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unit 6 I'm watiching TV全单元教案

unit 6 I'm watiching TV全单元教案
unit 6 I'm watiching TV全单元教案

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

(Go for it )



本单元的中心话题是Food. 主要语言功能项目是Talk about likes and dislikes. 语法结构为Present tense to like, Yes / No questions and short answers, Affirmative and negative statements. 本单元Section A所呈现的是与谈论喜好与厌恶相关的基本语言知识及其初步运用。这部分内容从呈现食物词汇开始,通过视、听等方式输入信息,并引出本单元主要句型:Do you like…?及其回答Yes,I do / No, I don’t.接着设计了一个听力练习,要求圈出所听到的食物以及补全对话,强化记忆所学词汇和初学句型。然后教材设计了一个结对活动,以此操练主语是第三人称单数时句型的变化以及回答。并借此突出本单元的语法重点。最后教材设计的Food Survey起到了引导学生初步综合运用所学语言的作用,以调查的形式使学生在富有挑战性的活动中主动运用所学语言,落实新知。Section B是在Section A基础上的知识的扩展和延伸。本单元中,Section B首先以听、说、写的形式展开了食物与名称配对以及对食物进行分类。接着设计了听力填写Sandra和Tom喜欢与不喜欢的食物;自然引到了谈论一日三餐的话题的结对活动,实现了新旧知识的综合运用;一日三餐合理健康膳食引出同步阅读;之后的写一段话谈谈Tom的一日三餐到写一段关于自己一日三餐喜欢吃的食物,直到最后的小组活动列出购物清单,使学生从完成半真实的任务转向了完成真实的任务,从而达到了创造性活用所学语言的目的。Self check部分的主要内容是对本单元主要词汇及语言运用能力的自我评价。





教学难点:1、交际用语Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.



















(3)Guessing. 通过猜测,并大胆发言,以学习新知。








(1)通过Discussing, Classifying and Guessing等形式多样的活动,促使学生运用认知策略进行有效地学习。




Period 1 Section A 1a /1b /1c /2a /2b/2c.

Period 2 Section A 2d /3a /3b/3c.

Period 3 Section B 1a /1b /1c/1d/1e/2a /2b /2c /3a /3b

Period 4 Summing up Sections A and Band the grammar , Self Check.




1)单词:do, don’t, does,


ench fries, bananas.

2)句型:Do you like bananas?

Yes, I do. \ No, I don’t.




三、教学难点:学会使用交际用语Do you like bananas?

Yes,I do.\ No, Idon’t.




T: Today we are going to learn Unit 6.Look,what’s this?

Ss: It’s a fridge.

T: Right!There are many kinds of delicious food in it.Can you guess?

S1: Apple.

T: Yes, there are some apples in it. Are there any oranges in it?

S2: Yes.

T: OK,Maybe you are right.Now let’s open the fridge and check them out.Look,what are they? Ss: They are bananas.

T: How do you spell it?

Ss: B-A-N-A-N-A, banana.

T: Anything else ?

S: French fries.

T: Maybe you are right. Let’s see. Look!What are they?

Ss: They are French fries.

T: Can you spell it,please?

Ss: F-R-E-N-C-H, French, F-R-I-E-S, fries.

T: Yes,very good!Who can write it on the blackboard?

S: Me.

T: You please.

Step2.布置一项任务:老师手持一个盒子, 让同学猜猜老师最喜欢的食物.规则为学生只能问老师问题而老师只用“Yes”



T: You see, there are so many things in the fridge. I know each of you has your favourite food. Right? I have my favourite food, too. Now I want you to guess it. You can ask me questions to find it out. Think over, what question can you ask ?

S: What’s your favourite food ?

T: Yes, you can ask me in this way, but I want you to guess it. I can only answer “ Yes” or “ No”. How can you ask me ?

S: Do you like bananas ?

T: Yes, I do. Yes, good question! So all of you can ask me like this, clear?

Ss: Yes!

S: Do you like hamburgers?

T: No, I don’t. I don’t like hamburgers.

S: Do you like oranges?

T: Yes, I do. They’re sweet.

S: Do you like ice cream?

T: Yes, I do. It’s my favourite food in summer. OK, I think one of you has got the right answer. Now my favourite food is in this box!

Ss: Chocolate!

T: No, I don’t like chocolate. let’s open and see ! Look ! What’s this?

Ss: Orange !

T: Who got the right answer?

S: Me!

T: OK, congratulations! And this orange is for you!

完成Section A, 1a, 1b.

Step 3. 布置拓展性任务:要求同桌学生合作编一个小型对话,主题为询问别人喜欢或不喜欢的食物。要求使用刚学过的食物类单词以及句型,同时也可以适当地加入课外单词(老师请一程度较好的学生先进行示范)。


T: Now let’s do the pair work. Make a dialogue with your partners. Ask your partners like this to find out their favourite food. I will ask some pairs to act it out. Two minutes.

( Two minutes later )

T: OK, stop here. Who’d like to be the first pair? You two,please!

A: Hello.

B: Hi.

A: Let’s go to eat breakfast. Look, do you like hamburgers?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Oh, I like it, too. Do you like French fries?

