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英语教学分析 西华师范大学 期末

英语教学分析  西华师范大学  期末
英语教学分析  西华师范大学  期末



Traditional linguistics

Structural linguistics

Transformational generative linguistic

Functional linguistics

II 名词解释:共四个(14分)


Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication

1.L1: (native language .mother tongue , primary language)

2.L2(second language , non- native language ,foreign language,

secondary language)

3.Simple definition of mother Tongue: a language learned from

birth (Wikipedia)

4.Simple definition of second language: any language learned after

mother or first language. (Wikipedia)

5.First language: it is a language that is acquired in infancy and

early childhood , learn at home usually from the parents .

6.Foreign language: it is a language which is taught as a school

subject, but which is not used as a medium of instruction in

schools nor as language of communication within a country ( in

government ,business, industry)

7.Second language :it is a language that is not a native language in

a country but which is used as a medium of communication (in

education , government)

8. Methodology : is that which links theory and practice .

Approach : (教学理论)the theoretical

assumptions about how a language is

effectively ,taught in light ofthe nature of



Methodology Method:(教学方法)the overall plans or

designs of teaching a language that is based on

systematic principles and teaching procedures.

Technique: (教学技巧)the specific ways/

strategies used in classroom in different kinds of

language teaching contexts.

9. What’s their relations?

For approach, method, and technique, which determines which?----approach determines method, in turn, method determines technique. The arrangement is hierarchical. The organizational key is that techniques carry out a method which is consistent with an


10.Errors and mistakes .

A mistake refers to a performance error that is either random

guess or a slip ,in that it is a failure to utilize a

known system correctly, mistakes are of no

significant to language learning because they are

made at random and and non-systematic .

An error is that a noticeable deviation in using the target language

It is because that learners do make errors and

that these errors can be observed ,analyzed and

classified to

11.learning and acquisition

Acquisition: the subconscious process in which second language

learners develop their language proficiency

through understanding language and through

using language for meaningful communication . Learning : the conscious process in which second language learner acquire the epic knowledge of the rules of the target language .

12language learning : a conscious learning .knowing about the language ,focus on the grammar and vocabulary ,communication is not emphasized ,correction of all the errors .

13 Contrastive analysis(CA)

is an approach to the study of SLA which involves predicting and explaining learner problems based on a comparison of L1 and L2 to determine similarities and differences. It is based on the assumption that it is viable to predict and describe the patterns that will cause difficulty in learning, and those that will not cause difficulty by comparing systematically the language and culture to be learned with the native language and culture of the student.

contrastive analysis both have strong vision and weak vision .

the strong vision is that errors can be predicted by indentifying the difference between first language and secondlanguage ,because all the second language errors come from the first language and the grater differences between fl and sl ,the more errors will occur .

the short vision

14.Error analysis

the study and a type of linguistic analysis that focuses on the errors learners (second and foreign) make.

in the 1970s, EA supplanted取代Contrastive Analysis (CA), which sought(seek)to predict the errors that learners make by identifying the linguistic differences between their L1 and the target language. The underlying assumption of CA was that errors occurred primarily as a result of interference when the learner transferred native language ‘habits’ into the L2.

Functions of error :

errors could be significant in three ways:

(1)they provided the teacher with information about how much the learner had learnt,

(2)they provided the researcher with evidence of how language was learnt

(3) they served as devices by which the learner discovered the rules of the target language.

15.Interlanguage theory

It is used to refer to the systematic knowledge of an L2 which is independent of both these learners’ L1 and the target language.

It mainly refers to (1) the series of inter-connected systems which characterize acquisition; (2) the system that is observed at a single stage of development; and (3) particular first and second language combinations.

Features of IL

1.the L2 learner's IL system is permeable可渗透的,in the sense that (就。。而言)rules that constitute组成the learner's knowledge at any one stage are not fixed, but are open to amendment改善.

2.The L2 learner's IL system is constantly changing ---that is ,there is

a constant revison and extension扩大of rules in the process of L2 approximation . Interlanguage is dynamic. This is best explained by

Krashen's natural order hypothesis.

3.Despite the variablility of IL , it is possible to detect发现the rule-based nature of the learner's use of the L2; in other words, language learning is systematic.

III 辨析题(24分,共4个)

1.L1 vs. L2

SL vs. FL

Acquisition Vs learning


LAD :language acquisition device

Made up of a set of general priciples called UG.(universal grammar)Born with it.

An analysis of language learning and teaching

Nature of language learning

Learning--acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study experience, or instruction

Language learning: skill, knowledge and thinking patterns.

can be defined as the activities which are intended to bring about learning, which including both the formal instruction(正规语言)or method of training, but also the individualized instruction(个别教学), self-study, computer-assisted instruction and the use of media.

Nature of language teaching

Teaching is guiding and facilitating(促进) learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning.---Knowledge,,Ways ,Sequences(序列),Rewards and punishment.

Relationship between learning and teaching

Learning is the prerequisite(首要条件) and the basis of teaching. Understanding of how the learning process works will determine our philosophy of education, our teaching styles, our approach, methods and classroom techniques.

Two polarized views of human learning

1)Behavioristic views(行为主义观点)------stimulus(刺激), response and reinforcement(加强)

Influenced by this view, language teachers believe that learn a new language is to learn a new set of habits. However, human beings’ learning involves not only passive stimulus and response behaviors, but also active and conscious focus on acting upon events outside

and inside the organism(有机体).

2) Cognitive views(认知主义)-----Chomsky’s Innateness Hypothesis(先天性假设)This term is used loosely to describe methods in which students are asked to think rather than simply repeat.

claims that language learner is born with LAD, which is composed of a set of abstract(抽象的)principles called Universal grammar(普遍文法)and some parameters(参数)that vary across languages. The learning process is just a process of hypotheses forming and hypotheses testing.

Language learning is regarded as the learners’ active internal linguistic processing rather than passive repetition.

The reasons are as follows:

1) Little input abundant perfect output

2) Similar stages in learning the language

Nature of L2 learning

Add new concepts to our existing cognition through assimilation(同化) and accommodation(调节).

the task for L2 learning is the acquisition of semantic(语义), transformational(转换), syntactic(句法)and phonological competence(语言能力)for the realization(领悟)of language independent deep structure conceptual system(概念系统)Major modern L2 learning theories

1.The habit-formation Theory(behaviorism) (习惯形成理论)

language is a set of linguistic habits and the linguistic habits are formed through identifying(识别) and strengthening the associations between stimuli and responses.

According to the behaviorist theories, the main impediment(阻碍) to language learning was interference(干扰)from prior knowledge. That is to say, the old habits of language will interfere with the learning of the target language when the two sets of linguistic habits are different. This is called negative transfer. However, the old habits will sometimes facilitate the learning of the target language when the two set of linguistic habits are the same. As is called positive transfer. It is shown that the learners acquire L2 features with little difficulty.

