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Multiprocessor SoC Design Framework on Tightly-Coupled Thread Model

Tsuyoshi Isshiki, Dongju Li and Hiroaki Kunieda

Dept. of Communications and Integrated Systems

Tokyo Institute of Technology



To provide a practical solution to the challenging problems

of MPSoC designs, we have proposed a new framework for

MPSoC desi gns whi ch we call the Ti ghtly-Coupled Thread

(TCT) model. Our TCT model provides a drastically simple

programming model on C language which allows designers

to speci fy system parti ti oni ng di rectly on the reference C

code without having to deal with the time-consuming task of

model ng the nteracti ons between parti ti oned concurrent

processes. Our TCT compiler handles automatic insertion of


nter-processor commun




ons and generates the

concurrent executable model wh


ch can model a w





ety of parallel process


ng styles such as funct



pipelining and task parallelism as well as their combinations.

Our TCT trace scheduler i s used to evaluate the system

performance and characteristics such as execution time and

communi cati on bandwi dth. Our TCT framework was also

veri fi ed on a prototype MPSoC where a custom-desi gned

processor array consi sti ng of 6 processi ng elements was

embedded inside the AMBA-based SoC with a very efficient

processor communication interconnect which only require 2

to 6 setup cycles and 4-byte/cycle burst transfer.

1 Introduction

Multiprocessor System-On-C hips (MPSoC s) have become

increasingly popular as the next architecture solution for the

highly-competitive SoC markets and complex embedded

systems [1]. The trend of increasing processor’s clock

frequency has virtually stopped for several years, and the

only way to provide more computational power is through

parallelisms, by adding more functional units on a chip, or

more processors in case of MPSoCs.

Among a number of challenging issues in MPSoC

designs, one of the critical design phases which largely

affect the overall system architecture (processor

specifications, memory system, processor connectivity, etc)

is the process of partitioning the system, whose behavior

model is often described in sequential software language,

into concurrent tasks or subprograms for the individual

processors. This system partitioning can be facilitated by

system-level modeling languages such as System-C [2], but

is still a manual process which consists of correctly

modeling the interactions among the concurrent processes

with communication and synchronization operations

between processors. Inserting these operations to obtain a

correct concurrent behavior is not an easy task, requiring a

large debugging effort on the concurrent model simulator.

Because of this, designers often do not have the luxury of

evaluating many system partitioning options before

proceeding to the later detail design phases.

To provide a practical solution to these challenging

problems, we have proposed a new framework for MPSoC

designs which we call the Ti ghtly-Coupled Thread (TC T)

model [3]-[7]. Our TCT model provides a drastically simple

programming model on C language which allows designers

to specify system partitioning directly on the reference C

code without having to deal with the time-consuming task of

modeling the interactions between partitioned concurrent

processes. The interactive concurrent execution model for

these partitioned subprograms, which we simply refer to as

threads, is based on the combination of data dependence and

control dependence, tightly coupling the interactions

between the threads (implied in the name Tightly-Coupled

Thread model) through simple program-driven

synchronization instructions. A wide variety of parallel

processing styles such as functional pipelining and task

parallelism as well as their combinations can be modeled on

our TCT framework. Another important feature of our TCT

model is that it naturally incorporates the distributed

memory model because the interactions of tightly-coupled

threads are implemented through explicit message passing

so that each thread only needs to access its local memory

during execution. Our TCT execution model allows the use

of conventional processors and hardware IPs with only

minor modifications.

Our TC T compiler handles automatic insertion of

inter-processor communications and generates the

concurrent executable model. Our interprocedural data

dependence analysis module in the TCT compiler is able to

locate dependences which can span multiple levels of

function calls and insert communication operations between

threads located even in different functions. Our TC T trace

scheduler is used to evaluate the system performance and

characteristics such as execution time and communication


Our TC T framework was also verified on a prototype

MPSoC where a custom-designed processor array consisting

of 6 processing elements was embedded inside the

AMBA-based SoC. Each processing element contains a

dedicated communication module for implementing efficient

message-passing which only require 2 to 6 cycles for

communication setup followed by 4-byte/cycle burst transfer

for high bandwidth communication. A full-crossbar

interconnect is used for connecting the processing elements

which require a very small area overhead of roughly 1K

gates per processor.

2 Tightly-Coupled Thread Model Overview

A simplified MPSoC design flow based on TC T model is

shown in Fig. 1. The design flow is started by the insertion

of thread partition constructs to a reference C program.

The ”threaded” program is then used as the input to the TCT

C ompiler. The TC T compiler first parses the C program,

then analyzes data dependencies between partitioned tasks,

and then inserts communication instructions. Finally a set of

concurrent executable codes is generated.

The executable codes are then used by the

instruction-level cycle-accurate TC T simulator where the performance of the parallel program can be measured. The obtained metrics such as speedup, memory size, and number

of utilized communication bandwidth can be used as

feedbacks for the iterations to optimize the partitioning of tasks, or to optimize the algorithm used in the reference C code until the expected performance is achieved. Based on these partitioned tasks, the next design stage is the exploration in the implementation space.

2.1 TCT Programming Model

The TC T programming model allows the partition of a sequential program written in C into concurrent processes [3][4]. In the TCT model, the only task for a designer is to insert a set of thread scopes on the original sequential program. A thread scope indicates a separate concurrent process, which we simply refer to as threads , to be executed on a (separate) processing element.

Thread scope statement: Syntax is given as:

THREAD(name ){ statements }

The part “THREAD(name )” is called the thread scope header , and the following “{ statements }” is called the thread scope . Any compound statement in C is allowed in the thread scope, except goto statement, dynamic memory allocation statements (malloc , free ), pointers to pointers (only single-level pointers supported), and pointers to functions.

It can also include other thread scope statements, creating a nesting structure and parent-child thread relations.

The code region inside the thread scope excluding other inner thread scopes is called the thread program whose corresponding thread is responsible for its execution.

Com patibility to C: By inserting a preprocessor which simply erases the thread scope header (such as #define THREAD(n)), computationally equivalent executable can be generated by a standard C compiler.

Figure 1 shows an example of C program for the function of the JPEG encoder. In function JPEGtop , there are five thread scopes inserted in the code. Base-thread handles the file input and RGB-YCbCr conversion. Thread Dsamp handles the down conversion of Cb/Cr components. Thread scope BLKcore contains three threads Y0, Y1 and C which call the core function BLK8x8 for the six component blocks. This BLK8x8 function itself contains three threads Q , E and W that handles the quantization and the Huffman encoding processes.

