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prospectus [ ??????????? ] (n.) 1. sales document which tries to convince the customer, usually using a serious approach广告宣传资料

[例]Would you please revise the draft of this important prospectus in

a more convincing tone?

2. document issued by a company offering shares for sale招股说明书

prototype [ ???◆?????? ] (n.) first model of a new product 原型

[例] The prototype of the car will be exhibited in a grand show this spring.

[同义词]original, archetype

provisionally (adj.) temporarily 临时地

[例]I have provisionally booked Room W72 for Wednesday morning. public sector nationalized industries国有企业

publication [ ???●???????? ] (n.) thing which has been published, such as a book, magazine出版,出版物

[例] The publication of this magazine proves the victory of the left-wing party.

publicity [ ????●?????] (n.) the process of attracting the attention of the general public to products or services宣传推广

[例] We need generous samples for the sake of publicity.

publics[ ???●??? ] (n.) group of people categorized for PR purposes公众

[例] We believe this material will appeal to the general publics.

punctual [ ??????◆?● ] (adj.) on time准时的

[例] Be punctual or you will be embarrassed before the senior managers


purchase [ ??????? ]1. (n.) something which has been bought购买

[例] It will be cheaper to make a quantity purchase.

2. (v.) buy购买

purchaser [ ] (n.) person who buys for a company 采购员


qualify[ ????●????] (v.) have the right education and background具有资格

[例] Do you qualify for the vote?

qualified [ ????●????? ] (adj.) with the right education and experience有资格的

[例] If we want to recruit suitably qualified staff, we mustn’t have a further fall in pay.

qualification[ ???●??????????] (n.) required education, ability or experience资格

[例] He plans to go back to college to get a management qualification. [同义词]suitability, fitness, eligibility

quality [ ? ??●???? ] (n.) the value/worth of a product/service 质量

[例] The efficiency just shows the inter-relationship between quality and quantity.

quality assurance(n.) all activities and functions concerned with achieving a high level of quality质量保证

quality control(QC)checking that the quality is high enough质量管理[例] As a quality manager, you should guarantee the quality control.

quarterly [ ??????●? ] (adj/adv.) happening four times a year, every 3 months每季的

[例] Our quarterly results were excellent


questionnaire [ ???????????? ????? ] (n.) form consisting of a number of questions调查表

[例] The main purpose of this questionnaire is to collect all the staff’s attitude toward the flextime system.

quote[ ???◆?]1. (v.)to state (a price) for securities, goods, or services.报价

[例] Could you quote for the contract in dollars?

quotation [ ???◆???????] (n.) 1.estimate of cost 报价单

2.listing of the price of on the Stock Exchange股票牌价


racket(n) a dishonest business or practice, especially one that obtains money through fraud or extortion 诈骗钱财

[例] They are making a good living by a smuggling and racket.

rally (n) a notable rise in stock market prices and trading volume after a decline 价格骤然回升

[例] a rally in share

rate of return (n) the amount of profit ,dividend or interest received from an investment, expressed as a percentage of the original investment 收益率

[例] Y our investment will absolutely receive a poor rate of return.

rating (n)the popularity of a television or radio program as estimated by a poll of segments of the audience收视(听)率

[例] This radio programme has a very high rating among teenagers.

R&D research and development研发

[例]Dept. of R&D

raise [ ] (n.) increase in salary涨薪水

[例] She asked for a raise.

(v.) 1. increase增加

[例] We raised the dividend by 5%.


[例] We are trying to raise $50,000 on the money market.

3. bring up in discussion提出

[例] We raised the question of prices at the board meeting.

random check to check by random 随机抽查

range[ ??????] (n.) series of products which the customer can choose from(产品)系列

[例] This type of shoes covers a wide range of color and size.

rank [ ???? ]1.(n.) position in a company of list职位

[例] He has a high rank in the company.

2. (v.) classify in order of importance排名

[例] The company is ranked 6th in the world.

rapport [ ??????? ] (n.) close or easy relationship友善

[例]At the first stage of an interview, the interviewer needs to make the candidate feel at his/her ease, develop rapport and set the scene.


rate[ ????] (n.) money charged for a certain time or at a certain percentage比率

[例] If you will bring over 50,000 USD deposit, then we can provide you a better interest rate.

fixed rate rate which cannot be changed

going rate usual rate of payment

rating [ ?????? ] (n.) result of measuring something评级

[例] Ratings can then be used to compare jobs to one another.

ratio[ ??????◆] (n.) proportion of something compared to another thing比率

[例] Our liquidity ratio is not healthy.

