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Vi k ing Model E-1 De l uge Valve 3" (80 mm) Avail a ble since 19854" (100 mm) Avail a ble since 19856" (150 mm) Avail a ble since 1984


THE VIKING COR P O R A T ION 210 N. In d us t rial Park Road Hastings, Mich i g an 49058 U.S.A.Tele p hone:(269) 945-9501

(877) 384-5464

Fax Num b er:(269) 945-9599

e-mail: techsvcs@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f57835420.html,


The Vi k ing Model E-1 De l uge Valve is a quick-opening, dif f er e n t ial di a p hragm,flood valve with one mov i ng part.

The de l uge valve is used to con t rol wa t er flow in de l uge and preaction sprin k ler sys t ems. The valve is held closed by sys t em wa t er pres s ure trapped in the prim i ng cham b er, keep i ng the out l et cham b er and sys t em pip i ng dry. In fire con d i t ions, when the re l eas i ng sys t em op e r a tes, pres s ure is re l eased from the prim i ng cham b er. The de l uge valve clap p er opens to al l ow wa t er to flow into the sys t em pip i ng.


Ap p rovals:

90 De g ree Pat t ern (in l et to out l et)

Con n ec t ions: Flanged in l et with flanged out l et or flanged in l et with grooved out l et--See Ta b le 1

Fac t ory tested to 500 psi (3 447 kPa)Valve dif f er e n t ial over 2:1 (prim i ng cham b er to in l et cham b er)

Priming cham b er sup p ly re s tric t ion (re -quired): 0.0625" (1,6 mm)

Color of Valve: Painted red for iden t i f i c a -tion pur p oses

Fric t ion loss: Re f er to Ta b le 1 Ma t e r ial Stan d ards:

Re f er to Ma t e r ials Chart (page 211 f)Or d er i ng In f or m a t ion:

Part Num b ers: Re f er to Ta b le 1Shipping Weight: Re f er to Ta b le 1


a. Field re p lace a ble Di a p hragm and Seat Rub b ers.

b. De s igned for in s tal l a t ion in any po s i -tion.

c. De s igned to be re s et with o ut open i ng the valve.

d. Com p at i b le with hy d rau l ic, pneu -matic, and/or elec t ric re l ease sys -tems.

5a. Accessories:

1. A Con v en t ional or Easy Trim pack -age for use with the Model E-1 De -luge Valve. The trim pack a ge in -cludes the VALVE AC C ES S ORY PACK A GE and the fit t ings and nip -ples shown on the Vi k ing De l uge Valve Con v en t ional or Easy Trim Chart for the valve used.

Trim Charts are pro v ided in trim pack a ges and the Vi k ing En g i -neering and De s ign Data book.

For op t ional fac t ory as s em b led “mod u l ar” trim pack a ges, re f er to the Vi k ing list price sched u le or con t act the man u f ac t urer.

2. A De l uge Valve AC C ES S ORY PACK -AGE in c ludes re q uired trim com p o -nents. This pack a ge is needed when Vi k ing Trim Pack a ges are not used.

3. Aux i l i ary com p o n ents are re q uired for spe c ific valve func t ions. For com -plete op e r a t i ng trim re q uire m ents re -

Re p laces page 220 a-h, dated No v em b er 19, 2001.

(Up d ated Ta b le 1, re v ised area code and re n um -bered page).

De l uge Valves 211 a

April 18, 2003


Note: Units of mea s ure in pa r en t he s es may be ap p rox i m a t ions.

Sys t ems with wa t er work i ng pres -sures above 175 PSI (1 207 kPa) may re q uire ex t ra-heavy pat t ern fit t ings.Vi k ing Model E-1 De l uge Valve flanges are Duc t ile Iron ANSI B16.42 Class 150 with a max i m um wa t er work i ng pres s ure of 250 PSI. ANSI B16.42 Class 150 flanges are NOT com p at i b le with ANSI Class 250 or Class 300 flanges. To mate the Model E-1 De l uge Valve with ANSI Class 250 or Class 300 flanges, use the grooved-outlet style valve, in -stalled with listed groove/flange adapt e rs of the ap p ro p ri a te pres -sure rat i ng. For pip i ng with grooved con n ec t ions, the grooved-outlet style valve may be in s talled with listed grooved cou p lings of the ap -pro p ri a te pres s ure rat i ng.


3" (80 mm), 4" (100 mm), 6" (150 mm)

Max i m um 250 PSI Wa t er Working Pres s ure

For 250 PSI (1 724 kPa) WWP U.L. Listed

Guide No. VLFT C-UL Listed FM Ap p roved

Con s ult cur r ent FM Ap p roval

Guide for ac c ept a ble ap p li c a t ions.For 175 PSI (1 207 kPa) WWP Ap p roved by the New York City Board of Stan d ards and Ap p eals Cal e n d ar Num b er 219-76-SA ABS, Amer i c an Bu r eau of Shipping LPCB VdS.

Form No. F_053096

Valve Size Nominal

3"(80mm)Flanged Flanged 3.500in.88.9mm ANSI B16.42Class 15029ft.(8,8m)18773lbs (33kg)05912C 3"(80mm)Flanged Flanged 3.500in.88.9mm DIN 2501/BS 4504PN 1029ft.(8,8m)18773lbs (33kg)08626**3"(80mm)Flanged Groov ed 3.500in.88.9mm ANSI B16.42Class 15029ft.(8,8m)18766lbs (30kg)05835C 3"(80mm)Flanged Groov ed 3.500in.88.9mm DIN 2501/BS 4504PN 1029ft.(8,8m)18766lbs (30kg)09539**4"(100mm)

Flanged Flanged 4.500in.114.3mm ANSI B16.42Class 15035ft.(10,7m)470123lbs (56kg)05909C 4"(100mm)

Flanged Flanged 4.500in.114.3mm DIN 2501/BS 4504PN 1035ft.(10,7m)470123lbs (56kg)08629**4"(100mm)

Flanged Groov ed 4.500in.114.3mm ANSI B16.42Class 15035ft.(10,7m)470112lbs.(51kg)05839C 4"(100mm)Flanged

Groov ed

4.500in.114.3mm DIN 2501/BS 4504PN 1035ft.(10,7m)470



Flanged Flanged 6.625in.168.3mm

ANSI B16.42Class 150DIN 2501/BS 4504PN 1033ft.(10,1m)




Flanged Groov ed

6.625in.168.3mm ANSI B16.42Class 150DIN 2501/BS 4504PN 10





*Expressed in equivalent length of Schedule 40pipe based on Hazen &Williams formula.C=120.

Pipe O.D.Actual **These valves have flanges w ith bolt patterns drilled according to DIN 2510/BS 4504PN10.The diameters and thicknesses of these flanges are according to ANSI B16.1Standards f or 125lb.f langes.These valves also have outlets tapped as f ollow s:1/2"(15mm)outlets have NPT threads,1"(25mm )outlets have BSP threads,11/4"(32mm)outlets have BSP threads,2"(50mm)outlets have BSP threads.


Flange Drilling Table 1

Inlet Type Outlet Type Friction Loss*Cv Factor Shipping Weight Part No.

fer to sys t em data for the sys t em used. Sys t em data is pro v ided in the Vi k ing En g i n eering and De s ign Data book.

Note: For part num b ers of ac c es s o r ies, re f er to Vi k ing list price sched u le. 6. OPERATION (Refer to Figure 2) The Vi k ing Model E-1 De l uge Valve has an in l et cham b er, an out l et cham b er, and a prim i ng cham b er. The in l et cham -ber and out l et cham b er are sep a r ated from the prim i ng cham b er by the clap p er (6) and di a p hragm (2).

In the set con d i t ion:

Sys t em pres s ure is sup p lied to the prim -ing cham b er through a re s tricted prim i ng line (trim) equipped with a check valve. Sys t em wa t er sup p ly pres s ure trapped in the prim i ng cham b er holds the clap p er (6) on seat (9) due to area dif f er e n t ial de -sign. Clap p er (6) sep a r ates the in l et cham b er from the out l et cham b er, keep -ing the out l et cham b er and sys t em pip -ing dry.

In fire con d i t ions:

When the re l ease sys t em op e r a tes, pres s ure is re l eased from the prim i ng cham b er faster than it is sup p lied through the re s tricted prim i ng line. Wa -ter sup p ly pres s ure in the in l et cham b er, forces the clap p er (6) off from seat (9), al l ow i ng wa t er to flow through the out l et and into the sys t em and alarm de v ices. For De l uge Valves equipped with Con v en t ional Trim:

When the de l uge valve op e r a tes, the sens i ng end of the PORV (B.10) is pres s ur i zed, caus i ng the PORV (B.10) to op e r a te. When the PORV (B.10) op -er a tes, it con t in u a lly vents the prim i ng cham b er to pre v ent the de l uge valve from re s et t ing even if the open re l eas i ng de v ices close. The de l uge valve can only be re s et af t er the sys t em is taken

out of ser v ice, and the out l et cham b er of the de l uge valve and as s o c i a ted trim pip i ng is depressurized and drained. For De l uge Valves equipped with Easy Trim:

When the de l uge valve op e r a tes, the sens i ng end of the PSOV (B.10) is pres -sur i zed, caus i ng the PSOV (B.10) to close. When the PSOV (B.10) closes, it shuts off the flow of prim i ng wa t er pres -sure to the prim i ng cham b er, pre v ent i ng the de l uge valve from re s et t ing even if the open re l eas i ng de v ices close. The de l uge valve can only be re s et af t er the sys t em is taken out of ser v ice, and the out l et cham b er of the de l uge valve and as s o c i a ted trim pip i ng is depressurized and drained.7. AVAILABILITY AND SERVICE

The Vi k ing deluge valve and ac c es s o -

ries are avail a ble through a net w ork of

domestic, Ca n a d ian, and international

dis t rib u t ors.

