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第四章 代词

第四章 代词
第四章 代词




1.The social games of children help to prepare themselves for their adult roles.

2.When television was first introduced, the extent to that it would affect the society could not have been foreseen.

3.Each man and woman must sign their full name before receiving a ticket.


1. There are several pretty girls standing under the tree, but ______ are known to me.

A. neither

B. none

C. no one

D. all

2. In one year rats eat 40 to 50 times ______ weight.

A. its

B. and

C. their

D. theirs

3. You’d better continue to use the same spelling of your name as ______ you used in your application.

A. one

B. the one

C. any

D. some one

4. The little baby was left alone, with ______ to look after it.

A. someone

B. anyone

C. not one

D. no one

5. John can play chess better than ______ else.

A. the one

B. no one

C. any one

D. another

6. The weight of something is another way of describing the amount of force exerted on ______ by gravity.

A. it

B. them

C. that

D. one

7. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite ______ to perform skillfully yourself.

A. other

B. another

C. some

D. any

8. Children should be taught how to get along with ______.

A. another

B. other

C. others

D. any other

9. The poor man lived on wild berries and roots because they had ______ to eat.

A. nothing else

B. anything else

C. something other

D. nothing other

10. I go to the cinema ______ day, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

A. each other

B. every other

C. this and the other

D. all other

11. One of the properties of light is ______ traveling in wave form as it goes from one place to another.

A. it

B. it’s

C. its

D. their

12. ______ in the world has been asked to do his duty for the human society.

A. Each of the tramps

B. Every of the tramps

C. The each tramp

D. The every tramp

13. In some restaurants, food and service are worse than ______ used to be.

A. they

B. it

C. them

D. that

14. Let the porter take all the baggage out and put ______ in the lobby.

A. them

B. they

C. it

D. its

15. Everyone who comes to the party is given a wooden apple with _____ own name cut in it as a souvenir.

A. his

B. her

C. their

D. our

16. ______ the camel can go for three days without food or drink?

A. That it is why

B. That is it why

C. Why it is that

D. Why is it that

17. During the journey, the boys and girls entertained ______ with songs and games.

A. themselves

B. herself

C. himself

D. itself

18. You’d better buy ______ some fruits when you go on a trip.

A. himself

B. myself

C. yourself

D. you

19. The boys in this town like to bully ______.

A. one another

B. one and other

C. each other

D. one and the other

20. One common family name is Black, ______ is Anderson.

A. another

B. the other

C. others

D. none other

21. I have two novels: one of the two is “Gone with the Wind’, and ______ is “the Tale of Two Cities’.

A. another

B. other

C. none other

D. the other

22. All girls wear beautiful clothes. Some are dressed in red;______ in green.

A. other

B. another

C. others

D. none other

23. She can’t seem to help herself. And ______ can help her, either.

A. none else

B. no one else

C. not any

D. somebody else

24. Children can usually dress ______ by the age of five.

A. him

B. them

C. herself

D. themselves

25. I have had the gold watch for years, but the police refused to believe it was ______.

A. me

B. my

C. mine

D. I

26. Mother would not let Mary and ______ attend the hockey game.

A. I

B. my

C. me

D. we

27. In a news conference this afternoon, the university announced that ______ intends to make several important changes in

next year’s budget.

A. he

B. it

C. she

D. they

28. ______ but a fool can make such a mistake.

A. Everyone

B. Nobody

C. Not all

D. None

29. The poem by Browning is so observed that I cannot grasp ______ meaning.

A. its

B. it’s

C. their

D. that

30. The mayor felt that the police, in spite of the reports, had done ______ best.

A. its

B. their

C. his

D. our

31. I haven’t read ______ of the last four chapters, so I know little about them.

A. anything

B. any

C. some

D. something

32. A pretty face may win friends but it takes character and personality to hold ______.

A. it

B. them

C. that

D. one

33. In the discussion, one speaker held that, since we live in a money-oriented society, the average individual cares little

about solving ______.

A. anyone else’s problems

B. anyone’s else problems

C. anyone else problems

D. problems of anyone else

34. I don’t know whether small oranges are sweeter than big ______.

A. those

B. ones

C. one

D. that

35. “How much water is left in the bottle?”“ ______”.

