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Unit One

1、Background Introduction







2、Analyzation OF the Text

Paragraph 1第一段为介绍部分。作者在第一段交待自


Paragraphs 2-9在这几段当中,作者回忆起自己在大学生活开始的第一天中所发生的事情。

Paragraphs 10-14这一部分是文章的结尾部分。作者认为人的一生都是在不停地犯错误中成长,应该坦然地面对自己所犯的错误。

3、Words study

文中出现的重难点单词及短语:discreetly, reserve, whereabouts, grope, rear, sneak

1、discreetly adv. Carefully慎重地

<释例>I should make a few en-quires discreetly about the firm be-fore you sign anything.我应该先审慎打探一下这家公司的底细,然后您再签字。

<点拨>discreetly 的形容词为dis-creet,discreet 意为“谨慎的,小心的,慎重的”,例如:It was not discreet of you to say that. 你那样子说是不谨慎的。本句中的介词of 是习惯用法,不可改为for. Discreet 比较级more discreet 和最高级most discreet 比discreeter 和discreetest 合理。

2、reserve n. self-restraint in expression; the habit of not showing one’s feelings or thoughts 保守;慎言;沉默言。

<释例>One feels it everywhere, a quality of reserve,

something held back.你到处感到一种拘谨感,受到拘束。

<点拨>keep, retain, withhold,re-serve 都含“保持”、“保存”的意思。keep系常用词,指“使继续下去”,“使较长时期地置于不脱离控制、掌握、照料或变化之下”,例如:keep the room clean 保持室内清洁。retain较正式,强调“继续保持”,特指“保持使不失去或被夺走”,例如:He has managed to retain most of his fortune. 他设法保存了他的大部分财产。Withhold 强调“保留”、“隐匿”,指“阻止其离去或泄漏”,例如:Fear maed him withhold the truth.恐惧使他不敢说实话。reserve 指“为一目的保持,或保存一段时间”,例如:A great future is reserved for you .光明的前程在等待着你。

3.whereabouts n.the place where somebody or something is 下落,行踪,所在之处

<释例>Her present whereabouts are still unknown.她现在下落不明.The escaped prisoner’s whereabouts is/are still unknown逃犯仍然下落不明.

<点拨>Whereabouts还可以用作副词,意为“(用于不想得到明确的回答时)什么地方”,例如Whereabouts did I leave my ballpoint?我把圆珠笔丢到什么地方了?whereabouts作连词时意为“在何处”,例如:I wonder whereabouts he is. 我不知道他在哪一带。

4. grope V.to search blindly or uncertainly(暗中)摸索,探索

<释例>A tricky question left him groping for an answer.棘手问题迫使他搜寻答案。

<点拨>grope与after, for搭配意为“探索;寻求”,例如:We are groping after the truth.我们在探索真理。The spy groped about for information.那间谍到处搜集情报。He groped for the door handle in the dark.他在黑暗中摸索着找门把手。

5.rear adj.of the back part 后的,后面的

<释例>the rear lamps of a car 汽车的后灯;the rear entrance of a bus 公共汽车后部的门。

<点拨>rear 还可以用作名词意为“后部;背后”,例如:the rear wheels of a car小汽车的后轮。Rear也可以用作动词,意为“抚养;饲养;培养;栽培;举起;挑起;建立;树立”,例如:rear children 抚养孩子;rear poultry 饲养家禽;rear the(its,his)head抬头;出现;显露头角;(恶意等)显露出来;rear a monument to a person’s memory为纪念某人而建立纪念碑。与rear构成的搭配还有:in the rear在事物的后面;at the rear在事物的后方,后面;front and rear 在前后;hang on the rear of 跟在…的后面伺机袭击。

6.sneak V.to go or move in a quiet,stealthy way 潜行;鬼鬼祟祟做事,偷偷摸摸地做

<释例>He sneaked out the back door and rang the front door.他从后门溜了出去,按响了前门的门铃。

<点拨>sneak常与in,out,past,away连用表示“偷偷地溜走;使潜行;偷偷地携带”,例如:sneak about a place 在某处偷偷摸摸地活动;sneak past a guard躲过卫兵;sneak into a theatre溜进剧场;The man sneaked about the place watching for a chance to steal sth.那人在这儿鬼鬼祟祟地走来走去,想找机会偷东西。Sneak与up连用表示“偷偷地走近某人,蹑手蹑脚地靠近”。与sneak连用的词组还有on the sneak 偷偷地,秘密地;sneak away(off,out)溜掉,悄悄离开;sneak in 渐显,淡入;sneak out 渐隐,淡出;sneak(creep)up on 偷偷接近。

