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商务与经济统计 第13版 附录C 自测题解答与偶数题答案

商务与经济统计 第13版 附录C 自测题解答与偶数题答案
商务与经济统计 第13版 附录C 自测题解答与偶数题答案


商务与经济统计精要版答案 【篇一:经管类书单推荐】 与管理学院 2016.10.17 管理类推荐读物 孙耀君,《西方管理学名著提要》,江西人民出版社 1)管理学 邢以群,《管理学》,浙江大学出版社 周三多,《管理学》,复旦大学出版社 2)管理信息系统 kenneth https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e211398103.html,udon/ jane https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e211398103.html,udon ,《管理信息系统—网络化企业的组织与技术》(第六版,影印版),高等教育出版社 薛华成,《管理信息系统》(第三版),清华大学出版社 小威廉d.佩勒尔特 e.杰罗姆.麦卡锡,《市场营销学基础》:全球管理(英文版.第12版)--国际通用mba教材》,机械工业出版社 郭毅等,《市场营销学原理》,电子工业出版社malhotra,n.k.著,《市场营销研究应用导向(第3版)》,电子工业出版社 4)战略管理 项保华,《战略管理——艺术与实务》,华夏出版社 斯蒂文斯(英),《战略性思维》,机械工业出版社 arthur a. thompson, jr. and a. j. strickland Ⅲ.crafting implementing strategy. 6th ed. richard d. irwin, inc., 1995中文版《战略管理学:概念与案例(英文版.第十版)-- 国际通用mba教材》,机械工业出版社 david besanko, david dranove, mark shanley. the economics of strategy. john wiley sons, inc., 1996alan j. rowe; et al.. strategic management: a methodological approach. 4th ed. addison-wesley publishing company, inc., 1994 5)组织行为学 卢盛忠等,《组织行为学:理论与实践》,浙江教育出版社 英文版《human resource management: gaining a competitive advantage》,清华大学出版社约翰.m.伊万切维奇,《人力资源管理(英文版.原书第8版)-- 国际通用mba教材》,机械工业出版社


商务统计复习题集-A 一、单选题; 1、在数据采集活动中,进行观测记录的基本单位与总体中的个体()。 A、必须相同 B、必须不同 C、可以相同,也可以不同 D、完全没有关系 2、对于内部差异很大且有明显的不同类型界限或标志的总体,进行抽样调查应该采用的抽样方式是()。 A、简单随机抽样 B、系统抽样 C、分层抽样 D、整群抽样 3、构成次数分布表的基本要素是()。 A、各个个体的名称与指标数值 B、各组变量值与次数 C、各组变量值与其方差 D、各组均值与方差 4、如果观测变量的取值很多且数值成比例变化,则编制次数分布表时采用()。 A、单值 B、等距分组 C、异距分组 D、复合分组 5、统计指标是用来测度统计活动研究对象某种特征数量的()。

A、概念 B、数值 C、概念和数值 D、数值尺度 6、统计指标口径是指统计指标所包括的()。 A、总体大小 B、个体多少 C、理论范围 D、具体范围 7、统计推断是一种()。 A、演绎推理 B、完全归纳推理 C、不完全归纳推理 D、非逻辑推理。 8、根据斯特吉斯公式,对于样本容量为1000的一个观测样本,采用等距分组,其组数应该为()。 A、9组 B、10组 C、11组 D、12组 9、从0-1分布总体中进行不放回抽样,样本中具有1值的个体数服从()。 A、两点分布 B、二项分布 C、超几何分布 D、泊松分布 10、对于由观测变量的各个分组和各组变量总值顺序排列的分组分布表,计算算术平均数需采用的计算公式为()。 A、简单算术平均数 B、加权算术平均数 C、简单调和平均数 D、加权调和平均数 11、随机变量的观测值中出现次数最多的变量值是该变量的()。 A、众数 B、中位数 C、极值 D、均值 12、两个观测值之间如果存在同方向的线性函数关系,则二者的相关关系为()。 A、0 B、1 C、-1 D、0.5


