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课文预习题 unit 2

课文预习题 unit 2

I. The following sentences are quoted from the text. Rearrange them into logical order.

1. We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.

2. Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow.

3. There are those, of course, who would adopt the motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry”, but most people would be punished by the certainty of death.

4. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the value of life.

II. Read Paragraphs 1 - 5 and answer the following questions.

1. Why does Helen Keller think that it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow?

2.According to Helen Keller, what is the right way to live each day?

3.What does Helen Keller mean by saying that most of us take life for granted?

4.What does Helen Keller think of the attitude that most of us adopt towards our faculties and senses?

III. Read Paragraphs 6-10 to see whether the following statements are true or false.

1.People are blessed if they are stricken blind and deaf.

2.Helen showed disbelief when her friend said she had seen nothing particular during a long walk in the woods.

3. Helen thought that she “saw”more things than the seeing people just through touch.

4. Blind as she was, Helen was more sensitive to the world than us healthy people.

5. The seeing should make better use of sight to add fullness to life.

人教版高中英语必修四Unit2 全单元导学案

人教版高中英语必修四 Unit2 Working the land Warming Up, Pre-reading and Reading Period 1 Warming up and pre-reading. Step 1 Lead-in. Poem By Li Shen Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day. Then let one student recite the poem in Chinese. Step 2 Warming up by questioning Hello, everyone. We shall read about man who works the land today. Have you ever grown any plants? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it? (For reference: Mr. Li, I worked with my father in the rice field last year. We grow hybrid rice and use animal wastes to make the soil rich.) Has anyone of you ever been to the countryside? What did you do there? (For reference: I went to Chuankou the day before yesterday. It is a small mountain village 75 li north of Beijing. I went there to visit my uncle’s family. I like that small beautiful village very much. ) Who are from a farmer’s family? What do you know about farming? Step 3 Pre-reading and talking Questioning and answering

八年级英语下册 《Module2 Unit2》学案

八年级英语下册《Module2 Unit2》学案 Unit2》学案一、预学目标 1、通过预习,初步了解本课重点单词和重点短语。 2、了解重点句型:I was very lonely,and afraid to make friends with anyone、 Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing,Ifelt my heart break、 He couldn’t remember smiling at me、 3、了解课文内容。二、预学热身 A预习课文前,请初步了解本课时的词汇并完成以下练习。(英汉互译) 1、far away__________________ 2、 eary autumn_______________ 3、 as usual___________________ 4、 day by day______________ 5、与某人交朋友_____________________ 6、一个美丽的微笑_______________________ 7、在那时_____________________ 8、没关系______________________ 9、担心我_____________________ 10、对某人微笑 _________________1 1、使我感到开心____________________

12、一份重要的礼物______________________13 lonely______________14 usual____________15 bright ______________B自主探究,请带着下面这些问题阅读本课教材。 1、Lonely和 alone意思和用法上有何区别? 2、Worry about 和 be worried about有何区别? 3、Remember doing sth 和 remember to do sth有区别吗? 4、预习完成书P12( 1、2)和P13(3)并回答以下问题:Q1: Who is the writer? Q2: Who is in the photo? Q3: Why is it called a beautiful smile? 三、探究导读一起来探究,你能掌握这些知 识要点吗? 1、用alone和 lonely 填空 He lives_________but he doesn’t feel_________、 The story is about a _________old man and his dog、 2、用worry about和be worried about填空 He _______ __________ __________John now、He _______ __________ __________John now、3用remember doing sth 和 remember to do sth填空我记得曾经在一次聚会上见过他。I ________ ___________ her at a party once、在你出去之前,记住要关窗户。__________ ________ close windows before you go out、 四、尝试练习相信你能行! A、根据所给汉语或单词进行适当形式填空。


Unit 2 Cloning (Module 8) Period 1 Reading: Cloning: Where is it leading us Class : Name : __________ Group : No :______ Learning Objectives: 1. Learn the useful new words and expressions. 2. Read the passage and learn some information about cloning. Learning Key Points: 1. Grasp the important words and expressions in the reading material. 2. Learn the text and master the major uses of cloning and the success and problem of cloning Dolly the sheep. Learning Difficult Points: 1. Improve the reading ability. 2. Learn the reading skills: scanning and skimming. Learning Procedures: I. 【Pre-class homework 】 A. Warming up There are two kinds of clones, a natural clone and a man-made clone. Do you know what is a natural clone? And what is a man-made clone? A natural clone is one that ______________________________________________________ Man-made clone is one that ____________________________________________________ B. Pre-reading Background reading: Scottish scientists at Roslyn Institute created the much-celebrated sheep "Dolly", aroused worldwide interest and concern because of its scientific and ethical implications. She was the first mammal to be cloned from adult DNA taken from an adult cell. Previously, animals had only been cloned using embryo(胚胎) cells which already have the potential to become a complete embryo in its own right. The big breakthrough with Dolly was to make a clone from an ordinary, adult cell ? in this case from a female goat’s udder. Questions: 1. How does Dolly differ from other sheep? She was ______________ by humans while the others were born naturally. So, Dolly was a ______________ sheep. 2. Should we clone a human? II. 【While-class 】 Step1. Lead-in Step2. Group discussion Step3.Consolidation 1. Reading Assessment : Assessment :