4.Text Explanation

1.I first began to wonder what he was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room: what在句中引导的从句作wonder的宾词。Leaving和wanting为现在分词在句中作伴随状词。分词或分词短词作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、让步、条件、方式或伴随状

况。通常可转换成相应的状语从句;表示方式或伴随状况的可以转换成并列句或非限制性定语从句,例如:Confined to bed (=Because she was confined to bed ),she needed to be waited on in everything.她卧她在床,什么事都需要人伺候。(作原因状语)Having only book knowledge(=If you only have book knowledge),you will not be able to work well.如果只有书本知识,你就不可能做好工作。(作条件状语)They stood there waiting for the bus.(=They stood there and waited for the bus。)他们站在那里等公共汽车。(作方式状语)不管是现在分词还是过去分词作状语,如果单独作状语,其逻辑主语必须和主句的主语一致。分词作状语通常可以转换成一个相应的状语从句,如果状语从句中的谓语动词为被动结构,就用过去分词;如果状语从句中的谓语动词为主动结构,就用现在分词。有时为强调,分词前可带连词when,while,if,though,as,if,unless等一起作状语,以便使句子的意思更清楚、更连贯,例如:Working hard(If you work hard),you will succeed.如果你努力,你会成功的。Defeated(=Though he was defeated),he remained a popular boxer.虽然他被击败了,但他仍然是一个受人喜爱的拳击手。

Parking lot是整个停车场。Lot是指有特定用途的一块地,例如:The parking lot is full.停车场客满了。

There’re plenty of spaces in the parking lot.停车场里有很多车位。另外也可以用parking space来指停车场,但也指单独的停车格,例如:A:Did you park in parking lot?你把车停在停车场里吗?B:No. There weren’t any spaces, so I parked on the street.没有,停车场没位子,所以我停在街上。

More than连用,通常起副词的作用,表示所修饰的词分量轻重或含义不够,而加以说明。其后接数词,等于over,常译为“…以上,超过”;后接形容词,副词或动词,相当于very或much,常译为“非常,很,简直”等。More than 还可以被看作是连词或介词,后接含有can的从句,常译为“难以”;后接名词,常译为“不只是,不仅仅”等,例如:He is more than twenty years old.他20多岁了。She said that she was more than surprised to see him. 她说她见到了他非常吃惊。

2.The fact was that no matter how mature I like to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit firstgradish: that在句中引导宾语从句。No matter表示“无论,不管”,可以跟各种wh-词相接合引导状语从句,例如:No matter what you say; no matter where you are等等。请看下表:No matter how=However不论如何;No matter what=Whatever 不论是什么;No matter when=Whenever不论什么时候;No

matter where=Wherever不论在哪儿;No matter which=Whichever不论哪一个/件等;No matter who(m)=Who(m)ever不论是谁。

No matter+what(who, which, when, etc.)与whatever(whoever, whichever, whenever, etc.) 的区别:当引导让步状语从句时,两者相同,可以互换,但当引导名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句)时则只能用whatever(whoever, whichever, whenever, etc),例如:However pure the water looks, I do not want to drink it .I want to marry the man I love, no matter who he may be。下面句子不能用no matter 结构:Whoever comes back first is supposed to win the proze.(主语从句)I am ready to do whatever you want me to.(宾语从句)

3.With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing(and then ever so discreetly)at the campus map clutched in my hand. l took everything I has not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player: With that thought in mind是with的复合结构在句中作伴随状词。With是复合结构,在句子中可以充当定语或状语。具体来说有以下五种情况:

1)with+名词/代词+形容词/副词,其中形容词/副词作宾语补瞳语表示宾语所处的状态,例如:This is a dangerous game: by the time 100 percent of the evidence is in ,it may be too late. With the ricks obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.这是危险的游戏:到真有100%的证据说明这一点时,也许已经太晚了。随着危险的日益明显和增长,审慎的人现在就会入一份保险。该句中with的复合结构是由with+名词(the ricks)+形容词(obvious)和现在分词(growing)构成。2)with+名词/代词+介词短语,介词短语作宾语补足语表示宾语所处的状态或宾语的情况,例中:With thousands of careerrelated sties on the Internet, finding promising openings can be time consuming and inefficient.由于互联网上有成千上万个与找工作有关的网站,寻找一个有前途的就业机会需要花很多时间,而且效率又低。该句中with 的复合结构作原因状语,是由with+名词(thousands career-related sites)+介词短语(on the Internet)构成,即这个介词短语作宾语补足语。

3)with+名词/代词+不定式,不定式表示主动或将来的动作,例如:Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ide-as of others,they cannot fully participate in our democracy.


