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当前位置:文档库 › 九年级英语听力练习(三)







( )1. What will the boy take part in today?

A. B. C.

( )2. What is Ann’s animal sign?

A. B. C.

( )3. Where does the woman work?

A. B. C.

( )4. What is the girl’s dream?

A. B. C.

( )5. What colour may represent Jenny’s feeling now?

A. Blue.

B. Red.

C. Green.

( ) 6. What’s the woman’s telephone number?

A. 7618895

B. 7168595

C. 7169585

( ) 7. What time will Alice leave for the party?

A. At 5:10.

B. At 5:30.

C. At 5:50.

( ) 8. What can we learn about the woman from the conversation?

A. She used to dance with the famous film star.

B. She wanted to be a famous dancer.

C. She used to sing with the famous film star.

( ) 9. Who does the woman think is the best actor?

A. Simon.

B. Tom.

C. Peter.

( ) 10. How does the woman feel?

A. Angry.

B. Happy.

C. Surprised.




( )11. What are they talking about?

A. Last night's TV play.

B. Last night's film.

C. Last night's football game.

( )12. What are they going to have for supper?

A. Some coffee.

B. Sandwiches.

C. Some coffee and sandwiches.

( )13. A. China B. Canada C. America

( )14. A. two days B. two weeks C. two months ( )15. A. friendly B. serious C. hard-working 听第二篇短文,回答第16至20小题。

( )16. What does the speaker think of young students' taking part-time jobs?

A. It is common.

B. It is special.

C. It is boring.

( )17. How many reasons are given in this passage for taking part-time jobs?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

( )18. Why do people need dog walkers?

A. They don't like dogs.

B. They don't like walking.

C. They don't have time. ( )19. What does a golf course worker do?

A. He/She plays golf all the time.

B. He/She picks up balls for players.

C. He/She cleans the golf course (高尔夫球场).

( )20. When do parents need childcare workers?

A. Any time in the day.

B. On weekends.

C. When they are at work.


班级:_____________姓名:_____________学号:_____________ 听力练习(二) 听力一 1、这段话主要写了哪些景物,选择听到的打√: 柳树()桃花()小草()松针()油菜花()蜜蜂()田野() 2、柳树飞舞金黄的松针 桃树发芽密密的油菜花 蜜蜂开花青青的小草 听力二 1、这段话主要讲了哪些动物的尾巴?选择听到的打√: 狗()鱼()牛()壁虎()松鼠() 2、连线:鱼尾巴掌握方向 牛尾巴赶走蚊蝇 听力三 1、这段话中的“它们”指的是_________________ 。 听力四 1、短文写了猫的什么?选择听到的打√: 耳朵()尾巴()眼睛()胡须()脚爪() 听力五 1、这是发生在( )(季节)的故事。 2、哪些动物来医院看望?选择听到的打√: 小猴()蜜蜂()小牛()小白兔()百灵鸟() 听力六 1.太阳娃娃喜欢吹白云玩,她把白云吹成了什么?选择听到的打√: 耳朵()尾巴()胖肚子()圆脑瓜()小白兔()荷花()白雪公主()浪花() 听力七 1、短文介绍了猫的哪些部位?选择听到的打√: 身子()头()尾巴()嘴巴()眼睛()胡子() 2、小热带鱼长着一张______的嘴巴,它的身子是______色的,尾巴是______色的。 听力八