Influences of habit formation theory

(Error correction(纠错)and prediction----Contrastive analysis 对比分析)

2.The Hypothesis of linguistic universal(语言共性说)

We are born with LAD .

In the second language acquisition process, people have found that second language learner usually acquire the core grammar of the target language and then the peripheral grammar.

Core grammar agrees with the inborn general principle and is much easier to learn.

Core grammar of the learner's mother tonger will facilitate the

development of the learner's interlanguage and will exert a positive influence on the acquisition of the target language.


in contrast to more traditional views which see learning as the accumulation(积累)of facts or the development of skills, the main underlying(潜在)assumption of constructivism is that individuals are actively involved right from birth in constructing(构建)personal meaning, that is their own personal understanding, from their experiences.


View learners as actively involved in making their own sense of language input, not as passive receive。

Learning requirements should be in accordance with the cognitive level of the learner.

In the process of learning, learner’s knowledge system is constantly being restructured.


1,Learning involves meaningful and meaningless learning activities. Teachers should encourage students’meaningful learning.

2,The teaching curriculum课程is eventually shaped by the teacher himself.

3,Learners can definitely benefit from explicit instruction, collabrative learning, peer feedback etc..

4,Learners should constantly be challenged with tasks that refer to skills and knowledge just beyond their current level of mastery

The acculturation theory(文化迁移)

the process of becoming adapted to a new culture

Be adapted to target language

The extent(程度) to which learners acculturate(使适应文化)depends on two sets of factors: social distance and psychological distance.

The successful acculturation will bring about successful second language acquisition.

Second language acquisition is just one aspect of acculturation. The degree of acculturation will determine the degree of the second language acquisition.

The discourse theory(谈话理论)

language learning is learning to mean. That is to say, the learners learn to perform different functions of language through choosing correct language forms in face-to-face communications.

Only through communication discourses can learner acquire the second language.

The monitor theory(监控理论)



There are five basic hypotheses in this model:

The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis(习得-学习理论)

assumed that second language learners have two independent means of developing knowledge of a second (including foreign) language. One way is through what he called acquisition and the other through learning.

Acquisition: the subconscious process in which second language learners develop their language proficiency through understanding language and through using language for meaningful communication. --Focus on meaning,communicative fluency(流畅)Learning:the conscious process in which second Language learner acquire the explicit knowledge of the rules of the target language.----Attend to form,accuracy(精确)

(b)The Monitor Hypothesis (监控模式)

The Monitor Hypothesis points that acquisition and learning are used in very specific ways. Normally, acquisition “initiates”(启动)our utterances(表达)in a second language and is responsible for our fluency. Learning has only one function, and that is as a monitor or editor. Learning comes into play only to make changes in the

form of the our utterance, after it has been “produced”by the acquired system. ---应该注重交际

Conditions for Monitor to happen

There is sufficient time for the speaker to monitor his speech.

The speaker should pay conscious attention to form

The speaker has an explicit knowledge of the rules of the target language.

(c) The Natural Order Hypothesis(自然顺序假设)

Foreign language learners acquire the rules of the target language in the same order.

This hypothesis states that elements of language (or language rules) are acquired in a predictable order. The order is the same regardless of whether or not instruction is involved. Acquirers of a given language tend to acquire certain grammatical structures early, and others later.

The natural order of acquisition is independent of the order of rules taught in the classroom;Classroom teaching can facilitate the speed of acquisition in natural order


(d) The Input Hypothesis(输入假设)

we acquire (not learn) language by understanding input that is a little beyond our current level of (acquired) competence.

We use i to represent current competence and i+1 to represent the next level. Then how do the learners move from i to i+1. The Input Hypothesis claims that a necessary condition to move from stage i to stage i+1 is that the acquirer understands input that contains i+1 ( a little beyond the present level) , where “understand”means that the acquirer is focused on the meaning and not on the form of the message. Here the input that can be understood by a learner is referred to as “comprehensible input”. They can understand i+1 because of the situation, context, facial expressions and gestures, etc.


Comprehensible input can be facilitated through:

Linguistic and extra-linguistic context

Knowledge of the world

Previously acquired knowledge

Pictures, gestures, translation and explanation in the classroom Simplified codes


补充:The output hypothesis

Input alone is not sufficient for acquisition, because when one hears language, one can often interpret the meaning without the use of

syntax. But this is not the case with language production or output, because one is forced to put the words into some order. Production then may “force the learner to move from semantic processing to syntactic processing”(Swain, 1985), as is called comprehensible output”. This term means that the learners are “pushed”or “stretched”in their production as a necessary part of making themselves understood.

(e) The Affective Filter Hypothesis(情感过滤假设)

states how affective factors relate to the second language acquisition process.

These affective factors include motivation, self-confidence, anxiety, etc.

The filter is too high or strong, the input cannot reach that part of the brain responsible for language acquisition, or the language acquisition device. If it is low, it can reach LAD easily. Thus, the optimal condition for SLA is to enable the learners low affective filter.

Classrooms that encourage low filters are those that promote low anxiety among the students, and keep students “off the defensive”Low filter:High motivation,High self-confidence,Low anxiety High filter:Low motivation,Low self-confidence,High anxiety

习得语言必须具备:comprehensible input,Low filter


1,Classroom activities should provide as many opportunities as possible to make acquisition happen.

2,Learners should monitor their performance when possible, particularly when task requirements focus on form (e.g. writing), learners should try to refine their language.

3,Teachers should create relaxing classroom atmosphere. Input form should be interesting.

4,Teachers should lessen learners' pressure. More positive feedback is encouraged and less criticism.

5,Provide as much comprehensible input as possible in classroom teaching.

6,The focus in the classroom should be on listening and reading. speaking can be delayed.

7,he ability to speak fluently cannot be taught directly; rather it “emerges”independently in time, after the acquirer has built up linguistic competence by understanding input.


Individual learner differences

1.Focus on rate,final success,Route in L2 acquisition

2.Classification on Personal factors(Group dynamics,Attitudes to

teacher and material

Individual learning techniques),

General factors

the standard to divide those differences is whether they are fixed or immutable and those that are variable, influenced by social settings and the actual course of L2 development.

The fixed or immutable factors are called general factors.

The mutable and developmental factors are called personal factors. 1,General factors:

age, language aptitude, motivation, personality, self-esteem, anxiety, inhibition and risk-taking and learning styles, etc.

2,Personal factors:

sensitivity 敏感to group dynamics, attitudes to the teacher and course materials and language learning strategies策略


CPH (Critical Period Hypothesis) is the most popular, though controversial topic.

older is faster, but younger is better.

