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1:How did the 2 cultures (Greco-Roman culture and Judeo-Christian culture) work together and shape western civilization?


Roles that Greco-Roman Culture and Judeo-Christian Culture Play to Shape Western Civilization

Western civilization is a part of world civilization. Having gone through changes over centuries, western culture is composed of many elements. Greek culture, together with Roman civilization and Christian culture constitutes the foundation of what is now called Western civilization.

First of all, the basic element of western culture has made great contributions to western culture in many aspects. For example, the Greeks created many subjects, such as mathematics, philosophy, art and so on. The Greeks were also the first to write history. Besides, the Greeks were curious about everything around them, especially about what made the universe. They had the spirit of innovation and always dare to drop established ideas. Because of that, they could use their own imagination and form their own ideas. All in all, the Greeks achieved supreme achievements in nearly all fields of human endeavour.

The second element that has influenced western culture was the Roman culture. Roman culture played an enduring role in shaping western culture, especially in laws. The roots of the legal principles and practices of ancient Romans may be traced to the law of the twelve tables to the codification of of Emperor Justinian1. Roman law as preserved in Justinian's code continued into the Byzantina Empire, and

formed the basis of similar codifications in continental western Europe. Roman law continued, in a broader sense, to be applied throughout most of the western laws.

The last element of western civilization is Judeo-Christian culture.

Judeo-Christian culture has a more enduring influence than anything else ever written on shaping western civilization. It provided with the ideas of rights, covenant and being free, according to the Bible. And for now, the Bible not only has become an essential part of western literature, but also has an influence on western law, philosophy, education and politics. So in a sense, the Bible is more than a book, but really an encyclopedia.

From all of the above, we can easily see both Greco-Roman culture and

Judeo-Christian culture play a significant role in shaping western civilization.


The Influence of the 2 Cultures to Western Civilization

Greco-Roman culture and Judeo-Christian culture are two cornerstones of the western civilization, and to a certain extent the latter one had inherited from the former one. Greco-Roman culture originated earlier, which had been suppressed by Judeo-Christian culture in the last time of the Roman Period. In the Middle Age, Judeo-Christian culture took the dominant position completely, though Greco-Roman culture staged a comeback in the Renaissance Period. Both of the two cultures played a significant role in the shaping of western civilization.

Firstly, the two cultures are the headstream of western technology, science and philosophy. Greco-Roman culture had trained numerous scientists and philosophers, such as Archimedes and Aristoteles. In the period that Judeo-Christian culture dominant, the church had founded a lot of research institutes and colleges contributed to the increasing of mass education level remarkably, which leads to most

influenced scientists are Judaist or Christian in sixteenth century and seventeenth century.

Secondly, in the field of social system there are impacts of the two cultures.

On the one hand, the City-States and the decentralization of authority which were popular in Graco-Roman culture had sowed the seeds for the thoughts of democracy and liberty which are the fundamental elements of western civilization. On the other hand, Judeo-Christian culture led people to trust in God and run out the contract the God, which demanded people abiding social norms which guaranteed the liberty for everyone.

At last, the two cultures had bred a tremendous amount of arts. Greek and Roman architecture and sculpture often contains strong bodies and determined faces which celebrated the power of human spirit. Judeo-Christian culture prefers to communicate with God through the arts, which leaded to that most of their buildings towered into the clouds and most of their paintings described the relationship between person and God.

By and large, from my point of view, both the two cultures are the footstone of western civilization, however Greco-Roman culture pays more attention to the power of human spirit and Judeo-Christian culture guides people to trust the power of faith.


How did the 2 cultures (Greco-Roman culture and Judeo-Christian culture) work together and shape western civilization?

It is universally acknowledged that western culture is made up of many elements, which have changes over the centuries. The most essential source of western culture was ancient Greek culture, ancient Roman culture and Christianity. So western culture is also known by the phrase "Greco-Roman and Judeo-christian culture".

