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【人教版】2019届高考英语一轮复习练习 选修6 4 Unit4知能演练轻松闯关 含答案

【人教版】2019届高考英语一轮复习练习 选修6 4 Unit4知能演练轻松闯关 含答案
【人教版】2019届高考英语一轮复习练习 选修6 4 Unit4知能演练轻松闯关 含答案



(2018·云南高三11校跨区调研)If our kids don’t fall, they don’t learn to get up. I still remember the day in high school that my mom forgot to pick me up from school. I’m the oldest of four children, and no doubt she’d had a long day with the other kids and it’d slipped her mind.After waiting at school for an hour, I walked the three miles home, and when I got to my house, I shut our front door with anger, stormed into the kitchen and screamed in my mom’s face that she’d forgotten me.

Later that night, my dad told me I no longer had a ride to school the next day. I figured my mom would still take me, but when the morning came, she refused.It was midterm, and as a straight-A student ready to start college applications, being late wasn’t an option. In my mind, missing these tests would have been the end of my academic career. I begged my mom. I told her she was ruining my future and everything I’d worked for. But she held__her__ground,__and that day, I walked to school. And I missed my tests.

My mom didn’t rescue me from failure. She let me suffer from it. She let me figure it out. She let me learn. Now, as a mom myself, I’ve realized that I want my kids to experience failure because failure is how we grow, learn and think outside of ourselves. It’s how we self-educate to learn what’s right and respectable, and what’s not. It’s how we become responsible and enthusiastic.

Falling down makes us better, because we learn how to get up.


1.Why did the author shout at her mother?

A.Because she was tired after walking home.

B.Because she missed some important tests.

C.Because her mother had ruined her future.

D.Because her mother didn’t pick her up home.

D解析:细节理解题.根据第一段的“After waiting at school for an hour, I walked the three miles home, and when I got to my house, I shut our front door with anger, stormed into the kitchen and screamed in my mom’s face that she’d forgotten me.”可知,作者在学校等了一个小时,后来自己走回了家,因此她对妈妈没有去学校接她非常生气,故选D.

2.How does the author feel about her experience now?


C.Beneficial. D.Embarrassed.

C解析:细节理解题.根据第三段中的“Now, as a mom myself, I’ve realized that I want my kids to experience failure because failure is how we grow, learn and think outside of ourselves.”说明作者现在认为她之前的经历对她是有益的(Beneficial).

3.What does the underlined phrase “held her ground”in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Stuck to her decision.

B.Gave in to me.

C.Said yes to me.

D.Stayed in the place.

A解析:词义猜测题.根据第二段的“But she held__her__ground,__and that day, I walked to school.”中But的转折意味以及后面作者仍然走着去上学可知,妈妈仍坚持她的观点,没有送作者去上学.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Offer Your Kids Help If Necessary

B.Stop Rescuing Your Kids from Failure

C.Be Responsible for Your Kids’Failure

D.Try to Meet Your Kids’Demands

B解析:标题归纳题.根据第三段和第四段的叙述,尤其是第三段的“My mom didn’t rescue me from failure.”及“I want my kids to experience failure because failure is how we grow, learn and think outside of ourselves”可知,B项最适合作文章标题.


(2018·江西名校联盟检测)For over a century, the Nashua River in Massachusetts provided power for mills(工厂), which gave jobs to thousands of people.Over the years, these paper, cotton, wood, and woolen mills had dumped their waste into its waters.

By the 1960s, the Nashua River was about as polluted as any river could get.Its waters ran red or green or blue with dye(染料) from paper mills situated on its banks.The fumes(烟) from this dye blackened the paint on the buildings near the river.

Then along came Marion Stoddart with a simple but overwhelming idea—clean up the Nashua.This was no one-woman campaign.Stoddart encouraged the paper mills and the business community to form partnerships to reclaim the river.She carried jars of dirty river water to local officials to demonstrate the seriousness of the problem.Stoddart talked with business leaders about economic problems.She talked with environmentalists about the long-term problems of pollution.

Stoddart knew that the State Water Pollution Control Board would have the final say on forcing the clean-up.When she spoke to the board, she insisted that the Nashua should be made safe for swimming.They thought her goals were unrealistic.