For proper op e r a t ion and ap p roval, the

valve must be trimmed in ac c or d ance

with the cur r ent Vi k ing Trim Chart for the

valve used. Where dif f i c ulty in per f or -

mance is ex p e r i e nced, ver i fy that the

valve is trimmed prop e rly. Con t act Vi -

king or Vi k ing’s au t ho r ized rep r e s en t a -

tive be f ore any field ad j ust m ents are


See the Vi k ing Corp. Web site for clos -

est dis t rib u t or or con t act The Vi k ing Cor -

po r a t ion.


For de t ails of war r anty, re f er to Vi k ing’s

cur r ent list price sched u le or con t act Vi -

king di r ectly.


(Re f er to Fig u re 1 for iden t i f i c a t ion of

trim com p o n ents).

9-A. Gen e ral In s truc t ion

1. Vi k ing 3" (80 mm), 4" (100 m), and 6"

(150 mm) De l uge Valves may be in -

stalled in any po s i t ion.

For elec t ric, pneu m atic, elec t ric/pneu m atic, pneu m atic/pneu m atic and elec t ric/pneu-lectric re l ease, see the proper re l ease mod u le trim.

Fig u re 1

De l uge Valves 211 b April 18, 2003




3" (80 mm), 4" (100 mm), 6" (150 mm) Max i m um 250 PSI Wa t er Working Pres s ure

Vi k ing Tech n i c al Data may be found on

The Vi k ing Cor p o r a t ion’s Web site at


The Web site may in c lude a more re c ent

edi t ion of this Tech n i c al Data page.

a. Mi n or mod i f i c a t ion to trim may be

re q uired to fa c il i t ate drain a ge from

the out l et cham b er of the deluge

valve (con s ult man u f ac t urer).

b. Cer t ain trim de v ices may re q uire

the valve to be in s talled ver t i c ally.

(Re f er to sys t em data for the sys -

tem used.)

2. The valve must be in s talled in an area

not sub j ect to freez i ng tem p er a t ures or phys i c al dam a ge.

3. The valve must be trimmed ac c ord i ng

to cur r ent Vi k ing Trim Charts and ap -pro p ri a te in s truc t ions for the sys t em used. Trim Charts are printed in the Vi k ing En g i n eering and De s ign Data book, and are pro v ided with trim pack a ges.

a. Re m ove all plas t ic thread pro t ec -

tors from the open i ngs of the de -

luge valve.

b. Ap p ly a small amount of pipe-joint

com p ound or tape to the ex t er n al

threads of all pipe con n ec t ions re -

quired. Take care not to al l ow any

com p ound, tape, or other for e ign

mat t er in s ide any of the nip p les or

open i ngs of the valve or trim com -

po n ents.

c. Vi k ing Model E De l uge Valve con -

ven t ional or Easy Trim Charts are

pro v ided with Trim Pack a ges and

in the Vi k ing En g i n eering and De -

sign Data book.

d. Ver i fy that all sys t em com p o n ents

are rated for the wa t er work i ng

pres s ure of the sys t em.

Hy d ro s tatic Test:

The Model E-1 De l uge Valve is man -u f ac t ured and listed for use at a max -

i m um Wa t er Working Pres s ure of

250 PSI (1 724 kPa). The valve is fac -tory tested at 500 PSI (3 447 kPa).

Model E-1 De l uge Valves may be hy -dro s tati c ally tested at 300 PSI (2 069 kPa) and/or 50 PSI (345 kPa) above the nor m al Wa t er Working Pres s ure, for lim i ted pe r i o ds of time (two hours) for the pur p ose of ac c ep t ance by the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic t ion. If air test i ng is re q uired, do not ex c eed 40 PSI (276 kPa) air pres s ure.Note: Never con d uct the Hy d ro s tatic

Test against the Pres s ure Op e r a ted

Re l ief Valve. (P.O.R.V.) Tem p o r arily

re m ove the P.O.R.V. from the trim

and plug trim open i ngs while con -

duct i ng the Hy d ro s tatic Test.

Trim Note:(Re f er also to Sys t em Data

and/or Trim Chart)

Dis c harge pip i ng from the aux i l i ary drain

valve, the flow test valve, and all sys t em

drains should be kept sep a r ate.

DO NOT con n ect the out l et of the drip

check to any other drain.

Ex c ep t ion:Vi k ing TotalPac Sys t ems

are man u f ac t ured with a spe c ific ar -

range m ent of in t er c on n ected drain

pip i ng tested at the fac t ory.

4. The prim i ng line must be con n ected

up s tream of the sys t em wa t er sup p ly

main con t rol valve or to a con s tant

source of wa t er at a pres s ure equal to

the sys t em wa t er sup p ly.

5. Af t er the de l uge valve is set, op e r a t ion

of the de l uge valve re q uires the re -

lease of prim i ng wa t er from the prim -

ing cham b er. This may be by au t o -

matic or man u al op e r a t ion of the re -

lease sys t em. Vi k ing Deluge valves

are com p at i b le with hy d rau l ic, pneu -

matic, and elec t ric re l ease sys t ems.

For spe c ific trim ar r ange m ents, re f er

to Trim Charts and Sys t em Data de -

scrib i ng the sys t em be i ng in s talled.

Trim Charts are printed in the Vi k ing

En g i n eering and De s ign Data book

and are pro v ided with trim pack a ges.

Sys t em Data sheets are printed in the

Vi k ing En g i n eering and De s ign Data


a. Hy d rau l ic Re l ease Sys t ems:

See Graphs A through C (pages

220 g-h) for the max i m um al l ow -

able el e v a t ion of hy d rau l ic re l ease

pip i ng above the de l uge valve. If

the max i m um height of hy d rau l ic

re l ease pip i ng ex c eeds the limit

shown in Graph A, B, or C for the

valve used, use a pneumatic or

electric release sys t em.

b. Pneu m atic Re l ease Sys t ems:

A Vi k ing Pneu m atic Ac t u a t or is re -

quired be t ween the re l ease sys -

tem con n ec t ion pro v ided on de -

luge valve trim and pneu m atic re -

lease sys t em pip i ng.

c. Elec t ric Re l ease:

So l e n oid Valves, Sys t em Con t rol

Panels, and Elec t ri c al De t ec t ors

must be com p at i b le. Con s ult ap -

pro p ri a te list i ng and/or ap p roval


Note: For op e r a t ion at wa t er pres s ures in

ex c ess of 175 PSI, a 250 PSI Rated So l e -

noid Valve must be used. Re f er to ap p ro -

pri a te Vi k ing Tech n i c al Data Page for type

of sys t em used.

Cau t ion: Op e r a t ion of Vi k ing De l uge

Valves by pres s ur i z i ng the prim i ng

cham b er with air pres s ure or any

other pres s ur i zed gas is not rec o m -

mended or ap p roved.

9-B. Placing the Valve in Ser v ice

(Re f er to Fig u re 1 and/or ap p ro p ri a te

Trim Charts and Sys t em Data for the

sys t em used.)

For deluge valves equipped with Con -

ven t ional De l uge Valve Trim fol l ow

steps 1 through 10 (and 11 & 12 if ap p li -

ca b le) be l ow.

1. Ver i fy:

a. The sys t em Main Wa t er Sup p ly

Con t rol Valve (D.1) is closed and

the de l uge valve is trimmed ac -

cord i ng to cur r ent Vi k ing Trim

Charts and sche m atic draw i ngs

for the sys t em used.

b. The sys t em has been prop e rly


c. Aux i l i ary Drain (B.6) is open.

d. The Emergency Release (B.11) is


e. The sys t em wa t er sup p ly pip i ng is

pres s ur i zed up to the closed Main

Wa t er Sup p ly Con t rol Valve (D.1)

and the prim i ng line is pres s ur i zed

up to the closed Priming Valve


2. For Sys t ems equipped with:

a. Hy d rau l ic Re l ease Sys t ems:

a-1. Ver i fy that all re l eas i ng de -

vices are set and that any In -

spec t or’s Test Valve and/or

aux i l i ary drain valves are


a-2. Open Priming Valve (B.1).

Al l ow the hy d rau l ic re l ease

sys t em to fill. When prim i ng

pres s ure gauge (B.12) in d i -

cates that the re l ease pip i ng

and prim i ng cham b er pres -

sure is equal to sys t em sup -

ply pres s ure, pro c eed to Step


a-3. Pro c eed to step 3.

b. Pneu m atic Re l ease Sys t ems:

b-1. Set the re l ease sys t em.

b-2. Open Priming Valve (B.1).

b-3. Pro c eed to step 3.

c. Elec t ric Re l ease Sys t ems:

c-1. Open Priming Valve (B.1).

c-2. Set the elec t ric re l ease sys -


c-3. Pro c eed to step 3.

3. Open Flow Test Valve (B.15).

4. Partially open Main Wa t er Sup p ly

Con t rol Valve (D.1).

De l uge Valves 211 c TECH N I C AL DATA



3" (80 mm), 4" (100 mm), 6" (150 mm)

Max i m um 250 PSI Wa t er Working Pres s ure

April 18, 2003

When Valve Trim is used, to main -tain list i ngs and ap p rov a ls, trim must be in s talled ac c ord i ng to Vi -king Model E De l uge Valve Con -ven t ional or Easy Trim Charts spe c if i c ally la b eled “Max i m um 250 PSI Wa t er Working Pres s ure.” Re f er to ap p ro p ri a te tech n i c al data page in the Vi k ing En g i -neering and De s ign Data Book.

5. When full flow de v el o ps from the Flow

Test Valve (B.15), close the Flow

Test Valve (B.15).

a. Ver i fy that there is no flow from the

open aux i l i ary drain (B.6).

6. Close aux i l i ary drain (B.6).

7. Fully open and se c ure the Main Wa t er

Sup p ly Con t rol Valve (D.1).

8. Ver i fy that the Alarm Shut-off Valve

(B.9) is open and that all other valves

are in their nor m al** op e r a t i ng po s i -


9. De p ress the plunger of Drip Check

(B.7). No wa t er should flow from the

Drip Check (B.7) when the plunger is


10. Check for and re p air all leaks.

11. On new in s tal l a t ions, those sys t ems

that have been placed out of ser v ice

or where new equip m ent has been in -

stalled, trip test the sys t em to ver i fy

that all equip m ent func t ions prop e rly.