On the one hand, Greek culture and Roman culture play a significant role in the development of the western culture. Both people in Greek and Roman had traditions rooted in the idea of the citizen-assembly, which set the foundation for today's democracy. Especially the spread of literature and philosophy of Greek culture by Alexander's conquests of Europe, Asia and Africa, that means a lot to human society.

Even today we can feel the prosperity of Greek culture from the name of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Plato, the student of Socrates, insists that the ideal state ruled by a philosopher but barring poets. Aristotle holds the opinion that theory should follow facts and human should direct observation of nature. all of these contribute to the humanities and science.

Moreover, there are inheritance relationships between Greek culture and Roman culture. The Romans built up a vast empire, so it is easy to understand that they were confident in their own organizational power, their military. In particular, all laws in western proceed from roman law.

On the other hand, Christianity is by far the most influential in the West. Christianity based itself on two forceful beliefs which separate it from all other religions. One is that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that God sent him to earth to live as humans live and die to redeem mankind. The other is that God gave his only begotten son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The disciple of Jesus first among the Jews in Palestine and then in the Mediterranean region. during a time of great unrest and upheaval in the European continent, the poor and humble found comfort in the Christian gospel. Constantine believed that God had helped him in winning the battle and legalized Christianity. In 392, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other religions. In the next ages, Classical, Hebrew and other cultures

merged. It paved the way for the development of what is the present-day western culture.

In short, ancient Greek and Roman culture and Christianity have had a deep and lasting influence in the development of western culture. As students, only to learn more about the culture behind the language can we grasp English.

作文2:the influence of the 5 Hebrew mythical stories in Genesis on western culture.


The tremendous impacts of the story of the garden of Eden on western culture

As is known to us all, there is no denying the fact that Judeo-Christian culture is absolutely one of the cornerstones of western culture. Hence, the great masterpiece the Holy Bible has been making a profound difference on the development of western civilization. When it comes to me, I am keen on the Hebrew mythical stories from Genesis, especially I prefer the story of the garden of Eden, which has tremendously diverse aspects of western culture.

To illustrate this issue deeply, it's inevitable for me to look back at the meaningful story. Just as it goes, the Lord God planted a garden in Eden. After that, the Lord God put the only man Adam in it. To make Adam's life more fabulous, the Lord God created a woman Eve out of one rib of Adam. In the garden there lived a serpent who was so crafty that it tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. What was worse, Adam also ate the forbidden fruit. It was what they had done that enabled human beings to possess the consciousness of the good and the evil. Unfortunately, because of Adam and Eve violating the ban, the Lord God was indignant enough to punish them by cursing and driving them out of the garden of Eden.

Apparently, the interesting story has shaped the spiritual world of western people in all aspects, which can be reflected as follows.

First of all, it's indispensable that we are supposed to associate the concept of original sin with this story. What is known to us all is that the concept mentioned above has become so deeply ingrained in western culture. Because the ancestors of human beings betrayed the Lord God by breaking the ban, human beings began to be sinful originally. From then on, the harmonious state between human beings and the Lord God was converted into opposed situations. We must point out that human beings should assume responsibility for the consequence that human beings and the Lord God are in opposition in that human beings were so impulsive that they violated the ban. Frankly speaking, I am in favor of the standpoint that human beings shall have original sins. With the development of the concept above, nowadays, western countries tend to maintain social orders through this concept by taking advantage of people's awe from the bottom of heart.

Secondly, marriage system which is marked by monogamy stems directly from by the story, which reveals that women are created by the rib of men. As the proverb goes, women are bones of men's bones and flesh of men's flesh. Nowadays, if one supports a plural marriage, he will be certainly considered to be immoral.

To put it in a nutshell, we can never deny the fact that the story of the garden of Eden has an everlasting influence on shaping western culture. What's more, we should never underestimate the values of the stories of Genesis. Meanwhile, it's our duty to cherish the historic treasure!

