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Module 10 On the radio


1.director n 导演;主管;经理

2.background n.背景情况

3.international adj. 国际的;世界的

4.interview n.&v. 访谈;访问

5.listener n. 听众;听者

6.studio n. 录制室;录音室

7.avoid v. 避免;防止

8.national adj. 国家的;国内的

9.presenter n. 主持人

10.seem v. 看来;似乎

11.age n.年龄

12.purpose n. 意图;目的


1.on air (广播或电视)播出

2.show... around... 带......参观......

3.close down (电台、电视台)停止播音、播出

4.in person 亲自;本人

5.do interviews with 采访

6.ask for 要求得到


1.Thank you for showing us around. 感谢你带领我们参观。

2.It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but

to me inperson. 好像他们不是在和许多听众讲话,而是在面


3.I don’t know why you are surprised. 我不知道你为什么感






Unit 1 I hope that you can join us one day.


1.Thank you for showing us around. 感谢你带领我们参观。

show...around 意为“带......参观”,与take...around同义,也可与take...to visit 进行同义替换。

Can you show/take us around your factory?你能带领我们参观你的工厂吗?

= Can you take us to visit your factory?

2.When it’s on, it means we’re on air. 当它亮时,表示我们正在广播。


The red light means “Stop”. 红灯表示“停”。

Do you mean to tell me that you don’t care for modern art? 你的意思是告诉我你不喜欢现代艺术吗?

Independence does not mean shutting the door to the world. 独立自主并不是闭


辨析:mean to do sth.和mean doing sth.

①mean to do sth.意为“想或企图做某事”。

I had meant to visit you, but I was too busy. 我想来看望你,但是我太忙了。

②mean doing sth. 意为“意味着做某事”

My new job will mean travelling all over the world. 我的新工作需要在世界各地到处跑。

②on air 意为“正在广播”

We will be on air in ten minutes. 10分钟后我们将广播。

If the red light isn’t on, they are not on air.如果红灯不亮,他们就停止广播。3.And we should avoid making any noise in the background! 我们应该避免制造


avoid 动词,意为“避免”,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,即avoid doing sth.

In class I didn’t listen to the teacher carefully, so I avoided answering questions. 我上课没有认真听讲,因此避免回答问题。

You should avoid making the same mistakes. 你应该避免犯相同的错误。

Road safety is taught to young chuldren to avoid traffic accidents.



①avoid 及物动词,还可意为“回避;避开”。

Everyone seened to be avoiding him. 似乎所有的人都在躲着他。

Mary avoided his eyes. 玛丽避开了他的目光。


You should avoid over-spenking. 你应避免超支。

4.And it is where we do interviews with big big stars of sports. 那时我们采访体育明星大腕的地方。

Do interviews with sb. 与interview sb.同义,意为“采访某人”

He often does interviews with some film stars. 他经常采访电影明星。

This reporter did interviews with the New Pants Band. 这位记者采访了新裤子乐队。

5.Remember, I said you need to keep quiet if the red light is on.记住,如果红灯亮我就告诉你们需要保持安静。

(1)if 表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句,可以放在主句前,也可放在主句后。如果放在主句前,从句要用逗号与主句隔开。

I won’t go by plane if it rains tomorrow.如果明天下雨,我就不坐飞机去。

If you want to go, please tell me. 如果你想去的话,请告诉我。


If doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the Great Wall. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去长城。

If you bring your dog to Lisa’s party, she will be happy. 如果你带你的狗去参加丽萨的聚会,她会很开心的。


(2013.重庆) It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we to bed too late.



C.will go

D.have gone

答案: A

6.Finally, we’ve just heard that Germany has won the football match, 2-1 against England. 最后,我们刚刚获悉在足球比赛中德国队2:1赢了英国队。against

①介词,意为“以......为竞争对手,与......对抗”,其后接名词、代词或动名词。Yesterday we played against a very strong team and we won.昨天我们和一支非常强的队打(球),我们获胜了。

Which team is Beijing basketball team against? 北京篮球队和哪一支队打?


My father is against my plan. 我父亲反对我的计划。

He fought against the disease for a long time. 他与疾病做了长时间的斗争。


I’m building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in.





解析:be against 反对be on 开着be in 在里面;参加be for 赞同。从句句意“因为我认为动物园对动物而言是很糟糕的住处”,由此推知,主句意为“反对修建一个新的动物园”。


Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person.


1.The radio manager looked down at me.电台经理低头看着我。

look down at 意为“低下头看”,其结构为:动词+表示方向的副词+介词,其中表示方向的副词表示动作的指向。

I looked down at the whole city from the top of the building. 从楼顶我俯视全城。Yao Ming looked down at this small boy. 姚明低下头看着这个小男孩。



look at 看着look after 照顾look forward to 期待look around 向四周看

2.Shouldn’t you be at school? 你不用上学吗?



Don’t you agree? 难道你不同意?

Isn’t there any food at home?家里没有事物了吗?


Isn’t this book very interesting? 难道这本书无趣吗?(这本书多么有趣啊!)


Can’t you see this sign?难道你没有看见这个标记吗?

3....listening to my favourite programmes and to the voices of my favourite presenters. ......听我最喜欢的节目和最喜欢的主持人的声音。

①句中的listening to是现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随动作。即与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的一个次要动作。

Lily went out, laughing loudly.莉莉大笑着走出去。

Every evening the Greens sit on the sofa, watching TV.每晚格林一家都坐在沙发上看电视。

You can make sentences, using the grammar in the unit. 你可以用这个单元的语法造句。

②voice 名词,意为“嗓音”,指说话声、歌声、笑声等。

I didn’t recognize my mother’s voice on the phone. 在电话中我没有听出妈妈的声音。

We could hear the children’s voices. 我们能听见小孩的声音。

辨析:voice, noise和sound


She has a good singing voice. 她有一副很好的歌喉。


The noise kept me awake. 这噪音让我无法入睡。


Sound goes more slowly than light. 声音传播比光慢。

4. It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me inperson. 好像他们不是在和许多听众讲话,而是在面对面和我说话。


①It seems that+从句

It seems that she is unhappy. 她好像不开心。

It seems that Paul likes your elder sister.保罗似乎喜欢你的姐姐。

②seem to do sth.

