数natural number 整数integer 小数decimal 小数点decimal point 分数fraction 分子numerator 分母denominator 比ratio 正positive 负negative 零null, zero, nought, nil 十进制decimal system 二进制binary system 十六进制hexadecimal system 权weight, significance 进位carry 截尾truncation 四舍五入round


1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同? 答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。文件――页面设置――版式――页眉和页脚――首页不同。 2. 问:请问word 中怎样让每一章用不同的页眉?怎么我现在只能用一个页眉,一改就全部改了? 答:在插入分隔符里,选插入分节符,可以选连续的那个,然后下一页改页眉前,按一下“同前”钮,再做的改动就不影响前面的了。简言之,分节符使得它们独立了。这个工具栏上的“同前”按钮就显示在工具栏上,不过是图标的形式,把光标移到上面就显示出”同前“两个字来。 3. 问:如何合并两个WORD 文档,不同的页眉需要先写两个文件,然后合并,如何做? 答:页眉设置中,选择奇偶页不同/与前不同等选项。 4. 问:WORD 编辑页眉设置,如何实现奇偶页不同? 比如:单页浙江大学学位论文,这一个容易设;双页:(每章

标题),这一个有什么技巧啊? 答:插入节分隔符,与前节设置相同去掉,再设置奇偶页不同。 5. 问:怎样使WORD 文档只有第一页没有页眉,页脚? 答:页面设置-页眉和页脚,选首页不同,然后选中首页页眉中的小箭头,格式-边框和底纹,选择无,这个只要在“视图”――“页眉页脚”,其中的页面设置里,不要整个文档,就可以看到一个“同前”的标志,不选,前后的设置情况就不同了。 6. 问:如何从第三页起设置页眉? 答:在第二页末插入分节符,在第三页的页眉格式中去掉同前节,如果第一、二页还有页眉,把它设置成正文就可以了 ●在新建文档中,菜单―视图―页脚―插入页码―页码格式―起始页码为0,确定;●菜单―文件―页面设置―版式―首页不同,确定;●将光标放到第一页末,菜单―文件―页面设置―版式―首页不同―应用于插入点之后,确定。第


Word2003使用技巧大全 在默认情况下,我们用Word打开WPS文档时,系统提示打不开,这是不是就代表Office 不能读取WPS文件呢?其实不是,只要你经过一些简单的操作,就能达到目的,下面就是具体的方法。 在默认情况下OfficeXP并没有安装转换器,我们可以在安装时安装WPS文件转换器,这样就可以打开WPS文件了。在光驱中放入OfficeXP安装光盘,运行安装程序,并选择“添加或删除功能-更改已安装的功能或删除指定的功能”按钮,接着选择“Office共享功能→转换和过滤器→文本转换器”中的“中文WPSFORDOS”和“中文WPS97/2000FORWindows”选项即可。这样再在Word中单击“文件→打开”命令时,在打开对话框中的“文件类型”中就可以看到打开“WPSDOS导入”和“WPS文件”两个选项,分别对应DOS版的WPS文件和WPS97/WPS2000/WPSOffice文件,选中文件就可以在Word中打开。 Word2002在新建文档任务窗格中显示了你最近打开的4个文档的列表,用这种方式可以非常轻松地打开文档,不过你可能常常会感觉只显示最近的4个文档有些不够用,想在该列表中看到第5个或更多打开过的文档吗?方法如下:单击“工具→选项”命令,打开对话框,然后单击“常规”选项卡,在“列出最近所用文件”框中指定你想在新建文档任务窗格中显示的最近所用文档的数量,这个数字最高可以指定为9,单击“确定”按钮即可。 方法一:单击“文件→打开”命令下的“打开”对话框,选中要打开的多个文档,若文档顺序相连,可以选中第一个文档后按住Shift键,再用鼠标单击最后一个文档,若文档的顺序不相连,可以先按住Ctrl键,再用鼠标依次选定文档;单击“打开”按钮即可。 方法二:在“资源管理器”中,选中要打开的多个Word文档,按下回车键,系统会自动启动Word2002,并将所选文档全部打开。在选择文档时,如果是要选中多个连续文档,可以按下Shift键再用鼠标单击相应的文件名;如果要选中多个不连续文档,就按下Ctrl键再用鼠标单击相应的文件名。 方法三:如果文件在不同的目录中,可以在“资源管理器”的相应目录中,选中要打开的文档,按下鼠标左键,将文档拖到任务栏中的Word图标上(注意:此时的Word中没有打开的文档),所选文档就被打开了;再找到其它目录,用同样方法将所选文档拖到Word图标上。 选择“文件”菜单,在菜单最下方会出现最近编辑过的4个文件名,单击其中一项,便可快速打开相应文档。 如果希望Word每次启动时都能自动打开某个文档,可以通过简单的宏命令来实现这个功能,方法是 2.在“录制宏”对话框中,在“宏名”输入框中输入要建立的宏的名称,如“auto”,点击“确定 3.从菜单中单击“文件”,点击最近打开文件列表中显示的某一个文件名 在Word2002中想保存多篇打开的文档,可以先按住Shift键,然后单击“文件”菜单,这时原来的“保存”命令就变成了“全部保存”命令,单击它就可以保存所有打开的Word 文档。也可以先按住Shift键,然后用鼠标单击常用工具栏上的“保存”按钮,这时“保存”按钮的图标就变成“全部保存”的图标,松开鼠标,即保存完毕。 你可以一次性关闭所有打开的文档,方法是:按住Shift键,单击“文件”菜单,在“文件”菜单中将出现“全部关闭”选项,单击该命令即可一次性关闭所有打开的文档,且在关

