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2016年第七届高思杯(4年级)-数学部分 试题卷A3黑白

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一、 计算题(本大题共10小题,每题3分,共30分)

二、 填空题I (本大题共8小题,每题5分,共40分)

11. 4只鸡的价钱等于1个馒头和10个鸡蛋的价钱,


12. 奇奇和怪怪分别从A 、B 两地同时出发,相向而行,10分钟后两人相遇了.已知奇奇的速度是60

米/分,怪怪的速度是40米/分.怪怪从B 地到A 地一共需要_______分钟.

13. 小明的妈妈比小明大24岁,那么妈妈_______岁时,她的年龄是小明的9倍.

14. 豆豆的数学成绩是米米的2倍,也是丽丽的3倍,已知豆豆比丽丽多100分,那么米米考了_______


15. 熊大要从下面五个球中挑出两个球,使得球上的两个数之和是奇数,那么一共有_______种不同的挑


16. 右图的幻方中“☆”处是_______.

17. 吃货同学的妈妈要煲排骨汤给他喝,买食材10分钟,洗排骨5分钟,切蔬菜5分钟,烧热水10分


18. 有两个面积相等的平行四边形,按图中方式重叠放置,有三个部分的


三、 填空题II (本大题共6小题,每题5分,共30分)

19. 在乘法算式AB BA BCB ×=中,

相同的字母代表相同的数字,不同的字母代表不同的数字.那么ABC 代表的三位数是_______.

20. 有一列数组:

(1),(2,4),(3,6,9),(4,8,12,16),……,那么第十组中所有数之和是_______. 21. 将1~12分别填入到左下图的圆圈内,使得每个小正方形上的四个数之和都相等,那么这个和是


22. 如右上图,四个大小相等的等边三角形拼成了面积为32平方厘米的等边三角形ADF ,其中点G 是

线段AC 的中点,那么阴影部分的面积是_______平方厘米.

23. 如下图所示,有两个正六边形,小正六边形放在大正六边形的正中心,其中大正六边形的边长是小


56 54 8


1 3

1. 1

2.32×=_____________. 2. 24.40.4÷=_____________.

3. 36104×÷=_____________.

4. 4299×=_____________.

5. 29362964×+×=_____________.

6. ()254400×+=_____________.

7. 2019181721?+?++?= _____________. 8. 3.251767.5 1.7×+×=_____________. 9. 321532284368×+×+×=_____________. 10. 234242422323×?×=_____________.

4 6 10

20 80

45 ?




















-3- -4-


2016年全国统一高考数学试卷(理科)(新课标Ⅲ) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.(5分)设集合S={x|(x﹣2)(x﹣3)≥0},T={x|x>0},则S∩T=()A.[2,3]B.(﹣∞,2]∪[3,+∞)C.[3,+∞)D.(0,2]∪[3,+∞)2.(5分)若z=1+2i,则=() A.1 B.﹣1 C.i D.﹣i 3.(5分)已知向量=(,),=(,),则∠ABC=()A.30°B.45°C.60°D.120° 4.(5分)某旅游城市为向游客介绍本地的气温情况,绘制了一年中各月平均最高气温和平均最低气温的雷达图,图中A点表示十月的平均最高气温约为15℃,B点表示四月的平均最低气温约为5℃,下面叙述不正确的是() A.各月的平均最低气温都在0℃以上 B.七月的平均温差比一月的平均温差大 C.三月和十一月的平均最高气温基本相同 D.平均最高气温高于20℃的月份有5个 5.(5分)若tanα=,则cos2α+2sin2α=()

A.B.C.1 D. 6.(5分)已知a=,b=,c=,则() A.b<a<c B.a<b<c C.b<c<a D.c<a<b 7.(5分)执行如图程序框图,如果输入的a=4,b=6,那么输出的n=() A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 8.(5分)在△ABC中,B=,BC边上的高等于BC,则cosA=()A.B.C.﹣D.﹣ 9.(5分)如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗实线画出的是某多面体的三视图,则该多面体的表面积为()