Tom seems to be sleeping.汤姆好像在睡觉。

Your sister seems to be fighting with with your brother.你妹妹好像与你弟弟在打架。

③seem+(to be)+名词/形容词(作表语)

He seems (to be) happy. 他好像很快乐。

Well, Zhang Jie seems a pop singer. 哦,张杰好像是一位流行歌手吧。


seem like 意为“仿佛,......似的”。

It seems like a good idea. 那似乎是一个好主意。

It seems like rain. 天好像要下雨。

(2)in person 意为“亲自;当面”,在句中作状语。

You can ask my mother in person.你可以亲自问我母亲。

Her mother will come in person. 她母亲会亲自来的。

5.As I grew older, my intestest in radio grew. 随着年龄的增长,我对广播的兴趣与日俱增。

在该句中,主句和从句的谓语动词都使用了grow, 但其意思和用法均不相同:第一个是连系动词,意为“变得”,后接形容词old的比较级作表语;第二个是不及物动词,意为“增加”。

The apples on the trees grow bigger. 树上的苹果变得更大了。

The population of the world is growing fast. 世界人口正在快速增长。

6.One day I learnt about Internet radio. 有一天我听说了网络电台。

about 介词,意为“关于”,常和learn, know, hear, read, write,talk,get等动词搭配使用。


I don’t know Ms Jones, but I know about her. 我不认识琼斯女士,但是我知道一些有关她的情况。

Just now I heard a piece of bad news about Tony. 刚才我听到一则有关托尼的坏消息。

He wants to learn someting about Zhang Ziyi on the Internet.他想在网上了解一些有关章子怡的信息。

7.Once a week, I played my favourite music from my father’s computer, talked about life at school, and hoped someone might be listening.(从那以后)我一周一次用父亲的电脑播放我最喜欢的音乐,谈论学校的生活,希望有人能听(我的节目)。

once a week 意为“一周一次”,表示频率。就该短语提问用how often.

I go to see my father once a week. 我一周看望父亲一次。

Take this medicine only once a day. 这药一天仅服一次。

8.The purpose is to check the sound level. 其目的是测试音级。

purpose 名词,意为“目的;意图”。后可跟介词in,也可跟介词of。当purpose 前是物主代词时,后用介词in, 不用介词of; 当purpose前是定冠词the时,后面用介词of, 不用in. purpose后不跟介词for.

You know my purpose in writing this book. 你知道我写这本书的目的。

His purpose in going to the UK is to look after his father. 他去英国的目的是照顾他父亲。

This is the main purpose of my coming here. 这是我来这里的主要目的。What’s the purpose of our being? 我们活着是为了什么?

Unit 3 Language in Use

1.I don’t know why you were surprised.我不知道你为什么感到意外。surprised形容词,意为“感到吃惊的”。在句中常作表语,表示人受到外界影响而产生惊讶的情绪。常用于be surprised to do sth.与be surprised at两个结构,意为“对......感到惊讶”。

We were surprised to hear the news.= We were surprised at the news.


We were surprised at his behaviour at the party.



suprising 形容词,意为“使人惊讶的;出人意料的”,指对人施加影响,使人产生惊讶的情绪。其主语应是某物或某事件。如:

It was surprising that he finished writing the novel in only twenty days.


2.watch for 等待

I’m watching for the postman all the time. 我一直在等待邮递员。

3....and the station closes down at 12 pm. ......电台在晚上12点停止播音。

close down 动词短语,意为“(电台、电视台)停止播音、播出”,作不及物动词,常用电台、电视台作主语。

Most TV stations close down in the early morning. 多数电视台在凌晨停止播出。〔拓展〕

close down 可表示工厂、企业的关闭。

The company closed down last month. 上个月那家公司关闭了。

4.He then realised how much a radio could help African people learn about health and health care. 然后他意识到收音机对于帮助非洲人民了解健康和医疗保健知识有多么重要。


He didn’t realise his mistakes.他没有意识到他的错误。

We realised that only he could solve the hard problem.我们知道只有他才能解决这个棘手的问题。

Finally I realised what he meant. 最后我明白了他的意思。



He realised his ambition to be a doctor. 他实现了当医生的雄心。

Tom realised his intention of becoming an actor. 汤姆实现了当演员的愿望。(2)该句中realise后面跟的是一个宾语从句,说明realised的内容,这个宾语从句用的是感叹句句型:how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语+其他。

You don’t know how much I love you.你不知道我有多么爱你。

You will find how funny the film is if you go to see it. 如果你看了,你就会发现这部电影多么有趣。

5.... so he developed a clever radio that works without batteries or electricity. ......于是他开发了一款不用电池和电就能工作的智能收音机。

在该句中that引导的是一个定语从句,修饰前面的a clever radio,表示“......的智能收音机”。在定语从句中,当先行词是事物时,关系代词常用that或which。关系代词在句中作主语或宾语。

She has a dream that will never come true. 她有一个永远不会实现的梦想。

This is a plan that won’t work.这是一个行不通的计划。



1.show...around 带......参观

2.on air 正在广播

3.do interviews with 采访

4.in person 亲自;当面

5.ask for 要求得到

6.once a week 一周一次

7.watch for 等待

8.close down(电台、电视台)停止播音、播出


1.avoid doing sth 避免做某事

2.What about doing sth? 做某事怎么样?

3.It seems that+从句好像;似乎......

4.keep on doing sth. 继续做某事,反复做某事


Ⅰ. 单项选择(15分)

( ) 1. We all know that Zhang Ziyi is ______ international film star. She has many fans.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( ) 2. —Can you speak English?

—Of course. I have studied it ______ I was six yeas old.

A. though

B. before

C. for

D. since

( ) 3. As soon as the girl saw a snake, she started crying at the top of her ______.

A. voice

B. sound

C. noise

D. shout

( ) 4. —Wang Lin, Thank you for ______ me around the Bird’s Nest.

—You’re w elcome.

A. getting

B. looking

C. showing

D. bringing

( ) 5. —Will you tell Mr Green about the matter by sending an email?

—No. I will go ______.

A. at first

B. all the time

C. in fact

D. in person

( ) 6. Feng Xiaogang is a famous Chinese ______ and he directed (导演) 2014 Spring Festival Gala.

A. singer

B. writer

C. doctor

D. director

( ) 7. Keep ______ hard and you will do better in the coming test.

A. work

B. working

C. to work

D. works

( ) 8. My mum is ______ about the programme Boys and Girls Go and she watches it every day.

A. famous

B. nervous

C. crazy

D. popular

( ) 9. It will be hard for us to get up early in the morning if we ______ to bed too late.

A. go

B. went

C. will go

D. has gone

( )10. Our teachers often tell us ______ in the river. It’s too dangerous.

A. not swim

B. don’t swim

C. not to swim

D. not swimming ( )11.—Do you know ______ the boy went to the park?

—His father drove him there.

A. why

B. when

C. how

D. where

( )12. The girl enjoys ______ photos. She always goes out with her camera.

A. takes

B. took

C. to take

D. taking

( )13. The kids are very excited. ______ that they haven’t known the bad news.

A. They seem

B. It is seemed

C. It seems

D. They seemed

( )14. I don’t remember ______ the key yester-day. Can you help me find it?

A. where I put

B. where did I put

C. where will I put

D. where I will put

( )15.—Excuse me, where is the No. 15 table?

—______, please. It’s the one near the window.

. A. Don’t worry B. Come this way C. Y ou’re welcome D It doesn’t matter

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

Warren works for the U.S. Army. He went to work in 16 country. From 8,000 miles away, he 17 a surprise birthday party for his wife, Kim. He planned it 18 the help of

his friends. “Luckily, we have some very good friends,” Warren said. Three of Warren’s friends

19 him to organise (组织) the party. They started to prepare for it more than two months

20 .

