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Wu Dong is my best friend. He is studying at Shenzhen Middle School. He usually has breakfast at home every day. He likes sports very much. He is good at running. He has ever won the first place in the running race. He likes playing football, too. He often plays football after school. But now he is so interested in NBA that he always plays basketball in the afternoon. He said that he wanted to be a basketball player like Yao Ming in the future.


My sister is a nurse. She loves her job very much. She works in People’s Hospital. The hosptial is not far away from our house. So my sister always goes to work on foot. But sometimes she rides a biycle to work if she gets up late. After work, she usually goes to the supermarket and buys some vegetbales for supper. When she comes home, she always does the cooking for us. She is really a kind girl and we all love her very much.


Wang Li is a good student. She is warm-hearted and always ready to help others. Last night, the wind blew strongly. Wang Li was sleeping in bed. She woke up and remembered the windows of the classoom were open. So she put on her clothes and ran towards the classroom quickly against the wind and the rain. When she arrived at the classroom, she closed all the windows at once. Although she was very tired and wet through, she felt very pleased.


Li Lei is a school boy .He is good at all the subjects except English .Last week ,he had an English test and he didn't pass the test .He was afraid to tell his father because he was very strict with him .“What shall I do ?”he thought .Just then it began to rain .Li Lei had a good idea .“I can use it as an umbrella”He put the paper on his head and started to run home .When he got home ,the paper was all wet .“Where is your English test paper ?”his father asked .“Here it is .”Li Lei showed the paper to his father with a smi le on his face . (5)

Yesterday afternoon Li Ming played basketball with his classmates after class .When he went home and was going to have dinner ,he found his hands were very dirty .His mother told him to wash his hands .When he came ,he showed his mother his hands .His mother praised him .After dinner ,his mother went to the bathroom and found the dirty towel ,she became very angry .


One afternoon ,when Li Hua walked out of the school ,the weather changed ,the sky was full of dark clouds .It soon started to rain .Just as she was hurrying home and holding her bag on her head, she heard someone calling her from behind .She turned round and found it was Zhang Lin .Zhang Lin had an umbrella with her and asked Li Hua to share it with her .Zhang Lin walked all the way with Li Hua to Li Hua's home . (7)

One day ,an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand .She wanted

to do some shopping.Just then a car came up to her ,she fell down on the ground.She was badly hurt and couldn't move a bit.Luckily,there was a man sweeping the street nearby.When he saw this,he ran quickly up to her and helped her stand up.Then he took her to the nearest hospital.There a doctor looked her over carefully,the man took her home.When the old woman's daughter learned what had happened to her mother,she thanked the man very much.


Gao Lin began to draw when he was very young .One day his father put three apples on the table and asked him to draw them.Gao Lin thought it was too difficult to do so.After a while he had an idea.When father went away,.he ate two of them and then he began to draw.When his father came back and saw the picture,he was very surprised.


Yesterday morning an old woman bought a lot of things in a shop.She put them in to a big box。She was goingto carry it to the car ,but the box was heavy and the car wasn't near.At that time Li Ming and Wei Hua were standing by the car and talking.When they saw the old woman and the big box beside her,they went to help.They lifted the heavy box and carried it to the car.Suddenly the box fell down and one of Li Ming's feet was badly hurt.He had to lie in bed in the hospital for several days.He became worried about his lessons.But his friend Wei Hua said,“Don't worry about your lesson.I'll come to help you with your lessons after class every afternoon.”


Yesterday Lin Tao and I went to the cinema by bike.On the way we saw Li Lei's little brother, Xiao Ming,flying a kite.Suddenly his kite fell in a tall tree,and he couldn't get it down.We decided to help him.Lin Tao is good at climbing trees.He climbed up the tall tree like a monkey. He took the kite down,and gave it to Xiao Ming.Xiao Ming was very thankful to them.


One morning, Jack saw a blind man going across a street on his way to school. A car was going to hit him. Jack ran up to him and pulled him back. The man was saved.Then Jack took him to the other side of the street. The man thanked him for doing that. But Jack didn’t wait for his thanks. He went to school at once. It was late. The first class had been on. After Jack told his teacher what had happened, “Well done, Jack,” said the teacher with a smile.


