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洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fb1773472.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址)一些a range of ; a variety of ; a series of ; an array of

无数innumerable ; countless

许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample


依序列举list in sequence


过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete ; anachronistic

短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived


可持久的durable ; able to stand wear ; last a long time

一再time after time ; again and again


前述的aforementioned ; aforesaid ; former

自古到今from ancient times to the present day ; down through the ages 年轻人young people ; youngster ; youth ; young adult

老式的old-fashioned ; out of date ; dated

偶尔from time to time ; now and then ; once in a while ; at times

时常often ; frequently ; repeatedly

永远的eternal ; perpetual ; lasting throughout life

重整办事优先顺序reshape priorities

目前so far ; by far

一次就可完成的事one-time event


骂yell at ; reprimand ; chide ; scold ; reprove

支持support ; endorse ; back up ; uphold

谴责condemn ; express strong disapproval of

错的mistaken ; erroneous ; wrong incorrect

错事wrongdoing ; had acts ; misbehavior

做相反的do the reverse of ; do the opposite

归咎blame…on ; put the blame on …; …is to blame

瓦解disintegrate ; break up ; separate into small parts

支持某一方in favor of ; on the side of


意见不和clashes of opinion

一致的unanimous ; in complete agreement

不恰当inappropriate ; improper ; unsuitable ; inadequate

批判criticize ; blame; find fault with ; make judgments of the merits and faults of…

我们想念…we are convinced that…; we are certain that..

我愿意I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tend to

有用的useful ; of use; serviceable; good for; instrumental; productive

有意义的meaningful; fulfilling

他们不愿承认这一点they have always been reluctant to admit this…

在大家同意下by common consent of…

否定deny; withhold; negate

承认admit; acknowledge; confess; concede

于事无补of no help; of no avail; no use

使…受益benefit…; do good to…; is good for…; is of great benefit to…想法frame of mind; mind set; the way one is thinking

想出come up with

找出come up with; find out

利用use; take advantage of

夸耀brag about; boast about; show off; speak too highly of

照顾take care of; take charge of; attend to; watch over

对…很了解have a deep knowledge of…

对抗权威stand up against authority; resisit boldly the authority

对…有信心have confidence in

说清楚articulate; verbalize; put in words; utter

接受…之美意embrace the offer of…

累积amass; accumulate; heap up; assemble

连系tact; get in touch with; contact with

排除这可能性rule out the possibility

等于is equivalent to; equal

选择choose; elect; opt for; pick; single out

发出deliver; give out; hand over

绕路detour; take a detour; take a roundabout way

禁止进入is kept out; is barred from

小看make little of

坏了out of order; on the blink; is not working

分别distinguish between; make a distinction between; tell…from

依靠count on; depend on

忽视neglect; give too little care to

存在come to be; come into existence; come to birth; come into being 考虑consider; take into consideration; take into account

考虑到in consideration of

用尽力气exhaust one’s strength; use up one’s strength

开动initiate; set going

准备…brace for; prepare for

在于lie in; rest on; rest with

主动take the initiative

不算exclusive of; not counting; leaving out

应该得到deserve; have right to; is worthy of

避免avoid; shun; get around; circumvent

幻想fantasy; play of the mind

以此标准来算by this criterion; by this standard

乍看之下at first glance

面对in the face of; in the presence of

以by means of; by virtue of; by the use of

不惜代价at all costs

每况愈下from bad to worse

承受错误造成的后果in reaping the harvest of his mistakes

取得同意…get the go-ahead to

不择手段unscrupulously; by hook or by crook

想法与作法beliefs and practices

内情ins and outs; turns and twists

关键时刻the critical moment

虽然although; notwithstanding; albeit; though

根据according to; on the basis of; on the ground of (that); in the light of; in line with; in accordance with