Kim thought she was going to just have a birthday dinner with her children. 21 she walked into the room and saw so many friends, she was 22 . “That was really a surprise,” she said. At that time, her 23 walked up from behind. Kim turned around and saw he was in his uniform. 24 in the party was moved (感动的). They danced and sang for them.

“For my 40th birthday, she surprised

25 with a party. I also wanted to give her a surprise,” Warren said. “He did well,” said Kim. “He really surprised me.”

( )16. A. others B. the other C. another D. other

( )17. A. bought B. planned C. joined D. left

( )18. A. with B. for C. on D. to

( )19. A. made B. ordered C. asked D. helped

( )20. A. ago B. before C. later D. ever

( )21. A. Because B. If C. Since D. When

( )22. A. hungry B. angry C. relaxed D. surprised

( )23. A. baby B. husband C. son D. daughter

( )24. A. Everyone B. No one C. None D. Someone

( )25. A. it B. her C. me D. him

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)


The English channel of school radio station will choose some students to work there.

Reporters wanted

Do you like talking with people? Do you like meeting interesting people? We want two reporters for our station. If you’re good at English and writing, please join us. If you want to get more information, please call Miss Li at 89561423.

A newsreader wanted

If your spoken English is good, you can work as a newsreader. We need a girl student who has a good voice. You should work at 9:00-9:30 in the morning from Monday to Thursday. You can call Miss Zhu at 89561424.

Join us! We are waiting for you!

( )26. How many students does the radio station want?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

D. Four.

( )27. Lucy is interested in talking with people, so she can call ______.

A. 89561423

B. 89561424

C. 89561425

D. 89561426

( )28. A newsreader should ______.

A. be good at writing

B. be good at laughing

C. have a good voice

D. have good English marks

( )29. The newsreaders in the school radio station don’t have to work on ______.

A. Mondays

B. Wednesdays

C. Thursdays

D. Fridays

( )30. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Anyone can work as a newsreader in the radio station.

B. You can call Miss Li to get more infor-mation about reporters.

C. The newsreader should work at 9:30~10:30.

D. The school English channel is for students all around the world.


Tommy was in a rush. Taking his school bag and file, he kissed his mother goodbye and headed straight for the door. His father looked up from the newspaper and said, “Better bring an umbrella with you. It says here there’s going to be showers in the afternoon.”

Tommy looked at the sky. It was clear blue with no clouds.” “Not today,” he thought to himself. He went straight out without bringing an umbrella. He had a good day in school. He managed to finish all his school work. He had a good game of football after class. So, when the school was over, he was in a good mood (心情).

On the way home, the sky started to darken and thunder. Without warning, heavy drops of rain fell on him. He tried to make a dash for it and ran all the way home. By the time he reached home, he was wet all over. His mother looked at him and said, “You should have listened to your father.”

( )31. What was Tommy going to do taking his school bag?

A. Go to school.

B. Play football.

C. Play in the rain.

D. Have the piano class.

( )32. Why did his father know it was going to rain?

A. Because he heard it on the radio.

B. Because he saw the weather report on TV.

C. Because the sky was dark outside.

D. Because he read it in the newspaper.

( )33. Tommy did not think it was going to rain because ______.

A. the sky was cloudless

B. the sky was full of light clouds

C. the sky was dark

D. the weather report said it was sunny that day

( )34. Tommy had a good day in school, so he felt ______ when the school was over.

A. sad

B. bored

C. happy

D. tired

( )35. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Tommy was wet when he got back home.

B. Tommy took an umbrella with him.

C. Tommy didn’t finish his school work at school.

D. T ommy’s father often drove him to school.

Ⅳ. 词汇运用(10分)

A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

36. —What’s your a________, Henry?

—I’m thirteen years old.

37. The main p________ of the activity is to raise money for children in poor areas.

38. October 1st is N________ Day of China.

39. This new radio programme is for younger l________.

40. I’m lucky enough to do an i________ with Sa Beining.

B. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 每词限用一次。

article studio air presenter background

41. Wang Han is one of the most famous ________ at Hunan TV Station.

42. I want to be a writer, so I often write ________ for newspapers and magazines.

43. I like the ________ music of this film. It sounds very sweet.

44. My brother has worked in the ________ of a local radio station for three years.

45. The Voice of China will be on ________ in about five minutes. Let’s watch it together.

Ⅴ. 改写句子(10分)


46. It seemed that the girl lost herself in the beautiful music. (改为同义句)

The girl ________ ________ lose herself in the beautiful music.

47. It is going to be cloudy tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)

________ is the weather going to be ________ tomorrow?

48. Mike visits his grandparents twice a week. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ does Mike visit his grand-parents?

49. What did you have for lunch? He asked me. (改为宾语从句)

He asked me ________ I ________ for lunch.

50. My sister played the piano quite well when she was four. (改为同义句)

My sister played the piano quite well ________ ________ ________ ________ four.

Ⅵ. 情景交际(10分)


A: What do you often do at weekends?

B: (51) __________

A: Radio? It sounds strange. Many families don’t have radios now.

B: Yes. (52) __________ But now it still works well.

A: (53) __________

B: About ten.

A: Which programme do you often listen to?

B: (54) __________

A: Why?

B: Because English news programmes can improve my listening and music programmes can make me relaxed.

A: (55) __________

B: You are right. I enjoy it a lot.

A. English news and music.

B. I hope to be a good radio studio manager.

C. Wow, the small radio is very useful!

D. I often listen to programmes on the radio.

E. I don’t like the weather report programme.

F. My grandpa bought the radio several years ago.

G. How many programmes can you listen to on the radio?

Ⅶ. 综合填空(10分)


forget could buy break leave

but they everything turn thousand

Albert was crazy about computer games. He hardly (56)________ his seat. Among all his games there was one he especially liked. In it he (57)________ collect turtles (乌龟). He was a real expert at it. He could collect the most turtles in the shortest time.

One day, when he got home from school, (58)________ had changed. As usual, he ran to his room to (59)________ the computer on. But this time he heard some strange noises. Suddenly the screen (60)________, and from inside came ten, then hundreds, then (61) ________ of turtles. Albert couldn’t believe what was happening. He called his parents and they asked him to look after those turtles.

Over the following days Albert let himself learn all he could about turtles. He studied (62)________ diet, their habits, and he began to think about ways to feed them. Day by day, Albert (63)________ about his computer. He enjoyed living with his turtles. He felt happy that they were part of his world.

The turtles disappeared (消失) one day. His parents worried that he would return to his computer games, (64)________ that didn’t happen. Instead, he went to the pet shop and (65)________ a turtle. And even today Albert is still learning and discovering new things about animals and nature.

