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I. Complete the following statements by supplying a suitable word for each blank.

1. Borrowed words which still sound foreign and look foreign are _____aliens__

2. There is no __logical__ relationship between sound and ___meaning_ as the

connection between them is ___arbitrary and conventional.

3. ___denizens__are borrowings that have become naturalized or assimilated in English .

4. Archaisms are words no longer in ___common_ use or _obsolete_ in use .

5. A word whose meaning was borrowed from another language is called __semantic loan_.

6. The language used between 450 and 1150 is called _old english__ , which has a vocabulary

of 50,000 – 60,000 . ___middle english__refers to the language spoken from 1150 to 1500 , followed by the __modern english_period , subdivided as __early modern english__(1500 – 1700 ) and _later modern english__ (1700 – up to now) .

7. Polysemy is the __result__ of long semantic development of a word . Diachronically ,

A polysemant was _monosemic__when it was first created and it became __polysemic_

Gradually when it acquired more and more meanings later on . the first meaning was the __primary___ meaning and the rest were _derived__ from it . Synchronically , a _polysement__ has a number of meanings that _coexist__at the same time . Among them there is a ___central__meaning which is the _first___ meaning , and the rest are all _related__To it in one way or another and can be _traced__ back to the central meaning .

8. In modern times , the expansion of ___vocabulary__ is mainly through word-formation .

The major means of word-formation are __affixation__, __compounding_and _conversion___.It is estimated that affixation supplies modern English with 30-40 percent of its new voca bulary , _compounding__gives 28 to 30 percent and 26 percent of new words come from _conversion__ . Shortening , such as clipping , __acronymy_ etc. also plays an important role in the development of vocabulary , resulting in amount up to 8-10 percent .

9. Affixation , also called _derivation_ , is the formation of new words by adding affixes to

__stems____. While _prefixation___ is to create new words by adding prefixes to stems , suffixation makes new words by adding __suffixes___to stems . Generally speaking , prefixes do not change part of ___speech___ of the stems but their __meaning___whereas ___suffixes___do .

10. Synonymy deals with words that are the __same__or ___nearly___ the same

in meaning . The words which are fully _identical___ in meaning are called _absolute__ synonyms and all the others are _relative__synonyms . __absolute__synonyms are interchangeable whereas _relative__synonyms differ in such areas as ___denotation__ ,__connotation__ and __application____ .

II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false .

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e516643926.html,pounds are words formed by combining affixes and stems . F

2.As a rule, the stress of compounds falls on the first element . T

3.The meaning of a compound is usually the combination of the stems . F

4. A compound functions as a single grammatical unit , so the internal structure can

not be changed . T

5.Conversion refers to the use of words of one class as that of a different class . T

6.Words mainly involved in conversion are nouns , verbs and adverbs . F

7.Partial conversion and full conversion are concerned with adjectives when converted

to nouns . T

8.Such words as “ the poorer , the departed , a Republican ” are all examples of partial

conversion . F

9.The conversion between nouns and verbs may involve a change of stress . T

10.An alternative for conversion is functional shift . T

11.An idiom contains at least two words . T

12.Idioms are fixed in structure and so can never be changed . F

13.Idioms are usually difficult to understand because the meanings of idioms are not in

many cases the total of individual words . T

14.Stylistically speaking , most idioms are neither formal nor informal . T

15.Some idioms deny analysis in terms of grammar . T

16.All idioms are used in their figurative senses . F

17.A variation of an idiom is the same idiom used in a different sense . F

18.Since each idiom is a semantic whole , each can be replaced by a single word . F

19.Idioms are characterized by terseness , expressiveness and vividness . T

20. Semantic unity and structural stability are general features of idioms , but there are

many exceptions . T

21.Words which have opposite meanings are called antonyms . T

22.Contrary terms are non-gradable and allow intermediate members in between . F

23.If a word has synonyms , naturally it has antonyms . F

24.Antonyms shoulds be opposites of similar intensity . T

25.Antonymy deals with the relationship of semantic opposition . T

III. Each of the following sentences contains a word printed in bold type. Complete the sentenc by using this word to form a noun to refer to a person .