However, the partnerships Stoddart had helped form and the volunteers who were drawn to her cause never gave up.They all realized that cleaning up the river was in everyone’s best interests.By 1993, several water treatment plants had been built, and a conservation area called a “greenway”had been created along the banks of the river.

Today mills are still operating along the river, but there are also fish in the river. The Nashua River welcomes boaters, naturalists, and even swimmers.None of this would have been possible without a woman of vision and a community working together.

【解题导语】本文讲的是Marion Stoddart如何联合个体、团体和政府部门共同治理河水污染的事.

5.What does the underlined word “reclaim” refer to?


C.Monitor. D.Explore.

A解析:词义猜测题.结合语境及上下文中出现的“clean up the Nashua”“the clean-up”“cleaning up the river”等信息可知,此处指的应是河流治理方面的内容,由此可推知画线词的意思应是“改造”,与A项意思相近,故选A.

6.What’s the board’s attitude to Stoddart’s goal of improving the river?

A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.

C.Neutral. D.Cautious.

B解析:观点态度题.根据第四段中的“When she spoke to the board...They thought her goals were unrealistic.”可知,该委员会认为Stoddart改善河流状况的目标不切实际,即持怀疑的态度,故选B.

7.What kind of person is Marion Stoddart?

A.Independent and broad-minded.

B.Determined and far-sighted.

C.Intelligent and creative.

D.Stubborn and proud.

B解析:推理判断题.根据文章第三、四段中对Stoddart为了改善河流状况东奔西走的描述及最后一段中的“a woman of vision”可知,Marion Stoddart是一个有决心和有远见卓识的人.故选B.

8.What message is conveyed through the no one-woman campaign?

A.It’ll be all right on the night.

B.Prevention is better than cure.

C.Many hands make light work.

D.Failure is the mother of success.



(2018·广州检测)Philadelphia is a city known for many things. It is where the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, and it was also the first capital of the United States.

1.________ It is home to nearly 3,000 murals(壁画) painted on the sides of homes and buildings around the city. That’s more murals than any other city on Earth.


More than 20 years ago, a New Jersey artist named Jane Golden started a program pairing troubled youth with artists to paint murals on a few buildings around the city. 3.________ The teenagers involved helped to create magnificent pieces of art, and there were other, even more important, benefits. The young people learned to cooperate and get along with many different kinds of people during the painting. They learned to be responsible, because they needed to follow a schedule to make sure the murals were completed. 4.________ It is hard for anyone to see the spectacular designs and not feel proud to be a part of Philadelphia.

Take a walk around some of the poorest neighbourhoods in Philadelphia and you will find beautiful works of art on the sides and fronts of buildings. Of course the murals are not just in poor neighbourhoods, but richer ones as well. Special buses take tourists to different parts of the city to see the various murals, which show the diverse ethnic groups that call Philadelphia home.

5.________ It is also a model for other cities throughout America seeking to help troubled youth.

A.How did this come to be?

B.What happened to the murals on earth?

C.They also learned to take pride in their community.

D.But one fact about Philadelphia is not so well-known.

E.From this small project, something magical happened.

F.The program encouraged troubled youth to paint together with their teachers.

G.As a result of its success, the mural program has now become the nation’s largest public

art program.




3.E解析:根据下一句中的“there were other, even more important, benefits”可知,这些问题少年参与到壁画的创作中,并且在这个过程中带来了更重要的益处.E项“从这个小小的项目中,一些神奇的事情发生了”引出了对壁画益处的介绍,符合语境.故选E项.

4.C解析:根据下一句“It is hard for anyone...not feel proud to be a part of Philadelphia.”可知,人们开始将这些壁画当作是费城引以为傲的一部分.C项意为“他们同样学会了为自己的社区感到骄傲”,句中的“also”承接上文,take pride in与下文中的“feel proud”相呼应,承上启下,符合语境.故选C项.

5.G解析:根据下一句“It is also a model for other cities...”可知,最后总结了壁画对费城产生的影响.G项意为“由于它的成功,这个壁画项目已经成为整个国家最大的公共艺术项目”,是对费城壁画的地位评价,总结全文,符合语境.故选G项.


