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一、8:15 进考场

二、8:30-9:05 听力(Mini-lecture结束后收卷+Interview+News broadcast)

三、9:05-9:35 阅读

四、9:35-9:45 人文知识结束后收卷

五、9:45-10:00 改错结束后收卷

六、10:00-11:00 翻译结束后收卷。

七、11:00-11:45 作文收卷,考试结束。



2006英语专业八级考试全真试题附答案 PARTI LISTENING COMPREHESION Section A Mini-lecture Section B Interview In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Miss Green’s university days? A. She felt bored. B. She felt lonely. C. She cherished them. D. The subject was easy. 2. Which of the following is NOT part of her job with the Department of Employment? A. Doing surveys at workplace. B. Analyzing survey results. C. Designing questionnaires. D. Taking a psychology course.

2019年英语专业八级考试作文范文:Migrant Workers

2019年英语专业八级考试作文范文:Migrant Workers The Role of Migrant Workers Migrant workers have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities. They leave their home-land for better chances. Some want to change their destiny, some want to make a fortune. Whatever the purposes they cherished when millions of them streamed into big cities, they have promoted the development of cities. Most of the migrant workers are hard working and unafraid of hardships. They take up the dirtiest, the most strenuous or dangerous jobs which city laborers are unwilling to do. With lots of building they have set up and streets they have kept clean, they have helped modernize and beautify cities. Not only have they become the main work force in the construction sector, they also have helped liberate city women from heavy housework chores by taking care of the babies, cleaning houses or providing any other services citizens need. Although some of the citizens complain about the increasing number of the problems such as theft, robbery a few of migrant workers have committed, most of the citizens agree that their contribution is obvious, and with better management, their role in the construction of cities will definitely be greater.


英语专八人文知识考试总结 1 专八考试人文知识考试内容总结 其中英美文学包括英国文学和美国文学。英国文学主要分为六个时期: 1. Old and Medieval English Literature(中古英国文学)。 2. The Renaissance Period(文艺复兴时期)。 3. The Neoclassical Period(新古典主义时期)。 4. The Romantic Period(维多利亚时期)。 5. The Victorian Period(维多利亚时期)。 6. The Modern Period(现代时期)。 美国文学主要分为四个时期: 1. The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence(独立革命前后的文学)。 2. American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义文学)。 3. American Realism(美国现实主义文学)。 4. American Modernism(美国现代主义文学)。 语言学,考生不光要知道语言的本质还要掌握语音学,音位学,形态学,句法学,语义学和语言学的知识。 关于英语国家概况,英语专业的学生都会开设英美概况这门课程,但是专八考试的中需要考生了解的是英语国家概况,不光包括英国和美国,还有其他一些说英语的地区,包括爱尔兰概况,加拿大概况,澳大利亚概况和新西兰概况。 3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france

2017-1995年英语专业八级改错真题及答案 持续更新(部分详解)文字答案校对版

1995-2017年英语专业八级改错真题及答案 (文字/答案校对版) 2017年改错真题 The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguishes human beings from animals. And it is the ability to communicate well which 1.________ distinguishes one individual from another. The fact is that apart from the basic necessities, one needs to be equipped with habits for good communication skills, thus this is 2.________ what will make one a happy and successful social being. In order to develop these habits, one needs to first acknowledge the fact that they need to improve communication skills from time to time. They need to take stock of the way how they interact and the direction 3.________ in which their work and personal relations are going. The only constant in life is change, th e more one accepts one’s strengths and works 4._______ towards dealing with their shortcomings, specially in the area of 5.________ communication skills, the better will be their interactions and the more their social popularity. The dominated question that comes here is: How to improve 6.________ communication skills? The answer is simple. One can find plenty of literature on this. There are also experts, who conduct workshops and seminars based on communication skills of men and women. In fact, a large number of companies are bringing in trainers to regularly make sessions on the subject, in order to 7.________ help their work force maintain better interpersonal work relations. Today effective communication skills have become a predominant factor even while recruiting employees. While interviewing candidates, most interviewers judge them on the basis of the skills they communicate with. They believe that some skills can be improvised on the job; but ability to 8.________ communicate well is important, as every employee becomes the representing face of the company. There are trainers, who specialized in delivering custom-made 9._______ programs on the subject. Through the sessions they not only facilitate better communication skills in the workplace, but also look into the problems in the manner of being able to convey messages effectively. 10._______ 2016年改错真题 All social units develop a culture. Even in two-person relationships, a culture develops in time. In friendship and romantic relationships, 1._________ for example, partners develop their own history, shared experiences, language patterns, habits, and customs give that relationship a special 2._________ character—a character that differs it in various ways from 3._________ other relationships. Examples might include special dates, places,