[同义词]proportion, percentage

rationalize [ ??????●??? ] (v.) make more efficient, streamline 合理化

[例] We should rationalize production step by step.

rationalization [ ??????●????????? ] (n.) the activity making something more efficient合理化

raw [ ??? ] (adj.) in its original, unprocessed state未加工的

raw materials substances used as a base for manufacturing 原料

[例] The cost of the raw materials is surprisingly high.

reallocate [?????●?????] (v.) allocate again 再分配

[例] reallocate the responsibility

rebate (n) a deduction from an amount to be paid or a return of part of an amount given in payment 退款

[例] He is qualified for a tax rebate according to the new policy.

receipt [ ??????? ] (n.) piece of paper showing that money has been paid or something received收条

[例] a receipt for items purchased

accounts receivable money owed to the company应收帐款

[例] The account receivable amounts to 1 million dollars.

receiver [ ???????? ] (n.) government official appointed to run a company in serious financial difficulty破产案产业管理人; 涉讼财产管理人

[例] The receiver was asked to deal with fund shortage of that company.

receivership [???????????] (n.) the hands of a receiver破产在管

[例] The company was put into receivership.

receptionist [????????????](n.) an office worker employed chiefly to receive visitors and answer the telephone接待员

[例] She is the head receptionist of the hotel.

recession [ ???????? ] (n.) period of low economic activity不景气,衰退期

[例] There is usually an obvious increase in unemployment when business is in recession.

[同义词]depressed market

recognize [ ?????????? ] (v.) accept认为

[例] Unions are recognized by the management and negotiate on behalf of the workforce.

recognition[ ???????????? ] (n.) acceptance, acknowledgement承认

[例] a recognition of their civil rights

recoup [ ????◆?? ] (v.) get back money获得补偿

[例] We recouped our investment in two years.

recover [ ??????? ] (v.) get better after a downturn复原

[例] The stock market has not recovered since the big fall.

recovery[ ?????????] (n.) improvement, getting back to the previous (better) position复原

recruit(v.) take on a new person招收(新成员)

[例] Our trade union has recruited a number of new members this year. [同义词]enlist

recruitment[ ????????????] (n.) process of taking on new people招收(新成员)

[例] Ads remain a good source of management recruitment.

red (n.) in the red showing a loss负债

[例] My bank account is always in the red.

redeem [ ??????? ](v) 1.to convert into cash 兑现

[例] redeem stocks

2.to pay off 还清

[例] redeem the mortgage

reduction[ ?????????] (n.) the state of being smaller, lowering 缩减

[例] The product reduction implies the company’s producing focus has change to a new area.

redundant [ ?????????? ] (adj.) having lost one’s job失业

redundancy [???????????] (n.) state of having lost one’s job失业

[例] The redundancy of the father means the family has lost its income resource.

reference [ ???????] (n.) written report on someone’s personality and/or ability, often written by a previous employer推荐(信)

[例] If you want to open an offshore account in HK, a reference letter from your present bank is necessary.


refund [ ???????? ]1. (n.) money paid back退款

2. (v.) pay back money退款

[例] The money will be refunded if the goods are faulty.

refurbish [ ??????????] (v.) to make clean, bright, or fresh again; renovate 刷新,创新

[例] refurbish our store for better profile

region [ ???????? ](n.) an area of interest or activity; a sphere 区域

[例] She is the chief representative of the east region.

regular customer (n) a person who goes to the same place or uses the same service frequently 老顾客

[例] She is one of our regular customers and receives many priorities.

reimburse [ ??????????? ] (v.) to pay back偿还

[例] We will reimburse you (for) the additional premium.