One day,the weather was very fine. Mary was playing ball alone in the garden.Suddenly a dog ran up to take the ball and ran away with it.Mary was so frightened that she began to cry loudly. Her father came out to see what had happened.At this time,the dog returned.Mary's father took the ball out of the dog's mouth.Mary was happy to get the ball back again.


Last Monday, I went to school in the morning. When I was at the school gate, I saw a boy fall off his bike and lie on the road. He was badly hurt and couldn't move, so I carried him to the hospital. When he was in hospital, I visited him with some flowers and he was very happy. After he was fine, he came to the school and said to me, "Thank you very much." I said, "Not at all. I just did something that I should do."


It’s important for to keep healthy. Li Ming gives us a good example. He always takes exercise. He likes sports such as swimming, running and playing basketball. He goes to bed at 10 at night and gets up at 6 in the morning. He takes care of himself. He takes a bath every day and washes his hands before meals. When he has meals, he eats all kinds of healthy food like fish, eggs, vegetables and meat. He also eats a lot of fruit. So he looks strong and healthy.


九年级英语周练试卷(2016.03) 二.选择填空(本大题15分,每小题1分) ( )26. --- Why does everyone like him? -----Everyone likes him because he ____like a gentleman. A.leaves B. cries C. behaves D.grows ( ) 27. John _______ Beijing the day before yesterday. A. arrived at B. arrived C. reached to D. arrived in ( )28.In Switzerland, people ________ visit a friend?s house. A. make plans B. make plans to C. makes plans to D. make a plan ( ) 29. It?s too hot. Do you mind ______ the window? A. my closing B. my opening C. open D. close ( )30.She ______Shanghai next week. A. is leaving for B. leaves for C. leaved D. left ( )31. --- Do you know ________? --- All of them have gone to the museum. A. where are the students B. where were the student C. where the students are D. where the students were ( ) 32.We go to school every day _____ Saturday and Sunday. A. beside B. except C. besides D. except for ( ) 33.--- What do you think of the movie? ---I think it is worth ___ A.seeing B. to see C. seen D.see ( ) 34. I find _____ difficult to remember everything, though I?m still young. A. that B. this C. it D. what ( )35.He _____ at the last party. He felt sorry for it. A. makes some mistakes B. make a mistake C. made few mistakes D. made many mistakes ( )36. ___Doctor, do you think I have got a bad cold? — Maybe. But I can't say that before I ______ you. A. create B. warn C. examine D. prove ( )37.----How many people are there in the house? -----None. It is a(n)____house. A.full B. surrounded C. lively D. empty ( )38. Linda is new here. But she soon ________ getting up early. A. get used to B. is used to C. used to D. uses to ( )39. ----What did Mr Li do after work yesterday? -----He ____ to see one of his friends. A. dropped on B. dropped by C. dropped out D. dropped off ( )40. You can _____ how different the table manners here are from ours. A. imagine B. meet C. look D. listen


中考英语资源下载地址: (完全免费) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/eb10893827.html,/soft/54/list54_1.html 初中英语补全对话复习题 班级_______学号_______姓名__________ Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble? Woman: I don’t feel very well. D:1._______________________________? W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher. D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”. W: Aahh D: 2._______________________________? W: Ever since last night. D: Did your sleep well? W: No, I was very tired last night. D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________. W: Can you tell me how I got a cold? D: Maybe you overworked yourself. W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home? D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days. W: 4. ? D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really need a good rest and take this medicine. W: 5. ? D: Three times a day. W: OK. Thank you. (2) A: 1. ? B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match. A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it? B: 2. . I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already. A: 3. ! But Beijing Team will play again this evening. 1


人教版小学一年级看图写话训练集锦 《看图写话》 在写话之前,先仔细看看图,想想图上画的是在什么时候,什么地方,谁,在做什么?然后说一说,再动笔写写,最后读读自己写的话,通顺吗?如果有不会写的字,可以用拼音代替,发上来大家分享! 看图写话训练(1) 看图写话训练(2) *范文* 一天,小力和妈妈一起去公园散步。公园里风景真美啊!有高高的宝塔,有绿茵茵的草地,还有奇形怪状的假山。小力看到路边的菊花很漂亮,就想摘一朵。她刚伸出手就被妈妈看见了,妈妈摇摇手说:“小力,公园里的花是给人们看的不可以摘。”小力说:“可我很喜欢这些花。”妈妈说:“我们可以天天来散步,不就能每天看到它们了 吗?”小力说:“好吧。”然后,小力和妈妈就高高兴兴地走了。

