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八年级下1-5 单选

八年级下1-5 单选
八年级下1-5 单选

Unit 1

1.The girl lost ________ blood that she died at last . A. much too B. too much C. so much

2.________ the Englsih language, we can learn a lot form other countries. A. Thanks for B. Thanks to C. Thank you for

3.It’s important news. We ________ report it to the teacher . A. should B.can C. may

4.When I got there, I saw them ________ on the grass. A. lie B. lay C. lying

5.You appear just ________ time, Tom. A. to B. in C. for

6.I was walking out of the room ________ I heard someone calling my name . A. when B. as C. because

7.They talked and laughed, ________ the wonderful moment .A. enjoyed B. to enjoy C. enjoying

8.To our teacher’s ________ , almost everyone came to school that day . A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised

9.Nobody agreed ________ the man except me .A. help B. to help C.helping

10.He is used to ________ to music when ________ . A. listen , working B. listening , working C. listening ,to work

11.The boy kept on ________ till midnight. A. study B. to study C. studying

12.Though he was poor, he never ________ .A. gave up B. put up C. make up

13.He hit her ________ the nose and she had a nosebleed. A. in B. on C. of

14.We will have a problem ________ the work . A. finishing B. To finish C. finished

15.He ________ all the food and water with him, so he had to return.A. ran out B. ran out of C. get out of


1.Will you feel ________ if you live there ________ ? A. alone, lonely B. lonely, alone C. lonely , lonely

2.There are several mobile phones here. Do you know which one is ________ ?

A. expensive

B. more expensive

C. the most expensive

3.Gina is unhappy these days . Let’s ________ A. cheer her up B. cheer up her C. call her up

4.The teacher asked Tom to help her to ________ text books. A. give ou B. give up C. give away

5.Nina and Mary were in the kitchen, ________ after dinner. A. cleaning up B. putting up C .fixing up

6.Never ________ today’s work till tomorrow. A.put up B. Put out C. put off

7.The girl ________ a sign asking for a job . A. put away B. put on C. put up

8.We should ________ those people to join us in the activity. A. call on B. call up C. call out

9.In the end , one of the teachers ________ a good idea . A. came up with B. came over C. came up

10.Could you tell me ________ ? Things like singing and dancing .

A. what they asked me to hlep out

B. What they asked me to help out with

C. What did they ask me to help out with

11.Could you show me ________ the computer ? A. how to start B. how start C. how starting

12.I ________ lots of meat , but now I eat more vegetalbes. A. am used to eating B. used to eating C. used to eat

13.When I walked past his room, I say Bob ________ with his pet dog . A. playing B. play C. to play

14.My son doesn’t ________ me but my wife. A. looks after B. takes after B. takes up

15.An organization was ________ to help the poor . A. set up B. put up C. set off

Unit 3

1.Jenny , please ________ your little sister when I am away. O K , Mom . A. look of B. look at C. take care of

2.I am hungry , Could you get ________ food for me ? A. any B. some C.many

3.Too many dirty plates. Let’s ________ . A. do the dished B. sweep the floor C. make the bed

4.Could you please no put the rubbish here ?________ . I’ll take it away. A. Of course not B.Sorry , I won’t C. Sorry ,I can’t

5.Could you please ________ the cat ? It may hurt you . A. not to play with B. not play with C. don’t play with

6.Every morning my father ______breakfast and my mother _______ the dishes . A. does,does B. does, makes C.makes,does

7.Excuse me , can I use your CD player ? Sorry , I ________ it now .A. am using B. am going to use C. use

8.Alice’s bike is broken , but she can mend it . She ________ . A. needs help B. needn’t to help C. doesn’t need help

9.Mike invited me ________ tennis this weekend . A. play B. To play C. playing

10.Did you go to Jim’s birthday party ? No, I ________ .A.haven’t invited B. didn’t invite C. wasn’t invited

11.Amy, could I ________ your CD player ? I need it at my party . Sorry . I ________ it to my friend yesterday .