[同义词]repay, refund


摘要: 英国论文随着时代的发展, 使用简洁通俗的语言已成为现代商务英语, 尤其是商务英语信函的突出特点。本文从这一特点形成的根源简易英语运动出发, 分析了简易英语的定义, 遵循的原则, 最后在此基础上通过大量例证的对照比较, 总结了简易英语趋势在现代商务交际中的体现。 商务英语和法律英语一样, 通常被认为是充斥着技术性术语和诘屈聱牙语句的典型书面语。不可否认, 很长时间以来, 商务文书给人的印象确实如此。然而随着时代的发展, 这种情况已得到极大的改观, 商务交际用语渐趋简明易懂。使用简洁通俗的语言已成为现代商务英语的突出特点。我们可以比较一下下面的两句商务信函中的用语: 1. We beg respectfully to state that we are in receipt ofyour L/C in the amount of USD×××for which we thankyou. 2. We inform you that we have received your L/C forUSD×××. 可以看出, 这两句表达的意思完全相同, 但是第一句使用了beg respectfully to state, in receipt of, inthe amount of, 以及包括定语从句for which we thank you等表达极为繁杂的用语, 而第二句用语简洁明快, 但是它所包含的信息量较第一句而言没有丝毫的减少。现代商务英语正是提倡使用简单词语( plain words) , 而不用复杂的语句( complicated words) , 尤其是那些繁复老套的用语, 即我们所说的陈词滥调( cliché)。现代商务英语的这一显著特点, 其实与这些年来在英美等国出现的英语简化趋势, 尤其是在美国大张旗鼓推行的简易英语运动( Plain English Movement)有直接的联系。这一运动要求革除商业契约上的繁文缛节, 简化法律用语, 从而起到方便民众, 减少因繁复用语而引起不必要争端的作用。1978 年 3 月24 日, 当时的美国总统卡特更是签署了第12044 号行政命令, 要求联邦政府各部切实保证颁布的每项法令必须以简单易懂的英语撰写, 以便须依照有关法令办事的人都能看懂。这一法令理所当然受到普通老百姓的欢迎, 而简易英语运动在这一法令的推动之下也得到了更为蓬勃的开展[1]。 一、什么是“简易英语” 所谓简易英语( Plain English) , 美国学者考特兰?博维(Courtland Bovèe)和约翰?席尔( John Thill)认为简易英语是用简易的文字和结构写成的语句, 读者都能看懂, 很接近于我们的口语[2]。可见, “简易英语”是指书面表达中使用清晰正确的英语简明扼要而有效地传递信息。“简易英语”并不幼稚, 也并非过分简单化的英语。“简易英语”重视信息的传递。它并不堆积词藻, 而且不会不必要地使用行话、术语等难懂的表达。换句话说,“简易英语”彻底抛弃了繁文赘语和让人无所适从的表达。用“简易英语”书写的文件是为了让人们读懂, 因此所用的词语都是读者能够理解的。只要读者能够理解, “简易英语”用到技术性较强的专业术语也并非不可。比如,一篇医学学报上的论文面向的是医学专家, 使用专业术语是可以的, 因为这些读者能够理解。只要表达恰当, 这篇论文的语言仍然可被称为“简易英语”。当然, 如果这篇文章是出现在面向公众的通俗杂志上, 那么再包含很多专业术语就很可能出现普通读者无法理解的状况。这个时候, 只有使用普通大众能够理解的字眼那它才是“简易英语”。我们应该看到非常复杂的概念也是可以用“简易英语”加以解释的。许多法律文书, 比如合同和法令, 用“简易英语”改写后仍然能做到表达精确无误。 二、“简易英语”所遵循的原则 “简易英语”最重要的原则就是读者为先。即为读者着想, 考虑读者的需求。要“简易”, 就得好好考虑如下的问题:读者需要知道些什么? 他们对这个问题的理解程度如何? 怎样才能更好地把意思组织起来以便读者更好地理解? 要想有效传递你的信息, 首要的是要清楚什么样的人会阅读你写的东西。具体来讲, “简易英语”遵循如下的原则: (一)写作前做好规划起草文书之前, 首先得明确自己的写作目的。读者是谁? 他们对于所涉及的话题是非常了解, 了解一点还是一无所知? 他们想知道些什么? 找到这些问题的答案, 做到心中有数。一旦知道了读者是谁, 就应该尽可能从他们的角度来看问题, 来表达


初级商务英语阅读理解试题 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了初级商务英语阅读理解试题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 初级商务英语阅读理解试题(1) A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子) or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really kn ow their business do not follow other people’s rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学). And the question, "How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is,