2.The Tower of Babel influence on western杨颖斯(学号:12130041047)

After the Great Flood, the first rainbow is appeared in the sky. The God use the rainbow to assurance the people, there is no great flood to destroy the earth. But people do not strongly believe in God, so they unite to build the tower of Babel,

hoping to be able to reach heaven. The God order to prevent human's plan, made humans speak different languages and make human beings can not communicate with each other. Therefore the plans is failure, people have been separated.

First of all, this story provide an explanation of the world there are different languages and ethnic. This is also a reason for a lot of ethnic and linguistic in the world. The people have the language barrier with communication, but in some ways science and technology is able to continue and spread.

Secondly, it can be seen from the story. People's self-concept is also being slowly improved. This concept deeply rooted in western culture which gradually led to the rise of secular humanism, that this world does not need God's grace to function properly. And the western philosophers will tell the public the idea of rational autonomy. With independent rational people think, we can find the truth. In fact, people want is an individual identity and collective identity, on this basis, people began to build Babel. However, God has his own way, God disrupted the human language, people have been separated, preventing them from challenging his authority.

This reflects the West's hierarchy in western culture. Human beings have unlimited desires and want to break their own efforts. If God letting people build the tower of Babel. People will become their God, beyond the supremacy of God, but also undermines the hierarchy. The story of the Tower of Babel did not build it, but the reality of society in the Tower of Babel has still built.

3.Noah's ark and its influence on western culture. 漆瑶(学号:12140051028)

Genesis is the first part of the old testament. The bible as the source of western culture, has an important influence on western culture, such as art, literature, philosophy, etc. Genesis as the first part of the bible as an important work that, also has an important influence in western culture.

Our teaching materials choose the five stories of genesis, respectively: The Creation of the World, The Garden of Eden, The First Murder, Noah's ark, The Tower of Babel. I choose the story Noah's ark and talk about its influence on western culture.

In the story of Noah' ark, God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon his way upon the earth. So God chooses Noah, and Noah made a covenant. Noah built Noah's ark according to the arrangement of God, saved his family and plant. We can see, the "contract" is an important concept in the bible, for the first time in genesis. Modern western society attaches great importance to contract spirit, one of its origins is the bible. The contract is the foundation of the whole western society. Contract widely respected by the people, on the basis of the formation of the western rule of law society.

The story of Noah's ark, reflected the authority of God. Humans after the catastrophe, very respect God and nature. Nobel morality has become the pursuit of people. In the modern western society, the idea of protecting and respecting the environment is affected by the story of Noah's ark.

The story of Noah's ark, is the source of many literature, televisions, and films. Meaning of Noah's ark is a place of safety, this makes a lot of western literary works

to borrow this story Noah's ark. At the same time, the olive branch and the pigeons in the story of Noah's ark is endowed with the meaning of peace, representing the people hope for peace. The olive branch and pigeons are using in many occasions. All in all, there are many stories in the bible has a significant influence on western society. In modern times they also have a significant impact on the east.

作文3:Please make a comment on the Ten Commandments and its great influence /impact on

1. the Ten Commandments章海伦(学号:130222011080)

As the classic literature, the Bible has had a profound influence on western culture. In particular, it is used as an object with special symbolic significance and it affected all the aspects of the society including laws. The Ten Commandments is one of the most significant pieces about laws in Bible.

In terms of western laws, we have to think of the Ten Commandments in Exodus of Bible. The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, is a set of biblical principle relating to ethics and worship, which plays a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity. They include instructions to worship only God and to keep the Sabbath, as well as prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, dishonesty, and adultery. Different groups follow sightly different traditions for interpreting and numbering them. The Ten Commandments appear twice in the Hebrew Bible, first at Exodus. According to the story in Exodus, God inscribed them on two stone tablets, which he gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. As the contract between the Lord and Moses, the Ten Commandments were the law for Jewish people which was also one of the legal achievements of the earliest human.