维护自己的观点、并理解他人的观点,他们就不能充分地参与我们的民主。该句中with的复合结构,是由with+名词(the ability)+动词不定式构成,with的复合结构稍有变形,即出现它的否定式without,而且宾补也是由三个不定式to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of outers并列构成。

4)with+名词/代词+现在分词,现在分词形式表示主动或动作正在进行,例如:There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped with the educated themselves riding on them.这其中有着一种浓厚的虚伪论调,恰如马跑后才关上马厩的门那样,而受过良好教育的人正骑在马背上。该句中with的复合结构,是由with+代词(themselves)+现在分词(riding)构成,现在分词作宾语表示正在进行的动作或主动的动作;with的复合结构在句中作状语。

5)with+名词/代词+过去分词,过去分词表示被动作已经完成,例如:Dependence is marked first by and increased tolerance, with more and more of the subastance required to produce the desired effect, and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.依赖的最初迹象是忍受力的增

强,需要越来越多的量才能产生预期的效果,一旦中断使用就会出现难受的停药症状。此句由and连接的两个并列句组成。前句是with的复合结构,是由with+宾语+过去分词构成。其中the substance是宾语;required to produce the desired effect是过去分词短语作宾补表被动;with的复合结构在该句中作状语,用来进一步解释药物依赖的表现。

4.Freshmen manuals advises sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor: showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor分现在分词短语作目的状语。Advise 意为“劝告,建议”,例如:They advised her against marrying quickly.他们劝她不要太快结婚。Advise后用动名词作宾语,或用名词(代词)+不定式作复合宾语,但不可直接用不定式作宾语,例如:I advise waiting till the proper time.我建议等待时机。I advise him to wait.我建议他等等。Advise 意为“劝告”时,后可用that on,介词宾语为建议的内容,例如:He advised them on technical problems.在技术问题上,他向他们提过建议。advise 的宾语后接介词of,意为“通知某人某事”,例如:The secretary advised us of the postponement of the meeting.秘书通知我们会议延期最。Drmeanor意为“行为;举止;风度”,例如:On the contrary, his demeanor is easy and


5.The bottled snakes along the wall should have tipped me off:tip off意为“提示;告诫”,例如:Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested the drug smugglers.警方根据密报逮捕了毒品走私者。Should have tipped me off 是虚拟语气结构。这里表示对本该发生而没有发生的事情的一种遗憾。此处对虚拟语气进行一下总结,以便在以后的学习过程中加以利用,在以后的学习过程中如果出现虚拟语气也无须赘述:虚拟语气(The Subjunctive Mood)是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话不是事实,而是一种假设、猜测、建议、可能或空想等等。虚拟语气通常用在表示非真实的条件从句、含蓄条件从句,as if /as though 引导的从句及动词wish等之后的宾语从句中等等。


A.表示与现在事实相反的情况时,非真实条件从句(Sentence of Unreal Condition)中的动词用过去式(be 的过去式,通常用were,有时第三人称单数亦用was),主句的动词用would/should/could或者might+动词原形,例如:If I had time I would go for a walk.假如我有时间,我就去散步。(事实是,我现在没时间。)If I were invited,I would go to the dinner party.假如邀请我,我会去赴宴。(事实上,别人现在没有邀请我,所以我也不能去。)

B.表示与过去事实相反的情况时,非真实条件从句的动词用had+过去分词,主句的动词用would/should/could或might have+过去分词,例如:If you had taken his advice,you wouldn’t have made such a mistake.如果你当时接受了他的劝告;你是不会犯这样的错误的。(事实上,你当时没有接受他的劝告,因此你犯了错误。)



这种表示将来时间的假设条件句,在结构上与表示与现在事实相反的假设条件句相同。由于两种结构相同,为了明确所表示的时间,有时需要在从句中加上时间状语,例如:If she got a scholarship next year, she could be able to go on for graduate study in Canada.假如她明年能得到奖学金,她就能在加拿大继续攻读研究生课程。

(2)用“were to+动词不定式”

例如:If you were to fail to catch the train, you might take the bus.假如你赶不上火车,你可以乘公共汽车。(3)用“should+动词原形”