Re f er to MAIN T E N ANCE para g raph

10-B-3: AN N UAL main t e n ance in -

struc t ions.

Cau t ion! Per f orming a trip test re s ults in op e r a t ion of the de l uge valve. Wa t er will flow into the sprin k ler pip i ng. Take nec e s -sary pre c au t ions to pre v ent dam a ge. 12. Af t er com p let i ng a trip test, per f orm

SEMI-ANNUAL main t e n ance.

** For nor m al op e r a t i ng po s i t ion, re f er to Fig u re 2 (page 220 b) and/or Trim Charts and Sys t em Data for the sys t em used.

9-C. Valve Re m oved From Ser v ice Note: When a valve has been re m oved from ser v ice and is sub j ect to freez i ng or will be out of ser v ice for an ex -

tended pe r iod of time, all wa t er must

be re m oved from the prim i ng cham -

ber, trim pip i ng, wa t er sup p ly pip i ng,

and other trapped ar e as.

10. INSPECTIONS AND TESTS (Re f er to Fig u re 2, page 220 b, for iden t i -fi c a t ion of trim com p o n ents).

10-A. In s pec t ion

It is im p er a t ive that the sys t em be in -spected and tested on a reg u l ar ba s is. The fre q uency of the in s pec t ions may vary due to con t am i n ated wa t er sup -plies, cor r o s ive wa t er sup p lies, or cor r o -sive at m o s pheres. Also, the alarm de -vices, de t ec t ion sys t ems, or other con -nected trim may re q uire a more fre q uent sched u le. For min i m um main t e n ance and in s pec t ion re q uire m ents, re f er to the Na t ional Fire Pro t ec t ion As s o c i a-tion's pam p hlet that de s cribes care and main t e n ance of sprin k ler sys t ems. In ad -di t ion, the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic t ion may have ad d i t ional main t e n ance, test -ing, and in s pec t ion re q uire m ents that

must be fol l owed. The fol l ow i ng rec o m -

men d a t ions are min i m um re q uire m ents.

(For ad d i t ional in f or m a t ion, re f er to Vi -

king Trim Charts and Sys t em Data de -

scrib i ng sys t ems with the re l ease sys -

tem used.)


Weekly vi s ual in s pec t ion of the Vi k ing

De l uge Valve is rec o m m ended.

1. Ver i fy that the Main Wa t er Sup p ly

Con t rol Valve (D.1) is open and that

all other valves are in their nor m al**

op e r a t i ng po s i t ion and ap p ro p ri a tely

se c ured.

2. Check for signs of me c han i c al dam -

age, leak a ge, and/or cor r o s ive ac t iv -

ity. If de t ected, per f orm main t e n ance

as re q uired. If nec e s s ary, re p lace the

de v ice.

3. Ver i fy that the valve and trim are ad e-

quately heated and pro t ected from

freez i ng and phys i c al dam a ge.

** For nor m al op e r a t i ng po s i t ion, re f er to Fig u re 1

(page 220 b) and/or Trim Charts and Sys t em

Data for the sys t em used.

10-B. Tests

Quar t erly:

Quar t erly test i ng of wa t er flow alarms

and per f or m ance of a Main Drain Test is

rec o m m ended and may be re q uired by

the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic t ion.

10-B-1: Wa t er Flow Alarm Test

1. No t ify the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic -

tion and those in the area af f ected by

the test.

2. To test the lo c al elec t ric alarm (if pro -

vided) and/or me c han i c al wa t er mo -

tor alarm (if pro v ided), OPEN the

alarm test valve (B.5) in the de l uge

valve trim.

a. Elec t ric alarm pres s ure switches (if

pro v ided) should ac t i v ate.

b. Elec t ric lo c al alarms should be au -

di b le.

c. The lo c al wa t er mo t or gong should

be au d i b le.

d. If equipped with re m ote sta t ion

alarm sig n al i ng de v ices, ver i fy

that alarm sig n als were re c eived.

3. When test i ng is com p lete, CLOSE the

alarm test valve (B.5).

Ver i fy:

a. All lo c al alarms stop sound i ng and

alarm pan e ls (if pro v ided) re s et.

b. All re m ote sta t ion alarms re s et.

c. Sup p ly pip i ng to wa t er mo t or alarm

prop e rly drains.

4. Ver i fy that the Alarm Shut-off Valve

(B.9) is OPEN, and the Alarm Test

Valve (B.5) is CLOSED.

5. Ver i fy that the out l et cham b er is free

of wa t er. No wa t er should flow from

the Drip Check (B.7) when the

plunger is pushed.

6. No t ify the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic -

tion and those in the af f ected area

that test i ng is com p lete.

10-B-2: Main Drain Test

1. No t ify the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic -

tion and those in the area af f ected by

the test.

2. Re c ord pres s ure read i ng from the wa -

ter sup p ly pres s ure gauge (B.13).

3. Ver i fy that the out l et cham b er of the

deluge valve is free of wa t er. No wa -

ter should flow from the drip check

(B.7) when the plunger is pushed.

4. Fully OPEN the flow test valve (B.15).

5. When a full flow is de v el o ped from the

flow test valve (B.15), re c ord the re -

sid u al pres s ure from the wa t er sup p ly

pres s ure gauge (B.13).

6. When the test is com p lete, SLOWLY

CLOSE the flow test valve.

7. Com p are test re s ults with pre v i o us

flow in f or m a t ion. If de t e r i o r a t ion of the

wa t er sup p ly is de t ected, take ap p ro -

pri a te steps to re s tore ad e q uate wa -

ter sup p ly.

8. Ver i fy:

a. Nor m al wa t er sup p ly pres s ure has

been re s tored to the in l et cham -

ber, the prim i ng cham b er, and the

re l ease sys t em. The pres s ure on

the prim i ng cham b er wa t er pres -

sure gauge should equal the sys -

tem wa t er sup p ly pres s ure.

b. All alarm de v ices and valves are

se c ured in nor m al** op e r a t i ng po -

si t ion.

9. No t ify the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic -

tion that the test is com p lete. Re c ord

and/or pro v ide no t i f i c a t ion of test re -

sults as re q uired by the Au t hor i ty

Hav i ng Ju r is d ic t ion.

** For nor m al op e r a t i ng po s i t ion, re f er to Fig u re 1

(page 220 b) and/or Trim Charts and Sys t em

Data for the sys t em used.

10-B-3: An n ual

An n ual Trip Tests are rec o m m ended.

Cau t ion! Per f orming this test re s ults in

op e r a t ion of the deluge valve. Wa t er will

flow into the sprin k ler pip i ng and from any

open sprin k lers and/or noz z les. Take nec -

es s ary pre c au t ions to pre v ent dam a ge.

1. No t ify the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic -

tion and those in the area af f ected by

the test.

2. Fully open the flow test valve (B.15) to

flush away any ac c u m u l a t ion of for -

eign ma t e r ial.

3. Close the flow test valve (B.15).

4. Trip the sys t em by op e r a t i ng the re -

lease sys t em. Al l ow a full flow to pass

through the de l uge valve.

De l uge Valves 211 d




3" (80 mm), 4" (100 mm), 6" (150 mm) Max i m um 250 PSI Wa t er Working Pres s ure

April 18, 2003

a. Wa t er flow alarms should op e r a te.

5. When test is com p lete:

a. Close the Main Wa t er Sup p ly Con -

trol Valve (D.1).

b. Close the Priming Valve (B.1).

c. Open the aux i l i ary drain Valve


d. Open all sys t em main drains and

aux i l i ary drains. Al l ow the sys t em

to drain com p letely.

6. Per f orm SEMI-ANNUAL main t e -

nance. Re f er to para g raph 11-B SEMI-ANNUAL MAIN T E N ANCE

7. Place the sys t em in ser v ice. Re f er to


a. Note: De l uge valves sup p lied by

brack i sh wa t er, salt wa t er, foam,

foam/wa t er so l u t ion, or any other

cor r o s ive wa t er sup p ly should be

flushed with good qual i ty fresh wa -

ter be f ore be i ng re t urned to ser -


8. No t ify the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic -

tion that the test is com p lete. Re c ord and/or pro v ide no t i f i c a t ion of test re -sults as re q uired by the Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic t ion.


(Re f er to Fig u re 2 on page 220 b for iden t i f i c a t ion of trim com p o n ents).

NO T ICE: The owner is re s pon s i b le for main t ain i ng the fire pro t ec t ion sys t em and de v ices in proper op e r a t i ng con d i -tion. The de l uge valve must be kept from freez i ng con d i t ions and phys i c al dam -age that could im p air its op e r a t ion. Where dif f i c ulty in per f or m ance is ex p e -ri e nced, the valve man u f ac t urer or his au t ho r ized rep r e s en t a t ive shall be con -tacted if any field ad j ust m ent is to be made.

WARNING: Any sys t em main t e n ance that in v olves plac i ng a con t rol valve or de t ec t ion sys t em out of ser v ice may elim i n ate the fire protection ca p a b il i t ies of that sys t em. Prior to pro c eed i ng, no -tify all Au t hor i ties Hav i ng Ju r is d ic t ion. Con s id e r a tion should be given to em -ploy m ent of a fire patrol in the af f ected ar e as.

11-A. Af t er Each Op e r a t ion:

1. Sprin k ler sys t ems that have been

sub j ected to a fire must be re t urned to

ser v ice as soon as pos s i b le. The en -

tire sys t em must be in s pected for

dam a ge, and re p aired or re p laced as

nec e s s ary.

2. De l uge valves and trim that have

been sub j ected to brack i sh wa t er, salt

wa t er, foam, foam/wa t er so l u t ion, or

any other cor r o s ive wa t er sup p ly

should be flushed with good qual i ty

fresh wa t er be f ore be i ng re t urned to

ser v ice.