A.18+36B.54+18C.90 D.81 10.(5分)在封闭的直三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1内有一个体积为V的球,若AB⊥BC,AB=6,BC=8,AA1=3,则V的最大值是() A.4πB. C.6πD. 11.(5分)已知O为坐标原点,F是椭圆C:+=1(a>b>0)的左焦点, A,B分别为C的左,右顶点.P为C上一点,且PF⊥x轴,过点A的直线l与线段PF交于点M,与y轴交于点E.若直线BM经过OE的中点,则C的离心率为() A.B.C.D. 12.(5分)定义“规范01数列”{a n}如下:{a n}共有2m项,其中m项为0,m 项为1,且对任意k≤2m,a1,a2,…,a k中0的个数不少于1的个数,若m=4,则不同的“规范01数列”共有() A.18个B.16个C.14个D.12个 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分. 13.(5分)若x,y满足约束条件,则z=x+y的最大值为.


七年级英语12月考试卷 (满分120分时间100分钟) 第一部分听力(25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分) Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分) ( )6. A. Yes, please. B. Good idea! C. Yes, I’d like to. ( )7. A. That’s right. B. No problem. C. You’re right. ( )8. A. Yes, I’d like to. B. It’s over there. C. Yes, I do. ( )9. A. She is a teacher. B. She’s from China. C. In a hospital. ( )10. A. He works in Beijing. B. He is a doctor. C. He is twenty years old. Ⅲ.听对话,根据对话内容填空。每组对话读两遍。(5分) 11. Jack is Mike’s _______. 12. Tom would like some _______. 13.—Does Kate like jiaozi? —No, she _______ like it _______. 14. Jim’s mother works in a _______. 15. That woman is Kate’s _______. Ⅳ.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5分) ( )16. A. Bread and fish. B. Rice and chicken. C. Hamburgers and vegetables. ( )17. A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. An office worker. ( )18. A. Hong Kong. B. Beijing. C. England. ( )19. A. No, they don’t. B. Yes, they do. C. I don’t know. ( )20. A. My aunt. B. My mother. C. My sister. Ⅴ. 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ( )1. —____ is the letter from? —It’s from Mike, my pen pal.


人教新目标七年级下笔试部分 9. It is _______interesting place. 17.—Where is your brother now?—_________. I.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) very B. very an C. a very D. very a A. He’s reading a book. 1. The weather in Qingdao in summer is always____. 10. —Look at the sign.(符号)“下雨”,what does B. He’s reading at home. A. boring B. interesting C. cold D. humid it mean?—It means ________. C. He reads a book at home. 2. —What are they_____?—They are ________. A. sunny B. windy C. cloudy D. raining D. He goes home. A. do;playing B. doing;playing 11. Tom’s father has a car doesn’t 18. When I get off the bus, I am____to C. does;play D. doing;play work on his way home. See my parents____for me at the station. 3. Thanks for _______CCTVs Around The World show. A. pretty good B. terrible C. not bad D. great ;wait ;waiting A. join B. joining C. joining D. to join 12. All the students are cleaning ;wait ;waiting 4.—Where is Paris? —It’s in ________. the chairs,and _____are cleaning the desks. 19.—Have a good time! A. China B. France C. Russia D. Canada A. Some;the other B. Any;others —____________ 5. A group of the students ______cleaning the desks. C. Some;the others D. Some;other ,too B. is C. are D. am 13. ______the weather ______today? ’s all right at all 6. The girl _______in the park now. She looks very happy. ;like B. How’s;like ’s;/ ’s;/ 20.—_________? A. take photos B. takes;photoes 14. —What_____you doing when it is_____? —Terrible!