商务英语词汇大全(一)economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 经济 mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守 primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策economic recovery 经济复原

understanding 约定 concentration 集中 holding company 控股公司 trust 托拉斯 cartel 卡特尔 rate of growth 增长 economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设 standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺 stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的 developing 发展中的 initial capital 创办资本 frozen capital 冻结资金 frozen assets 冻结资产 fixed assets 固定资产 real estate 不动产,房地产 circulating capital, working capital 流动资本available capital 可用资产


最新国家开放大学电大《商务英语基础(1)》教学考一体化网考形考作业试题及答案 100%通过 2016年秋期电大把《商务英语基础(1)》纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,内容包含了单选题、判断题,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。 一单选题 1. Can I ____a message or would you like to ring him on his mobile phone? (5.00分) A. make B. leave C. have D. take 2. The engineer recommended________ (5.00分) A. when we look at this question. B. that values his new ideas. C. that the process can be made simpler. D. which is the Mark 2 project. 3. Shall we get straight ________to business? (5.00分) A. in B. down C. over D. for 4. We’ll do our _____to make your visit worthwhile.(5.00分) A. best B. much C. most D. worst 5.We very much appreciate your efforts________(5.00分) A. our production costs must be no more than 15 percent. B. has done damage to our reputation C. to negotiate with you D. to make this product possible 6.Because we can’t find a compromise________(5.00分)A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. and there are two hundred and sixteen thousand employees worldwide. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 7. I have the authority________(5.00分) A. to negotiate with you B. has done damage to our reputation C. to make this product possible D. what seemed an impossible problem 8.Could you come______ to the development workshop for a second?(5.00分) A. up B. on C. down D. over 9. Could you _________the times of flights to Atlanta and reserve me a seat? (5.00分) A. find through B. find C. find over D. find out 10.The company really needs the fax machine by tomorrow________(5.00分) A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. or it will have to look elsewhere. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 11. I have a small token of our gratitude________ (5.00分) A. that the process can be made simpler. B. when we look at this question. C. which is the Mark 2 project. D. which I would like you to have. 12.I wonder __________you could check Mr. Sakai’s European itinerary.(5.00分)


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全日制英语学习,选择尚语国际语言村https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fb18232681.html, 随着全球商务活动日益频繁,互联网迅猛发展,商务信函成为国际贸易中客户沟通的主要方式,广泛运用于外贸、海外资本运营、国际货运等商务活动。它涵盖询问、洽谈、答复,涉及到询盘、报盘、发盘、还盘、交易达成、支付方式、装运等业务细节,是商务活动中不可或缺的沟通媒介,高质量的商务英语信函翻译对国际商务活动的重要性不言而喻。 一、商务信函的语言特点 与其他文体相比,商务信函具有商务文体正式、简洁、专业、礼貌等特点。 (一)正式。商务信函是公文性质函件,用词布局上比普通信函讲究,较多使用书面语。如请您给我发送一份申请表格,在此表示感谢。一般使用We would be grateful if you could send me an application form。而不使用Could you send me an application form? Thank you!。文体布局上商务信函也比一般信函严谨规范,有其特定布局结构。如道歉信通常开头致歉(We must apologize for …/We apologize for…),接下来解释事情发生的原因,寻求对方谅解(this is owing to…),在结尾处再次致歉(We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenience./With apologies once again.)一般道歉信都会遵循这样层层递进的规范布局,翻译时也要注意符合其布局。 (二)简洁。商务人士求实重效率。商务信函必须言简意赅,目的突出,层次分明。一般信件开头就说明来意,如:We are writing to enquire about the prices of your cabinets/ we are writing in connection with the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. 如果开头东拉西扯,会使繁忙的商务人士无暇向下,不明所以。此外信件中措辞也较少使用冗繁的词语句式。例:Please contact us whenever we can be helpful. (如需帮助请告知)而一般不会使用Whenever there is anything we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us。 (三)专业。商务信函用于业内往来,广泛使用商业术语和缩略语,包括外贸业务术语、公司名称及单证等,规范程度很高。常见如外贸术语CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、运费加保险价,FCA(Free carrier)货交承运人,B/L(Bill of Loading)运输单等在信函中都大量使用。此外商务信函也常使用here,where, there 与in, by, with, after 等构成复合词如hereafter(after this),wherein (in which) therefrom (from that)。如:Seller is bound to reimburse Buyer for any loss sustained therefrom. 长期的商务书信交流中逐步形成了商务英语信函句式的套语和行话。如:收到对方询盘的套话:Thank you for your letter of 23 July, asking if we sell photocopiers.希望得到对方回函、订单时的套话:Looking forward to your favorable /early reply. (四)礼貌。西方人交往中非常重视态度,商务信函应礼貌友好,礼貌可以使对方阅读后心生好感,从而保持友好贸易关系。在信函中采用“You attitude”,从对方角度考虑问题,较多使用第二人称,较少使用


