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PEP Book 4 Unit6









Teaching plan of Unit 6

At a farm

Textbook: PEP Book 4 Unit6

Period: The first period of Unit 6 (part A:let’s learn, let’s do)

Aims and requirements:

【教言目标】1.能听说、认读本课时的主要动物单词:hen, sheep, cow, horse, goat, lamb及其复数形式;


3.能听说、认读重点句型What are they?They are…的运用。

【教学重点】能够听说、认读主要的6个动物名词,并能使用重点句型What are they?They are…做出正确的问答。


2.主要动物单词sheep, hen ,horse, goat, lamb, cow复数形式的认读;

3.掌握What are they?They are…句型在实际生活中的使用。



Teaching procedures in detail:

Step 1 Greeting and revision

T:Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss:Good morning. Miss-

T:How are you today?

Ss:I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

T:I’m fine, too. Sit down, please.

T:Now,do you want to listen to an English song?


T:Ok, let’s listen to the song “Old MacDonald”(放音乐,同时用ppt出示歌词)

T:Ok, what animals can you hear in this song?

Ss: ……

T:Who can tell me?


T:Well done.

T:I saw a dog this morning like this (出示狗的图片.) It’s very lovely. Right?


T:Do you like it?


T:What other animals do you like?


T:Yes. Can you say it in English? I know you have learned some animals’ words before.(适当用中文解释)


T:OK. Let’s do a game. I act and you guess,(我做动作,你们猜)OK? Now, The first one.(做动作,声音提示Act like a cat)

Ss:It’s a cat.

T:Yes, you are right. It’s a cat.The second one.(做动作提示Act like a rabbit)

Ss:It’s a rabbit.

T:Very good. It’s a rabbit. The third one.(做动作提示Act like a monkey)

Ss:It’s a monkey.

T:Wow, you do a good job.

T:Now, let's look at this picture. What animals can you see?

Ss:I can see many animals' words in this picture, duck, panda, bird, pig, dog, mouse, bear and elephant.

Step 2 Lead in

T:Yes, very good! And in the song, we know Old Macdonald had a farm. Here is a farm, too. Do you know the "farm"?(中文解释farm的意思,出示farm的图片,同时把farm板书出来)

T:Yes, farm, it means “农场”. Now, follow me, farm,ar / / f-a-r-m, farm

Ss:farm,ar / / f-a-r-m, farm

T:Farm, farm, Here is a farm.

Ss:Farm, farm, Here is a farm.

T:What animals can you see on the farm?


T:Yes, we can see many animals on the farm. Today, let's learn some aniamls on the farm. Now, look at this picture.

Step 3 Presentation



T:Look, what’s this?


T:Yes, it’s a hen(板书单词hen,用中文读“母鸡). Follow me, hen, e /e/ hen, h-e-n hen

Ss: Hen e /e/ hen, h-e-n hen

T:Hen, hen, it’s a hen.

Ss: Hen, hen, it’s a hen.


What are they?(板书句型What are they?并用中文解释意思)


T:No, they are hens(板书句型They are….和单词hens,hens放在hen的旁边,解释当有几只母鸡时是hens而不是hen)

Ss:Hens, they are hens.

T:(指着有多只母鸡的图片)Follow me. One hen, two hens, they are hens.

Ss:One hen, two hens, they are hens.

T:Let’s say. Hens, hens, they are hens.

Ss:Hens, hens, they are hens.

T:Now, look at this picture.(PPT呈现小男孩喂鸡的图片)

T:What is he doing?


T:Yes, he is feeding the hens. Feed the hens, feed the hens.

Ss:Feed the hens, feed the hens.

T:Look, the hens are hungry. Let’s feed the hens. Feed the hens.(边做动作边读) Ss: Feed the hens.



T:Wow, you do a good job! Look, what’s this?