1.2 Language aptitude 语言天赋------决定语言学习的效果

It is defined as the natural ability to learn a language, not including intelligence, motivation, interest, etc.

1.3 Motivation

thought of as an inner drive, impulse, emotion, or desire (needs) that moves one to a particular action.

the choices people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid, and the degree of effort they will exert in that respect

1.4 Personality

aspects of an individual’s behaviors, attitudes, thoughts, actions and feelings which are seem typical and distinctive of that person and recognized as such by that person and others.

These individual factors which are thought to influence motivation and the choices of learner strategies are self-esteem, inhibition, anxiety, risk-taking and extroversion, etc. The most widely and detailed discussed pair of factors are extroversion 外向and introversion.内向

1.5 Self-esteem自尊

Self-esteem refers to the evaluation which the individual makes and customarily maintains with regard to himself; it expresses an attitude of approval or disapproval, and indicates the extent to which an individual believes himself to be capable, significant, successful and worthy.

In short, self-esteem is a personal judgment of worthiness that is expressed in the attitudes that the individual holds towards himself.


七年级上Unit 2教学案例分析七年级上Unit 2单元主要教学一些物品的名称,如:学习用品,服装,水果,家具等等。要求学生能用下列句型进行交流。 A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a pen. A: Spell it, please. B: P_E_N, pen. 本单元安排在26个字母之后,因此,字母的认读,单词的拼写,以及单词的读音也是本课的重点之一。在课堂设计的过程中,考虑到这节课的具体情况:单词较少,绝大多数学生都已在小学学过,但是,由于我所教班级学生的英语水平比较薄弱,虽然他们在小学已经学过这部分内容,加上小学英语的要求和初中英语要求的不同,他们对知识点的掌握程度还达不到初中水平。鉴于以上种种原因,我尝试着用让学生自己教会自己的方法来完成这节课的教学。整节课,我设计了绘画比赛,问答学习,调查统计等几个环节,一环紧扣一环,让学生在潜移默化中自然而然地学到了新知识。实践证明,我这样的安排不仅调动了已会的同学,让他们尝到了为人师的成就感和自豪感;与此同时,还让那些不会的同学有了更多更细心的学习机会,排除了师生之间的隔阂,让他们从自己的同龄人中学习,他们感到自然,易于接受。这不失为本课的一大闪光点。 上课前,我准备了四张图画纸。在师生互相问好以后,我把全班分成A,B,C,D四大组,然后把这四张纸分给他们,每组一张。要求他

们在5分钟以内完成一副画。A组画水果,B组画学习用品,C组画家具,D组画服装及床上用品。接着,老师把他们的绘画作品收上来,然后指着下列物品(a pen, a book, a pencil, a ruler, a pencil case, a backpack, a pencil sharpener, a dictionary, an eraser问学生 T: What’s this in English? S: It’s a pen. T: Spell it, please. S: P-E-N, pen. 老师示范性地问两次,然后请学生来互相问答,同时,板书下列单词:pen, book, pencil, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpen er, dictionary.。再让学生跟读几次上面的单词,以帮助那些还不会的同学掌握这些生词的读音和拼写形式。接着,老师在电脑上打出一副副关于以上单词的物品一件,并引导他们正确使用a和an进行问答。最后,由他们自己归纳出的a和an的基本用法。 接下来,我安排了一个知识延伸的环节,让学生充分利用他们自己亲手绘制的图片,用What’s this in English? It’s a / an….的结构互相教学另外一些单词,如:an apple, an orange, a banana, a pear, a grape, a watermelon; a bed, a desk , a chair, a blackboard; a b ag, a notebook; a shoe, a jacket, a hat 等等。学生词汇量的丰富多彩,完全出乎我的意料。这也是这节课成功的重要原因之一。 最后,在下课前,我给他们布置了一道既达到了知识的延伸,又激发了他们学习兴趣的家庭作业:让他们去寻找生活中常见的物品一


高中英语教学案例分析 教材版本:人教版高中英语必修2 unit 1 授课时间:45分钟 一、学生分析 教学对象为高中一年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟。他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,因此我特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。他们学习英语方法由死记硬背转型向理解型并应用到交际上,他们有自己的学习技能和策略,学会把语言学习与现实生活和兴趣联系起来。通过任务型课堂活动和学习,学生的学习自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强了与他人交流合作的能力。 二、教材分析 这一课是本单元第一个课时。 在上这一节课前并没有让他们了解太多的与课文内容相关的知识,只是由于这课出现的人名和地名比较多,我自己另外准备的引入(只是花了4到5分钟的时间),让学生对这课的话题作好心理准备,也为了完成本单元的目标作了铺垫。 三、教学目标 本课为阅读课型,主要介绍有关俄罗斯遗失琥珀屋的轶事。通过阅读使学生了解世界文化遗产,学会描述他们的起源、发展和保护等方面的情况。教师根据课文内容用不同的形式来让学生自己归纳,提高阅读技能。本课目的要使学生学会如何谈论文化遗产以及最后形成保护文物的意识。 教学内容大致分为以下几个方面: 1.看图片和听录音引入文化遗产这一话题。 2从网上下载一些琥珀屋图片并展示给学生看,分辨新旧琥珀屋,给学生以感官上的刺激,而且有利于帮助学生对文章的理解。(一些生词用板书) 3.学生阅读课文后完成精读练习。 4.语言学习--难句解释。 5.小结文章,一是找关键线索,二是写作手法。 6.小组讨论,包括复述课文,加深对文章的理解,以及学生总结自己通过本课学习学到了什么(达到教学目标--形成保护文物意识)。 课前需要准备中外文物图片以及对这些图片简短的录音描述五、教学过程 (一) warming-up引入 教师用 PowerPoint look at three pictures and listen to three tourist guide describe each of them. What do you think of them?) 1. The Pyramids in Egypt 2. Machu Picchu in Peru 3. The Great Wall of China 然后问问题:what do you think of them? They represent the culture of their countries, so they are called______) 引导学生讲出 cultural relics这个词组 接着分别说出 cultural relics的定义(学生个人观点) (引入部分使学生对本节课的话题有所了解,而且很有兴趣了解其它文物) (二) Reading使学生了解Amber Room形成、发展,经历了几个阶段 1、让学生解释文章的title—In Search of the Amber Room (Maybe it's lost) 2、为了让学生知道琥珀屋是什么样子,帮助理解文章,教师展示多张图片,新旧琥珀