have got的详细用法回顾.doc

Module 4 &5需要掌握的重点语法和词组: 复习:have的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。 ①have的意思是:________,它的单数形式是:_______。have是_______词。 例如:我有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends.他有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends. ②把下列两道题改为否定句: 1、I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结:have 的句子改为否定句要_______________________________________________________________ 2、He has a dog:_________________________ 总结:has的句子改为否定句要_____________________________________ 同样的道理:请将下列两道题改为一般疑问句: I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结:______________________________________ He has a dog:_________________________ 总结:________________________________________________________ 练习: 一、用have的正确形式填空: 1、He_____two brothers. 2、I_____a beautiful picture. 3、Betty_____ a lovely dog. 4、They_____some friends here. 二、请将下列的句子改为否定句和一般疑问句。 1-3题改为否定句:1、He has two brothers. ___________________________________________________ 2、I have a beautiful picture. ___________________________________________________ 3、Betty has some friends here. ___________________________________________________ 4-6题改为一般疑问句: 4、They have a good teacher. _________________________________肯定回答:_________________ 5、I have some cards. __________________________________________否定回答:____________________ 6、Tony has a sister. __________________________________________否定回答:____________________ 三、请用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、I _________ (have)a brother,but I_________ (not have)a sister. 2、He _________ (have)a beautiful pen. _________ you_________(have)a pen? 3、Lingling _________ (have)an English dictionary. 4、_________ Tony_________(have)a car? have got 的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。 ①have got 表示_________________________________ 例:我有一只猫。I have got a cat. have got 的第三人称单数形式是:____________________________ ②have got可以缩写为:_______________ 例如:I have got a cat = ________________________ has got 可以缩写为:_______________ 例如:He has got a cat = ________________________ 练习:请用has got或have got填空。 1、I a bike. 2、He a bike. 3、You a bike.

alevel 数学介绍

10月的Alevel已经结束一段时间了,而明年的Alevel还会远?每年都有新的考生参加其中,想必给位都在努力学习吧。那么今年数学考试有哪些变化呢,下面就为大家介绍一下。 Edexcel去年第一次开始考新版大纲,也就是这里看到的P打头的科目,Pure纯数部分,以前是C打头的叫做Core。 国际版新版大纲中只有P1-P4和D1(Decision1,决策数学,跟计算机有点关系,一般会放在高数里面学)的大纲变了,其他的都没有变。今年10月的考试还是新旧版考试都存在的过渡阶段。 一、参加10月份考试的大致分两类人: 1、补考; 2、基础好的或者暑期预学了提早参加考试。 对于补考的学生来说,大部分是选其中一门进行补考,只需要冲刺这门就可以,一般来说都是补考C34。因为数学A*的标准要求C34达90%,总分达80%。C34重点内容也有很多。 比如三角函数(trigonometry),比如微分(differentiation),比如积分(integration),甚至重点内容还会交叉,顺带考一些小的知识点,比如可以用一个parametricequation的题把上述三个重点全串在一起。但如果说重中之重,那一定是integration。Integration里面的内容过于繁杂,列表如下。

