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Toy story

Today, I watched an interesting film which tells a story about many toys. It is famous not only for its best characters but also for its deep meaning.

I believe that when we were children, we all believed that the toys had life and they could listen to us. So, we talked with them as if they could understand us. However, when we were not children any more, how could we deal with these friends that had accompanied us for a long time? Obviously, it is not wise for us to just throw them away. We are supposed to cherish them and not to forget them. Only by this way can make your toys feel that they are loved.

To the toys, it is a challenge to realize

their value when their master doesn’t need them anymore. So, just be happy when you can be happy. It is also suitable for human beings.

Anyway, it is a fantastic film which I loved most.


《昆虫总动员》观后感 《昆虫总动员》这部电影讲的是小七星瓢虫从小受苍蝇的嘲笑,到后来因折翅和父母失散了遇上了搬运食物的小蚂蚁们,误打误撞中在蜥蜴的口中救出了蚂蚁。以下是小编整理的《昆虫总动员》观后感,欢迎大家阅读! 《昆虫总动员》观后感1《昆虫总动员》这部影片再也好看不过了,故事是这样的,有一只小瓢虫跟父母走丢了,后来它钻进了一个点心盒,有一群蚂蚁看见了这个点心盒,把它抬走了,却被一群红蚁盯上了,它们跟红蚁发生了激烈的战斗,最后红蚁们逃走了。 看了这部影片,我想到:这些蚂蚁不怕苦累,一天一天地赶路,这种坚持奋斗的精神令我难忘,值得我学习。 我又想到:红蚁大军数量多,武器又先进,但它们贪生怕死,不像蚂蚁和瓢虫一样,勇往直前,我们要像蚂蚁和瓢虫学习,不怕苦难,不怕死,勇往直前。 我还想到:小瓢虫很机灵,也很乐于助人,当它发现一群苍蝇正在欺侮一只小母瓢虫时,它勇敢地去引开苍蝇,让苍蝇撞上汽车,自己哼着小调:啦、啦啦、啦啦啦,啦啦、啦啦啦!这让我意识到欺侮别人是可耻的,且不会有好下场。 这部影片让我懂得了很多,我还要再看一遍!

《昆虫总动员》观后感2午后的阳光轻轻柔柔的洒下来,软绵绵,就像春日的柳絮,一团又一团,捏一下,变成了团,很快有散开,金光闪烁,情景似曾相识,对了!这不是《昆虫总动员》中的画面吗,只不过是漫天飞舞的蒲公英,一朵朵,恰似一把小伞,弱不禁风却独树一帜,就像是红楼梦中婉约灵秀的黛玉,别具匠心。 而《昆虫总动员》这部电影讲的是小七星瓢虫从小受苍蝇的嘲笑,到后来因折翅和父母失散了遇上了搬运食物的小蚂蚁们,误打误撞中在蜥蜴的口中救出了蚂蚁。在跟随蚂蚁回家的'途中,遇上了贪婪的红蚁,在这一路的追逐中,它们遇到了一次次的危险,小瓢虫从鱼口逃生,到最后安全摆脱红蚁,故事紧张而刺激,在这期间,无不展示了合作的重要性,谁都是有用的。故事的高潮在红蚁一直追逐到黑蚂蚁的家园,并企图围攻击毁黑蚁的家园,这个时候,长出新翅膀的瓢虫突围而出,带着拯救黒蚁家族的使命去寻找火柴,途中看到苍蝇在欺负一只小七星瓢虫,这时它愤然出手,智斗苍蝇,最后把小七星瓢虫解救出来,它在一次次的经历中成长了。这一路的心路历程是多么让人震撼。 另外电影对丛林自然景色的展现也非常的美丽,画面有层次感,角度多样,有俯视的,有仰视的,细致到对一滴水珠的特写,大到对超级月亮的全景都是如此地唯美。跟随着镜头,似乎完了我去丛林冒险的心愿。


