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Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name due to its location in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River. It is a historic city with more than three thousand years history. It was the capital city for nine dynasties, including the East Zhou, East Han, Caowei, West Jin, North Wei, Sui, Wuzhou, Late Liang, Late Tang, so it is named as the "Ancient Capital of the Nine Dynasties", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. The Heluo area with Luoyang as the center is the important origin of the Huaxia Civilization. The most prosperous period of Luoyang was in t LuoYang City Instruction Luoyang is located in the western part of Henan province, stretching across the middle reaches of the Yellow River. It has jurisdiction over 1 city, 8 counties and 6 districts with a total area of 15,208 square kilometers including 544 square kilometers of urban area. Its population totals 6.24 million of which over 1.40 million living in urban areas. As a city famous for its splendid history and profound culture, Luoyang has become a shining gem in central part of China for its abundant and characteristic modern civilization.----Luoyang has been known as "an ancient capital of nine dynasties ". It is among the first cities to be declared by the State Council as the ancient capitals and famous historical and cultural cities. Starting from the first dynasty of China---Xia, it served as capital for 13 dynasties---Shang, Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, etc. It served as a capital for 1,529 years, and thus of the 7 great ancient capitals in China, it was the first one to have served as the capital for the most numerous dynasties and for the longest time. Luoyang is one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese civilization. Culture in the Yellow River and the Luo River symbolized by the Pattern of the Yellow River and the Writing of Luoyang is regarded as a key origin of the ancient Chinese civilization. It was here that Taoism initiated, Confucianism originated. Buddhism first introduced and Li School--a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties born. Many Chinese descendants found their roots here and cherished a deep love for the homeland.----Luoyang is one of the top tourist cities in China with its numerous cultural relics dotted everywhere, picturesque landscape and national flower-Tree Peony. The city has inherited from history such cultural heritages as ruins of the old capital, temples and stone caves, and tombs and steles. It has 10 national sites, 75 provincial sites, and over 571 municipal sites to be protected as cultural relics with nearly 400,000 items of relics having been unearthed and kept in museums. The rare ruins of the capitals from the Xia, Shang, Zhou, Han and Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties are named "Assembly of Five Capitals ". Longmen Grottoes is one of the three great banks of Chinese stone sculptures that is a World Cultural Heritage. The White Horse Temple is the first officially built monastery in China after the introduction of Buddhism. In the Mangshan Mountain there remains the largest group of ancient tombs in China featured by royal tombs, which took form since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.To the north of Luoyang is the Mother River of the Chinese nation---the Yellow River that together with a tourist resorts around the Xiaolangdi Reservoir and Wanshanhu tourist area in Xin'an. To the south are spots of interests such as the Songshan Mountain which is the central one of


有关于描写长城的英语作文 导语:长城是我国的形象标识,是中国的精神和文化象征。以下小编为大家介绍有关于描写长城的英语作文文章,欢迎大家阅读参考! 有关于描写长城的英语作文一:长城 The Great Wall What impresses me most in Beijing is the Great Wall which is one of the greatest projects in the world. It's not only the cultural heritage, but also a symbol of China. "It's glorious." I think. It looks like a big dragon running across the mountainous area. It starts Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west. It's so long that nobody can walk from the beginning to the end. 在北京给我印象最深的是长城,是世界上最大的项目之一。它不仅是文化遗产,也是中国的象征。”我觉得“它很辉煌"。它就像一条巨龙穿越山区。从东面的山海关开始一直延伸到西边的嘉峪关。太长了以至于没有人能从走到尾。 It was firstly built in Qin Dynasty and prolonged in Ming and Qing dynasties. It was used to protect the enemies from invading in the past, but now it has become


河北省邢台市饮用水水源保护区划分技术报告 河北省邢台市环境保护局 2007年7月20日

1 划分依据 1.1 相关法律法规。 ●《饮用水水源保护区划分技术规范》(HJ/T338-2007) ●《饮用水保护区划分技术纲要》(1992年) ●《中华人民共和国环境保护法》(1989年) ●《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》(1996年) ●《饮用水水源保护区污染防治管理规定》(1989年) ●《中华人民共和国水法》(2002年) ●《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002) ●《地下水质量标准》(GB/T14848-93) ●《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006) 1.2 相关已经批准实施规划 1999年邢台市环保局为进一步加大水资源保护和水污染防治工作力度,组织环保、水利、国土、建设等有关部门对饮用水水源地保护区范围内的污染源进行了调查,提出了污染防治对策,并按照国家环境保护局发布的《饮用水源保护区划分纲要》的技术规范要求,邢台市环境保护局编制了《邢台市城区生活饮用水水源保护区划分技术报告》,划分了邢台市城区饮用水水源保护区一级、二级、准保护区的范围。当年,该报告通过了省市专家论证,经省政府批准,省环保局在1999年11月12日以冀环控函〔1999〕216号文件形式批复同意了我市《邢台市城区生活饮用水水源保护区划分技术报告》。

