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967 Wen Jinpeng,Yang Zhichun,L iB in,e t al.A Me thod forM ate ri a lDampingMeasure m ent.Journal of V ibra ti on,Measure m ent& Diagn o sis,2008,28(3):220~224

D esi gn,C on structi on and O pera ti on of M a ter i a lDam p i n g M ea s ur i n g

Syste m for Use i n H i gh2Tem pera tur e and Vacuum Envi r onm en t

Wen J inpeng,Yang Zhichun,L i B in,Sun Hao,L iu J inli

(Coll ege of Aeronau tics,North we ste rn Polytechnical University,Xi’an710072,Chi na)

Ab stra ct:Ai m.To our know ledge,there is no pape r in the open literature dealingw ith the top ic of the above title.

I n Ref.3,we discussed the m ethods of measuring m ateria l da mp ing.Starting fr om Ref.3,we now design,build and operate a m ate rial da mp ingm easuring system f or use in high2te mperature and vacuum envir onm ent.Sec tion1of the full paper deals with designing and building a setup f or i mp le m enting high2te mperatur e and vacuum envir on2 ment;Fig.2gives the sche m atic of the setup’s constr uc tion.Section2deals with designing the ma terial da mp ing measuring syste m f or use in high2temperature and vacuum envir onment.The m easuring syste m consists of five sub2 syste m s:heating oven and heating c ontr ol,vacuu m contr ol,temper a tur e monit oring,wate r cooling,and da mp ing measuring.Section3presents the operati on results in Figs.6thr ough8;their analysis shows p r eli m inarily that: (1)the te mpe r ature of the measuring syste m can be automa tically contr olled in the range of r oom te mperatur e to 1100℃;(2)the pressure of r a r efied a ir can be reduced to as low as011Pa;(3)its te mpe r a ture and vacuum can be kept stable.Its ope r a tion is easy and si mple.

Key wor ds:da mp ing,vibrati ons(m echanica l),m ateria l damping m easuring syste m,high2te mperature and vacu2 um envir onm ent Ref e r ences






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