(2018·郑州一中上学期高三入学测试)The incident had happened on my way to a bookstore on the rainy Sunday afternoon.I was waiting for the green light when a girl about ten was knocked down by a passing car,that drove off quickly.A man immediately rushed to the girl to give him first aid.I joined in without any hesitate.A young woman called 110 and the polices soon arrived at the scene.Fortunate she was not badly injured and we sent her to the nearest https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e413452767.html,paring with the escaped driver,I am proud of that I did.


The incident had

\happened on my way to a bookstore on the

a rainy Sunday afternoon.I

was waiting for the green light when a girl ∧


about ten was knocked down by a passing car,


which drove off quickly.A man immediately rushed to the girl to give him

her first aid.I joined in

without any


hesitation.A young woman called 110 and the


police soon arrived at the


Fortunately she was not badly injured and we sent her to the nearest https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e413452767.html,paring Compared

with the escaped driver,I am proud of that

what I did.


2016年上海市高考英语试卷 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.(1分)A.It is satisfactory. B.It is luxurious. C.It is old﹣fashioned. D.It is disappointing. 2.(1分)A.On August 5th. B.On August 6th. C.On August 7th. D.On August 8th. 3.(1分)A.A waiter. B.A butcher. C.A porter. D.A farmer. 4.(1分)A.In a theatre. B.In a library. C.In a booking office. D.In a furniture store. 5.(1分)A.She expected to a better show. B.She could hardly find her seat. C.She wasn't interested in the show. D.She didn't get a favourable seat. 6.(1分)A.The woman often eats out for breakfast.

选修六 unit4 reading 逐句翻译

Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMIG WARMER-BUT DOES IT MATTER? 全球在变暖——这会带来什么影响吗? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. 在20世纪期间,地球温度大约升了华氏1度。That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. 这个数值对你我来说很可能是无所谓的,但是,跟多数自然变化相比较而言,这却是种快速的增长。So how has this come about and does it matter?这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢,它要紧吗?Earth care’s Sophie Armstrong explores these questions.“关爱地球”组织的索菲·阿姆斯特朗就在探究这些问题。 There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer(see Graph 1) and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问,地球是在变暖。但是全球变暖的原因是人为的呢,或者仅仅是一种自然现象呢? All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase i n the earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. 所有的科学家认为,人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤、天然气和石油等),从而引起了地球温度的升高。Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide.这个升温过程的副产品就叫做“温室”气体,其中最重要的就是二氧化碳。Dr Janice Foster explains: “There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the “greenhouse effect”. .贾尼丝·福斯特博士解释说:“你知道,有一种科学称之为‘温室效应’的自然现象。This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.这种现象发生在大气层中少量的气体(如二氧化碳、甲烷、水蒸气等)吸收太阳的热量,因而,使地球变暖。 Without the‘greenhouse effect ,the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsciu cooler than it is. 如果没有这种‘温室效应’,地球的温度将比现在的温度还要低33摄氏度左右。So, we need those gases. 因此,我们需要这些气体。The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 而当我们因为燃烧化石燃料而使大气层中增加了大量额外的二氧化碳时,问题就来了。It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.二氧化碳含量的增加意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起了全球温度上升。 We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. 我们知道,在过去100~150年期间,二氧化碳的含量急剧增加了。It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of


第一学期高三年级期终调研测试 英语试卷 (完卷时间: 120分钟满分: 140分) 第I卷(共100分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a cosmetics shop. B. In a hospital. C. In a nutrition department. D. In a supermarket. 2. A. Boss and secretary. B. Editor and publisher. C. Student and professor. D. Writer and reader. 3. A. Open a wedding company. B. Try a new restaurant. C. Run his own bakery. D. Buy some insurance. 4. A. The package is too big to deliver. B. The delivery can be made automatically. C. The woman will have lunch with the man. D. The man can make the delivery tomorrow morning. 5. A. He was most difficult to satisfy. B. He set many special requirements. C. He inspected the project regularly. D. He was as common as other customers. 6. A. An amazing book. B. A great woman. C. A scientific field. D. A strong voice. 7. A. He himself is a big fan of Hepburn. B. He does not think the girl is like Hepburn. C. H e felt puzzled by girls’ love for Hepburn. D. He does not know anything about Hepburn. 8. A. When to do mind-wandering. B. Where to have physical activities. C. How to keep attentive in a lecture. D. How to take notes in a lecture. 9. A. Ordinary. B. Practical. C. Disturbing. D. Unrealistic. 10. A. Decorating the company. B. Finishing a painting. C. Preparing a presentation. D. Restructuring the budget. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. 2. B. 11. C. 21. D. 30. 12. A. A horse. B. A dog. C. A pig. D. A cat. 13. A. More annoyed. B. Less anxious. C. More frightened. D. Less shocked. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.