B: No, I don’t. They aren’t healthy food.

A: OK, let’s eat hamburgers.

B: Great! Thank you.

Step4.完成课文32页Section A听力练习activity 2a, 2b,2c.



1.Copy the new words and try to learn them by heart.

2.Make up a new dialogue about likes and dislikes then write it down in your exercise book.


Period Two






如:Do you /they like salad? Yes, I /they do. No, I /they don’t

Does he like French fries? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

I (They) like oranges. I (They) don’t like bananas.

She likes bananas. She doesn’t like ice cream.







Step 1.复习前课所学单词与句型:通过看图片说单词的方式复习单词,并通过询问学生“Do you like bananas/ oranges…?”的形式,复习前一课的句型。


T: Yesterday, we learned many words about food, right? Do you still remember? Now please look at the screen.

T: What’s this?

Ss: Apple.

T: Do you like apples?

Ss: Yes, I do.

T: And what’s this?

Ss: Banana.

T: Yes, What about this one?

Ss: Bread.

T: Do you like bread?

Ss: No, I don’t.


T: Yes, good job! You have good memory!

Step 2.导入新课:分别请一男孩和女孩回答老师的问题,说出他们喜欢与不喜欢的食物,然后就这两位学生的情况向全班提问,以此介绍主语为三单和非三单时的各种句型。


T: Now I’ll ask a boy and a girl to answer my questions. First I’d like to ask a boy.

( To a boy ) Do you like pears?

B: Yes,I do.

T: Do you like French fries?

B: No, I don’t.

T: (To the class) Class, Does he like pears?

Ss: Yes, he does.

T: Does he like French fries?

Ss: No, he doesn’t.

(Then ask a girl to answer the teacher’s question.)

T: (To a girl) Do you like pears?

G: Yes,I do.

T: Do you like French fries?

G: No, I don’t.

T: (To the class) Now class,Does she like pears?

Ss: Yes, she does.

T: Does she like French fries?

Ss: No, she doesn’t.

T: (Pointing to the boy and the girl) Class,Do they like pears?

Ss: Yes, they do.

T: Right. They like pears.Do they like French fries?

Ss: No, they don’t.

T: Yeah, they don’t like French fries. Good job!


Step 3布置任务:四人小组活动。其中两位互相询问对方喜欢与不喜欢的食物,另两位转述他们所说的情况。

eg. A: I like chicken. Do you like chicken?

B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t

C:He /She likes chicken. Does she /he like chicken?

D:Yes, he /she does. /No, He /she doesn’t.

Step 4完成课本32页2d中的Role-play

Step 5简单总结一下语法。然后布置拓展性的任务:假如明天是你的生日,你打算邀请一些同学来你家做客,你事先已了解他们所喜欢的食物。你和妈妈讨论准备去买一些他们喜欢吃的东西。要求和同伴合作编对话,然后上台表演。(教师事先与一学生做示范.)

eg. A: Mum, tomorrow is my birthday. Jim, Kate, Lucy and Lily are coming to my party.

B: Good. Let’s give them something nice to eat. Does Jim like oranges?

A: Yes, he likes them very much.

B: Does Kate like oranges ,too.?

A: No, she doesn’t. She likes pears.

B: What about Lucy and Lily? Do they like ice cream?

A: Yes, they like it very much.

B: Ok. Let’s go and get some oranges, pears,ice cream and some other things.

A: OK. Let’s go.

T: Good job! Next Sunday I want to invite some students to my house, please help me to make a survey in our class and tell me what they like and don’t like.

Step 6接着完成课本33页3a-3c。要求学生就表格中的食物向同伴提问:Do you like…?找出他们喜欢与不喜欢的食物,填好表格,然后向全班汇报。

eg. Liu Li likes tomatoes, but Zhao Jun doesn’t like tomatoes. He likes potatoes. Liu Mei and Chen Yan like bananas, but Li Lei and Bill don’t like bananas.They like oranges. …Homework

1.Write a report about your food survey in your class.

2.Finish off the exercises in the exercise book.

Period Three




1)单词:have, has, eat, eats, like, likes, oh, for, carrot, runner, lots of, dessert, egg, apple, chicken, fruit, vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner, eat, run, star, healthy, food,


2)句型:What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?

For breakfast, I have…

What does he/ she have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?

For breakfast, he/ she has….






Step1. Memory challenge

Show some words about the food in groups of two, four or six on the screen quickly, let the students say out the words as many as they can to revise the words.

完成Section B1a-1e, 2a-2c,3a-3b.



T: How many meals do we have every day?

Ss: Three.

T: Yes, and what are they?

T: Right. So I have three plates for you. The first one is for breakfast, the second one is for lunch and the third one is for dinner. Now I put the food into each plate. According to it. What do you have for breakfast?

S: For breakfast, I have hamburgers, tomatoes and salad.

T: Yes, great! Then what about lunch? What do you have for lunch?

S: For lunch, I have eggs, bread and carrots.

T: Right! How about dinner? What do you have for dinner?

S: For dinner, I have chicken, salad and ice cream.

T: OK. Well done!