逃避问题evade the question

增大enlarge; extend; aggrandize

澄清clarify; make clear

赔偿compensate for; give…as compensation for

实现carry out; implement; realize; make…come true

假定suppose; assume; postulate; hypothesize

极端的radical; extreme

极端的措施drastic measures

剩下的the rest; the remainder; what is left

换言之in other words; put another way

结果result; aftermath; consequence

优点advantage; strength; strong point; merit; benefit

简言之put simply; in short; in brief; in a nutshell

举例而言for instance; for example; to illustrate; let us cite 特别是an illustration; to cite a concrete case

特别是especially; more than others; particularly; in particular

既然…now that…; seeing that…

迹象inkling; hint; clue; a slight suggestion

缺点disadvantage; demerit; shortcoming; drawback; weakness

除去do away with; eliminate; remove; get rid of

缺少for lack of; for a deficiency of

毕竟after all; all in all

范围scope; field; realm


行为conduct; behavior; doings

隔绝isolate; insulate

分辨出identify; recognize

不易懂的elusive; hard to understand


时间分配:15分钟= 通读skimming(3分钟) + 答题(10 分钟,半分钟一道) + 回顾review(2分钟)。答题时要熟练运用三大技巧:


语境同现:Money is no object (钱不是问题) 比Money is no problem 漂亮得多。

汉语例子:遵守+ 纪律;提高+ 水平;深入学习+ 三个代表。

修饰同现:A strong swimmer 比a good swimmer 漂亮得多。

汉语例子:天使的+ 面孔;魔鬼的+ 身材。反了就不好看了。

结构同现:Not only 接but also;neither 接nor;owe 接to.

汉语例子:虽然+ 但是;与其+ 不如。

高手做完型,往往不假思索,一气呵成,词肯定跟那个词搭配。有些搭配应该提笔就选,如样题第81题,in the long 肯定接run.



样题:Wise buying is a positive can make your money go further. The _67_ you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually...

Purchasing 是第一句buying 的复现。所以,第67题的答案也在第一句:way.

If you are buying a hairdryer, you might _71_ that you are making the 72 buy if you choose one 73_ look you like and which is also the cheapest 74_ price. But…plus the cost of your time could well 77_ your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

The best buy 是your hairdryer 的复现。所以,第77题选72题前面的make.

The _67 you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually 68_ you money or can…in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long 81_... Before you buy an expensive _84_, or a service, do check the price…

Or a service 和money 均是原词复现。所以,第68题选save,第84题选article 的近义词item.


技巧三:直接排除无关选项(rule out the irrelevant)

完型填空重在考词汇辨析,要求你能分辨近义词的细微差别。所以,明显无关的选项可以直接排除。比如样题第67题:其他选项的意思是方法,唯独form 的意思是形状,它肯定是最后凑上去充数的,不会是正确选项。其他例子:68



1. 完型填空最考语感,所以答题时要相信直觉,不可颠来倒去。一道题30秒还没有搞定,立刻跳过。

2. 20个选项当中,名词平均有5个,动词6个,形容词1个,其他词(介词、连词、代词、副词)平均8个。尤,请认真准备。

3. 正确选项往往不是较难的单词。为什么?因为完型填空的文章本身就不难。样题选项中的retain, mode, utility, facility 这些词放进文章中是很生硬的。所以,你不熟悉的单词就不熟悉好了,选那个你熟悉的,甚至最简单的那个。






一、引出开头 1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …(就我所知…)2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注)3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题)4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……)7:A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……)8:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道...) 二、表达不同观点 1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异)4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同) 三、表示结尾 1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……)2:From what has been mentioned above, w e can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……)3:Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……)4:Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that……(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论……)5:There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点)6:All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.(总之,我们没有……无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题) 四、提出建议 1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了)2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视)3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential that……(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……)