Ⅷ. 书面表达(15分)



1. 听英语新闻;

2. 写作好的学生可以当新闻记者;

3. 发音好的学生可以当新闻播报员(news-reader)。

Dear Mr Zhang,



____________________________________________________________________________ Yours,

Wang Wenya


Ⅰ. 1-5 BDACD 6-10 DBCAC 11-15 CDCAB

Ⅱ. 16-20 CBADA 21-25 DDBAC

Ⅲ. 26-30 CACDB 31-35 ADACA

Ⅳ. A. 36. age 37. purpose 38. National 39. listeners 40. interview

B. 41. presenters 42. articles 43. background 44. studio 45. air

Ⅴ. 66. seemed to 67. What; like 68. How often

69. what; had 70. at the age of

Ⅵ. 51-55 DFGAC

Ⅶ. 56. left 57. could 58. everything 59. turn 60. broke

61. thousands 62. their 63. forgot 64. but 65. bought

Ⅷ. One possible version:

Dear Mr Zhang,

I’m very happy to hear that our school will start a new English programme to improve our English.

I think we can listen to the English news, because it can not only improve our English listening skills but also help us know more about the world. Some students write well and they can be reporters. And some students’ pronunciation is better and they can be newsreaders.

Best wishes to our new programme!


Wang Wenya

Unit 1 1.问题;事情matter 2.怎么了?出什么事了?What’s the matter? 3.疼痛的;酸痛的sore 4.感冒have a cold 5.胃痛;腹痛stomachache 6.胃痛have a stomachache 7.脚;足foot 8.颈;脖子neck 9.胃;腹部stomach 10.咽喉;喉咙throat 11.发烧fever 12.躺,平躺lie 13.躺下lie down 14.放松;休息rest 15.咳嗽cough 16.X射线;X光X-ray 17.牙痛toothache 18.量体温take one’s temperature 19.头痛headache 20.发烧have a fever 21.间歇;休息break

22.休息take breaks (take a break) 23.(使)疼痛;受伤hurt 24.乘客;旅客passenger 25.离开(某处);不工作;从......去掉off 26.下车get off 27.使......惊讶的;出乎......意料to one’s surprise 28.向;朝onto 29.问题;苦恼trouble 30.击;打hit 31.立即;马上right away 32.陷入;参与get into 33.(she的反身代词)她自己herself 34.绷带;用绷带包扎bandage 35.生病的;有病的sick 36.膝;膝盖knee 37.鼻出血nosebleed 38.呼吸breathe 39.晒伤的sunburned 40.(we的反身代词)我们自己ourselves 41.登山者;攀登者climber 42.习惯于......;适应于......be used to 43.危险;风险;冒险risk

2019-2020年八年级语文下册笔记资料 第一单元 第一课藤野先生 本文分层依据:第一部分:在东京 第二部分:在仙台 第三部分:离开仙台后 添改讲义——认真负责治学严谨 纠正解剖图——严格要求热情诚恳,教学认真 关心实习——正直热诚没有狭隘的民族偏见 了解裹脚——求实精神能以公正心来对待弱国学生,而且给以极大的惯性 和帮助 本文记叙线索:“我”与藤野先生的交往(明线) “我”的爱国感情的变化(暗线) 清国留学生:不学无术,附庸风雅,思想腐朽 “实在标致极了”:反语,表达了强烈的愤懑、讽刺之情。表达了作者对他们的厌恶 讥讽和轻视。 何尝不:反诘语气,加强肯定 酒醉:表达了对愚昧麻木的人的痛恨 竟:饱含了对先生的歉意和自责 鲁迅对中国人的态度:哀其不辛,怒其不争 日暮里:勾起了鲁迅家国之愁思 水户:这是富有民族气节和爱国热情的抗清志士朱舜水的客死之地。 大概是物以希为贵罢:鲁迅作为弱国子民的辛酸,也是他强烈民族自尊心的体现。 所以……当然……:用来强调,作者有意以反语的方式揭示“爱国青年”的荒谬逻辑,表达了对这种谬论的愤恨和抨击。 刺耳:“万岁”欢呼,极大地刺伤了鲁迅的民族自尊心 ……虽然……:倒装转折复句,强调了藤野先生留给我的深刻印象——伟大。 注释:1选自《朝花夕拾》 2烂熳(man):即烂漫 3富士山:日本第一高峰, 日本人奉为“圣山” 4油光可鉴:很光亮,像镜子一样可以照人。鉴,照 5兼以:加以 6斗乱:飞腾杂乱。斗通“抖” 7芦荟(hui) 8掌故:关于历史人物、典 章制度的传说或故事。 9模糊:指马虎、不讲究 10落第:考试不及格 11《新约》:基督教圣经《新约全书》的简称,记载耶稣和他的门徒的言行 12托尔斯泰:指列夫尼古拉耶维奇托尔斯泰(1828-1910),俄国著名作家。作品有长篇小说《战争与和平》《安娜·卡列尼娜》《复活》等 13不逊(xun):无礼。逊,谦逊 14匿(ni)名:不署名或不署 真实姓名。匿,隐藏 14犹言:如同说 15诘(jie)责:质问并责备 16托辞:借口(鲁迅弃医从文的一段话选自《呐喊》自序) 18凄然:形容悲伤难过的样子 19 适值:正好遇到美其名曰:给他取一个好听的名字叫做 第二课我的母亲胡适 文章回忆了作者童年、青少年时期,母亲严格要求和深情关爱下成长的几件事,表达 了对母亲的深切怀念和感激之情,赞美了母亲优秀的品格。 本文分层: 一、(1-4)我的性格特点和童年生活 二、(5-12)母亲对我的管教

本卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟 注意事项 1、用黑色的签字笔将答案答在答题卡上,试卷上无效。 2、本试卷分为Ⅰ卷选择题和Ⅱ卷非选择题。 3、本试卷一律g=10N/kg。 Ⅰ卷选择题 一、选择题(每小题3分,共36分。) 1、一个鸡蛋的质量约是50() A、t B、kg C、g D、mg 2、使重10N的物体在水平桌面上做匀速直线运动,已知拉力是2N,则物体受到的摩擦力 大小是() A、12N B、10N C、8N D、2N 3、根据动物的身体结构特点中,以减小压强来适应自然环境的是() A、啄木鸟有尖的喙 B、鲨鱼有锋利的牙齿 C、蚊子有尖尖的口器 D、骆驼有宽大的脚掌 4、如图1所示的四种情景中,人对物体做功的是() 5、下面哪一个现象的描述能说明分子在不停地做无规则运动() A、春天柳枝摇曳 B、夏天荷花飘香 C、秋天落叶纷飞 D、冬天瑞雪飘飘 6、关于平衡力,下列说法正确的是() A、物体在平衡力作用下一定保持静止状态 B、作用在物体上的两个力三要素完全相同,这两个力一定是平衡力 C、物体受到重力和拉力的作用,这两个力方向相反,它们一定是平衡力 D、运动的物体在平衡力作用下,一定保持匀速直线运动状态 7、探究物体沉浮条件时,小明把一块石头和一块木块放入水中,这是观察到石头下沉到 水底、木块漂浮在水面上,下面说法正确的是() A、木块受到的浮力大于石头受到的浮力 B、木块受到的浮力大于木块受到的重力 C、木块受到的重力小于石头受到的重力 D、石头受到的浮力小于石头受到的重力 8、某市部分松林发生虫灾。为了灭虫,市政府多次调动直升飞机在重灾区上空喷洒生物农 药。当飞机在某一高度水平匀速飞行,喷洒农药的过程中,飞机的() A、动能减小,重力势能减小 B、动能不变,重力势能不变 C、动能减小,重力势能增大 D、动能增大,重力势能减小 9、潜水员在水面下不断下潜的过程中,受到的压强和浮力的变化情况是() A、压强不变,浮力变大 B、压强变小,浮力变小