刮痧优秀观后感英文版 Last year,when I have the public elective course,our teacher introduces a film to us which is his favorite one--GuaSha.At that time,I was just angry at foreigner’s ignorance and deeply moved for Datong’s love for his son.At this time,I watch this film again from different point of view--the intercultural communication. Cultural differences are the most important point in the intercultural communication.At the beginning of this film,Datong with his family is attending his own victory banquet,his son Dennis hits his friend Paul,Paul’s parents think that’s ok,it’s just a fight between two kids.However,Datong and his wife Jenny have different reactions towards that situation.Jenny is a woman who is deeply affected by western thoughts,she doesn’t blame his son.At first,Datong asks his son to apologize to his friend Paul,but Dennis refuses to do that.So Datong is very angry because he thinks that he makes his friend loses his face.Hence,Datong strikes Dennis in his face.Everyone including his wife are shocked.The western parents regard it as family violence,while Datong as a traditional Chinese parent thinks that beating is a sign of affection and cursing is a sign of love.What he has


英语读后感50字 I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. I think Marguerite was right in saying that no one truly cared about her, but only wanted something from her, the only exceptions being Armand and Julie Duprat. Of course, the Comte de G. and Comte de N. wanted her body and appearance. The Duke needed to “wake up and smell the coffee” and realize that she could never replace his dead daughter. If he truly cared, he could have helped her leave her lifestyle without “keeping” her himself. And lastly, Prudence was a blood-sucking leech who used Marguerite almost worse than the men. I also think she was jealous of the fact that Marguerite had so much more courage than herself and someone truly loved her.


【观后感】玩具总动员4观后感 遵循内心之声 你有没有想过,玩具也拥有自己的生命呢?或许你会笑我傻,但这一点儿也不疯狂, 甚至我还觉得它们拥有自己的思想。没错,在《玩具总动员4》这部影片中,我就看到了 一群有生命、有思想、有感情的玩具,它们让我感触很深。 这部影片刻画了许多个性鲜明的人物角色,它们都各有目标、各有志向,并遵循自己 的内心之声,朝目标努力前进,让人为之敬佩、为之鼓舞!影片中的叉叉,他刚开始在内 心中不断告诉自己:我是个垃圾。于是,他遵循着这样的一个内心之声,抓住一切时机让 自己往垃圾堆里跳,结果弄得自己“狼狈不堪”;后来,他转变理念,认定了自己是邦妮 的玩具,积极向上,跟随胡迪回到了邦妮身边。 叉叉的转变让我为之称赞,但影片中的另一个角色——巴斯光年跟却让我对他刮目相看。之前的他既没主见又胆小怕事,遇事举棋不定。但自从他学会按动胸前的按钮来倾听 自己的“内心”之声后,他便像换了个玩具似的,变得不再没有主见,遇事只会说“胡迪!胡迪!”的声音也一遍“丢弃”。在寻找胡迪的路上,他勇敢果断,在遇到困境时就按动 按钮,遵循“内心”之声,找到正确的方法,勇敢的克服了一个个困难。 感谢您的阅读,希望文章能帮助到您。 影片中的焦点——胡迪,他在被邦妮冷落后,找不到方向,听不见内心之声,完全乱 了方向,不知所措!但自从叉叉出现后,他把保护叉叉作为了自己唯一的动力。渐渐的, 他找回了他自己的“内心之声”,跟着牧羊女宝贝一起“流浪”。胡迪就像现实生活中的 有些人一样,迷失了自我,失去了方向,听不到自己的内心之声,甚至对自己失去了存在感,陷入迷茫之中。而影片中的胡迪,他是幸运的,他能找回了自我,重新听到自己的内 心之声! 看完这部影片,让我懂得了一个人生道理:做人要有目标,朝着目标努力,不能迷失 自我,要遵循自己的内心之声。这样,你的人生之路将是一条康庄大道,一片光明!让我 们一起向着目标努力吧! 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


第一篇:100部英文电影 100 部超级好看的英文电影 1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕(安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕(里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕(励志的!刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神(林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车(林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!) 17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影!(ⅰ和ⅱ都喜欢) 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕(哈利波特演的哟)

23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿prada的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐很立志!〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克?希尔顿首部主打影片!这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴……有点点sex)〔超级推荐i love hilton sisters〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐女生的可怕和可爱〕