A. Nothing

B. None

C. Not some

D. Not one

36. It took two of them to do the work that ______ of us could do.

A. someone

B. anyone

C. any one

D. everyone

37. He has five children, and ______ of them is good at painting.

A. everyone

B. everybody

C. every one

D. every

38. I have three brothers, but______ are in Beijing.

A. no one of them

B. neither of them

C. some of them

D. none of them

39. Some of my students study a lot, but ______ just don’t care.

A. another

B. the other

C. some other

D. others

40. As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves are second only to ______.

A. Kuwait

B. that of Kuwait

C. Kuwait’s

D. those of Kuwait

41. This book of _______ used to be one of the best sellers in the shop.

A. his

B. him

C. that man

D. this

42. We should always keep ______ well-informed of the changing information.

A. us

B. ours

C. ourselves

D. we

43. The climate here is often said to be similar to ______.

A. Japan

B. one of Japan

C. that of Japan

D. in Japan

44. Hunted by constant fear of arrest, the thief ______ to the police at last.

A. gave it up

B. gave up himself

C. gave him up

D. gave himself up

45. ______ of the boys in the class who have passed the test is to receive certificates.

A. Every

B. Every one

C. Any

D. Anyone

46. Do you believe that she has blamed us for the accident, especially ______?

A. you and me

B. you and I

C. I and you

D. me and you

47. Of those who graduated with ______, Ellen is the only one who has found a good job.

A. Betty and he

B. he and Betty

C. Betty and him

D. Him and Betty

48. He is surprised by ______ having to pay for the accident.

A. you

B. yours

C. your

D. they

49. This is a left hand glove and that is ______.

A. other

B. the other one

C. other one

D. another

50. Add those examples to ______ you have already noted.

A. one

B. the one

C. one

D. the ones

51. Have you got a ticket? Yes, I’ve got ______.

A. it

B. the one

C. one

D. the ones

52. There’s the doorbell; I hope ______ Tom.

A. its

B. it’s

C. it

D. he’s

53. It’s cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new ______ made.

A. one

B. ones

C. furniture

D. furnitures

54. Those of us who are over fifty years old should get ______ blood pressure checked regularly.

A. their

B. they

C. our

D. ours

55. Every man and woman eighteen years of age or older is eligible to vote for the candidate of ______.

A. his choice

B. their choice

C. the choice of him

D. the choice of theirs

56. I bite my nails. I must break ______.

A. the habit of me

B. the habit with myself

C. myself of the habit

D. of the habit myself

57. ______ of them shared my opinions, so we have ______ in common to discuss.

A. Nobody/a little

B. Few/little

C. A few/little

D. None/many

58. When science, business and art learn something of ______ methods and goals, the world will have come closer to

cultural harmony.

A. one and the other’s

B. each and the other’s

C. one another’s

D. the one’s and the other’s

59. The boy is ______ of a musician.

A. anyone

B. anything

C. someone

D. something

60. For ______ interested in nature, the club offers hikes and overnight camping each week during the summer.

A. them

B. whom

C. themselves

D. those

61. The use of radar as well as the two-way radio ______ for the police to intercept most speeders.

A. make it possible

B. makes it possible

C. makes possible

D. make it a possibility

62. The family never agree about ______ shares of the property.

A. her

B. its

C. their

D. his

63. The flock of geese was flying through the sky in perfect formation following ______ leader.

A. its

B. their

C. his

D. her

64. When Jonathan went to Spain with his sister, he bought a leather coat for her and another for ______.

A. him

B. himself

C. he

D. his

65. Those of us who wear glasses should have ______ eyes examined at regular intervals.

A. their

B. our

C. his

D. her

66. Frank admired his friends Tom and David. He imitated ______.

A. theirs every action

B. every action of theirs

C. every of their action

D. every action of their one

67. My desk is ______.

A. between his

B. between his one

C. beside his one

D. beside his

68.“May I speak to Iris?”

“This is ______ speaking.”

A. she

B. them

C. hers

D. her

69. Mary is the landlady ______.

A. from who we rent the flat

B. from whom we rent the flat

C. whom we rent the flat

D. who we rent the flat

70. Give the message to ______ is at the table.

A. whomever

B. whosever

C. whatever

D. whoever

71. It was through experimentation ______ people found out the behavior of electricity.

A. that

B. which

C. /

D. the

72. ______ Nat Turner who led a revolt against slavery in Virginia in 1831.