2 保护区背景分析 2.1 饮用水水源保护区所在区域或流域的自然状况 2.1.1 地理位置 邢台市地处河北省南部,西倚太行山,东部是广阔的华北平原,其地理坐标是北纬36°45′-37°48′,东经113°45′-115°50′,东以卫运河为界与山东省相望,西依太行山和山西省毗邻,南与邯郸市相连,北及东北分别与石家庄市、衡水市接壤。辖区东西最长处约185公里,南北最宽处90公里,全市总面积12486平方公里,邢台城区面积132.1平方公里。市政府所在地北距省会石家庄106公里,距首都北京396公里。 2.1.2 自然环境概况地质地貌 邢台市地处太行山脉和华北平原交汇处,邢台市辖区总地势为西高东低,自西向东山地、丘陵及平原地貌阶梯排列,总面积12486平方公里,三者比例为2:1:7,以平原为主。西部的山区和山前丘陵区,位 邢台市位置图 邢台市


介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】 导读:本文介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 I love the motherland, love people, love mom and dad, love my hometown - shaoxing more! "The long no water, sweet shaoxing wine." Simple and honest in shaoxing people has created a generation of great men. Shaoxing is a of the famous historical and cultural city, bridge township, the winelands, of course, is also a tourist resort. I love my hometown river, its green let a person enchanted, like a green and clean water. And like a wall, every one in shaoxing, guarded day and night. It clear enough to let us see the fish in the water. I love the hometown of the shade, it's lush leaves open to all around, as if in to meet one another out-of-town visitors. Its branches grow again and again, as if in said to us: "you want to study well, like I grow higher and higher, the more to learn, the better!" I love my hometown, because it is in shaoxing people carried out the construction of the place is so beautiful. The


河北省邢台市土地资源概况 2010-04-08 | 作者:| 来源:邢台市国土资源局网站| 【大中小】【打印】【关闭】 邢台市位于河北省南部,地处东经113°45′——115°50′和北纬36°45′——37°48′之间。西与山西省相邻,东隔卫运河与山东省相望,北和东北与石家庄市、衡水市接壤,南与邯郸市毗邻。邢台市辖21个县(市、区)、192个乡(镇、街道办事处)、5155个村和232个居委会。 全市域土地总面积1865.16万亩,占河北省土地总面积的6.58%。土壤类型复杂多样,共有12个土类、25个亚土类、80个土属、173个土种,其中潮土类面积占土壤面积的2/3。 土地利用状况 (一)土地利用现状结构 2005年底,邢台市土地总面积1865.16万亩。农用地面积1327.48万亩,占全市土地面积71.17% ,其中,耕地面积为972.26万亩,园地面积为75.00万亩,林地面积为204.49万亩,牧草地面积为0.03万亩,其它农用地面积75.70万亩。建设用地面积199.51万亩,占全市土地面积10.70% ,其中,居民点及工矿用地面积180.98万亩,交通运输用地面积10.54万亩,水利设施用地7.99万亩。未利用地面积338.17万亩,占全市土地总面积18.13%。 (二)土地利用特点 1、耕地比重大,是全省重要的粮棉基地。 本市的各土地利用类型中,耕地所占比重最大,占全市土地总面积的52.1%。耕地中,以种植粮、棉为主,是河北省重要的粮棉生产基地。 2、土地利用的地区差异明显。 由于地形、土壤、水文等条件的影响,本市西部、中部和东部地区的土地利用状况有明显差异。西部的临城、内邱、邢台和沙河四县(市)的土地利用率仅为64.7%,东部平原各县(市)则在90%以上;西部四县(市)的垦殖率仅为30.2%,东部平原各县(市)则多为70%以上;西部四县(市)的林地面积占全市的90.4%,而东部平原地区林地面积仅占9.6%。西部四县(市)的土地生产率水平较低;滏阳河以西的中部平原地区水浇地较多,土地生产率水平居全市之首;滏阳河以东的平原地区水资源缺乏,中、低产田较多,土地生产率水平明显低于中部平原地区。 3、土地开发潜力较大。 在外延开发方面,全市有未利用土地338.17万亩。在内涵开发方面,本市中、低产田比重较大,占耕地总面积的57%。 (三)土地利用问题


介绍我的家乡英语作文5篇 家乡是生我养我的地方,家乡是见证我成长的地方,家乡是无论我们走多远都会 惦念的地方。下面是小编为大家收集关于介绍我的家乡英语作文5篇,欢迎借鉴参考。 【篇一关于我的家乡英语作文】 Welcome to my hometown! My home town is a good place . It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food. There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops 、shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can go walking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too. There is little air pollution,because cars can't go into the centre of the town. Peple here are very friendly and helpful . I think my home town is a wonderful place to live. I love my home town! 【篇二 My Hometown】 My hometown is Haimen. It’s not very large, but it’s very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other areas of Nantong. There is a beautiful park; its name is Dongzhou Park. You can exercise and go walking there. There are about one million people in Haimen. Most of us live in flats. They are not very high. There is a supermarket here. Its name is Times Supermarket. It has three floors. It is very large. There are many things in it, such as clothes, snacks, stationery, an electrical shop and a bookshop. The weather in Haimen is good. In spring it’s warm. Many birds fly in the sky. The flowers are very beautiful. It’s hot in summer. We keep air-conditioners on every day. It is cool in autumn and in winter it’s very cold. Do you like my hometown? 【篇三介绍家乡的英语作文】 My home is in a town. It lies in the east of Zhejiang near the East SeA.It has a population of fifty thousand. Our town is in the south of our county.The Ease Sea is to the east of the town. To the south is flat land. Mountains are on the west. And a river runs from north to south in the west of my town.