写作和翻译:实质就是汉译英:汉译英的障碍就是语法和词汇——语法:语序+嵌套 形式最重要!!!高级词汇+复杂局势+过渡衔接 字数:120~180 核心语法定语从句: A is …, which can … 身份/属性;成就和功能。 爱心:Love is a kind of emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes and how hard the way ahead will be. 替换词:friendship; knowledge; family; diligence; insisting; determination; optimism; harmony 替换词:合作精神;勤奋;友谊;家庭;坚持;决心;乐观;和谐——the greatest humanistic spirit …是我们时代的主题(the theme of our era) 流行与时尚fashionable 网络:Internet is a kind of great invention in the 20th century, which can make the peoplefar away from each other in distance closer than ever before. 空调:Air-conditioner is a kind of invention in the 20th century, which can make the temperature comfortable. 总结:主题词发出两个动作:性质+能力 看到图怎么办? 非限定性定语从句——正如这幅第一眼看上去诙谐可笑但第二眼看上去发人深省的图画生动地描述,给我印象最为深刻的显著特征是…… As is vividly depicted in the picture which seems to be humorous and ridiculous but thought-provoking on the second thoughts, the most striking feature that impresses me profoundly is thatSpring, one of the realest men throughout the history of mankind all around the whole world that I have ever seen in my entire life, who is thebest that there ever was and the best that there ever will be, is a good teacher that is momentous and fundamental to anyone who want to win the future what the light is vital and significant to the people who desire to break through the dark,and that can support us to realize our vision and achieve our goals no matter how dark the world around us becomes and how hard the way ahead will be, because without him, we could have done nothing, including dream, success, hope and future. 预测一AHarmoniousDormitoryLife


大学英语四级写作技巧简介 大学英语四级写作技巧简介 之一——文章结构 英文写作一直是学生们的弱项,四级考试将近,大家都很担心写作问题,在此我先简单介绍一下文章的结构问题,以后再谈其他方面。 四级写作一般以三段式展开,题目要求中通常包含三个要点,每个要点为一段(记住,一定要分段),第一段提出问题,第二段分析问题,第三段解决问题。以历年的真题为例,2006年12月的题目为spring festival gala on cctv,要求:1。许多人喜欢看春节晚会;2。但有些人提出取消春节晚会;3。我的看法。“喜欢看春节晚会”是正常现象,应该作为问题的开端进行简短介绍,“有些人提出取消春节晚会”才是重点,必须给出相应的篇幅做详细阐述。最后表明我的观点,其实就是问作者的态度及解决这个矛盾的方法。又如2006年6月的题目:an announcement for a voluntary program, 要求:1。校学生会组织一次暑假志愿活动现招募志愿者;2。本次志愿活动的目的、内容及安排;3。报名条件和联系方式。这仍是三段式的结构,第一段提出问题——告之大家会举办一次暑假志愿活动,第二段描述问题——介绍志愿活动的相关信息,第三段解决问题

——怎样加入志愿活动(报名信息)。往年还考过写简历,写演讲稿,论述社会现象等题目,总是跳不出三段式,因此学生们必须掌握如何写三段式作文。 总的来说有三点要注意:1。开篇就得点题。文章字数有限,必须采取开门见山的方法,但开篇点题并不是说第一段第一句话就得提出问题,在这之前可以有所修饰,有导入的成分,但不要太长,一般第三句就得清楚、突出地把问题点出来。2。中间段阐述必须清楚。中间段是全文的核心部分,要做到阐述清楚,论证充分,要有一致性、连贯性和条理性。一般由主题句和扩展句组成,主题句是观点的高度浓缩,应该言简意赅;扩展句是对主题句的详细阐述,应该做到理由充分,内容一致。3。结尾段进行总结,并提出解决问题的方法。最后的总结在观点上可以重申但不可以重复,另外结尾一定要有所升华,不能仍停留在对问题的描述上,既然存在问题,就必须想办法解决。 至于如何开端、如何论述、如何结尾的问题,大家敬请期待下一回吧!当然我不会让大家久等的:) 写作能力无法一口气提高,大家必须在平时勤修苦练。 之二——突出主题 well begun is a half done,如何开头是值得注意的问题,它能确定