1.diet ①n. 日常饮食 健康的饮食a healthy diet 均衡的饮食a balanced diet 正在节食的人不能吃巧克力。 控制饮食,节食be/go on a diet eg. 正在节食的人不能吃巧克力。People who are on a diet can’t eat chocolate. 使某人节食put sb. on a diet eg. 我的医生严格限制我的饮食。My doctor strictly put me on a diet. ②v. 节食,限制(他人或自己的)饮食 eg. 她正在节食减肥。She is dieting to lose weight. 我的医生严格限制我的饮食。My doctor strictly dieted me. diet 可数名词,指的是习惯的日常食物或因病或减肥而规定的食谱。 food一般的词语,凡是能吃喝的东西都可称作food 2. protective adj. 给予保护的,保护的protect v. 保护protection n. 保护protector n. 保护者 3. balance ①v. 使平衡,权衡eg为了平衡贸易,他们将不得不减少在美国购货。In order to balance their trade, they would have to buy less goods in the United States. ②n. 天平,平衡 4. roast adj. 烤制的roast duck /chicken v. 烤,烘烤stir-fry炒; stew炖/焖; boil煮; steam蒸;fry炸/煎 5. ought v. aux. 应该 ought to①应该,情态动词,只有一种形式,没有人称和数的变化 ②ought的否定形式由直接加not构成ought not to (oughtn't to ),疑问式将ought提到句首构成。 ③反意疑问句里He ought to be here, oughtn't he? ④ought to have done本应该做某事(实际没做)ought not to have done本不应该做(实际做了) 6. curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲→curious adj. 好奇的→curiously adv. 好奇地 Satisfy one’s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心show one’s curiosity about 对…表现出好奇 他的答复丝毫没有满足我的好奇心His reply didn’t satisfy my curiosity at all. be curious about/to do 7. get away with 被放过,(做坏事)不被惩罚 If students cheat in the exam, they’ll never get away with it. Two clerks robbed the bank and got away with a lot of cash. The driver was lucky to get away with only a fine. [链接] get along/on with 相处,进展get out of 从…中出来; 摆脱get over 克服get down to 开始着手 get behind with = fall behind with落后于…get through 完成(任务), (电话)接通 8. lie n. 谎言tell a lie/tell lies 说谎 lie v. : lie- lied –lied- lying______/ lay- laid- laid- laying_______/ lie- lay- lain- lying_______; The man lying there lied that he had laid the money on the table/He laid the carpet on the floor and then lay on it./ He is lying . The cat is not on the roof. It's lying under the table. 9. discount n. 折扣give/make/allow a discount (on)…打折buy/get/sell sth at a discount 以打折价买/卖… 如果我买一整箱酒你们能打折吗? Do you give me any discount if I buy a whole box of wine? 我以四折的价格买了这条裙子I bought this dress at a discount of 60%. v. 打折; 不理会,不重视(ignore) 对他说的话你不必当真You can discount what he said. 10. strength n. 强项;长处;(人的)力气,力量≠weakness n. 弱点 Maths is his strength. 数学是他的强项。We rely on the strength of the people. 我们依靠人民的力量。 strengthen vt.加强 11. consult vt. 查阅;请教consult sb. 请教某人; consult sth. 查阅… consult with sb. 和某人商量查字典: consult the dictionary/look up a word in the dictionary/refer to a dictionary consultation n. 商讨,咨询 12. digest: bite---chew----swallow---digest----absorb-----pee/fart/poop; Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. digestion n. 13. earn one’s living (by doing sth.)= make one’s living (by doing sth.)= do sth for a living 通过…谋生 我的一个朋友靠卖保险为生One of my friends earns his living by selling insurance.