小学英语生本课堂教学案例分析 作者:常海霞(小学英语青海海北小学英语一班) 评论数/浏览数: 5 / 1974 发表日期: 2012-11-22 17:11:54 |优秀小学英语生本课堂教学案例分析 小学英语生本课堂教学案例分析 新一轮基础教育课程改革让小学英语课堂充满了激情和活力,让小学英语课堂教学变得更精彩。但是随着新课程教学的深入,小学英语生本教学中的一些问题渐渐暴露出来。教师教得很辛苦,可是学生学得好像越来越没“味”道;有的学生跟不上英语教学的进度,学习起来感觉很吃力;有一小部分学生甚至丧失了进一步学习英语的兴趣和愿望。所以在小学英语教学中,应及时地、有效地进行反思。通过反思,教师就能够根据实际情况及时调整教学计划,丰富教学内容,使教学计划更符合学生的需要,而且这对提高课堂的有效性有着重要的意义。下面笔者将结合自己的切身体会和听课偶得的一些片断来谈谈自己的反思和思后建议。 1.案例一:片面追求学生自主学习,导致教师口干舌燥,学生舌头打转三年级教学Look at me时,教师指着自己的嘴巴说:“Look, this is my mouth”,然后接着说:“mouth, mouth”大部分学生们在听完示范发音后,就把手举得高高的,一直嚷着:“Call me ,call me。”要求自己来读读这个单词。于是请第一名学生站起来读,他的发音并不正确,读成汉语的“冒失”,教师又示范了一次并纠正他的发音,直到他读准确为止。没想到第二个学生的错误和第一个学生一样,教师只好再次经历了示范、纠正的过程。可是当第三位学生站起来发言时,同样的错误仍在继续。这时教师没有再请其他学生上来读了,教师知道了多数学生根本没有学会该单词的读音,他们在意的是自己能不能站起来发言,能不能得到我给的“Apple”章。课堂教学活动只好再次回到单词的发音教学,最后,那一节课只能是匆匆忙忙收尾,一些活动无法进行。 1.1 课后反思;学生缺少必要的模仿训练;在平时的课堂教学中,我们经常会发现不少学生由于缺乏必要的模仿训练,总是不会读或读不准单词,只好用汉字给单词注音,导致开口便是汉语腔十足的英语。通过反思,我想造成这种现象的主要原因可能是学生缺少足够和有效的认真听、准确模仿的训练。所以,尽管教师一遍遍地示范、纠正读音,他们仍会不断地犯同样的错误,生本的先学后教理论要依托于学生对知识正确的理解基础,否则就是在错误的基础上延续更大的错误。 1.2 思后建议;培养学生准确模仿的习惯;众所周知,准确模仿是小学


教学案例的写法 一、案例的结构要素 (1)背景教学案例应该把背景交代清楚,即说明故事发生的环境和条件,以便案例的使用者更好地理解。如介绍一堂课,就有必要说明这堂课是在什么背景下进行的,是普通班还是实验班,是经过准备的“公开课”还是平时的“家常课” ,等等。这样就能让读者既能设身处地思考案例中的问题,也能摆脱情境的束缚,去探讨更深层的问题。 (2)主题案例应有一个主题,常常用一个醒目的标题来衬托。主题对于一个案例来说是不可缺少的,它通常应关系到课堂教学的核心理念、常见问题、困扰事件,例如:你是想说明怎样转变差生,还是强调怎样启发思维,或者是介绍如何组织小组讨论等等。写作时应该从最有收获、最有启发的角度切入,选择并确立主题。 (3)细节有了主题,写作时就不会有闻必录,而是要对原始材料进行筛选,突出重点,有针对性地向读者交代特定的内容。特别是要把关键性的细节写清楚。对于教学案例故事中真实事件的细节选取,常常要考虑这样几个要素: *选择充满内部矛盾、存在相互冲突、看似无法解决的事件。*案例故事所选取的事件必须是以大量细致的研究为基础。 *案例故事必须倾向于对资料进行归纳分析,是能促进个人自省的。 (4)结果一般来说,教案和教学设计只有课前的预案、设想而没有实施的结果,教学实录通常也只记录教学的过程而不介绍教学效果;而案例则不仅要说明教学的思路、描述教学的过程,还要交代教学的结果,即这种教学措施的即时效果,包括学生的反映和教师的感受等。读者知道了结果,将有助于加深对整个过程内涵的了解。 (5)评析对于案例反映的主题和内容,包括教育教学的指导思想、过程、结果,对其利弊得失,作者要有一定的看法和分析。评析是在记叙基础上议论,可以进一步揭示事件的意义和价值。比如同样一个“后进生”转化事例,我们可以从教育学、心理学、社会学等不同的理论角度切入,揭示成功的原因和科学的规律。评析不一定是理论阐述,可以是就事论事、有感而发,引起人的共鸣,给人启发。 最实在,最适用的教学案例,应该是发生在自己身边的“一个个生动、真实的故事再加上发自内心的一些感悟”。 二、写好案例的关键写文章要考虑方法,但有了完整的故事结构,并不等于有了好的案例。写好一个教学案例,有三个关键问题需要注意: (1)选择复杂的情境 所谓复杂的情境,是指教学故事的发生、发展具有多种可能性。教师在教学活动中面临着各种各样的问题情境,需要进行判断、选择、决定。复杂的情境提供了更多的选择、思考和想象的余地,因而会给人以更多的启迪。 学校教学中有许多典型事例和两难问题,应该怎样处理?案例可以从不同角度反映教师的行为、态度和思想感情,提出解决的思路和例证。在这里,案例是坦率的、中立的、可读性强的叙述,它描述了一系列教学事件而又不仅仅只是描述或描写一些特定的一连串的事件,其间包含了教师的心理活动、观念冲突、反思等。 (2)揭示人物的心理面对同一个情境,不同的教师可能有不同的处理方式。案例能够深入人的内心世界,让读者“知其所以然”。好的案例应该能够发挥这个特点和优势。 人物心理的另一个重要方面是学生的心理活动。由于案例一般是教师撰写的,注意力容易偏重于教师这一方。比如自己怎么想的,怎么教的,效果如何,可以娓娓道来,自我感觉良好;但学生的心里是怎么想的,对教学效果的看法是否与教师一致,往往被忽略了。人们常说“备课要备两