Unit 1What's the matter? Language Goals Learn to talk about health problems and accidents. Give

本单元教材以“What's the matter?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“身体状况”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache./What's the matter with Ben? He has a sore back./Do you have a fever?No,I don't./What should I do? You should take your temperature./ Should I put some medicine on it? Yes,you should.等。让学生知道怎样表达身体的不适及正确地处理生活中的一些事情。在学习过程中,学生在交流中,能促进师生之间的感情。Section A 主要学习怎样表达身体的不适并给出合理性的建议。应掌握句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache.What should I do?等。短文“Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man”介绍了一位公共汽车司机及乘客救一位老人的故事,增加了学生的阅读量。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。 第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Key Points【教学重点】 The vocabulary: matter,throat,foot,stomach,toothache,headache,have a stomachache,have a cold,lie down,take one's temperature,have a fever,go to a doctor Target language: 1.What's the matter? I have a stomachache. 2.What should I do? Should I take my temperature? 3.I think you should lie down and rest. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 Use the target language above to talk about health problems and give advice. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 an English book,a tape recorder and CAI Teaching Steps【教学过程】 ★Step 1Preview and perception【预习感知】 Ask the students to read the vocabulary and target language. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。 1.—What's the matter with her? —She has a very sore t______ now. 2.He ate too much,so he had a s______. 3.If you feel tired,you should l______ down and rest. 4.If you ______(咳嗽),drink some hot tea with honey. 5.He wants to see a dentist,because he has a ______(牙疼).

八年级下笔记资料 第一课藤野先生鲁迅 本文分层依据:第一部分:在东京(1—3) 第二部分:在仙台(4—35 第三部分:离开仙台后(36—38) 第一层(4—5):写往仙台途中所见和初到仙台受到的“优待”。 第二层(6—23) 第三层(24—31):写弃医从文的原因:①匿名信事件;②看电影事件。 第四层(32—35):写与藤野先生告别。 事例思想品质高尚品质 添改讲义——认真负责治学严谨 纠正解剖图——严格要求热情诚恳,教学认真 关心实习——正直热诚没有狭隘的民族偏见 了解裹脚——求实精神能以公正心来对待弱国学生,而且给以极大的惯性和帮助 本文记叙线索:“我”与藤野先生的交往(明线) “我”的爱国感情的变化(暗线) 清国留学生:不学无术,附庸风雅,思想腐朽 “实在标致极了”:反语,表达了强烈的愤懑、讽刺之情。表达了作者对他们的厌恶讥讽和轻视。 何尝不:反诘语气,加强肯定 酒醉:表达了对愚昧麻木的人的痛恨 竟:饱含了对先生的歉意和自责 鲁迅对中国人的态度:哀其不辛,怒其不争 日暮里:勾起了鲁迅家国之愁思 水户:这是富有民族气节和爱国热情的抗清志士朱舜水的客死之地。 大概是物以希为贵罢:鲁迅作为弱国子民的辛酸,也是他强烈民族自尊心的体现。 所以……当然……:用来强调,作者有意以反语的方式揭示“爱国青年”的荒谬逻辑,表达了对这种谬论的愤恨和抨击。 刺耳:“万岁”欢呼,极大地刺伤了鲁迅的民族自尊心 ……虽然……:倒装转折复句,强调了藤野先生留给我的深刻印象——伟大。 总结: 本文通过对这作者在日本留学期间同藤野先生交往的生活片段回忆,赞扬了藤野先生正直、热诚、没有民族偏见的高尚品质,表达了作者对藤野先生真挚和深沉的怀念,以及作者要同反动派战斗到底的决心和崇高的爱国主义精神。

16 云南的歌会 【记忆再现】 1? jd hd pl xl hul hul xlng yl gu 2. D 3.沈从文作历史文物《边城》 【牛刀小试】 1.D 2.示例:令人陶醉的西湖,青山、秀水、使万千游客乐不思蜀。 令人神往的黄山,奇松、怪石,让多少游人牵肠挂肚。 【文苑漫步】 1.⑴三长两短⑵纸上谈兵⑶放任自流⑷望眼欲穿 2. 宋江张顺宋江张顺李逵 【课文品读】 1.主要介绍了“云南的歌会”中“金满斗会”的盛况。 2.演唱方式:百多人集合在一起,六人围坐一桌,轮流低唱歌曲。 演唱内容:轮流低声唱《十二月花》,和其他本地好听曲子。 举行目的:集会表而说是避疫免灾,主要作用还是传歌。 3.因为在歌会上,老年人将记忆中充满智慧和热情的东西,全部传给下一辈。看到下一辈熟悉了,心里髙兴。 4.用形象的比喻,将无形的声音比作有形的松涛,刻画出声音虽小但雄浑有力、气势恢弘的特点。 【美文赏析】 1.衬托了湖水的奇淸。 2.星云湖因湖水奇淸,像仙人伸手摘下一片星星白云撒进湖里一样而得名: 抚仙湖则因水的淸奇能使天宫神仙痴迷于美景,乐而忘返,幻化成抚仙石立于湖畔而得名。 3.针对两湖“鱼虾不共游”的现象所说的。 17端午的鸭蛋 【记忆再现】 1. mOi jl ydn ndng xidn yin sii hudng 2. hudng惶急di大抵 hudng辉煌di砥柱中流 3.⑴分别指晋朝车胤和孙康利用萤火虫的光和雪的反光刻苦读书的故事。 ⑵与之同感荣耀。 4.汪曾祺散文家 【牛刀小试】 1 .⑴观⑵也⑶扑 2.(1)对,牛弹琴。(2)拍摄失败,不能使人们喜欢。 【文苑漫步】 1.示例:艺髙胆大武松猛打虎 2. C 3.李俊卢俊义关胜 【课文品读】 1.高邮咸蛋的特点是质细而油多。蛋白柔嫩,不似别处的发干、发粉,入口如嚼石灰。 2.引用这段文字,既介绍了高邮咸蛋的特点和吃法,又增添了文章的情趣。 3.示例:①我对异乡人称道髙邮鸭蛋,是不大高兴的,好像我们那穷地方就岀鸭蛋似的! ②我疋的地方不少,所食鸭蛋多矣,但和我家乡的完全不能相比!