The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe. Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century bce;[2] these, later joined together and made bigger and stronger, are now collectively referred to as the Great Wall.[3] Especially famous is the wall built 220–206 bce by Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. Little of that wall remains. Since then, the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced; the majority of the existing wall is from the Ming Dynasty. Other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and emigration. Furthermore, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations, signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor. The Great Wall stretches from Dandong in the east, to Lop Lake in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. A comprehensive archaeological survey, using advanced technologies, has concluded that the Ming walls measure 8,850 km (5,500 mi).[4] This is made up of 6,259 km (3,889 mi) sections of actual wall, 359 km (223 mi) of trenches and 2,232 km (1,387 mi) of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers.[4] Another archaeological survey found that the entire wall with all of its branches measure out to be 21,196 km (13,171 mi).


Sanmenxia is my home town. Although it's small but beantiful.It is located near the Yellow River. Sanmenxia dam was China's first dam,and that's the reason why our city is called Sanmenxia.Every winter,swarms of swan will migrate to there.I love my home town. MY HOME TOWN San Men Xia is my home town. It is a small city but it's beantiful.Like every city, there are many roads, but the widest and busiest one is the road where my school is situated. It is the main road. All kinds of trades are carrying on there. The asphalt pavements are very clean. Cars run to and fro, and hawkers hawk along them all day long.The town has some banks, a post office, a police station and other government buildings. There are also several cinema halls, some amusement parks and a seaside resort.People houses are as a rule built of bricks, neat and strong. Most of them are either two-storeyed or three-storeyed buildings. New buildings are under construction. The town is growing steadily.My home town is geting more and more beautiful.I like my home town.In future,We will have more beautiful buildings with the effort of ours. Liaoning


介绍长城的高中英语作文 长城,是我们国家灿烂的历史文化遗产,同时也是我们的象征。下面,第一帮你了介绍长城的高中英语,希望你喜欢! The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world. The Great Wall has a history of more than 20xx years. The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.All tile work was done by hand. Thousands of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came into existence. Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. It's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the world.


Introduction of Great Wall The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal (1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon (2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces——Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu and two autonomous regions——Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together. Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC——1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368——1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today. The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as


WORD格式 介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】 介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】导读:本文,仅供参考,如果 觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 I love the motherland, love mom love people, and dad, no water, more! love shaoxing Thelong my hometown - sweet shaoxing wine. Simple and honest in shaoxing people has created a generation

of great men. Shaoxing is a of the the historical cultural city, famous bridge and township, winelands, of course, is also a tourist resort. I love my hometown river, its green let a person enchanted, a green and clean water. And like like a wall, every one in shaoxing, guarded day and night. It clear enough to let us see the fish in the water. I love the hometown of the shade, it's lush leaves open to all around, as if in to meet one another out-of-town


In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture. Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country. Those that happened during construction are abundant,such as Meng Jiangnu‘s story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnu‘s story is the most famous and widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall. The story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). It tells of how Meng Jiangnu‘s bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnu‘s husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall,she discovered that her husband had already died. Hearing the bad news,she cried her heart out. Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the production of tens of thousands of Chinese commoners. Another legend about the Jiayuguan Pass tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan in the Ming Dynasty (1368BC-1644BC) who was proficient in arithmetic. He calculated that it would need 99,999 bricks to build the Jiayuguan Pass. The supervisor did not believe him and said if they miscalculated by even one brick, then all the workmen would be punished to do hard work for three years. After the completion of the project, one brick was left behind the Xiwong city gate. The supervisor was happy at the sight of the brick and ready to punish them. However Yi Kaizhan said with deliberation that the brick was put there by a supernatural being to fix the wall. A tiny move would cause the collapse of the wall. Therefore the brick was kept there and never moved. It can still be found there today on the tower of the Jiayuguan Pass. In addition to the above-mentioned stories about the construction of the Great Wall, there are also plenty of stories about current scenic spots. A famous one is the legend of the Beacon Tower. This story happened during the Western Zhou Dynasty (11th century BC-711 BC). King You had a queen named Bao Si, who was very pretty. King You liked her very much, however Bao Si never smiled. An official gave a suggestion that setting the beacon tower on fire would frighten the King‘s subjects, and might make the queen smile. King You liked the idea. The subjects were fooled and Bao

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