The Ten Commandments in the Old Testament are recognized as a moral foundation of Judaism and Christianity. Because they were summarized the absolutes of spiritual and moral living that God intended for his people through Moses, who was the hero of the Jews. Furthermore, the Ten Commandments have also played an important role to western laws. As the second statute law in human history, the Ten Commandments gave us the original concept of contract in civil law and several ideas of criminal charges with just ten rules. And these laws still instruct us today. Specifically, in the Ten Commandments, the eighth item is "Thou shalt not steal", which is about the sanctity of individual property. It becomes the foundation of western civil and commercial law system.

As the classic of Judaism and one of important Hebrew laws, the Ten Commandments is one of the earliest laws. The Ten Commandments have great influence on the form of western politics and laws.学生:何叶(学号:000812011016)

2.The Ten Commandments and their influence

The Ten Commandments: 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honour thy father and thy mother:that thy days may be long upon the land which Lord thy God given thee. 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not convet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

The Ten Commandments derive from Greek--"Decalogue", and their original meaning is "Ten Orders".

The Ten Commandments are legislative basis for the Israelites, and the core morality of western culture.

The Ten Commandments take the name of the Lord God to set the basic moral standard for all human beings. People in the times of the Bible through this way to express their cognition of obligation about personality and society.

The Ten Commandments reflect that "the ideal of Covenant" develops the spirit of honouring contract in western legal culture. It lays the foundation for forming the society construre of western later contract. Let me give an example to you. The tenth commandment declares human beings have their rights, obligation, and infringement

to blame them. Lutheranism set Sector Approach on the basis of the Ten Commandments:Establishing the penal law in accordance with "Thou shalt not kill". Establishing the property law in accordance with "Thou shalt not steal". Establishing the family law in accordance with "Thou shalt not commit adultery".

The Ten Commandments looks like a forbidden regulation for human beings, but it is a real freedom to us.


The contents and influence of the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments of course have ten terms: First, "I am The Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. " Second, "You shall not make for yourself a graven image. " Third, "You shall not take The Name of The Lord your God in vain; for The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His Name in vain. " Fouth, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. " Fifth, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which The Lord your God gives you. " Sixth, "You shall not kill. " Seventh, "You shall not commit adultery. " Eighth, "You shall not steal. " Ninth, "You shall not bear the false witness against your neighbor. " Tenth, "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor's. "

The Ten Commandments influenced the western civilization in two aspects mainly. One of them is justice, and the other one is morality.

In the juristic perspective, the Ten Commandments plays a significant role as important as the source of a river. Firstly, the Ten Commandments states a concept of abiding by the contract equally, which shows by The Lord shall keep the contract the same as people. In the next place, the ninth of the Ten Commandments had a huge

impact on the western court, that every witness shall swear that every word of him is true and he shall be responsible for his words. Last, the Ten Commandments built a relationship between obligation and rights, that you abide by the contract and then you will be protected.

From the point of morality, the Ten Commandments is remarkably helpful to persuade the people that keeping the law is a part of individual integrity.

All in all, the Ten Commandments have accelerated the pace of the main customs developing into law and kept them as life standards which are still cherished today.

4. 学生:王佳琪(学号:12010001044)

Ten Commandments And Its' Influence

The Ten Commandments, according to the book of Exodus in the Bible, are rules for life given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai to give to the people of Israel. These rules which were written on stone tablets are important for Judaism and Chirstianity.

The first one of the rules is that you are to have no other gods but me. This rule emphasizes monotheism and spread monotheism. The second one is that you shall not make for yourself an idol, since that it may do harm to the authority of God. The third one is that you shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God. Then, the fourth one is that you shall remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This day is the time to commemorate the God and to be thankful for what you get. And the fifth one is to honor your father and mother. It shows that we should respect our parents and be filial.