重点字词 识字音,知其意 扌窜掇凫水潺潺踊跃屹立家眷皎洁好歹包票1 ?钳撮偏僻行辈照例欺侮宽慰嘱咐怠慢礼数 3.瞳仁恬静亢奋晦暗束缚羁绊蓦然闭塞冗杂严2.盏登时糜子油馍脑畔眼眶 峻震撼神秘磅礴辐射渺远大彻大悟叹为观止戛然而止 4. 争讼领域斡旋静穆思慕怅惘锵然褪色燎原 熙熙然暖融融马前卒人情世故神龛皎洁司马懿 5. 萌发次第翩然孕育农谚海棠悬殊销声匿迹 周而复始花香鸟语草长莺飞衰草连天风雪载途物候竺可桢 6. 臀骨骼漂移流逝褶皱携带两栖彗星潮汐 劫难致密陨石追溯天衣无缝迁移聚合携带撞击 蟾赊衍射驮着

7.雾霭缄默迁徙赌注沼泽瞄准狩猎盘旋喧嚷 邀请凋零枯燥稀疏弥漫夜幕降临黎明忧郁赌注窥探顾忌滑翔 8.禅踪迹装置烘烤腐蚀沙砾山麓沟壑龟裂帷幕 海枯石烂堆积悬崖天涯海角裂缝空隙扫帚痕迹

琥珀包裹消逝 13. 晓得卑劣无耻毒手诬蔑屠杀悲愤锤击恐怖 势力毁灭卑鄙蛮横赋予光明正大挑拨离间 袖手旁观不知所措测量遵照格物致知 14. 瞭望缅怀探察探讨检讨彷徨激变格物致知 15. 抉择扶植阻碍趋势干预堕落膏药狡辩多多益善 阳奉阴违招摇撞骗风口浪尖强词夺理平易近人不修边幅谅解头衔鉴定 代.浩劫指摘襁褓萦绕绚丽枷锁拙劣肤浅目睹奠定挚爱钟爱分崩离析暴风骤雨担惊受怕行将就木相辅相成自圆其说携手并进祈祷倘若塑造厚待麦穗仃.铸告诫推操霎时驰骋漩涡寒噤迂回汩汩湿漉漉震耳欲聋前呼后拥怒不可遏顿然雾霭18. 棱角骤然虔诚恭顺蠕动凄凉懈怠敦实蜿蜒消长衰竭满溢演绎安营扎寨风云变幻接踵而至 历历在目川流不息漫不经心黨黑冻疮索性纷纷扬扬 19. 雇翌日穹顶逗留缭绕妩媚浮躁颠簸旷野打嗝轻歌曼舞瞬息万变纷至沓来名副其实炙烤俯瞰骤然

UNIT 1 What's the matter? P3 3a Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman was next to him, shouting for help. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man ona the bus. Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. "It's sad that many people don't want to help others because they don’t want any trouble," says one passenger. "But the driver didn't think about himself. He only thought about saving a life." P6 2b He Lost His ArmBut Is Still Climbing Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah On that day, Aron's arm was caught under a 2,000-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help. After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one's life. His lose for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience. Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let's think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place”, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death. Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks

新课标八年级语文下册笔记资料全套1 第一单元 第一藤野先生 本分层依据:第一部分:在东京 第二部分:在仙台 第三部分:离开仙台后 添改讲义——认真负责治学严谨 纠正解剖图——严格要求热情诚恳,教学认真 关心实习——正直热诚没有狭隘的民族偏见 了解裹脚——求实精神能以公正心对待弱国学生,而且给以极大的惯性和帮助 本记叙线索:“我”与藤野先生的交往(明线) “我”的爱国感情的变化(暗线) 清国留学生:不学无术,附庸风雅,思想腐朽 “实在标致极了”:反语,表达了强烈的愤懑、讽刺之情。表达了作者对他们的厌恶讥讽和轻视。 何尝不:反诘语气,加强肯定 酒醉:表达了对愚昧麻木的人的痛恨 竟:饱含了对先生的歉意和自责 鲁迅对中国人的态度:哀其不辛,怒其不争

日暮里:勾起了鲁迅家国之愁思 水户:这是富有民族气节和爱国热情的抗清志士朱舜水的客死之地。大概是物以希为贵罢:鲁迅作为弱国子民的辛酸,也是他强烈民族自尊心的体现。 所以……当然……:用强调,作者有意以反语的方式揭示“爱国青年”的荒谬逻辑,表达了对这种谬论的愤恨和抨击。 刺耳:“万岁”欢呼,极大地刺伤了鲁迅的民族自尊心 ……虽然……:倒装转折复句,强调了藤野先生留给我的深刻印象——伟大。 注释:1选自《朝花夕拾》2烂熳(an):即烂漫3富士:日本第一高峰,日本人奉为“圣” 4油光可鉴:很光亮,像镜子一样可以照人。鉴,照兼以:加以6斗乱:飞腾杂乱。斗通“抖” 7芦荟(hui)8掌故:关于历史人物、典制度的传说或故事。9模糊:指马虎、不讲究10落第:考试不及格11《新约》:基督教圣经《新约全书》的简称,记载耶稣和他的门徒的言行12托尔斯泰:指列夫尼古拉耶维奇托尔斯泰(1828-1910),俄国著名作家。作品有长篇小说《战争与和平》《安娜•卡列尼娜》《复活》等13不逊(xun):无礼。逊,谦逊14匿(ni)名:不署名或不署真实姓名。匿,隐藏14犹言:如同说1诘(ie)责:质问并责备16托辞:借口(鲁迅弃医从的一段话选自《呐喊》自序)18凄然:形容悲伤难过的样子19适值:正好遇到美其名曰:给他取一个好听的名字叫做 第二我的母亲胡适

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 9单元达标检测题 一、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. We should solve the problem ______ a good way. A. for B. on C. in D. at ( ) 2. ––I really want to go to the . How about you? –– So do I. We can swim in it. A. water park B. aquarium C. zoo D. space museum ( ) 3.— Are all these model cars Tom's? —Yeah, one of his hobbies is to _________old cars. A .introduce B. collect C. borrow D. develop ( ) 4. In_____, grass comes out and trees begin to turn green. A.winter B. spring C. summer D.autumn ( ) 5. –– _______ have you been studying English? –– Since last year. A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How often ( ) 6. The Smiths have lived here with us ________ 1999. A. for B. since C. before D. in ( ) 7. My sister is very shy. She_______ to speak in front of so many people. A. wonders B. promises C. offers D. fears ( ) 8. —He's good at a lot of things but you can't say he's_________. —I agree. In fact, no one is. A.awake B. perfect C. brave D. nervous ( ) 9. Is the rope quite________? Are you sure it won't break? A. cheap B. safe C. short D. weak ( ) 10. Everyone knows that too much stress can ______physical illlness. A. take in B. cut out C. fix up D. lead to 二.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项. Once there was a boy in Toronto. His name was Jimmy. He started painting when he was 3 years old, and when he was 5, he was already very 11 at it. He painted many beautiful and interesting pictures, and a lot of people 12 his pictures. They said: “This boy is going to be 13 when he’s a little older, and then we’re going to14 these pictures for a lot of money.” Jimmy’s pictures were different from other people’s. 15 he never painted on all of the paper. He painted on half of it, and 16 half was always empty(空的). “That’s very17 ,” everybody said. “No other painters have ever done that!” One day,