A. borrow , borrowed

B. borrow , lent

C. lend , borrowed

12.She is very good at painting . She can paint ________ her teacher . A. as well as B. as better as C. as good as

13.Which do you like better, tea or coffee ? ________ of them . I like water. A. All B. Both C. Neither

14.Can you me ________ , George?A. what to work out B.how to work it out C. how to work out it


柴门中学2017-2018学年下学期冀教版八年级英语期末试题 Class: Name: Marks:(满分100分) 一. 单项选择(15分) ( ) 1. —What’s the of your country, Tim? — More than thirty-five million. A. value B. name C. advantage D. population ( ) 2. —Why not consider the Internet for interesting information? — Good idea! A. search B. searches C. searched D. searching ( ) 3. It was of you to fight against the robber (抢劫者) just now. We’re all proud of you. A. brave B. foolish C. crazy D. pleasant ( ) 4. The writer in translating this book into Chinese last month. A. succeeded B. created C. divided D. appeared ( ) 5. Tina has lived in China for two years, and she knows Chinese. A. a little of B. a little C. a bit of D. both B and C ( ) 6. Mark didn’t wake up his friend called him this morning. A. before B. while C. until D. after ( ) 7. Jack the empty bottle on the floor and threw it into the dustbin. A. opened up B. picked up C. rang up D. moved up ( ) 8. Jenny I believe Tom’s words, because he always tells lies. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Not only; but also ( ) 9. The boy’s parents since he was three years old. He has to live with his grandparents. A. died B. dead C. were dying D. have been dead ( )10. It’s difficult the poor man that new house. A. for; afford B. of; afford C. for; to afford D. of; to afford ( )11. Judy seldom goes to the history museum, she? A. is B. isn’t C. does D. doesn’t ( )12. My friend told me that she for Shanghai on June 5th. A. leave B. leaves C. will leave D. would leave ( )13. — Where is your mother, Kim? —She Hangzhou. She’ll come back this weekend. A. goes to B. has gone to C. will go to D. has been to ( )14. If you drive too fast on the road, it an accident. A. cause B. causes C. caused D. will cause ( )15. —Do you know , Li Ming? — Of course! In 2012. A. where were the 30th Olympic Games held B. when London hosted the 30th Olympic Games C. which record was broken at the Olympic Games D. how many medals did they get at the Olympic Games



北师大版八年级下数学基础训练试题 练习3 1、使分式 2 2--x x 有意义的是 2、若要使分式 9 63 2 +--x x x 有意义,则x . 3、当x 时,分式x x 321--有意义。 4、当m 时,代数式 . 5、当x 时,分式2 42 +-x x 的值为零。 6、当分式 3 492 2+--x x x 的值为零时,x 的值为 7、当x 时,分式2 42 +-x x 的无意义; 8、下列各式:()x x x x y x x x 2 225 ,1,2 ,34 ,15 1+---π其中分式共有 个。 9、已知:3 1 1=-y x ,求y xy x y xy x -+--22的值. 10、若4x =5y ,则 2 2 2y y x -的值是 11、已知a+b =2,ab =3,则b a 11+= . 12、若b a b a += +111,则b a a b += 13、若a –b =2ab ,则b a 11-的值为 14、已知1a a +则1a a -= . 15、 y x y -2, y x +1, 2 2 2y x y x -+的最简公分母是 . 16、已知 1 1 121 1 2 -- ++ -m m m 的值等于0,则m 的值是 .

17、请写出一个根为1的分式方程: . 18、下列四个分式的运算中,其中运算结果正确的有( ) ①b a b a +=+2 11; ②() 323 2a a a =;③ b a b a b a +=++2 2; ④3 1 932-= --a a a ; A .0个 B .1个 C.2个 D. 3个 19、若d c b a =,则下列式子正确的是( ) A. 2 2 d c b a = B. d c d b c a =++ C. b c d a = D. m d m c b a ++= 20.若2 2 2 120.3,3,,33a b c d --????=-=-=-=- ? ????? ,则a 、b 、c 、d 的大小关系为( ) A .ad>a>c C .a


人 教 版 数 学 八 年 级 下 学 期 期 末 测 试 卷 一、选择题 1.下列方程中,一元二次方程的是( ) A. 221x x +=0 B. (2x +1)(x ﹣3)=1 C. ax 2+bx =0 D. 3x 2﹣2xy ﹣5y 2=0 2.如图,在?ABCD 中,AB =6,BC =8,∠BCD 的平分线交AD 于点E ,交BA 的延长线于点F ,则AE +AF 的值等于( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 3.已知一次函数的图象与直线y=-x +1平行,且过点(8,2),那么此一次函数的解析式为( ) A. 2y x =-- B. 6y x =-- C. 10y x =-+ D. 1y x =-- 4.若关于x 的方程x 2﹣2x +m =0的一个根为﹣1,则另一个根为( ) A. ﹣3 B. ﹣1 C. 1 D. 3 5.下列选项中,不能判定四边形ABCD 是平行四边形的是( ) A. AD//BC ,AB//CD B. AB//CD ,AB CD = C. AD//BC ,AB DC = D. AB DC =,AD BC = 6.已知一次函数y =(k ﹣2)x +k +1的图象不过第三象限,则k 的取值范围是( ) A. k >2 B. k <2 C. ﹣1≤k ≤2 D. ﹣1≤k <2 7.某同学五天内每天完成家庭作业的时间(时)分别为2,3,2,1,2,则对这组数据的下列说法中错误的是( ) A. 平均数 2 B. 众数是2 C. 中位数是2 D. 方差是2