Fig.2. JPEG encoder program with thread scopes


Fig.1. TCT Model Framework for MPSoC Designs

2.2 TCT Execution Model

The TC T programming model is simple and only requires minimal code modifications, yet capable of handling fairly

Fig. 3. Pipelines and parallelism in JPEG encoder

complex applications. However, the real validity of this

approach depends on how much parallelism can be extracted from a program thread-slicing structure and how this parallelism can be efficiently realized on a simple hardware model.

The T C

T execution model is essentially a program-driven MIMD (multi ple i nstructi on multi ple data ) model where each thread is statically allocated to one processor. Also, in order to simplify the model, it is assumed that each processor has only one thread to execute. This MIMD model naturally executes multi ple flows of control simultaneously, which enables the implementation of a wide variety of parallel processing schemes. The major source of parallelism in the TC T model is obtained from a combination of functi onal pi peli ni ng and task paralleli sm applied to the loop structures and functions. For the JPEG encoder thread-slicing structure shown in Figure 2, its parallel processing scheme is depicted in Figure 3.

The thread interaction model for synchronizing these concurrent threads is implemented with a decentralized control mechanism based on control dependence as well as data dependence . There are three types of instructions dedicated for implementing the thread synchronization. Control token (CT) instruction: One round of thread program execution called the thread cycle is activated by the control token i nstructi on . Each thread except for the root-thread (which activates by itself) is activated by the control dependent thread which dominates the entry node to this thread. Control tokens issued by the CT instructions are queued in the control token buffer , in which the thread cycle iterates as long as there are control tokens in the buffer.

Data transfer (DT) instruction: Modified data which are used by other threads are transmitted by the data transfer instruction . Data transfers are implemented via message passing on a buffered communication channel so that there are no remote memory accesses during thread execution, allowing a fully distributed memory system . If the receiver thread cannot respond to the DT request (such as buffer-full status or servicing other DT requests), DT instruction stalls until the request is granted.

Data synchronization (DS) instruction: Availability of the data transmitted by the corresponding DT instructions is checked by the data synchroni zati on i nstructi on inserted at the first use of the data in the thread. If the data is not available, DS instruction stalls until the data is transmitted. Data buffer allocated for each DS instruction is consumed either on each thread cycle or on each loop cycle whi ch i ndi rectly nests thi s thread , depending on the location of the corresponding DT instructions.

3 TCT Compilation Flow

Our TCT compiler consists of the following modules:

Parser front-end: All ANSI-C compliant codes are parsed, translated and linked to an interprocedural control flow graph (ICFG) where CFGs for each functions are linked at the call nodes. Our IC FG is itself an executable on an abstract mach i

ne which can simulate the identical

computational behavior of the object code generated by a standard C compiler.

Dependence flow analyzer: On the ICFG, dependence flow information for each data is extracted in the form of an i nterprocedural dependence flow graph (IDFG) which captures the dependence flow within each function as well as dependence flow on side effects during function calls. Also, CT instructions are generated at this stage.

Thread com m unication generator: DT instructions and DS instructions are inserted on the ICFG according to the

dependence flow information on the IDFG. ICFG with all three thread synchronization instructions can also be executed to generate sequential execution traces for our TCT trace workload simulator to estimate the computation time of the concurrent threads.

Code generator: Back end of our compiler generates the partitioned thread executable codes for a simple RISC processor model. A concurrent instruction-level simulator is also developed to perform cycle-accurate simulation of the entire MPSoC.

In the remainder of this section, we outline some of the key concepts in the thread dependence flow analysis and the generation of thread communication instructions. 3.1 Dependence F l ow Ana l ysis

For analyzing the data dependence between threads, we utilize the dependence flow graph (DFG) which is a generalization of static single assignment (SSA) form that integrates data dependence and control dependence into a unified graph structure [8]. Its key feature is the two types of dependence i nterceptors which connect the def-use chains separated by control flow junctions; sw i tch operators inserted at branches and merge operators inserted at joins (merge operator is essentially the same as the I -function in SSA form).

We augment the original DFG representation on two key features for our TC T model. The first feature is the dependence flow model for data structures, such as structures and arrays . Here, we use the similar model presented in [9] where the entire data structure is simply treated as if it were a single scalar data, and therefore the individual accesses to data structure elements are not distinguished. A write operation on a data structure element is modeled as a read of the entire data structure immediately followed by the wr te . This will effectively serialize the consecutive write operations at different threads (output dependence ). Anti-dependence is ignored since we are only interested in data dependence between threads whose memories are disjoint. Poi nter dereferences are treated in the same way as data structures with additional pointer analysis to recognize dependence through aliases .

The second feature is the interprocedural dependence analysis . As we have described, we construct the i

nterprocedural DFG for this purpose which involves linking dependence flows between the caller node and the callee function’s DFG (analogous to how CFGs are linked in IC FG). Due to limited space, we omit the detailed description of our IDFG, and assumed that each function calls are simply inlined for the purpose of discussions in this section.

On the DFG, there are certain kinds of DFG edges which are essential in determining the locations of DT and DS instructions.

x A thread dependence edge (TD-edge) is a DFG edge which connects nodes in different threads.

x A flow path is a path on DFG whose internal nodes consist only of merge and switch operators. A direct flow path

is a flow path whose internal edges do not include TD-edges. (Here, we let a path to start and end at either a node or an edge.)

x A thread dependence sink (TD-sink) is a TD-edge which has a direct flow path to a user node . The thread which includes this user node is called the user thread .

x A thread dependence source (TD-source) is either a TD-edge or a DFG edge with a direct flow path to a TD-edge, whose flow paths from modifiers nodes are all d i rect flow paths . The thread which includes these modifier nodes is the modifier thread .

x A data transfer path is a flow path which connects a TD-source and a TD-sink.

Figure 4(a) shows an example of TD-sink and TD-source. TD-source represents the modi fi ed data to be transmitted with a DT instruction, whereas TD-sink represents used data whose availability is to be checked with a DS instruction. DT instruction is added on the corresponding CFG out-edge of the source node of TD-source, whereas DS instruction is added on the corresponding CFG in-edge of the sink node of TD-sink (Figure 4(b)).

4 TCT Simulation Environment

Our TCT framework includes several types of system-level simulators to evaluate the performance of the partitioned programs for further system optimizations.

Parallel instruction-set sim ulator: A cycle-accurate instruction-set simulator for our processing element incorporated in our prototype MPSoC is used to simulate the concurrent processing of these processing elements as well as precise communications through full-crossbar interconnect.

Trace workload simulator: We have also developed a fast performance estimator by automatically generating a set of accurate workload models of the partitioned programs which are driven by actual program execution traces.