2019届江苏高考英语模拟卷 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. The search for ______ essence of Christianity necessarily led people in ______ Greek to concentrate on ideas. A. the; / B. an; the C. the; the D. an; a 2. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this _______with our lives . A. to interfere B. interfering C. interfered D. interfere 3. The quality objectives of a company shall be measurable and _______ with the quality policy. A. changeable B. consistent C. acceptable D. adjustable 4. It is inevitable that nationality clothing would be be of fashion. A. bound to B. up to C. about to D. likely to 5. ---What is he talking about? ---Err, sorry. I _______ of my father’s being ill. A. think B. thought C. am thinking D. was thinking 6. --- If it hadn’t been raining so hard, I might have been home much earlier. --- It’s too bad you _____ it. Nancy _____ here and she _____ to see you. A. didn’t make; is; was B. won’t make; will be; wants C. didn’t make; was; wanted D. wont’ make; would be; wanted 7. Every member tries their best to finish the important work, they aren’t permitted to go home on time. A. therefore B. meanwhile C. otherwise D. somehow 8. his performance in his study, no one can match him in his class. However, he is not liked by most of his classmates. A. In terms of B. On behalf of C. As a result of D. In face of 9. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, New York is an example. A. for which B. at which C. of which D. from which 10. —How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? —The key the problem is to meet the demand by the customers. A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made 11. —I find it astonishing that John be so rude to me. — Not astonishing at all. He is always rude to others. A. should B. must C. might D. ought to 12. I am really sorry for making you feel embarrassed at the party. I did not mean to you. A. offend B. disturb C. attack D. cheat 13. The books written by Yang Hongying are and that’s why she is important among children. A. taking away B. taking off C. taking down D. taking up 14. The director of our department is determined to promote _______ he thinks is energetic, wise and capable to the position. A. whomever B. whichever C. whoever D. whatever


2017年上海高考英语真题试卷_上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案 2017年高考已经结束,相信大家都对高试卷感兴趣,下面是小编收集的上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案,供大家参考! 第I卷 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who has given up smoking? A. Jack. B. Frank. C. The woman. 2. Why does the woman apologize to the man? A. She broke his telephone. B. She didn’t take him to the hospital.

C. She forgot to tell him the message. 3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesgirl and customer. B. Passenger and driver. C. Wife and husband. 4. What is the woman’s opinion about the course? A. Too hard. B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. 5. What is the woman doing? A. She is apologizing. B. She is complaining. C. She is worrying. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两 遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Who wants to attend a US university? A. A daughter of the man’s friend. B. The man’s daughter. C. The man’s friend. 7. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. Over the phone. C. At a language