看图写话训练( 4)看图写话训练(5)

看图写话训练(7) 看图写话训练(8)


问题设置一:一天小明() 提供兴奋的词语:兴冲冲兴致勃勃欢天喜地兴高采烈忘乎所以 问题设置二:回到家里,耳边传来了() 问题设置三:小明一点也不在乎他() 提供青蛙一年捉害虫相关数据:一只青蛙一天能吃掉八十多只害虫,一年可以消灭害虫一万五千多只。问题设置五:小明惭愧()他来到池塘边() 提供形容急切的词语:三步并做两步快马加鞭大步流星 问题设置六:青蛙“呱、呱”的叫着,仿佛在() 学生作品: 一天小明在池塘边捉了许多活泼可爱的青蛙,他兴致勃勃的跑回家。回到家,刚一坐到沙发上,耳边传来广播的声音:我们要保护青蛙,青蛙是人类的好朋友。小明听了一点也不在意,拿起报纸看了起来,没想到报纸上也写着关于青蛙的事,报纸上写着:青蛙一天能捉80多只害虫,一年能消灭害虫一万五千多只。听到这里,小明惭愧了低下了头,他马上来到池塘边,把青蛙放回池塘里。青蛙仿佛在说:“谢谢你还给我们生命,我们会保护庄稼好好报答你们的。” 看图写话训练(12) 问题设置一: 小白兔在哪里干什么? 问题设置二: 忽然,天空() 提供形容天气忽变的词语:乌云密布电闪雷鸣倾盆大雨狂风大作倾盆大雨瓢泼大雨狂风暴雨滂沱大雨大雨滂沱大雨如注瓢泼大雨雨脚如麻 问题设置三: 小白兔() 提供着急的词语:心急火燎心急如焚六神无主急急忙忙,急如星火急得团团转 问题设置四: 这时,小白兔眼前一亮,急中生智,() 问题设置五: 回到家,小白兔把事情的经过告诉了妈妈,妈妈称赞它()

2018-2019年七年级英语第一次周练试题(无答案) (16)

江苏省扬州梅苑双语学校2013-2014学年七年级英语第七次周练试题 成绩 一、单选题(15分) ( )1.I will go to work early tomorrow. Can you _______ my baby in the morning? A. put up B dress C wear D dress up in ( )2. My brother is clever, and he can make a lantern __ an orange. A. from B. out C. for D. out of ( )3.I am ________ holiday in New York, I often go to cities ______ a holiday. A in, on B on ,for C in, for D for, in ( )4.---Why do you like Spring Festival ______ ? ---Because I get red packet. A. very much B too much C much too D so much ( )5.I don’t like going out for a walk _____a cold evening. A in B on C at D of ( )6.His aunt will give him a special CD ________ a birthday present. A. for B as C to D with ( )7.It’s time for Lucy and _____ to work. A. I going B I to go C me going D me to go ( )8.There _____ lots of juice in the bottle. A. has B. are C. have D. is ( )9. ______ helps you keep healthy. A. Do exercise B. Doing exercise C. Does exercise D. Exercise ( )10.Would you like ______ tea? A. some B. any C. every D. no ( )11.Don’t use _______ time to play computer g ames. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( )12.---Why do children seem ____ ? --- Because it seems to rain and they can’t go out. A. sad B. happy C. unhappily D. happily ( )13.--- What ____ your English teacher like? --- She is beautiful. A. is, like B. is, likes C. does, like D. does, likes ( )14.--- Can you give the orange _____ me? ---- Of course, it is _____ you. A. for, for B. to, to C. for, to D. to, for ( )15.—Let me help you with your homework. ---_________. A. That’s all right B.Not at all C.I don’t think so D. Thanks, but I can do it. 二、完型填空 (10分) f ree time to__ 6 ? If I do, how should I do with my three children? The oldest of them is only five years old. Secondly, I am getting much __7. So it’s hard for me to find clothes that fit(合身) me well. Lastly, and I think it’s the most __8. We don’t have enough __9 for pretty clothes. We have to raise(养育) so many children with the little money that my husband gains. Oh, how I regret(后悔) that I had so many children that I am living such