例如:If there should be an accident, it would be a tragedy.假如发生意外,那将是一场悲剧。(不可能发生什




有时虚拟条件从句表示的动作和主句表示的动作在发生的时间上不一致。例如,一个与过去事实相反,另一个与现在事实相反,这种句子可称为错综时间条件句(Conditional Sentences of Mixed Time)。遇到这种情况,就要根据不同的时间概念,适当调整主句和从句的动词形式,即根据所指的实际时间来选用动词形式,例如:If the doctor hadn’t been called in, the patient would be dead by now.要是大夫不来的话,病人现在就会死去了。(从句所表示的动作与过去事实相反,主句所表示的动作与现在事实相反。)If the weather had been more favorable, the crops would be growing still better.如果过去天气更好些,现在庄稼还会长得更好。(从句表示的动作与过去事实相反,主句所表示的动作与现在事实相反。)



等)或并列从句来表示;有时还可以通过上下文和句子内在的逻辑关系来暗示。这些手段都起着虚拟条件从句的作用,可以改成与主句动词相适应的虚拟条件句。所以,那些不含有条件从句,而实际上含有虚拟条件从句的句子可称为含蓄条件句(Sentence of Implied Condition)。

6.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room: placed outside my room为过去分词短语作定语,修饰machine.威者humiliation表示“羞辱,蒙耻”,例如:It will be difficult to live down this humiliation. 忘掉这个耻辱是难以做到的。assortment 表示“种类,花色品种”,例如:We have a rich assortment of such goods. 这种货物我们有很多花色品种可供选择。Junk food表示“垃圾食物”。Junk是“垃圾;无用之物”的意思,而junk food 是指市面上贩售的许多高热量、富含人工添加物,却没有营养价值的食品,这样的食物对人体有害无益,因此有人直接称其为垃圾食物。


Translation exercises

Ⅰ.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

2. He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.

3. Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people

4. He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.

5. We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.

6. After the thunderous applause died down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.

Ⅱ. Translate the following passage into Chinese.





There are generally two educational methods:/the lecture method and the group learning method./In a lecture classroom,/the teacher dominates the class/ by doing most of the talking. /Students listen and take nots. /This method is best at passing on content to students./IT prepares students for a society/that values discipline and self-control./The problem is that students forget most of the facts /that they have mechanically memorized./In contrast,/the teacher of a group learning classroom /appears to have no definite role at all,/wandering about from group to group./Students do not memorize information,/but they actively generate their own ideas,/each contributing insights for the success of the group./This method prepares students for a society /that values creative ideas./The disadvantage is /that students have not

memorized enough basic facts.

Unit One


1.It is said in some parts of the world, goats, rather than cows ,serve as a vital Of milk.(CET-4 ,2005年 12月)

A)storage B)reserve C)resource D)source

2.He blew out the candle and his way to the door.(CET-6, 2002年12月)

A)converged B)groped C)strove D)wrenched

3. He developed a attitude after years v. frustration in his career.(CET-6, 2002年6月) A)drastic B)disgusted C)cynical D)sneaking

4.My grandfather had always taken a interest

in my work, and I had anequal admiration for the stories

of his time.(CET-4,2005年12月)

A)splendid B)weighty C)vague D)keen

5.This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important of American life.(CET-6,2000年6月)

A)fashions B)frontiers C)facets D)formats







6.As an industry, biotechnology stands to electronics in dollar volume and perhaps surpass it in social impact by 2020.(研究生入学考试,2001年)A)contend B)contest C)rival D)strive

7. that he wasn’t happy with the arrangements , I tried to book a different hotel.(CET-4,2004年6月)

A)Puzzling B)Penetrating C)Perceiving D)Preserving

8. Not having a good command of English can be a serious_______preventing you from achieving your goals.(CET-4, 2004年12月)

A)obstacle B)fault C)offense D)distress

9. We’ve just installed a fan to ________cooking smells from the kitchen.

A)eject B)exclude C)expel D)exile

10. The authors of the United States Constitution attempted to establish an effective notional

government while preserving _______for the states and liberty for individuals.(研究生入学考试2000年)答案:




9.C 10.A

11. A house with a dangerous gas_______ can be broken into immediately.(CET-4,2003年6月)

A)leak B)crack C)split D)mess

12. Hudson said he could not kill a living thing except for the _______ of hunger.(研究生入学考试,1997年)

A)sensation B)cause C)purpose D)notive

13. In spite of the ________, it seemed that many

of the invited guests would still show up.(CET-6,2004年6月)

A)comparison B)controversy C)distinction D)deviation


11.A 12.D 13.B

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