高中英语人教版选修六 Unit4 精读课文逐句翻译

选修六Unit4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING W ARMER-BUT DOES IT MATTER?全球在变暖——这会带来什么影响吗? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit.在20世纪期间,地球温度大约升了华氏1度。That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes.这个数值对你我来说很可能是无所谓的,但是跟其他自然变化相比较而言,这却是一种快速的增长。So how has this come about and does it matter?那么,这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢?会产生什么影响呢?Earth Care’s Sophie Armstrong explores these questions. “关爱地球”组织的索菲·阿姆斯特朗就在探究这些问题。 There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问,地球是在变暖(见表一,略),而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成的,并非是一种无规律的自然现象。 All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth's temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy.所有的科学家赞同这种观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤、天然气和石油等),从而引起了地球温度的升高。Some byproducts of this process are called "greenhouse" gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide.这个升温的过程的一些副产品就叫做“温室”气体,其中作用重要的就是二氧化碳。Dr Janice Foster explains: "There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the 'greenhouse effect'.贾尼丝·福斯特博士解释说:“有一种科学家称之为‘温室效应’的自然现象。This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.这种现象发生在大气层中少量的气体(如二氧化碳、甲烷、水蒸气等)吸收太阳的热量,因而使地球变暖的时候。Without the 'greenhouse effect', the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.如果没有这种‘温室效应’,地球的温度将比现在的温度还要低33摄氏度左右。So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.因此,我们需要这些气体。当我们在大气层中增加了大量额外的二氧化碳时,问题就来了。It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up."这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升。” We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. 我们知道,在过去100~150年期间,二氧化碳的含量急剧增加了。It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. 有一位名叫查尔斯·基林的科学家曾经把1957~1997年期间大气层中二氧化碳的含量作了精确的统计。He found that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million(see Graph 2).他发现,在这些年里,大气层中的二氧化碳含量从315/1000 000上升到370/1000 000。(见表二,略) All scientists accept this data. 所有科学家都接受这个数据。They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. 他们还赞同下述观点,正是由于越来越多燃烧化石燃料导致了二氧化碳的增加。So how high will the temperature increase go? 那么气温会升到多高?Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees.福斯特博士说,在今后的100年里,全球变暖的量可能低到1~1.5摄氏度,但是也有可能高达5摄氏度。


2019届江苏省高考英语模拟试卷(4) 英语试题 (考试时间:120分钟,满分:120分) 说明:请将第Ⅰ卷各题答案按要求填涂在答题卡上。 第I卷(三部分,共85分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍 1. What might the woman be good at? A. Looking after kids B. Taking care of elderly people C. Helping people find jobs 2. What's on the girl's notebook cover? A. Flowers B. A superstar. C. Cartoon animals. 3. What is the man going to do first this afternoon? A. Finish his speech draft. B. Go to the woman’s club C. Pick up his son from school. 4. What are the speakers in a hurry to do? A. Buy a map B. Attend a meeting C. Find Mr. Darwin 5. Where will the speakers have a talk? A. In a park. B. In an office C. In a cafe 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. What does the woman ask Jim about the meeting A. The time. B. The purpose C. The place 7. What does the woman advise Jim to do? A. Deal with the conflicts early B. Avoid being late for the meeting C Set up a fixed meeting schedule 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。 8. What does the woman teach Jamie to do? A. Boil some eggs B. Bathe the baby C. Clean the floor. 9. How does the woman find Jamie’s performance? A. Surprising B. Disappointing C. Satisfying 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。 10. Why does the man want to see Jane? A. To ask about her family


课时作业(三十四) Music 音乐 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.If he can________his natural ability with hard work,he should be very successful. A.combine B.connect C.link D.join 2.As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer to________the problem. A.handle B.raise C.face D.present 3.Progress so far has been very good.________,we are sure that the project will be completed on time. A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Besides 4.Ever since the Greens moved to the country a year ago,they________better health. A.are enjoying B.have been enjoying C.could have enjoyed D.had enjoyed 5.—Will you go skiing with me this vacation? —It________. A.all depend B.all depends C.is all depended D.is all depending 6.The manager says he needs an assistant that he can________to deal with the problems that may occur in his absence. A.depend B.turn up C.count up D.count on 7.Very often,even an ordinary ancient item can________an image of our ancestors’ life. A.tell B.describe C.present D.discover 8.He had his wallet________at the entrance of the Agricultural Bank of China at 5 p.m.yesterday. A.robbed B.robbing C.robbed of D.robbing of 9.I played table tennis for half an hour,which made me_____________. A.relax B.relaxing C.relaxation D.relaxed 10.—When shall we hold the meeting? —It________be better to put it off until next week. A.must B.could C.can D.will Ⅱ.阅读理解