Unit 1 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙 4. talk too much 说得太多;too much 修饰不可数名词;too many 修饰可数名词复数 5. drink enough water 喝足够的水;enough 修饰名词放在名词之前,修饰形容词或副词放在他们之后 6. have a cold 感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8.passenger 乘客 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息11. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶12. see a dentist 看牙医13. get an X-ray 拍X片14. take one’ s temperature 量体温15. put some medicine on ... 在……上面敷药16.take breaks/take a break/have a rest 休息17. sound like 听起来像18. on the weekend /on weekends 在周末19. in the same way 以同样的方式20. go to a doctor 看医 生21. shout for help 大声呼救22. without thinking twice 没有多想23. get off 下车24. the importance of ......的重要性25. to one’ s surprise令某人吃惊的是26. thanks to 多亏;幸亏27.thanks for 为......而感谢28.on time 按时29. in time 及时30. save a life 挽救生命31. get into trouble 造成麻烦32. right away/at once 立刻;马上33. because of 由于34. get out of 离开;从……出来35. hurt/cut oneself 伤了某人自己36.spirit勇气;意志37. fall down 摔倒;fall off从高处掉下来;fall over 绊倒38. have a nosebleed 流鼻血39. mountain climbing 登山;mountain climber 登山者40. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事;be used to do sth.被用于做某事;used to do sth.过去常常做某事41. run out (of) 用完;用尽42. so that 为了(后跟句子),in order to 为了(后不跟句子)43. so. . . that 如此… …以至于…44. be in control of 掌管;管理45. keep on doing sth./keep doing sth./continue to do sth. 继续做某事46. make a decision/make decisions 做决定47. take risks/take risks 冒险48. give up 放弃give up doing sth.放弃做某事 49.What’s the matter with sb./sth.?某人或某物怎么了?50.wait for sb./sth.等待某人或某物51.agree with sb.同意某人;agree to do sth. 同意做某事52.except sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事53.What should I do?我应该做什么? Unit 2 1. clean up 打扫干净 2.volunteer 志愿者 3. help out with sth. 帮助解决 4. blind 瞎的; deaf 聋的 5. care for/look after/take care of 照顾 6. a feeling of satisfaction 一种满足感 7. at the age of 在......岁时 8.alone 单独,独自;lonely 孤独的,寂寞的 9. cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振雀10. give out/hand out 分发;散发11. come up with 想出;提出12. imagine 想象13. broken 破损的fallen 倒塌的 14.interest 兴趣15.kindness 善良,仁慈16. put up 建造;举起;张贴17. several 几个,数个18. call up 打电话;召集19. put off 推迟;延迟put off doing sth. 推迟做某事20. for example 比如;例如21. raise money 筹钱;募捐22. take after 像23. give away 赠送;捐赠24. fix up/repair/fix 修理;修补;解决25. be similar to 与……相似26. set up 建立;设立27. disabled people 残疾人28. make a

P8 Unit 1 你认为你将有自己的机器人? 在一些科幻电影里,人们在将来有自己的机器人。这些机器人就像人类,他们帮助做家务和做最不令人愉快的工作。 一些科学家相信在未来会有这种机器人。不过,他们同意这可能需要数百年。科学家们现在正努力使得机器人看起来像人,与我们做同样的事情。日本公司已使得机器人行走和跳舞了。这种机器人看着也会很有趣。 但机器人科学家詹姆斯?怀特不同意这种观点。他认为,对于一个机器人来说,和人做同样的事情将会是非常困难的。举例来说,对一个孩子来说,醒来知道他或她在哪儿是很容易的,怀特先生认为机器人将不能够做到这一点。但其他科学家却不同意。他们认为机器人可以在25至50年之后与人类交谈。 机器人科学家并不只是在试图使机器人看起来像人。例如,已有机器人在工厂里工作。这些机器人更像巨大的臂膀。他们反复做那些单一的工作。人类不愿意做这样的工作,并会感到无聊。但机器人将永远不会感到无聊。 在将来,到处都会有更多的机器人,并且人类将做更少的工作。新的机器人将会有很多不同的形状。一些看起来像人,一些看起来可能像蛇。一场地震之后,蛇形机器人能够帮助寻找(埋在)建筑物下面的人。现在看起来那似乎是不可能的,但是在100年前,电脑、航天火箭,甚至电动牙刷似乎也是不可能的。我们永远不知道在未来会发生什么。 P16 Unit 2 也许,你应该学习放松! Cathy Taylor三个孩子的生活十分忙碌。他们的学校生活已经足够繁忙。放学后,Cathy还得把两个男孩从足球(场)带到篮球(场)。接着,她不得不带她的女儿去上钢琴课。疲倦的孩子们直到晚上7点才到家。他们匆匆吃过晚饭,就又到了做家庭作业的时间了。 Taylor夫妇像许多美国的和英国的父母一样。他们带着孩子参加一个又一个活动,并尽力给孩子的生活安排尽可能多的事情。医生说许多孩子正处于沉重的压力下。老师们抱怨他们在教室里教着一群疲惫不堪的孩子。

新课标(人教版)八年级下笔记资料 语文 第一单元 第一课藤野先生 本文分层依据:第一部分:在东京 第二部分:在仙台 第三部分:离开仙台后 添改讲义——认真负责治学严谨 纠正解剖图——严格要求热情诚恳,教学认真 关心实习——正直热诚没有狭隘的民族偏见 了解裹脚——求实精神能以公正心来对待弱国学生,而且给以极大的惯 性和帮助 本文记叙线索:“我”与藤野先生的交往(明线) “我”的爱国感情的变化(暗线) 清国留学生:不学无术,附庸风雅,思想腐朽 “实在标致极了”:反语,表达了强烈的愤懑、讽刺之情。表达了作者对他们的厌恶讥讽和轻视。 何尝不:反诘语气,加强肯定 酒醉:表达了对愚昧麻木的人的痛恨 竟:饱含了对先生的歉意和自责 鲁迅对中国人的态度:哀其不辛,怒其不争 日暮里:勾起了鲁迅家国之愁思