1.If you are employed by a company , you are one of its ___employees___

2. A __politician__is someone whose job is politics .

3.The __participant____s in a discussion are the people who participate in it .

4. A woman who works as a _waitress____ does the same job as a waiter .

5.The person who conducts an orchestra is called the __conductor_____.

6.Your __teacher____ is the person who teaches you .

7. A __pianist___ is someone who earns their living by playing the piano .

8.If someone examines you , you are the _examinee____ and he or she is the


IV. Change the following verbs or adjectives into nouns .

Admit-admission accept-acceptance allow-allowance enter-entry expect-expectation warm-warmth strong-strength persuade-persuasion Jealous-jealousy able-ability simple-simplicity probable-probability similar-similarity explain-explanation admire-admiration compare-comparison Survive-survival maintain-maintenance pronounce-pronunciation imprison-imprisonment real-reality proud-pride

familiar-familiarity brave-bravery describe-description bitter-bitterness active-activity famous-fame beautiful-beauty


词汇学的基本知识 词汇学是研究词语的学问,它是传统语言学(语法、语音、词汇)的一个分支。词汇学的 主要研究的内容是:词的性质、词的构成、词义的本质及发展、词的各种关系(同音、同 义、反义等)。 一、什么是词 词是有意义的能够独立运用的造句的最小单位,它具有固定的语音形式。汉语词的划分有一 定的困难,因为在书写时词和词之间是不分开的。就“独立运用”而言,许多虚词和量词是 不能独立运用的。于是增加了一条补充,一句话中把能独立运用的词划分出去,剩写的也是词。如:“我把这本书包了个书皮。”这个句子中的“本”“个”和“把”也是词。汉语中词 和短语的界限也不很清楚。一般可以用扩展插入法来区分。能插入的是短语,不能插入的是 词(意义不能变)。比如:钢笔——钢的笔、白菜——白的菜、白布——白的布、吃饭——吃 了饭、鸡蛋——鸡的蛋、睡觉——睡不睡觉。“钢笔”不能插入词,“白菜”插入后意思变了,它们肯定是词。“白布”可以插入且意思不变,可以做为短语。“吃饭”可以插入,“鸡蛋”可 以插入,但“鸡蛋”的频度很高,可以把它做为词。睡觉可以插入,但两个语素的组合是固 定的,把这类词做为离合词(理发、洗澡、打仗等)。 一个语素(有意义的汉字)能独立运用就是词。(米、吃、红、个、从) 两个语素组合后,意义不是它们的简单相加,就是词。(钢笔、金鱼、) 两个语素组合后,不能扩展插入词,就是词。(钢笔,白菜) 两个语素组合后,虽能扩展插入词,但它们是不能用别的语素替换的,则是一种特殊的词 ——离合词。 两个语素组合后,虽能扩展插入词,但它们的使用频度很高,且大家约定俗成认为它是词。(“鸡蛋”是词、“鹰蛋”就有人认为是短语)。 综上所述,汉语的词与短语之间的界限是有模糊地带的。 人们对客观世界的认识形成了概念,词是反映概念的,但它们之间的关系不是一一对应的。 比如,“月亮”、“月球”对应的是一个概念,“人民”这个词可以对应不同的概念。 二、现代汉语词汇的构成 词汇由词和固定的短语——熟语、谚语等构成。 词可以从不同的角度分类: 1.语法分类——实词、虚词(词类) 2.结构分类——单纯词、合成词 3.音节分类——单音节词、多音节词 4.常用——常用词汇(基本词汇)、一般词汇 5.口语词汇——书面词汇 6.普通话词汇——方言词汇 7.汉语词汇——外来语词汇 8.古词语——新词语 熟语可以包括成语、谚语、歇后语等。成语表意凝炼、形象,在书面语中广泛运用。它来源 于古代的典故,有的选取原句中最能概括原句意思的成分(乘风破浪——愿乘长风,破万里浪),有的用四个字概括寓言、故事等(刻舟求剑、狐假虎威),有的增加个别字(短兵相接——车错毂兮短兵接)。成语的意思有的是语素义的简单相加(汗流浃背、无稽之谈、自圆其说);多数成语的意思不是语素义的相加,有的意思是约定俗成的(高山流水——表示知己知音),有的是取字面的比喻义(水落石出——比喻真相毕露了)。