5 TCT-MPSoC Prototype Development

In order to validate our TCT framework, we have developed a prototype MPSoC as shown in Figure 5 [5][6][7]. The AHB bus is clocked at 100MHz, while the APB bus is clocked at 50MHz. The SoC consists of a 32-bit RISC

processor and various general input-output IPs such as serial and parallel port, and also an LC D controller. The TC T Co-processor block is added to the AHB bus. This block is used as the main engine to run applications modeled using TCT. Fig.4. Thread dependence source/sink and the corresponding

DT/DS instructions in the CFG .

(a) TD-source and TD-sink in the DFG.

(b)DT instruction and DS instruction inserted in the

Fig.5. TCT MPSoC

Fig.6. TCT Co-Processor

A detailed block diagram of the TCT Co-processor is shown in Figure 6. The TC T C o-processor basically consists of a multiprocessor-array and a RISC -interface. The TC T Co-processor has 2 connections to the AH

B Bus. One is to the RIS

C -interface; the other is to the Memory C ontrol Block (MCB) controller of the multiprocessor-array.

The multiprocessor-array is built with 6 Processing Elements (PE). The PE is a custom-built 4-stage pipelined 32-bit RISC. The decision to use 6 PEs is constrained by the availability of silicon area. Each PE is equipped with a communication module used for data transmit and receive

operation with the other PEs.

Fig.7. Communication Module within PE

A simplified block diagram of the communication module is shown in Figure 7. The communication module is

integrated into the processor’s pipeline stage as a multi-cycle operation module. It generates a communication hazard to stall the pipeline when a data-sync hazard or data-transfer hazard occurs. To reduce communication setup time, the

communication module uses a lookup table (LUT) that contains information necessary for data transfer operations, such as data store address and data transfer size. The content of LUT is automatically generated by the TCT compiler.

There are 12 blocks of 4Kbyte RAM in the multiprocessor-array. The Memory Control Block (MCB) is used to configure the allocation of memory to each PE. Basically, each PE is allocated with 4 Kbyte of Program Memory and 4 Kbyte of Data Memory. Additionally, also through the MCB, every RAM blocks can be addressed from the AHB Bus. This is useful for initializing the program and data memory for each PE.

The RISC-interface is used to allow the RISC to act as the 7th PE of the multiprocessor-array. It employs the same communication module used for the PE. The difference is that instead of working with data memory; it uses the available 2*4 Kbyte data buffers. Data in the buffer is then transferred from/to the RISC through the AHB interface. The PEs are connected to each other through a point-to-point complete interconnect network. The details are presented in the following sections.

5.1 MPSoC Interconnect

The interconnect network used in the multiprocessor array is a full crossbar architecture with autonomous arb trat on mechanism for simultaneous requests to same destination (non-blocking data transfer). The autonomous arbitration is realized by the use of simple n:1 MUXes where n = number of PEs + 1 (for RISC interface). The n:1 MUX architecture is realized with a binary MUX tree. Each MUX has a priority bit register to select one out of two sources in case of simultaneous requests. These priority flag registers are directly controlled by a dedicated instruction at each processing element. The overall interconnect network is shown in Figure 8. The block diagram of the MUX and 7:1 MUX is shown in Figure 8. This autonomous arbitration scheme uses a high-speed and area-efficient circuit. The

interconnect latency is 2 ns and the gate count is roughly 1K.

5.2 Communication Channe l


The output port of each communication module consists of a (2+2) bits of control, a 32-bit data and an n-bit destination vector. Two separate control lines for transmit request and receive response, each 2-bit wide, is used to transmit the active communication protocol. The possible transmit request protocol are: ‘NULL’, ‘REQ’, and ‘TRANS’, while the possible receive response protocol are: ‘NULL’, ‘ACK’, ‘LATEAC K’, and ‘NAC K’. The AC K response from the

receiver indicates “bus grant” for the corresponding transmitter. Furthermore the data transmission path, once established with REQ->AC K sequence, is protected by unconditionally selecting TRANS signal (indicating that data transmission is in progress) over REQ at the MUXes. Input port, on the other hand consists of (2+2)-bit control and 32-but data which are autonomously arbitrated by the

MUX tree as described above.


TCT MPSoC LSI Implementation

Fig.9. MPSoC LSI layout view

The MPSoC is synthesized using the TSMC 0.18um library. The area utilization is presented in Table 1. The gate count for interconnect per PE is roughly 1K gate which is negligible compared to the PE itself. The communication module occupies about one-third of PE area. This is roughly equivalent to the 32 * 32-bit register file used inside the PE.

Table 1. LSI Area Utilization

Module Gate Count Esti m ated Area

(um 2)

PE_top (without RAM) 37,707 490,195 x Comm Module

12,619 164,048 MCB (per 2 PEs) 1,144 14,879 RIS C

-interface 19,653 255,484 Interconnect 6,996 90,954

x Per PE

999 12,993

T C T C o-processor (total)

560,537 7,286,990 x SRAM 14*4KB

302,685 3,934,900 x Logic

257,084 3,342,090 TCT MPSoC Total 959,858 12,478,148

6 Design Examples on the TCT Model

Several design examples using our TCT framework is shown in Table 2. Each are compared against sequential execution cycles against parallel execution cycles where the hardware parameters (communication setup time, data transfer rate, processor speed) are obtained from our prototype TCT-MPSoC. Table 2. TCT Application execution time

Application # cycles speedup Parallel efficiency

String matching (1 PE) 2,118,618 --- --- String matching (7 PEs) 350,402 6.05 86% JPEG (400x300, 1PE) 33,873,465 --- ---

JPEG (400x300, 19 PEs) 3,548,705 9.55 50.2%

FIR (64-tap, 1 PE) 29,561,237 --- ---

FIR (64-tap, 5 PEs) 8,586,693 3.44 68.9% Matrix (128x128, 1 PE) 38,977,401 --- --- Matrix (128x128, 9 PEs) 5,138,960 7.58 84.3%

7 Conc l


In this paper, we have presented a new framework for

MPSoC designs called the Tightly-C oupled Thread (TC T) mode which provides a drastically simple programming model on C language for specifying system partitioning

directly on the reference C code, and inter-processor communications are automatically inserted by our TC T compiler. We have also developed a prototype MPSoC for

validating our TC T framework, which includes a very

efficient communication infrastructure for fast message-passing implementation. C urrently, we are working on extending our TC T

framework to be applicable to a wide range of application

domains as well as different MPSoC architecture by developing a SystemC -based MPSoC design platform. Another important extensions of our TCT framework is the tools environment for assisting the sequential C program partitioning which is conducted through collaboration with University of Aachen [10][11].