四六级英语写作万能句子 开头 1,Recently, the problem of … has aroused people's concern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的注重. 2,The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色.它给我们带来了很多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题. 3, Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face. 如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了. 4,It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为…… 5,Many people insist that … 很多人坚持认为…… 6,With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that… 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为…… 7,A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为…… 引出不同观点: 1,People's views on … vary from person to person. Some hold that …. However, others believe that….人们对……的观点因人而异.有些人认为……,不过其他人却认为……


下面是原因分析类的英语四级作文模板,供考生借鉴学习。 模版1 _________ is currently becoming a serve problem in China, which happen to ________. So long as ________, ___________ will always unsurprisingly ________. Why does ________ become so rampant? First and foremost,__________. Secondly,_________. Last but not least, ________. As a consequence,___________. 模版2 During the last decade, there has been a steady rise in the number of _________. In detail,________. Three reasons, in my mind, account for this social phenomenon. First and foremost,__________. Moreover,_________. In addition,___________. As a result,__________. Personally, I firmly believe that the problem derives from __________. Thus, if the government make relevant policies and take relevant measure to __________, the problem can be readily solved in __________. 模版3 Nowadays,_________ is/are doing great harm to ___________. What are the incentives that drive people to _________? The most important factors should be __________. Furthermore,________. It directly leads to the patent and salient harmfulness that ________. Consequently, it is high time that the whole society should contribute to the collective efforts to put an end to ________. 下面是讨论观点类的英语四级作文模板,供考生借鉴学习。


四六级写作、翻译必背句型 学习步骤和方法:一看二译三比四背 (一)理解并重点掌握其中的常用表达(划线部分) (二)做汉译英练习,即在不看英文的前提下把中文翻译成英语; (三)将自己的译句与原句对照; (四)默写并口头背诵英语原句 特别提醒: 最好要制订进度计划,即具体每天理解和背诵多少个新句,复习多少个旧句。 1. According to a recent survey, each year four million people die from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. The latest surveys show that quite a lot of students have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的学生对家庭作业没什么好感。 3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifelong course. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终身的过程。 7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and great efforts should be made to protect local environment from the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境不受国际旅游业的不利影响。 9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrant workers will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrant workers have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution. 越来越多的专家相信民工对城市的建设起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和卖淫。 10. Many citizens complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time (in) waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers. 许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客。 11. There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。 12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement. 一项调查显示妇女欢迎退休。 13. A proper part-time job does not occupy students' too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻。 14. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price.


2. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面, Confronted with______, we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another, ______ ...... plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?" _______显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。不过,问题是:"我们该如何抉择?" Recently the issue of whether or not ... has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. 近来,是否_______的问题已经非常明确而且引起了社会的广泛关注 There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of .... There who criticize ...argue that ...., they believe that ...,but people who favor .., on the other hand, argue that... 目前,_______问题争议较大。批判_______的人认为_______,他们认为_______,不过,另一方面,赞同_______的人则认为_________。 In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken. For one thing, it is hight time that people all over China realized the importance of (______);for another,the government should issue laws and regulations to put the situation under control. Through the above analysis,I believe that The Positive aspects far outweighs its negative aspects.Whatever effects it has,one thing is certain,(_____) itself is neither good nor bad.It is the uses which is put on it that determines its value to our society. As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. 关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。 When it comes to ..., most people believe that ..., but other people regard ...as .... 提到_________问题,很多人认为_________,不过,一些人则认为______是____. People, who advocate that ..., have their sound reasons (grounds) 坚持认为______的人也有其说法(依据)。 Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people’s attitude towards some traditional practice 现在我们进入了一个充满机遇和创新的崭新时代,很多人对某些传统的看法也发生了很大改变。 At present, some people think ....while others claim ...Both sides have their merits. 目前,一些人认为_______而另一些人则认为_______。其实,两种观点都其可取之处。