《上帝也疯狂2》观后感 政史学院历史09班梁燕学号:200902405153 这部影片讲了在沙漠中生活的卡拉哈里人远离现代世界,在干旱的环境里自有一套谋生方式。卡拉哈里人奇哥的两个幼子奇沙与奇尔在父亲寻找食物时被车厢的露水吸引,登上了偷猎者的卡车,却被不知情的偷猎者带走。奇哥自此踏上了追寻孩子的旅途……来自美国的法学博士安泰勒经一位心血来潮的飞行员邀请,登上了他的飞机,却为恶劣的天气影响,和动物学家马歇尔一同被困在沙漠的深处,两位博士术业有专攻,但野外生存肯定不是安泰勒的强项,女博士忙乱的表现为这次历险平添了轻松的气氛……古巴战士与非洲士兵为双方阵营而战,两个人一把枪传来传去,他们也先后做着对方的俘虏……这群人在沙漠深处的动物天堂穿插互动,上演了一出温馨轻松的喜剧。下面我将从感受深的几点来进行理论结合。 从影片来看,沙漠中的卡拉哈里人远离现代世界,他们的观点不同。卡拉哈里人信仰上帝,相信一切都是上帝的赏赐,他们懂得如何在沙漠里生存,懂得如何利用沙漠里一切,如辨别动物的脚印说明沙漠中发生的事、在没有降水的时候如何利用植物来获取水、、、、、、而这一切对于沙漠外的人来说是不可思议的,代表就是女主角法学博士安泰勒。从世界的物质性而言,我们可以看到物质世界是客观实在的,无论是沙漠世界还是现代世界,且不以人的意识为转移。社会生活本质是实践的,体现在实践是社会关系形成的基础,实践形成了社会生活的基本领域,实践构成了社会发展的动力。卡拉哈里人生活在沙漠的内部,在沙漠的时间构成了他们的社会关系,形成了他们社会生活得基本领域,也促成了他们发展的动力;而生活在现代世界的人来说,在没有实践的沙漠地带他们没办法有自己的社会关系,生活领域,这些他们只能在他们实践的现代社会里才能实现,也才能构成他们的社会生活。当然,事物是普遍联系和相互发展的,虽然卡拉哈里人远离现代世界,但是从总个社会来说,他们还是相互联系的,而且是发展着的。 从认识的本质来理解这部影片,我了解到: 实践是认识的基础; 认识是主体对客体的能动反映; 认识要一切从实际出发,在实践中坚持和发展真理。 在影片中卡拉哈里人和研究动物的动物学博士马歇尔在沙漠的实践中认识到沙漠的现象,他们知道动物的脚印代表什么意思,知道沙漠中动物的习性,它们怕什么,要怎样去防范他们的攻击,最典型的就是土狼这种胆小又怯懦的动物了。而影片中的女主角法学博士安泰勒由于对沙漠中的一切没有充分的实践以致对沙漠没有充分认识,在影片中表现的一惊一乍的,充分的展示了人在危急时刻爆发出来的潜力,给影片带来了很多的笑点。除了生活在现代社会中的女主角,还有奇哥的两个小孩被没有见过轮胎的印子还有那一箱的水吸引,从而登上了偷猎者的卡车,却被不知情的偷猎者带走。还有影片中女主角由于自己的惊吓把载她的卡拉哈里人的自行车撞坏之后,硬塞给他美元的镜头,给我印象很深。女主没有从实际出发,没有认识到卡拉哈里人是不需要到钱币的,要把客观存在的事物作为观察和处理问题的根本出发点,并在实践中坚持发展真理。只有真正的在沙漠中实践过,才能坚持和发展真理。 以前看电影从来没有这样的想过要理论结合,经过候老师这么要求反而觉得能学以致用,加深对所学知识的理解,让认识与实践相结合,从而加深了对知识的理解。