1连线: 山上溪水哗哗 山间树木茂密 山下碧绿的荷塘 田边绿绒似的稻田 听力一 春天的田野真美啊!柳树发芽了。桃树开了花。青青的小草悄悄地从泥土里钻出来,地上像插遍了密密的松针。金黄的油菜花,引得蜜蜂来回地飞舞。 听力二 动物的尾巴各有各的用处。鱼的尾巴像船上的舵,鱼儿游动时,靠尾巴掌握前进的方向。牛的尾巴好比一条长鞭子,夏天用尾巴赶走叮在背上的苍蝇和蚊子。 听力三 蚂蚁整天辛勤的劳动,没有一个偷懒的。它们很团结,见了面就相互摇着触角打招呼。我很喜欢它们,有时候捉虫子给它们吃。 听力四 猫是捉老鼠的能手。它的耳朵很灵敏,能转来转去,哪怕是极小的声音,它也能及时辩出。猫有一双明亮的眼睛,狡猾的老鼠逃不过它的眼睛。猫的胡须像把尺,能测出各个洞的大小。猫的脚爪上有锋利的爪子,能爬树、跳墙、追捕老鼠。 听力五 春天来了,小猴生病住院了,小动物们都上医院去看望它。小蜜蜂带来了蜂蜜,小牛送来了牛奶,小白兔送来了白菜。百灵鸟唱起了歌:“祝你快快好起来!”小猴看着满屋子的伙伴,激动得流下了眼泪。 听力六 天上的太阳娃娃喜欢吹白云玩儿。 瞧,她把嘴巴鼓得圆圆的,朝着身边的云吹呀,吹呀,吹出了一对长耳朵,一条短尾巴,一个胖肚子,一个圆脑瓜。哈,她把那朵白云改成一只小白兔啦! 太阳娃娃一边在天上跑,一边吹,把这朵白云吹成荷花,把那朵白云吹成白雪公主……她越吹越开心,一不小心把一朵白云吹进海里去了,自己也一起滚进大海中。 啊,她在海里把那朵白云吹成了一朵漂亮的白浪花。 听力七


人教版七年级英语听力练习题 一、听力部分(每小题1分,满分20分) Ⅰ.听录音,选出你所听到的字母组合或单词。录音读两遍。 1.A.CDB.DGC.CG 2.A.NBAB.CBAC.MPN 3.A.thankB.FrankC.Eric 4.A.GraceB.AliceC.thanks 5.A.jacketB.keyC.quilt Ⅱ.听录音,填入所缺的字母(大小写与字母组合的其余部分一致)。录音读两遍。 6.F 7.E 8.B 9.hl10.nc Ⅲ.听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。 11.A.Goodmorning,Jim.B.Goodbye,class.C.Goodafternoon,Tony. 12.A.Fine,thankyou.B.Hello,Alan.C.It'sapen. 13.A.Thisisapen.B.It'sanorange.C.Thatisanapple. 14.A.Green.B.It'sgreen.C.G-R-E-E-N. 15.A.Yes,itis.B.No,I'mnot.C.Yes,heis. Ⅳ.听对话,补全所缺内容。对话读两遍。 M:Goodmorning,Helen. W:Goodmorning,16.

sthisinEnglish? 'M:What W:It'sa17. M:Whatcolorisit? W:It's18. M:19it,please. W:20. 二、单项填空(每小题1分,满分10分) 1.在书写下列字母时,占上中下三格的字母是。 A.i B.y C.B D.f 2.下面与字母B发音没有相同之处的是。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f916230680.html, B.Ff C.Dd D.Gg 3.当你在上学路上遇到好朋友时,你应向他(她)说来打招呼。 A.Goodnight. B.Hello! C.Thankyou. D.Goodbye. 4.—isthepen? —It'sblack. A.What B.Whatcolor C.Howcolor D.How 5.—,John! —Hello,Tom! A.Fine B.Good C.Thankyou D.Hello 6.—What'sthis? —


初中英语听力训练MP3材料综合 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听队菌5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题:每段对话仅读一遍。 1.what may robert do next friday? a. he tray probably go to the woman’s party with his wife, b.he may stay at home. c.he may hold a little party. 2.what can we learn from the dialogue? a.the woman dialed the wrong number. b.the woman dialed the number correctly. c.the man was wanted on the phone. 3.what does the woman mean? a.she will not stay at home. b. it is too late. c. it looks like rain and she will not have a swim. 4.where did sara work before he got the new job? a.in an advertising firm. b. in a school. c. in a library. 5.what time does the train arrive?