3. Per f orm SEMI-ANNUAL main t e -

nance af t er ev e ry op e r a t ion.

11-B. Semi-Annual Main t e n ance:

1. Re m ove the sys t em from ser v ice.

(Re f er to De l uge or Preaction Sys t em

Data that de s cribes sys t ems with the

re l ease sys t em used for ad d i t ional in -

for m a t ion.)

a. Close the Main Wa t er Sup p ly Con -

trol Valve (D.1) and Priming Valve


b. Open the aux i l i ary drain Valve


c. Re l ieve pres s ure in the prim i ng

cham b er by open i ng the emer -

gency re l ease (B.11).

2. In s pect all trim for signs of cor r o s ion

and/or block a ge. Clean and/or re -

place as re q uired.

3. Clean and/or re p lace all strainer

screens (in c lud i ng B.2).

4. Re f er to Item 9-B, IN S TAL L A T ION:


11-C. Ev e ry Fifth Year

1. In t er n al in s pec t ion of de l uge valves is

rec o m m ended ev e ry five years un -

less in s pec t ions and tests in d i c ate

more fre q uent in t er n al in s pec t ions

are re q uired. Re f er to DIS A S S EM -

BLY in s truc t ions pro v ided be l ow.

2. In t er n al in s pec t ion of strain e rs and re -

stricted or i f ices is rec o m m ended ev -

ery five years un l ess in s pec t ions and

tests in d i c ate more fre q uent in t er n al

in s pec t ions are re q uired.

3. Re c ord and pro v ide no t i f i c a t ion of in -

spec t ion re s ults as re q uired by the

Au t hor i ty Hav i ng Ju r is d ic t ion.

11-D. Valve Dis a s s em b ly

1. Re m ove the valve from ser v ice.

a. Close the Main Wa t er Sup p ly Con -

trol Valve (D.1) and Priming Valve


b. Open the Auxiliary Drain valve


c. Re l ease the pres s ure in the prim -

ing cham b er by open i ng the

Emergency Release (B.11).

For 3", 4", or 6"

De l uge Valve Dis a s s em b ly

(Re f er to Fig u re 2 on page 220 f)

1. Re m ove the valve from ser v ice (see

the re l ease sys t em de s crip t ion and

Tech n i c al Data for ad d i t ional in f or -

ma t ion). Close the main con t rol

valve, open the main drain valve. Re -

lease the pres s ure in the prim i ng

cham b er by open i ng the emer g ency

re l ease Valve.

2. Re m ove trim as re q uired to al l ow re -

moval of cover (3).

3. Re m ove screws (7).

4. Lift cover (3) from body (1).

5. Re m ove clap p er as s em b ly (Nos. 2, 4,

5, 6, 8, and 10) by lift i ng it from the

body (1).

6. In s pect seat (9). If re p lace m ent is nec -

es s ary, do not at t empt to sep a r ate

seat from body (1). It is not re m ov -


7. To re p lace the di a p hragm rub b er (2),

re m ove the cir c le of screws (5). Re -

move the clamp ring (4) and re m ove

the di a p hragm rub b er (2).

8. To re p lace the seat rub b er as s em b ly

(8), clap p er as s em b ly (2, 4, 5, 6, 8,

and 10) must be re m oved from the

valve. Re m ove the cir c le of screws

(10). Seat rub b er as s em b ly (8) can be

re m oved.

NOTE: Prior to in s tall i ng a new clap p er

rub b er (2) or seat rub b er as s em b ly (8),

make cer t ain that all sur f aces are clean

and free of for e ign mat t er. The plated

seat (9) must be smooth and free of

nicks, burrs, or in d en t a t ions.

NOTE: The clap p er rub b er must be in -

stalled with the ridge on the clap p er rub -

ber fac i ng to w ards the clap p er

C. Valve Re a s s em b ly

1. Prior to re a s s em b ly flush the valve of

all for e ign mat t er.

2. To re a s s em b le, re v erse dis a s s em b ly

pro c e d ure.

De l uge Valves 211 e TECH N I C AL DATA



3" (80 mm), 4" (100 mm), 6" (150 mm)

Max i m um 250 PSI Wa t er Working Pres s ure

April 18, 2003

De l uge Valves 211 f TECH N I C AL DATA


3" (80 mm), 4" (100 mm), 6" (150 mm)

Max i m um 250 PSI Wa t er Working Pres s ure

April 18, 2003

Fig u re 2


1–––Body Ductile Iron 60-40-181********C 02377B 1974Diaphragm Rubber EPDM 111307983-107984-107985-1Cover Ductile Iron 60-40-181114***Clamp Ring Bronze UNS-C84400111



Screw Stainless Steel 68126***Clapper Ductile Iron 65-45-12Teflon ?Coated 111



Screw Steel 101215802497B 02382B 02176B Seat Rubber Assembly EPDM/Stainless Steel UNS-S304001119–––Seat Bronze UNS-C84400111



Screw Stainless Steel 681211–––Plug,?"NPT Steel 111Note:--Indicates replacement part not av ailable.

*Indicates part is available in Sub-Assembly only--see Sub-Assembly list.


6,8,and 10


02376B 05703B Clapper Assembly

1Phillips Drive Round Head Screw ,No.10-24x ?"(12,7mm)Lg.2Hex Head Cap Screw ,?"-13x 1-1/4"(31,8mm )Lg.

3Phillips Drive Round Head Screw ,No.10-24x 3/8"(9,5mm)Lg.4

Hex Head Cap Screw ,5/16"-18x ?"(12,7mm)Lg.


Hex Head Cap Screw ,3/8"-16x ?"(12,7mm)Lg.






4"PART NO.3"PART NO.ITEM NO.5Hex Head Cap Screw ,?"-13x 1-1/2"(38,1mm)Lg.6Hex Head Cap Screw ,3/8"-16x 5/8"(15,9mm )Lg.7Hex Head Cap Screw ,5/8"-11x 1-3/4"(44,5mm )Lg.SIZE A B C D E F*3"(80mm)7"(177,8)5"(127)





Dimensions shown in parentheses are mm.

*4"&6"valves are manufactured with sculptured flanges.Dimension indicates thickness of flange at bolt holes.

De l uge Valves 211 g

Graph A

Max i m um Al l ow a ble Pi l ot Heights for Se l ect Equiv a l ent Lengths of Hy d rau l ic Re l ease Pip i ng

For 3" (80 mm) Model E-1 De l uge Valves with 1/16" (1,6 mm) Re s tricted Or i f ice

Graph is based on ?" (15 mm) pi l ot sprin k lers in s talled on ?" (15 mm) Sched u le 40 gal v a n ized re l ease sys t em pip i ng.

If the max i m um height of hy d rau l ic re l ease pip i ng ex c eeds the lim i ts shown on the graph, use pneu m atic or elec t ric re l ease sys t em.



3" (80 mm), 4" (100 mm), 6" (150 mm)

Max i m um 250 PSI Wa t er Working Pres s ure

Di m en s ions 3”, 4”, & 6” (80mm, 100mm, 150 mm) De l uge Valve

with Model E De l uge Valve Easy Trim for 250 PSI WWP

Di m en s ions 3”, 4”, & 6” (80mm, 100mm, 150 mm) De l uge Valve

with Model E De l uge Valve Con v en t ional Trim for 250 PSI WWP April 18, 2003

As s em b led trim di m en s ions

are ap p rox i m a t ions with a tol -er a nce of +/- 1/4”

As s em b led trim di m en s ions are ap p rox i m a t ions with a tol -er a nce of +/- 1/4”

Form No. F_053096



3" (80 mm), 4" (100 mm), 6" (150 mm)

Max i m um 250 PSI Wa t er Working Pres s ure

Graph B

Max i m um Al l ow a ble Pi l ot Heights for Se l ect Equiv a l ent Lengths of Hy d rau l ic Re l ease Pip i ng

For 4" (100 mm) Model E-1 De l uge Valves with 1/16" (1,6 mm) Re s tricted Or i f ice

Graph is based on 1/2" (15mm) pi l ot sprin k lers in s talled on 1/2" (15mm) sched u le 40 gal v a n ized re l ease sys t em pip i ng.

If the max i m um height of hy d rau l ic re l ease pip i ng ex c eeds the lim i ts shown on the graph, use Pneu m atic or Elec t ric Re l ease Sys t em.

Graph C

Max i m um Al l ow a ble Pi l ot Heights for Se l ect Equiv a l ent Lengths of Hy d rau l ic Re l ease Pip i ng

For 6" (150 mm) Model E-1 De l uge Valves with 1/16" (1,6 mm) Re s tricted Or i f ice

Graph is based on 1/2" (15 mm) pi l ot sprin k lers in s talled on 1/2" (15 mm) sched u le 40 gal v a n ized re l ease sys t em pip i ng.

If the max i m um height of hy d rau l ic re l ease pip i ng ex c eeds the lim i ts shown on the graph, use Pneu m atic or Elec t ric Re l ease Sys t em.

De l uge Valves 211 h April 18, 2003

Re p laces page 220 a-h, dated No v em b er 19, 2001. (Up d ated Ta b le 1, re v ised area code and re n um -bered page).