高校英语专业八级考试大纲(2005新大纲) 总则 国家教委<高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲)规定,高等学校英语专业高年级英语的教学任务是“继续打好语言基本功,进一步扩大知识面,重点应放在培养英语综合技能,充实文化知识,提高交际能力上。” 同时,<大纲)也指出,“大纲的执行情况主要通过统一测试进行检查。”“测试和评分应力求尽快达到标准化和电脑化,使其具有科学性、客观性和可行性。” 根据(大纲)中的上 述规定,英语专业八级考试大纲规定了以下原则及考试内容: 一、考试目的: 本考试的目的是检查大纲的执行情况,特别是大纲所规定的八级水严所要达到的综合语言技能和交际能力,藉以促进大纲的进一步贯彻,提高教学质量。 二、考试的性质与范围: 本考试是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试的范围包括大纲所规定的听、读、写、译四个方面的技能。由于大规模口试的条件目前尚不具备,所以有关“说”的技能暂缓测试。 三、考试时间与命题: 英语专业八级考试于每年3月份举行。由英语专业学生八级考试命题小组负责命题与实施。 四、考试内容: 本考试包括六个部分:听力理解,校对与改错,阅读理解,人文知识、翻译,写作。整个开始需要时间185分钟。 I.听力理解(Part I:Listening Comprehension) 测试要求:(a)能听懂交际场合中各种英语会话和讲话。 (b)能听懂VOA或BBC、CNN等国外传媒的节目中有关政治、经济、文化教育、科技等方面的专题报道。 (c)能听懂有关政治、经济、历史、文化教育、语言文学、科普方面的一般讲座及讲座后的答问。 (d)时间25分钟。 题型:听力理解部分采用填空题和多向选择题,包括三个项目:Section A,Section B,Section C,共20题。 Section A:Mini-lecture 由900个单词的讲座和一项填空人物组成,要求边听边做笔记,然后完成填空人物。答题时间10分钟。本部分共10题。 Section B:Conversation & Interview 约800个单词的会话组成,之后,有5道多选题。 Section C:News Broadcast 若干新闻报道后,会有5道多选题。 注意:Section B&C的每一道题目后面有10秒的间隙,选一最佳答案。录音速度为每分钟约为150个单词。


2009 (文化差异/文化遗产的保留) Mandarin, or putonghua, is the standard service sector language in our country. But recently, employees at a big city's subway station have been busy learning dialects of other parts of the country. Proponents say that using dialects in the subway is a way to provide better service. But opponents think that encouraging the use of dialects in public counter s the national policy to promote putonghua. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Are Dialects Just as Acceptable in Public Places? 2008 (教育) In a few months' time you are going to graduate from university. How do you think your college years have prepared you for your future life? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: What I have learned from my years at university 2007 (朋友) Some people think that financial disparity affects friendship. What do you think? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essays. 2006 (建议/野心) Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer, once said, "We decide what is important and what is trivial in life we decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do but no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled: Ambition 2005 (工作) Interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have been many arguments for or against the interview as a selection procedure. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 2004 (校园学习重要) It was reported in the press some time ago that a few second-and third-year students in a provincial university decided to try their hands at business in order to get prepared for the future. They opened six small shops near their university. Their teachers and classmates had different opinions about this phenomenon. Some thought that the students' business experience would help them adapt better to society after graduation, while others held a negative view, saying that running shops might occupy too much of the students' time and energy which should otherwise be devoted to their academic study. What do you think?