8.甲、乙两队举行了一年一度的赛龙舟比赛,两队在比赛时的路程s (米)与时间t (分钟)之间的函数关系图象如图所示,请你根据图象判断,下列说法正确的是( ) A. 甲队率先到达终点 B. 甲队比乙队多走了200米路程 C. 乙队比甲队少用0.2分钟 D. 比赛中两队从出发到2.2分钟时间段,乙队的速度比甲队的速度快 9.班上数学兴趣小组的同学在元旦时,互赠新年贺卡,每两个同学都相互赠送一张,小明统计出全组共互送了90张贺年卡,那么数学兴趣小组的人数是多少?设数学兴趣小组人数为x 人,则可列方程为( ) A. x(x -1)=90 B. x(x -1)=2×90 C. x(x -1)=90÷2 D. x(x +1)=90 10.抛物线2321y x x =-+-的图象与坐标轴交点的个数是( ) A . 没有交点 B. 只有一个交点 C. 有且只有两个交点 D. 有且只有三个交点 11.在同一坐标系中,一次函数y=ax+2与二次函数y=x 2+a 的图象可能是( ) A. B. C. D. 12.已知二次函数y=ax 2+bx+c(a ≠0)的图象如图所示,对称轴为x= ﹣12 .下列结论中,正确的是( ) A. abc >0 B. a+b=0 C. 2b+c >0 D. 4a+c <2b 二、填空题 13.有10个数据的平均数为12,另有20个数据的平均数为15,那么所有这30个数据的平均数是________. 14.将抛物线2y x =先向左平移2个单位,再向下平移3个单位,所得抛物线的解析式为______.


人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷及答案含听力卷I 听力部分(第一节) I:情景反应.(只听一遍,每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C. II:对话理解.(共5个小题, 每小题1分,共5分) ( )6. What test will the boy have? A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese. ( )7.What team is Alice on? A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Football. ( )8. What will the girl do on Sunday? A. She will have a violin lesson. B. She will visit her grandparents. C. She will have a piano lesson. ( )9. Did the girl watch TV last night? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don't know. ( )10. What does the girl do on Sunday afternoon? A. She practices speaking English.

C. She reads books. III:听下面一段长对话,完成11-15小题,念两遍.(共5个小题, 共10分) ( )11. What does the boy want to do? A. Have a party at his house. B. Have a party at school. C. Have an exhibition at school. ( )12. What does the boy have to do? A. Do his homework. B. Do the shopping. C. Do some chores. ( )13. Which room does the boy need to clean? A. The bedroom. B. The living room. C. The bathroom. ( )14. What is the boy's father doing? A. He is writing a report. B. He is writing a letter. C. He is writing a book. ( )15. What will the boy's mother buy for the party? A. Fruit and drinks. B. Drinks and vegetables. C. Drinks and snacks. VI. 选择填空 (20分) ( ) 16. — What’s matter? — I have stomachache. A. the; a B. /; a C. the; an D. a; the ( ) 17. The boy the hat is my best friend Bob. A. to B. at C. in D. from ( )18. We have no coffee. Would you like tea ? A. alone B. anyway C. neither D. instead ( )19.Sorry, I______my homework at home. A.forgot B.left C.missed D.lost ( )20.— Did you go swimming with your brother last Sunday? — Yes. We enjoyed . A. myself B. ourselves C. themselves D. himself ( ) 21. I am a new student here. All my classmates are friendly to me, so I don’t feel . A. deaf B. wrong C. lonely D. strong ( ) 22. I don’t think that you should with your parents. They love you. A. rest B. work C. argue D. agree ( ) 23. Jim didn’t allow me in the room. A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to smoke ( ) 24.I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please A. turn it up B. turn it down C. turn it on D. turn it off ( )25. Bob’s dream is to be a professional basketball player, and he never it . A. looks; up B. gives; up C. wakes; up D. cleans; up ( )26.Mary used to_____interested in music, but now she’s used to ____tennis.