6.1-6.4和6.6是积分的计算,是提醒大家有几个不常见的公式在公式表上都有给出,6.5和6.7是积分的应用,包括C12中的求面积和体积。最重要的还是微分的计算,这块是基础,所以要求学生能够熟练做出以下的积分是很有必要的: 6.2部分 6.3部分

6.4部分 这些做好了,微积分就不用再害怕了,才能披荆斩棘继续进行下一步积分的应用。至于其他的知识点,比如经常会出现错误的微分chain rule,这里就不一一说明。大家在刷题过程中要了解自己在哪里容易错,然后对这些点进行挨个击破。 学通国际课程培训中心自2008年起一直致力于ALEVEL、IGCSE、IB、AP、SAT2等主流国际课程中30多门科目的提分与培优,经11年深耕教学,目前已拥有教师团队80余人,其中20%为博士,80%为名校海归硕士,平均国际课程教龄8年以上,每年


word 1 1、字,词,单词→ buzzword→ four-letter word → swear word ?Write an essay of about five hundred words、写一篇约500字得文章。 ?Wha t does that word mean? 那个单词就是什么意思? 2、sb’s words某人说得话[写得内容] ?Those are his words, not mine、那都就是她说得话,我可没这么说。 ?In your own words, explain the term ‘personal service’、用您自己得话解释一下“个性化服务”得意思。 in sb’s words?Jones was, in the judge’s words, ‘an evil man’、用法官得话来说,琼斯就是个“邪恶得人”。 3、the words歌词 ?I know the tune, but I’ve forgotten the words、我知道曲调,但把歌词忘了。 [+ to]?Many people don’t know the words to the country’s national anthem、该国许多人不知道国歌得歌词。 4、have a word〔与某人〕说几句话〔尤因要征求对方意见或叫对方做事〕 ?Could I have a word? 我们可否谈谈? [+ with]?I’ll have a word with him and see if he’ll help、我要与她谈谈,瞧她就是否愿意帮忙。 have a quick/brief word?I was hoping to have a quick word with you、我希望能与您简短地说两句。 have/exchange a few words?Could I have a few words with you? 我可以与您说几句话吗? 5、want a word想与某人谈话〔尤指为批评某人〕 [+ with]?Wait a minute! I want a word with you! 等一下!我想与您谈谈! 6、not hear/understand/believe a word一点都听不到/不理解/不相信 ?No one could hear a word because someone had cut the amplifier cable、没人听得到,因为有人把扩音器得电线切断了。 [+ of]?I can’t understand a word of Russian、我一句俄语也不懂。 7、without (saying) a word什么也没说 ?He left without a word、她一句话也没说就离开了。 8、say a word/say a few words〔关于某事〕说两句 ?I’d like to say a few words about the plans、我想就计划说两句。 9、a word of warning/caution/advice/thanks etc警告/告诫/建议/感谢等得话 ?It’s a beautiful city, but a word of warning: street robberies are very mon、这就是个美丽得城市,但就是我提醒一句: 街头抢劫得事屡见不鲜。 ?He left without a word of apology、她一句道歉得话也没说就走了。 10、not say a word绝口不谈,坚守秘密 ?Promise you won’t say a word to anyone? 您保证不跟任何人说? to not say anything 不说话?What’s wrong? You haven’t said a word since you got here、怎么了?您来了以后还没说过一句话呢。 11、put your feelings/thoughts etc into words用语言表达自己得感觉/思想等 ?He found it difficult to put ideas into words、她发现很难用语言表达自己得想法。 12、have/exchange words (with sb)(与某人)吵架,(与某人)吵嘴〔委婉说法〕 ?I was in a bad mood and he kept pestering me, so we had words、我情绪不好而她又一直烦我,