应用范围——阅读及翻译 1.简单句:只有一套谓语动词的句子。简单句只和谓语动词有关系,谓语动词为自带时态、语态以及单复数的实义动词或系动词。 2.简单句的基本结构(5种)——不加修饰的简单句 ?主谓 ?主谓宾 ?主谓双宾 ?主谓宾宾补 ?主系表 简单句的五种基本结构是由5种不同的谓语动词所决定的,无论多长多难的句子的主干都要对应其中一种基本结构。 ——加修饰的简单句(不简单的简单句) 英文修饰只有状语、同位语、定语(前置和后置定语) 3.英语语言成分(9种、区别中文) ①主语 ②谓语 ③宾语 ④补语 ⑤系动词 ⑥表语 ⑦状语 ⑧同位语 ⑨定语 4.复合句:简单句+从句,充当某一成分的句子就是从句。 英语6种从句:主、宾、表、状、同位、定语从句 5.并列句=简单句and简单句 6.长难句:简单句的基本结构+修饰+从句+简单句 7.分析长难句:顺读,读到修饰加(),用指向被修饰的词,读到从句加【】,判断从句属于6种中的哪种,读到并列就拆分。 例:The girl [who often helps me with my English] is from England. 这个女孩来自英国。 加上修饰:这个经常帮助我英语的女孩来自英国。 01:作文模板:解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days, we have to face | problem-----A, which is becoming more andmore serious. First, ---------(说明A的现状). Second, ------------(举例进- -步说明现状) Confronted with A, we should take a


四六级逻辑关系词小结 表顺承、补充与递进: and what’s more besides moreover furthermore in addition additionally further(而且,况且) similarly also either too again(另外,还有) what’s worse 【例句】 The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect. 表转折: but however yet instead on the other hand(另一方面) on the contrary(相 反地) nevertheless(然而) otherwise after all(毕竟). 【例句】 It’s too hot to go for a walk, let’s go swimming istead. 表因果: for as since now that because thanks/owing/due to because of on account of as a result/consequence of in consequence of result from(vt,由...引起); 【例句】 We should be more careful, for it is already dark. Let’s stay at home, for it’s raining hard outside. 表让步: although though while even if/though while as 倒装句疑问词 -ever no matter +疑问词 despite in spite of however in any case 【例句】 While I really don’t like art, I find his work impressive. Much as you traveled, rarely can you find such a beautiful place anywhere else. Fail as I did, I would never give up. 表目的: in order to/that so as to for fear that so that(以便) lest in case(以防,以免). 【例句】 He ran away lest he should be seen. She took an umbrella with her for fear (that) it might rain. Take your umbrella in case it rains. 表条件: if unless once(一旦,用于将来动作) so/as long as(只要) suppose (that) supposing that providing (that) provided (that) assuming (that) given that on condition that(如果) in case+句子 in case of+名词(万一). 【例句】

英语四级写作方法与评分标准(doc 42页)

更多资料请访问.(.....) Writing Section A Composition (35

minutes)Section A Composition (35 minutes) (一)写作题的性质 写作是人们表达思想的一种重要手段,我们称之为comprehensive test的综合测试,体现的是学生综合运用语言的能力。因为它不仅考核考生对词汇的掌握、对语法的应用,同时也考查了学生的表达能力、思维的逻辑性和条理性。我们知道,学习英语需掌握四种技能:听、说、读、写。 (二) 考试大纲对英语写作的要求和规定 测试目的:按照基础阶段英语教学大纲的要求,检查学生在基础阶段末期的英语写作能力。 测试要求: 作文。要求根据所给的题目和

列出的写作提纲或图表、数字统计表等(也附有写作提纲) 写一篇200词的短文,能做到内容切题、完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当。作文的类别有说明文、议论文或记叙文。考试时间为35分钟。 (三)英语四级写作的评分标准 (1)文章内容切题、丰富,文章通顺,表达清楚。 (2)行文流畅。 (3)组织严密,逻辑性强。 (4)句型多样化,句法结构正确。 (5)用词得体、恰当、丰富。 (6)语法正确。 (7)拼写及标点正确,书写整