T:Yes, it’s a horse.(板书单词horse,用中文读“马”)Follow me, horse, or // horse, h-o-r-s-e, horse

Ss:Horse, or / / horse, h-o-r-s-e, horse

T:Horse, horse, it’s a horse.

Ss: Horse, horse, it’s a horse.


What are they?


T :No, they are horses(板书单词horses,把horses板书在horse的旁边,解释当有几只马时要用horses而不是horse)

Ss:Horses, they are horses.

T:Yes,(指着有多只马的图片)now follow me. One horse, two horses, they are horses. Ss:One horse, two horses, they are horses.

T:Let’s say, horses, horses, they are horses.

Ss:Horses, horses, they are horses.

T: Now, look at this picture. (PPT呈现小男孩骑马的图片)

T:What is he doing?


T:Yes, he is riding a horse. Ride a horse., ride a horse. Do you want to ride a horse? Ss:Yes.

T:Ok, let’s ride a horse. Ride a horse. (边做动作边读)

Ss: Ride a horse.


T:Wow, so clever you are! Now, look at this picture. What’s this?



T:Yes, it’s a cow.(板书单词cow,中文解释“奶牛”)Follow me, cow, ow /au/ cow, c-o-w, cow.

Ss:Cow,ow /au/ cow, c-o-w, cow.

T:Cow, cow, it’s a cow.

Ss: Cow, cow, it’s a cow.


Look.What are they?


T:No, they are cows.(板书单词cows, cows板书在cow的旁边,解释当有几头奶牛的时候用cows而不是cow)

Ss:Cows, they are cows.

T:(指着有多只奶牛的图片)Follow me. One cow, two cows, they are cows.

Ss:One cow, two cows, they are cows.

T:Let’s say, cows, cows, they are cows.

Ss:Cows, cows, they are cows.

T: (PPT呈现人挤牛奶的图片)

Look.What is he doing?


T:Yes, he is milking a cow. Milk a cow, milk a cow.

Ss: Milk a cow.

T:Pay attention, let’s milk a cow. Milk a cow.(边做动作边读)

Ss: Milk a cow.


T:OK. You do a good job. (显示一张小羊羔的PPT图片并播放小羊羔的叫声)

Look, what’s this?


T:Yes, it’s a lamb.(板书单词lamb, 中文解释“羊羔”)Follow me, lamb, am /?m/ lamb, l-a-m-b lamb

Ss:Lamb, am /?m/ lamb, l-a-m-b lamb

T:Lamb, lamb, it’s a lamb.

Ss: Lamb, lamb, it’s a lamb.


Look. What are they?


T:Yes, very good.(竖起大拇指) They are lambs(板书单词lambs, lambs板书在lamb的旁边.解释当有几只羊羔的时候是lambs,而不是lamb)

T:(指着有多只小羊羔的图片)Now, follow me. One lamb, two lambs, they are lambs. Ss:One lamb, two lambs, they are lambs.

T:Let’s say, lambs, lambs, they are lambs.

Ss:Lambs, lambs, they are lambs.


Look. What is she doing?


T:Yes, she is holding a lamb. Hold a lamb, hold ae lamb.

Ss: Hold a lamb, hold a lamb.

T:Look, the lamb is so lovely. Do you want to hold a lamb?


T:Now, let’s hold a lamb. Hold a lamb.(边做动作边读)

Ss:Hold a lamb.

E. 教单词goat和复数形式goats

T:Excellent. (显示一张山羊的PPT图片并播放山羊的叫声)

Look, what’s this?


T:Yes, it’s a goat.(板书单词goat, 并中文解释“山羊”)Follow me, goat, oa // goat, g-o-a-t goat.

Ss:Goat, oa // goat, g-o-a-t goat.

T:Goat, goat, it’s a goat.

Ss:Goat, goat, it’s a goat.


Look.What are they?


T:Yes, they are goats.(板书单词goats, goats板书在goat的旁边)

T:(指着有多只山羊的图片)Follow me. One goat, two goats, they are goats.