1-复位弹簧,2-阀口,3-阀芯,4-阻尼孔,5-膜片,6、7-调压弹簧,8-调压手轮 直动式减压阀 上图所示为直动式带溢流阀的减压阀(简称溢流减压阀)的结构图。 压力为P1的压缩空气,由左端输入经进气阀口10节流后,压力降为P2输出。P2的大小可由调压弹簧2、3进行调节。顺时针旋转旋钮1,压缩弹簧2、3及膜片5使阀芯8下移,增大阀口10的开度使P2增大。若反时针旋转旋钮1,阀口10的开度减小,P2随之减小。 若P1瞬时升高,P2将随之升高,使膜片气室6内压力升高,在膜片5上产生的推力相应增大,此推力破坏了原来力的平衡,使膜片5向上移动,有少部分气流经溢流孔12、排气孔11排出。在膜片上移的同时,因复位弹簧9的作用,使阀芯8也向上移动,关小进气阀口10,节流作用加大,使输出压力下降,直至达到新的平衡为止,输出压力基本又回到原来值。若输入压力瞬时下降,输出压力也下降、膜片5下移,阀芯8随之下移,进气阀口10开大,节流作用减小,使输出压力也基本回到原来值。 逆时针旋转旋钮1。使调节弹簧2、3放松,气体作用在膜片5上的推力大于调压弹簧的作用力,膜片向上曲,靠复位弹簧的作用关闭进气阀口10。再旋转旋钮1,进气阀芯8的顶端与溢流阀座4将脱开,膜片气室6中的压缩空气便经溢流孔12、排气孔11排出,使阀处于无输出状态。 总之,溢流减压阀是靠进气口的节流作用减压,靠膜片上力的平衡作用和溢流孔的溢流作用稳



减压阀工作原理 -得汛胡鑫独家讲解意大利OR减压阀工作原理,本文详述了减压阀工作原理,减压阀的定义,概述减压阀的应用,减压阀的作用,减压阀的产品说明,减压阀的技术参数,减压阀结构,减压阀的尺寸大小及压力流量曲线 减压阀工作原理 减压阀的定义和概述 减压的定义: 用节流方法使出口压力低于进口压力

减压阀是一种自动降低管路工作压力的专门装置,它可将阀前管路较高的水压减少至阀后管路所需的水平。减压阀广泛用于高层建筑、城市给水管网水压过高的区域、矿井及其他场合,以保证给水系统中各用水点获得适当的服务水压和流量。鉴于水的漏失率和浪费程度几乎同给水系统的水压大小成正比,因此减压阀具有改善系统运行工况和潜在节水作用,据统计其节水效果约为30%。 减压阀的应用 意大利OR减压常用于高层楼宇供水、太阳能热水器、供水系统、设备配套等等。 0232减压阀广泛应用于高层楼宇供水、管道直饮水工程、直饮水机以及各种设备的减压。 0234减压阀广泛应用于高层楼宇供水、管道直饮水工程及各种设备的减压。 0204减压阀主要用于一些精密设备,例如实验室、饲养室以及

食品工业的减压。 0204减压阀主要应用于压力超过25bar的建筑楼宇供水工程和消防供水管道的减压,另外,0204减压阀还可用于工作介质是气体的系统的减压,使用寿命长达30年。 0226减压阀广泛应用于高层楼宇供水和各种精密设备的减压。减压阀的作用 减压阀的作用用于管路减压,在局部高压或突然产生水压的情况下,保护其后的生活、生产用水。 减压阀的作用是靠阀内流道对水流的局部阻力降低水压,水压降的范围由连接阀瓣的薄膜或活塞两侧的进出口水压差自动调节。 0232减压阀的产品说明: 经济型0232主要用于高层楼宇供水工程的底层减压,在局部高压或突然产生水压的情况下,使入户的水压保持恒定值,保护其后的各种用水器具,并最大限度的发挥节水功效。0232型减压阀是目前进口减压阀里面尺寸最小巧、价格最优惠的减压阀,阀体黄铜镀镍,可直接应用于直饮水工程,对水质无任何污染,0232型减压阀安装方便、性价比高、质量可靠,进入中国市场后很快赢得各新老客户的一致肯定。 0232减压阀的技术参数:


组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇Assembly line组装线Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子 Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检 查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压 测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检 查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产 部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备


1分析比较溢流阀、减压阀和顺序阀的作用和差别? 作用:(1)溢流阀:保持系统压力恒定;在系统中作安全阀用,在系统工作时,溢流阀处于关闭状态,对系统起过载保护作用。 (2)减压阀是出口压力低于进口压力,用于保证出口压力为定值,使进出口压力差保持为定值,使进出口压力间保持一定的比例。 (3)顺序阀是以系统压力为信号使执行元件顺序动作;它与溢流阀的不同之处在于它的出口压力不接油箱而是通向某一个压力油路;阀口常闭。 差别(1)溢流阀:阀口常闭;出油口一般直接接回油箱。 (2)减压阀:阀口常开;出油口与减压回路相连。 (3)顺序阀:阀口常闭;出油口与负载油路相连。 3 什么是齿轮泵的困油现象?产生困油现象有何危害?如何消除困油现象? 液压泵工作时,在吸、压油腔之间形成一个闭死容积,该容积的大小随着传动轴的旋转发生变化,导致压力冲击和气蚀的现象称为困油现象。 当闭死容积由大变小时,由于液体的不可压缩性,闭死容积内的液体受挤压,压力急剧升高,使轴和轴承受到很大的冲击载荷,同时增加了功率损失,并使油液发热,引起振动和噪声;当闭死容积由小变大时,使闭死容积形成局部真空。溶解于液体中的空气便被析出而产生气泡。这些气泡进入吸油腔,并被带到压油腔,产生气蚀现象,引起振动和噪声。 为了消除困油现象,可在齿轮泵的侧板上开设卸荷槽。 3减小齿轮泵径向力的措施有哪些? 1)合理选择齿宽和齿顶圆直径;2)缩小压油腔尺寸 3)将压油腔扩大到接近吸油腔侧;4)将吸油腔扩大到接近压油腔侧;5)液压平衡法,在过渡区开设两个平衡油槽,分别与低、高压腔相通。 4 定性地说明双作用叶片泵轴承上的受力情况。 由于两个吸油窗口和两个压油窗口都是对称布置的,所以作用在转子上的径向液压力是相互平衡的,轴承上径向力小。 2.试比较双作用叶片泵和单作用叶片泵,说明各自的特点? 1)双作用叶片泵二次吸油、二次压油; 单作用叶片泵一次吸油,一次压油; 2)双作用叶片泵定量泵;单作用叶片泵变量泵; 3)双作用叶片泵平衡式叶片泵;单作用叶片泵径向力不平衡; 4) 双作用叶片泵定子为过渡曲线;单作用叶片泵定子内表面为园形。 5) 双作用叶片泵叶片数为偶数;单作用叶片泵叶片数为奇数。 5 将温度为20C 气体绝热压缩到温度为300C ,求压缩后的气体压力。 解:由绝热过程状态参数的关系 1.4 1.41122p V p V = 由质量守恒定律: 1122V V ρρ= 得: 11.4 212121V p V p ρρ?? == ???


液控单向阀是方向控制阀中的一类,它主要是依靠控制流体压力,使单向阀反向流体的阀。主要应用于煤矿机械设备中。具体的控液单向阀的工作原理是怎样的,接下来我们将详细介绍控液单向阀的工作原理。 液控单向阀的工作原理 液控单向阀原理结构图(亚洲流体网) 2、单向阀的工作原理: 液控单向阀工作原理是依靠控制流体压力,可以使单向阀反向流通的阀。这种阀在煤矿机械的液压支护设备中占有较重要的地位。液控单向阀与普通单向阀不同之处是多了一个控制油路K,当控制油路未接通压力油液时,液控单向阀就象普通单向阀一样工作,压力油只从进油口流向出油口,不能反向流动。当控制油路油控制压力输入时,活塞顶杆在压力油作用下向右移动,用顶杆顶开单向阀,使进出油口接通。若出油口大于进油口就能使油液反向流动。 (1) 保持压力。 滑阀式换向阀都有间隙泄漏现象,只能短时间保压。当有保压要求时,可在油路上加一个液控单向阀,利用锥阀关闭的严密性,使油路长时间保压。 (2) 液压缸的“支承”。

在立式液压缸中,由于滑阀和管的泄漏,在活塞和活塞杆的重力下,可能引起活塞和活塞杆下滑。将液控单向阀接于液压缸下腔的油路,则可防止液压缸活塞和滑块等活动部分下滑。 (3) 实现液压缸锁紧。 当换向阀处于中位时,两个液控单向阀关闭,可严密封闭液压缸两腔的油液,这时活塞就不能因外力作用而产生移动。 (4) 大流量排油。 液压缸两腔的有效工作面积相差很大。在活塞退回时,液压缸右腔排油量骤然增大,此时若采用小流量的滑阀,会产生节流作用,限制活塞的后退速度;若加设液控单向阀,在液压缸活塞后退时,控制压力油将液控单向阀打开,便可以顺利地将右腔油液排出。 (5) 作充油阀。 立式液压缸的活塞在高速下降过程中,因高压油和自重的作用,致使下降迅速,产生吸空和负压,必须增设补油装置。液控单向阀作为充油阀使用,以完成补油功能。 以上控液单向阀的工作原理相对简单。随着科技社会的逐步发展,我们能够接触到的高新产品还会越来越多,我们在体验和使用的同时,若能掌握这些设备的基本原理,平常使用时进行维护保养也是有作用的。 (注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。可复制、编制,期待你的好评与关注!)