III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. (A) Being alone in outer space can be frightening. That is one reason why astronauts on solo (单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them___45___. They were also constant communication with people on the earth. ___46___, being with people from whom you cannot get away might be even harder than being alone. This is what happens on long submarine (潜水艇) voyages. It will also happen on___47___space flights in the future. Will there be special problem of adjustment under such conditions? Scientists have studied the reactions of men to one another during long submarine voyages. They have found that the longer the voyage lasts, the more serious the problem of___48___is. When men are___49___together for a long period, they begin to feel uneasy. Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable. In the limited space over a long period of time, however, these little habits may become very___50___. Apparently, although no one wants to be___51___all the time, everyone needs some degree of privacy. When people are enclosed together, they are in what is called a stress situation. That means that they are under an unusual amount of___52___or stress. People who are well-adjusted are able to___53___stress situations better than others. That is one reason why so much care is taken in___54___our astronauts. These men undergo a long period of testing and training. One of the things tested is their behavior under stress. 45. A. tired B. asleep C. conscious D. busy 46. A. So far B. After all C. However D. Therefore 47. A. long B. fast C. dangerous D. direct 48. A. fuel B. entertainment C. adjustment D. health 49. A. shut up B. held up C. brought up D. picked up 50. A. pleasing B. annoying C. common D. valuable


高二选修6 Unit 5 Grammar教案 引标: 1. Review the usage of –ing form below. Examine the sentences and discuss in what way the structures similar to each other and in what way they are different. 示标: 1)Looking carefully at the ground, I made my way to the edge of the crater. 2)Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didn’t take much notice. 区别: 学标: -ing 形式的用法 1)–ing 形式作状语 ①Walking along the street, I met Mary. = While I was walking along the street, I met Mary.(时间状语从句) 在街上走的时候,我遇到了玛丽。 ②Being tired, I stopped to take a rest. =Because I was tired, I stopped to take a rest. (原因状语从句) 因为疲倦,我停下来休息。

③Turning to the left, you will find the school. = If you turn to the left, you will find the school.(条件状语从句) 向左走,你就会找到那个学校。 ④Knowing where I live, he never come to see me . = Though he knows where I live, he never comes to see me. (让步状语从句) 尽管他知道我的住处,但从不来看我。 2)–ing形式的完成式 Having +p.p. …, 主语+谓语 (Having been) +p.p. …, 主语+谓语 –ing形式的完成式所表示的时间在谓语动词之前表示被动可直接用过去分词 ⑤Having finished my work, I went home. = After I had finished my work, I went home。 工作做完只后,我就回家了。 ⑥(Having been) written in haste, the book has some faults. 这本书因仓促写成,所以有些缺憾。 3)使用- ing形式需注意的几个问题。 分词(短语) 作状语时, 其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果不一致,必须用独立主格结构来表示,也就是在分词前面加上它的逻辑主语。 My wife had a long talk with Sally, explaining why she didn’t want the


绝密★启用前 2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷) 英语试卷 考生注意: 1.考试时间120分钟, 试卷满分150分。 2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第I卷(第1-12页)和第II卷(第13页),全卷共13页。 所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 第I卷(共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. It is satisfactory. B. It is luxurious. C. It is old-fashioned. D. It is disappointing. 2. A. On August 5th. B. On August 6th. C. On August 7th. D. On August 8th. 3. A. A waiter. B. A butcher. C. A porter. D. A farmer. 4. A. In a theatre. B. In a library. C. In a booking office. D. In a furniture store. 5. A. She expected to a better show. B. She could hardly find her seat. C. She wasn’t interested in the show. D. She didn’t get a favourable seat. 6. A. The woman often eats out for breakfast. B. The cafeteria serves good breakfast. C. The woman doesn’t have breakfast. D. The cafeteria doesn’t serve breakfast. 7. A. Selling cucumbers. B. Planting vegetables. C. Cooking a meal. D. Picking tomatoes. 8. A. The man should work hard. B. The man should turn down the job offer. C. The man may have another chance. D. The man can apply for the job again. 9. A. It is a hot and smoggy day. B. There is a traffic jam on King Street. C. A vehicle is polluting the air. D. The man is reading a report online. 10. A. Its ending is not good enough. B. Its special effects are not satisfying. C. It deserves an award. D. It is good except for the scary part. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,

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