八下物理基础训练答案 一、选择题(8小题,每小题3分,共24分,要求将答案填写在选项框里) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 选项 1、如图1所示的四种现象中,由光的直线传播形成的是() 2、早晨,往往能在草叶上看见晶莹的露水珠儿,它是通过下列哪种物态变化形成的() A.熔化 B.液化 C.凝华 D.蒸发 3、下列叙述正确的是() A.物体只有受到力的作用才能运动 B.开车时系安全带是为了防止惯性带来的危害 C.使用杠杆的目的就是为了省力 D.匀速下落的降落伞动能逐渐增大 4、在图2中,属于费力杠杆的是() A.开啤酒瓶盖的开瓶器B.剥核桃壳的核桃钳 C.钓鱼者手中的鱼杆D.撬钉子的钉锤 5、放在水平桌面上的书所受力中,属于平衡力的是( ) A.书对桌面的压力与书所受的重力 B.书对桌面的压力与桌面对书的支持力 C.书所受的重力与桌面对书的支持力 D.书对桌面的压力加上书的重力与桌面对书的支持力 6、在下面的哪个情景中,人对物体做了功 ( ) A.小华用力推车,但没有推动B.小强举着杠铃静止不动 C.小悦背着书包静立在原地D.小翔把一桶水从井中提起 7、图4表示气流通过机翼上下表面时的情况,比较机翼上下a、b两点的流速和压强正确的是() A.a点的空气流速大,压强大 B.a点的空气流速大,压强小 C.b点的空气流速大,压强大 D.b点的空气流速大,压强小 8、关于物体受到的浮力,下列说法正确 A.漂在水面的物体比沉在水底的物体受到的浮力大 B.漂在水面的物体排开水的体积越大受到的浮力越大 C.没入水中的物体在水中的位置越深受到的浮力越大 D.物体的密度越大受到的浮力越小 得分评卷人 二、填空题(每空1分、共20分) 9、“掩耳盗铃”是大家非常熟悉的故事,从物理学角度分析盗贼所犯的错误是:既没有阻止声音的,又没有阻止声音的,只是阻止声音进入自己的耳朵。 10、如图4为一种浴室防滑踏垫,其正面为仿草坪式设计,这是通过的方法增大脚与垫之间的摩擦山;与地板接触的背面有许多小吸盘,将吸盘挤压到地面后,可利


八年级数学单元试题(时间 120分钟) 一、选择题 1、方程(x-1)(x+2)=0的根是( ) A 、x 1=1 x 2=-2 B 、x 1=-1 x 2=2 C 、x 1=-1 x 2=-2 D 、x 1=1 x 2=2 2、下列两个三角形中,一定全等的是( ) A 、有一个角是40°,腰相等的两个等腰三角形 B 、两个等边三角形 C 、有一个角是100°,底相等的两个等腰三角形 D 、有一条边相等,有一个内角相等的两个等腰三角形 3、方程x 2-x +2=0根的情况是( ) A. 只有一个实数根 B. 有两个相等的实数根 C. 有两个不相等的实数根 D. 没有实数根 4、方程x 2+6x-5=0的左边配成完全平方后所得方程为( ) A 、(x+3) 2=14 B 、 (x-3) 2=14 C 、(x+6) 2=1 2 D 、 以上答案都不对 5、如图,D 在AB 上,E 在AC 上,且AB =AC ,那么 补充下列一个条件后,仍无法判定△ABE ≌△ACD 的条 件是( ) A 、 AD =AE B 、 ∠AEB =∠AD C C 、 BE =CD D 、 BD=CE 6、如图,△ABC 中,AB=BD=AC ,AD=CD ,则∠BAC 的度数是( ) A 、100° B 、108° C 、120° D 、150° 7、在联欢晚会上,有A 、B 、C 三名同学站在一个三角形的三个顶点位置上,他们在玩抢凳子游戏,要求在他们中间放一个木凳,谁先抢到凳子谁获胜,为使游戏公平,则凳子应放的最适当的位置在△ABC 的( ) A 、三边中线的交点 B 、三条角平分线的交点 C 、三边上高的交点 D 、三边垂直平分线的交点 8、如果关于x 的一元二次方程x 2+px+q=0的两根分别为x 1=3, x 2=1,那么这个一元二 次方程是( ) A 、 x 2+4x+3=0 B 、 x 2-4x+3=0 C 、 x 2+4x-3=0 D 、 x 2-4x-3=0 9、如图所示的图形中,所有的四边形都是正方形, 所有的三角形都是直角三角形,其中最大的正方形 的边长为7cm ,则阴影部分正方形A 、B 、C 、D 的 面积的和是( )2 cm 。 A 、28 B 、49 C 、98 D 、147 10、 关于x 的方程2x 2+mx -1=0的两根互为相反数,则m 的值为( ) A 、 0 B 、 2 C 、 1 D 、 -2 11、角平分线的尺规作图,其根据是构造两个全等三角形,由作图可知:判断所构造的两个三角形全等的依据是( ) A 、 HL B 、ASA C 、 SAS D 、 SSS 12、若关于x 的一元二次方程kx 2-6x+9=0有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围( ) A 、 k <1 B 、 k ≠0 C 、 k <1且k ≠0 D 、 k >1 二、填空题 13、直角三角形三边是3,4,x ,那么x = 14、关于x 的二次三项式4x 2+mx+1是完全平方式,则m = 15、三角形两边的长分别是8cm 和6cm ,第三边的长是方程x 2-12x +20=0的一个实数根,则三角形的面积是 。 16、方程(m+1)x |m|+(m-3)x-1=0是关于x 的一元二次方程,则m= 17、关于x 的一元二次方程2230kx x -+=有实根,则k 得取值范围是 18、如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠B=90°,∠A=40°, AC 的垂直平分线MN 与AB 相交于D 点,则 B C