小学英语课堂教学评价及案例分析 [课堂实录1]小学三年级的一节词汇课上,一位男生看着教师单词图片说:“ruler!”,声音响亮,发音准确。教师马上向他竖起两个大拇指,并向全班学生说:“Good,Good,very good!”课堂上马上响起了整齐又响亮的拍掌声。这样的评价课堂上出现了十几次。 [课堂实录2]在五年级的课堂上,同桌之间按教师的要求进行pair work,,然后教师请一对学生表演,学生表演后,教师向全班学生说:“Great,great,excellent !”。全班对两个学生说:“Great, great, excellent!”声音不太响亮,也不太整齐。[分析]以上两种现象,教师们应该都可以为常了。不知从什么时候起,小学英语课堂掀起一种学生齐声表扬之风,一堂课下来,有不下十余次这样的表扬。开始时,学生们兴趣勃勃,但随着年龄的增长,年级的升高,他们的声音由高到低,掌声也渐渐稀落。究其原因,是因为学生对千篇一律、机械的表扬声方式开始厌倦、感到乏味。因此他们参与评价的积极性便消失了,被评价的学生也感受不到表扬的音悦了。这说明:评价语言不宜单一、机械化。 [建议] 一、评价语言丰富化

作为课堂教学的重要组成部分,英语教师的课堂用语可以为学生提供良好的可理解的语言输入,可以让学生在教师的话语中不知不觉地了解英语。因此教师应用丰富的表达方式对学生评价,尽量是用一些描述性的语言体现语言的运用。如“a clever girl, Wonderful!Nice picture!Well done!Good!Good idea!”这样才有利于学生充分体验语言的多样性,感觉学习的喜悦。 二、评价方法人文化 另外,根据年龄特征,低年级学生教师需要通过适当的引导让学生对同伴南行评价,而高年级则不需要这样同声、同步和公式化的表扬,这样会让学生感到走过场的感觉,教师只要对学生出色的表现表示真诚的欣赏与鼓励,学生的积极性就会得以激发和保持,例如一张小贴画,一个亲昵的抚摸,一个鼓励的手势,一个真诚赞赏的眼神,更能让教师与学生情感真实的交流。 是否说让语言丰富化、方法人文化就是让老师们一节课不停地说呢?看第三个例子。 [课堂实录3]学生每说一句话,回答一个问题,授课教师就进行表扬、加分和鼓励,学生每听一个单词,教师就对其说:“very good”,做对一个动作就:“excellent”,学生每说一段话教师 就奖励其一张贴纸或一颗糖。


英语课堂教学案例分析 用真实的语境,多样的评价鼓励孩子听说英语 -- 英语课堂教学案例分析[引言]: 《英语课程标准》提出学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出以学生为主体,以真实情景下运用英语交流为目的的思想。教师应在教学过程中有意识地加以适当的引导,搜集现实中真实的情景,激发学生使用英语解决问题的兴趣,培养学生通过听、读、说、写四方面来提高语言综合运用的能力。并且通过各种评价手段激发学生有意识有目的地去听、说。 [ 具体过程] : 这学期,有一次开放日活动。我教的是3B 的family members 。为了让孩子和家长都感兴趣,并且深刻地记下这节有意义的课。我请孩子事先带了一些家人的照片,准备课上时请同学上来阐述。后来,我发现,将他们家人的照片剪切下来,放在电脑上展示,会不会更容易学习和使用新句型呢?我按照这样的思路重新设计并上了一节开放课。 师生问候完毕,我用角色扮演的方式快速回顾了上节课的八个家庭成员和问句Who s he? 和Who s she? 同学们一起问问题,传到HELEN AND MIK的头饰的同学回答He' s/She' s… 紧接着,我就出示了一张陌生老爷爷的照片,一个大问号在旁边,我问:wh o' s he?没等学生回答,我就问Is he your grandfather? 慢慢重复了问题两遍。 然后说:Excuse me,…,Is he your grandfather? 学生很自然地回答我Yes,he is./ No, he isn ' t. 我请回答不是的小朋友学着老师的样子来问一问你认为是知道答案的同学。学生们顿时兴奋起来,一个问一个,问到了每个角落的孩子。当听到No的时候,不但问的同学失望了,听的同学也一阵失望。同时,又很期待地问下一个同学。当听到期盼已久的yes 时,每个孩子都很开心。 一张照片还不过瘾,我又趁势出示了几张处理过的照片和需要用到的句型,请同学们小组问答练习。对于真实的问题,孩子们一问一答,饶有兴趣。 真实,使得这节课异常地热闹。孩子们的好奇,孩子们的表现欲,一下子涌了出来。 但是,课堂是需要纪律来维持的。在自由对话的过程中,有的孩子沉浸在自己的讨论中,甚至不愿去倾听别人的对话,这时候,彩色粉笔帮了我的忙。 T: OK.Now, let ' s have a look. If you speck good enough, red star; listen and respect enough, blue star; always put up hands, green sta r!(发言好,红星一颗;会听的,蓝星一颗;常举手,绿星一颗。比一比,哪一组五彩星最多!) T: group 1, you can listen, blue star for you. 如此下来,孩子们不但能够兴趣饱满地投入到课堂活动中,并且能够努力去积极思考发言,并仔细听他人的对话。我惊喜地发现,孩子们不但能静下心来听了,并且会听了。有些同学的对话加入了前面发言同学的好语句。对话越来越精彩了。我第一次发


高中英语教学案例分析 王萃 摘要:在英语课程的改革中,方方面面都在提倡自主、合作与探究的学习方式,让学生成为学习的主人,使学生的主体意识、能动性和创造性不断得到发展。因此,培养学生自主、合作与探究的学习方式,是新课程改革中一个迫切的任务。 关键词:合作与探究英语阅读 一、前言 《牛津高中英语》Project是课堂教学的延伸和拓展,属于探究式学习,要求学生走出课堂,与同学分工合作。学生认真阅读所提供的阅读材料,从中得到启发,然后通过讨论、调查、专访、文献检索等活动,完成一个特定的课题。模块六第一单元Project的课题是Putting on a play.包括两个舞台剧:The invisible bench和The important papers。现将设计思路及教后反思与诸君交流,探讨如何让学生真正走出课堂、参与课堂、享受课堂。让学生参与“备课”,备教材在本课的两个舞台剧中,台词较为简单,但旁白和转场很多,人物表情和心理活动非常丰富。所以,同学们主要应在揣摩人物内心方面做足功课。 二、学生分析 根据《新课标》精神,高中英语教学要在培养学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的基础上培养综合语言运用能力。因此,高二学年的英语教学将继续培养和优化学生的