Soluti ons Manual to Accompa ny Statistics for Busin ess and Econo mics Eighth Editi on David R. An ders on Uni versity of Cincinn ati Dennis J. Swee ney Uni versity of Cincinn ati Thomas A. Williams Rochester In stitute of Tech no logy 2002 by South-Western/Thomso n Learni ng Cincinn ati, Ohio

Contents Chapter 1. Data and Statistics 2. Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Approaches 3. Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods 4. Introduction to Probability 5. Discrete Probability Distributions 6. Continuous Probability Distributions 7. Sampling and Sampling Distributions 8. Interval Estimation 9. Hypothesis Testing 10. Statistical Inference about Means and Proportions With Two Populations 11. Inferences about Population Variances 12. Tests of Goodness of Fit and Independence 13. Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design 14. Simple Linear Regression 15. Multiple Regression 16. Regression Analysis: Model Building 17. Index Numbers 18. Forecasting 19. Nonparametric Methods 20. Statistical Methods for Quality Control


[键入公司名称] 案例分析报告四星健康俱乐部股份有限公司 Windows 用户 2013/12/31

1、估计预提费用 根据案例给定材料,确定各个阶段退会时的返还会费金额如下表, 表 1 各个阶段退会时的返还会费情况 表 2 各个阶段会员人数变动及会费整体情况 因为总会计师关注的是预提费用,即会费返还金额,所以我们绘制会费返还金额与新会员人数的散点图,如下图

图 1 会费返还总金额 经过观察,我们选择用简单线性回归模型来描述会费返还金额与新会员人数的之间的关系。 设新会员人数为,会费返还总金额为,最小二乘估计的回归方程的计算,如下表, 表 3 最小二乘估计的回归方程的计算 ==41(人) ==7556.25(美元) 斜率的计算过程, 4 y轴截距的计算过程, 31

于是,估计的回归方程是 这一方程在散点图上是一条直线,如图所示, 图 2 回归方程在散点图上的表示情况 为判断估计的回归方程是否很好的拟合了样本数据,计算判定系数 表 4 计算SSE 所以,() 表 5 计算SST

所以,() 所以,SSR=SST-SSE=127381718.750-2192050.619=125189668.131 所以 总平方和(SST)中的98.28%能被估计的回归方程 解释,即会费返还总金额变异性的98.28%能被新会员人数和会费返还总金额之间的线性关系所解释。 我们使用这一方程预测,当新会员数为103时,会费返还总金额(即预提金额)(美元),即预提金额为22476美元。 2、估算概率 假设预提金额服从正态分布,因为是小样本,所以用T分布计算。 每年会费返还金额如下表, 表 6 每年会费返还金额 所以总体均值点估计?(美元) ? 标准差( ? 当1997年预提金额为22476美元时, 在自由度n-1=3情况下,查表得, 所以,所以上侧面积在0.005-0.01之间,即超过预提费用的概率为0.5%-1%。 综上,预提金额约为22476美元,返还金额超过预提金额的概率为0.5%-1%之间。


Chapter 21 Sample Survey Learning Objectives 1. Learn what a sample survey is and how it differs from an experiment as a method of collecting data. 2. Know about the methods of data collection for a survey. 3. Know the difference between sampling and nonsampling error. 4. Learn about four sample designs: (1) simple random sampling, (2) stratified simple random sampling, (3) cluster sampling, and (4) systematic sampling. 5. Lean how to estimate a population mean, a population total, and a population proportion using the above sample designs. 6. Understand the relationship between sample size and precision. 7. Learn how to choose the appropriate sample size using stratified and simple random sampling. 8. Learn how to allocate the total sample to the various strata using stratified simple random sampling.