初中英语每日一练(题目答案及详尽解析) 1.01---1.There are about eighty __________________( man doctor) in the hospital. 2. I have a lot of ______________ ( information ) to tell you. 3.The baby has two _____________ ( tooth ). 1.01---答案:1.men doctors https://www.wendangku.net/doc/eb10893827.html,rmation 3.teeth 1.01---解析:1.句意:医院里大约有八十个男医生。第一题是复合名词的复数形式改写方式,以man或woman引导的复合名词变复数时要前后都变。 2.句意:我有许多信息要跟你讲。lots of是许多,后面可以接可数名词复数或者不可数名词,information是一个不可数名词,在这里不变。 3.句意:宝宝有两颗牙齿。tooth是一个不规则变化的名词,复数形式用teeth。 1.02---1. There are 13 __________( Japanese) and 30 _________( German) here. 2. It took us two hours ___________ ( finish ) the work. 3. I heard someone ___________ (go) upstairs at 12:00 last night. 1.02---答案:1.Japanese;Germens 2.to finish 3. going 1.02---解析:1.句意:这里有十三个日本人和三十个德国人。各国人的复数形式:中日不变英法变,其余都是加s。 2.句意:我们花了两个小时完成工作。这道题考查It takes/took sb sometime to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事。所以这道题填写to finish。不定式在这个句中是真正的主语,it是一个形式主语。 3.句意:昨晚十二点钟我听到有人正在上楼。hear sb do sth:听到某人曾做某事;hear sb doing sth:听到某人正做某事。所以这道题填写going。 1.03---1.I asked him _____ ( not make ) much noise there. 2. Why not _____________ ( have ) a drink? It is too hot. 3.Please remember ____________ (turn) off the light before you go to bed. 1.03---答案:1.not to make 2.have 3.to turn 1.03---解析:1.句子意思:我要求他不要制造那么多的噪音。ask sb to do sth:要求某人做某事;ask sb not to do sth:要求某人不要做某事。所以填写not to make。注意:在这两个短语中不定式都是在句中充当宾语补足语。 2.句子意思:为什么不喝杯饮料?天气太热了。Why not do sth?=Why don’t you do sth?为什么不做某事?这道题填写have原形。这是一个建议性的句子。 3.句子意思:在你上床睡觉之前记得把灯关上。remember to do sth:记得去做某事;remember doing sth:记得曾经做过某事。这道题强调在睡觉之前记得去关灯,所以应该填写to turn。 1.04--- 1.Thank you for ____________ ( help ) me with English. 2. I am interested in ________________ ( play ) soccer. 3.It is time for us ______________ ( play ) baseball. 1.04---答案:1.helping 2.playing 3.to play 1.04---解析:1,句子意思:谢谢你帮助我学习英语。这道题考查thank you for doing sth:谢谢你做某事,for是介词,介词后接动名词做介词for的宾语。所以help要加ing。 2.句子意思:我对踢足球球很感兴趣。be interested in doing sth:对做某事感兴趣。 3. 句子意思:到我们打棒球的时间了。It’s time for sb to do sth:到某人做某事的时间了。 1.05---1.They both take turns ____________ ( look after ) the old man. 2. My uncle often goes ______________ ( shop ) on weekends. 3.The teacher told that the earth _____________ ( go ) around the sun.


我上学啦 一我会读。 早晨晴朗整洁学校风和日丽万里无云兴高采烈高高兴兴 二仔细观察图片,我会写。 1图上画的是什么时间?() 2 天气如何?() 3 图上画的都有谁?() 4 他们去干什么? 提示:他们穿着(),背着(),()地走向学校。 三我会写一段话啦!

我和老师 一我会读。 礼貌您好欢迎名字老师班级和蔼可亲 二仔细观察图片,我会写。 1图上画的是什么时间?() 2图上画的都有谁?() 3 他们在哪?() 4 他们干什么? 提示:背着小书包的()向站在班级门口的()说了一声:“()!”()的老师表扬他是懂() 的孩子。 三我会写一段话啦!

快乐的课间 一我会读。 乒乓球足球排球篮球赛跑拔河跳高拍球加油丰富操场 二仔细观察图片,我会写。 1图上画的是什么时间?() 2图上画的都有谁?() 3 他们在哪?() 4 他们干什么? 提示:同学们有的(),有的(),有的(),还有的()……课间生活真()呀! 5 他们心情怎样?() 三我会写一段话啦!