2016年高考全国卷Ⅱ理科数学试题及答案 (满分150分,时间120分钟) 第Ⅰ卷 一. 选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是 符合题目要求的. (1)已知(3)(1)i z m m =++-在复平面内对应的点在第四象限,则实数m 的取值范围是 (A )(31) -, (B )(13)-,(C )(1,)∞+(D )(3)∞--, (2)已知集合{1,}A =2,3,{|(1)(2)0,}B x x x x =+-<∈Z ,则A B = (A ){1}(B ){1 2},(C ){0123},,,(D ){10123}-,,,, (3)已知向量(1,)(3,2)m =-,=a b ,且()⊥a +b b ,则m = (A )-8 (B )-6 (C )6 (D )8 (4)圆2228130x y x y +--+=的圆心到直线10ax y +-= 的距离为1,则a= (A )43- (B )3 4 - (C ) 3 (D )2 (5)如图,小明从街道的E 处出发,先到F 处与小红会合,再一起到位于G 处的老年公寓参加志愿者活动,则小明到老年公寓可以选择的最短路径条数为 (A )24 (B )18 (C )12 (D )9 (6)右图是由圆柱与圆锥组合而成的几何体的三视图,则该几何体的表面积为 (A )20π (B )24π (C )28π (D )32π

(7)若将函数y =2sin 2x 的图像向左平移π 12个单位长度,则评议后图象的对称轴为 (A )x =k π2–π6 (k ∈Z ) (B )x =k π2+π 6 (k ∈Z ) (C )x =k π2–π12 (k ∈Z ) (D )x =k π2+π 12 (k ∈Z ) (8)中国古代有计算多项式值的秦九韶算法,右图是实现该算法的程序 框图.执行该程序框图,若输入的x =2,n =2,依次输入的a 为2,2,5, 则输出的s = (A )7 (B )12 (C )17 (D )34 (9)若cos(π4–α)= 3 5,则sin 2α= (A )725 (B )15 (C )–15 (D )–7 25 (10)从区间[]0,1随机抽取2n 个数1x ,2x ,…,n x ,1y ,2y ,…,n y ,构成n 个数对()11,x y ,()22,x y , …,(),n n x y ,其中两数的平方和小于1的数对共有m 个,则用随机模拟的方法得到的圆周率π 的近似 值为 (A ) 4n m (B )2n m (C )4m n (D )2m n (11)已知F 1,F 2是双曲线E 22 221x y a b -=的左,右焦点,点M 在E 上,M F 1与x 轴垂直, sin 211 3 MF F ∠= ,则E 的离心率为 (A )2 (B )3 2 (C )3 (D )2 (12)已知函数()()f x x ∈R 满足()2()f x f x -=-,若函数1x y x +=与() y f x =图像的交点为 1122(,),(,),,(,),m m x y x y x y ??? 则1 ()m i i i x y =+=∑ (A )0 (B )m (C )2m (D )4m


人教新目标七年级英语上册期末测试卷英语试题 (分数:120分时间:100分钟) 听力部分(20分) 第一节:听录音,从A、B、C中选出与所听录音相符的图画,读一遍(5分)。 . 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A B C 第二节:听录音,从A、B、C选择正确的答案,读两遍(5分)。 ()is the baseball? A.It’s on the bed. B It’s under the chair. B.It’s in the schoolbag. ()’s the girl’s family name? A. Jane Hall ()Linda like soccer?

A. Yes, she does. , she doesn’t C.We don’t know. ()9. Who likes playing basketball? A. Tom B. Tom’s mother C. Tom’s father ()10. Does Gina have a volleyball? A. Yes, she does. B. No,she doesn’t. don’t know. 第三节:听对话,回答问题。读两遍(5分) 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题 ( ) pencils are ______ ’s ’s ’s ( )’s pen is _____ 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题 ( ) is ______ ’s friend ’s friend ’s cousin ( ) last name is Brown. ’s ’s ’s ( ) pen is green. ’s ’s ’s 第四节:听短文,选择正确的答案。读两遍(5分) ( )16. __________ has a great sports collection. A. My father B. My grandfather C. My uncle ( )17. He loves ____________ very much. A. Sports B. balls C. A and B ( )18. He likes playing ____________ and ___________. A.volleyball, baseball B. basketball; volleyball C. basketball, baseball ( )19. He has __________ tennis rackets. A. 5 B. 12 C. 10 ( )20. He has _________ soccer balls A.5 B. 12 C. We don’t know 笔试部分(100分) 一,单项选择。每题一分共15分 21.—Sally is ________ middle school about her brother? —He is________ English teacher. A.a;an B.an;a C.a;a D.an;an 22.—Is the sweater Jack's? —Yes, and the T-shirt is ________,too. A.yours B.hers C.his D. mine 23.—do you like science??