The Ren aissa nee is actually a moveme nt stimulated by a series of historical eve nts. which one of the followi ng is not such an eve nt Which of the following is regarded as the most successful religious allegory in the En glish Ian guage. A.The Pilgrim's Progress B. Grace Abo unding to the Chief of Sinners C. The Life and Death of Mr. Badma n D. The Holy War It is alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. A.Geoffrey Chaucer B. Martin Luther C. William Langland D. John Gower All of the following four except are the most eminent dramatists in the Ren aissa nee En gla nd. A.Francis Baco n B. Christopher Marlowe C. William Shakespeare D. Ben Jonson It is gen erally regarded that Keats's most importa nt and mature poems are in the form of . A.elegy B. ode C. epic D. sonnet Daniel Defoe's no vels mainly focus on A.the struggle of the un fortun ate for mere existe nd B.the struggle of the shipwrecked pers ons for security C.the struggle of the pirates for wealth D.the desire of the crimi nals for property In Beowulf, fought aga inst the mon ster Gren del and a five breath ing drag on. A. the An glo-Sax ons B. Beowulf C. the Scandin avia n D. the Win ter Drago n Fran cis Bac on is best known for his which greatly in flue need the developme nt of this literary form. A. essays B. poems C. works D plays Most of Thomas Hardy's no vels are set in Wessex . A. a crude region in England B. a fictional primitive region C. a remote rural area D. Hardy's hometow n We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelley's poem "Ode to the West Wind" with all the followi ng terms except . A. swift B. proud C. tamed D. wild "Blindness", "partiality", "prejudice", and "absurdity" in the novel "Pride and Prejudice" are most likely the characteristics of . A. Elizabeth B. Darcy C. Mr. Be nnet D. Mrs. Bennet The moder n En glish no vel came into being |n A. the middle of the 17th cen tury B. the 17th ce ntury

英语专业八级考试 89分经验

写给懒惰但又想过专八的同学们----专八考生必看来源:吴慧冬的日志 全国各地高校的专八考生不断加我的校内咨询考试细节,甚至有部分高校的老师邀请我去做讲座,可惜时间不允许了,发现其大部分的同学们早已放弃这考试,怀着投机的心态,我当然会告诉同学们一切我知道的方法和技巧,但心态一定要端正!你是不是很懒惰,是不是不爱学习英语,是不是四年大学没怎学英语,是不是学了四年英语水平还是跟初学者一样,是不是老师教是不好,是不是过了考试也找不到工作????马上要考专八了,你的心态一定要端正。如果现在就放弃,你就提前结束了这场游戏,如果不放弃,最后可能输得更惨?你该如何选择????我辅导过很多学生,二流大学,非英语院校,考到70分以上甚至优秀,也曾辅导过重点语言类学校高才生不及格或刚过线,同样的教学方法,为什么出来的结果不一样?还是那句话:心态。你相信你自己吗?相信你会成功吗?老给自己找借口的人永远不会成功,我很笨,我很懒,我很丑,我专四没过,不可能过专八,我大学没怎学习,我要考高口,专八是废纸!!!是的,专八不能代表你的能力,但如果一个英语专业的学生学了四年英语,严格来讲从小学3年级算起,你学了10几年英语还不过,那你不配做一个专业的学生,没有专八,北外不给发学位证书,当然其他院校只要求你过专四就行了。还有两周就考试了,我希望下面的技巧能对你们有所帮助,不要放弃我亲爱的同学们和朋友们,特别是世博会,亚运会,

大运会,给中国大学生,特别是语言专业的同学们所提供的机会是无限的,不是非得要过专八,但你自己要求你一定要过专八! 专八究竟哪里最难?阅读和作文?有多少同学可以在40分的阅读里取得26分以上。有多少同学可以能用简单句写出好文章?专八谁出题?上外,上外的老师是怎样出题的?更多的不是来自语言学,而是心理学? 1)首句和尾句法:经我多年研究,阅读中的每一段的第一句和最后一句加起来就是后面5个问题的60%的答案所在地,把每一个名词和动词用铅笔划出来) 2)作者态度题和单词互换题。(作者态度一般都是中立和积极向上的,单词互换一定要选择最简单的,因为给出的单词就是文中很难的词) 3)阶梯和长短选题法(这个要面授才可以懂得如何运用) 4)关键题回归法,每个问题都会有一个名词,把这个名回到回文中找(注意,找的时候一定要找它的同义词和相近词),它所在的句子一般就是答案。 5)作者引用,大写字母,THAT,WHICH ,AS 等句型是必考内容。 作文是最能体现一个人的综合水平,词汇,语法和思想。 下面的作文思路是我多年研究所总结出的,同学们务必记住每