1.减压阀 常用的减压阀 按结构形式分为薄膜式、弹簧式和活塞式三种, 按作用形式分为:比例式和定压式。定压式减压阀中有一种既减动压,又减静压,且阀前压力可任其变化,而阀后压力可稳定在所需压力的减压稳压阀(Crowne Plaza F4)。 消火栓给水系统当采用减压阀进行给水分区时,为满足规范中关于消火栓栓口的静、动压的要求,此时宜采用既能减动压又能减静压、且还具有稳压作用的可调式薄膜减压阀。 对于较大减压比如>5:1场合,为了减轻每个阀的负担,减轻阀内气蚀和磨损,延长使用寿命,宜采用两个减压阀串联减压;对于流量变化较大的场合,宜采用双阀并联,这样可使每个减压阀处于合适的流量负载状态,避免噪音;薄膜式减压阀宜水平安装。对于并联使用的减压阀阀组,宜采用不同的口径,并正确设定不同的阀后压力,以使两个阀门根据流量由小到大(由正常到高峰)先后投入使用。 2. 减压孔板 减压孔板相对于减压阀来说,系统比较简单,投资较少,管理方便。但减压孔板只能减动压,不能减静压,且下游的压力随上游压力和流量而变,不够稳定。另外,减压孔板容易堵塞。可以在水质较好和供水压力较稳定的情况下采用。 自动喷水灭火系统设计规范gb 50084—2001 9.3.1 减压孔板应符合下列规定: 1 应设在直径不小于5omm的水平直管段上,前后管段的长度均不宜小于该管段直径的5倍; 2 孔口直径不应小于设置管段直径的3o%,且不应小于20mm; 3 应采用不锈钢板材制作。 (1)为克服喷水不均匀性所设置的减压装置宜采用减压孔板,不宜采用减压阀。由于减压阀需要在阀前加设过滤器,因此只适合用在湿式报警阀前对喷淋系统进行竖向分区的减区; (2)减压孔板主要用来克服由几何高差和喷淋立管水头损失造成的喷淋系统竖向的喷水不均匀性,其位置设在各层配水管或配水干管的起点端,一般设在安全信号阀之后; (3)配水支管上不宜设置减压孔板。因为规范规定,减压孔板应设置在直径不小于50毫米的水平管段上,若配水支管直径大于等于50毫米,则该支管上的喷头一般较多。


机械设计名词术语中英文对照 O形密封圈密封O Ring Seal V 带 V Belt 阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes Worm 安全系数 Safety Factor; Factor of Safety 安全载荷 Safe Load 摆动从动件 Oscillating Follower 摆动从动件凸轮机构 Cam With Oscillating Follower 摆动导杆机构 Oscillating Guide-Bar Mechanism 摆杆 Oscillating Bar 扳手 Wrench 板簧Flat Leaf Spring 半圆键 Woodruff Key 包角Angle of Contact 保持架 Cage 背对背安装 Back-To-Back Arrangement 背锥Back Cone; Normal Cone 背锥角 Back Angle 背锥距Back Cone Distance 标准齿轮 Standard Gear 标准直齿轮Standard Spur Gear 槽轮 Geneva Wheel 槽轮机构 Geneva Mechanism; Maltese Cross 槽凸轮 Groove Cam 侧隙 Backlash 插齿机 Gear Shaper 差动轮系Differential Gear Train 成对安装 Paired Mounting 尺寸系列 Dimension Series 齿槽 Tooth Space 齿槽宽 Space width 齿侧间隙 Backlash 齿顶高 Addendum 齿顶圆 Addendum Circle 齿根高 Dedendum 齿根圆 Dedendum Circle 齿厚 Tooth Thickness 齿距 Circular Pitch 齿宽 Face Width 齿廓 Tooth Profile 齿廓曲线 Tooth Curve 齿轮 Gear 齿轮变速箱 Speed-Changing Gear Boxes 齿轮插刀Pinion Cutter; Pinion-Shaped Shaper Cutter 齿轮齿条机构 Pinion And Rack 齿轮滚刀Hob; Hobbing Cutter 齿轮机构 Gear 齿轮联轴器 Gear Coupling 齿轮轮坯 Blank 齿式棘轮机构 Tooth Ratchet Mechanism 齿数 Tooth Number 齿数比 Gear Ratio 齿条 Rack 齿条插刀 Rack Cutter; Rack-Shaped Shaper Cutter 齿形链、无声链 Silent Chain 齿形系数 Form Factor 传动比 Transmission Ratio; Speed Ratio 传动角 Transmission Angle 传动系统 Driven System 传动轴 Transmission Shaft 传动装置Gearing; Transmission Gear 唇形橡胶密封Lip Rubber Seal 从动带轮 Driven Pulley


1 调节阀结构型式的选择 1.1 从使用功能上选阀需注意的问题 1)调节功能 ①要求阀动作平稳;②小开度调节性能好;③选好所需的流量特性;④满足可调比;⑤阻力小、流量比大(阀的额定流量参数与公称通径之比);⑥调节速度。 2)泄漏量与切断压差 这是不可分割、互相联系的两个因素。 3)防堵 即使是干净的介质,也存在堵塞问题(管道内的不干净介质)、不干净介质更易堵卡。 4)耐蚀 它包括耐冲蚀、汽蚀、腐蚀。主要涉及到材料的选用和阀的使用寿命问题,同时,涉及到经济性问题。 5)耐压与耐温 这涉及调节阀的公称压力、工作温度的选定。 常用材质的工作温度、工作压力与公称压力的关系见下表5-1。 6)重量与外观 小型化、轻型化、仪表化 7)十大类调节阀的功能优劣比较:详见1-1表。 1.2 综合经济效果确定阀型 1) 高可靠性。 2)使用寿命长。 3)维护方便,备品备件有来源。 4)产品价格适宜,性能价格较好。 1.3 调节阀型式的优选次序 ①全功能超轻型调节阀→②蝶阀→③套筒阀→④单座阀→⑤双座阀→⑥偏心旋转阀→⑦球阀→⑧角形阀→⑨三通阀→⑩隔膜阀。

2 执行机构的选择 2.1 执行机构选择的主要考虑因素 ①可靠性;②经济性;③动作平稳、足够的输出力;④重量外观;⑤结构简单、维护方便。 2.2电动执行机构与气动执行机构的选择比较 1)可靠性方面 2)驱动源 3)价格方面 4)推力和刚度 5)防火防爆 2.3 推荐意见 (1)在可能的情况下,建议选用进口电子式执行机构 (2)薄膜执行机构虽存在推力不够、刚度小、尺寸大的缺限,但其结构简单。 (3)活塞执行机构选择 3 材料的选择 材料的选择主要根据介质的温度、腐蚀性、汽蚀、冲蚀四方面决定。 3.1 根据介质的腐蚀性选择 1)金属耐蚀材料的选择5-2。 2)氟塑料成功地用在耐腐蚀阀上 3.2 耐磨损材质的选择 对汽蚀、冲蚀严重的阀;切断类硬密封调节阀,也必须保护密封面。 4 作用方式的选择 气开、气闭阀的选择主要从生产安全角度考虑。 5 弹簧范围的选择 5.1 “标准弹簧范围”错误说法应纠正 弹簧是气动调节阀的主要零件。弹簧范围是指一台阀在静态启动时的膜室压力到走完全行程时的膜室压力,字母用Pr 表示。如Pr 为20~100KPa ,表示这台阀静态启动时膜室压力是20KPa ,关闭时的膜室压力是100KPa 。常用的弹簧范围有20~100KPa 、20~60KPa 、60~100KPa 、60~180KPa 、40~200KPa …由于气动仪表的标准信号是20~100KPa ,因此传统的调节阀理论把与气动仪表标准信号一致的弹簧范围(20~100KPa )定义成标准弹簧范围。调节阀厂家按20~100KPa 作为标准来出厂,这是十分错误的。 5.2 弹簧范围的选择 1) 阀的稳定性上选择 2) 从输出力上选择 3) 从综合性能上选定弹簧范围 4) 特殊情况弹簧范围的选择 6 流量特性的选择 6.1 调节阀理想流量特性 1)定义 调节阀的流量特性是指介质流过阀门的相对流量与相对开度的关系。数学表达式为: )(max L l F Q Q (5—1)


机械术语英文翻译 阿基米德蜗杆Archimedes worm 安全系数safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷safe load 凹面、凹度concavity扳手wrench 板簧flat leaf spring 半圆键woodruff key 变形deformation摆杆oscillating bar 摆动从动件oscillating follower 摆动从动件凸轮机构cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构oscillating guide-bar mechanism 摆线齿轮cycloidal gear摆线齿形cycloidal tooth profile 摆线运动规律cycloidal motion 摆线针轮cycloidal-pin wheel包角angle of contact 保持架cage背对背安装丨back-to-back arrangement 背锥back cone ;normal cone 背锥角back angle背锥距back cone distance比例尺scale 热容specific heat capacity 闭式链closed kinematic chain闭链机构closed chain mechanism 臂部arm 变频器frequency converters变频调速frequency control of motor speed 变速speed change 变速齿轮change gear ; change wheel变位齿轮modified gear变位系数modification coefficient 标准齿轮standard gear标准直齿轮standard spur gear 表面质量系数superficial mass factor 表面传热系数surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度surface roughness 并联式组合combination in parallel并联机构parallel mechanism 并联组合机构parallel combined mechanism并行工程concurrent engineering 并行设计concurred design, CD不平衡相位phase angle of unbalance 不平衡imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量amount of unbalance 不完全齿轮机构intermittent gearing波发生器wave generator 波数number of waves补偿compensation 参数化设计parameterization design, PD残余应力residual stress 操纵及控制装置operation control device槽轮Geneva wheel 槽轮机构Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross槽数Geneva numerate 槽凸轮groove cam侧隙backlash 差动轮系differential gear train差动螺旋机构differential screw mechanism 差速器differential常用机构conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use 车床lathe承载量系数bearing capacity factor 承载能力bearing capacity成对安装paired mounting 尺寸系列dimension series齿槽tooth space 齿槽宽spacewidth齿侧间隙backlash 齿顶高addendum齿顶圆addendum circle 齿根高dedendum齿根圆dedendum circle 齿厚tooth thickness齿距circular pitch 齿宽face width齿廓tooth profile 齿廓曲线tooth curve齿轮gear 齿轮变速箱speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构pinion and rack 齿轮插刀pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter齿轮滚刀hob ,hobbing cutter 齿轮机构gear齿轮轮坯blank 齿轮传动系pinion unit齿轮联轴器gear coupling 齿条传动rack gear齿数tooth number 齿数比gear ratio齿条rack 齿条插刀rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链silent chain 齿形系数form factor齿式棘轮机构tooth ratchet mechanism 插齿机gear shaper重合点coincident points 重合度contact ratio冲床punch


编号:SY-AQ-05597 ( 安全管理) 单位:_____________________ 审批:_____________________ 日期:_____________________ WORD文档/ A4打印/ 可编辑 压力表减压阀型号及安全使用 方法 Model and safe use of pressure reducing valve of pressure gauge

