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人教新目标九年级英语下册教学设计Unit 11 Section B教案

Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.

Section B Period 1 Section B 1a-2e

本单元围绕“Sad movies make me

sad”为中心话题,学习和运用make 作为使役动词的make sb +do 和make sb + adj 的语言结构

.让学生能够描述和谈论不同事物对自己情绪的影响. 要学习的内容与学生们的生活息息相关.其实在初一和初二时对make 的结构已经提到过, 本单元是对make 这一结构第一次全面详尽系统的讲授,故学生对本单元没有太大的陌生感。 【知识与能力目标】

1. 巩固练习make 的结构。

2. 能够运用所学的知识谈论事情对他们的心情影响。 【过程与方法目标】

本课主要采用任务型教学法,情景教学法以及多媒体辅助教学,充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体地位。利用现代化教育技术优化教学过程,通过课件为学生创设更多生动活泼的语言环境,把学生吸引到活动中去,并激发他们主动参与学习的欲望,努力培养学生自主学习的能力。把学习的钥匙交给学生,在传授知识的同时,授以科学的思维方法。不仅要使学生学会,更要使学生会学。 【情感态度价值观目标】



1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。 2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。

3)阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。 【教学难点】

1. 运用所学内容表达情感。

2. 在听的过程中获取有用的信息。



Complete the following sentences.

1. 他父亲为了赚钱,从早忙到晚。

His father is busy all day in order to ________. (make money)

2. 看足球赛使我疯狂。

______________________________ (Watching football game makes me crazy.)

3. 轻柔的音乐使约翰昏昏欲睡。

The soft music ______ John ___________. (makes, sleepy)

4. 红色使人们吃得更快些。

The color red ________ people _________ faster. (makes, eat)

5. 长时间等她使我生气了。

Waiting a long time for her _______________. (makes me angry)

Step 2. Free talk

What’s the ending of the story about the unhappy king.

Step 3. Guess

1. Work on 1a. Look at the possible endings to the story about the unhappy king. Do you think

any of these is the right one? If so, which one?

a. The general cannot find a happy person and the king remains unhappy forever.

b. The general finds a happy person with power, money and fame.

c. The general realizes he is a happy person and gives his shirt to the king to wear.

d. The king suddenly becomes happy without the shirt of a happy person.

2. What are some other possible endings to the story? Discuss your ideas with your partner. Tom: The general found a poor man. The man was very happy.

Lily: The poor man gave his shirt to the general.

Step 4. Listening

1. Work on 1c. Listen to The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part II) and check (?) the things that

happened in the rest of the story.

The general searched for three days and found a happy person.

The general could not find a happy person.

?The general saw a poor man on the street.

?The poor man was a happy man.

The poor man gave the general his shirt.

2. Work on 1d. Listen again. Answer the questions.

1) How long did it take the general to find the happy man?

2) What was the poor man doing on the street?

3) What made the poor man so happy even though he had no power, money or fame?

4) Do you think the general will return to the king with the poor man’s shirt? Why or why not?

3. Role-play

Do you agree with the poor man’s thoughts about happiness? Discuss your ideas with your group. Then role-play the rest of the story.

Step 5. Reading

1. Free talk.

Work on 2a. Have you ever made a mistake? How did it make you feel? Talk to your partner about what happened.

In the English exam last week, I was too nervous that I made a spelling mistake. It made me feel very angry about myself.

2. Presentation.

Learn some new words.

3. Work on 2b. Skim the story and number the events in the correct order.

_______ Peter got home and went to his room.

_______ Peter talked to his teammates.

_______ Peter missed a goal.

_______ Peter’s father gave him advice.

_______ Peter realized that he had been worried for no reason.

4. Work on 2c. Read the story again and answer the questions.

1) Why did Peter feel angry and worried?

2) What kind of advice did Peter’s father offer to his son?

3) Do you agree with Peter’s father? Why or why not?

4) What happened after Peter told his teammates that he was sorry?

5) Why did Peter think that he was on a winning team even though they lost the last game? Step 6. Language points

1. The general finds a happy person with power, money and fame.

with 表示伴随,“带着……, 与……一起,随着,有”;反义词:without 意思是“没有”。两个词的后面均可接名词或动名词。

e.g. He left without saying a word. 他一句话都没有说就走了。

2. How could he have missed scoring that goal?

could have done 表示“过去本能够做某事但未做”,含责备意义。

e.g. How could he have been such a fool? 他怎么这么糊涂?

How could she have forgotten what kind of man he was?


3. He was really worried that his coach might kick him off the team.

kick v.踢;踹

kick sb. off 开除某人

e.g. Tim made a huge mistake, and the manager kicked him off the company.


4. Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door.

knocking 在这里做hear 的宾补。


see/ watch/ find/ hear/ notice sb. doing sth.

e.g. When Lisa was alone at home, she heard something making noise outside.


5. But whatever it was, don’t be too hard on yourself.

be hard on sb.过于严格地要求某人; 对某人过于严厉; 以刻薄的方式批评、对待某人

e.g. Today some teachers are too hard on their students.


Perhaps I’m too hard on my daughter.


6. Besides, wining or losing is only half the game.

besides “除……以外还有”,表示包括后面提到的人或物在内。

except “除去”,表示不包括后面所提到的人或物在内。

e.g. All the students went to the park except Jim. (Jim没去)

Lucy went to the cinema besides Lily. (Lily 也去了)


1) I can also speak Russian ________ English.