T: Do you like the food I chose for you?

Ss: Yes/ No.

T: It’s your turn now! choose food for yourself and make a dialogue with your partners. Ask your partners what they have for three meals. Two minutes, and I will ask some pairs to come here to act it out and you can put the food into the plate by yourself. Two minutes , start!

( Two minutes later )

T: Time is up. Who’d like to be the first one?

Ss: Me/ Let me have a try.

T: OK, you two first. Let’s welcome!

A: Good morning.

B: Good morning.

A: What do you like for breakfast?

B: I like hamburgers and bananas.

A: What do you eat for lunch?

B: For lunch, I eat chicken, bread and ice cream. What do you have for dinner?

A: For dinner, I have rice, fish, vegetable soup and cucumbers.

B: I think your dinner is very delicious.

A: Thank you. Let’s go to KFC.

B: Really/ OK. Let’s go!

A: Not bad!


T: You have eaten healthy food. Let’s look at Sandra. What kind of food does she eat? Now let me tell you. Listen carefully and answer my questions.

Step 4. 完成35页Section B activity 2a, 2b, 2c.

Step 5.巩固描述一日三餐食谱的方法:同步阅读“Runner eats well!”然后完成SectionB activity 3b.

Step 6.完成Section B Activity 3a,3b:Write about what you and your partner like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Step 7 Groupwork: You are going for a picnic with a group of friends.

1. Make a list of food to buy.

2. Read your list of food to the class.


1.Eating healthily is very important. It can make you healthy and happy. Please write about

what you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.



Period Four











Setp1. 复习本单元内容:要求学生编一个关于讨论喜欢的食物以及一日三餐食谱的对话。本环节课堂实录如下:

T: Look at the screen.Who are they?

Ss: 蜡笔小新和樱桃小丸子.

T: Yes, they meet each other on Sunday. What do they talk about?

Ss: Hamburgers,French fries……

(Show the conversation.)

T: OK.Let’s read it together.

Boys: Good afternoon.

Girls: Good afternoon.

Boys: Let’s go to the KFC together.

Girls: great!I’d like to go.

Boys: What do you have for lunch?

Girls: I have hamburgers and salad.What about you?

Boys: I have rice, fish and bread.

Girls: What do you like for dinner in KFC?

Boys: I like hamburgers,chicken and ice cream. And you?

Girls: Me, too.

Boys: OK.Let’s go!

T: Now please make a conversation like this with your partners.Two minutes.

(Two minutes later.)

T: Now, I’d like to ask some pairs to act it out. You please.

A: Nice to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you.

A: Oh,it’s seven o’clock now. Let’s go to school.

B: OK.

A: Do you like apples?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Do you like strawberries?

B: No,I don’t. It’s too sour. Do you like French fries ?

A: No,I don’t.It’s isn’t healthy food.

B: What do you have for breakfast?

A: For breakfast,I have hamburgers, eggs and orange juice. What about you ?

B: I have hamburgers, French fries and coca cola.

A: Let’s have lunch together, OK ?

B: OK.Bye-bye.

A: Bye.(A is a girl,B is a boy.)

Step2. 归纳本单元语言点:可数与不可数名词。(注:由于初一学生对于语法讲解不太熟悉,为便于学生们理解及掌握,本环节以中文讲解为主。)


T: Next let’s review the grammar together.Please take out your notebooks.

T: 英语名词可以大致分为两类,是哪两类?

Ss: 可数名词和不可数名词。

T: 对,可数名词又可以分为两类:单数和复数名词。


2.不可数名词。比如:water, milk, bread, news等。不可数名词一般没有复数形式。表示其数量时要用计量名词。比如a glass of water,一杯水,a piece of news一则新闻。

3.有时既可当可数名词又可当不可数名词。如:ice cream, salad,chicken.

T: 好的,接下来我们来看可数名词的复数形式。



2.以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的加es, 如bus--bus es, box--box es, watch--watch es, brush--brush es, tomato--tomatoes. 但有些例外。如:radios, photos, zoos.

3.以y结尾的,去y加ies. 如story--stories.

4.以f或fe结尾的,去f或fe加ves. 如knife--knives.

5.不规则变化:如child--children, man--men, tooth--teeth.

T: 关于名词的复数形式,清楚了吗?Ss: 清楚。

T: 好,接着我们再看看动词变化。


如:He like s hamburgers.

He has chicken for dinner. (have-has)

2.否定句中,主语如果是第三人称单数,用doesn’t.主语如果是非第三人称单数,用don’t. doesn’t和don’t后面动词变原形。

如:I don’t like hamburgers

He dosen’t like ice cream.


如:Does he like pears?

Do they like Salad?

T: OK.These are the main grammar points of unit six.Do you have any questions?

Ss: No.

Finish off Self-Check.

Do a short test about the grammar above.