八年级下时态总结: 过去进行时 1.过去进行时的构成 过去进行时由was/were+doing构成 2.过去进行时的用法 1)表示过去某一时刻或过去一段时间内正在进行的动作。常和表示过去的时间状语then,at that time,this time yesterday,at ten yesterday等连用,或用另一动作来表示过去的时间。如: --What were you doing at nine last night? --I was watching TV at that time. He was reading when I came in. I was doing my homework while my parents were watching TV. 2)过去进行时常和always等表频率的副词连用,表示过去频繁发生的习惯性动作,此时的过去进行时带有一定的感情色彩。如: Alice was always changing her mind. 3.一般过去时和过去进行时的区别 一般来说,如果强调过去某个时候或某段时间曾有过某个(已完成的)动作时应用一般过去时;而如果强调动作在过去某个时候或某段时间内正在进行(是否完成不明确)时则用过去进行时。 练习: Part 1 用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1.–What _____ you ______(do) at that time? --We __________(watch) TV. 2. I _________(have) my breakfast at half past six yesterday. 3. While we __________(wait) for the bus, a girl ________(run) up to us. 4. I ___________(telephone) a friend when Bob ________(come) in. 5. --_________ they ________(have) a meeting at 4 yesterday afternoon? --No, they ___________. They ________(clean) the classroom. 现在完成时 1.定义:表示现在动作已发生或状态已存在或过去的动作状态持续到现在,一般翻译成“已 经”,“….过”


第二节昆虫的生殖和发育 课前预习 1.家蚕雌雄异体在繁殖季节,雌、雄蚕蛾交尾后,雌蚕蛾产卵,卵在适宜的条件下孵化成幼虫。由此可见,家蚕的生殖方式是(有性)生殖、(卵)生。 2.家蚕新个体的发育是从受精卵开始的,在整个发育过程中,家蚕的幼体与成体的形态结构和生活习性差异很大,这种发育过程称为公发育 3.家蚕的发育过程要经过明——幼虫、蛹、成虫四个时期,这样的变态发育过程称为完全变态 4.蝗虫的发育过程要经过明、若虫成出三个时期。若虫的形态、生活习性与成虫相似,这样的变态发育过程称为——不完全变态。 课堂练习 一、选择题 家蚕等昆虫的生殖方式 1.苍蝇和蚊子是夏季最常见的昆虫,它们的生殖方式是(B) A.无性生殖、卵生、体外受精 B.有性生殖、卵生、体内受精 C.无性生殖、卵生、体内受精 D.有性生殖、胎生、体内受精 2.(★)"蜻蜓点水”是指(D) A.蜻蜓在喝水 B.蜻蜓在取食 C.蜻蜓在排尿 D.蜻蜓在产卵 3.(★)我们平时常说“作茧自缚”。从作茧开始,家蚕的发育进人(C) A.卵期

C.蛹期 D.成虫期 4.(★)菜青虫和菜粉蝶分别属于其发育阶段的哪两个时期(B) A.卵、幼虫 B.幼虫、成虫 C.蛹、成虫 D.幼虫、蛹 5.(★)下列哪种昆虫的发育方式属于不完全变态发育(C) A.蜜蜂 B.蚊子 C.螳螂 D.家蚕 6.(★)下列叙述中,不是蝗虫若虫时期的特点的是(C) A.形态、生活习性与成虫相似 B.与成虫相比,身体较小 C.生殖器官已经发育成熟 D.仅有翅芽 7.(★★)从菜粉蝶等鳞翅目昆虫的发育过程来看,哪个时期对农作物的危害最大(B) A.卵 B.幼虫 C.蛹