英语学习方法,使他们能通过观察、体验、探究等主动学习的方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。同时,还要关注学生的情感,提高他们的人文素养,提高他们独立思考和判断能力,培养创新精神和实践能力,增进跨文化理解和交际能力。 三、教材分析 该板块引导学生进行探究性学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外;它基于阅读文本,又超越文本信息。根据《课标》,《课标》在“使用建议”部分指出:教材内容、教学活动和教学方法应具有较大的灵活性和开放性。在不违背科学性原则的前提下,教材应该具有一定的弹性和伸缩性。允许使用者根据自己的实际需要,对教材内容进行适当的取舍和补充。因此,此教学设计着眼于把project 部分根据现在所教生源的实际情况,设当地化繁为简,让学生自己从两片喜剧中选择一个小组合作表演。并根据英语课程标准倡导的“任务型”教学途径,设计相应的教学任务,同时在整节课的教学设计中强化每个任务环节的有机结合。对学生而言,随着不同任务的转化,对他们构成了不同层次的挑战,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力,从而达到学以致用的目的。三是注重在语言材料的有效输入的基础上进行语言的有效输出。坚持先读(课文,课外阅读材料),后说(合作探讨如何表演),再演(完成舞台表演)的教学三部曲。 四、教学策略 该板块引导学生进行谈那就行学习,把英语听说读写的训练从课


Unit6 Topic1 Section B教学案例分析 Section B (1a-1c) The main activity is 1a .本课重点活动是1a.本课共需30钟 Ⅰ.teaching aims 教学目标 1. Learn the new words : sleeper pay 2. Go on learning the usage of infinitives. 3. Learn how to book tickets. Ⅱ. Leading-in Show some pictures about my travel experience, then turn to the topic about travel,and the vehicles T: From sectionA we know going by bus is too slow, and it takes too long; going by plane is fast, but it is too expensive; going by train is comfortable, and it doesn't cost so much. Which is the best way for Maria's class to travel? Ss: By train. T: Yes, they have decided the best way to go to Mount Tai by train..Now kangkang is booking the train tickets to Mount. [设计说明]复习SectionA ,转入sectionB,承上启下。


小学英语课堂教学案例分析 案例分析就是指教学过程中在教授某个知识点时,出现的某种状况,可能是积极方面的,也可能是消极方面的,教师通过观察和分析学生的表现,做出确凿的判断,采取正确的方法,帮助他们更好地学习英语。 一、面向全体学生,培养学生的学习兴趣 食物对同学们来说都很熟悉,也贴近生活,所以说起来朗朗上口。利用前几节课的句型What’s your favourite colour?My favourite colour is_____. What’s your favouritesubject?My favourite subject is_____.在此基础上引出今天的句型What’s your favourite food?My favourite foodis______.学生很快就接受了,并练习得可以。为了让更多的同学练习,我几乎叫遍了全班的同学。还剩一个,这可是我班的“老大难”,但我还是把他叫了起来,令我和全班同学没想到的是,他居然说出来了,而且还说得可以。此时全班响起了热闹的掌声以此鼓励。关注学困生,把目光更多地投向他们,关注他们,尽可能地为他们提供表现的机会,鼓励学生大胆地说英语,让他们体会到胜利的喜悦。 二、创建活动为主的教学模式 在学生学完My name is___之后,进一步学习What’s yourname?老师拿出卡片复习My name is Danny/Jenny/Li Ming.学生跟读:Hello!My name is Danny/Jenny/Li Ming.之后?v解要学的内容:What’s your name?让学生猜出这句话的意思。学生很简易说出:“你叫什么名字?”老师领读并配以动作,指导学生小组练习和表演。 Hello!My name is _____. What’s your name?My name is ____. 学生通过读句子、猜测、表演对话等一系列活动,使他们打心里喜欢学习,激发学习英语的兴趣。我们还采用了小组比赛的方式以培养学生的集体荣誉感。 三、引导学生结合语境,让他们在学习过程中逐步学会如何学习


初中英语教学案例分析新目标七年级上册 Unit1 What's this in English? 中心中学 年月

初中英语教学案例分析 新目标七年级上册 Unit1 What's this in English? [案例背景] 本单元主要教学一些物品的名称,如:学习用品,服装,水果,家具等等。要求学生能熟练的用下列句型进行交流。 A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a pen. A: Spell it, please. B: P_E_N, pen. 本单元是七年级上册正式单元第一单元,位于26个字母学习完之后,字母的认读,单词的拼写,以及单词的读音也是本课的重点之一。 在课堂设计的过程中,考虑到这节课的具体情况:位于第一单元,单词量较少,句型相对简单,绝大多数学生都已在小学学过该句型,但是,由于所教班级的学生来自六个不同的乡村小学,英语基础较差,水平参差不齐,虽然他们在小学已经学过这部分内容,但是小学英语和初中英语的要求是不同的,他们对知识点的掌握程度还没有达到初中水平。鉴于以上原因,我认为做为第一单元来说,激发、调动学生兴趣是关键,让学生人人都动起来主动参与到课堂活动中来,尝试着在任务型的活动中让学生自己教会自己的方法来建构自己的知识体系,从而完成这节课的教学。教学过程中,结合我校的小组合作学习教学模式,我设计了学生动手绘画比赛,小组问答学习,组内调查统计等几个环节,环环相扣,由浅入深,逐步推进,让学生在参与各项活动中潜移默化地自然而然地学到了新知识。课堂实践证明,这样的安排充分发挥了小组合作学习教学模式的优点,不仅调动了已经掌握了这部分知识的同学,让他们尝到了为人师的成就感和自豪感;与此同时,还让那些不会的同学有了更强烈的学习欲望,更多的学习机会,消除了师生之间的隔阂,让他们从自己的同学中学习,他们感到自然,易于接受。达到了“兵教兵”的目的,这也不失为本节课的一大闪光点。 [案例描述]


小学英语课堂教学案例分析 XXXXX小学XXX 问题背景: 在推行新课标,崇尚新理念的今天,创新性学习已成为许多老师经常用的一种教学方式。的确,创新性学习有许多优点:可以充分调动大部分学生的学习兴趣,主动思考问题,解决问题等等。但是这样却很容易造成一个班上两极分化的问题,永远是学习好的一部分学生抢着回答,而差生保持沉默,如果学生不知道交流合作的话,永远达不到我们教学所预期的效果。 教育教学情景: 在我刚接四(6)这个班的时候,从他们英语老师那儿了解到:班上有个叫张成的男生,性格非常地内向。英语学习一直以来都比较困难,成绩长期处于班级中下水平。他上课从不举手,有时被老师请到发言时,也是站在座位上一声不吭。时间久了,老师和同学们仿佛渐渐淡忘了他的存在,一堂课除了“开小火车”的练习,几乎听不到张成的声音。 面对这样一种状况,我一开始就给他一种关注,让他感觉到老师的关心和帮助。第一次英语课上,我在教“Look at me ,this is my head, this is my ear…”时,领读了几遍后让个别学生来读,并且有意叫到了张成,他开始