贵阳市普通中学2017-2018学年度第一学期期末监测考试 九年级英语听力材料 A.听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(读一遍) 1.A:Bob,how do you study for an English test? B:Well,I study by listening to tapes. 2.A:Eric,you can’t go across the road here.Look at that sign. B:Oh,sorry.I didn’t pay attention to it. 3.A:Excuse me,could you please tell me how to get to the post office? B:Sorry,I am not sure how to get there. 4.A:Look at the paper cutting.It’s beautiful. B:Yes,it’s a symbol of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. 5.A:What do you think is the most useful invention,Nancy? B:The computer of course.It makes our life more convenient. B.听句子,选择恰当的应答,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(读一遍) 6.What’s the ring made of? 7.Would you mind closing the window?It’s a little cold. 8.Did your brother use to wear glasses? 9.Have you ever studied with a group? 10.Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening? C.听对话,根据对话内容及问题,选择正确的答案,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(读两遍) 11.A:I’m going to learn how to dance tomorrow.Would you like to join me? B:I wish I could.But I have a computer exam tomorrow. Question:What will the man do tomorrow? 12.A:What did you do on your vacation,Jack? B:I visited my cousins in Hong Kong.We ate five meals a day! A:I guess the food there must be very delicious,right? B:Yes,of course. Question:Where did Jack go for his vacation? 13.A:What are you doing in that room,Harry?Could you please come to help me? B:Sorry,I’m too busy now. Question:What does the man mean? 14.A:Shall we go out for lunch? B:Well,I have a lot of work to do.What time is it now? A:It’s eleven thirty.Let’s go to the restaurant next to our school.We will be back an hour later. B:OK,that sounds good.Actually,I’m hungry now,let’s go! Question:When will the two speakers be back to school? 15.A:Belle,I’ve heard that you can use the Internet at home!That’s cool!I wish I also could be allowed to play computer games. B:Computer games?They will influence our study.I can only use the Internet to do my online homework. Question:What is Belle allowed to do when using the Internet at home?


七年级英语听力训练 班级___________姓名__________学号_____________评价_____________ 一、听下面的10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 ( )1.A. A flower shop. B. A toy shop. C.a bookshop. ( )2.A. Shoes B. A dress C. A skirt ( )3.A. Playing basket ball. B. Running. C. Playing tennis ( )4.A. 200 yuan B.150 yuan C. 350yuan ( )5.A. Mr Green. B. Miss Green. C.Mrs Green. ( )6. A. Her hair clips. B. Her books. C. H ( )9.A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A dancer. 二、听下面2段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。 ( )11. How much did Peter spend? A.200 yuan. B. 2 yuan C. 460 yuan. ( )12. What did Susan buy for her sister? A.A video game. B. A map of Shanghai. C. An Mp3 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题 ( )13.What are the man’s favourite sports? A. Running and jumping B. Swimming and jumping C. Swimming and running ( )14.What does he dislike? A. Vegetables and milk B. Fish and eggs C. Wine(酒), coffe and meat ( )15.Why does he drink a lot of milk? A. Because he likes drinking milk. B. Because it is good for his health. C. Because he has nothing to drink but milk. 三、听下面的短文,回答16-20小题。从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 ( )16. How many floors are there in the shopping mall? A. 2 B.3 C. 4 ( )17. What’s Eric doing now? A. Playing for a CD. B. Listening to music. C. Looking at a basketball. ( )18. Where is Millie? A. In a sports shop. B. In a music shop. C. In a restaurant. ( )19. Where is the fast food restaurant? A. On the ground floor. B. On the first floor. C. On the top floor. ( )20. Which is TRUE? A. Eric is looking for his mother. B. Mrs Black is having breakfast. C. David wants to buy hamburgers. 七年级英语听力训练(十四)材料 一、听下面的10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1. W: Hello, can I help you? M: I’d like to buy a toy bear for my sister, her birthday is coming up.


(听力一 2009-2010学年度七年级英语 第一节: 辨音 听两遍,选出你所听到的单词,音标或句子。 ( 1. A. b B. g C. e ( 2. A. he B. she C. her ( 3. A. in B. is C. at ( 4. A. /ke?t/ B. /te?k/ C./ ke?k/ ( 5. A. /bed/ B. /hed/ C. /bd/ ( 6. A. sharpener B. eraser C. computer ( 7. A. 3925 B. 2975 C. 3734 ( 8. A. How are you? B. Where are you ? C. How old are you? ( 9. A. That’s an apple? B. This is a ball. C. It’s an orange. ( 10. A. Are they desks? B. Are these maps C. Are those maps? 第二节句子理解。听两遍,选出与听句子相符的图片。( 11. ( 12.