D A B C 八年级下册数学期末测试题一 一、选择题(每题2分,共24分) 1、下列各式中,分式的个数有( ) 31-x 、12+a b 、πy x +2、21--m 、a +21、2 2) ()(y x y x +-、x 12-、115- A 、2个 B 、3个 C 、4个 D 、5个 2、如果把 223y x y -中的x 和y 都扩大5倍,那么分式的值( ) A 、扩大5倍 B 、不变 C 、缩小5倍 D 、扩大4倍 3、已知正比例函数y =k 1x (k 1≠0)与反比例函数y =2 k x (k 2≠0)的图象有一个交点的坐标为(-2,-1),则它的另一个交点的坐标是 A. (2,1) B. (-2,-1) C. (-2,1) D. (2,-1) 4、一棵大树在一次强台风中于离地面5米处折断倒下,倒下部分与地面成30°夹角,这棵大树在折断前的高度为 A .10米 B .15米 C .25米 D .30米 5、一组对边平行,并且对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形是( ) A 、菱形或矩形 B 、正方形或等腰梯形 C 、矩形或等腰梯形 D 、菱形或直角梯形 6、把分式方程12121=----x x x 的两边同时乘以(x -2), 约去分母,得( ) A .1-(1-x)=1 B .1+(1-x)=1 C .1-(1-x)=x -2 D .1+(1-x)=x -2 7、如图,正方形网格中的△ABC ,若小方格边长为1,则△ABC 是( ) A 、直角三角形 B 、锐角三角形 C 、钝角三角形 D 、 以上答案都不对 (第7题) (第8题) (第9题) A B C


八年级下册练习册物理答案人教版2020练习一: 1、B 2.452、28.225.1 3、2.5 4、人、河岸 5、运动 6、地面、地面、椅背、车 7、A 8、c 9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D 13、B 14、B 练习二: 1、长、短 2、每秒行驶5米 3、6.2522.5

4、2505/3 5、路程、时间、V=s/t 6、0.4便于测量时间 7、100min 8、路程、时间、速度 9、6.25m/s交接棒所用时间少 10、8022.220.45 11、 86大于 12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h (2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120 km/h (3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5h 练习三: 1、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来 2、不能、能 3、快 4、不相同、空气、耳朵 5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动 6、C 7、C 8、C 9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高

11、次数HZ20---20000HZ 12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近 13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大 15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、A 练习四: 1、A 2、C 3、A 4、A 5、A 6、C 7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气 8、(1)能量(2)音色 9、(1)无法正常交流(2)无法听音色(3)感受不到声音带来的信息 10、(1)声音能够在固体中传播(2)更好的接收声音(3)听诊器

练习五: 1、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流 2、A:没有水平放置B:正C:接触了容器底D:没有接触液体 3、甲、38.538.5 4、(1)10 (2)是、有固定的凝固点 5、放、低 6、B 7、B 8、D 9、C 10、C 11、d a c b e 12、(1)温度保持不变、(2) 温度继续上升、(3) 图略 探究性学习 1、真空中不能传声 2、B 3、D 4、505*10000 5、D 6、折射、虚、火车、地面 7、A

八年级下英语期末测试卷 人教版附答案

八年级下英语期末测试卷 人教版附答案 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

八年级英语下册期末测试及答案 二、单项选择(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 21 . Mr Black broke his leg and he got _________ X-ray just now. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )22.—I should know what to do next. —Yeah,It’s time to make a _________. A. decision B. risk C. mistake D. difference ( )23.—Do you have lots of good friends, Mary —No,I only all of them are kind to me. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )24.—What did mother say just now —Sorry. I ______ to the weather report on TV. A. listen B. listened C. was listening D. have listened ( )25.—I’d like a latest English Weekly,please! —There is only one you like to have________ A. one B. this C. that D. it ( ) 26. This is ______ music I’ve ever heard. I enjoy it very much. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. the least beautiful ( ) 27. The Greens have ______ here for three years. A. came B. got C. lived D. left ( )28.—________ have you had the habit of watching English movies every week —Since I was 12. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How old ( ) 29. It rained _____ heavily yesterday that I had to stay at home. A. too B. very C. quite D. so ( )30The school bus safety has become a hot topic. It receives________ Internet hits (点击)a day.