现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料c h a p t e r 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

Chapter 9 Changes in Word Meaning 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning 9.2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Change 9.3 Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of Words Definition: Change of meaning refers to the alteration of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addition of new meaning to established words. 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning A.Historical cause 历史原因 It often happens that though a word retains its original form ,its meaning has changed because the object which it denotes has changed . *Changes of meaning because of increased knowledge of the object described are common in the history of science. Eg. pencil ==is from a Latin word meaning “a little tail” or “a fine brush”, like our Chinese “pen”毛笔.Later, when it was made of wood and graphite ,it was still called a “pencil”. atom ==It was borrowed though Latin and French from Greek arouos,invisible. Thus atom meant originally “an particle too small to be divided”. This meaning is now out-of-date, because scientist have found out that atom can be split.


哈尔滨商业大学2009-2010学年第二学期《词汇学》期末考试试卷 装 题 订 线 内 不 答 要 一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题1分,共40 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1. Argot generally refers to the jargon of _______. Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly understand it. A. workers B. criminals C. any person D. policeman 2.________ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question. A. Argot B. Slang C. Jargon D. Dialectal words 3. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in _________use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use. A. common B. little C. slight D. great 4. Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on ______meanings. A. new B. old C. bad D. good 5. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as_________ words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals. A. functional B. notional C. empty D. formal 6. In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian , Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derived from the dead language,_______. A. Sanskrit B. Latin C. Roman D. Greek 7. Greek is the modern language derived from _______. A. Latin B. Hellenic C. Indian D . Germanic 8. The five Romance languages , namely, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian all belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called _______. A. Sanskrit B. Latin C. Celtic D. Anglo-Saxon 9. The ________family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages. A. Germanic B. Indo-European C. Albanian D. Hellenic 10. By the end of the _______century , virtually all of the people who held political or social power and many of those in powerful Church positions were of Norman French origin. A. 10th B.11th C.12th D. 13th 11. The prefixes in the words of ir resistible, non classical and a political are called _______. A. reversative prefixes B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 12. The prefixes contained in the following words are called ______: pseudo-friend, mal practice, mis trust. A. reversative prefixed B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 13. The prefixed contained in un wrap, de-compose and dis allow are _________. A. reversative prefixed B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 14. The prefixes in words extra-strong, overweight and arch bishop are _____ . A . negative prefixes B. prefixes of degree or size C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes


Chapter 1 The Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary 1、The Definition of a Word Lexicology focuses on the study of meanings and origins of words. According to semanticists(语义学家), a word is a unit of meaning. A word is a minimal(最小的)free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function(句法功能). 2、 Vocabulary All the words in a language make up what is generally known as its vocabulary. 3、 Sound and Meaning The relationship between sound and meaning is no logic 4、 Sound and Form There was more agreement between sound and form in Old English than in Modern English. With the development of the language, more and more differences arose between sound and form. (1)、What is the relationship between sound and meaning? Give examples to illustrate it. The relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary and conventional. In different languages, the same concept can be shown by different sounds. “Woman”, for example, becomes “Frau” in German, “Femme” in French and “fu nv” in Chinese. On the other hand, the same sound [mi:t] is used to mean “meet, meat, mete”, denoting different things.