A. Where was

B. It was

C. He was

D. it was him

73. It wasn’t ______ telephoned me.

A. he whom

B. him whom

C. he who

D. his who

74. It was ______ he bought the magazine.

A. from a second-hand store where

B. a second-hand store in which

C. in a second-hand store that

D. in a second-hand store where

75. It was ______ late in the evening that the students returned to the dormitories.

A. till

B. before

C. when

D. not until

76. It was ______ that he did not go to Mount Lao with us.

A. because he was ill

B. as he was ill

C. since he was ill

D. though he was ill

77. It was ______ that he joined the evening party.

A. finding Comrade Li

B. found Comrade Li

C. to find Comrade Li

D. find Comrade Li

78. Was it ______ she agreed to help?

A. very reluctantly so that

B. very reluctantly that

C. so reluctantly that

D. very reluctantly when

79. ______ she gave the postcards to?

A. Whom it was that

B. Who it was that

C. Who was it that

D. It was who that


1. 这些书会提供你所需要的所有信息,它们可以在任何书店买到。

2. 一个人的衣着可以表示他的身份或社会地位.。

3. 尼亚加拉瀑布是一个令人向往的旅游胜地,每年都吸引数以百万的游客。

4. 大量的蚂蚁老是进入我的厨房,蚂蚁是非常令人讨厌的东西。

5. 他给人的印象是他这一辈子都是在国外生活的。

6. 仅仅因为秘书迟到了10分钟,经理就发脾气了。

7. 我们两个被这则消息震惊了,但是鲍勃更沮丧一些。

8. 任何人想读这本书,必须获得同意。

9. 我走在大街上,总是拉着我妈妈的胳膊。

10. 人们在饭馆吃饭时喜欢独自占一张桌子。

11. 善与恶在你面前,后者导致不幸,前者带来平安。

12. 我上课经常迟到,因此老师在教训我。

13. 我们所需要的就是持续不断地得到燃油供应。

14. 硫酸是一种重要的原料,它在我国的化学工业中应用很广泛。

15. 完成这项工程还需要三个月的时间。

16. 人们都不希望自己的话受到怀疑。

17. 这些小团体通常是相互独立的。

18. 你说的我大部分同意,但并不完全赞同.

19. 我过去懂拉丁语,现在大都忘了

20. 这些电器没有一件被用过。


一、1.themselves-them 2. that-which 3. their-his or her




三.、1. These books, which you can get at any bookshop,will give you all the information you need.

2. The clothes a person wears may express his status or social position.

3. Niagara Falls is a great tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors every year.

4. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough nuisance.

5. He gives people the impression of having spent all his life abroad.

6. The manager lost his temper just because his secretary was ten minutes late.

7. We were both shocked by the news, but Bob was more upset than I.

8. Anyone who likes to read the book must ask for my permission.

9. When I walk in the street, I always take my mother by the arm.

10. When one dines in a restaurant one likes a table to oneself.

11. V irtue and vice are before you: this leads to misery, and that to peace.

12. I am always late for class. That’s why the teacher is scolding me.

13. All that is needed is a continuous supply of fuel oil.

14. Sulfuric acid is an important material, which is widely used in our chemical industry.

15. It needs another three months to finish this project.

16. One doesn’t like to have one’s word doubted.

17. Usually these small groups were independent of each other.

18. Much of what you say I agree with, but I cannot go all the way with you.

19. I've forgotten much of the Latin I once knew.

20. None of these electronic devices have ever been used.


英语代词练习题含答案 一、初中英语代词 1.I don't want to be ______________ else. I just want to be ______________. A. anybody; myself B. somebody; myself C. everybody; me D. anybody; me 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我不想成为任何其他人,我只想成为我自己。否定句用anybody,表示某人,根据我不想成为任何其他人,可知是做自己,主语是I故反身代词是myself,故选A。 【点评】考查代词,注意否定句用anybody表示某人的用法。 2.My grandparents still live in that old village the local government has decided to keep. A. which B. where C. when D. what 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我的祖父母们仍然住在那个当地政府已经决定了保留的旧村庄。通过分析句子成分可知,这是一个定语从句,先行词是old village指物,要用关系代词which来引导,故选A。 【点评】考查定语从句,注意选择正确的关系代词。 3.—Do you know where the last two pictures went? —A millionaire bought ____ of them. He thought they were worthwhile. A. either B. each C. none D. both 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道最后两张照片放哪儿了吗?——一个百万富翁买了他们。他认为他们是值得买的。either两者中的如何一个,each两个或多个中的每一个,none没有,多个的否定,both两者都,根据the last two pictures 可知指的是两者,用both,故答案为D。 【点评】考查不定代词的用法。注意区别这几个不定代词的用法。 4.Shanghai is a little larger than city in Japan. A. another B. other C. any D. any other 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:上海比日本的任何城市都稍大一些。another用于泛指三个以上的不定数目中的“另一个”,后面可接单数名词,也可省略后面的名词,用作代词;other别的/其他的,修饰单、复数名词;根据句意,AB两项不合语境,可排除。any任何的,用在肯定句中修饰单数名词或不可数名词;any other任何其他的。than any…表示“比所有……都……”,不排除被比较者(或主语)本身;than any other…表示“比所有其他的都……”,排除了被比较者(或主语)本身。根据实际情况,上海并不是日本的城市,可以和日本的任何一个城市相比,需用any,故选C。 【点评】考查不定代词辨析。弄清每个代词的使用规则,根据上下文的联系确定所使用的