人教版七年级下册英语试题及答案 七年级下册英语期末综合测试题卷 I 选择题(共 85 分) I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) ( )1. A. cold B. cute C. clean ( )2. A. No. 44 bus B. No. 24 bus C. No. 42 bus ( )3. A. write a story B. ride a bike C. ride a horse ( )4. A. She didn’t like the movie. B. She liked the movie very much. C. The movie was very interesting. ( )5. A. There isn’t a bank in our neighborhood. B. The bank is far from the supermarket. C. The supermarket is across from the bank. II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) ( )6. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. Yes, I do. ( )7. A. She is a good girl. B. She has a round face. C. She is from Canada. ( )8. A. By bike. B. Five kilometers. C. Five minutes. ( )9. A. At seven every morning. B. From Monday to Friday. C. Under the table. ( )10. A. It’s 7:20. B. It’s cloudy. C. It’s Tuesday. III. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。


七年级英语 第二学期阶段教学质量检测题 (时间:90分钟;满分:100分) 友情提示:本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共七道大题。第Ⅰ卷包含单项选择、完形填空和阅读理解,共40小题;第Ⅱ卷包含综合填空A、综合填空B、阅读表达A、阅读表达B和书面表达。考试结束后将答题卡上交。 第Ⅰ卷(满分40分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(每题1分,共10分) 1.—Can Jane and Jill write stories? —__________. They write many stories for children. A. Yes, he can B. Yes, he does C. Yes, they can D. No, they can’t 2. Miss Read is good ______ music. She often talks ______ her music teacher _______ music. A. at, to, to B. for, to, about C. for, at, about D.at, to, about 3. Little Tom can draw _________. His drawings are ___________. A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well 4. —_______ do your parents play tennis? —They usually play it on weekends. A. What time B. Where C. When D. What 5.They like going to school __________ their bikes. A. by B. in C. take D. on 6. It takes ________ 25 minutes ___________ by bus. A my, to go home B me, to go home C my, going home D me, going home 7. —___________ is it to the ABC Bank? —About 20 minutes’ bus ride along the road. A. How much B. How soon C. How far D. How long 8.I often ______the cleaning after school. Now I __________the cleaning, too. A. do, doing B. am doing, do C. do, am doing D. am doing, am doing 9.—What do you think of zongzi? —Oh, it’s _______. I like it. A. bad B boring C. scary D. delicious 10. —Don’t run in the hallways, Peter!


二零一七年人教版七年级下册英语期末考试试题 考生注意::___________ 1. 考试时间90分钟 2.全卷共五道大题,总分100分。 一、单项选择。(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) ( )21. Jane plays _______tennis every Saturday. A.a B. an C. the D. / ( )22.—Would you like some _____ to eat? —Just a little, please. A. chicken B. orange C. carrots D. apples ( )23. —How was your School Day last week? —It was ______. I had so much fun. A. boring B. great C. noisy D. terrible ( )24. A good teacher is good _____ all problems in class. A. at B. with C. for D. to ( )25. My cousin _____ as a teacher five years ago. A. work B. works C. is working D. worked ( )26. —Tom, _______ do you like giraffes? —Well, because they are very tall and cute. A. where B. why C. when D. how ( )27. It is interesting for me ______ strawberries on the farm. A. pick B. picked C. picking D. to pick ( )28. Tom is not feeling well and doesn’t want to eat ______. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something ( )29. I ____ take a taxi to school because it’s too expensive. A. never B. always C. often D. usually ( )30.—What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired. —I _____ late to study for the final exam last night. A. picked up B. woke up C. stayed up D. put up ( )31.—How do you keep healthy? —I don’t eat much meat, _____ I do exercise every day. A. or B. so C. but D. and ( )32. Tom has a headache, so he _____ go to school today. A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t