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TCT检查 有出血别紧张

TCT检查有出血别紧张 问题 我有宫颈炎和轻度宫颈糜烂,曾做过一段时间的治疗。医生让我定期检查。此前我主要是做宫颈涂片检查,现在医生推荐我做TCT检查,说可以早期发现宫颈癌。这种检查价格比较贵,我想咨询一下,它是一种什么样的检查,诊断效果真的很好吗?另外,我在检查后常常发现会出血,这种情况正常吗? 一位读者 答复 正如这位读者所说的,TCT(宫颈液基薄层细胞学检测)的确比宫颈巴氏涂片价格贵了很多,但它的优势也是很明显的。传统的宫颈涂片或刮片,只有极少部分细胞被涂到玻片上受检,而超过80%的细胞将会被丢弃,不但遗漏细胞多,并且留有许多阻碍镜下观察的成分(如黏液、杂质、血细胞等),因而阳性检出率相当低。而TCT具有特制的取样器(扫帚状)、专用的保存液和使用过滤膜核心技术及微电脑全自动化控制系统,可以使受检的细胞层薄而均匀地涂布在玻片上,显著提高了对宫颈癌病变的检出率。 做TCT检查要注意,检查前72小时不要在阴道内置药,检查前夜不冲洗,不过性生活,以免影响检查结果。应避开月经期,以免增加感染机会。当然,如果属阴道异常出血,则要及时检查。尽量避免短期内(小于3个月)重复检查,以免出现假阴性结果。尽管TCT检查是无创伤的,但是在检查过程中有一部分女性有少量的宫颈出血,这是由于其可能处于月经期前后,机体受激素水平变化尚属于抗凝状态,或者因为宫颈糜烂、宫颈管内炎症以及宫颈息肉等,在特制的取样刷接触并旋转取样的过程中就可以造成宫颈少量出血,这样的情况一般是不需要特殊处理的,当出血量比较多时可以压迫止血。还有一部分是由于宫颈有癌前病变或癌变,宫颈血管增多、增粗、脆弱,在接触取样刷时就会很容易出血,且量较多。 如果TCT检查发现异常,需要做进一步检查,阴道镜+病理检查才能作为宫颈癌诊断的金标准。TCT检查是对宫颈表面脱落细胞进行显微镜下观察,有一些在长期炎症刺激下的细胞可以出现异常形态,在这种情况下有些检查医生也会给出TCT异常的结论。这时大家不要过于紧张,可以在3个月后再次复查TCT或进行阴道镜检查。


全国体检预约平台 全国体检预约平台 tct 检查结果有哪几种 很多朋友雾里看花,不了了解TCT 。TCT 检查是目前国际上最先进的宫颈癌细胞学检查技术,TCT 检查是检测宫颈病变的第一步。据调查显示,宫颈癌在女性恶性肿瘤中的发病率位居第二。那么,TCT 检查结果有哪几种呢? 1.炎症 人体宫颈本是一个有菌的环境,当环境发生改变时影响了宫颈细胞而发生的异常改变,多数情况下这是属于正常的,医生下一步要做的是医师通常依据炎症程度进行相应治疗以减轻炎症的症状。 2.霉菌、滴虫、疱疹病毒感染 在TCT 检查中,霉菌、滴虫、疱疹病毒感染属于多发性感染性疾病,医生下一步要做的通常是根据微生物感染的种类进行相应的治疗,以缓解症状。 3.ASC-US 不能明确意义的非典型鳞状细胞 宫颈细胞发生轻微的变化,需要及时进行下一步检查和治疗。 4.HPV 感染、人乳头瘤病毒感染 HPV 感染、人乳头瘤病毒感染是由病毒引起的感染,尚没有有效的治疗方法,但人体本身的免疫系统可能将病毒排除。女性要定期进行TCT 检查。 5.ASC-H 非典型鳞状细胞不排除高度鳞状上皮内病变 可能有癌前病变,但是异常细胞程度不够确切诊断。医生下一步要做的是通常建议您立即做阴道镜检查,以进一步明确诊断您的病情,并紧急进行对症治疗。 6.LSIL 低度鳞状上皮内病变 发现一些可疑癌前病变细胞,立即进行下一步检查和治疗 TCT 检查的几种结果说明了tct 检查可以预防众多疾病,因此tct 检查对于女性朋友来说是十分必要的。 本文来源:南京入职体检https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa18192521.html,/025/cl/t40


TCT检查 TCT是液基薄层细胞检测的简称,TCT检查是采用液基薄层细胞检测系统检测宫颈细胞并进行细胞学分类诊断,它是目前国际上最先进的一种宫颈癌细胞学检查技术,与传统的宫颈刮片巴氏涂片检查相比明显提高了标本的满意度及宫颈异常细胞检出率。TCT宫颈防癌细胞学检查对宫颈癌细胞的检出率为100%,同时还能发现部分癌前病变,微生物感染如霉菌、滴虫、病毒、衣原体等。 1优势介绍 与传统的宫颈刮片巴氏涂片检查相比明显提高了标本的满意度及宫颈异常细胞检出率。TCT宫颈防癌细胞学检查对宫颈癌细胞的检出率为100%,同时还能发现部分癌前病变,微生物感染如霉菌、滴虫、病毒、衣原体等。所以TCT检查技术是应用于妇女宫颈癌的筛查的最先进的技术。 宫颈TCT检查明显提高了子宫颈细胞样本的检测质量。常规巴氏涂片由于血液、粘液、炎症等因素影响,常使样本模糊,存在检测误差.在临床实验中,宫颈TCT检查测试模糊子宫颈细胞样本的数量,可以明显提高癌变细胞的检测率,并相应减少需要重复做巴氏测试的次数,从而降低了患者因被重做测试而引起的不必要的担心。常规巴氏涂片误差的减少势必将前期癌变的检测工作提高到一个新的阶段,并使那些早期癌变患者得到及早的、更有效的治疗。 在TCT检查中,临床医师按通常方法用TCT检查专门的采样器用采集子宫颈细胞样本,然后不是将其直接涂在显微片上,而是将采集器置入装有细胞保存液的小瓶中进行漂洗,这样就获得了几乎全部的细胞样本。患者的细胞样本瓶就这样被送往实验室,在那里用全自动细胞检测仪将样本分散并过滤,以减少血液、粘液及炎症组织的残迹,这样就得到了一个薄薄的保存完好的细胞层,以备做进一步的显微检测和诊断。 TCT检查只是宫颈病变检查的第一步,一般说来,宫颈病变的诊断分为三步:TCT、阴道镜和病理学诊断。她说,尽管细胞组织是否属于病变只有病理学诊断才真正具有权威性,但TCT检查的第一道关卡仍然显示出了明显的优势。如果TCT显示有问题,那么女性就应该进一步做阴道镜或病理诊断才能准确判断病情;但如果TCT的检查结果显示为良性,这些检查则可以不用再做了,女性也可以为身体健康松一口气,不过仍要注意定期复查。所以说,TCT检查能够起到了事半功倍的效果。 2操作步骤 1.使用TCT专门的采样器来采集子宫颈细胞样本。 2.与常规细胞涂片不同的是,TCT检查是将采集器置入装有细胞保存液的小瓶中进行漂洗。