( 13. ( 14 ( 15 第三节:对话理解。听两遍,根据所听对话,选择对话中所包含的信息。( 16. A. under the table B. on the floor C. on the chair ( 17. A .a doctor B. a teacher C. a nurse A. 1 1 1 ( 18. A. black B. brown C. white ( 19. A. mine B. my cousin’s C. father’s ( 20. A. at school B. at home C. in a shop


有关九年级上册英语听力 九年级上册英语听力不论是模拟还是听力题,大家都来听听看吧。下面是给大家整理的九年级上册英语听力的相关知识,供大家参阅! 九年级上册英语听力篇1Section A 听录音。这些学生是怎样为考试而学习1b Listen. How do these students study for a 的?写出上面1a中的字母。test? Write letters from 1a above. 男孩:嗨,同学们。星期二有一次大型Boy: Hey, everybody. There’s a big test on Tuesday. 考试。我非常需要一些帮助。你们I really need some help. Can you tell me how 能告诉我你们是如何为大型考试you study for a big test? 而学习的吗? (同学们的)声音:当然!是的,我们Voices: Sure! Yes. Sure we will. 肯定会。 男孩:梅平,你在上次的英语考试中做Boy: You did really well on the last English test, 得很好,是不是? didn’t you, Meiping?

梅平:是啊,我做得还可以。Meiping: Yeah, I did OK. 男孩:那么你是如何备考的? Boy: Well, how did you study for it? 梅平:通过制作单词卡。Meiping: By making word cards. 也许我会尝试一下。那么你如何Boy: Maybe I’ll try that. So, how do you study for 男孩: 备考,彼得? a test, Peter? 通过向老师求助。她总是很高兴Peter: By asking the teacher for help. She’s always 彼得: 地回答我的问题。happy to answer my questions. 男孩:那很有趣。你如何备考,托尼? Boy: That’s interesting. How do you study, Tony? 托尼:我喜欢通过听录音带学习。但有Tony: I like to study by listening to tapes. But 时我妈妈认为我在听音乐。然后她sometimes my mother thinks I’m listening to 会生气。music. And then she gets mad. 男孩:哦,那我可能不会那样做。Boy: Oh, maybe I won’t do that then. 听录音,标出(√)你所听到的问题。2a Listen and check (√) the questions you hear.


小学一年级语文听力 训练(二)

班级:_____________姓名:_____________学号:_____________ 听力练习(二) 听力一 1、这段话主要写了哪些景物,选择听到的打√: 柳树()桃花()小草()松针()油菜花()蜜蜂()田野() 2、柳树飞舞金黄的松针 桃树发芽密密的油菜花 蜜蜂开花青青的小草 听力二 1、这段话主要讲了哪些动物的尾巴?选择听到的打√: 狗()鱼()牛()壁虎()松鼠() 2、连线:鱼尾巴掌握方向 牛尾巴赶走蚊蝇 听力三 1、这段话中的“它们”指的是_________________ 。 听力四 1、短文写了猫的什么?选择听到的打√: 耳朵()尾巴()眼睛()胡须()脚爪() 听力五 1、这是发生在 ( )(季节)的故事。 2、哪些动物来医院看望?选择听到的打√: 小猴()蜜蜂()小牛()小白兔()百灵鸟() 听力六 1.太阳娃娃喜欢吹白云玩,她把白云吹成了什么?选择听到的打√: 耳朵()尾巴()胖肚子()圆脑瓜()小白兔()荷花()白雪公主()浪花() 听力七 1、短文介绍了猫的哪些部位?选择听到的打√: 身子()头()尾巴()嘴巴()眼睛()胡子() 2、小热带鱼长着一张______的嘴巴,它的身子是______色的,尾巴是______色的。 听力八 1连线:

山上溪水哗哗 山间树木茂密 山下碧绿的荷塘 田边绿绒似的稻田 听力一 春天的田野真美啊!柳树发芽了。桃树开了花。青青的小草悄悄地从泥土里钻出来,地上像插遍了密密的松针。金黄的油菜花,引得蜜蜂来回地飞舞。 听力二 动物的尾巴各有各的用处。鱼的尾巴像船上的舵,鱼儿游动时,靠尾巴掌握前进的方向。牛的尾巴好比一条长鞭子,夏天用尾巴赶走叮在背上的苍蝇和蚊子。 听力三 蚂蚁整天辛勤的劳动,没有一个偷懒的。它们很团结,见了面就相互摇着触角打招呼。我很喜欢它们,有时候捉虫子给它们吃。 听力四 猫是捉老鼠的能手。它的耳朵很灵敏,能转来转去,哪怕是极小的声音,它也能及时辩出。猫有一双明亮的眼睛,狡猾的老鼠逃不过它的眼睛。猫的胡须像把尺,能测出各个洞的大小。猫的脚爪上有锋利的爪子,能爬树、跳墙、追捕老鼠。 听力五 春天来了,小猴生病住院了,小动物们都上医院去看望它。小蜜蜂带来了蜂蜜,小牛送来了牛奶,小白兔送来了白菜。百灵鸟唱起了歌:“祝你快快好起来!”小猴看着满屋子的伙伴,激动得流下了眼泪。 听力六 天上的太阳娃娃喜欢吹白云玩儿。 瞧,她把嘴巴鼓得圆圆的,朝着身边的云吹呀,吹呀,吹出了一对长耳朵,一条短尾巴,一个胖肚子,一个圆脑瓜。哈,她把那朵白云改成一只小白兔啦! 太阳娃娃一边在天上跑,一边吹,把这朵白云吹成荷花,把那朵白云吹成白雪公主……她越吹越开心,一不小心把一朵白云吹进海里去了,自己也一起滚进大海中。 啊,她在海里把那朵白云吹成了一朵漂亮的白浪花。 听力七 小热带鱼可好看啦! 小热带鱼的身子是三角形的,全身金黄色。尾巴是黑色的,也是一个三角形。 小热带鱼的头上长着一双小小的圆眼睛,一张尖尖的嘴巴,嘴巴下面还长着两根又长又黑的胡子呢!


Unit 5 Topic 1 Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )1. A B C ( )2. A B C ( )3. A B C ( )4. A B C ( )5. A B C Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )6. A. Oh, I’m not happy. B. The same to you. C. We are all happy. ( )7. A. I have no free time. B. How about you? C. I often p lay basketball. ( )8. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, he does. C. No, I walk to school. ( )9. A. Yes, it is. B. You’re right. C. Thank you. . B. I want to play it very much. C. Three times a week. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分) ( )11. How does Michael usually come to school? B. By bike. C. On foot. ( )12. What does the man often do on Sundays? A. He plays computer games. B. He plays basketball. C. He plays football. ( )13. How often does Yu Ming go to the zoo? A. Every month. B. Every day. C. Every week. ( )14. How does Miss Wang sometimes come to school? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot. ( )15. Where does Zhou Lina usually have lunch?

【人教版】九年级英语全册听力训练(MP3+素材)UNIT 3

UNIT 3听力原文: 一?听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片,将其代号填在下面的横线上?(每个句子听一遍) 1.The students are allowed to use English dictionaries. 2.I’m allowed to go shopping with my friends on weekends. 3.Teenagers should be allowed to design their own uniforms. 4.Tom’s hair is too long.He should get his hair cut. 5.The girl with earrings is her sister. 二?听句子,选择可以回答该句的正确答语?(每个句子听一遍) 6.Do you have a lot of rules at your house? 7.Do you think teenagers can go out on school nights? 8.Can I choose my own clothes? 9.How many hours do the students need to sleep a night? 10.Is staying up good for your study? 三?听五段对话及问题,选择正确答案?(对话及问题听两遍) 11.W:We are not allowed to use mobile phones at school. M:Neither are we.We are not allowed to bring pets to school,either. Q:What are they talking about? 12.W:Would you like to go to the movies with me on Saturday night? M:Yes,I’d love to.But I have to be home by 10:00 p.m. Q:What time does the boy have to be home? 13.W:Tom,what rules do you have at home? M:Well,I’m not allowed to watch TV every night,but I’m allowed to hang out with my friends on weekends. Q:Is the boy allowed to go out on weekends? 14.W:What did you do during the summer holidays? M:I volunteered to take care of some old people in a hospital. Q:What did the boy volunteer to do during the summer holidays? 15.W:What school rules do you think should be changed? M:Well,I think we should be allowed to wear our own clothes. W:What’s the reason? M:We would feel more comfortable. Q:Why does the boy want to wear his own clothes? 四?听短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案?(短文听两遍) Tom is the only child in his family.His parents are strict with him.He is not allowed to play computer games,but he can play table tennis after school because it is good for his health.His parents want him to do some housework and cleaning because they are very busy.He is allowed to read comics after he finishes his homework because it is relaxing for him.Watching TV for a long time is not allowed because it is bad for his eyes.On weekends he is allowed to hang out with his friends,but he has to be home by 10:00 p.m. 第 1 页