商务与经济统计技术(英文版.第11版) (原书名:Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics) Brief Contents 1 What Is Statishics? 2 Describing Data: Frequency Distributions and Graphic Presentation 3 Describing Data: Measures of Central Tendency 4 Othcr Descriptive Measures 5 ASurvey.ofProbability Concepts 6 Discrete Probability Distributions 7 The Normal Probability Distribution 8 Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem 9 Estimation and Confidence Intervals 10 One-Sample Tests of Hrpothesis 11 Tests of Hypothesis: Two Samples 12 Analysis of Variance 13 Linear Regression and Correlation 14 Multiple Regression and Correlation Analysis 15 Nonparametric Methods: Chi-Square Applications 16 Nonparameiric Methods: Analysis of Ranked Data 17 Statistical Quality Control 18 IndexNumbers 19 Time Series and Forecasting 20 An Introduction to Decision Theory Appendixes: Tables and Data Sets MegaStat Quick Reference Guide Answers to Odd-Numbered Chapter Exercises Answers to Odd-Numbered Review Exercises Index Preface As the name implies, the objective of Statistical Techniques in Business and Econom- ics is to provide students majoring in economics, finance, marketing, accounting, management, and other fields of business administration, with an introductory survey of the many business applications of descriptive and inferential statistics. While we have focused on business applications, we have also attempted to use examples and


安德森-商务与经济统计习题答案(第8版- 中文版)

Solutions Manual to Accompany Statistics for Business and Economics Eighth Edition David R. Anderson University of Cincinnati Dennis J. Sweeney University of Cincinnati Thomas A. Williams Rochester Institute of Technology ? 2002 by South-Western/Thomson Learning? Cincinnati, Ohio

Contents Chapter 1. Data and Statistics 2. Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Approaches 3. Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods 4. Introduction to Probability 5. Discrete Probability Distributions 6. Continuous Probability Distributions 7. Sampling and Sampling Distributions 8. Interval Estimation 9. Hypothesis Testing 10. Statistical Inference about Means and Proportions With Two Populations 11. Inferences about Population Variances 12. Tests of Goodness of Fit and Independence 13. Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design 14. Simple Linear Regression 15. Multiple Regression 16. Regression Analysis: Model Building 17. Index Numbers 18. Forecasting 19. Nonparametric Methods 20. Statistical Methods for Quality Control 21. Sample Survey


Solutions Manual to Accompany Statistics for Business and Economics Eighth Edition David R. Anderson University of Cincinnati Dennis J. Sweeney University of Cincinnati Thomas A. Williams Rochester Institute of Technology 2002 by South-Western/Thomson Learning Cincinnati, Ohio

Contents Chapter 1. Data and Statistics 2. Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Approaches 3. Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods 4. Introduction to Probability 5. Discrete Probability Distributions 6. Continuous Probability Distributions 7. Sampling and Sampling Distributions 8. Interval Estimation 9. Hypothesis Testing 10. Statistical Inference about Means and Proportions With Two Populations 11. Inferences about Population Variances 12. Tests of Goodness of Fit and Independence 13. Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design 14. Simple Linear Regression 15. Multiple Regression 16. Regression Analysis: Model Building 17. Index Numbers 18. Forecasting 19. Nonparametric Methods 20. Statistical Methods for Quality Control 21. Sample Survey


VVVVVV精品资料》》》》》 Soluti ons Manual to Accompa ny Statistics for Busin ess and Econo mics Eighth Editi on David R. An ders on Uni versity of Cincinn ati Dennis J. Swee ney Uni versity of Cincinn ati Thomas A. Williams Rochester In stitute of Tech no logy 22 by South-Western/Thomso n Learni ng Cincinn ati, Ohio <<<<<<精品资料》》》》》 Contents Chapter Data and Statistics Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Approaches Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods Introduction to Probability Discrete Probability Distributions Continuous Probability Distributions

Sampling and Sampling Distributions Interval Estimation Hypothesis Testing Statistical Inference about Means and Proportions With Two Populations Inferences about Population Variances Tests of Goodness of Fit and Independence Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design Simple Linear Regression Multiple Regression Regression Analysis: Model Building Index Numbers Forecasting Nonparametric Methods Statistical Methods for Quality Control AAAAAA^ssnw^》》》》》 2—ksamp-eSurvey AAAAAA^ssnw^》》》》》 <<<<<<精品资料》》》》》 Preface The purpose ofStatistics for Business and Economicsis to provide students, primarily in the fields of business administration and economics, with a sound conceptual introduction to the field of statistics and its many applications. The text is applications-oriented and has been written with the needs of the nonmathematician in mind.

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