Ss:One goat, two goats, they are goats.

T:Let’s say, goats, goats, they are goats.

Ss:Goats, goats, they are goats.


T:Very good. (显示一张绵羊的PPT图片并播放绵羊的叫声)

Look, what’s this?


T:Yes, it’s a sheep.(板书单词sheep,并中文解释“绵羊”)Follow me, sheep, ee / i:/ sheep, s-h-e-e-p sheep.

Ss:sheep, ee / i:/ sheep, s-h-e-e-p sheep.

T:Sheep, sheep,it's a sheep.

Ss: Sheep, sheep,it's a sheep.


Look,What are they?


T:No, they are sheep.(板书单词sheep, sheep写在sheep的旁边. 并中文解释sheep 的单复数都是一样的, 是英语国家约定俗成的一种说法.)

T:(指着有多只小羊羔的图片)Follow me. One sheep, two sheep, they are sheep. Ss:One sheep, two sheep, they are sheep.

T: Let’s say, sheep, sheep, they are sheep.

Ss:Sheep, sheep, they are sheep.


Look. What is he doing?


T:Yes, he is shearing a sheep. Shear a sheep, shear a sheep.

Ss:Shear a sheep, shear a sheep.

T:Look,the fur is too long. Let’s shear a sheep. Shear a sheep. (边做动作边读)

Ss: Shear a sheep.

Step 4 Practise and Games

A. Practise (巩固新单词和句型,学生听录音并跟读单词,然后老师指出黑板上板书的单词学生跟读)

T:You do a good job, please clip your hands.(One, two, three; good, good, very good)

Now, please open your books, P70. listen to the tape and read after the tape. Are you ready?


T:Ok, let’s begin.(播放录音,让学生们跟读单词和课文中的对话录音)

T:Good. Now I show you some pictures and you should answer “what are they”. OK? Ss:OK.

T:(拿出多只母鸡的图片)Look. What are they?

Ss:They are hens


B.G ames

游戏①what’s missing?

T:Do you want to play a game?


T:Ok. Today, we learn six animals on the farm.(用ppt出示农场) Right?


T:Now, look at this picture carefully.(出示下一张只有hens, cows, horses, goats, lambs的ppt) What’s missing? Do you know?(适当用中文解释一下游戏内容) Ss:sheep.

T:Very good. (出示更多的ppt玩这个游戏)


T:Now,let's play another game.

You will hear some animals' sounds, after listening, you should tell me “What are they”. Can you understand?


T:(播放录制有奶牛的声音)What are they?

Ss:They are cows.

T:Yes, you are right. (接下来用同样的方法玩这个游戏)

Step 5 Summary

T:Well, done! Do you remember what we learned today ?


T:Yes.We learnd six animals on the farm, right?What are they? Can you retell? Ss:They are hens, goats…

T:Very good. They are hens, goats, cows, horses, lambs and sheep. Animals are our

fridends. We should love them, right?

Ss:Yes, we love animals.

T: (指着黑板上喂鸡的图片问学生)Look, the hens are hungry, what can you do? Ss: Feed the hens…

T:Good. We can feed the hens, ride a horse, milk a cow, hold the lamb, shear a sheep.(加上动作)

Step6 Homework

T:Boys and girls, you do a good job today. Now here comes your homework.(出示在小黑板上已经写好的作业)

1.Listen to the tape and read after the tape, at least three times.

2.After school, you should tell your parents what animals are there on the farm. And help your parents to do something, for example, feed the hens. (解释意思)


Unit 6 At a farm

farm (图片)

一只母鸡图片Hen 多只母鸡图片hens

一只马的图片Horse 多只马的图片horses

一头奶牛图片Cow 多头奶牛图片cows

一只羊羔图片Lamb 多只羊羔图片lambs

一只山羊的图片Goat 多只山羊图片goats

一只绵羊的图片Sheep 多只绵羊图片sheep


---What are they?

---They are …
