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J. M. Williams 2006-09-25

QuestaSim Simulator Summary

QuestaSim is the new name for the ModelSim simulator. QuestaSim may be invoked on a verilog file as, vsim VerilogFile.v; or, on a text file containing a design-file list as,

vsim -f ListFilename.vcs

The file may have any extension, but we use .vcs here for consistency with VCS.

To run the Intro (Lab01) simulation, be sure you are in the Lab01 directory.

1. Invoke vsim -f IntroTop.vcs; this will load all source files but will not itself compile


A new project optionally also may be created for version tracking, but we ignore that here.

All that is necessary to do a lab here is (a) to compile the design, (b) to decide what to add to the display in a waveform window, and then (c) to run the simulation.

2. Use the QuestaSim top menu bar


form to highlight the design files which were read, and pick the lower-right "Compile"

button. Errors (there should be none) will be displayed in the main text window. Then, pick "Done" to finish the compilation. You will see a new Workspace library named work.

QuestaSim always creates a working library named work in the current directory; this is where the compiled design will be stored.

3. To choose what to simulate, first display the compiled design hierarchy by picking

[Simulate]/[Start Simulation...]

on the top menu bar. The form will list a lot of irrelevant libraries, but all we care about is the top one, named work. Open that [+] line and pick TestBench, which is our testbench module name. The name work.TestBench automatically will appear on the Design

Unit(s) line. Pick "OK" to dismiss the Start Simulation form and elaborate the design.

4. Soon after you pick "OK", a new Objects window will appear with the simulation hierarchy

displayed. Your design now is ready to be simulated, but you must choose what to see.

5. Select all signals in Objects; then, on the top menu bar, pick

[Add]/[Wave -->]/[Selected Signals].

If you want to see everything, pick [Add]/[Wave -->]/[Signals in Design] instead.

A wave window will appear; pick the little square in its upper right corner to decouple it

from the main QuestaSim window.

6. To run the simulation, on the top menu bar, pick

[Simulate]/[Run...]/[Run - All]; but,

DO NOT pick [Yes] when prompted "Are you sure you want to finish?".

Instead, [No] this message box. [Yes] terminates QuestaSim.

7. Use the filled magnifying-glass icon to zoom full. When you have seen the waveforms, use the

vsim window's top menu bar to pick File/[Quit].

In current software, the main advantage of QuestaSim over VCS is that QuestaSim can display the contents of a verilog memory, all addresses at once. VCS can not do this, although VCS correctly will simulate address and data operations on a memory.