英语读后感(共6篇) 《大卫科波菲尔》英语读后感英语读后感(2) | It is the same as read other novels of Dickens' too to read" David Copperfield", People feel every personage --From protagonist to warder not speaking --It is ready to appear , lifelike. This because Dickens very much can play up angry to a great extent Atmosphere, the method is that the detail is delineated. At the time of writing to Mr.Murdstone teach David such as him, have published a question in this way: "If I go to the cheese shop to buy 4,000 pieces of extra quality cheese in Gloucester ……" he will it shows to be" extra quality cheese of Gloucester" in detail only, but this set off appear personality of Mr.Murdstone vividly even more just --Mechanical, intend to embarrass David. He describes David's banquet, each kind of vegetables is not described well at all in it, Whether and this it make people unable to feel even more vivid too,like in among. Can enter silk enter and deduct detail of describing, it is obvious Dickens one outsight and realize strength better people more like this. He draws support from his pen Tell reader abundant impression of him whether make readers rise and fall of the happiness, 1 / 12


《玩具总动员》观后感6篇 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 导语:你相信玩具也会有感情吗?玩具是否会说话呢?《玩具总动员》是发生在安弟和一个坏小孩身上的故事,坏小孩非常不爱惜玩具,玩具们都被他弄的粉身碎骨。下面是小编帮大家整理的玩具总动员观后感,希望大家喜欢。篇一:玩具总动员观后感 每当看完一部电影或电视剧后,往往回旋在脑海中的始终是人物的品质与精神,它可以让你受益无穷。 好久以前,我看了一部动画片电影——《玩具总动员2》,它搞笑幽默却意义深刻: 在安迪的家里,有胡迪和巴斯光年等一大堆玩具,他们可不是一般的玩具,他们就像人一样,能说话、能动。经过了历险后的他们友谊日益增强,他们生活得十分快乐。直到有一天胡迪被一个收藏家发现,准备让他在日本当代文化博物馆内展览。然而另一边,巴斯光年带着玩具朋友们想去拯救胡迪。找到胡迪后,和他在一起的难友们却说:“安迪终究会长大,我们会

有被抛弃的那一天,不如去当展品,不会被小孩玩弄于手掌之中。”一边是与安迪的深情厚谊,一边是被人们“瞻仰”,逃离“死亡”。在湖底的一番思想斗争后,他还是选择了安迪,他决定要带给安迪一个快乐的童年…… 一部动漫电影,却能让我受益匪浅。确实,胡迪的这种精神值得我们学习,虽然那不是现实,但是,他的这种敢于“牺牲”,重情重义,先人后已等精神是我们所要去争取到的。 当然,在我们的现实生活当中,我们也应当处处为他人着想。人生也不过如此,最终结局还不都一样,为何不让自己的人生过得充实,更让人回味些呢? 每个人都有自己的价值,就像电影中的那样,玩具也有他们的价值。 看了这部电影,让我悟出了人生道理。篇二:玩具总动员观后感 今天,我看了《玩具总动员2》这部影片。这部影片非常精彩,它讲述的是一个感人的故事。影片开头,安弟家的玩具们竟然一下子都活了。胡迪——一个玩具西部牛仔,他的好朋友有巴斯光年。不料胡迪有一天被一个人类给捉走了,巴斯光年为了把胡迪救出来和安弟房间里的其他玩具伙伴一起开启了拯救胡


文章读后感英文范文如何写英语文章读后感英语作文模版 A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感 This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and bees self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday bee close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England. Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature. 可以参照一下


上帝也疯狂电影观后感范文 《上帝也疯狂》系列讲述的是在非洲的卡拉哈里地区,生活着一群生性乐观、知足自在的布希族土人,两万年来过着与世隔绝的生活.这里给大家整理了一些有关上帝也疯狂的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助. 上帝也疯狂观后感1 看完电影我真的十分震撼,在捧腹之余,我觉得人类很有必要审视一下此刻的“所谓礼貌”。“那里看起来像人间天堂,却是世界上最个性的沙漠。”开头这句话看似像是在给人们说这片沙漠的神奇、与众不一样。其实不然,接下来的一系列片段讲述了住在这片沙漠的布依人。他们十分知足、十分和善、甚至不懂得什么是礼貌。在他们看来,一切都是上帝的恩赐。更可贵的是他们没有所有权意识。但这一切被飞行员投下的一个玻璃瓶打破了,他们认为那是上帝在跟他们开玩笑,是不祥之物,由历苏送到“世界的尽头”扔掉 这部影片很巧妙的利用了比较,在南方600里的城市,这是一个现代化十分发达的城市。但那里的人们并不快乐,他们过着死板的生活,周一早上八点去上班,中间十点半有十五分钟的休息时刻。他们像是时刻的奴隶,那里的学生被迫理解十几年的教