tct报告 (文章一):TCT检查报告解读(文章二):tct检查结果有哪几种全国体检预约平台tct检查结果有哪几种很多朋友雾里看花,不了了解TCT。TCT检查是目前国际上最先进的宫颈癌细胞学检查技术,TCT检查是检测宫颈病变的第一步。据调查显示,宫颈癌在女性恶性肿瘤中的发病率位居第二。那么,TCT检查结果有哪几种呢? 1.炎症人体宫颈本是一个有菌的环境,当环境发生改变时影响了宫颈细胞而发生的异常改变,多数情况下这是属于正常的,医生下一步要做的是医师通常依据炎症程度进行相应治疗以减轻炎症的症状。 2.霉菌、滴虫、疱疹病毒感染在TCT检查中,霉菌、滴虫、疱疹病毒感染属于多发性感染性疾病,医生下一步要做的通常是根据微生物感染的种类进行相应的治疗,以缓解症状。 3.ASC-US 不能明确意义的非典型鳞状细胞宫颈细胞发生轻微的变化,需要及时进行下一步检查和治疗。 4.HPV感染、人乳头瘤病毒感染HPV感染、人乳头瘤病毒感染是由病毒引起的感染,尚没有有效的治疗方法,但人体本身的免疫系统可能将病毒排除。女性要定期进行TCT检查。 5.ASC-H非典型鳞状细胞不排除高度鳞状上皮内病变可能有癌前病变,但是异常细胞程度不够确切诊断。医生下一步要做的是通常建议您立即做阴道镜检查,以进一步明确诊断您的病情,并紧急进行对症治疗。

6.LSIL低度鳞状上皮内病变发现一些可疑癌前病变细胞,立即进行下一步检查和治疗TCT检查的几种结果说明了tct检查可以预防众多疾病,因此tct检查对于女性朋友来说是十分必要的。本文xx入职体检/025/cl/t40 全国体检预约平台 (文章三):TCT报告单疑问_解答--litt TCT报告单疑问解答1 问:我们TCT报告单中的炎症细胞的分级和巴氏涂片结果中的分级是一个意思吗?巴氏2级以上临床医生已默认要使用药。那么TCT结果中炎症级别多少以上要用药?答:TCT报告单中的炎症细胞的分级仅作为临床炎症程度的参考,不能作为治疗炎症用药的依据。巴氏Ⅱ级的意义:推断炎症反应引起的良性反应性细胞改变。TCT结果中若炎症的级别在重度以上,用药也可以讲得通的。但是不能讲,这个炎症分级就是临床治疗用药的依据。注:严格意义讲,不管是TCT 还是巴氏,目的都是为了筛查是否有癌前病变的鳞状上皮内细胞,所有关于炎症的提示都是仅供参考,如果这两者的结果提示有炎症,临床还是应该通过白带常规检测来证实的。但是因为巴氏是直接涂片,没有经过粘液消化和裂解的过程,它的关于炎症级别的报告也可以作为临床参考的依据,这个是需要细胞病理诊断医生把关注度放在炎症上的前提下。而TCT的样本因为经过了细胞保存液对粘液的消化及膜片对炎症因子的过滤,因此对于炎症级别的判定没有太多的参考意义。 2 问:TCT结果中炎症的程度分级与白带的炎症检查的是一个意思吗?答:不完全等同。(1)取材不同,TCT扫的是宫颈,之前应将分泌物轻轻拭去,目的是看宫颈上皮细胞。而白带多取自阴道


TCT细胞学检查报告怎么看 教你看懂TCT细胞学检查报告 TCT报告分为三个部分: 一、标本的满意度。分为满意和不满意。满意的标本: 1.细胞量》40%。是说在一个视野中,细胞所占的面积超过40%,说明细胞量足够。少于40%的标本说明所采取的细胞量不够,会影响诊断的精确度。还有的报告说细胞超过5000个,也是细胞量足够满意的一种表示。 2.颈管细胞:有。是说明采取标本的时候取到了颈管细胞,是标本满意的一种表示。没有取到颈管细胞说明所采取的标本不满意。 3.化生细胞:是柱状上皮向鳞状上皮化生的一种中间状态的细胞,是宫颈修复的一种表现。无论标本中有或者无化生细胞,均不影响标本的满意度。有化生细胞表明宫颈实在修复的过渡期。 二、病原体。在所采到的细胞中,可能会存在各种病原体。通常会报告下列病原体的存在与否: 滴虫

霉菌 疱疹病毒 HPV感染 如果出现了上述某一种病原菌感染,应该就医。 需要说明的是:有些情况下,同一个病人,TCT报告说没有HPV感染,而HPV的分型或定量(HC2)检查却有HPV感染。哪一个更靠谱呢? 我们要更相信HPV的分型和定量检查,因为HPV的分型和定量检查是分子水平的检查,比TCT这种细胞水平上的检查更为精确。 三诊断。 诊断这部分是TCT报告中最重要的部分。通常有如下几种表达: 1 未见上皮内病变。这是正常的TCT结果。 有的时候报告者在这一条中,会提示有轻度炎症,这个是可以忽略的。 中度或重度炎症有时候会干扰TCT的诊断,这时报告者可能提出,建议消 炎后重新取材,我们就只好照办。建议阴道经常有炎症者,在做TCT之

前,最好阴道应用5粒左右的阴道栓剂,停药3天后再做TCT。栓剂 有很多种,比如保妇康栓,或者甲硝唑阴道泡腾片,只要是未孕和不过敏 的情况下都可以这样做。 2 非典型鳞状细胞( ASCUS ), 或非典型腺细胞(AGCUS), 这说明细胞有轻度的改变。大多数情况下,这提示要做进一步检查。有的时候报告者会提示:不除外HPV感染。或者建议观察,4-6个月复查。前者代表报告者倾向于这种细胞的轻度改变是HPV感染引起的。后者则说明这种细胞的轻度改变可能是炎症造成的。无论ASCUS,还是AGCUS,都应该就医。 3 上皮低度病变 4 上皮高度病变 5 鳞状上皮癌 如果TCT报告出现了低度病变以上的结果,应该早日就医,及时做阴道镜下的宫颈多点活检。 关于TCT检查


正常鳞状细胞 不同类型的鳞状细胞A:表层细胞(箭头);B:中层细胞;C:副基底层细胞;D:化生细胞。(物镜,20x) A:表层鳞状细胞,扁平的嗜碱性或嗜酸性胞浆。B:萎缩型。(物镜,20x)

正常子宫颈阴道部:中表层鳞状细胞,嗜碱性或嗜酸性胞浆.].一些分叶核白细胞。(物镜,10x) 正常子宫颈阴道部:中表层鳞状细胞,胞浆嗜碱性或嗜酸性。(物镜,10x) 正常子宫颈阴道部:有嗜碱性胞浆的中层鳞状细胞和有嗜碱性或嗜酸胞浆的表层细胞。(物镜,10x)

正常子宫颈阴道部:中表层鳞状细胞,多数胞浆嗜碱性,有少数胞浆嗜酸性。(物镜,10x) 正常子宫颈阴道部:正常表层嗜酸性细胞。背景中可见一些碎片。(物镜,20x) 正常子宫颈阴道部:嗜碱性中层鳞状细胞和嗜碱性或嗜酸性表层细胞(箭头)。注意正常核大小的变化。(物镜,20x)

正常子宫颈阴道部:稀少的嗜碱性中层鳞状细胞和许多嗜碱性和嗜酸性表层细胞。注意核大小不同。两个角化细胞胞浆呈褐色(箭头)。(物镜,20x) 正常子宫颈阴道部:嗜碱性中层鳞状细胞。一些分叶核白细胞。(物镜,10x) 正常子宫颈阴道部:嗜碱性鳞状细胞、组织细胞或巨噬细胞和分叶核白细胞。(物镜,20x)

正常子宫颈阴道部:嗜碱性中层鳞状细胞和嗜碱性或嗜酸性表层细胞。注意存在成熟鳞状化生细胞(箭头)。(物镜,20x) 正常子宫颈阴道部:嗜碱性中层鳞状细胞和嗜碱性或嗜酸性表层细胞。(物镜,40x)

液基制片:正常涂片,中表层鳞状细胞。(物镜,40x) 不同类型的颈管腺细胞A和B:分泌型细胞;C:纤毛型细胞;D:颈管腺细胞的裸核。(物镜,20x) 液基制片:一团颈管柱状细胞的细微形态结构。(物镜,20x)


有关TCT几点误解的正确认识 一、检验学范畴: TCT项目本身就属于临床检验学范筹,一般医院检验科(化验室)即可直接进行开展检测,无需相关病理检验资质。详见最新的权威性的规范性文件,《全国临床检验操作规程·第三版》第353至358页大篇幅内容。因为它是宫颈分泌物之脱落细胞的检验,而不是病理组织活检的确诊,其实跟一般的阴道分泌物的检查相类似。故TCT不是病理组织活检的诊断,不属病理学范畴,是属检验学范畴的一般检测。 二、操作简单: TCT项目操作简单,3分钟自动制片加上2步染色过程,即可制作出高质量的细胞涂片,供诊断的细胞背景清晰,细胞舒展薄层、均匀平铺,染色鲜明;因此制片质量的提高,大大提高了阳性检出率,特别是宫颈癌可得以早期的发现,给女性患者带来了福音。TCT是脱落细胞学检验的一大革命,从根本上解决了传统制片方法的漏诊和误诊率高、制片时间长,染色效果差,操作步骤繁琐等缺点。 三、零风险: 因为TCT采用的是早期的,提示性、建议性的报告方式,而且我们看到什么就报告什么,即使看到了什么也应委婉地报告结果;所以不会出现像其他非此即彼的断然性检查结果,仅仅是以“阴性或阳性”,极易因系统误差或偶然误差而造成错误结果,带来不必要的风险。TCT的检测结果与病人的自身情况(病情的发展有关)、妇科采样质量等都有关系,它是个系统过程,影响因素众多;因此我们对所采集样本进行制片后,在显微镜下进行观察分析,所作出的报告仅仅对该标本负责,而且有图可据,有理可依。因此TCT的检查项目对检验人员来说是完全安全的,绝对可靠的,当然是零风险的。 四、报告方式委婉: 由于我们大都是基层医疗单位,主要目的是帮助患者尽早发现问题,及时提出医疗建议,有助于患者尽早地得到有效治疗;我们没有进行病理确诊的资质、能力和必要(倘若确需确诊,也必须到专科、大医院,行病理组织活检(手术)进行病理分析,而且一般由多名专家合议后才可作出确诊性报告);而我们仅对脱落细胞进行炎症性分析,观察脱落细胞的核桨比变化,以及细胞的病变情况;因此做TCT我们绝对不发表任何确诊性报告及其相关信息。发布TCT检测报告时,多使用以下词语:镜下可见、镜下未见、疑是等等词语,按所见图片内容进行报告,不作超出图片内容以外的相关说明,但可依据图片对病人进行相关的医疗建议等,如:建议定期复查、建议治疗后定期复查等。即使发现有把握可以认定为癌变细胞的时候,我们一般也不直接报告见到癌细胞,而是报告:镜下可见疑是高度病变细胞,建议到上一级医疗机构复查,建议做活检行病理确诊等等。


哪些人需要做tct检查 tct检查对于筛查宫颈癌十分有效,但是很多人却不知道什么人需要做tct检查,今天重庆民众体检中心的医生为大家简单介绍一下。 tct检查适用人群? 1.任何有3年以上性行为或21岁前有性行为的妇女该开始定期做宫颈癌的筛查; 2.早婚早育,有流产史,性病史、拥有多名性伴侣的女性,都是宫颈癌的高发人群;有资料表明有多个性伴侣的妇女患宫颈癌的危险性比只有一个性伴侣者高2到3倍以上。妇科检查TCT是近年来对宫颈癌早期筛查的一种比较理想的检查方式。 3. 对于有宫颈糜烂的女性朋友我们都建议其进行此项检查。 tct检查注意什么? 一,宫颈TCT检查要避开经期,非常好是在月经结束3-7天内做。 二,在检查宫颈TCT两天夫妻不要同房,以免男士精液留在体内导致误诊。三,在TCT检查前一天不要冲洗阴道,更不能使用阴道栓剂,阴道内诊要等宫颈TCT检查做完后再做。

四,如果已患有妇科炎症,要等疾病治愈后在做宫颈TCT检查,以免检查结 果不准确。 五,未婚士性不做TCT检查,以免损伤处女膜。 哪些人需要做tct检查就介绍到这里了,更多的大家可以在线咨询进行了解。tct检查对于筛查宫颈癌十分有效,但是很多人却不知道什么人需要做tct检查,今天重庆民众体检中心的医生为大家简单介绍一下。 tct检查适用人群? 1.任何有3年以上性行为或21岁前有性行为的妇女该开始定期做宫颈癌的筛查; 2.早婚早育,有流产史,性病史、拥有多名性伴侣的女性,都是宫颈癌的高发人群;有资料表明有多个性伴侣的妇女患宫颈癌的危险性比只有一个性伴侣者 高2到3倍以上。妇科检查TCT是近年来对宫颈癌早期筛查的一种比较理想的检查方式。 3. 对于有宫颈糜烂的女性朋友我们都建议其进行此项检查。 tct检查注意什么? 一,宫颈TCT检查要避开经期,非常好是在月经结束3-7天内做。


tct检查时间什么时候最好 对于t c t检查,可能很多人都不太注重和了解,而实际上这样的检查,是为了了解女性是否患有宫颈癌的一种方法,因为我们都知道,在现代生活当中,女性患宫颈癌的概率越来越高,已经严重的威胁女性的健康,所以我们需要通过这样的方法,去了解自己的健康状况及时,发现问题及时治疗,下面就是t c t 检查时间的选择。 TCT检查一般在月经干净3-7做,具体的方法是:TCT检查是采用液基薄层细胞检测系统检测宫颈细胞并进行细胞学分类 诊断,它是目前国际上最先进的一种宫颈癌细胞学检查技术,与 传统的宫颈刮片巴氏涂片检查相比明显提高了标本的满意度及 宫颈异常细胞检出率.TCT宫颈防癌细胞学检查对宫颈癌细胞的检出率为 100%,同时还能发现部分癌前病变,微生物感染如霉菌,滴虫,病毒,衣原体等. 所以TCT技术是应用于妇女宫颈癌的筛查的最先进的技术. TCT宫颈防癌细胞学检查对宫颈癌细胞的检出率为 100%,同

时还能发现部分癌前病变,微生物感染如霉菌,滴虫,病毒,衣原 体等. 1,取样过程 采样 使用扫帚状采样器从子宫颈上采取足够数量的细胞样本.将扫帚状采样器的中央刷毛部分轻轻的深插入子宫颈的通道内,以便较短的刷毛能够完全接触到外子宫颈.柔和的向前抵住采样器,并按同一个时针方向转动扫帚状采样器5周整.切勿来回转动 漂洗 在装有EDTA专利成分保存液的小瓶内漂洗扫帚状采样器. 反复的将扫帚状采样器推入瓶底,迫使刷毛全部分散开来,共10次.最后,在溶液中快速的转动扫帚状采样器以进一步的将细胞 样本漂洗下来.然后将采样器扔掉,不要将采样器的扫帚头遗留 在样本保存瓶内.


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa18192521.html, TCT检查的好处和意义 TCT检查在诸多的体检项目中经常被人们所见,然而却很少人知道TCT检查到底是做什么的检查,做TCT检查的好处又是什么?TCT是液基薄层细胞检测的简称,TCT检查是采用液基薄层细胞检测系统检测宫颈细胞并进行细胞学分类诊断,它是目前国际上最先进的一种宫颈癌细胞学检查技术。 TCT检查的好处和意义 TCT检查的必要性: 当前,宫颈癌依然是女性健康的重要杀手。其发病率在女性恶性肿瘤中居第二位,仅次于乳腺癌。据2000年统计数据显示,世界范围内每年约有50万宫颈癌新发病例,中国约有13万多的新发病例,约占世界新发病例的四分之一。每年约有2-3万人死于宫颈癌,并呈上升趋势及年轻化。 TCT检查的意义: TCT检查是目前国际领先的一种宫颈防病变细胞学检查技术。TCT的检查方法为,用宫颈刷取宫颈表面及宫颈内约1.5厘米范围的脱落细胞,浸泡于“细胞保存液”中,经过滤使细胞随机均匀分散,在光镜下分析具有代表性的清晰薄层细胞,从而有更多的机会发现早期病变征兆,同时TCT检查能检测出是否已感染病毒。TCT检查是对疾病确诊性检查,一般有宫颈糜烂得患者,医生建议您做这项检查,如果有癌前病变,这项检查会有所提示得.TCT检查是目前国际领先的一种宫颈防癌细胞学检查技术.其采用高精密度过滤膜核心技术和微电脑自动化控制系统,其方法制成的细胞膜片具有传统涂片无法比拟的优点.对宫颈癌前病变及宫颈癌有很高的确诊率 TCT检查的主要过程: 1.使用TCT专门的采样器来采集子宫颈细胞样本。 2.与常规细胞涂片不同的是,TCT检查是将采集器置入装有细胞保存液的小瓶中进行漂洗。 3.做TCT检查时使用全自动细胞检测仪将样本分散并过滤,以减少血液、粘液及炎症组织的残迹。 4.做TCT检查时显微检测和诊断。 本文来源:中康体检网


附:TCT检测意义 HPV检测意义 TCT检查 TCT检查是采用液基薄层细胞检测系统检测宫颈细胞并进行细胞学分类诊断,它是目前国际上较先进的一种宫颈癌细胞学检查技术,与传统的宫颈刮片巴氏涂片检查相比明显提高了标本的满意度及宫颈异常细胞检出率。TCT宫颈防癌细胞学检查对宫颈癌细胞的检出率为100%,同时还能发现部分癌前病变,微生物感染如霉菌、滴虫、病毒、衣原体等。所以TCT技术是应用于妇女宫颈癌筛查的一项先进的技术。TCT是一种操作方便,无痛苦的筛查宫颈癌和癌前病变的方法,是防范宫颈癌的第一关。宫颈癌是全世界女性的高发癌症之一,每年大约会发现45病例。从癌前期(CIN)发展成宫颈癌,平均需要3-10年的时间,如果能及早发现,及时治疗,宫颈癌就不会成为健康杀手。 如果你有以下症状一定要做TCT: 性交出血、血性白带、外阴尖锐湿疣、长期宫颈糜烂、长期反复阴道炎的女性;有性生活的女性,每年应常规做一次。 检查TCT前的注意事项: 1. 必须在非月经期进行检查; 2. 检查前3天内不要做阴道冲洗或使用阴道内药物; 3. 24小时内不要有性生活。 了解TCT报告结果: 1.正常检查结果:正常;反应性炎症或其他炎症表现(滴虫VVC等)仅需治疗炎症 2.异常检查结果: 不典型鳞状上皮细胞(ASCUS),不典型腺细胞(AGUS)低度鳞状上皮内病变(LSIL),高度鳞状上皮内病变(HSIL),HPV感染. 如果你的检查结果属于异常范围内,也不用过于担心,因为这只是宫颈癌前病变,并不是宫颈癌。从宫颈癌前病变发展至宫颈癌需要较长的时间,在此期间只要采取切实有效的治疗,就能避免宫颈癌的发生。 异常结果的进一步明确诊断的方法:阴道镜检查和活检,HPV的检测,宫颈利普刀(LEEP)切除或宫颈锥切术