Now is time to focus on other five rules. The sixth one is that you shall not murder. It is believed that every person's life belongs to God, so you shall not murder. And the seventh one is that you shall not commit adultery. This rule is aimed at protecting married relations. Then the eighth one is that you shall not steal. Many theologians suggest that this rule was originally intended against stealing people, like abductions

and slavery. The ninth one is that you shall not bear the false witness against your neighbor. To 'give the false witness' means lying, may include all lying. And the last one is that you shall not covet your neighbor's house as well as your neighbor's wife. We can learn from this rule that we can not be selfish.

The Ten Commandments have influenced Jewish ethics and law and, through Judaism and Christianity, western ethics and law since the Roman Empire. Moses is the founder of basis of the philosophy of law as well as such modern legal doctrines as independent judiciary and separation of powers.

作文4:Please make a comment on the recursive pattern/vicious cycle in the book of Judges.

1.The cycle of sin' in Judges 学生:章海伦(学号:130222011080)

The history of the period of the Judges(approximately 1200 B. C. to 1050 B. C. ) followed a frequently repeated cycle.

Throughout the book of Judges, we can see that the Lord keeps sending judges. It's not once occurrence, it happens over and over and over again. While Israel repeats this cycle of sin, slavery and tragedy, the Lord doesn't step back and watches it grows progressively worse. Instead of letting Israel destroys everything, the Lord steps in. The Lord intersects the cycle of sin with rescue. No matter how ugly things get for the Israelites, the Lord interrupts this cycle with grace and forgiveness. And this is not a one-time thing, it's repeated throughout the entire history of the nation of Israel. Briefly speaking, the cycle of sin in Judges is a cycle of sin, bondage, repentance, devotion, followed by sin and bondage again.

In the opening of the story of Gideon, we know the Lord gave Israelites into the hands of Midianites because Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord again. However, the Lord responded to Israel'cries and chose Gideon to free the people of Israel from Midianites. Later, Gideon was very successful to defeat enemies with just 300 brave men on the Lord's instruction. Because his contribution for Israel, Israel believed him and did as he said. Gideon used gold that Israel gave to make an ephod and let it stand in the local Ophrah. Unfortunatlly, Israel did evil again after they worshiped the ephod. Therefore, we can see that Gideon was false in his last time in the last.

Psalm 106 describes the Lord'mercy:"Many times he delivered them, but they were bent on rebellion and they waster away in their sin. Yet he took note of their distress when he heard their cry; for their sake he remembered his covenant and out of his loves he relented. " No matter how many times we repeatedly turn to the same sins over and over and over again, the Lord says "My grace is enough. " And he doesn't just say, "I forgive you" once. He says it a second time and a third time and a hundredth time and a two-hundredth time.

When we read this in the book of Judges, I can't help but think "These guys are idiots. They are fool to commit over and over again. "And then I do the same thing as those foolish Israel. We return to the same sins time and time and time again, yet the Lord remembers his covenant. He says to us "I love you the same". So I think if we want to break the bad cycle, we should keep ourselves humble in the sight of the Lord.

2.A view of the circle of sin through my eyes 学生:甘甜(学号:12150032008)

When reading the Holy Bible, we are likely to be deeply impressed by the book of judges, for these judges are the great heroes in Jewish history. There is no denying the fact that the period of Judges is one of the worst days in all Jewish history because of too many wars and killings.

If we analyse the book of Judges, it's likely for us readers that we can find it interesting that in that period, all the stories follow a stable five-fold recursive pattern, which is called the circle of sin. More specifically, it is a circle including evildoing, punishment, outcry, deliverance and serving God.

When it comes to the recursive pattern, as far as I am concerned, it has a rich connotation. Therefore, it is meaningful for us to illustrate it.

First of all, the circle of sin is a true reflection of Jewish history. It's universally acknowledged that there was a time when the Jews lived a life without kings after the conquest of Canaan. However, the Jews violated their moral standards. At the same time, other countries invaded the Jewish nation. In that case, the Jews called for heroes such as Ehud, Deborah and Gideon, who were called Judges. It's these Judges that delivered the Jews.