代词指代例题: 1.The more you run at high altitudes, the more our bodies and lungs will acclimate to changing elevations. A.The more you run at high altitudes B.The more we run at high altitudes C.The more high altitudes run D.As the running at high altitudes increases E.As people run more at high altitudes 2. The study undertaken by the Department of the Interior will involve examination and tagging of the California condor in order to obtain information about their daily movements,foraging habits,and sites where they nest. A . their daily movements,foraging habits,and sites where they nest B. their daily movements,foraging habits,and their nesting sites

C. its daily movements,foraging habits,and nesting sites D. its daily movements,foraging habits,and about nesting sites E. daily movements, foraging habits,and sites in which there are nests 3. Although the bite of brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds, posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly,who are particularly vulnerable to its poison. A. brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds,posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to its B. brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds,posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to their C. the brown recluse spider is rarely fatal, it causes chronic flesh wounds,posing the


代词 aacd\abb\bdbc\bcccb\adbc\dbaccdbdad I. Choices ( ) 1. ( ) 2. Every winter Simon and______ get together to look at each other’s drawings. A. we B. our C. us D. ours ( ) 3. Students are usually interested in movies. Some like cartoons, ______ like science fiction. A. the others B. others C. the other D. other ¥ ( ) 4. It’s going to rain. Take ______ umbrella with _______. A. you, you B. your, your C. your, you D. you, your ( ) 5. Enjoy ______, Kate and Betty. A. yourself B. myself C. themselves D. yourselves ( ) 6. ---What’s in the fridge --- ______. A. Nothing B. None C. No D. No one ( ) 7. ( ) 8. Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of ______. & A. their B. theirs C. them D. themselves ( ) 9. Our teacher says dancing makes ______ beautiful inside and out. A. our B. us C. ourselves D. ours ( ) 10 ( ) 11. ______ danced together at the English party. A. I, you and he B. You, he and I C. He, you and I D. I, he and you 1)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为: 第二人称->第三人称->第一人称 ! 即:youandI;he/she/itandI;you,he/she/itandI 2)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为:


指示代词练习题 指示代词. 一.指示代词有this(这),that(那),these(这些),those(那些). 二.this和these指说话人较近的人或物,that和those指说话人较远的人或物. 三.this和these指单数,that和those表示复数 四.指示代词在句中作主语和定语,作定语时的作用和the相似. 例:This is a pencil. Those aredesk. (作主语) That pencil is long . These desksare new.(做定语)(放在主语前面做定语) 家教点窍:(背记) 一.指示代词主语很简单.作定语用尤其是将一般疑问句改成陈述句的肯定式须重点把握. 二.指示代词作定语时,常用冠词the来代替,所以两者不可同时用. 例:This book isnew.(√)(在主语前作定语) Thebook is new. (√)(在主语前作定语) This the book isnew.(×)(两者不能同时用,只可用其中一个) 典型例题. 1.那只狗. 2.这个男孩. . 3.那些学生. . 4.这些苹果.. 答案:1.that.dog. 2 this boy. 3 those students 4.these app les. 二,将下列各句改为肯定句. 1.Is this a redmarker? 2.Are those pinkpeachesfrom Shanghai? 3.Arethese pears big? 评析:第2.3小题的指示代词作名词定语,而不是主语.若改写成如下句子则错. Those are pink peaches fromShanghai. (×) Those are big pears./These are pears big. (×) 1.This is a red marker. 2. Those pink peaches are from Sh anghai. 2.These pears are big . 强化训练. 一.将下列句子改成肯定句. 1.Arethesebooksin theba g? . 2.Isthisnice ice cream?. 3.Arethos e big yellow bananasgood? . 4. Are those apples red? . 5.Is that anEnglish story book? .