人教版英语七年级下 Unit 2 第2单元 词汇 思维导图

图文解说英语语法 + 词汇 人教版英语七(下) Unit 2 第2单元 主讲 Tim

My Life I live a funny life at the radio station. Hi, I'm Judy. I usually get up early at night. I brush my teeth quickly. I eat a good meal at 8 o'clock. Then I either do my homework or take a walk.

I live a funny life at the radio station. fun - funny rain - rainy dirt - dirty live - lives leaf - leaves knife - knives shelf -shelves wolf -wolves

I usually get up early at night. often sometimes seldom dress up walk/run up to clean up team up hardly never group

I brush my teeth quickly. brush (n.) tooth brush tooth - teeth foot - feet paint brush goose - geese fast slowly

I eat a good meal at 8 o'clock . taste good/well better best bad/ill worse worst sound smell look feel eight forty eight fifty half past eight a quarter past eight

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 学案(无答案)

Module 2 Unit 2 Learning aims: 1.Master all the new words and phrases. 2.Master all the new language points and sentences. 预习自测 根据首字母提示完成单词 1.He closed his s_______with a funny joke. 2.She is the youngest a ______the three girls. 3.Li Dazhao was a p_______of the Chinese revolution. 4.Please repeat the f______sentences after me. 5.Those plants can g_____only in deep water. 精讲点拨 1.While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people d ied… While 引导的从句,其谓语动词只能是延续性动词,强调主从句的两个动作同时发生;while也可作并列连词,表示两个动作的对比,译为“而”、“然而”。 He is strong while his brother is weak. 2.The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food. 第二年,他们一起享用新收获的食物,共庆丰收。 by eating a dinner of the new food 在句中作方式状语。 by doing sth. 常用来表示“以某种方式进行……” The little girl earns her living by se lling newspapers. 当堂检测 一、单项选择 1. He will spend six hours at his desk____ he finishes his composition. A. before B. until C. after D. when 2.I knocked at the door for more than five minutes___ Mrs. White answered it. A. until B. when C. after D. before 3. He was about to go to bed ________ the doorbell rang. A. while B. as C. before D. when 4. _____ John was watching TV, his wife was cooking. A. As B. As soon as C. While D. Till 5. –What was the party like? – Wonderful. It’s years _____ I enjoyed myself so much. A. after B. before C. when D. since 二、句型转换 请按以下各小题的要求转换句型,每个空格只准填一个单词。 1. While the students were talking, the teacher came in. (同义句转换) The students were talking the teacher came in.

人教新课标高中英语选修8第二单元 8 Unit 2 Cloning 学案含答案

Unit 2 Cloning (Book 8) Period 1 Reading Cloning: Where is it leading us? Class:Name:__________ Group:No:______ Learning Objectives: 1. Learn the useful new words and expressions. 2. Read the passage and learn some information about cloning. Learning Key Points: 1. Grasp the important words and expressions in the reading material. Learn the text and master the major uses of cloning and the success and problem of 2. cloning Dolly the sheep. Learning Difficult Points: 1.Help Ss improve the students' reading ability. 2. Ss learn the reading skills: scanning and skimming. Assessment: Learning Procedures: 】Pre-class homeworkI.【Scan the text and choose the best answer. 1. The main idea of the text is _____________. A. animal cloning is very valuable and can benefit the world B. animal cloning could be misused by bad people so it must be forbidden C. animal cloning is well developed because Dolly the sheep was born D. animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future 2. Which of the following statements about cloning is NOT true according to the text? A. Cloning is something that has been developed quite recently. B. Twains that look exactly the same are originally from the same egg. C. Cloning is used by gardeners to make more money. D. Animal cloning is much more difficult than plant cloning. 3. The lamb is the clone of the cell from sheep B because ______________. B. it gives birth to the lamb A. it provides the egg cell D. it is a female sheep C. it provides the nucleus 4. Which of the following is NOT a problem or danger of cloning mentioned in the text? A. Evil leaders may want to clone themselves. B. Animal clones may develop the illness of older animals and may die younger than

外研九上Module2unit 2阅读学案

Module2 Unit 2 阅读学案 Thanksgiving is an American festival. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a time for a special dinner among family and friends. People make short speeches and give thanks for their food. We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in the seventeenth century. While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people died and after they landed, their first winter was worse than any English winter. The local people, the Native Americans (土著印第安人), taught the pioneers how to grow corn. The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food. We still celebrate Thanksgiving today with a traditional dinner. The kitchen is always the most crowded room in our house because we all help prepare the food. We lay the table and then before we begin dinner, my father gives thanks for the food, so we remember why we celebrate the festival. We usually eat too much. but it is only once a year! We often talk a lot and tell stories after dinner as well. When it is all over, everyone helps wash the dishes. The festival is a very busy time for travel when friends and families come together to celebrate. During the festival, there are plenty of other things to see and do. We live in New York City, and we go to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade(梅西感恩节大游行) . The parade goes along several streets and finishes at the famous Macy's store. Thanksgiving is the start of the Christmas season. and we start shopping for presents. Football is also important at Thanksgiving, with many teams playing games. Like many Americans, we usually watch the games on television and enjoy ourselves very much. 认知词汇: Thanksgiving 感恩节the Native Americans 当地印第安人 The Atlantic 大西洋the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 梅西感恩节大游行