2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 理科数学 一. 选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目 要求的. (1)设集合S ={}{}(x 2)(x 3)0,T 0S x x x =--≥=I >P ,则S I T = (A) [2,3] (B)(-∞ ,2]U [3,+∞) (C) [3,+∞) (D)(0,2]U [3,+∞) (2)若z=1+2i ,则 41 i zz =- (A)1 (B) -1 (C) i (D)-i (3)已知向量1(,22BA =uu v ,1 ),2 BC =uu u v 则∠ABC= (A)300 (B) 450 (C) 600 (D)1200 (4)某旅游城市为向游客介绍本地的气温情况,绘制了一年中月平均最高气温和平均最低气温的雷达图。图中A 点表示十月的平均最高气温约为150C ,B 点表示四月的平均最低气温约为50C 。下面叙述不正确的是 (A) 各月的平均最低气温都在00C 以上 (B) 七月的平均温差比一月的平均温差大 (C) 三月和十一月的平均最高气温基本相同 (D) 平均气温高于200C 的月份有5个 (5)若3 tan 4 α= ,则2cos 2sin 2αα+= (A)6425 (B) 4825 (C) 1 (D)1625 (6)已知4 3 2a =,34 4b =,13 25c =,则 (A )b a c << (B )a b c <<(C )b c a <<(D )c a b << (7)执行下图的程序框图,如果输入的a =4,b =6,那么输出的n = (A )3 (B )4 (C )5 (D )6


京华中学2017—2018学年第一学期第二次集中单元测试 七年级英语试题 时间:90分钟分值:120分 第I卷(80分) 一、听力部分(共30小题,每小题1分,满分30分) (一)听下面五个单词,选出对应的音标。 ( )1. A. [tu?] B. [t??l] C. [t??k] ( )2. A. ['en?] B. [?nd] C. ['?n?m(?)l] ( )3. A. [tri?] B.['tr?vl] C.[tre?n] ( )4. A. [j??] B.[d??] C. [h??] ( )5. A. [t?ek] B.[t?e?] C. [t?i?z] (二) 听句子,选答语。 ( )6. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, it does. ( )7. A. It’s 2 years old. B. Sichuan, China. C. In China. ( )8. Click “Save”. B. Click “Print”. C. Click “No”. ( )9. A my dad. B. A computer. C. 3,999 yuan. ( )10. A. sometimes. B. At home. C. It’s my birthday. (三) 听小对话,听正确答案。 ( )11. What would Bob like for his birthday? A. A cinema ticket. B. A concert ticket. C. A box of chocolate. ( )12. What sport is David good at? A. Basketball. B. Table tennis. C. Football. ( )13. What animal are they talking about? A. Tiger. B.Giraffe. C. Monkey. ( )14. What does the boy usually use the computer for? A. For reading emails. B. For doing his homework. C. For playing computer games. ( )15. Does Cathy go to the library on Sunday afternoon? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. (四)听下面三段对话,回答相关问题。 听下面一段对话,回答16至18题。 ( )16. Which subject is Jack good at? A. Maths. B. Chinese. C. English. ( )17. Where does Miss Smith come from? A.China. B. England. C. America.


一、选择题(15分) 1、How ____ story books _____ you have? A.much,are B.much,does C.many,do D.any,is 2、--Does your father like sports? ---Yes,__A____. A.he does B.he do C.he like D.he is 3、My family watch football match _C____TV. A.in B.at C.on D.of 4、The music ___C___good. A.sound B.sounding C.sounds D.is sound 5、There ___A___ an orange on the table. A.am B.is C.are D/ 6、Do Lucy and Lily have a nice room?Yes,___C__ A.Yes,she do B.she does C.they do D.they don’t 7、Let’s play baseball. ____C______,but we don’t have a baseball bat. A.Let’s go B.No,I won’t C.I’d love to D.Yes ,I can 8、John does’t ____D__ a baseball. A.has B.haves C.hases D.have 9、Mary likes sports very much and she plays sports ___B__ A.everyday B.every day C.every days D.an day 10、They ___B__have a mobile phone.(手机)