1、选择题(2 ×15=30) 2、填空题(2×5=10 ) 3、搭配题(1×10=10) 4、名词解释题(4×5=20) 5、问题回答(5×3=15) 6、论述题(第39题7分,第40题8分) 选择题: 1. Which of the following is an initialism ? D. UN 2. The following are all nominal suffixes EXCEPT A. –ful . 3.Both English and B. Danish belong to the Germantic branch of the Indo-European language family. 4.Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatik relationships are known as C. inflectional morphemes. 5.Motiation accounts for the connection between word-form and C.its meaning. 6.Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and C.homonymy. 7.Affixes attached to other morphemes to create new words are known as B .derivational affixes. 8.The semantic unity of idioms is reflected in the A.illogical relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom as in rain cats and dogs. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e516643926.html,ually a small number of languages have been designated official languages for an organization’s activities ,for example, the UN was established with five official languages English, French, A.Spanish Russian, and Chinese.中英俄法西

大学英语词汇学期末考试 重点复习资料整理 权威版 后附试题

2012词汇学复习资料 The development of the English Vocabulary 1.Indo-European Language Family The Indo-European Language Family is considered as one of the most important language families. It includes most languages of Europe, the Near East, and India. Those languages, which are believed to have originated from this language family and developed alone different lines, show various degrees of similarity to one another. They fall into eight principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern Set东部诸语族: Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语, Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语族, Armenian 亚美尼亚语族and Albanian阿尔巴尼亚语族; a Western Set: 西部诸语族Celtic凯尔特语族, Italic 意大利语族, Hellenic希腊语族, Germanic日尔曼语族. All the languages in both sets shed some influence on English to a greater or lesser extent because each has lent words into the English vocabulary. Prussian普鲁士语 Lithuanian立陶宛语 Polish波兰语 Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语Czech捷克斯洛伐克语 Bulgarian保加利亚语 Slovenian斯洛文尼亚语 Russian Albanian阿尔巴尼亚 Persian波斯语 Hindi北印度语 Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语系Bengali孟加拉语 Romany,吉卜赛语 Armenian亚美尼亚语 Portuguese Spanish Italic意大利语族Italian Roumanian罗马尼亚语 French Indo-European Language Family Irish Celtic凯尔特语Breton Scottish Norwegian挪威语 Icelandic,冰岛语 Danish丹麦语 Germanic Swedish瑞典语 日尔曼语言English Dutch Flemish German Hellenic,古希腊语- Greek


词汇学复习重点 1. jargon------ Jargon refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades and professions communicate among themselves such as in business. 2. translation loans------ Translation loans are words and expressions formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language. 3. Renaissance------ It is a European movement of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. 4. Allomorph------ one of the variants of the same morpheme 5. inflectional affix------ an affix that indicates grammatical relationships 6. acronyms------ the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations special noun phrases and technical terms 7. back-formation------ the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes 8. polygsemy------ Polysemy means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time. 9. morpheme------ It is a minimal meaningful unit of a language, or it is the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words. 10. grammatical meaning------ that part of the meaning of the word indicates grammatical concept or relationships such as part of speech of words, singular and plural meaning of nouns, tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms. 11. homonym------ Homonyms are words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling. 12. reference------what a linguistic form refers to in the real word. It is the relationship between language and the world 13. semantic field------ Semantic field is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as a system of interrelated lexical networks. 14. motivation------ the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning. 15. conceptual meaning------ the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning. 16. amelioration------ or elevation, a process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. 17. transfer------ a process whereby words which were used to designate one thing have changed to mean something else.