2014年八年级数学(下) 期末调研检测试卷(含答案) 一、选择题(本题共10小题,满分共30分) 1 .二次根式 2 1、12 、30 、x+2 、240x 、22y x +中,最简二次根 式有( )个。 A 、1 个 B 、2 个 C 、3 个 D 、4个 2.若式子2x -有意义,则x 的取值范围为( ). A 、x≥2 B 、x≠3 C 、x≥2或x≠3 D 、x≥2且x≠3 3.如果下列各组数是三角形的三边,那么不能组成直角三角形的一组数是( ) A .7,24,25 B .1113,4,5222 C .3,4, 5 D . 114,7,8 22 4、在四边形ABCD 中,O 是对角线的交点,能判定这个四边形是正方形的是( ) (A )AC=BD ,AB ∥CD ,AB=CD (B )AD ∥BC ,∠A=∠C (C )AO=BO=CO=DO ,AC ⊥BD (D )AO=CO ,BO=DO ,AB=BC 5、如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,∠B =80°,AE 平分∠BAD 交BC 于点E ,CF ∥AE 交 AE 于点F ,则∠1=( ) 1 F E D C B A A .40° B .50° C .60° D .80° 6、表示一次函数y =mx +n 与正比例函数y =mnx (m 、n 是常数且mn ≠0)图象是( ) 7.如图所示,函数 和3 4 312+= x y 的图象相交于(-1,1),(2,2)两点.当21y y >时,x 的取值范围是( )

A .x <-1 B .—1<x <2 C .x >2 D . x <-1或x >2 8、 在方差公式( )()( )[]2 22212 1 x x x x x x n S n -++-+-=Λ中,下列说法不正确的是 ( ) A. n 是样本的容量 B. n x 是样本个体 C. x 是样本平均数 D. S 是样本方差 9、多多班长统计去年1~8月“书香校园”活动中全班同学的课外阅读数量(单位:本),绘制了如图折线统计图,下列说法正确的是( ) (A )极差是47 (B )众数是42 (C )中位数是58 (D )每月阅读数量超过40的有4个月 10、如图,在△ABC 中,AB =3,AC =4,BC =5,P 为边BC 上一动点,PE ⊥AB 于E ,PF ⊥AC 于F ,M 为EF 中点,则AM 的最小值为【 】 A .54 B .52 C .53 D .65 二、填空题(本题共10小题,满分共30分) 11.48 -1 -?? +)13(3--30 -23-= M P F E C B A


20XX年教育部审定人教版物理八下参考答案 第七章力第一节力 基础知识1作用,相互,牛顿,N。2形状,运动状态。3方向,作用点,带箭头的线段,力的示意图。4A5D6B7B 能力提升8略。9桌面,书,书,桌面。10D11A12B13D14A 探索研究15(1)力可以改变物体的运动状态(2)力的作用是相互的。16(1)A,B(2)A,C(3)A,D 第二节弹力 基础知识1弹性形变,弹簧测力计。2、1N,20,13.0 。3(1)与外壳有摩擦(2)零刻度线(3)量程(4)垂直。4压缩,拉长,方向。5D6B7C 能力提升8可以,3.3 。9、10 ,12 。10B11B12D 探索研究13C 。14、会。在玻璃瓶中装满水,把细玻璃管通过带孔的橡皮塞插入水中,用手用力捏玻璃瓶,细管中的水面会升高,停止用力,细管中的水面回到原来的位置,这说明玻璃瓶发生了弹性形变。 第三节重力 基础知识1由于地球的吸引而使物体受到的力,地球,竖直向下,重心,重力。2、2kg ,19.6N.。3C4C5B6C7B8B 能力提升9低。10降低重心,增大支面。11、1,重力。12、60kg,98N。13(1)质量为0时,重力也为0(2)物体所受的重力跟它的质量成正比(3)物体所受的重力与其质量的比值是个定植,为10 N/kg。14C15A16A17C 探索研究18D。19利用重力方向是竖直向下的,可以做一个重垂线来确定竖直方。 第七章综合练习 一填空题1竖直向下。2形状,运动状态。3、5, 0.2 , 3.6。4作用,其它物体。5力的大小。6能,运动状态。 二、7A8C9D10D11B12D13C14C15B16B17C18B19A20A21D22C23D24B25D26A 三、实验题27因为重力的方向总是竖直向下的,重垂线与直角三角形的斜边垂直,就表示被检测的桌面水平。28(1)10(2)物体所受的重力与他的质量成正比。(3)3.0N 四、计算题29解:物体所受的重力为G=mg=5kg * 9.8 N/kg = 49 N 。答:略 第八章运动和力第一节牛顿第一定律 基础知识1力,静止,匀速直线运动。2惯性。3惯性。4鸡蛋具有惯性。5D6C 能力提升7A8D9B10D11C 探索研究12(1)车厢静止或做匀速直线运动(2)车厢做减速运动(刹车)(3)车厢做加速运动。13(1)表格略(2)远,小,做匀速直线运动。14(1)小车向左加速或向右减速(2)惯性。 第二节二力平衡 基础知识1同一,相等,相反,同一条,平衡,2等于。3等于。4、9 。5D6C7C 能力提升8静止,匀速直线运动,平衡。9D10A11D12A13B14C 探索研究15图略。作用在同一物体上的两个力,如果大小相等、方向相反,并且作用在同一直线上,这两个力就彼此平衡。16平衡,飞机静止,相等,相反,同一直线上。 第三节摩擦力 基础知识1阻碍相对运动,压力大小,接触面的粗糙程度。2增大摩擦,减小摩擦,增大摩擦。3增大压力,变滑动为滚动,4、小,增大压力5C6D7D 能力提升8A9C10B11B 探索研究12(1)B,压力,在压力和接触面粗糙程度相同时,滑动摩擦力的大小与物体