代词中考练习一 1.-------where’s Mrs Li taking Polly and Mickey? --------She’s taking _________across the street. A.them B. us C. you D. it 2.Believe yourself. You’re better than_______ you’re the best. Wish you success! A. anyone else B. someone else C. else anyone 3.Reading can increase your words. When you read, you will find words repeats__________and build up your vocabulary quickly. A. ourselves B. itself C. themselves 4.look at the photo. The girl beside_______is Nancy. A. I B. my C. me D. mine 5.I tried several jackets on, but ________of them looked good. A. both B. either C. none D. neither 6.----Are you _______from America? -----No , none of us. A. both B. all C. any D. mine 7.I’m going skating. Would you like to go with ________? A. me B. I C. my D. mine 8.I’m hungry. I want ________to eat . A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing 9.________is too difficult if you put your effort into it. A. Anything B. Something C. Nothing D. Everything 10.His name is James but he calls _______Jim. A. his B. himself C. him D./ 11.----The story is so amazing ! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read. -----But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by__________. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody 12.Julie enjoys listening to music very much.She often says to me that _______is more interesting than music. A. nothing B. something C. everything 13.There are many tall buildings on ________sides of the street. A. either B. all C. both 14.---I saw Tony at the party. But he didn’t speak to me ________evening. ----Maybe he didn’t see you. A. all B. every C. either D. another 15.I have got many collectings of snow globes.you may take________one if you like. A. either B. one C. it D. none 16.----Who is singing in the next room? -----_________must be Marie A. It B. She C. This D. There 17.The machines made in China are cheaper than ________made in Japan. A. ones B. that C. those D. it 18.----Is the novel Journey to the west ________book? -----No, it’s Helen’s. I left________at home. A. your, my B. yours, mine C. you, it D. your, mine 19.----Why do you like the music that sounds not so exciting? -----The music reminds________of my boyhood.


英语代词专题训练答案 一、初中英语代词 1.— What would you like, meat or fish? —________________. I prefer chicken. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. Each 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你想要什么,肉还是鱼?——两者都不喜欢。我喜欢鸡肉。A:Either两者中的任何一个;B:Neither两者中的任何一个都不;C:Both两者都;D:Each任何一个(两者或两者以上)。根据上文, meat or fish和下文I prefer chicken.可知肉和鱼两者都不喜欢。故选B。 【点评】考查不定代词辨析。理解不定代词的词义和用法,根据语境,选择正确的不定代词。 2.—Does the pink toy piggy belong to __________? —No. __________ is a purple one. A. hers; Hers B. her; Hers C. her; Her 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——这只粉色的小猪玩具属于她吗?——不,她的是一只紫色的。A. hers; Hers名词性物主代词,名词性物主代词;B. her; Hers人称代词宾格,名词性物主代词;C. her; Her人称代词宾格,人称代词宾格。第一空作宾语,表示"某人",应该用人称代词;第二空作主语,表示"某人的某物",应该用名词性物主代词,故答案选B。 【点评】考查人称代词代词和名词性物主代词,注意识记人称代词代词和名词性物主的用法。 3.Shanghai is a little larger than city in Japan. A. another B. other C. any D. any other 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:上海比日本的任何城市都稍大一些。another用于泛指三个以上的不定数目中的“另一个”,后面可接单数名词,也可省略后面的名词,用作代词;other别的/其他的,修饰单、复数名词;根据句意,AB两项不合语境,可排除。any任何的,用在肯定句中修饰单数名词或不可数名词;any other任何其他的。than any…表示“比所有……都……”,不排除被比较者(或主语)本身;than any other…表示“比所有其他的都……”,排除了被比较者(或主语)本身。根据实际情况,上海并不是日本的城市,可以和日本的任何一个城市相比,需用any,故选C。 【点评】考查不定代词辨析。弄清每个代词的使用规则,根据上下文的联系确定所使用的代词。 4.—I'm sorry I made some mistakes in my exam. —It doesn't matter. ________ makes mistakes.