Language Language is a system of symbol based on physiology, psychology, and physics. It’s a special social action and a carrier of information used for human communication in a society. The relationship between Language, Society, and Thought: 1. any language reflects the culture of the society in a particular period. Therefore language is the mirror reflecting the culture of a society. 2. Language is a product of society. Language is inseparable from human society. 3. Language is used as a means of communication in a society. Outside society there is no language. 4. Society depends upon language for its existence. For example, there are many words connected with carriage. Buggy, a light one-horse carriage with two wheels. Coach, a large closed four-wheel horse-drawn carriage. 5. moreover, man’s thought is indispensable to language just as language is indispensable from society. We know that language is used to express man’s thought. The process of thinking is closely connected with language. That is to say, without thinking, there would be no human language. 6. language serves society as a means of intercourse between people. Linguistics is the scientific study of language. The scope of linguistics include phonology, syntax, semantics, phonetics, philology, lexicology, stylistics, general linguistics, descriptive linguistics…… Lexicology is a branch of linguistics concerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, their origin, development, history, structure, meaning, and application. Aim of English Lexicology is to give a systematic description of the English vocabulary. It offers students an insight into the origin and development of the English vocabulary. The significance of English Lexicology: help the learners to enlarge their vocabulary and improve their ability to analyze and use the words. Two approaches to the study of English Lexicology: synchronic and diachronic. Synchronic means describing a language as it exists at one period of time. Diachronic means concerned with the historical development of a language. For example: January, February, march, synchronically, they are the words of the months of one year. Diachronically, they are all borrowed words. Synchronically, we consider words like eventful, talkative as derivatives. Diachronically, they are hybrids, that is, words that are made of two parts, each from a different language. Etymology is the study of the origin and history of words and their meanings. Significance: 1.to provides background information and knowledge about the history, origin and development of the English language. 2. To increase the learner’s enjoyment and real understanding of English words from their changes of forms including their spelling and pronunciation to that of meanings. English is classified as a Teutonic language, that is, a Germanic language. English belongs to the Low West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family. Division of the history of the English language: 1. the period from 450 to 1150 is known as the Old English or Anglo-Saxon period. It’s described as the period of full inflection. 2. The period from 1150 to 1500 is known as the Middle English period, also as the period of leveled inflections. 3. The period from 1500 to the present day is called the Modern English period, also as the period of lost inflection. There are two classes of language in the world: synthetic and analytic. A synthetic language is one which shows the relation of word in a sentence largely by means of inflection. An analytic language is one which indicates the relation of words in a sentence by means of word order, preposition or auxiliary verbs, rather than by inflection. Old English the a synthetic language, while Modern English is an analytic language. Modern English can be divided into two parts: the early Modern English period and the Late Modern English period. Dean Swift was a conservative and he opposed the tendency to shorten words, such as ad


英语词汇学知识点归纳 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

English Lexicology(英语词汇学) Lexicology(词汇学): is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. The Nature and Scope of English lexicology: English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages. The subjects that English Lexicology correlated with and extent to: English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论) and lexicography(词典学) The reason for a student to study English lexicology: According to the textbook, English Lexicology will definitely be beneficial for students of English. A good knowledge of morphological structures of English words and rules of word-formation will help learners develop their personal vocabulary and consciously increase their word power. The information of the historical development and the principles of classification will give them a deeper understanding of word-meaning and enable them to organize, classify and store words more effectively. The understanding and their sense relations will gradually raise their awareness of meaning and usage, and enable them use words more accurately and appropriately. A working knowledge of dictionaries will improve their skills of using reference books and raise their problem-solving ability and efficiency of individual study. Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabulary Word(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence Sound and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself” Sound and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were creates by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary Vocabulary(词汇): all the words in a language make up its vocabulary Classification of English Words: By use frequency:basic word stock&nonbasic vocabulary By notion:content words&functional words By origin:native words&borrowed words The basic word stock(基本词汇): is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language. Though it constitute a small percentage of the EV, it is the most important part of vocabulary. The Fundamental Features of the Basic Word Stock(基本词汇的特征): 1)All-National character(全民通用性most important) 2)Stability(相对稳定性) 3)Productivity(多产性) 4)Polysemy(多义性) 5)Collocability(可搭配性) 没有上述特征的words:(1)Terminology(术语) (2)Jargon(行话) (3)slang(俚语) (4)Argot(暗语)(5)Dialectal words(方言) (6) Archaisms(古语) (7) Neologisms(新词语):Neologisms means newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on new meanings.(email) Content words/notional words实词(cloud, run walk, never, five, frequently) and functional words/empty words虚词(on, of, and, be, but) Native Words and Borrowed Words Native words(本族语词): known as Anglo-Saxon words (50,000-60,000), are words brought to Britain in the 5th century by the Germanic tribes. (mainstream of the basic word-stocks).Two other features:(1)neutral in style (2)frequent in use