机密★启用前 大连理工大学网络教育学院 大工20春《商务英语写作-精品课程》课程考试 期末考试复习题 ☆注意事项:本复习题满分共:400分 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 1.Please let us know which of our products _______. A. you are interested B. are you interested C. they are interested D. you are interested in 2.We ______ your name and address _______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn. A. are learning….from B. have learned ….from C. have come to know….of D. have been given ….from 3.We are now enclosing a price list for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply. A. required B. inquired about C. said D. informed 4.If you are prepared to increase your ______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price B. discount C. sales volume D. cost 5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer __________. A. in demand B. demanded C. on demand D. for demand 6. We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expediting D. arranged 7. Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ______ at the time, otherwise he will not be responsible for it. A. consignor B. consignee C. shipper D. carrier 8. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _______ would these dates be exceeded by more that ten days. A. in no case B. in any case C. by all means D. under any circumstances 9. Your failure to open the L/C in time will ________impossible for us to deliver goods within the


一、客观部分:(单项选择、多项选择、不定项选择、判断) (一)、选择部分 1.In general, the major benefits of B2B are( ABCD ). A. reduce administrative costs B. expedite cycle time C. lower search costs and time for buyers D. decrease productivity of employees E. reduce inventory levels ★考核知识点: 企业间的电子商务,参见P148 附1.1.1(考核知识点解释): 总的来说,B2B的主要优点有:取代了纸质单据,节约管理成本;减低搜索成本,节约买主的时间;提高雇员处理采购和销售的效率;减少失误,提高服务质量;降低库存水平和库存成本;增加生产弹性,实现即时送货;方便大宗定制;增加合作的机会。 2.In order to keep competitive in EC, logistics industry has begun to employ the(ABD )structure A. opening B. systematical C. conservative D. technical E. close ★考核知识点: 电子商务中的物流,参见P174 附1.1.2(考核知识点解释): 为了保持在电子商务中的竞争力,物流业已经开始使用开放的、系统化的技术结构,为企业营造连贯的物流过程,从而实现整个供应链的无缝多点集成。 3.Brokerage models include(ABD ) A. marketplace exchange B. content-targeted advertising C. buy/sell fulfillment D. bounty broker E. information exchange ★考核知识点: 网上商务模式,参见P73 附1.1.3(考核知识点解释): 中介模式包括:市场交易、买卖活动、需求收集系统、拍卖中介、交易中介、奖励金中介、分销商、搜索代理、网上商场。 4.If you need to access information and know where it is on the web, you only need enter the entire www address into your browser's( D )


《商务英语函电》课程标准 一、基本信息 二、课程定位及目标设计 (一)课程整体目标描述 《商务英语函电》是报关与国际货运专业的一门职业技术必修课,是融国际贸易实务与英语商务信函写作为一体的专业英语课程。本课程的目标是培养学生具备阅读、翻译和写作英语商务信函的能力,培养学生掌握函电撰写的基本技巧、熟练应用英语函电套用语和行文结构。使学生能在英语环境下运用英语函电办理进出口业务等事宜,在外贸工作环境中具备解决实际商务问题的书面沟通能力。外贸函电英语是开展对外经济贸易业务和有关商务活动的重要工具,正确地掌握外贸函电英语的专业知识,并能熟练地加以运用,是外贸工作人员必须具备的专业技能。 (二)课程具体目标描述 1.能力目标 (1)能够独立阅读、翻译、撰写商务英语信函; (2)能够根据特定贸易背景,熟练运用商务信函特点和专业知识正确处理各个交易环节的往来外贸信函; (3)能根据具体的业务磋商信函,规范填制单据中相关的商务英语内容;