三﹑指示代词: (一)定义:是具有指示概念的代词,表示“这个,那个,”“这些,那些”以及it, such, same 等词叫做指示代词,指示代词在句中作主语, 宾语, 表语, 定语。 (二)指示代词分类 指示代词用法歌诀: this, these靠近我,that, those离我远。 this, that指单数,these, those不指单。 This is a book. These are cars. I am busy these days.我这些日子很忙。That is not a room. 那不是一间房间。Those are threes. 那些是树。 (三)指示代词的句型变化图 1.肯定句构成:(考选择题) (1)This (That)is+单数名词(a/an/the+名词单数【尾巴无s的名词】) (2)These (Those)are+复数名词【尾巴有s的名词】) 2.一般疑问句构成和回答: 一般疑问句很简单,be(is,are)提到主语(句子主人,位于句首)前 在初一中复数指示代词 3.否定句构成:(考句型转换题)否定句很简单,not加在be后面。 (1)This (That)is not (isn’t)+单数名词(a/an/the+名词单数【尾巴无s的名词】)(2)These (Those)are not(aren’t)+复数名词【尾巴有s的名词】) 注意: (1) this、these 指空间上离说话人较近的人或物,可以与here 连用;that、those 指 空间上离说话人较远的人或物,可以与there 连用。 (2) 打电话或其他场合,本人这一方用this 或these. 反之用that 或those。 (3) 在same 之前必须加冠词the 。(通常与the连用)“同一的,同样的” This is the same skirt that she was wearing a year ago. 这就是她一年前穿的那条裙子。 Those shirts are all the same size. His birthday and hers are the same. 指示代词的练习 1、对比出真知,你能说出下列两组句子的区别吗? 1)This is my friend. (复数句)


高考英语阅读理解---代词指代 1. Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations. It’s Jason Moran’s job to help change that. As the Kennedy Center’s artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture. What does the underlined word “that” refer to? A.Jazz becoming more accessible. B.The production of jazz growing faster. C.Jazz being less popular with the young. D.The jazz audience becoming larger. 2. There are many places to go on safari(观赏野生动物)in Africa,but riding a horse through the flooded waters of Botswana's Okavango Delta must rank as one of the world's most exciting wildlife journeys.Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure,providing unique rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta.The camps have excellent horses,professional guides and lots of support workers.They have a reputation for providing a great riding experience.What does the underlined word “They” refer to?___ A.Flooded waters B.Wildlife journey C.Safari camps D.Unique rides 3. When Masqsood and Iftekhar began to study the problem of all the uncollected rubbish that lay in Dhaka’s streets,Attracting tats and disease , they discovered that 80% of it was natural waste . So they educated the poor people in the city to compost (把……制成堆粪)this waste . They knew that they would have a market for the end product because local farmers were struggling with chemical ferntilisers (化肥) which were expensive and had reduced the natural minerals in the soil over the years . At first , they were refused ,but once they were able to


外研版英语【语法专项练习】代词专项练习 一、初中英语代词 1.— What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? — I think I'll buy her ______________. A. something special B. special something C. anything special D. special anything 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你打算送给你妈妈什么生日礼物?——我想我会给她买一些特别的东西。A、一些特别的东西,B、一些特别的东西,C、一些特别的东西,D、一些特别的东西,something,一些东西,复合不定代词,常用于肯定句,形容词修饰复合不定代词,形容词要放在复合不定代词的后面,故答案为A。 【点评】考查复合不定代词的用法,注意识记词与词之间的修饰关系和它们的位置。 2.Nowadays many people prefer to keep in touch with ______________ friends online. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:现在年轻人更喜欢在网上跟他们的朋友保持联系。A.他们,主格人称代词;B.他们,宾格人称代词;C.他们的,形容词性物主代词;D.他们的,名词性物主代词。空缺处需要定语修饰friends,因此使用形容词性物主代词,故答案是C。 【点评】考查代词辨析,注意形容词性物主代词可以作定语修饰名词。 3.We just hope that Tom will bring _______________ good news back home this time. A. a few B. some C. many D. little 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我们只希望汤姆这次能带些好消息回家。A 一些,其后跟可数名词复数;B 一些,后跟可数名词复数或不可数;C 一些,很多,后跟可数名词复数;D 几乎没有,其后跟不可数名词。根据题干中的hope,可知此句表示肯定意义,且news是不可数名词,故选B。 【点评】考查不定代词的辨析。注意熟记不定代词的基本含义及用法。 4.Help ________ to some juice, children. A. you B. yourselves C. me D. myself 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:孩子们,请随便喝点果汁。A.你,人称代词主格或宾格;B.你自己,你们自己,反身代词;C.我,人称代词宾格;D.我自己,反身代词; help oneself to sth. 随便吃/喝……,固定短语,所以此处需要反身代词,排除A和C;根据句意和句中children可知,此处是指让孩子们随便喝点果汁,应该用你们自己,故选B。 【点评】考查固定短语和代词辨析。注意固定短语help oneself to sth.的用法。 5.— It's very cold today.