压力表减压阀型号及安全使用方法 导语:进行安全管理的目的是预防、消灭事故,防止或消除事故伤害,保护劳动者的安全与健康。在安全管理的四项主要内容中,虽然都是为了达到安全管理的目的,但是对生产因素状态的控制,与安全管理目的关系更直接,显得更为突出。 型号:YQWG-224 介质:丙烷 测量范围(0-0.25,0-2.5)MPa 额定进口压力1.6MPa 调节范围0.01-0.15MPa 流量40m3/h 进口连接螺纹M27x1.5(Ф14焊接孔) 出口连接螺纹M27x1.5(Ф14焊接孔) 外型尺寸210x175x220 重量3Kg 用途: 丙烷减压器是一种自动降低管路工作压力的专门装置,丙烷减压 器是采用控制阀体内的启闭件的开度来调节介质的流量,将介质的压

力降低,同时借助阀后压力的作用调节启闭件的开度,使阀后压力保持在一定范围内,丙烷碳减压器的特点是在进口压力不断变化的情况下,保持出口压力值在一定的范围内。 丙烷减压器是将气瓶内的高压气体任意调节减至实用压力,以供使用的气瓶减压装置,主要用于焊接、切割及化工、医药卫生、电子工业等方面。丙烷减压器不论输入压力和输出流量发生变化,都能保证稳定的输出压力。 注意:丙烷减压器为临海市大华仪表产品,商品纯铜制品,所以价格与当前原料铜价格为标准!数量多可以优惠! 减压器的安全使用 使用减压器应按下述规则执行: (1)氧气瓶放气或开启减压器时动作必须缓慢。如果阀门开启速度过快,减压器工作部分的气体因受绝热压缩而温度大大提高,这样有可能使有机材料制成的零件如橡胶填料、橡胶薄膜纤维质衬垫着火烧坏,并可使减压器完全烧坏。另外,由于放气过快产生的静电火花以及减压器有油污等,也会引起着火燃烧烧坏减压器零件。


安徽农业技术师范学院学报,1999,13(2):54~58 Journal of Anhui Agrotechnical Teachers College 溢流阀、减压阀和顺序阀的比较 夏显明 魏宝丽 (安徽农业技术师范学院加工系,凤阳233100) 摘 要 溢流阀、减压阀和顺序阀在许多方面很相似,容易混淆。本文从工作原理,压力判 定和用途等方面作一些阐述 ,力求使三者之间更易区别。 关键词 溢流阀 减压阀 顺序阀 比较 中图分类号 T K264.9 在液压系统中,溢流阀、减压阀和顺序阀都是属于压力控制阀,是用来控制液压系统压力或利用压力变化作为信号来控制其他元件动作的阀类。这类阀的共同特点是:利用作用于阀芯上的液压力和弹簧力相平衡来进行工作的,故在结构、工作原理上有许多相似之处,容易混淆,不便于判断区分。为使实际操作运用更加清楚,本文以先导式溢流阀、减压阀和顺序阀为例,从工作原理、压力判定、用途等几个方面作比较分析。 1 工作原理 1.1 溢流阀的工作原理 图1 溢流阀工作原理和职能符号图 Fig1 The overflow valve work’s principle and functional symbol 1阀盖 2调压弹簧 3阻尼孔 4阀体 5调压螺钉 6锥阀 7平衡弹簧 8主阀芯 收稿日期:1998-08-21

溢流阀的溢流压力是利用作用于阀芯的进油压力与弹簧力平衡的原理来控制的。原理见图1。当进油液压力低于弹簧力时阀门关闭;当进油液压力超过弹簧力时阀门打开。弹簧力可以调整,故压力也可调整。当有一定流量通过溢流时,阀门必须有一开口,此开口相当于一个液阻,油液流过液阻时必然有压降。实际工作时,溢流阀开口的大小是根据通过的流量自动调整的,它使得通过溢流阀的压力降与阀芯上弹簧力平衡所需的压力二者保持一致。 故开始溢流时,主阀芯的受力平衡式为:PA =P 1A +F S =P 1A +K (X +X 0) 即: P =P 1+K (X +X 0)A 式中:P ———溢流阀的进口压力;P 1———主阀芯上腔的压力;A ———主阀芯的承压面积;K ———平衡弹簧的弹簧刚度;X 0———平衡弹簧的预压缩量;X ———平衡弹簧的附加压缩量。 因为K 取很小,X 相对于X 0很小,可忽略不计;P 1是先导阀的开启压力,基本不变,K 、A 、X 0为常量,故上式可化为: P =P 1+KX 0A =常数所以溢流阀能够保证油压力基本不变,通过调节调压螺钉调节P 1从而可以调节进油压力P 。 1.2 减压阀的工作原理 减压阀是利用液流通过阀口隙缝(液阻)产生压降的原理,使出口压力低于进口压力, 并使出口压力基本保持不变的压力控制阀。它的基本原理和溢流阀相似,但也有很大区别: 一、减压阀控制调节的是阀出口的压力;二、减压阀是常开的,泄油方式是外泄(图2)。 图2 减压阀的工作原理图和职能符号图 Fig 2 The decompression valve work ’s principle and functional symbol 1调压弹簧 2调压螺钉 3先导阀 4平衡弹簧 5主阀芯 6阀体 7阻尼孔 8遥控口 5 513卷第2期 夏显明等 溢流阀、减压阀和顺序阀的比较


单向阀的特性及应用 彭熙伟1,陈建萍2,李金仓1 Property and Application of Check Valve Peng Xi wei1,Chen Jian ping2,Li Jin cang1 (1 北京理工大学自控系,北京 100081;2 中船重工707研究所,江西九江 332007) 摘 要:对单向阀的特性、分类进行了介绍,列举了单向阀在液压系统中多种功能的具体应用,并阐述了单向阀使用中的一些注意问题。 关键词:单向阀;方向控制阀;液压系统 中图分类号:TH137 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1000 4858(2004)01 0060 02 单向阀是液压系统方向控制阀中的一类,其主要作用是限制油液只能向一个方向流动,不能向反方向流动。单向阀结构和工作原理都比较简单,但却是液压系统中应用最多的元件之一,正确选择、合理应用单向阀不仅可以满足液压系统不同应用场合的多种功能要求,而且还可使液压系统设计简化。本文介绍单向阀在实际液压系统中的典型应用和使用注意事项。 1 单向阀的分类及特性 单向阀按其结构特点不同,一般分为普通单向阀和液控单向阀两类。普通单向阀的图形符号如图1a 上所示,其功能是只允许油液向一个方向流动(从A 到B),而不允许反向(从B到A)流动;液控单向阀的图形符号如图1a下所示,其功能是允许油液在一个方向流动(从A到B),而反向流动(从B到A)必须通过控制油(C)来实现。 对单向阀的性能要求主要有:当油液通过单向阀流动时阻力要小,也就是压力损失要小;而当油液反向流入时,阀口的密封性要好,无泄漏;工作时不应有振动、冲击和噪声。 2 单向阀的应用 1)保护液压泵 如图1b所示,单向阀3安装在液压泵1的出口,可防止系统压力突然升高(如蓄能器4释压等)反向传给液压泵,避免泵反转或损坏,起保护液压泵的作用。 2)防止油路干扰 如图1c所示的双泵供油系统,当系统压力低时,泵1和泵2输出的油汇合,共同向系统供油,满足系统大流量的需要;当系统压力高于卸荷阀5的设定压力时,低压泵2卸载,只有高压泵1向系统供油,此时,单向阀4把高压油路和低压油路隔开,不互相影响。 3) 保压 图1 单向阀应用 收稿日期:2003 07 03 作者简介:彭熙伟(1966 ),男,云南昆明市人,副教授,博士,主要从事电液伺服控制、比例伺服控制技术研究。 60液压与气动2004年第1期


减压阀工作原理动画 Prepared on 22 November 2020

减压阀工作原理动画 、食品安全频频告急。 大众已越过“饥不择食”的阶段,开始注重吃的品质和安全。 2、李银河言论被曲解,引发“支持换偶权”争议。 李银河只不过说了“皇帝没穿衣服”,引起各方面人士的“多元阐释”、想入非非。 3、哈尔滨疾控中心给“小姐”上防艾课。 用非常手段对付非常恶魔,成为今日管理的重要突破口。 4、社保基金案引发公众对社会保障忧虑。 一、产品[高灵敏度蒸汽减压阀]的详细资料: 产品型号:YG43H/Y型 产品名称:高灵敏度蒸汽减压阀 产品特点:本产品主要用于蒸汽管路,适用于进口压力变化大,流量变化大的蒸汽管路。 二、结构特点和用处: 本系列减压阀属于先导活塞式减压阀。由主阀和导阀两部分组成。主阀主要由阀座、主阀盘、活塞、弹簧等零件组成。导阀主要由阀座、阀瓣、膜片、弹簧、调节弹簧等零件组成。通过调节调节弹簧压力设定出口压力、利用膜片传感出口压力变化,通过导阀启闭驱动活塞调节主阀节流部位过流面积的大小,实现减压稳压功能。 本系列产品在普通减压阀基础上做了以下改进,加大了活塞面积,改变了节流结构,改变了密封形式,改进了导阀结构和调节弹簧形式,从而从以下几方面提高了产品的性能。 1、提高了对出口压力变化的传感效能,提高了灵敏度,大大降低了因上游压力变化,流量变化等因素引起的压力偏差。 2、改善了流线分布,降低了噪声。 3、改进了密封面结构,延长了密封面寿命。 三、主要技术参数和性能指标: 公称压力(Mpa) 壳体试验压力(Mpa)* 密封试验压力(Mpa) 最高进口压力(Mpa) 出口压力范围(Mpa) 压力特性偏差(Mpa)△Pp2P GB12246-1989 流量特性偏差(Mpa)P2G GB12246-1989 最小压差(Mpa) 渗漏量GB12245-1989 *:壳体试验不包括膜片、顶盖 四、主要零件材料: 零件名称零件材料 阀体阀盖底盖WCB 阀座阀瓣2Cr13