七年级下册英语练习题Prepared on 21 November 2021

仁爱版英语七下第七单元测试题 一、单项选择题。 ()1.—_____isyourbrother’sbirthday —Hisbirthdayis_____July19th. A.What;in B.When;on C.Where;at D.How;for ()2.—ManypeoplethinkWeiFang______hermot her. —Me,too. A.belike B.looklike C.islike D.like ()3.—_______isit —It’sanoval. A.Whatshape B.Whatcolor C.Whattime D.Whatclass ()4.—_____youatschoollastnight —No,I_____athome. A.Was;was B.Were;were C.Were;was D.Was;were ()5.—_____ —ItisAugust1st. A.Whatwasthedate B.Whenistoday C.What’sthedatetoday D.Whatdayisittoday ()6.—_____isyourteacher’sdesk —About140centimeters. A.Howfar B.Howmany C.Howmuch D.Howlong ()7.Theboyisonly_____andtodayishis _____birthday. A.nine;nine B.ninth;nine C.nine;ninth D.ninth;ninth ()8.—Whatdoyouusethecomputer_____ —IuseittostudyEnglish. A.to B.at C.for D./ ()9.—MayIhavealookatthisbox,Kangkang —_____ A.Sorry,I’mafraidyoucan. B.Sorry,I’mafraidyoucan’t. C.Thankyouverymuch. D.Thankyouallthesame. ()10.Mrs.Brownwants_____anewdress_____herdaughter. A.tobuy;to B.tobuy;for C.buying;to D.buying;for ()11.—Wereyouathome_________ —No,Iwasatschool. A.twodaysbefore B.twodaysago C.beforetwodays D.agotwodays ()12.—Lucy,_______youdrawpictures —Yes,I_____. A.can;could B.could;could C.can;can D.could;can ()13.—ThereisanartfestivalinourschoolonS aturday. — Oh,great!We’ll_________then. A.havegoodtime B.playagoo C.playgoodtime D.haveagoo ()14.— I’dlike_____thesebooks______thecl assroom. —Letmehelpyou. A.totake;to B.take;to C.totake ;in D.take;in ()15.—Isthere_____inthenewspaper —Sorry,thereisn’t. A.elseanything B.anything C.somethingnew D ()16.—Icanplaytheguitar. —_____canyoudo —IcanalsosingEnglishsongs. A.Howelse B.Whatelse C.Whoelse ()17.________MissGao’shelp,Meimei learnsEnglishwell. A.With B.Of C.At D ()18.—CanIeattheseapples —________Pleasehelpyourself. A.Yes,youcould. B.No,youcou C.Noway. D.Ofcoursey ()19.—Canyouplayping-pong_____basketball —Icanplayping-pong. A.and B.or C.but ()20.Theyweregoodfriendsbefore,but they______likeeachother_______. A.not;anymore B.don’t;nomore C.don’t;anymore D.not;nomore ()21.— Whydidn’tTomcometoschoolyesterday afternoon — He_____andhurthislegonthepla yground. A.felldown B.felloff C .fallsdown D.fallsoff ()22.—Don’teatinclass,please,Jake. —I’msorry,Mr.Lee._____ A.Iwilldoit. B .Iwon’tdothatagain. C.That’llbeOK. D .It’smyfavorite. ()23.Wecan’tusecomputerstodoourho mework.Wehavetowriteitdown_____han d. A.on B.in C.by D.with ()24.MissGaooftentellsstudents_____toschoolearly. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f52320572.html,e https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f52320572.html,ing C .came D.tocome ()25.—Doyouenjoy_____attheparty