新人教版八年级下册英语期末测试卷带答案Prepared on 21 November 2021

八年级下学期末测试卷 Ⅴ.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分) 21.Jane is 16-year-old high school student in United States. A.a,the B.the,a C.a,/ D.an,the 22.—I think dragons are the of China.Do you think so —I agree with you. A.situation B.symbol C.promise D.shape 23.—Are all the students from in your class —No,there are only 3 in our class.The others are from other countries. A.Germany,Germen B.Germany,Germans C.German,Germans D.German,Germany 24.My time in the middle school was one of periods of my life. A.exciting B.more exciting C.the more exciting D.the most exciting 25.Bob is always polite to everyone,and he is lovely all of us like him very much. A.too,to B.neither,nor C.so,that D.such,that 26.—What would you like,tea or coffee —,thanks.I just prefer a glass of water. A.Both B.Neither C.Either D.So


新编基础训练数学八下 人教版八年级下册数学配套练习册答案 第17章 分式 §17.1分式及其基本性质(一) 一、选择题. 1.C 2.B 二、填空题. 1. 31, 2.1,1 3. v 320小时 三、解答题. 1. 整式:32-a , 51+x ,)(41y x -,x ; 分式:222y x x -,a 1,n m +-3,ab 6; 有理式:32-a ,51+x ,222y x x -,a 1,n m +-3,)(41y x -,ab b ,x 2. (1) 0≠x 时, (2)2 3-≠x 时, (3)x 取任意实数时,(4)3±≠x 时 §17.1分式及其基本性质(二) 一、选择题. 1.C 2.D 二、填空题. 1. 3 312y x , 2. 22b a - 3. 1≠a 三、解答题. 1.(1) ac 41,(2) x y -1,(3) 22-+a a ,(4) b 1 2.(1) z y x xyz 222121 , z y x z 222114,z y x x 222115;(2)))((y x y x x x -+ ,))(()(2y x y x x y x -+- 3.cm a bc π §17.2分式的运算(一) 一、选择题. 1.D 2.A 二、填空题. 1. a 2, 2. 21x 3. 338a b - 三、解答题.1.(1)xy 31,(2)1-,(3)c -,(4)2 2--x ; 2. 4--x , 6- §17.2分式的运算(二) 一、选择题. 1.D 2.B 二、填空题. 1. mn n m 2 2-, 2. 1, 3. 1-


人教版八年级下册英语期末测试卷 ( 满分100分,时间80分钟) Name_____________ Class_________________ Score_______________ Ⅰ、单项选择题(20分)。 ( ) 1.He _____ when the UFO arrived. A. was sleeping B. were sleeping C. has slept D. is asleep ( ) 2.I have been skating _______ nine o’clock. A. for B. since C. at D. from ( ) 3.---He’s never been to an aquarium. ---_______. A. Neither have I B. Neither do I C. I never too D. I don’t too ( ) 4.It’s really cold today, ______? A. does it B. doesn’t it C. isn’t it D. is it ( ) 5._____ have you been swimming? For five years. A. How many times B. How long C. How often D. How much ( ) 6.--Could you please _____ in the room? --Oh, I’m sorry. A. not smoking B. not smoke C. not to smoke D. don’t smoke ( ) 7.---Could we buy a piano, Jack? ---I’m afraid there ______ enough room for one in the house. A. aren’t B. are C. isn’t D. is ( ) 8.I got home _____ they were having dinner. A. as soon as B. while C. because D. after ( ) 9. We got mad ______ the team for losing the match. A. at B. in C. on D. about ( ) 10.She _______ a lot of money on clothes. A. takes B. costs C. spends D. buys ( ) 11.I will stay at home and read books if it _______ tomorrow. A. is raining B. rains C. rain D. will rain ( ) 12. ______ weather it is today! Let’s go to play soccer! A. How a good B. What a good C. How good D. What good ( ) 13. You may go to the 24-hour shop _____ you want A. whenever B. wherever C. however D. whatever

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