高中英语 Unit 2 Poems单元小结教学案 新人教版选修6

Unit 2 Poems A Russian Poem Since childhood, Anton had often recited poems, accompanied on the piano and violin by pianists and violinists, at wedding ceremonies before brides and bridegroomsexchanged rings. Gradually, he found writing poems the most appropriate way to convey his joy and sorrow. When his poem Contradictory Blank won him a national championship and a scholarship to the Moscow University from a sponsor, he was just an unknown librarian. After getting his diploma, he devoted his life to writing poems. Using concrete but flexible language and the minimum of words is his style. He tried out different patterns and preferred nursery rhyme in particular. The following is a translation of one of his works made up of 3 sections: Little sparrow with heavy load, Ran out of energy and very cold; No compass and all sweat salty, Can you go through the endless darkness? Little balloon let out by the thread, Flew over c ottages and was very glad; With warmth transformed from sunlight, He said he could forever fly; Take it easy, little balloon; Don't tease the sparrow with his wound; On the bare branch and have a rest; This diamond heart will eventually get success. 俄国童谣 从童年时起,安东就常常在钢琴师或小提琴师的伴奏下在婚礼上朗诵诗歌,为新郎新娘交换戒指前的仪式助兴。渐渐地,他发现写诗是表达他的欢乐和悲伤的最合适方式。在他还是个不知名的图书管理员时,他的诗《矛盾的空白》就获得了全国诗歌创作冠军,并为他赢得一位赞助人提供的、到莫斯科大学深造的奖学金。获得文凭后,他将一生都投入到诗歌创作中。使用具体而灵活的语言和最少的词语数量是他的风格。他还喜欢尝试不同的诗歌形式,特别是童谣。下面有三部分组成的译文就是他的作品中的一首: 小麻雀,负重担,


Unit2 Robots Section1 Warming up & Reading-Preparing 一.预习词汇 1 vt. 满足,使满意→n. 满足,满意,→adj. 令人满意的→adj. 满意的 2. adj. 优雅的,高雅的讲究的→n. 优雅,高雅→反义词不雅的,粗俗的an elegant woman elegant manners 3. adj.可怕的,令人敬畏的→adv. 很,非常极.It is cold. 天气极冷. 4 n. 事件,事→family affairs The affairs of the state 国家大事 5 receive vt. 收到,→n. 收件人,接收器,电话听筒 6. n. 影响→v. 影响→n. 慈爱,友爱,感情 7. adj. 兼职的,→adj. 全职的 8.unior adj. 年级较轻的,缩写为下级的,低级的,junior high school 初中→反义词(Sr.) 9. n. 天才,特殊能力.→adj. 天才的,有才能的 10. v. 评估,评定→n. 评估,评价;意见.比较: assist, ; access , 二.精讲词汇 1.desire desire n. 渴望;欲望;vt.希望得到;想要,要求。 即学即用 (1)使他们所有的欲望都得到满足是不可能的。It’s impossible . (2)我父母要我上一所重点大学。My parents . (3)他要是来出席会议就最理想了。he should attend the conference. (4)要求这一规定必须引起所有成员的注意。It is desired that of all the members. 2. alarm n.警报,惊恐 vt.使……惊恐,使警觉alarmed adj. 担心的,害怕的 一看见烟雾,他就鸣响了警报。As soon as he saw the smoke, he 3. favour n.帮忙;支持;v. 偏袒;喜爱 即学即用 (1)请您帮个忙行吗?May I ? (2)他赞成死刑吗?Was he the death penalty? (3)劳驾,我在打电话时把收音机的声音调小点好吗? and turn the radio down while I’m on the phone, will you? 4. accompany vt.陪伴;伴随;和……一起发生;伴奏 即学即用 (1)他那次远行有妻子陪同。He on the expedition by his wife. (2)钢琴给她伴奏。He the piano. (3)我留下陪你。I’ll stay here and 5. declare vt. 宣布;声明;宣称。 即学即用 (1)希拉里·克林顿公开宣布自己是总统候选人。Hillary Clinton publicly for president.(2)法庭宣布罢工为非法。The court strike action was illegal. 6.envy vt.忌妒;羡慕;n. 羡慕或忌妒的人或事物 即学即用 (1)他遮掩不住对我的忌妒(对我成就的忌妒)。 He couldn’t conceal envy at my success. (2)我总是羡慕你的好运气。I have always 三.重点短语与句型 1. test out 考验;试验,考试 This model had been tested out before it was put into production. 这个型号经过试验后才进行大批量生产。 联想拓展 test (sth.)on sb./sth. 在……(身上)做实验/试验stand the test 经受住考验 test sb. on sth.就某事测试某人have/take a test in 参加……考试 翻译句子 ①我们将会很快检验你的血型。 ②那个经理总是先将新的政策在他自己的公司里进行实验。 ① ② 2. ring up 打电话给……


Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 一、单词讲解: 1、up adv. 向上 → get up v. 穿衣服 n. 连衣裙 → a red dress 3、brush v. 刷 → brush (one’s) teeth n. 刷子 → (pl.) brushes 4、tooth → (pl.)teeth brush (one ’s) teeth 刷牙 toothbrush 牙刷 v. 淋浴 → shower 5、shower n. 淋浴 → take a shower n. 淋浴器(间) 6、usual adj. 通常的,寻常的,平凡的,普通的 → I have a usual day. usually adv. 通常,平常 → I usually take a shower at 6. unusual adj. 不寻常的,罕有的,独特的 unusually adv. 不寻常地;非常 7、forty → fortieth 8、never (否定词。常位于be 动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前) 练习:I always play soccer after school.(改为否定句) I ________________ play soccer after school. 9、early adv. 早 → get up early / go to bed early adj. 早的 → early morning / early bus 10、fifty → fiftieth 11、job 工作,职业 → I have a job. / Scott has an interesting job. 12、work 工作 → go to work / I’m never late for work. get dressed 穿上衣服 be dressed in … 穿着… dress sb. 给某人穿上衣服 dress up 穿上盛装,装扮 2、dress shower = take a shower look = take a look walk = take a walk


Module2Unit2第二课时教案 课题:Module 2 Experiences 学案 Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. (第二课时) 【教学目标】 知识目标:Key vocabulary—move, send, Germany, France, tower, ancient, king, queen, Arabic, way, mix, miss, count Key structures—count down, so far, in many ways, have been to, find it hard to do sth. 能力目标:To get information about the Pyramids. To master the present perfect tense. 情感目标:To know more about other person’s experiences and understand each other better. 【教学重点】1. To learn some expressions in the passage. 2. To learn the present perfect tense. 【教学难点】1. To get information from the article. 2. To write a composition by using the present perfect tense. 【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method 【重难点突破】:Practise the useful expressions by listening , working in groups and speaking 【教具】A tape recorder, multimedia Ⅲ、知识点归纳梳理(个人/小组) 1. …, and it has sent Peter to work in Germany, France and China before. send sb. to do sth. 表示“派遣某人去做某事”。 before,表示“以前”。是现在完成时的标志。 5. I have had (have) breakfast and I am full. 2. They have been to many interesting places. have been to +地点,表示“已经去过某地” 现在已经回来。 have gone to +地点,表示“已经去了某地”现在还没有回来,此 时可能在途中或已经到了目的地。 3. They find it hard to spell and pronounce the words. find it hard to do sth. “发现做某事是难的” 4. So far they have learnt to speak German, French, Chinese and Arabic. so far “到目前为止”,是现在完成时的标志。 Ⅳ、当堂达标: Ⅰ、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词.(10分) 1.Pairs is the capital of F rance. 2.Hua Mulan is a woman hero in an a ncient history. 3.London is famous for the T ower of London and Big Ben. 4.Do you think it’s easy to learn Arabic (阿拉伯语) 5.This car is made in Germany (德国) Ⅱ、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.The Smith family moved (move) to this city three years ago. 2.Most children enjoy eating (eat) hamburgers. 3.Soon they found it difficult to get (get) on well with the girl from England. 4.–How about seeing the film with me? --Sorry, I have seen (see) it twice. The Egyptian kings told the people to build the pyramids for themselves. They thought they had tombs (坟墓)strong enough 板书设计: Module 2 Unit 2 1.V ocabulary Germany, France, queen, Arabic, way 2.Drills: 1…., and they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words. 2. They have been to many interesting places. 3. …and it has sent Peter to work in Germany, France and China 反思:

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