第四讲:指示代词 一.指示代词:是表示指示概念的代词,即用来指示或标识人或事物的代词。 二.this和these指说话人较近的人或物,that和those指说话人较远的人或物。 三.this和that指单数,these和those指复数. 例题: 那只狗 that dog 这个苹果 this apple 这些学生 these students 那些尺子 those rulers 四.指示代词和定冠词the不可同时使用。 This book is new. ( √ ) The book is new. ( √ ) This the book is new. ( × ) 五. 指示代词由单数句变成复数句: 单数复数 指示代词 this hese that those 人称代词 I we you you he/she/it they be动词 am/is are 句型转换: 1. What is this? (复数) What are these? 2. That is a pen. ( 复数) Those are pens. 注意:单数句子转变为复数句子,指示代词,人称代词,系动词,可数名词都要变化为复数形式。 六.指示代词的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及回答: Is this/that a/an....? Yes,it is./No, it isn't. Are these/those....? Yes, they are./No, they aren't. What is this/that? It is a/an..... What are these/those? They are.... 指示代词练习题: 一、填空。 1. I like _____ pants. _______ pants are red.(这些)


【英语】代词训练题经典 一、初中英语代词 1.The old man is ill and he doesn't feel like ______________. A. to eat something B. to eat anything C. eating something D. eating anything 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:这位老人病了,他不想吃任何东西。feel like doing sth想要做某事,固定搭配,something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句和疑问句,这里是否定句,用anything,故答案为D。 【点评】考查固定搭配和不定代词。注意something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句和疑问句。 2.—I'm sorry I made some mistakes in my exam. —It doesn't matter. ________ makes mistakes. A. Somebody B. None C. Everybody D. Nobody 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——对不起,我在考试中犯了一些错。——没关系。每个人都会出错。Somebody某人,none没有人,everybody每个人,nobody没有人。根据It doesn't matter可知,对于考试犯错是没有关系的,因此表示每个人都会出错,故答案选C。 【点评】考查代词,everybody每个人。 3.Whenever you have trouble, you can ask your parents for help and don't keep ________ to yourself. A. them B. it C. its D. him 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:你无论何时有麻烦,都可以向父母求助,不要把它留给自己。them它们,it它,its它的,him他,此处代指前面的trouble用代词it,故选B。 【点评】考查物主代词,注意识记物主代词指代上文提到的事物这一用法。 4.Some exchange students will visit our school. _____________ will stay for a week. A. Them B. They C. Their D. Themselves 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:一些交换生要参观我们学校。他们要停留一周。A、他们,B、他们,C、他们的,D、他们自己,根据句子结构,可知缺少主语,再根据上文的some exchange students,是复数,可知要用they来指代,故选B。 【点评】考查人称代词,注意人称代词的用法。 5.We just hope that Tom will bring _______________ good news back home this time. A. a few B. some C. many D. little 【答案】 B

第二讲 sat 代词指代

代词指代 一.概述 代词指代的概念:在英语表达中,为避免用词重复和使句子简洁,经常使用一个代词指代前面出现过的名词(先行项)。 代词分为8类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词、关系代词和相互代词 1. 2. 指示代词:this, those, that, those, one, it 3. 疑问代词:what, who, whose, whom, which, whatever, whichever ,whoever, whomever 4. 不定代词:some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone),no(nothing,nobody,no one),every(everything,everybody,everyone),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,none,one,either,neither 5. 相互代词:each other,one another 6. 关系代词:关系代词用来引导定语从句。它代表先行词,同时在从句中作一定的句子成分。 二.记牢四点: 1、代词与其先行项保持“数”的一致:代词的单复数由其先行项决定,同单同复。 如:Some teenagers adore computer games , so others condemn it as an utter waste time. 2、代词与其先行项要保持“性”的一致:代词的“性别”由其先行项的“性别”决定,同男


