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试题解答:解析:在定义围的输出中,项目围说明书十分重要,考生应该掌握项目围说明书的定义、作用和容(参见PMBOK(第4版)第5章5.2.3.1节项目围说明书)。、1)项目围说明书:详细描述项目的可交付成果,以及为提交这些可交付成果而必须开展的工作2)详细项目围说明书的编制,对项目成功至关重要。作用1:表明项目干系人之间就项目围所达成的共讽Common Understanding o 作用2:使项目团队能开展更详细的规划(WBS、成本、进度和质量规划)。?定义围先于成本、进度、质量、风险的规划,后面很多过程的输入都有项目围说明书。?必须先明确项目围,制定详细的项目围说明书并由客膣字之后!才能开始后面的工作。作用3:作为将来项目决策的根据,指导项目团队的工作。作用4:为评价变更请求或额外工作是否超出项目边界(Project's Boundaries)提供基准。 .看哪个文件能明确客户所要求的工作是否超出围(项目边界)——围说明书。作用5:更好地定义围能预防围变更。?围定义得越仔细,后面发生围变更的可能性就越小。?定义围时,要全面考虑所有干系人的需求和期望。注:情况的改变(如项目拨款被缩减)也会影响项目围,导致项目围的修订。围管理的思想是给多少钱,办多少事,要防止围蔓延和镀金3)详细的项目围说明书包括以下容:?产品围描述(Product Scope Description o ?产品验收标准(Product Acceptance Criteria o ?项目可交付成果(Project Deliverables o ?项目的除外责任(ProjectExclusions o ?项目制约因素(Project Constraints o ?项目假设条件(ProjectAssumptions o 注1:为了便于管理干系人的期望,项目围说明书可明确指出哪些工作不属于本项目围。这就是项目的除外责任。注2:在{PMBOK(第3版)中,项目围说明书

You are taking over a project to develop software for a major hospital chain. After understanding the project requirements, you feel that they should have selected a different technology for this work. Ideally this approach should have been considered in which process?

A. Creating WBS

Requirement should be detected in which process?

A、Project audit

B、Scope control

C、creater WBS

D、Collect Requirements


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审核可交付成果以保证完成满意度和正式验收是以下哪一过程的工作? (分值:1 答错扣0分)




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Which of the following techniques is the BEST way to determine project objectives?

A. Delphi

B. Earned value

C. Expert interviews

D. Pareto


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Which statement describes best why you should document assumptions?

A. Assumptions might prove to be wrong. Knowing which assumptions were incorrect allows baseline adjustments in case of project crisis.

B. Assumption analysis is a valuable tool and technique of Risk Identification during documentation review in a risk identification workshop.

C.Assumptions limit the project management team s options for decision making because they can not be controlled by the team.

D. In case of schedule or budget overruns, the documentation of assumptions supports a clear assignment of responsibility.


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备选方案识别在定义项目围过程常有所助益。可采用的一项技术是___。(分值:1 答错扣0分)




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创建工作分解结构的过程可以产生什么?(分值:1 答错扣0分)

A new project manager is being mentored by a more experienced certified project management professional (PMP). The new project manager is finding it difficult to find enough time to manage the project because the product and project scope are being progressively elaborated. The PMP mentions that the basic tools for project management, such as a work breakdown structure, can be used during project executing to assist the project. For which of the following can a work breakdown structure be used?

A. Communicating with the customer

B. Showing calendar dates for each work package

C. Showing the functional managers for each team member

D. Showing the business need for the project


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Which of the following statements is false

A. If the project is terminated early, the Verify Scope is not necessary.

B. Quality control is primarily concerned with meeting the quality requirements specified for the deliverables

C. Verify Scope primarily concerned with Acceptance of the deliverables

D. Quality control is generally performed before Verify Scope


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In your project, you are in the process of defining the project scope. You will be using all the following tool:

A. Expert Judgment - to determine the details to be included in the scope statement.

B. Project Management Methodology - to aid in developing and controlling the changes to the preliminary project plan.

C. Project Management Information System - to support generation of a preliminary project scope statement.

D. Earned Value Technique - to measure performance of the project as it moves from project initiation through project closure


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The construction phase of a new software product is near completion. The next phase is testing and implementation. The project is two weeks ahead of schedule. What should the project manager be MOST concerned with before moving on to the final phase?

A. Verify Scope

B. Quality control