初三英语听力模拟试题 (一) 听下面5个句子。每个句子后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出作为恰当反应的最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个句子后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子仅读一遍。 ( )1. A. Yes, I am. B. It’s on Center Street. C. No, there isn’t. ( )2. A. She is ill. B. She is at home. C. She likes swimming. ( )3. A. I’m 16. B. A doctor. C. To Paris. ( )4. A. Be careful. B. Why did he do so? C. I’m sorry to hear that. ( )5. A. Yes, I do. B. Not at all. C. Yes, please. (二)听下面5个小对话。每个对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个对话仅读一遍。 ( )6. What did the boy do last weekend? A.He played chess. B. He read some books. C. He played computer games. ( )7.Where will Lily spend her Saturday? A. At home. B. At a library. C. At a park. ( )8.What is the weather like today? A.Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Snowy. ( )9. How old is the boy?


一年级上册语文测试听力 题汇总 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

一上单元测试听力题 拼音测试 一、认真听录音两遍,然后圈出你所听到的拼音字母或音节。 1、b d 2、t f 3、p q 4、m n 5、g h 6、c ch 7、chui diu 8、shen sheng 期中考试卷听力题 一、请认真听录音两遍,然后回答以下问题。(7分) 1、请选出听到的词语的序号()()()(3分) 1\傍晚 2\早晨 3\小松鼠 4\小兔子 5\小河 6\好朋友 2、请根据录音连线(4分) 小老鼠你这搬家 小蚂蚁在等好朋友 一二单元 一、请认真听录音朗读儿歌两遍,然后回答以下问题。(8分) 1、儿歌描写的是什么地方请圈出来。(4分)

①田里②山上③果园里④大海 2、根据录音内容连线。(4分) 棉花笑弯了腰 大豆涨红了脸 高粱粒粒饱 稻子朵朵白 三四单元 一、请认真听录音朗读儿歌两遍,然后回答以下问题。(6分) 1、把什么打碎了()(2分) ①碗②花瓶③水杯 2、是谁打碎的()(2分) ①“我”②小花猫③爸爸妈妈 3、儿歌中的“我”是一个怎么样的孩子()(2分) ①坏孩子②调皮捣蛋的孩子③诚实,有错就改的孩子 五六单元 一、请认真听录音朗读儿歌两遍,然后回答以下问题。(7分)

1、儿歌中的小朋友帮爸爸妈妈干了那些活请在你听到的选项后打上一个“√”。(4分) ①刷碗()②洗衣服()③洗锅() ④扫地()⑤做饭()⑥擦桌子() 2、为什么小朋友不让小花猫告诉自己的爸爸妈妈呢(3分) ①因为他不想在爸爸妈妈面前炫耀。 ②因为不想让爸爸妈妈知道是小猫做的。 ③因为他想自己告诉爸爸妈妈。 综合复习 一、请认真听录音朗读儿歌两遍,然后回答以下问题。(9分) 1、路边什么花开放了请圈出来。(3分) 桃花荷花野菊花梅花 2、乌鸦妈妈为什么躺在屋里()(3分) ①乌鸦妈妈年级大了,飞不动了。 ②乌鸦妈妈累了,想睡觉。 ③乌鸦妈妈生病了。 3、小乌鸦为什么要妈妈赶回家()(3分)


人教版新目标英语九年级上册Unit 1 听力 限时:20分钟满分:20分一、选出与所听句子内容相符的图片(每小题1分,共5分) A B C D E 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 二、听五段对话,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案(每小题1分,共5 分) 6. What will Lily do? A. Go fishing. B. Go for a snack. C. Go hiking. 7. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. Windy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny. 8. Why is Tom feeling sad? A. Because he failed the English exam. B. Because he has no friends to talk with.

C. Because he doesn't know whom to talk with. 9. How much will the man pay? A. $2. 15. B. $2. 50. C. $5. 00. 10. What does the woman mean? A. It's time to go to bed. B. It's too early to go to bed. C. She has too much work to do. 三、听两段较长的对话,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案(每小题1 分,共5分) 请听第1段材料,回答第11、12小题 11. Why does the boy call English Help Center? A. He wants to join the English club. B. He has some problems with English. C. He wants to help others with their English. 12. What is the boy weak in? A. Speaking and writing. B. Speaking and listening. C. Listening and writing. 请听第2段材料,回答第13至15小题 13. Who is Betty probably? A. Ben's classmate. B. Ben's teacher. C. Ben's aunt. 14. What does Betty know about the exam news? A. She knows where the news came from. B. She knows who first heard the news.