TCT检查结果怎么看 检查结果异常不一定是癌

TCT检查结果怎么看检查结果异常不一定是 癌 TCT检查是目前国际上最先进的一种宫颈癌细胞学检查技术,与传统的宫颈刮片巴氏涂片检查相比明显提高了标本的满意度及宫颈异常细胞检出率。不少女性发现TCT检查结果异常后都非常紧张,认为自己是患上了宫颈癌。但其实,TCT结果异常不一定就是宫颈癌。TCT检查结果怎么看? TCT检查结果不是最终诊断 宫颈癌有“三阶梯诊断”,分别是细胞学检查,阴道镜检查和组织学检查,细胞学检查是初始检查,细胞学检查结果异常还需要进行阴道镜检查,若还是存在异常,那么则需要经过病理组织学检查才能最终下结论。因此,仅凭TCT结果异常断定自己患有宫颈癌是不科学的。 此外,TCT有一定的假阴性率,对于有条件的,30以上女性,建议同时联合HPV和TCT两项检查,以降低假阴性几率。 TCT检查结果解读 (1)正常:说明刮片细胞里没有发现异常。 (2)非典型意义的鳞状细胞(ASC-US,或不能明确意义的不典型鳞状细胞):这个结果提示不确定这些细胞是否异常,这种情况可以有两种选择:3-6个月以后复查;或者直接查HPV,若HPV阴性,继续观察,若阳性,建议行阴道镜检查行宫颈活检。 (3)ASC-H(不典型鳞状细胞倾向上皮内高度病变):虽不能明确意义,但倾向于有病变,这种情况,通常是需要阴道镜检查和活检的。 (4)LSIL(低度鳞状上皮内瘤变):提示有异常细胞,需要进一步阴道镜检查和活检。 (5)HSIL(高度鳞状上皮内瘤变):比LSIL更进了一级别,预示不好,建议尽快复诊,行阴道镜活检。 (6)不典型腺细胞:通常需要进一步检查了解这个不好的腺细胞来自于哪儿,需要超声、宫腔镜、刮宫来进一步明确。 (7)鳞状细胞癌或腺癌:这种结果就要立即找医生看。


薄层液基细胞检测技术(TCT)及临床意义 一,薄层液基细胞学检测技术(TCT技术)研究发展背景 薄层液基细胞学检测技术(Thin-Cytologic Test TCT),液基薄层细胞制片检查系统处理技术诞生于1991年美国等国家,率先应用于妇科细胞学检查,国内从2001年开始作液基细胞学筛查宫颈癌的研究,使该项技术得到迅速发展,被称之为一场细胞学制片技术的革命。 TCT从根本上解决了常规脱落细胞制片假阴性率高、丢失细胞率高(80%)和涂片质量差等技术难题,使宫颈癌的阳性检出率达95%以上,为脱落细胞学诊断作出了重大贡献。但是过去该技术需要国外的制片机、细胞保存液等,它的价格昂贵,在国内也只能是一些大医院才能开展该项目,在基层医院的推广则比较缓慢。后来国内的一些厂家研发了半自动的离心法制片机,并自主研发了细胞保存液,大大地降低了薄层液基细胞的制片成本,从而使该项技术易于被广大基层医院所接受并且进行推广使用。目前,它已成为筛查宫颈癌最好的推荐方法之一,为宫颈癌的早期诊断和治疗提供了非常明确的诊断依据,是一项非常值得推广应用的临床检验技术。 二,产品作用原理: 通过采集阴道或宫颈分泌物,获得脱落细胞后浸入液基细胞处理试剂中进行处理,试剂中的裂解成分能对红细胞进行裂解,去除红细胞对检验结果造成的干扰;同时试剂中的固定成分能保存固定白细胞、脱落上皮细胞等有价值的细胞;并使包裹在黏液中的有效细胞充分分离出来,防止有价值细胞的丢失。将有效细胞制备成细胞悬液,最后通过过滤离心方法清除黏液对制片的干扰,制成脱落细胞薄片。可用HE染色、巴氏染色或其他免疫组织化学染色等方法使细胞着色,再通过人工观察分析来检查阴道或宫颈的细胞形态,诊断子宫颈癌及其癌的前期变化、人乳头瘤病毒和单纯疱疹病毒感染。 三,主要开展的检查项目: 宫颈脱落细胞检查、胸腹水脱落细胞检查、尿沉渣检查、痰液脱落细胞检查、支气管刷片细胞检查。特别适用于所有的女性的宫颈癌的早期诊断。 四,TCT优点: 1、保存液试剂盒有裂解红细胞功能,能快速裂解采集样品中的红细胞,裂解能力强,裂解更完全,能去除血液对检验结果造成的干扰。 2、试剂盒含有细胞固定剂成分,能快速对样品中的白细胞、脱落上皮细胞等有检验价值的细胞进行固定保存,防止有效细胞发生自溶。经试剂盒固定保存的细胞,细胞形态完好,能保持样品采集时细胞的原始形态,不会发生膨胀、固缩等形态变化,保证检验对有效细胞的数量和质量要求。 3、试剂盒对粘液具有稀释作用,能分离出大量包埋在粘液中的有效细胞。使更多有检验价值的细胞被保存下来,提供充足的细胞数量,为检验结果的准确提供保证;同时,处理后的样品经低速离心过滤后能彻底清除样本中的粘液,有效防止粘液对样品检验结果的干扰。 4、处理过的样本经过低速离心后可制成均匀单层的细胞薄片,达到检验要求。 5、、经试剂盒处理的脱落细胞对生物染色剂具有亲和性,有利于生物染色剂着色,为诊断工作提供了方便。 6、、试剂盒使用简单,操作方便,大大节省了制备样品标本的时间,同时克服了传统检查方法的不足。 五,宫颈癌是常见的恶性肿瘤之一,发病率位于女性恶性肿瘤的第二位,据相关组织公布全世界每年大约有20万名妇女死于这种疾病。近年筛查发现,发达国家发病率明显下降,而发展中国家的发病率是发达国家的6倍,我国妇女宫颈癌的发病率和死亡率占世界的1/3,可见改善卫生状况,及时就诊,早发现、早治疗极为重要。 子宫颈癌——严重威胁女性健康 哪些人容易患子宫颈癌? 1.人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)感染者 2.多个性伴侣者 3.早婚多育者 4.20-50岁子宫颈癌高发 5.宫颈上皮不典型增生 6.口服避孕药 子宫颈癌的常见临床表现? 1.早期患者可以没有任何表现。 2.性生活后出血,如妇科检查及便后接触性出血,晚期子宫颈癌常表现为大量出血。