Step3. 完成36页Self Check中的题目。


1.Make a survey and write a report.(抽样调查现在中学生的早餐状况并提出合理化的



Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? Section A (1a –2c ) 一. 教学目标 学会用like对食物进行提问以及应答,学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问句。学会询问对方喜欢与不喜欢的食物。学会了解别人喜欢与不喜欢的食物, 动词like 的用法;一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答。 二. 教学重、难点 1.学习运用重点句型Do you like…? Does he/she like …? I like …I don’t like …等。词汇:hamburgers ,tomatoes, oranges ,ice-cream ,salad ,bananas ,strawberries ,pears , milk , bread 等. 2 .通过使用动词like 对食物的喜欢进行提问和回答,学习由助动词 do或does引导的一般疑问句的构成以及回答。动词like的肯定、否定句的用法,引导学生比较,通过大量和反复地操练以达到运用自如。 三.教学准备 收集课文中所涉及的或学生常见的食物图片,以及1a部分的插图和人物对话制作成相关课件. 四. 教学步骤 step 1 warm-up 1 . Greet students as usual and talk with them freely.

2. Mention and review the topic of the last unit ----sports .Using the sentence pattern “ Do you have ….” to lead in “ D o you like …” ---- the key sentence of this period . Step 2 Presentation 1. Show Ss the picture of a fridge and let them guess what is in the fridge .Teach them the words …fruit? and …vegetable? after that . 2. Show the pictures of different food and fruits one by one, teach hamburger ,tomatoes, French fries ,oranges, ice cream ,salad . bananas, strawberries etc. Practice reading them, then talk about like and dislike. 3 . Ask Ss to decide what food is healthy or unhealthy . 4 . Activity 1a : 1)Talk something about the picture in 1a .What can you see in the picture ? Where are they ? What food do you know ?... 2)Ask Ss to write the answers in 1a . then check the answers . 3) 3 ) Say the words in the list ,have the Ss repeat. Step 3 Practice 1 . Activity 1b (listening practice ): Play the recording for the first time , Ss only listen . Play the recording a second time .Ss number the boxes 1-3. Check the answers . 2 . Say the conversations in 1b.Have the Ss repeat . Students then practice the conversations in pairs . explain that Ss can substitute salad with any other foods introduced in 1a. Later ,ask some pairs of students say the conversations for the class.


Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Period 1 Section A 1a-2c Teaching aims 1. Students learn to talk about future intentions. 2. .The students will be able to learn the words and phrases: grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist, be sure about, make sure 3. The students will be able to use the expressions: ①─What do you want to be when you grow up? ─I want to be a basketball player. ② ─How are you going to do tha t? ─I’m going to practice basketball every day. ③Where are you going to work? Ability aims: 1.The students can use the questions to get information to improve their listening and speaking abilities. 2.To train the students’ cooperation with their partners. Key and important difficult points: A. Vocabulary B. Target language 1. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a computer programmer. 2. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study computer science. C.Structures Future with going to, Want to be, What, How questions D.Grammar The simple future tense. Emotional aims: To help the students to make their future plan and get them to know they should do lots of thing to make their dreams come true. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming up. 1.Greetings T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you ? Are you happy today? I’m really happy that we can have a class here today. First, can you show me your hands, clap it loudly. 2. Enjoy a video and chant together. T: Now, let’s enjoy a video together. Clap your hands to the music and chant together. So what jobs can you see from the video? Can you tell me? Do you want to know any other jobs? Let’s see together. Step 2 Presentation 1. Do you know any other jobs? 2. Can you guess these jobs? T: If you know the answer, please stand up quickly. Say it loudly.

5A Unit6 第一课时教案

5A Unit6 第一课时教案 5A Unit6 lesson plan for the first session

5A Unit6 第一课时教案 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 第一部分简要提示 一、年级:5年级 二、单元:unit6 三、课题:doing housework 四、课型:新授课 五、教学内容:单元parta 六、教学目标: 1.掌握单词、词组morning, home, ring, help, maths, housework, sweep, floor, homework, at home, help … with, see you. 2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语the telephone is ringing. hello. is that …? how about …? can you come and help me with my maths? see you this afternoon. 七、重点难点:初步了解掌握句型what are you doing? i’m ____ing.

掌握电话用语hello. is that …? 第二部分教学过程 第一步:重难点突破 t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you. 同学们, 大家好。很高兴认识你们。 t: well, let’s begin our english lesson, ok? 下面, 就让我们开始上课吧。 t: first, let’s play an interesting guessing game. 首先,让我们一起来热热身,做一个有趣的游戏。在这个游戏中,请你仔细看我正在做什么动作,猜一猜这些动作是什么?are you ready? go! t: the 1st one: (做唱歌状) what am i doing? t: yes! ‘sing! ’ i’m singing. please look carefully.请仔细看。此处至ppt sing i’m singing. 我正在唱歌。 t: 怎么样?你猜对了吗?now try again: (做跳舞状)what am i doing? t: right! ‘dance!’ i’m dancing. please look carefully. 此处至ppt dance i’m dancing. 我正在跳舞。


Unit6 Topic1 SectionA 参考教案 I. Material analysis 本单元围绕Our Local Area主题展开,共包括三个话题,通过Kangkang, Jane, Maria, Michael等人谈论有关房间、居住环境和问路的对话以及短文,完成本单元三个话题的语音、词汇、语法和功能项目的学习。话题一将介绍屋内房间的名称与位置、常见的屋内摆设的名称和摆放位置等。本课是话题一的第一课时。本课的主要活动是1a, 2a和4a。将通过Maria去Jane家拜访的情景呈现本课的主要内容,学习用there be句型表达各房间及屋内基本摆设。此外,还将呈现并操练字母组合i+nd/ld, igh, -ing, l/ll, m/mn的读音及语音辨认。本课贴近学生的实际生活,因此,教师可引导学生结合自己家的房屋设计进行口头和笔头操练,提高学生学习的兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性。 II. Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇和短语并在实际的 对话操练中加以应用: beautiful, garden, bedroom, second, floor, and so on, upstairs, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, first 能够在小组合作活动中,掌握字母组合i+nd/ld, igh, -ing, l/ll, m/mn的发音规则并尝试辨音; 能够在情景对话中用there be句型描述屋内房间及基本摆设等; 能正确使用方位介词和介词短语on,next to等; 能够就“存在、建议”等交际功能的基本法进行交流与对话操练,如: (1)There is a study next to my bedroom. (2) There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on. (3) There is/are … on the first/second floor. (4) —Why not go upstairs and have a look? —Let’s go. 2.Skill aims 能听懂谈论房间、室内摆设的表达,并做出恰当回应;


牛津小学英语6b全册Unit6教案 牛津小学英语6B Unit 6 单元教学内容简析:本单元围绕“周末活动计划”这一话题开展各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际项目有介绍,打电话,询问和建议等,其中以询问What are you going to do...?及We're going to...为重点内容。 A部分Read and say板块展现 了周六上午Gao Shan和David各自通过电话谈论周末安排的情景。B 部分出现了八个有关周末活动的动词短语。C部分呈现六个活动画面,旨在联系巩固本单元的重点句型What are you going to do? D部 分是听写活动的安排。E部分展示了与妈妈谈论班级要去动物园游玩的场景。F部分为一个趣味游戏,旨在帮助学生通过游戏进一步复习巩固What are you going to do...?及其回答。G部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合ow在单词中的读音。H部分是一首歌曲,要求 学生能够会唱、并能配以动作进行表演。单元教学要求: 1. 能听 得懂、会说、会读和会拼写plan, picnic, play, take part in.. 2. 掌握会话中出现的三会单词still, project, zebra, Africa, elephant, concert, outing, Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting. 3. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:What are you going to do...? We're going to ... 4. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking. By the way, what are you going to do...? 5. 了解字母组合ow在单词中的读音。 6. 会说英语歌曲Would you like to join us? 单元教学重、难点:见教学要求。 The First Period(第一课时)一、教学内容: 6B. Unit 6 B部分,Look, read and learn 二.教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词picnic, play, take part in.. 2. 掌握会 话中出现的三会单词concert, outing, Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting. 3. 能初步运用所学的词汇进行交流What are you going to do...? We're going to... 三.教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词picnic, play, take part in.. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读本单元出现的动词词组。四.教学难点:能初步运用本课所学语言描述将要发生的动作。五.课前准备:1. 准备本课B部分的课件及录音机和磁带。 2. 黑板上预先写好课


Unit 6 When was it invented? 教材来源:初中九年级《英语》教科书/人民教育出版社2014年版 内容来源:九年级《英语(全一册)》第六单元 主题:When was it invented? 课时:共五课时 授课对象:九年级学生 设计者:徐好峰 目标确定的依据: 1.课程标准相关要求 《新课标》要求九年级学生有较明确的英语学习动机和积极主动的学习态度。能听懂教师有关熟悉话题的陈述并参与讨论。能就日常生活的各种话题与他人交换信息并陈述自己的意见。能读懂供7-9年级学生阅读的简单读物和报刊,杂志,克服生词障碍,理解大意。能根据阅读目的运用适当的阅读策略。能根据提示起草和修改小作文。能与他人合作,解决问题并报告结果,共同完成学习任务。能对自己的学习进行评价,总结学习方法。能利用多种教育资源进行学习。 2.教材分析 本单元话题涉及的话题“发明”,Section A介绍了我们日常生活中一些常见物品的发明史,如:电视,电话,拉链,茶叶等。他们被发明的时间,发明者,及其作用和发展内容;从语言结构上,学习被动语态的过去时。单元主题图由电话,电视,电脑,和小汽车组成。教学重点是被动语态运用意识的培养,不规则动词的过去分词是学生学习的难点。Section B依然围绕发明这个话题,要求学生继续学习和巩固相关的内容和语言知识。听说和阅读训练分别介绍了现代生活中的两项常见的发明:美食发明——薯条,体育运动项目——篮球。在语言技能方面,听说读写的专项训练和综合性训练在本部分均有体现。在语言策略上明确提出了让学生用思维导图,以加深对文章的的理解和对知识的记忆的学习策略。 3.学情分析 学生在第5单元已经学习了一般现在时的被动语态,所以本单元在学习一般过去时的被动语态时易于接受,但是不规则动词的过去分词依然是学生学习的难点。另外,由于本单元内容和发明有关,所以一些常见物品的发明史能激发学生的学习兴趣和好奇心。老师若能科学把握,更能激发学生学习的动力。 目标 Section A学习目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下句型: ①—When was the telephone invented? —I think it was invented in 1876. ②—What are they used for? —They are used for seeing at night. 2) 能谈论物品被发明的时间、发明者,表达某发明的用途。

人教版四年级英语上册Unit6 第一课时教案

Unit6 Meet my family! 第一课时 杨家小学郭万玉 概述: 小学人教版四年级上册Unit6 Meet my family! 本单元共需六个课时,本节课是第一课时,本节课学习的主要内容是学习单词:parents, baby brother, puppy. 能够熟练运用句型How many people are there in your family, …? My family has six people. 在课堂教学中,教师要使教学内容生活化,结合学生的实际情境,使学生口语练习生活化、交际化,从而达到学以致用的目的。 设计理念: 在跨越式理念的指导下,以言语交际为中心,借助现代信息技术,努力为学生创设理想的英语学习环境,提供丰富的网络资源,倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式。倡导任务型教学,把语言综合运用能力的培养落实在教学过程中。面向全体学生,突出“以人为本”的素质教育理想,使语言教学的过程同时成为提高人文素养、增强实践能力、培养创新精神的过程。 教学目标: 1.知识目标. 要求学生能够听,说,认读单词:parents, baby brother, puppy. 句子How many people are there in your family, …? My family has six people. 2.能力目标 能够熟练运用句型How many people are there in your family, …? My family has six people. 3.情感目标 结合实际生活,创设真实情境,激发学生学习兴趣和热情,提高学习的积极性和主动性,增长课外知识,激发学习热情。 拓展内容: 单词:uncle, aunt. 句型:There are … people in my family. 学情分析: 学习对象是四年级上学期的学生,他们在三年级已经学习了how many,以及与家庭成员有关的一些单词,他们对人物和数字这一类的学习很感兴趣,也有了一定的基础。本节


仁爱版英语七年级下册 Unit6 Topic3 SectionD 精品教案 I. Material analysis 本课是第六单元话题三的第四个课时。主要活动是Grammar, Functions 和1。通过听力活动、口头笔头活动、吟唱歌曲、综合探究等课堂活动,引导学生复习并操练本话题学过的关于建筑物地理位置的介词、介词短语、有关简单交通规则的英文祈使句表达、问路及指路的表达、交通灯的英文表达等,培养学生的交通安全意识,同时学会在实践中运用英语,达到学以致用的目的。本课为本话题的复习课,包括与本话题有关的词汇、语法、语用功能句型等内容,教师引导学生复习时应增强趣味性,注意相关知识的综合理解和运用,而不是知识点的机械重复与操练。 II. Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims 引导学生总结、复习Sections A~ C所学的重点词汇; 能够在课堂活动中,总结关于建筑物地理位置的介词、介词短语、有关简单交通规则的英文祈使句表达、问路及指路的表达、交通灯的英文表达等; 能够就“问路、指路、谈论公共设施、交通标志”等话题功能进行交流与对话操练,如: (1) Excuse me, could you tell me the way to...? (2) Excuse me, where is ...? (3) Go along this road until you get to ... (4) You can’t miss it. (5) It’s about ... kilometers away from here. (6) You need to take Bus ... (7) Then you should change to...at ... Stop. (8) Be careful! (9) Don’t play on the street. ... 2.Skill aims


Unit6 Introduction: Aiming to control the ever-increasing population in China, only-child policy has resulted in many overwhelming side effects at present society. However, while some socialists actively appeal to change the situation, China, and many other countries are actually finding themselves facing a growing number of couples reluctant to a second child, even a child at all. What has caused the reluctance? What are the main concerns about have another child? The text, equipped with statistics and solid facts, demonstrate the disadvantages of having a second child. But the author is by no means against having a large family, because he has explicitly listed the problems caused by only-child situation. Therefore, according to the author, as to whether or not to have a second child, it depends. 1.Listen to the song Only Child from Wang Ruolin. Key words: compensate; spoil; manipulate 王若琳---Only Child There's something that I see that I really really want And I will take it without telling anyone But that's OK cause I'm an only child I've been spoiled cause I'm a lonely child And then I'm all alone And then I'm broke Please don't take away what I got O no Please don't take away what I got O no My mother dear and father dear they must compensate for the loneliness they think I must endure all day See that's OK cause I'm an only child I've been spoiled cause I'm a lonely child And then I'm all alone And them I'm broke Please don't take away what I got O no Please don't take away what I got O no You feel so bad that I can manipulate You two into doing Just about anything Just about anything Just about anything I say!