代词专项练习题 一、单项选择代词 1.— How much salt did you put in the soup? 一 Oh, sorry! . I forgot. A.Little B.Nothing C.None D.Few 【答案】C 【解析】 考查不定代词。A. Little少许;B. Nothing无事,无物;C. None没有任何东西;D. Few很少。上句:你在汤里放了多少盐?下句:我忘了放盐。也就是一点也没有,故选C。 2.—Is your neighbor Mr. King a man with good manners? —Actually, he is ________ but polite. And nobody likes to talk to him. A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything 【答案】D 【解析】 本题考查短语辨析。nothing but 只不过,只有;anything but:根本不是.... 决不...,没有everything but;something but用法。句意:——你的邻居Mr. King是一个有礼貌的人吗?——事实上,他根本不礼貌,没人喜欢同他说话. 3.---- “Lady GaGa” is a real legend! ---- Absolutely. She is a big hit in the sales of her albums. In addition, _______ of the singers around the world can match her in unique taste in haircuts and clothes. A.nothing B.none C.nobody D.no one 【答案】B 【解析】 世界上所有的歌手在发型和穿着的独特品位上不能与她相比,none三者以上都不,nothing常回答what ,nobody no one常回答who。 4.Do you consider _____ any good doing many scientific experiments? A.there B.this C.it D.one 【答案】C 【解析】 it是形式宾语,代替doing;good是形容词,因此选C 5.--Do you know the 3G mobile phone will come into the market soon? --Really? It is said to be superior ____any other model. I can’t wait to buy ____. A.to ; one B.than; one C.to ; it D.than; it 【答案】A


中考专项训练代词专项练习(附答案) 一、初中英语代词 1.The old man is ill and he doesn't feel like ______________. A. to eat something B. to eat anything C. eating something D. eating anything 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:这位老人病了,他不想吃任何东西。feel like doing sth想要做某事,固定搭配,something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句和疑问句,这里是否定句,用anything,故答案为D。 【点评】考查固定搭配和不定代词。注意something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句和疑问句。 2.— What kind of books do you like? —I like the books are about powerful and successful people. A. that B. who C. whom D. whose 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你喜欢什么样的书?——我喜欢那些关于有权势和成功人士的书。A:that 没有词义,关系代词,作主语或宾语;B:who谁,作主语或宾语;C:whom谁,宾格,用在介词之后;D:whose谁的,作定语;由句子结构可知,是定语从句,先行词books,指物,在参加中作主语,要用关系代词that。故选A。 【点评】考查关系代词的辨析。理解关系代词的用法,根据句子结构,选择正确的关系代词。 3.— It's very cold today. — Yes, the weather is much colder than ________ in my hometown. A. that B. one C. it 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——今天非常冷。——是的,天气比我家乡的天气冷许多。根据句意可知是今天的天气和家乡的天气比较,weather天气,不可数名词,所以用that代指不可数名词,故选A。 【点评】考查代词辨析,注意平时识记比较时用that代指不可数名词。 4.Sometimes reading books can make others' experience become ________. A. we B. our C. ours D. our's 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:有时读书可以使别人的经验变成我们的。A.我们,人称代词主格;B.我们的,形容词性物主代词;C.我们的,名词性物主代词;D.形式错误。根据语境和空后没有名词可知,此处应该用名词性物主代词ours指代our experience,故选C。【点评】考查代词辨析。注意名词性物主代词的用法,分析语境,选出正确的词形。


代词 一:指示代词 1.指示代词有this , that , these , those , such , same. 2.指示代词的用法: (1).that 常用来代替前面出现的人.事. 物,以免重复.that代替可数名词和不可数名词;those可代替复数名词. 2.指示代词的用法: (1).that 常用来代替前面出现的人.事.物,以免重复.that代替可数名词和不可数名词;those可代替复数名词. (2). 在打电话时,英语中常用this代替自己,that代替对方.例如: A: May I speak to Mr. Zhang, please? B: This is Zhang Ming speaking. Who’s that. (3). Such表示“如此,这样的人或事”. I have never seen such an interesting film before. (4). Same 表示“ 同样的人和物”,前面必须加the.例如: They arrived there at the same time. Lucy and Lily are in the same class. They do the same thing everyday. 经典例析 1.The weather in Australia is quite different from ___ of Shijiazhuang. A. it B. that C. those D. ones 2. The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than __ made in America. A. ones B. those C. that D. it 3.Can you believe that in _____ a rich country there should be ____ many poor people ? A. such ; such B. such ; so C. so ; so D. so ; such 4. ---Hello! May I speak to Jim, please? --- Speaking. ___________? A. how are you B. Is that Mike C. are you Jim D. who are you 5. There are more people in Shanghai than in Tianjin. (同义句) The ____________ of shanghai is _______ than ______ of Tianjin. 6. This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.(同义句) I have _______ read _______ an interesting book before. 二:不定代词 1.不定代词主要有: each , every , both,all , either , neither , none , one , few , a few , little , a little, many , much, other , another , some , any , no 以及 some , any, no 和thing构成的合成词. 不定代词的用法 (1). Some , any , something , anything ① Some和something多用于肯定句中.当说话人期望得到对方的肯定回答或表示请求建议时,some , something可用于疑问句中,而不用any 和anything.