水户:这是富有民族气节和爱国热情的抗清志士朱舜水的客死之地。 大概是物以希为贵罢:鲁迅作为弱国子民的辛酸,也是他强烈民族自尊心的体现。 所以……当然……:用来强调,作者有意以反语的方式揭示“爱国青年”的荒谬逻辑,表达了对这种谬论的愤恨和抨击。 刺耳:“万岁”欢呼,极大地刺伤了鲁迅的民族自尊心 ……虽然……:倒装转折复句,强调了藤野先生留给我的深刻印象——伟大。 注释:1选自《朝花夕拾》2烂熳(man):即烂漫3富士山:日本第一高峰,日本人奉为“圣山”4油光可鉴:很光亮,像镜子一样可以照人。鉴,照5兼以:加以6斗乱:飞腾杂乱。斗通“抖”7芦荟(hui)8掌故:关于历史人物、典章制度的传说或故事。9模糊:指马虎、不讲究10落第:考试不及格11《新约》:基督教圣经《新约全书》的简称,记载耶稣和他的门徒的言行12托尔斯泰:指列夫尼古拉耶维奇托尔斯泰(1828-1910),俄国著名作家。作品有长篇小说《战争与和平》《安娜·卡列尼娜》《复活》等13不逊(xun):无礼。逊,谦逊14匿(ni)名:不署名或不署真实姓名。匿,隐藏14犹言:如同说15诘(jie)责:质问并责备16托辞:借口(鲁迅弃医从文的一段话选自《呐喊》自序)18凄然:形容悲伤难过的样子19适值:正好遇到美其名曰:给他取一个好听的名字叫做第二课我的母亲胡适 文章回忆了作者童年、青少年时期,母亲严格要求和深情关爱下成长的几件事,表达了对母亲的深切怀念和感激之情,赞美了母亲优秀的品格。 本文分层: 一、(1-4)我的性格特点和童年生活 二、(5-12)母亲对我的管教

八年级下册英语第二单元检测题 (满分100分) I 翻译下列短语:(15%) 1.留在外面,不进人_________________ 2.打电话给某人_________________ 3.与......相同______________________ 4.为.....做好准备_____________ 5.过时的;落伍的______________________ 6.与某人争吵__________________ 7.为...付款;付钱____________________ 8.向某人借某物_________________ 9.给某人提建义________________________10.找出_____________________ 11.enough money_________________ 12.leave my homework at home_______ 13..have a fight with… _________________ 14.get a part-time job_______________. 15.get on well with sb____________________. II. 词形变化:(5%) 1.argue (名词)______________ 2.wrong(反义词)___________ 3. we (反身代词)_______________ 4.own (名词)___________ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e817624132.html,anize(名词)___________ III 选择(20%) ( )1.My parents want me _____at home every night A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. staies ( )2.I argue ______ my best friend A .with B. about C. at D. and ( )3.He doesn’t have any money , ______. A. either B. too C. also D. but ( )4. My friend _____the same clothes . A. wear B. wears C. put on D. puts on ( )5.Could you give me _____ advice A. some B. any C. many D. a lot ( )6.My friend is angry with me . What should I _____to him ? A . say B. speak C. argue D. talk ( )7.He could do nothing except_____ TV. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. will watch ( )8.Please ______ who broke the window . A. find out B. find C. look for D. look out ( )9.He _____ the pen on the ground just now A. droped B. dropped C. falls D. fell ( )!0. He’s used to _____ in the afternoon . A. play B. plays C. playing D. played ( )11. Maybe he put it in his pocket , ______ he ? A. does B. doesn’t C. did D. didn’t ( )12. The boy is ______to go to school . A. enough old B. enough young C. old enough D. young enough

最新部编版八年级语文下册期末复习资料全套 第一单元梳理 一、课文内容梳理 《社戏》描写了“我”和小伙伴们夏夜乘船去看戏的经过,赞扬了农家少年聪明活泼、热情好客、憨厚善良的性格和劳动人民淳朴厚道的品质,同时也表达了作者对充满趣味的童年和景色秀美的故乡的热爱与怀念之情。 《回延安》是一首采用民歌体形式写成的激情澎湃的诗篇。诗人以赤子之心歌颂了养育一代革命者的延安精神,从中可以感受到诗人跳动着的脉搏——对“母亲”延安的那份永不泯灭的真情。 《安塞腰鼓》描写了作者观看“安塞腰鼓”表演的情景与感受,突出了安塞腰鼓壮阔、豪放、火热的特点,赞扬了安塞人民粗犷、奔放、充满阳刚的个性和摆脱束缚、追求自由的渴望。 《灯笼》是一篇可以引领我们回望传统的散文。当代的莘莘学子能见的灯笼大概也只在古装剧中,至于灯笼所承载的文化意义,更是无从感受到的了。还好吴伯箫的这篇文章可以带我们寻到文化的根,感受到我们血液中流淌着的传统文化和民族精神的基因。 二、单元字词汇总 (一)字词解释 1.社戏 消夏:避暑。 陶冶:怡情养性。给人的思想、性格以有益的影响。 偏僻:偏远而僻静。熬áo:忍受。 诚然:确实这样。篙gāo:用竹竿制成的撑船工具。 朦胧:动词,弥漫。蕴yùn藻:水草。 依稀:隐约。屹yì立:矗立。 潺chán潺:水缓缓流动的样子。 家眷:妻子儿女等家庭成员,有时专指妻子。 船篷péng:覆盖在小木船上的拱形物,用来遮蔽日光和风雨。 棹zhào:划(船)。楫jí:桨。 撮cuō:用手指捏取细碎的东西。 惮dàn:怕,畏惧。 归省xǐng:指出嫁的女儿回娘家看望父母。 行háng辈:辈分。

犯上:触犯长辈或者地位比自己高的人。 撺cuān掇duo:从旁鼓动人做某事。 凫fú水:游泳。 絮xù叨dao:形容说话啰唆,来回地说。 怠dài慢:招待不周到的意思。 弄潮:在潮水中搏击、嬉戏。 漂piāo渺miǎo:隐隐约约,若有若无。现在写作“缥缈”。 渴睡:瞌睡。纠葛:名词,纠缠不清的事情。 不识好歹:成语,是好是坏都分不出来。 2.回延安 登dēng时:立即,立刻。 糜méi子:一种形状像小米、没有黏性的黍类谷物。 炕kàng:北方用砖、坯等砌成的睡觉的台,下面有洞,连通烟囱,可以烧火取暖。 脑畔pàn上:方言,这里指窑洞的顶上。 3.安塞腰鼓 惊心动魄pò:神魂震惊。原指文辞优美,意境深远,使人感受极深,震动极大。后常形容使人十分惊骇,紧张到极点。 蓬勃:繁荣,旺盛。这里作动词。 捶:用拳头或棒槌敲打。 亢kàng奋:极度兴奋。瞳tóng仁:眼珠。 恬tián静:安静。 晦huì暗:昏暗。这里是迷惘、糊涂的意思。 羁jī绊:缠住不能脱身,束缚。羁,约束。 蓦mò然:突然,猛然。冗rǒng杂:繁杂。 震zhèn撼hàn:震动,摇撼。 元气淋lín漓lí:指人的生命力旺盛。 战栗:颤抖,发抖。 叹为观止:赞美看到的事物好到了极点。 戛jiá然而止:声音突然中止。 搏击:奋力斗争和冲击。 大彻大悟:完全领悟,完全明白了。

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