洁。 很多学习者翻开作文书籍,就如同想打开一本武功秘籍,只希望看到5个字母trick(技巧) 。技巧固然十分重要,但在应试准备中,常常需要70%的基础和30%的技巧。这里要提醒大家的是,不可高估技巧的作用,犹如在武打片中,要想得到某某宝典和剑法,是需要付出惨痛的代价的。 Writing techniquesWriting techniques Master A: 从文章的形式结构看,一篇文章通常可分为引言(introduction),正文(body)和结束语(conclusion)。引言和结束语,简单扼要,正文具体而明晰,把要论的论清楚。


2020年大学英语六级作文范文写作模板佳句:事情两 面性 41. China needs to reexamine the results of political and social modernization in order to ascertain the benefits and indeed the detrimental aspects from a new perspective . Otherwise , various perceived accomplishments might in fact prove to be far from beneficial . 中国需要重新检查政治和社会现代化带来的结果以便从新的角度 明确它们的好处,甚至是有害的方面。否则,很多我们以为取得的成 就实际上可能完全不会带来好处。 42. It is essential to heed warnings of potentially catastrophic consequences associated with the Year 2000 computer bug and , in turn , to attach top priority to finding effective solutions to ensure a smooth transition into the new century . 我们必须注意相关计算机千年虫可能带来的灾难性结果的警告, 并且相对应地优先考虑寻找有效的解决办法以确保顺利过渡到新世纪。 43. It is high time we put an end to the deplorable practice of infanticide. 我们早该杜绝杀婴这种应遭谴责的做法。 44. There is little doubt that immediate action is required to eliminate the scourge of corruption once and forever . 毫无疑问,必须立即采取行动彻底消除腐败的祸害。


1、网络游戏 1)现在有些大学生沉迷于网络游戏,家长和学校对此忧心忡忡, 2)但有人认为网络游戏并非一无是处, 3)你的看法。 Online Games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking (缺乏) self-discipline(自制力)are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic(学术的) performances are affected. This phenomenon (现象) has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters(年轻人) to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate(刺激,激发) their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release (释放) their pressure greatly. From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment(娱乐) if you play them in a reasonable(合理的) way. When they interfere(干扰) too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. Yet(然而)if you


英语四六级写作佳句五十【新东方】 1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。 3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。 7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。 9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the


一、常用句型 一)原因 1.A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem). 2. The change in https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fb1773472.html,rgely results from the fact that... 3. We may blame ...,but the real causes are... 4.Another contributing factor (cause ) is ... 二)比较 1.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 2.For all the disadvantages,it has its compensating advantages. 3.A and B has several points in common. 4. People used to think ...,but things are different now. 三)批驳 1.There is a grain of truth in these statements,but they ignore a more important fact. 2.Some people say ...,but it does not hold water. 3.It makes no sense to argue for ... 4.Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ... 四)后果 1. It may give rise to a host of problems. 2. The immediate result it produces is ... 3. It will exercise a profound influence upon... 4. Its consequence can be so great that... 五)举例 1.A good case in point is ... 2.Such examples might be given easily. 六)证明 1.No one can deny the fact that ... 2.Recent studies indicate that ... 3.There is sufficient evidence to show that ... 七)开篇 1.Many nations have been faced with the problem of ... 2.Never in our history has the idea that ... been so popular. 3.Faced with ...,quite a few people argue that ... 4.According to a recent survey,... 5.With the rapid development of ...... 八)结尾 1. From what has been discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that ... 2. It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ... 3. With the efforts of all parts concerned,the problem will be solved thoroughly. 九)解释原因的 1.to begin with,then,furthermore,finally(强烈推荐) 2.to start with,next,in addition,finally(强烈推荐) 3.first and foremost,besides,last but not least(强烈推荐) 4.most important of all,moreover,finally 5.on the one hand,on the other hand(适用于两点的情况) 6.for one thing,for another thing(适用于两点的情况) 十)前后连接词 then,therefore,consequently,accordingly,hence,as a result,for this reason,so that

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