育,那里的上班族受到上司的刁难。而在北方2000里的地方发生了一场政治刺杀,他们为了权力宁愿舍弃生命 其实,每个人的心灵深处都住着善意,只是在追逐名利中、在征服自然中失去了本性,造就了所谓的现代礼貌——现代礼貌的背后,是对资源的疯狂掠夺,是硝烟弥漫的战争,是追逐名利的勾心斗角,是篡改历史,是强权霸权主义的盛行 当历苏站在那个美丽的悬崖边上,一扬手,可乐瓶子在空中划出一道完美的抛物线,然后不见。当时我就在想:或许,人类真的需要给心灵找一个居所,让它能够得到净化的憩居。像布依人那样随心所欲的生活,与世无争,与自然和谐相处。哪怕是回归原始,又有何不可? 上帝也疯狂观后感2 一个布希族人凯捡到了一个可乐瓶,开始布希族觉得这是上帝赠给他们的礼物。世事难料,因为这个瓶子,布希族人开始闹起了矛盾。他们觉得这是“不祥之物”,凯决定把瓶子扔到天涯海角去。他遇到了安德鲁史帝,和他一起保护了一群孩子和凯特,并且抓住了恐怖的人波哈。最后凯扔掉了瓶子,返回布希族。 在这部电影中我十分佩服凯。凯射杀了一只羊,而被告上法庭时,他的表情居然是微笑的,还想与法庭上的人交流。我原本以为他胆子很大,很冷静。但是看到下面凯用涂了镇定剂的针射


活着英语读书笔记和感悟 导语:人的幸福要等到最后,在他生前和葬礼前,无人有权说他幸福--出自余华的短篇小说《活着》的自序。下面是的小编为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 活着英语读书笔记和感悟 The happiness of man waits until the end, before he is born and before the funeral, no one has the right to say that he is happy -- the self-ordering of yu huas short story, to live. I love this book, because every time when reading this book, I will feel all of the difficulties faced by actually doesnt consider as what, people are always so, if he did not feel the real pain, he would be naive to think he is facing great difficulties, so he was upset and frustrated. Reading this book gives me great courage to pursue the happiness I want. What is happiness? This is what a person is pursuing from life to death, which is also the value of a persons life, but there are still many people who cant find the happiness they want. And I read living after the feeling of the book to talk about my happiness some ideas! What is life for? Or just live to live? Alive, is the most basic nature gives us the potential, the two simple words is full of desire for the life and the


Toy Story Ⅲ Fifteen years ago, I was a little child, who was infantile and had a great interest with toys as well as other kids. When I saw Toy Story Ⅰat first sight, I knew that it would play an important role in my continual life. As with my thought, it turned to be right. Then, Toy Story Ⅱ. And now, Toy StoryⅢ. Having finished watching it, what filling with me is nothing but move and surprise. Three movies represent three parts in our life. Years ago, we played happily with our beloved toys like Andy. Years later, we saw Andy say goodbye to his good friends and wonderful childhood, stepping into a new life -college. Deep into the movie, we can see ourselves. Don't we lead a developing road just like him? What impresses me a lot is the friendship they own. Friendship is to us what sunshine is to plants. I can still remember the scene. When toys spared no efforts to survive, they met a stab in the back, getting caught up in a huge furnace. Though they felt powerless to deal with it, they did nothing but just hand in hand unshakably, smiling to each other, and waiting for the arrival of death. Valuable friendship came to them just like a gift and they really deserved it. Though I knew that would not be the final ending, I was still shacked by it. After all, during the long time Toy Series accompanying with me, it seems to me that there are no problems that Woody and Bass will fail to solve. But when all their efforts are in vain, I fall in deep thought: developing Andy, being discarded toys. Everything is changing, which is also practical in movies. The things time takes is not only the fate that toys are abandoned, but also our feelings during childhood. When toys came back to Andy, the movie led to a light spot - Andy's choice. With the guidance of Woody, Andy changed the original thought that putting the toys into attic and determined to give them to a little girl, Bonnie, who liked toys as well. When seeing he put out of the toys, describing them one by one. I could perceive how much he liked them. The more jubilation he showed, the more I was moved. Finally, when Andy found Woody at the bottom of the box, Andy sighed. So did I. Though


Recently, I was attracted by an American TV series, it called Once Upon a Time.Since the classical fairy tales into nine to nine they live happily ever after ended, and the new play, but this sentence was a prelude to a prince's Kiss: Snow White was saved, but the wedding is in the curse. So they put my daughter Emma shuttle back to the real world. Emma, a local she wasn't known the fairy tale, but can be classic role in the introduction of a fairy tale, the snow white princess, Prince, talking cricket, Cinderella, be good at using the dark elves are not only the dwarf was cut, characters in fairy tales will be written to a beat all the nominal pull in the story "The fairy town" with our familiar fairy tale, for example, from childhood to see snow white is not one thing. And the fairy tale imagination but is weak and dull figures, from the children's perspective, they only know the princess is beautiful, the prince was brave, witch is evil, and everyone behind the story, causes their actions but never explain, why they would become like this? In a word, "the fairy town" is worth to watch the movie. Different from the children's fairy tale story, has a profound meaning afford much food for thought, give a person to teach the senses and different. That's right. It is this winter, let me shock film. Synopsis Once Upon a Time is an American fantasy-drama television series created by Lost writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. The series takes place in the fictional seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine, in which the residents are actually characters from various fairy tales that were transported to the “real world” town by a powerful curse cast by the Evil Queen. The Evil Queen interrupts the wedding of Snow White and Prince Charming to announce that she will cast a curse on everyone and take away all their love so that she is the only one with a happy ending. Many of the fairy tale characters are transported to Storybrooke where most of them are stripped of their true identities and memories of their previous lives. The town…s only hope lies with a bail bondswoman, Emma Swan ,the daughter of Snow White and Prince


上帝也疯狂观后感5篇600字 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— 上帝也疯狂观后感1 上帝存在吗?竟然也会疯狂起来?瞧这名字就够吸引人的!那这部电影到底在说些什么呢?看后才知道,原来是上世纪80年代城市发展进程中,不为人知的原始文明与现代文明冲撞中的一些缩影。故事是以像沙漠又不是沙漠的卡拉哈里平静祥和的生活场面开始的,在那里居住着原始部落------布希族,虽然他们的生活方式虽然艰辛,但却没有私念,人与人之间相处融洽,相互帮助,分享果实。在他们心中,上帝每天都在默默地注视并保佑着他们。然而这样与世无争的生活被“上帝”扔下来的一个酒瓶给搅乱了。 凯在外面游猎的时候捡到了飞机上落下的瓶子并带回了部落。很快,聪明的布希族人发现了这个瓶子的多种用途,都想使用它,遗憾的是上帝太吝啬了-----只扔下一个瓶子!于是以前从未出现过的不和谐场面展现在人们面前,大家为争夺瓶子的使用权而相互争吵,甚至大打出手,发生了多起流血事件。凯决定把这个搅乱平静生活的罪魁祸首还给上帝,于是他开始了赶往世界的尽头的旅程。一路上凯经历了种种奇遇,也引发了无穷的乐趣, 与此同时,一群笨手笨脚的反政府武装分子袭击总统未果之后,开始了流亡他乡的漂泊生活……而一直在卡哈拉里做研究的动植物学家安德鲁斯蒂,开着无刹车,既能无人驾驶、又能上树的破旧吉普,代替牧师去接来做乡村教师的汤小姐,这一路可让汤小姐见识了这辆吉

普的与众不同和安德鲁斯蒂博士头衔之外的另一面。在“车上树”的时候凯第一次遇见了安德鲁斯蒂和汤小姐,并以为他们是神仙!当他把瓶子给安德鲁的时候,安德鲁斯蒂却让他丢掉,于是凯愤怒的走开了。凯离开之后由于射杀了文明时代驯养的山羊被当地政府收押3个月,幸好安德鲁斯蒂雇佣他做了11星期的义务服务。这就为他们合伙智斗武装分子埋下了铺垫。当反政府----闯进村子,挟持了汤小姐和她的学生时,正在户外做研究的安德鲁斯蒂发现了这一危情,并准备了对策开始了对唐小姐的营救。而作为安德鲁副手的凯则机智的完成了安德鲁斯蒂交给他的任务。最终,所有人被救,而且无一人伤亡,当然,除了反政府----。 故事虽然结束了,可是对于故事中的有些人物的印象还是无法磨灭。来自原始文明的凯与现代文明的事物撞了个正面,于是喜剧诞生了,就像卓别林的哑剧一样充满了趣味和欢乐。凯把世界中的一切事物都看成是圣物,把它看作上帝的恩赐,神圣而高贵。以至于把西方文明人扔下的垃圾---那只破瓶子当作慈爱的上帝送给他们的礼物。而此刻相距600公里的大都市到处可见这样的垃圾,人们为名誉、利益无时无刻都在进行着勾心斗角的无烟战争。反动分子也公然袭击总统发动武装斗争。 相比之下,凯所生活的卡拉哈里也许就是人类最后的精神净土。可爱的布希族人,纯真、简单、善良、执着,没有嫉妒,仇恨,权利之争,非常纯净的种族。日出而作,日落而息,简单的为生存而生存。没有烦恼、负担,快乐的生活,真是感叹地球上竟然有如此简单干净的种


关于英语的读后感 _读书笔记 英文读后感要按照英文的习惯,文章中的语句时态必须得是一般现在时,即用一般现在时来表达自己的感想和自己的观点。下面是英语读后感,欢迎大家阅读 ! Loves also thoroughly, hates thoroughly also. Repays a debt of gratitude also thoroughly, the revenge is also thorough. This is reads " Christ mountain revenge in me records " after the biggest feeling.China has the proverb is called the " gentleman revenges, ten year not late ", revenges also is needs to conserve strength, certainly is not may act rashly by reason of for a while the state of mind. But Christ mountain count, then was most concrete the motion explains this proverb with oneself. After experiences 14 years in prison, his life essential meaning was pursues ever the family member, ever benefactor and ever personal enemy. After confirmed had to seek person, he certainly did not have like us such which saw in the chivalric fiction novel, held the fist in the other hand cloud " to the benefactor goes through fire or water, again did not hesitate ", assassinated to the personal enemy one sword. He chose his own way.To ever had the graciousness to own ship owner one, he used up it energy, silently supported, by the various way, actually always did not let them know actually own was for repay a debt of gratitude.If he repays a debt of gratitude moving, then his revenge is so the incisiveness, also has several after us calls unavoidably to have the dessert is startled. Helen Keller today read this book, I benefited greatly!"Helen. Keller," This article describes the life of Helen sad but tenacious. The age of one in Helen, she was due to serious illness led to a blind and deaf. But Helen did not give up, still hard to learn, learning to speak. Emperor it pays off, Helen finally learned to talk, admitted to the university, became a world celebrity.Helen Keller difficulties do not retreat, but the courage to overcome difficulties, to me? Once, my father taught me to ride, I always do not mind, falling again and again, failed again and again, always feel impatient and always want to give up, so get in their studies. But after reading this article, Helen Keller brave defeat the disease of the spirit moved me, I am determined to learn cycling. This does not, now riding for me, is simply a piece of cake!Helen. Keller such a waist, self-unyielding, never-give-in spirit, we set an example, her own actions compose a songof life, beautiful music! After reading this novel,I learned something about how British classical upper-class behaved and their standards of choosing spouse.Even in the same family,they had various thoughts about marriage.Jane and Lizzy wanted to marry someone they really loved,while Lydia and Kitty preferred to find someone funny.Their parents thought highly of family wealth,and the young thought it less important.However,most of them still had a ranking