(4)能够熟练掌握完整的业务流程,独立完成完整的业务磋商信函撰写。 2.知识目标 (1)掌握商务信函常用撰写格式及组成部分; (2)掌握商务英语信函撰写的特点及专业英语表达方式; (3)掌握各种外贸文件的翻译特点及相关外贸专业知识。 3.素质目标 (1)具备正确理解和掌握国家外交、外贸方针政策的能力; (2)持续学习,不断更新知识的意识; (3)具有从事商务活动的良好职业道德素质及行为规范; (4)具备国际商务礼仪知识,注重对外贸易交往的礼节; (5)踏实的工作作风和严谨的工作态度。 三、课程教学内容设计 (一)学习情境设计 《商务英语函电》课程选择“业务流程”为载体,共设置三个学习情境,各学习情境名称及学时分配情况如表所示:


BEC中级口试全真试题Part I Phase I I: Good morning/afternoon. I’m …and this is my colleague …. S/he’s just going to listen to us. Could I have your mark sheets, please? (To A) What’s your name? Where are you from? A:回答 I: Thank you. (To B) And you? B:回答 I: Thanks. Do you work or are you a student, B? B: 回答 I: (What do you do? What do you study?) B:回答 I: What about you, A? (What do you do? What do you study?) A: 回答I: What do you like most about your job/studies, A? A:回答 I: (Why?) A:回答 I: What about you, B? B:回答 Phase II 1 I: A, which specific skills will you need most in your career? (Why?) A:回答 I: How about you, B? (Why?) B:回答 I: B, what qualities does a good employee need to have? (Why?) B:回答 I: What do you think, A? A:回答 I: A, to what extent is it possible to train people in interpersonal skills? (Why/Why not?) A:回答 I: B, which special qualities do you think managers n eed to have? (Why?)


电大网考《商务英语基础(1)》作业试题及答案 一单选题 1. Can I ____a message or would you like to ring him on his mobile phone? (5.00分) A. make B. leave C. have D. take 2. The engineer recommended________ (5.00分) A. when we look at this question. B. that values his new ideas. C. that the process can be made simpler. D. which is the Mark 2 project. 3. Shall we get straight ________to business? (5.00分) A. in B. down C. over D. for 4. We’ll do our _____to make your visit worthwhile.(5.00分) A. best B. much C. most D. worst 5.We very much appreciate your efforts________(5.00分) A. our production costs must be no more than 15 percent. B. has done damage to our reputation C. to negotiate with you D. to make this product possible 6.Because we can’t find a compromise________(5.00分) A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. and there are two hundred and sixteen thousand employees worldwide. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 7. I have the authority________(5.00分) A. to negotiate with you B. has done damage to our reputation C. to make this product possible D. what seemed an impossible problem 8.Could you come______ to the development workshop for a second?(5.00分) A. up B. on C. down D. over 9. Could you _________the times of flights to Atlanta and reserve me a seat? (5.00分) A. find through B. find C. find over D. find out 10.The company really needs the fax machine by tomorrow________(5.00分) A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. or it will have to look elsewhere. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 11. I have a small token of our gratitude________ (5.00分) A. that the process can be made simpler. B. when we look at this question. C. which is the Mark 2 project. D. which I would like you to have. 12.I wonder __________you could check Mr. Sakai’s European itinerary.(5.00分) A. how B. if C. that D. what