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理- 专业英语八级模拟人文知识测试(二十二) ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

1.In 1620, 201 Pilgrims, to escape religous presecution, sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower.They arrived at ____. A New York B Georgia C Virginia D Plymouth 2.The earliest institution of higher learning set up in America was ___ A California University B Yale University C Harvard College D Chicago University 3.The Grand Canyon in south-western ____ is one of nature’s most impressive sights. A Utah B Arizona C Nevada D Idaho 4.American presidents are elected ____. A every two years B every four years C every five years D every six years 5.In America the judicial is headed by ____. A the President B Congress C the Supreme Court D the Secretary General 6.In the United States, the first larges immigration movement took plane ____ A right after the War of Independence B in the mid-1800 C at the turn of the 20th century


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2014) GRADE EIGHT PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN) SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONL Y. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now, listen to the mini-lecture. How to Reduce Stress Life is full of things that cause us sress. Though we may not like stress, we have to live with it. I. Definition of stress A. (1) reaction i.e.force exerted between two touching bodies B. human reaction i.e. response to (2) on someone e.g. increase in breathing, heart rate, (3) , or muscle tension II. (4) , A. positive stress where it occurs: Christmas, wedding, (5) B. negative stress where it occurs: test-taking situations, friend?s death III. Ways to cope with stress A. recoginition of stress signals —monitor for (6) of stress —find ways to protect oneself B. attention to body demand —effect of (7) C. planning and acting appropriately —reason for planning —(8) of planning D. learning to (9) —e.g. dlay caused by traffic E. pacing activities —manageable task —(10) SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONL Y. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview.



全国英语专业四级八级考试介绍 一、考试简介 全国英语专业四、八级统测是为检测本科英语专业教学大纲执行情况而进行的本科教学考试。国家教委(高等学校英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲)规定,高等学校英语专业基础阶段的教学任务和目的是“传授英语基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力,培养学生良好的学习作风和正确的学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性,为学生升入高年级打好扎实基础。”高等学校英语专业高年级英语的教学任务是“继续打好语言基本功,进一步扩大知识面,重点应放在培养英语综合技能,充实文化知识,提高交际能力上。” “以测试手段来检查外语教学质量,检查(大纲)执行情况,以推动外语教学改革。” 二、考试目的 基础阶段统测(TEM4) 本考试的目的是全面检查已学完英语专业四级课程的学生是否达到教学大纲所规定的各项要求,考核学生运用各项基本技能的能力以及学生对语法结构和词语用法的掌握程度,既测试学生的综合能力,也测试学生的单项技能。同时,也是评估教学质量,推动校际交流学习的一种手段。 高年级阶段统测(TEM8) 本考试的目的是检查大纲的执行情况,特别是大纲所规定的八级水平所要达到的综合语言技能和交际能力,藉以促进大纲的进一步贯彻,提高教学质量。 三、考试性质 基础阶段统测(TEM4) 本考试属于尺度参照性标准化考试。考试的范围包括基础阶段教学大纲所规定的一至四级除读音和说的技能以外的全部内容。由于目前尚未具备口试的条件,暂且只进行笔试。 高年级阶段统测(TEM8) 本考试是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试的范围包括大纲所规定的听、读、写、译四个方面的技能。由于大规模口试的条件目前尚不具备,所以有关“说”的技能暂缓测试。 四、报名资格 参加基础阶段统测(TEM4)的报名对象为: (1)经教育部备案或批准的高等院校中英语专业二年级本科生。 (2)经教育部备案或批准的高等院校中修完英语专业基础阶段教学大纲规定课程的二、三年制最后一学年的大专生。 (3)教育部备案或批准有学历的成人高等教育学院中四年制即脱产学习的英语专业(第二学年)本科生;五年制即不脱产学习的、修完英语专业基础阶段教学大纲规定课程(第三学年)的本科生。脱产的二年制大专生,必须在第二学年时方可报名参加四级测试;不脱产的三年制大专生,必须在第三学年时方可报名参加四级测试。 (4)重点外语类院校中,以专业英语作为第二学位或第二专业且CET4达600分或以上(相当于优秀)的二年级本科生。 (5)参加四级测试的考生只有一次补考机会。 参加高年级阶段统测(TEM8)的报名对象为: (1)经教育部备案或批准的高等院校中英语专业四年级本科生。