such as引导定语从句的四种类型 such as引导定语从句的四种类型 一、用于such…as结构,其中的as为关系代词 He’s not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像看上去的那样愚蠢。(摘自牛津词典) I never heard such stories as he tells. 我从未听过他讲的这种故事。(摘自张 道真语法) He is not half such a fool as they thought. 他远非他们认为的那么傻。(摘自 新牛津) Such women as knew Tom thought he was charming. 那些认识汤姆的女人都认为他 很迷人。(摘自张道真语法) Britain is not enjoying such prosperity as it was in the mid-1980s. 英国现在已经不像 20 世纪 80 年代中期那么繁荣昌盛。(摘自柯林斯) 二、such as相当于those who Such as alter in a moment, win not credit in a month. 那些朝令夕改的人是不会获得人们长久信任的。(摘自新牛津) 此句相当于Those who alter in a moment, win not credit in a month. Associate with such as will improve your manners. 要和那些能提高你的礼貌修养的人交往。(摘自薄冰语法) 三、such as相当于what或whatever Such as remains after tax will be yours when I die. 我死以后全部财产除了交税以外都给你。(摘自牛津词典) 此句相当于: What remains after tax will be yours when I die. Whatever remains after tax will be yours when I die. Everything that remains after tax will be yours when I die.


数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理axiom 定理theorem 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove 假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) - 命题proposition 算术arithmetic 加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数augend, summand 加数addend 和sum 减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.) 被减数minuend ~ 减数subtrahend 差remainder 乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数multiplicand, faciend 乘数multiplicator 积product 除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 被除数dividend # 除数divisor 商quotient 等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于is greater than 小于is lesser than 大于等于is equal or greater than 小于等于is equal or lesser than 运算符operator - 数字digit 数number 自然数natural number 整数integer 小数decimal 小数点decimal point } 分数fraction 分子numerator 分母denominator 比ratio 正positive 负negative 零null, zero, nought, nil 十进制decimal system > 二进制binary system 十六进制hexadecimal system 权weight, significance 进位carry 截尾truncation 四舍五入round 下舍入round down 上舍入round up — 有效数字significant digit 无效数字insignificant digit 代数algebra 公式formula, formulae(pl.) 单项式monomial 多项式polynomial, multinomial 系数coefficient 未知数unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor : 等式,方程式equation 一次方程simple equation 二次方程quadratic equation 三次方程cubic equation 四次方程quartic equation 不等式inequation 阶乘factorial


word文字处理基本操作 1. 新建/ 打开文档 当直接启动Word 时,Word 自动新建一个标题为“文档1”的空白文档,用 户也可使用“文件”|“新建”新建文档。当新建文档时,“新建文档”任务窗格会提供多种文档模板来新建所需文档,如“报告”、“备忘录”、“信函和传真”等。用户可通过双击Word 文档启动Word 并打开该文档,也可使用“文件”| “打开”打开文档。 2. 输入文档内容 新建/打开文档后,在文档编辑区中可输入文档内容。 ·输入中英文 当关闭中文输入法时,可通过键盘输入英文;当打开中文输入法时,可输入 中文。用户可通过语言栏或Ctrl+空格键,切换中英文输入法。 ·输入数字 打开Num Lock,可使用数字小键盘输入数字。 ·输入符号 当输入某些键盘上没有的字符时,可使用“插入”|“特殊符号”或“符号”, 如特殊字符§和?(字体wingdings3)。 ·输入日期和时间 使用“插入”|“日期和时间”,可输入日期和时间。如选择了“日期和时间” 对话框中的“自动更新”,则每次打开文档时,日期和时间都自动更新为当前系统时间。 ·制作超链接 使用“插入”| “超级链接”,可在文档中制作某个Web 站点或文档的超链接。 ·自动替换 选择“工具”|“自动更正选项”|“自动更正”,并选中“键入时自动替换”, 就可使用自动替换简化文本输入。例如,在文档中经常输入“Microsoft Office 2003”,可在“替换”框中输入“M3”,在“替换为”框中输入“Microsoft Office 2003”,单击“添加”将此条目添加到自动更正条目中。此后,在文档中输入“M3”并回车,Word 就会自动更正为“Microsoft Office 2003”。 ·插入/改写模式 在插入模式下,输入的文本插入到光标位置。在改写模式下,输入的文本替 换光标后边的文本。 如状态栏中的“改写”为深色,表示当前处于改写模式,否则处于插入模式。 通常,Word 处于插入模式,可使用“Insert”或双击状态栏上的“改写”切换插入/改写模式。 ·回车换行 文本输入中可用Enter 产生一个“? ”符号,称为段落标记符或硬回车, 标志段落结束进行换行。如需在一个段落中换行,可用Shift+Enter 产生一个“?”符号,称为分行符或软回车。