2) We all saw the movie ________ Bill. He was busy with his project.

Keys: besides except

7. The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.

courage n.勇气;勇敢

e.g. All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.


rather than 并非; 而不是

它通常连接两个并列结构,如名词、动词-ing形式、动词不定式(rather than后的不定式中的to可省略)、介词短语等

e.g. 那个男孩在吼叫而不是唱歌。

The boys were shouting _____________________. rather than singing.


The teacher told us to encourage Frank __________________.

rather than (to) laugh at him

prefer to ... rather than ... 宁愿……而不愿……

e.g. I’d prefer to stay at home rather than go to the zoo.

8. But I think if we continue to pull together, we’re going to win the next one.

pull together 齐心协力;通力合作

e.g. If all of us pull together, there must be something we can do to improve the environment.


Step 7. Practice

Work on 2d. Find idioms or phrases from the story to replace the underlined parts of these sentences.

1. He could not believe that he did not get the ball into the basket.

2. She was worried because she had disappointed her parents.

3. Tony was sad that he was asked to leave the team.

4. You should learn to relax and not put so much pressure on yourself.

5. The teacher told the students to work hard together and not give up.

Step 8. Role-play a conversation between Peter and his father.

Father: What’s wrong, Peter? You look sad.

Peter: I missed scoring a goal. I made my team lose the game.

Step 9. Homework

Translate the following phrases.

1. 使……失望

2. 开除

3. 而不是

4. 齐心协力

5. 在肩上

6. 停止做某事

7. 敲门8. 和……交流

9. 向……学习10. 继续做某事


Period 2 Section B 3a - Self Check












1. 准备录音机和磁带;

2. 设计课后巩固练习;

3. ppt

Step 1. Revision



2. 开除kick sb. off

3. 而不是rather than

4. 齐心协力pull together

5. 在肩上on one’s shoulder

6. 停止做某事stop doing

7. 敲门knock on the door 8. 与……交流communicate with

9. 向……学习learn from 10. 继续做某事continue to do

Step 2. Free talk

3a Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad. Tell your partner about them.

Use the following ideas to help you.

●winning/losing a competition

●getting good/bad grades on an exam

●performing something well/badly in front of a big group of people

●getting into a fight with your best friend

●your first trip outside your hometown

Step 3. Writing

3b Write a story similar to the one in 2b using your notes in 3a. In your story, explain the following:

What happened?

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

How did it make you feel? Why?

What did you learn from the experience?

写作指导:本文根据要求是一篇记叙文。它主要是说明事件的时间、背景、起因、过程及结果,即我们通常所说的五个“W ”(what, who, when, where, why )和一个“H ”(how )。人称应是第一人称,时态应是过去时。

Step 4. Self Check

1. Put the words in the appropriate place in the chart.

nervous unhappy uncomfortable worried comfortable relaxed

angry awful happy uneasy

Positive: comfortable, relaxed, happy

Negative: nervous, unhappy, uncomfortable, worried, angry, awful, uneasy

2. Write sentences using the words given.

e.g. 1. sad movies/cry Sad movies make me cry.

2. speaking in front of many people/nervous

Speaking in front of many people makes me nervous.

3. money and fame/ not always happy

Money and fame doesn’t always make you happy

4. soft piano music/relaxed

Soft piano music makes me relaxed.

5. rainy days/stay at home and watch TV

Rainy days makes me stay at home and watch TV.

3. Number the things [1–6] (1 = least important, 6 = most important). Write six sentences about your choices.

________ fame ________ power ________ friendship

________ wealth ________ health ________ family

e.g. Fame is not very important. It can make me nervous if too many people follow me around.

Power is not important to me. I don’t like to control others.

Wealth is not very important. I prefer to live a simple life.

Health is important. A healthy body makes it possible for me to do many things in life.

Friendship is very important. Spending time with friends makes me happy.

Family is the most important to me. My family around me makes me feel comfortable and contented.

Step 5. Exercises

1. The rainy day _______ me sad and angry.

A. make

B. makes

C. making

D. to make

2. The movie made _______ feel energetic.

A. he

B. his

C. they

D. them

3. Loud music always makes us ______.

A. want dance

B. to want dance

C. want to dance

D. to want to dance

4. Excuse me, could you help me? I don’t know ______ exchange money.

A. how to

B. how

C. how can

D. how can I

5. ______ his new sunglasses _______ Tony look mysterious.

A. Wears…make

B. Wears …makes

C. Wearing…make

D. Wearing…makes

6. As students, we are supposed to spend more time ______.

A. study

B. studied

C. studying

D. to study

7. Loud music may make people ____ fast.

A. to eat

B. eat

C. eated

D. eats

8. I want ____ whether he’s all right.

A. to know

B. know

C. knowing

D. Knows

9. The children were made ____ homework first.

A. do

B. to do

C. did

D. doing

10. Don’t worry about he r, Madam. Your daughter is ____ danger now.

A. in

B. out

C. out of

D. at

11. Loud music makes me ____. So I feel very happy.

A. energetic

B. stressed out

C. energy

D. stress out

12. I can’t wait ____ the present box.

A. open

B. to open

C. opening

D. opened

Answers: 1-5:B D C A D 6-10:C B A B C 11-12: A B

Step 6 .Homework

1. Finish your composition.

2. Review the whole unit.

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