考试以后 一我会读。 难受郁闷眉头紧锁愁眉不展闷闷不乐心里像打翻了五味瓶 喜出望外、喜不自胜欣喜若狂喜笑颜开、笑逐颜开 二仔细观察图片,我会填。 1 今天数学考试成绩知道了,() 2 看着同桌红红取得满分,明明()心里暗暗的想() 3 又一次考试:明明看着试卷上鲜红的100分,() 4 仔细一看,() 5 明明来到办公室() 6 老师(),明明()

三 我会写一段话啦! 我能闯关 仔细观察下面的图画,想一想图上画的什么时间?什么地点?都有谁?他们在干什么?心情怎样? 整理出来写一段话。


九年级第一单元综合试卷 单项选择(20’) ( )1.You have to be ______ and wait until I finish my work. A. patient B. strict C. honest D. active ( )2You're in a hurry. Where are you going? --To the cinema. Sue ______ for me outside. A. waits B. waited C. is waiting D. was waiting2 ( )3.--My parents and I will go to London for a trip tomorrow. --Really? __________. A. I don't think so B. Have a good time C. That's very strange D. You should try it ( )4.--Good morning, sir! _________?-- I'd like to buy a sweater for my daughter. A. What can I do for you B. What are you doing C. How about the sweater D. Can you help me ( )5.We _______ pay to get into the concert. It's free. A. can't B. mustn't C. might not D. don't have to ( )6.My sister ______ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day. A. always B. sometimes C. hardly D. never ( )7.--Hi, John. ______ _____ It's Lucy, my dog. Her leg is hurt. A. How are you B. What's the matter C. Who's that D. What's Lucy like ( )8.-- Why don't you join us for breakfast? -- Sure! ______ A. Good luck! B. Congratulations! C. What to do? D. Why not? ( )9.There will be _______ jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people. A. many B. more C. fewer D. fewest ( )10. --Mr. Li will check our homework this afternoon. ______ you _______ it? --Not yet. I'm doing it right now. A. Do, finish B. Had, finished C. will, finish D. Have, finished ( )11.Everyone wants to win. But _____ me, the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun. A. as for B. thanks to C. instead of D. such as ( )12. Nothing is impossible ________you work hard. A. although B. if C. whether D. unless ( )13.Tommy, you can never let others know what I have told you today. Don’t worry. I will keep the _____. A.secret B.money C.address D.grade ( )14.You don’t have to _____ every new word in the dictionary while reading. A.look for B.look up C.look at D.look after ( )15.I failed English, so I’m going to _____ it this year. A.practice B.grow C.improve D.increase ( )16. Remember _______the key words in the test. A. listening to B. listening for C. to listen for D. to listen to ( )17. She isn’t good at ________English so that she hardly ever ________anything in English classes. A. saying, say B. speaking, say C. speaking, speak D. saying, speak ( )18. We should review _________we have learned every day. A. if B. that C. what D. how ( )19. The more you smile, _________you’ll feel.


八年级英语阅读理解每日一练 Passage 1 Elizabeth works in Marlow Tourist Information Center.She helps people to get the information about places to visit and things to do or about travel.A man comes in and asks her some questions. ( Elizabeth →E; Man →M) E: Good afternoon.Can I help you? M: Good afternoon.I'm looking for a place to rest near here. E: Yes,certainly.Do you want a hotel or a guesthouse? M: A hotel will be fine. E: In Marlow town center or would you like to stay outside? M: In town center, please. E: Right.Would you like me to make a booking for you? M: Yes, please.Thanks a lot. 根据短文内容判断正误(T或F): () 1. Elizabeth is working in Marlow Tourist Information Center. () 2. She helps people to find places to visit. () 3. The man is a tourist to Marlow. () 4. The man wants to stay outside the town. () 5. The man makes a booking for the hotel. Passage 2 Lively day,the people on theseashore (海岸) heard a shout.They all ran to the sea.There they saw a man in the water calling for help.A young soldier was really a strong swimmer and soon pulled the man back to the shore.All the people there admired (敬慕) the soldier. The man was saved.He dressed very well.Everybody could see that he was a rich man.After he could speak,the man thanked the soldier,and took out a shilling(先令,英国早期的一种货币单位).He put the shilling into the soldier's hand.But the soldier refused(拒绝) to take the money.The people around him were all very angry with the rich man and they wanted to go away.But an old man laughed and said loudly: “I'm sure the rich man knows best how much his life is. ” ( ) 1. _________ jumped into the sea and saved the rich man. A. A poor man B. A strong soldier C. An old soldier D. A rich man () 2. The soldier was _________. A. young and strong B. young and weak C. old and strong D. very tall () 3. The soldier didn't take the money because he _________. A. wanted more B. didn't want any C. didn't like D. thought it too less () 4. It happened _________. A. in England B. in China C. in America D. in German () 5. The old man helped