水用减压阀 第一部分 1.0概要 1.1应用 水用减压阀主要应用于降低配水系统中静态与动态(流动)水压。 1.2 适用范围 1.21 类型描述 本标准中的水用减压阀为独立、直动(直接动作)、单膜片式。允许内附过滤网,或在减压阀入口处连接一个独立的过滤装置,或者也可以不安装过滤网及过滤装置。减压阀可以内附旁通阀(by-pass relief valve)装置,也可以不附加旁通阀。 1.22 尺寸范围 连接管路通径的范围为 DN15, DN20,DN25,DN32,DN40,DN50,DN65 和DN80。依据美国国家螺纹管标准ASME B1.20.1,对应的管螺纹为(1/2 NPT,5/8NPT,1-1/4NPT,1-1/2NPT,2NPT,2-1/2NPT 和3NPT) 1.23 压力范围 水用减压阀最小工作压力为1724 kPa(250 psi) 1.24 温度范围 水用减压阀设计的最小温度范围为:0.6°C (33°F)至 60°C(140°F) 1.3 设计限制 1.31 减压阀中的各个部件能够抵抗由特定水压试验产生的应力,不出现永久变形。并且也可以抵御 在水压不平衡的特殊工作条件下,由工作水压力所产生的应力。见3.6节。 1.32 机械性能 1.3. 2.1 可修复性 (a)减压阀的内部零件或者滤网(如果内附其中)应易于检查、清洗、维修或更换。做上述检查或维 修时,无需从管路中拆卸下减压阀。 (b)减压阀中可更换的零件,必须保证,同型号同尺寸的零件具有可互换性。 1.4 参考标准 参考 ANSI、ASTM、ASME 和 ISO最新版本的标准。 第二部分 2.0 试样 2.1 提交测试的样本 每种规格要提供三个样品。任意挑选其中的一个进行测试。 2.2 样本测试 测评机构将选取每一种类型,每一种规格的减压阀,分别进行全部试验。 2.3 图纸 装配图和其他必要的数据,以及产品安装图纸,要随样品一起提交给测试机构,保证测试机构可以判断样品是否符合标准。 2.4 不合格样品 选中样品若未通过测试试验,则认为同类型同规格的产品为不合格品,直到制造商提供改正后的新样品重新进行测试试验。 第三部分 3.0 性能符合性测试 3.1 耐压试验#1(静压内漏测试)


机械业内常用的中英文术语对照 1 管道组成件 Piping component 1.1 管子 Pipe 管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe 管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管 clad pipe 碳钢管 carbon steel pipe 合金钢管 alloy steel pipe 不锈钢 stainless steel pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe 无缝钢管 seamless (SMLS) steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 热轧无缝钢管 hot-rolling seamless pipe 冷拔无缝钢管 cold-drawing seamless pipe 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 直管 run pipe; straight pipe 1.2 管件 Fitting 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 带支座弯头 base elbow k半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow 长半径180巴渫?long radius return 短半径180巴渫?short radius return


1.闸阀、截止阀、蝶阀各适用于什么场合? 这三种阀按开关难易排列:截止阀、闸阀、蝶阀; 按阻力大小排列:截止阀、蝶阀、闸阀; 按关闭严密排列:截止阀、蝶阀、闸阀; 按价格贵贱排列:截止阀、蝶阀、闸阀;(特种蝶阀除外) 这三种阀都属于驱动阀,根据上述特点不难看出,截止阀主要用于小口径管道(支管)或管路未端的启闭和流量调节;蝶阀用于支干管的启闭和流量调节;闸阀用于干管的启闭,一般不用于流量调节。 平衡阀都有哪些种类?各适用于什么场合? 平衡阀有几种,最早出来的是静态平衡阀,可以进行精确的手动调节,可以连接仪器测量阻力并换算成流量,是一种局部阻力系数可以精确调节的阀门。通常设在干管上,要求高的也可以设在支干管或设备入口处。缺点是只能在额定流量时平衡系统阻力,在末端设电动阀改变阻力时水力平衡受影响。 上世纪90年代出来的动态平衡阀用于在系统压力变化的场合下恒定流量,也就是流量不随系统压力的变化而改变,因而称为动态平衡阀。它的使用场合是明显的,只能用于水流量恒定的系统,不可与电动阀合用。 这两种国产阀门最早都是中国空调研究所弄出来的。 丹麦产的FLOWCON动态平衡电动调节阀是更新一代的产品,

它把电动阀和动态平衡结合在一起,在电动调节阀调节时动态平衡预设流量相应调整,例如,当电动调节阀调节流量至50%,该阀门就可以在50%流量点恒定流量。目前全世界只有这一家有这个产品。它用于空调末端原来设电动阀的位置,干管和支管其他水力平衡措施(包括同程管)都可以取消。 蝶阀 蝶阀的蝶板安装于管道的直径方向。在蝶阀阀体圆柱形通道内,圆盘形蝶板绕着轴线旋转,旋转角度为0°~90°之间,旋转到90°时,阀门则牌全开状态。 蝶阀结构简单、体积小、重量轻,只由少数几个零件组成。而且只需旋转90°即可快速启闭,操作简单,同时该阀门具有良好的流体控制特性。蝶阀处于完全开启位置时,蝶板厚度是介质流经阀体时唯一的阻力,因此通过该阀门所产生的压力降很小,故具有较好的流量控制特性。蝶阀有弹密封和金属的密封两种密封型式。弹性密封阀门,密封圈可以镶嵌在阀体上或附在蝶板周边。 采用金属密封的阀门一般比弹性密封的阀门寿命长,但很难做到完全密封。金属密封能适应较高的工作温度,弹性密封则具有受温度限制的缺陷。如果要求蝶阀作为流量控制使用,主要的是正确选择阀门的尺寸和类型。蝶阀的结构原理尤其适合制作大口径阀门。蝶阀不仅在石油、煤气、化工、水处理等一般工业


减压阀的工作原理 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988) 减压阀是气动调节阀

的一个必备配件,主要作用是将气源的压力减压并稳定到一个定值,以便于调节阀能够获得稳定的气源动力用于调节控制。 1.调节手柄; 2.调压弹簧: 3.溢流阀; 4.膜片; 5.阀杆; 6.反馈导管; 7.进气阀门;&复位弹簧 上图所示为一种常用的直动式减压阀结构。 压力为P1的压缩空气,由左端输入经进气阀门节流后,压力降为P2输出。P2 的大小可由调压弹赞2进行调节。若顺时针旋转调节手柄,调压弹赞被压缩,推动膜片和阀杆下移,进气阀门打开,在输出口有气压输出。同时,输出气压经反馈导管作用在膜片上产生向上的推力。该推力与调压弹赞作用力相平衡时,阀便有稳定的压力输出。 若输出压力超过调定值,则膜片离开平衡位置而向上变形,使得溢流阀打开, 多余的空气经溢流口排入大气。当输出压力降至调定值时,溢流阀关闭,膜片上的受力保持平衡状态。若逆时针放置手柄,调压弹赞放松,作用在膜片上的气压力大于弹赞力,溢流阀打开,输出压力降低直到为零。台湾DPC气动提醒您,反馈导管的作用是提高减压阀的稳压精度。另外,能改善减压阀的动态性能,当负载突然改变或变化不定时,反馈导管起着阻尼作用,避免振荡现象发生。 若输入压力瞬时升高,输出将随之升高,使膜片气室内压力升高,在膜片上产生的推力相应增大,此推力破坏了原来力的平衡,使膜片向上移动,有少部分气流经溢流孔、排气孔排出。在膜片上移的同时,因复位弹赘的作用,使阀芯也向上移动,关小进气阀口,节流作用加大,使输出压力下降,直至达到新的平衡为止,输出压


本文为大家介绍的是减压阀的工作原理,首先介绍减压阀的定义,所谓的减压阀是通过调节,将进口压力减至某一需要的出口压力,并依靠介质本身的能量,使出口压力自动保持稳定的阀门。从流体力学的观点看,减压阀是一个局部阻力可以变化的节流元件,即通过改变节流面积,使流速及流体的动能改变,造成不同的压力损失,从而达到减压的目的。然后依靠控制与调节系统的调节,使阀后压力的波动与弹簧力相平衡,使阀后压力在一定的误差围保持恒定。 下面我们通过减压阀的三个结构分别为大家介绍减压阀的工作原理。 减压阀是气动调节阀的一个必备配件,主要作用是将气源的压力减压并稳定到一个定值,以便于调节阀能够获得稳定的气源动力用于调节控制。按结构形式可分为薄膜式、弹簧薄膜式、活塞式、杠杆式和波纹管式;按阀座数目可分为单座式和双座式;按阀瓣的位置不同可分为正作用式和反作用式。 减压阀的工作原理 一组合式减压阀的部结构 1、组合式减压阀自动调节原理: 组合式减压阀是一种在复杂多变的工况下亦可利用水压进行自我调节的减压阀稳压阀,在进口压力和流量产生变化的时候保持出口的压力和流量稳定。其完全实现自力控制,调试简单,运行可靠。 2、组合式减压阀的双反馈切换的工作原理: 组合式减压阀的反馈系统是根据减压阀出口压力的变化信号来控制过流面积(节流锥开度)的独立系统。减压阀装备有互为备用的双反馈系统,启用A系统即停用B系统的运行模式可以达到减压阀不停机检修的目的。 3、组合式减压阀反冲排污的工作原理: 水电站的运行工况比较复杂,尤其水质的好坏直接关系到设备的安全运行。针对泥沙含量较大的水电站,除了在减压阀的过流位置采用不锈钢材质并堆焊镍基合金防磨蚀外,减压阀的反冲排污装置亦能有效地防止反馈控制系统的堵塞,使减压阀在多泥沙杂物的水质中保持良好的工况。(反冲排污系统标配为手动控制,根据水质实际情况把握反冲排污频率,或直接