人教版(新起点)英语二年级下册Unit 6《My Week》单元教案

Unit 6 My Week 单元教材分析: 本单元是关于一星期7天的话题,包括语音、词汇、交际用语三项学习内容.其中语音学习为暗线,可采取整体学习的方法,通过大量的歌谣和歌曲的输入,在自然真实的语境中感知、模仿,习得英语语音.词汇和交际用语学习为明线,均通过设置较为真实的语境,在歌谣、歌曲、游戏、对话等多种语言活动中,使用实物、图片、录音等多种教学手段,感知、模仿,习得语言,达到熟练上口.本单元共五课时,其中1-3课为第一层次学习内容;第4-5课为第二层次学习内容. 单元教学目标: 1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景下听懂.会说一周7天的英语名称单词. 2. 能够认读一周7天的英语名称单词和他们的缩写形式. 3. 能够在相应情景下使用本单元所学的句型,对星期几进行提问并做回答. 4. 能够运用本单元所学句型询问他人在星期几做什麽,能听懂询问并做回答. 5. 能够开展课堂活动,交换有关星期几及活动的信息,训练学生听说的基本技能. 6. 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务. 单元教学重点: 1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂认读一周7天的英语名称单词和他们的缩写形式. 2. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用所学的句型:What day is it today? 并会用It’s Wednesday.来回答. 单元教学难点: 1. 有关认读一周7天的英语名称单词的正确读法. 2. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用所学的句型::What day is it today? 并会用It’s Wednesday.来回答. 单元课时安排:五课时 第一课时 教学内容: Unit 6 Lesson 1 A Look, listen and chant 教学目标: 能够在涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出一周7天的英语名称单词和他们的缩写形式.

《Unit6 Happy birthday》第一课时教学设计

《Unit6 Happy birthday》第一课时教学设计 文昌市头苑玉成小学林芳亿 教学内容:Let’s learn Let’s chant 教学目标: 1、能听懂,会说,认读数字1——5,掌握与其相应的英语表达法。 2、能跟着节奏吟唱歌谣。 3、能通过感知、合作等方式积极参与课堂学习活动。 教学重难点: 重点:听懂、会说、认读数字1——5,掌握与其相应的英语表达法。 难点:熟练运用句型“How many…”来进行问答。 教学准备: 课件、单词卡 教学过程: Step1:Warming-up 1、Greeting 2、Enjoy a song “Happy birthday” Step2:Presentation (一)教学数字单词1——5 1、出示猪宝宝的生日图,T : Today is the pig’s birthday.Many animals come to the birthday party.

2、出示课件大象慢慢地走来,教师:Look!Who’s coming? 学生答:Elephant. 教师问:How many…?引导学生回答:one (1)出示单词卡教学单词one 。板书:one 带读单词,升降调读单词。 (2)不同的动物熊猫、猫、狗、猴子等课件图片,同上方法,以How many…?句式引出单词two,three,four,five。教授单词two,three,four,five。并板书单词two,three,four,five。注意three 和five的读音。 (二)、I do you say 1、教师出示手指,学生用英语说数字。 2、同桌练习,一个做,一个说。然后请几组学生上台表演。 Step3:Practice 1、Play a game :What's missing? 教师将贴在黑板上五个单词顺序打乱,让学生闭眼的时候教师快速藏起其中的一个,让学生猜What's missing?猜对的学生抽取下一次的卡片。 2、Pair work:Let’s chant (1)让全班学生听录音,边听录音边拍手有节奏地吟唱Let’s chant部分内容。 (2) 分成两大组,第一组说唱“Jump!Jump!Jump!”,第二组的同学伸出手指数“one,two,three”,以此类推。 (3)同桌进行练习。


人教版义务教育教科书◎英语七年级上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 教材解读 本单元主要讨论各种食物以及喜欢或不喜欢某种食物;询问某人是否喜欢某种食物 及回答;会描述一日三餐,会合理搭配一日三餐。 like的一般现在时、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答;肯定句和否定句。 通过本单元的学习,认识到在平日饮食中要做到不挑食、不偏食、合理饮食。 单元目标 一、知识与技能 1. 词汇:hamburger、tomatoe、broccoli、French fries、orange、ice cream、salad、banana、egg、strawberry、carrot、apple、chicken、breakfast、lunch、dinner、fruit、vegetable。 2.语言目标:Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like French fries. I don’t like tomatoes. 3. 能力目标:能准确表达喜欢和不喜欢的食物;能根据具体情景对话,与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务;通过听说读写四项技能的训练,促进学生语言运用能力的提高。 二、过程与方法 通过听说读写等任务型活动,熟练应用所学单词和动词词组,掌握描述过程。 三、情感态度与价值观 通过学习西方食品文化,促使学生了解西方生活方式与文化,培养跨文化交际的意 识;通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与他人合作,培养他们的合作精神;通过任务型 活动,使学生学会在实际生活中均衡饮食,合理配餐。 教法导航 采用情景法,交际法及任务型教学途径并配以多媒体辅助教学。通过设疑、提问、 启发、诱导等方法,唤醒全体学生的主体意识,从而调动学生的积极性,让学生处于积 极思维状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用语言的能力。 学法导航 进行听说读写操练,使整个教学从知识的内化到外显呈现出一种动态的、和谐的发 展过程。 课时支配 第1课时:Section A 1a-2c 1


PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit6教学设 计(第一课时) 一、教材简析 本节课是PEP小学英语五年级上册 Unit6 In a nature park的第一课时,包括A. Let’s learn 和Draw and ask 两部分。上个单元已经学习了有关There be的相关句型:There is/are…on/ in/ near/ behind/ under/ in front of….”描述物体位置。这是学好本单元的前提,也为本节课的学习提供了很好的学习基础,是前面知识的加深。学生可以运用本节课所学新句型结合以前的知识,把新旧知识进行整合,根据实际情景灵活运用本节课所学的新句型,把知识活学活用。 二、教学目标 英语新课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能力又以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。基于以上认识,我将教学目标确定为: 1、知识目标 ⑴能够正确听﹑说﹑读﹑写本课四会单词:forest, mountain, hill, river, lake. ⑵能听懂、会说句型“Is there ... ? 及回答Yes, there

is./ No, there isn't.”并能在实际情景中熟练运用。 ⑶能完成“Draw and ask”部分的绘画和问答任务。 2、能力目标 培养学生的听说能力。培养学生乐于表达,勇于展示自我的能力。提高学生感受美、欣赏美的水平,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。 3、情感目标 ⑴引导学生感受自然之美,培养学生热爱大自然的情感。 ⑵激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识。 三、教学重、难点 重点: 掌握一般疑问句型Is there……?及其肯定回答:Yes, there is.否定回答:No, there isn’t. 难点: 1、能够在真实的情景中运用There be句型进行询问和回答,与他人进行交流。 2、单词mountain的发音较难,尤其是ou字母组合的发音。 四、教学准备 1、老师准备多媒体课件,单词卡片,小组竞赛时使用

牛津译林版英语七年级下册 Unit6 单元教案

初一年级英语Unit6《Outdoor fun》教案(编号:) 主备人:审核人: 【课题】7B Unit6《Outdoor fun》Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit 【教学目标】 1.To learn the English names of some outdoor activities. 二次备课2.To talk about your favourite outdoor activities in English. 【教学重、难点】 To talk about your favourite outdoor activities in English. 【教学方法】Multi-Media 【教学过程】 Step 1 Revision Discussion (T asks the students to say the outdoor activities and tell the others their favourite outdoor activities) T: What outdoor activities do you know? Can you say their names? Which one do you like best? Step 2 Presentation 1.Show some pictures and ask: Do you know these outdoor activities? (Learn the new words about outdoor activities) 2.Finish Part A----Look at Part A on Page 69.Write the correct letters in the boxes. 3.Tell Ss to ask and answer questions about the outdoor activities. e.g. Do you want to go camping? Who will go camping with you? What kind of place /weather is good for camping? What should people bring if they want to go camping? Step 3 Practice Part B 1.Listen to the tape and answer the questions: 1)What outdoor activities would Amy like to try? 2)What about Daniel? 2.Repeat after the tape and try to find out why they like the two activities? 3.Read the conversation. 4.Explanation. 5.Ss make dialogues to talk about the outdoor activities they would like to try and the reason. A sample Step 4 Presentation (Comic strips) 1.Eddie and Hobo are doing an outdoor activity. Look at the picture, and tell me what it is. 2. Listen to the tape with questions 1) Does Eddie think the bag is heavy? 2) Does Hobo think so? 2. Listen again, answer more questions:


Unit6 Food and lifestyle 一、教材分析: 本单元的重点在于介绍年轻人的饮食及生活方式。人们可以通过选择更好的饮食结构保持健康。本课时作为单元的第一模块,通过Comic strip 点明本单元学习的内容要点(食物)以及本单元的主要任务(task)即:收集有关不同食物的信息,写一篇关于自己饮食与生活方式的短文。其宗旨就是要让学生通过本单元的学习了解并培养健康的饮食习惯和生活方式来保持健康。 二、教学目标: 1. 知识目标:学习了解不同种类的食物名称; 2. 能力目标:讨论喜欢与不喜欢的食物,学习如何表达个人喜好; 3. 情感目标:培养学生要养成健康的饮食习惯和生活方式。 三、教学的重点难点: 如何鼓励学生自由表达他们对不同食物的喜好以及帮助、引导他们养成健康的饮食习惯和生活方式。 四、学情分析: 本单元主要学习有关食物名称,有关饮食结构和生活方式与学生生活紧密相关,学生比较感兴趣。应该与生活紧密联系起来,养成正确生活方式和饮食习惯。主要锻炼学生阅读能力和听力能力。 五、课时安排:

7A Unit6 Food and lifestyles ——Welcome to the unit 预习指导: ·To learn new vocabulary about food: hamburger, vegetable, carrot ·To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food: What food do you like? I like hamburgers. Do you like carrots? No, I don’t like/dislike/hate them. What about fish? 预习反馈: Step 1: Warm-up activity Write new words in the blackboard. Give Ss five questions about the daily diet and ask them to answer them as soon as possible. Do you know what I ate this morning? (S guessing…) Oh, I have eaten milk and egg because they can give me more energy. 2. Ask students to name as much food as possible in English and write them on the blackboard and group them. (Teachers can ask the following questions:) a.What food do you have for breakfast/lunch/supper? b.What food do you like? Why? c.What food do you dislike? Why not? d.What food is good for us? e.What food is bad for us? f.What Chinese food do you know? g.What Western food do you know? h..Do you like Chinese food or Western food? Why? Step 2: Presentation

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