Ⅶ.补全对话(每小题2分,共10分) 根据对话内容在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。 A:Bill,(46)____________________ B:Iusuallygetupat6:30. A:Oh,that’searly.(47)____________________ B:Myhomeisfar(遥远的),soImustgetupsoearly. A:(48)____________________ B:No,Idon’thavebreakfastathome. A:(49)____________________. B:Iknowit’snotgoodforme.ButIdon’thavetimeforitathome. A:Well,I’llbringsomemilkandbreadforyoutomorrow. B:Really(50)____________________! A:You’rewelcome. Ⅶ.情景交际(每小题1分,共5分) 根据对话内容,在空白处填上恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A:Helen,let’sgotothebookstorethisS aturday! B:(46)____________________.Whattimeshallwemeet A:(47)____________________ B:8:30a.m.Oh,it’stooearly.Ican’tgetupbefore9:30a.m.onSaturday. A:(48)____________________ B:Atabout11:30p.m.IgotobedlateonFridaynight. A:(49)____________________ B:IwatchTVorplaycomputergames. A:Oh,it’snotagoodhabit(习惯). B:(50)____________________.I’llchange(改变)it.Let’smeetat10:00a.m. A:OK.Seeyouthen. Ⅶ.补全对话(每小题2分,共10分) 根据对话内容在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。 A:Hi,Peter.


范文1 摘菜 一天,我放学回到家,看到奶奶坐在菜筐边,弯着腰,正在一棵一棵很仔细地摘小白菜,看到奶奶这么辛苦,我连忙放下书包,跑到奶奶面前说;“奶奶我帮你摘菜吧。”奶奶笑着说:“好孩子真懂事,我们家小明长大了,知道心疼奶奶了。”听到奶奶的话,我心里比吃了蜜还要甜。 范文2 尊老爱幼 星期六的早晨,奶奶在家择菜。小刚跑过去帮奶奶捶背,奶奶边择边一说:“你真的懂事了!”小刚笑了。 我们要向小刚学习,做一个尊老爱幼的好孩子。

范文 一杯“孝心水” 一天齐,阳光明媚,妈妈下班回到家里,没有休息一下,就坐在阳台上洗衣服。我看见妈妈很累,连忙倒了一杯开水送到妈妈面前说:“妈妈,你辛苦了,喝杯水吧!”妈妈接过水杯,微笑“真是个乖孩子,这是一杯孝心水啊!”

范文1 不要摘花 秋天,妈妈和小红来到公园,看着花很美,有的亭亭玉立,有的含苞欲放,还有的端庄秀丽。我深深的被菊花吸引了,“情不自禁”的刚想摘一朵。妈妈看见了,轻轻的拍拍我的肩膀说:要“爱护花草”。花间的蝴蝶听见了仿佛在说:“知错能改就是好孩子”。 范文2 不要摘花 一天上午,妈妈带我去公园玩,在哪里我看到了各种各样的花,都很漂亮,尤其是那颗黄色的菊花,太美了。我不由自主的跑了过去,伸手就想摘,妈妈看到连忙摇摇手,对我一说:“小红,不可以摘,花是用来看的,更何况它和我们一样是有生命的,你瞧它开得多艳丽啊。你忍心看到它在你手中失去生命吗?”听到妈妈说的话,我惭愧的低下了头,心想:“我再也不摘花了,做一个爱护花草树木的好孩子。”

范文 赏菊花 秋天到了,劳动公园迎来一年一度的菊花展。 星期天,小红和妈妈来到劳动公园观赏菊花。公园里前来赏菊的人很多,人来人往川流不息。人们看到了五颜六色好多品种的菊花,有白的、有红的、有黄的、还有墨绿的…… 小红看见一从黄菊花很好看,就想随手把它摘下来。妈妈发现了急忙跑过去对小红说:“小红,不能随便折花,这些菊花是供大家观赏的!”小红听后没有摘,妈妈夸小红是好孩子。


江苏省扬州梅苑双语学校2014届九年级英语第四次周练试题 成绩 一、选择题 ( )1. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered . A. live B. living C. lively D. alive ( )2. The presentation will be held in Beijing this Saturday. A. comes B. coming C. next D. last ( )3. I went to the National Day concert last year. I enjoyed it . A. much B. many C. a lot ( )4. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet brings us . A. the close B. closer C. the closer C. close ( )5. The coming rain will make it possible for the sports meeting to be . A. put away B. put off C. put down D. put up ( )6. Dr. Li was so looking at the Internet that he forgot the time. C. busily D. busy ( )7. It is cheaper and _______ enjoyable to travel by train than by plane. A. much; far more B. very; very much C. more; much more D. much more; much ( )8. I hardly knew anything about it __________ you told me. A. since B. after C. though D. until ( )9. Don’t tell anybody about it, keep it _______ you and me. A. to B. in C. between D. among ( )10. The two children bought some books _______ the money they had saved. A. with B. in C. by D. for ( )11. Each year lots of visitors come to China because she is ______ country. A. so a beautiful B. very a beautiful C. such beautiful a D. so beautiful a ( )12. --Let’s go and see the new railway st ation. --Oh, sorry. Now it ____ only in blueprint(蓝图). A. can see B. can’t see C. can be seen D. sees ( )13. Be careful! The water is too hot. You’d better _______ it right now. A. do not drink B. not to drink C. not drink D. not drinking ( )14. Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular, but some still _______ too much. A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost ( )15. I searched my memory, but I can ______ remember her name. A. easily B. hard C. really D. hardly ( )16. I’ve made it possible for my computer ______ the same programs by means of networking. A. to share B. sharing C. shared D. shares ( )17. ---_____ advice it is! ---Yes, it is, isn’t it? A. How an useful B. What an useful C. What a useful D. What useful ( )18. --- Could you tell me _____? ---Sorry. I don’t know. I was not at the meeting. A. what does he say at the meeting B. what did he say at the meeting C. what he says at the meeting D. what he said at the meeting ( )19. The student promised his teacher_________ late for school again. A. not be B. not being C. be not D. not to be ( )20. If it doesn’t belong to you, it must be ______________. A. somebody else B. somebody else’s C. else somebody D. else’s somebody 二、完形填空


2019广东中考英语短文填空每日一练 第五周 (有答案) 第一天 Cold weather can be hard on pets, just 1 it can be hard on people. Sometimes owners forget that their cats are just as used to the warm "home" as they are. Some 2 will leave their animals outside for a long period of time, thinking that all animals are used to living outdoors. This can put their pets in danger of serious illness. There are things you can do to 3 your animal warm and safe. Keep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad. 4 you have to take them out, stay outside with them. When you're cold enough to go inside, they probably are too. If you must leave them outside 5 a long time, 6 sure they have a warm "home" against the wind, thick bedding, and plenty of drinking water. If left alone outside, dogs 7 cats can be very smart in their search for warm place. They can dig into snow banks or hide somewhere. Watch them closely 8 they are left outdoors, and offer them good place of good condition. Keep an eye on your pet's water. Sometimes owners don't know that a water bowl has become ice and their pet 9 get anything to drink. Animals that don't have clean and drinking water may drink dirty water outside, which may have 10 unhealthy for them. 第二天 Tom had a very old car. It was ___1__ old that he wanted to buy a new one. But his father said that he had to ____2_____ it before he would buy him a new one. “You have to learn the value of money, Tom.” his father said, “It doesn’t grow on trees, you know. You should learn to __3____ a good businessman.” But__4__ seemed to want to buy the car from Tom. He put an“__5__Sale” sign in the back window of the car, but nothing happened. Then one day he was ____6____to another town, and stopped at the entrance of a toll booth (收费站) where he had to pay ___7______being allowed to use the road. The attendant said, “Two ___8__ and fifty cents.” “I accept,” said Tom, “It’s yours.” Then he put the car ____9_____into the surprised attendant’s hand, and held out h is other ____10____for the two dollars and fifty cents.