such as 的七个用法 1. 表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。如: There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly. 像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。 Adverbs are used to modify verbs, such as “quickly”in “she ran fast”. 副词用来修饰动词,例如“她跑得快”中的“快”。 Animals such as rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter,finding food wherever they can . 像兔和鹿这样的动物整个冬天都是很活跃的,它们到处寻找食物。 用于此义时的几点说明: (1) 这类结构既可表现为“名词+such as+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。如: I enjoy songs such as this one.= I enjoy such songs as this one. 我喜欢像这首歌一样的歌。 (2) 若后接动词,通常用动名词,有时也可用动词原形。如: Don’t do anything silly such as marry him. 不要做什么蠢事,比如说去嫁给他。 Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 魔术师常常变从帽子里抓出兔子的戏法。 (3) 不要按汉语意思将such as用作such like。 (4) 其后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西。如: 正:I know four languages, such as Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如日语、英语。 误:I know four languages, such as Chinese, French, Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如汉语、法语、日语和英语。 (5) 在现代英语中,such as可与etc. 连用。如: They planted many flowers, such as roses, sunflowers,etc. 他们种了许多种花,如


h a v e_g o t的详细用 法

复习:have的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。 ①have的意思是:________,它的单数形式是:_______。have是_______词。 例如:我有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends.他有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends. ②把下列两道题改为否定句: 1、I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结:have 的句子改为否定句要 _______________________________________________________________ 2、He has a dog:_________________________ 总结:has的句子改为否定句要 _____________________________________ 同样的道理:请将下列两道题改为一般疑问句: I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结: ______________________________________ He has a dog:_________________________ 总结: ________________________________________________________ 练习: 一、用have的正确形式填空: 1、He_____two brothers. 2、I_____a beautiful picture. 3、Betty_____ a lovely dog. 4、They_____some friends here. 二、请将下列的句子改为否定句和一般疑问句。 1-3题改为否定句:1、He has two brothers. ___________________________________________________ 2、I have a beautiful picture. ___________________________________________________ 3、Betty has some friends here. ___________________________________________________ 4-6题改为一般疑问句: 4、They have a good teacher. _________________________________肯定回答:_________________ 5、I have some cards. __________________________________________否定回答: ____________________ 6、Tony has a sister. __________________________________________否定回答: ____________________ 三、请用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、I _________ (have)a brother,but I_________ (not have)a sister. 2、He _________ (have)a beautiful pen. _________ you_________(have)a pen? 3、Lingling _________ (have)an English dictionary. 4、_________ Tony_________(have)a car? have got 的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。


Core Mathematics1(AS/A2)——核心数学1 1.Algebra and functions——代数和函数 2.Quadratic functions——二次函数 3.Equations and inequalities——等式和不等式 4.Sketching curves——画图(草图) 5.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何 6.Sequences and series——数列 7.Differentiation——微分 8.Integration——积分 Core Mathematics2(AS/A2)——核心数学2 1.Algebra and functions——代数和函数 2.The sine and cosine rule——正弦和余弦定理 3.Exponentials and logarithm——指数和对数 4.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何 5.The binomial expansion——二项展开式 6.Radian measure and its application——弧度制及其应用 7.Geometric sequences and series——等比数列 8.Graphs of trigonometric functions——三角函数的图形 9.Differentiation——微分 10.Trigonometric identities and simple equations——三角恒等式和简单的三角等式 11.Integration——积分 Core Mathematics3(AS/A2)——核心数学3 1.Algebra fractions——分式代数 2.Functions——函数 3.The exponential and log functions——指数函数和对数函数 4.Numerical method——数值法 5.Transforming graph of functions——函数的图形变换 6.Trigonometry——三角 7.Further trigonometric and their applications——高级三角恒等式及其应用 8.Differentiation——微分 Core Mathematics4(AS/A2)——核心数学4 1.Partial fractions——部分分式 2.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何 3.The binomial expansion——二项展开式 4.Differentiation——微分 5.Vectors——向量 6.Integration——积分
