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2019届一轮复习译林版必修二Unit 2 Wish you were here学案

2019届一轮复习译林版必修二Unit 2 Wish you were here学案
2019届一轮复习译林版必修二Unit 2 Wish you were here学案

一轮复习必修二Unit 2 Wish you were here学案对应学生用书P30~36




1.extraordinary adj.不同寻常的

2.camel n. 骆驼

3.flashlight n. 手电筒

4.rough adj. 汹涌的;粗糙的;大概的5.helmet n. 头盔

6.life jacket n. 救生衣


7.sleeve n.袖子

8.cheek n. 脸颊

9.destination n. 目的地

10.classic adj. 经典的

n. 经典作品

11.kingdom n. 王国

12.steep adj. 陡峭的;急剧的


13.cattle n.(pl.)牛

14.mild adj. 平和的,温和的;温暖的

15.*white-water rafting n.


16.*backpack n. 背包

17.*mount n. 山,山峰

18.*crane n. 鹤



1.adventure n.冒险;冒险经历2.arrange v t. & v i. 安排

3.flight n. 航班;空中航行4.desert n. 沙漠

v t. 抛弃,舍弃

5.dusty adj. 尘土飞扬的,满是灰尘的6.shade n. 阴凉处;背阴;树阴


7.brilliant adj.明亮的;鲜艳的8.altogether ad v. 总共9.uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的,不自在的10.protection n. 保护

11.advance n. 前进;预先

v i. 前进;进步

12.supply n. & v t. 提供,供给,补给


13.wildlife n.野生动物,野生生物14.photograph n. 照片

15.defence n. 防御;保护

16.scare v t. 使恐惧,惊吓17.tiring adj. 让人疲劳的,累人的18.atmosphere n. 空气;大气层


19.African adj.非洲的20.afterwards ad v. 后来,然后21.tourism n. 旅游业

22.schedule n. & v t. 计划

23.explore v t. & v i. 探索;勘探

24.sunrise n. 日出;朝霞


25.view v t.观看;看待

n. 景色;观点

26.heaven n. 天堂;天空

27.mountaintop n. 山顶

28.temple n. 寺院

29.bury v t. 埋葬;埋藏

30.cage n. 笼子


31.beauty n.美;美好的人或物

32.south-west n. 西南

33.highway n. (尤指城镇间的)公路,干道,交通要道34.novel n. (长篇)小说

35.forever ad v. 永远地

36.officially ad v. 官方地,正式地


37.spot n.地点,场所

38.publish v t. 出版;发表

39.announce v t. 宣布,宣称

40.tower v i. 高耸,屹立;超过

n. 塔,塔楼

41.sunshine n. 阳光

42.reflect v t. 反射(声、光、热等);反映


43.diamond n.钻石

44.wander v i. & v t. 漫游,游荡;徘徊;漂泊45.surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的

46.harmony n. 和谐,协调,融洽

47.endless adj. 无限的,无休止的48.in_case 万一;以防万一

49.in_advance 提前,预先

50.up_close 靠近地

二、刷清单——热身自盘点(再过基本应用关) (一)核心单词

阅读单词1.extraordinary adj.不


2.flashlight n. 手电筒

3.rough adj. 汹涌的;



4.helmet n. 头盔

5.life jacket n. 救生衣

6.sleeve n.袖子

7.cheek n. 脸颊

8.destination n. 目的

9.classic adj. 经典的

n. 经典作品

10.kingdom n. 王国

11.steep adj.陡峭的;急


12.mild adj.平和的,温和的;


13.white-water rafting n.


14.backpack n. 背包

15.mount n. 山,山峰

表达单词1.adventure n.冒险;冒险经历

2.desert n. 沙漠

v t. 抛弃,舍弃

3.brilliant adj. 明亮的;鲜艳的

4.altogether ad v. 总共

5.protection n. 保护

6.supply n.& v t. 提供,供给,补给

7.afterwards ad v. 后来,然后

8.schedule n.& v t. 计划

9.view v t. 观看;看待

n. 景色;观点

10.bury v t. 埋葬;埋藏

11.novel n. (长篇)小说

12.forever ad v. 永远地

13.spot n. 地点,场所

14.publish v t. 出版;发表

15.tower v i. 高耸,屹立;超过

n. 塔,塔楼


1.The main goal of creating the natural

park was to protect forever (永远地) a

wild area that could never be replaced.

2.He served four years in prison,

emerging to find his brilliant (辉煌的)

career in ruins.

3.The project is aimed to make some

companies reuse all deserted (被抛弃的)

plastic bottles.

4.What happens when food and

gasoline supplies (补给品) run low?

5.Before the race, Sam is fine. But

afterwards (后来) he is worn out


6.Maybe at death the soul gets liberated

from the body and is able to wander (漫

游) more freely.

16.wander v i. & v t. 漫游,游荡;徘徊;漂泊

17.harmony n. 和谐,协调,融洽18.endless adj. 无限的,无休止的7.Lisa buried (埋藏) her face in her hands and wept when she heard the bad news.

8.Therefore, look at the schedule (计划) before your trip, or at least the day before.

9.Finally, they chose some places in the park that were the best for viewing (观看) that event.

10.These paintings are an expression of hope for the future and contain the Chinese spirit of harmony(和谐).

拓展单词1.arrange v t. & v i.安排→arrangement


2.advance n.前进;预先v i.前进;进

步→advanced adj.在前面的;高级的,


3.uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不自

在的→comfortable adj.舒服的

→comfort v.& n.安慰

4.defence n.防御;保护→defend v t.


5.scare v t.使恐惧,惊吓→scary adj.

使人惊恐的,吓人的→scared adj.惊慌


6.tiring adj.让人疲劳的,累人的→tire

v.使疲劳→tired adj.(人)疲劳的;困倦

的→tiredness n.疲劳;困倦

7.tourism n.旅游业→tourist n.游客

→tour n.& v.旅游

8.explore v t. & v i.探索;勘探

→exploration n.探险→explorer n.探



1.These new shoes are uncomfortable

though they are designed for comfort,_so

I'd like to change them to live a

comfortable life.(comfort)

2.In time of war, lots of money will be

spent on defence and many measures will

be taken to defend a country from being


3.Mary announced to her teammates that

she was to marry a Chinese boy. The

announcement of their marriage would

appear in the local newspaper next


4.It's arranged that the meeting will be

held on July 5th, so we must make an

arrangement for everything before July


5.Many explorers came here to explore

the mountain.Without doubt, it's worth

the exploration.(explore)

6.I carried the small lantern and walked