英语专业八级报考资格? 报名条件 许多同学对于TEM4和TEM8的报名资格问题都不是很清楚,以下是一些有关这方面的信息,希望能对大家有一些帮助: 1.通过全国普通高校入学统一考试的在校二年级和四年级英语专业本科生。参加当年高年级阶段统测(TEM8)的报名对象必须是四年前入学的在校英语专业四年级学生。参加当年基础阶段统测(TEM4)的报名对象必须是两年前入学的在校英语专业二年级本科生。2.通过全国普通高校入学统一考试的修完英语专业基础阶段教学大纲规定课程的大专学生(包括二年制及三年制)。参加基础阶段统测(TEM4)的报名对象必须是最后一学年的学生。 3. 经教育部批准并通过全国成人高等教育入学统一考试的有学历的成人高等教育学院(下简称成教院)中英语专业本科及大专学生。成教院中上四年制脱产学习高年级本科学生必须在第四学年时方可报名参加高年级阶段统测(TEM8),而二年级本科生在第二学年时方可报名参加,基础阶统测(TEM4)。成教院中五年制不脱产参加学习的高年级本科生必须在第五学年时方可报名参加TEM8,而修完基础阶段的本科生必须在第三学年方可报名参加TEM4。不脱产的三年制大专生,必须在第三学年时方可报名参加TEM4。 4.高校学生中以英语作为第二学位的双学位者,以及以英语专业作为第二专业者“参照报名资格第1.2.点要求,可参加TEM4及TEM8。高校学生如以英语作为副修课程,参加当年英语统测TEM4或TEM8者,仅限于上一年参加大学英语六级考试并获得全国大学英语考试六级(CET6)优秀成绩者,经各院校教务处审核后可报名参加。 5. 凡当年参加过TEM4或TEM8统测不及格者,可于次年再一次(且仅限一次)报名参加统测,成绩及格以上者,一律发给合格成绩证书。己毕业的高校学生的报名及考试工作由原校负责。 英语专业的专升本学生因超出英语专业基础阶段(TEM4)统测规定的考试年限,可在英语专业专升本学习的最后一学期参加高年级阶段(TEM8)统测; 报名时间 报名时间为每年的11月或12月,具体时间以各高校教务处的通知为准,凭所在高校的学生证集体报名——一般不接受其他学校的报名。 考试时间 它在每年的三月份举办一次考试。2009年的考试时间为3月7日(星期六)上午8:30。 考试费用 英语专业八级考试每人每次100元。报名考务费标准中包含各考点上缴教育部高等学校外语专业教学指导委员的试卷费、磁带费和报名费等各项费用。 参考资料:中华英语学习,网 是的只有英语专业可以考或者你读英语二专 考了大抵也过不了。跟6级不是一个级别的,别想了。而且要考英美国家概况、英美文学、语言学基础知识。


2014年英语专业八级人文知识试题及答案 1. The study of __ is Syntax. A textual organization B sentence structures C word formation D language functions 2. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language? A arbitrariness B productivity C cultural transmission D finiteness 3. The speech act theory was first put forward by__. A John Scarl B Johan Austin C Noarn Chomsky D M.A.K Halliday 4. The capital city of Canada is __. A Montreal B Ottawa C Vancouver D York 5. U.S. presidents normally serve a (an) __ term. A eight-year B four-year C six-year D two year 6. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S. A Huston B Baltimore C Philadelphia D Boston 7. The state church in England is __. A The Baptist B The Roman Catholic C The Protestant Church D The Church of England 8. The novel Emma is written by__. A Jane Austen B Elizabeth C Gaskell Charlotte Bronte D Mary Shelley 9. Which of the following is not a Romantic Poet? A William Wordsworth

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