初一英语听力训练 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(5分) ()1.A. good B. book C. cook ( ) 2. A. guitar B. car C. mark ( ) 3. A. sings B. arms C. players ( ) 4. A. course B. mouse C. house ( ) 5. A. goat B. coat C. gold 二、听录音, 根据你所听到的对话和问题选择正确答案。(10分) ()1. A. Reading novels . B. Reading picture books. C. Reading story books. ( ) 2. A. James is the tallest. B. Henry is the tallest. C. Henry is as tall as James. ( ) 3. A. No, he doesn’t . B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he does. ( ) 4. A. Playing the piano. B. Playing the violin. C. Playing the guitar. ( ) 5. A. Something is good. B. Something is bad. C. Something is missing. 三、听录音,把句子补充完整。(5分) 1. He is playing the __________________ . 2. She is a famous _____________. 3. __________ a pianist, you can’t make a good band. 4. I want to do something ___________________. 5. My father goes to work by ____________ . 四、听录音,完成短文。(每小题1分,共10分) Today is Sunday. No. 5 Middle School is having a 1 meeting. Students are 2 the events (竞赛). In the 1,000 meter race, Li Lei is running much 3 than the other 4 and his friends are cheering 5 him. At last, he breaks 6 school record. He is the 7 . Look! Lin Hong is 8 . Who 9 jump higher than Lin Hong ? It’s Wang Dandan. She jumps 10 of all. ( ) 1. A. sport B. sports C. sports’ ( ) 2. A. enjoying B. enjoy C. to enjoy ( ) 3. A. fast B. faster C. fastest ( ) 4. A. boy B. boys C. girls ( ) 5. A. at B. to C. for ( ) 6. A. our B. we C. us ( ) 7. A. win B. winner C. winners ( ) 8. A. running B. jumping C. jumping ( ) 9. A. may B. must C. can ( ) 10. A. high B. higher C. the highest 笔试部分(共70分) 一、请根据句意以及首字母提示写出正确的单词。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. May I c_____ in ? 2. We are p_____ for the talent show.


九年级英语听力翻译训练 一.听力测试。 第一节.选出你所听到的内容。(5分) ()1. A. dog B. map C. desk ()2. A. bag B. book C. box ()3. A. chair B. table C. bed ()4. A. know B. not C. notebook ()5. A. phone B. hat C. map 第二节. 听句子,选择最佳答语。句子读一遍(5分) ( ) 6. A. It’s blue. B. They’re black. C. Please ask Li Lei. ( ) 7. A . That sounds interesting. B. Yes, it’s a computer game. C. Join us soon. ( ) 8. A. Carrots and eggs. B. TV and apples. C. Ping-pong. ( ) 9. A. No, it isn’t. B. No, he isn’t. C. No, she isn’t. ( )10. A It’s boring. B. No, it’s difficult. C. Yes, they do. 第三节.对话听,选择正确答案。念两遍(10分) 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题 ( )11.______ has a baseball bat A.Jim B.Bill C.Tom ( )12.Jim’s baseball is _____ . A.on the sofa B.under the table C.in his bag 听第二段对话,回答13-14小题 ( )13.These pencils are ______ A.Anna’s B.Bob’s C.Jenny’s ( )14.Jenny’s pen is _____ A.yellow B.blue C.green 听第三段对话,回答15-17小题 ( )15.Anna is ______ A.Alice’s friend B.Frank’s friend C.Ali ce’s cousin ( )16._____ last name is Brown. A.Alice’s B.Anna’s C.Frank’s ( )17._____ pen is green. A.Alice’s B.Anna’s C.Frank’s 听第四段对话,回答18-20小题 ( )18.Bob can play _______ A.soccer B.volleyball C.ping-pong ( )19.Bob plays with _______. A.Bill B.his classmate C.friends ( )20._____ can play soccer _______ only watches volleyball on TV A. Bill,Bob B. Bob ,Bill C. Bill,Bill’s classmate 第四节.择正确答案。短文读听短文选两遍。(5分) ( )21. __________ has a great sports collection. A. My father B. My grandfather C. My uncle ( )22. He loves ____________ very much. A. sports B. balls C. A and B

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