不说话,我又给他读了好几遍,可他显然有点不耐烦,干脆说了一句:“我读不上来。”就不愿再跟读了。当时我真的有点尴尬,可转念一想,马上有了主意,于是我把全班分为两大组来竞赛,男孩一组,女孩一组。规则是:两人合作,其中一人随意指自己身体的一个部位,另一个人快速用this is your ….表达出来,如果表达正确,他的搭档就要重复一遍,如果不对,则要改正过来,可以拿上书。最后给说的单词多的组每人加一颗星,结果这一招还真灵验,每个小组都干劲十足了,互相分配任务,张成也非常积极地给他的同伴配合,我待同学们基本上都读了一遍后,看教育的时机已到,便说:“老师开始学英语时有很多句子也不会读的,但我坚持一遍又一遍地跟读,直到第十遍才终于学会。”接下来,我又叫了张成,请他读出“Look at me ,this is my head, this is my ear……”等句子,在我的鼓励下,他终于拾起了自信,鼓起勇气大声读出来了,虽然读得不太好,但我还是给予他“Excellent!”的最高表扬,并对其他同学说“Clap your hands!” 现象分析: 这是一个英语课堂中反复操练的环节,对于没接触过英语音标的小学生来说,这个环节是必不可少的,然而却也是非常枯燥的。无论我们怎么优化这一过程,把他变成一场游戏或一场竞赛,仍避免不了反复地读、说与纠音。教学中,存在着学生接受能力的差异是很正常的,但我决不能让学生存在不想学的心理。


中学英语教学案例分析(1) What things can harm the environment ? What do you think we should do to improve our environment ? ) 活动目的:通过列举污染源,学生更清楚当前环境的不仅如人意,保护环境刻不容缓,从而使学生增强保护环境的意识。他们动脑筋,想办法,积极讨论保护环境的措施,在不知不觉中提高英语语言运用能力。 活动过程: T: There is much pollution all over the world now . Can you tell me what it is ? (学生很快地回答) Ss: Water pollution ; Air pollution; Noise pollution;soil pollution …etc. T: Do you know what causes water pollution ? Ss: Factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes . T: All the factories ? Ss: No . T: What factories ? Ss: Paper factories , printing and dyeing mills , plastic factories…ect. ( 学生不会用英语说“印染厂及塑料厂”,他们说中文,我说英文。) T: What else can cause water pollution ,too? Ss: Some people throw rubbish into rivers and lakes . T: How can we help to solve this problem ? ( 学生们分组讨论解决办法。) Ss: We can advise the directors of these factories to stop pouring waste water into rivers and lakes . T: If they don’t accept your advice ,what else can we do ? (学生们讨论更热烈了,过了一会儿,他们七嘴八舌地说:) Ss:1. We can write a letter to Green China about it . 2. We can also ask newspaper reporters and TV station reporters to report these factories . …… T: There is a paper factory in my hometown .It pours waste water into the river every day . The people in the town drink the water of the river every day . They have advise the leader to stop pouring waste water into the river many times .But he never accepts it . Can you write a letter about it to the Green China ? (学生异口同声说“Yes”。由于写作太费时间,这封信作为回家作业,请同学们写在作业本上。) T: You have told me what causes water pollution and how to solve this problem .You’re very clever .Thank you very much .But can you tell me what


小学英语课堂故事教学案例分析 一、背景介绍 如何以故事为载体,训练学生的阅读能力,培养学生创造性的思维能力,是每个小学英语教师在设计教案、组织教学中应该注意的问题。然而,不少教师在对课文进行分析时,仅就文章细节和某些事实向学生提问,即根据文章内容提出一些直接的或命令式的问题,这对于培养学生的注意力、观察力和记忆力是必要的;但仅停留在这一层次上,无益于学生创造性思维能力的提高。在英语课堂中,我们要以学生为中心,以培养交际能力为目的,以多媒体为辅助工具,发展学生的创造性思维。使课堂成为师生间和学生间进行思想和情感交流的场所。牛津英语教材的故事中蕴涵着丰富的具有创造性的思维和创造意识的素材,从中挖掘创造性思维的因素,可以有效地训练学生的思维能力。 本堂课的课题"Alittle,greenman"是一则故事,主要句型为动词过去式的结构。重点是故事的阅读理解,难点是动词过去式的变化。为了让学生掌握重点,解决难点,训练学生的独立学习和阅读能力,提高学生语言交际能力和质疑能力,增强学生的学习热情。在教学过程中,我设计了多媒体课件,以交际法为主,有目的,有计划地对学生进行语言信息的输入,运用多媒体声、色、形结合的特点,为学生创设了活动情境,交际的空间,诱导学生的好奇心和求知欲,丰富学生的想象力。 二、案例实录 1、利用话题,引入教学,培养学生创造性思维能力 教学一开始,我就问学生What'syourfavouritething?这个话题学生比较熟悉,贴近他们的生活,纷纷举手发言。 S1:Myfavouritethingisdoll. S2:Ilikefootballbest. 随后,我让学生猜猜:What'smyfavouritething?学生非常感兴趣,一方面很想知道我的最爱是什么,另一方面也想表现出自己非常了解我,于是他们的思考热情和发言欲望得以初步激发。以下是部分学生的回答: S1:Yourfavouritethingismoney.(你最喜欢钱。) (学生和听课的老师都笑了) S2:Yourfavouritethingisus.(你最喜欢我们。) (我点头说:Yes,Iloveyou.在说这句话的时候,我用真诚的眼光望着学生,与学生进行心理交流。) 这些书本上永远找不到的回答非常符合实际,表明学生的确了解我。这一话题的引出,通过教师的问,学生的答、猜,既一下子抓住了学生的注意力,启发了他们的独立思考,又为师生间创造了一个情感交流的场所,拉近了师生间的距离。充分体现了语言交际性的特征。 在引出了spaceship,本故事中一个重要因素后,我又以spaceship为话题,提出以下问题: What'stheanothernamefor'spaceship'? S1:UFO. (原本我并没有百分百的肯定会有学生回答出这个问题的,可事实证明学生的知识面真广,教师不应该小看他们,一定要给他们提供表现自我的机会。我立即翘起大拇指予以表扬,其他学生都以羡慕的眼光看着他。) 随后我又问学生:


英语教学案例分析 如果教好初中英语课堂教学,我们只有认真地反思我们的教育教学现状和我们的教学实践,才能不断地发现问题、分析问题、解决问题。因此,科学的、有效的教学反思可以减少遗憾。所以,好的教法是开展好教学活动的基本保证,在教学活动中善于总结,善于应用,才能不断地推进教学活动的开展。教师要明确教学任务,熟悉教学内容,能够做到承上启下,准确授课。不仅备教材,还要备学生,为准确制定目标奠定基础。该“会运用”,就要能当堂运用,不能人为地降低或提高要求。让学生在上课时就明确学习目标,使其学习有方向,激发其学习动机,调动其学习积极性,从而促进学生在以后各个环节里主动地围绕目标探索、追求。 案例片段(一)思考的问题:在单词教学中如何变单一为多样,变死板为生动?我在教授单词的过程中十分注重单词的使用语境,如在教授cook和cooker这两个单词的时候,我分别出示了几张图片(一些橱具和两位橱师),让学生通过对图片的直观感知,从第一印象开始就对他们有一个清晰而明确的认识,从而避免了对这两个词汇的混淆。然后再通过 “He is a good cook,he has a lot of cookers.”这样的例句加深学生对他们的理解和运用。 教学反思:新目标(人教版)的教材词汇量大,单词长,生僻词较多,自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词呢?美国学者埃克斯雷指出:“能够引起学生学习兴趣的方法就是最好的方法。”实践证明,拼图法,数字游戏,单词接龙游戏,小歌诀,顺口溜等传统教学方法并不过时,教师再辅以现代化的教学手段,借助图片,课件。动漫等手段,真正达到重情景,重趣味.重运用,使单词具有语言的意义,使其在特定的语境中被引出,这样既便于学生理解,印象也深刻,从而达到学以致用的效果。在英语教学中适时地加入这些美味的“作料”,无疑是一种优化组合的创新,它不但能极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,更能提高学生的学习积极性。 案例片段(二)思考的问题:如何把英语对话教学引入到生活中,达到学以致用?中国学生的英语学习现状是往往学习了几年。甚至是十几年的英语,还不能开口说英语,而只能纸上谈兵。我在教学中十分注重学生对对话的理解和运用,但在实际的操作中效果并不理想。如我


初中英语教学案例分析 思考的问题: 1.如何创造有利于学生学习的心理状态,形成积极的学习态度? 案例片段描述:曾经听过两节课,期间两位老师都谈到一个话题“肥胖”。 片段一,教师在讲到stop sb. from doing sth.这个短语时,让学生来造句,有一位学生站起来,与老师发生了这样一段对话: Student: My mother often stops me from eating meat. Teacher: Why? Student: Because my mother says I’m t oo fat. 全班同学哄堂大笑,这位学生很难为情,但老师下面的一句话马上将气氛缓和了过来。 Teacher: But I don’t think you are too fat. You are strong. 片段二,教师组织学生表演自己创作的“看病”对话,想找一位较胖的学生来担任“患者”,有一位长得胖呼呼的学生自告奋勇站起来,于是发生这样一段对话: Teacher: Ok! Who will act the sick people? Any volunteers? Student: I will. Teacher: Good! I think you are fat. You are the right person! 当时全班同学哄堂大笑,这位学生一脸的尴尬,一个劲地挠头。 教学反思:两位老师在处理一个相同的话题时运用了两种截然不同的方法,毋庸置疑,前者的处理有利于学生的学习,而后者的处理则会对心理比较脆弱的学生产生负面的影响。语言教学在很大程度上依赖于学生与教师之间的团结、合作、相互支持的人际关系,而这种关系时刻都受到彼此情感的影响,恰当、合理地使用语言,有助于沟通情感,增进友谊和相互尊重,改善这种人际关系,同时还可以创建一种和谐的语言活动氛围,努力产生浸润性的效果,让学生愉快地沉浸在英语的氛围中。在课上,教师要善于调控学生的情感态度,建立融洽、民主、团结、相互尊重的氛围,创造有利于学习的心理状态,形成积极的学习态度,让学生学得主动,学得愉快。 案例片段(二) 思考的问题:


英语课堂教学案例分析 自从走进了小学课堂,我们每天都要面对一张张天真活泼的笑脸和一双双充满求知欲望的眼睛,而这些笑脸和眼睛背后,我们还能看到小学生们好玩好动,自控力差,个性张扬的天性。不过,作为英语课堂引导者的老师,我们要即时并有效的协助学生更好的学习英语。下面,我就谈谈发生在我的教学中的两件事件及我的思考。 教学这个年,很多学生和家长经常来问我有什么方法,有什么捷径能够学好英语。我觉得捷径就是找到一条通向学好英语这个目的地的最好方法,这就是捷径,每个人都要找到一个适合自己的学习方法。对于绝大部分同学,他们的水平一般是词汇量不多,句型掌握但不善于套用,转换,所以说的不多或说不上来。 考试的成绩都不是很好,她自己很难过,老师也觉得很可惜。我也把她叫到了我的办公室里来,问了她都是怎么学习英语的,经过询问,我发现了她学习的方法很不好,回家更多的是局限在老师布置写的作业上,而对于读和背花的时间就很少,我想这也就是她自己觉得自己一直在认真的学习英语,但是英语成绩一直没有提升的原因。我告诉她在这个阶段,一定要多听,多背,熟能生巧。每天在早上起床后或睡觉前,抽十多分钟出来听听录音带,跟着带子练习自己的语音语调。睡觉前放放电影,就是躺在床上,回忆一下当天学到什么东西,看看能回忆多少,能想起的越多就证明掌握的越多。坚持下来,英语成绩一定会有很大的提升。 每单元的单词听写时总是不尽如人意,有一次,我让班里张世鹏

同学到我办公室来背单词,不过一个简单的单词就因为比较长,背了很长时间还是结结巴巴。他走了之后,我分析了他的原因,并且这个现象在学生中普遍存有,很多学生背起单词来,就像老和尚念经一样,仅仅一味的死记硬背,并没有掌握科学的方法. 上面的两个事情,仔细想想,学习方法对学生的英语学习与记忆协助实在太大了,小学生从三年级开始就学习拼写记忆单词了。对于很多同学来说,记忆单词是一件苦不堪言的事儿。很多学生在记单词时,采用背诵字母方式,如学“student”这个单词,就s-t-u-d-e-n-t一个字母一个字母背诵。这样做,对于一些字母较少的单词还容易记住,但对一些字母较多的,记起来就困难了。 记英语单词有没有什么小窍门呢?我总结了以下几种方法: 读音记忆:英语是拼读语言,绝大部分单词符合拼读规则。根据字母组合、读音规则实行记忆,会读一个单词,便会拼写出来。因而,只要读音读准了,绝大部分单词是比较容易根据读音拼写出来的。在学习新单词时,先找单词的读音规则,然后根据拼读规则记单词。记单词时重点记忆元音字母和含有元音字母的字母组合。因为辅音字母的读音比较简单,基本上同字母的音标相一致,而元音字母比较复杂,在开音节、闭音节中有不同的发音,不同的字母和字母组合有相同的发音,而相同的字母又有不同的发音。因而记单词时,先把单词读准,然后再仔细看是哪个元音或字母组合发这个音,记住元音或字母组合,单词就基本记住了。 分类记忆:记忆单词时,我们能够把单词归结成一定的系列实行

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