2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 数学Ⅰ 参考公式: 样本数据12,, ,n x x x 的方差() 2 2 1 1n i i s x x n ==-∑,其中1 1n i i x x n ==∑. 棱柱的体积V Sh =,其中S 是棱柱的底面积,h 是高. 棱锥的体积1 3 V Sh =,其中S 是棱锥的底面积,h 为高. 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分. 请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上......... (1)【2016年江苏,1,5分】已知集合{}1,2,3,6A =-,{}|23B x x =-<<,则A B =_______. 【答案】{}1,2- 【解析】由交集的定义可得{}1,2A B =-. 【点评】本题考查的知识点是集合的交集及其运算,难度不大,属于基础题. (2)【2016年江苏,2,5分】复数()()12i 3i z =+-,其中i 为虚数单位,则z 的实部是_______. 【答案】5 【解析】由复数乘法可得55i z =+,则则z 的实部是5. 【点评】本题考查了复数的运算性质,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于基础题. (3)【2016年江苏,3,5分】在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,双曲线22 173 x y -=的焦距是_______. 【答案】 【解析】c = ,因此焦距为2c = 【点评】本题重点考查了双曲线的简单几何性质,考查学生的计算能力,比较基础 (4)【2016年江苏,4,5分】已知一组数据4.7,4.8,5.1,5.4,5.5,则该组数据的方差是_______. 【答案】0.1 【解析】 5.1x =,()2222221 0.40.300.30.40.15 s =++++=. 【点评】本题考查方差的求法,是基础题,解题时要认真审题,注意方差计算公式的合理运用. (5)【2016年江苏,5,5 分】函数y =_______. 【答案】[]3,1- 【解析】2320x x --≥,解得31x -≤≤,因此定义域为[]3,1-. 【点评】本题考查的知识点是函数的定义域,二次不等式的解法,难度不大,属于基础题. (6)【2016年江苏,6,5分】如图是一个算法的流程图,则输出a 的值是________. 【答案】9 【解析】,a b 的变化如下表: 【点评】本题考查的知识点是程序框图,当循环次数不多,或有规律可循时,可采用模拟程序法进行解答. (7)【2016年江苏,7,5分】将一个质地均匀的骰子(一种各个面上分别标有1,2,3,4,5,6个点为正方体玩具) 先后抛掷2次,则出现向上的点数之和小于10的概率是________. 【答案】5 6 【解析】将先后两次点数记为( ),x y ,则共有6636?=个等可能基本事件,其中点数之和大于等于10有 ()()()()()()4,6,5,5,5,6,6,4,6,5,6,6六种,则点数之和小于10共有30种,概率为 305366 =.


七年级英语单元练习问卷 (本卷满分120分) 一、听力(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 第一节:听小对话,选择正确图片。每段小对话读一遍。 1. What club does Lisa want to join? A. B. C. 2. How does Tom’s mother go to work? A. B. C. 3. What school event are they talking about? A. B. C. 4. What does David do at 6:30 in the morning? A. B. C. 5. When does Grace go to school? A. B. C. 第二节:听对话及问题,选择正确答案。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6至7小题。对话读两遍。 6. Where does Ted often eat lunch? A. At school. B. At home. C. At a store. 7. What time does Ted often eat lunch? A. At 11:30. B. At 11:40. C. At 12:00. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8至10小题。对话读两遍。 8. What can Alan do? A. Play basketball. B. Play the drums. C. Play soccer.

9. What can Alan help with? A. Art. B. Music. C. Sports. 10. Where do they go on that day? A. The playground. B. The Sports Center. C. The library. 第三节:听独白,从 A 、 B 、 C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。独白读两遍。11. A. Subway station B. TV station C. Radio station 12. A. 25 minutes B. 20 minutes C. 15 minutes 13. A. Lisa Smith B. Jill Green C. Sally Green 14. A. By bike B. On foot C. By train 15. A. On a school bus B. By taxi C. In parents ’ c ar 二、单项选择(共10小题,计10分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。16. ---Can you play the drums? ---________, but not very well. A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I do C. No, I can ’t D. No, I don ’t 17. Mike is good ________ people so he has many friends. A. at B. with C. for D. on 18. My sister likes writing stories very much and he wants to be a ________. A. singer B. writer C. musician D. sports star 19. ---Lucy, ________? ---She wants to join the art club. A. does your sister want to join the art club B. can your sister draw well C. what can your sister do D. what club does your sister want to join 20. ---________ do you usually eat breakfast? ---At seven o ’clock. A. Where B. What C. How D. When 21. Mary is from the USA, but she can ________ Chinese very well. A. talk B. say C. speak D. tell Name Place How How long Peter Green 11 By car 12 13 School 14 20 minutes Lisa Green School 15 15 minutes