Secondly, such vicious circle attaches great importance to the religious belief. When reviewing the book of Judges, we are bound to realise that the Jews betrayed the God and behaved badly, which started the circle. For instance, in the story of Gideon, because the Jews made idols and stole money, which offended horribly against the ancient laws by Moses. Thus, the God was unpleased and punished them. In war, Gideon was pious, God blessed him consequently. Ultimately, the Jews defeated their enemies. We can draw a conclusion that both difficulties and victories were determined by the God, showing devout religious belief was necessary.

Last but not least, the circle of sin can be applied to individuals' life. Undoubtedly, our whole life is full of struggles between good and evil. For example, on the condition that we do bad deeds, we will be punished, then we tend to change, next we will change. After that, we are apt to feel good. Ultimately, we will be so confident that we will start evildoing.

To put it in a nutshell, the circle of sin is not only a true reflection of history, but also means a lot to us individuals. Meanwhile, we are supposed to assume the responsibility to cherish such treasure.

3. The comment on the Judges 周丽娟(学号:12150021073)

In the Judges, we can easily find that there is a vicious cycle, including sin, servitude, supplication and salvation. The Bible says, in those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit. People were evil, ungrateful, ignorant and greedy. Why the Israel had committed so many crimes that incurred the anger of their Lord? And why they were sunk into this vicious cycle? Maybe the ending of the Judges can answer this question, "in those days Israel had no king, everyone did as he saw fit. "

There is no doubt that everyone has weaknesses. Confronted with various kinds of temptations, people always lose their conscience and then do everything they want. Israel is no exception. After leaving Egypt, especially losing their prophets Moses and Joshua, the Israel indulged in enjoying. And then, their nation was full of corruption, degeneration, evil and sin. From Israel, we know that, real freedom is not arbitrary and uninhibited at all. Excessive freedom will lead to destruction. Samson, the favourite of Lord, due to indulge himself to violate Lord's rules, had lost reputation, suffered great pain and even lost his life.

So, what can we do to restrain ourselves? The Bible has answered this question. In the Judges, when Israel begged for help, God would dispatch the judge. Undering the guidance of God, the judge finally led the Israel to escape miseries. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion like this. For individual, the best way to restrain himself is making him have a faith. Once someone has a faith, he won't do what as he saw fit, on the contrary, he will do what his God want.

However, as mentioned as before, it is hard for people to resist temptations. In order to restrain people's actions, people not only need the faith but also need outstanding

leaders. Today, in my opinion, the great leader should be the government. He should strangle unrest in the cradle. He also guides people as the messenger of God has guided the Israel, making them escape turmoils. Those are all I learnt from the Judges.

4.The Cycle of Sin 宋海凡(学号:010*********)

Whenever the LORD raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived, for the LORD had compassion on them as they groaned under those who oppressed and afflicted them. But when judge died, the people returned to ways even more corrupt than those of their fathers, following other gods and serving and worshiping them. They refused give up their evil practices and stubborn ways.

From many passages, you will notice that the same phrase is used to begin each section, and it is this: “Then the sons of Israel again did evil in the sight of the LORD. ' In other words there was a repeated cycle throughout the entire book: a cycle of sin, bondage, repentance, devotion, followed by sin and bondage again. Israel would follow the Lord when there was a leader who reminded them of the ways in which they should walk, but with his death they again wandered off following other gods and their own desires. God would then allow an enemy of Israel to conquer the people so that, through desperation(unfortunately)they would again look to him. Now it would be nice, would it not, if this was only a message of history: a message that no longer applies to God's people today. But study church history over the last two thousand years and you see the cycle repeating itself.

In today's world has similar evil circulation, such as the environment worsening and the world economic development, the relationship between the people's living standards improve, and so on. The improvement of people's living standard to the development of economy, the economic development needs of global natural resources, however, the lack of natural resources lead to improve people's living

standard. This has formed a "circle of sin", and need the economic sustainable development to balance them.

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