【优质】商务英语商务英语函电论文-优秀word范文 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 商务英语商务英语函电论文 摘要:随着全球经济的迅速发展,我国与他国的贸易往来日益频繁,英语作为国际通用语言在贸易活动中发挥着重要的作用,而商务英语函电的重要性 自然不言而喻,商务英语函电是一种我们常见的商务交流的手段,它能更加有效、准确、具体地为贸易双方传递商务信息,是贸易双方沟通的桥梁。本文总 结了商务英语函电的特点进而分析它在对外贸易中的作用。 关键词:商务英语函电;特点;作用 伴随着全球化进程的加快,人类社会就进入了一个科技和经济空前高速发 展的时代,商务英语得到广泛发展和运用。同时随着经济全球化进程的加快, 各国之间的贸易往来日益频繁,因此,人们对国际贸易越来越重视,这就使得 英语函电在外贸交易中表现的淋漓尽致对外贸易已成为衡量一个国家是否成功 与世界接轨的重要依据,是一个国家走向世界的快速通道。对外贸易中,我们 需要和不同国家地区进行商务沟通,能否很好地与其沟通取决于对商务函电的 掌握。商务英语函电是国家之间商务往来、开展业务、合作关系建立的重要媒介。商务函电交流的过程就是一个发出者顺利编码和接受者顺利解码的过程。 商务英语函电作为对外贸易中的媒介和载体,有效的解决着贸易活动中供给与 需求方信息不对称的弊端,为供需企业迅速、准确地传递信息,有效的促进着 对外贸易的发展。 1商务英语函电概述 1.1商务英语函电的概念 英语是世界上实用且最为通用的语言,在国际商务活动中,信息的传递一 般也多以英语为主,因此被称之为商务英语。商务英语是经济全球化的产物, 它不同于一般的日常用语,以专业性、专门性著称,力求用词准确、具体、简 单明了。商务英语函电是指人们以对外贸易知识为理论基础,以商务英语知识 为表现手段在进行对外贸易的活动中进行书面沟通和交流的网络信件等。商务 英语函电是国际贸易中通过专业的国际贸易商务英语贸易双方进行沟通交流的 函电往来。随着信息技术的不断进步和互联网的不断普及,商务英语函电的形 式不仅仅局限于纸质信件,电子信件已经逐步成为商务英语函电的主要形式。 在对外贸易中,商务英语函电的运用主要表现在信息的传递、处理贸易活动中 沟通及联络双方感情等方面。主要涉及的内容有进行商务洽谈、签订合作意向、


商务英语词汇大全(一)economist 经济学家socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 经济mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定concentration 集中holding company 控股公司trust 托拉斯cartel 卡特尔rate of growth 增长economic trend 经济趋势economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的initial capital 创办资本frozen capital 冻结资金frozen assets 冻结资产fixed assets 固定资产 房地产,不动产real estate circulating capital, working capital 流动资本available capital 可用资产capital goods 资本货物reserve 准备金, 储备金calling up of capital 催缴资本allocation of funds 资金分配contribution of funds 资金捐献working capital fund 周转基金revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金contingency fund 意外开支,准备金reserve fund 准备金buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基 金sinking fund 偿债基金investment 投资,资产investor 投资人self-financing 自筹经费, 经费自给bank 银行current account 经常帐户(美作:checking account )current-account holder 支票帐户(美作:checking -account holder )cheque 支票(美 作:check )bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票crossed cheque 划线支票traveller's cheque 旅行支票chequebook 支票簿, 支票本(美作:checkbook )endorsement 背书transfer 转让,转帐,过户money 货币issue 发行ready money 现钱cash 现金ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠change 零钱banknote, note 钞票, 纸币(美作:bill )to pay (in)cash 付现金domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币convertibility 可兑换性convertible currencies 可兑换货币exchange rate 汇率,兑换率foreign exchange 外汇floating exchange rate 浮动汇率free exchange rates 汇兑市场 外汇兑换券foreign exchange certificate hard currency 硬通货speculation 投机saving 储装,存款depreciation 减价, 贬值devaluation (货币)贬值revaluation 重估价runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩capital flight 资本外逃


第一部分 一、交际用语 (共计 10分, 每小题2 分) 1-5 题: 阅读下面的小对话, 选择恰当的答语。 ( B )1.Could you give me an example of good team working there? 。 A. Sorry. I can see from your resume B. Sure. I was the treasurer of the Students Union C. Not at all. I was in charge of sales for Corporate Pan-Asia ( C )2. Where shall we have the meeting? . A. The first conference room is spacious B. The first conference room isn't good C. In the first conference room ( C )3. Do you have any suggestions about it? . A. No, I have no idea B. Let me give you a hand C. After I read it in detail, will tell you my opinion ( A )4. Good morning. Far East Logistics Company. This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you? . A. Good morning, Ms. Lin. Nice to meet you B. No, thank you C. Good morning, Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking
