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高中英语语法复习 必修二【by swasky】

高中英语语法复习  必修二【by swasky】
高中英语语法复习  必修二【by swasky】





引导定语从句的关系代词主要有who, whom, whose, which, that等。它们分别代替前面的先行词,并在定语从句中作主语、宾语或定语。



What was the name of the man who lent you the money

借钱给你的那人叫什么名字?(定语从句修饰先行词the man)

He who laughs lst laughs best.


The chairman of the meeting, who spoke first, sat on my right.

会议主席坐在我右边,他先发言。(定语从句修饰先行词the chairman)



There are some people (whomwho)we like and others (whomwho) we dislike.

有些人我们是喜欢的,有些人则是我们讨厌的。(定语从句分别修饰先行词people, others)

The people whomwho I work with are all friendly.

和我一起工作的人都很友好。(定语从句修饰先行词the people)

Mr Carter, whom I spoke to on the phone last night, is very interested in or plan.

昨晚我在电话里和卡特先生交谈过,他对我们的计划很感兴趣。(非限制性定语从句中不能用who代替whom)Two men, neither of whom I had ever seen before, came into my office.




There are some people whose faces you can nevr forget.


I saw some trees whose leaves were black because of the polluted air.




English is a language which is easy to learn.


This is a folk song which is now very popular.


The river which flows through London is the Thames.


The children like cookies (which) my wife makes.


2.which引导的非限制性定语从句可以修饰前面的整个主句,相当于and this。

Jim passedhis driving test, which surprised everybody.

吉姆通过了驾驶考试,这使大家都感到惊讶。(定语从句修饰的是整个主句,而不是the driving test)

Sheila couldn't come to the party, which was a pity.

希拉不能来参加聚会,真遗憾。(定语从句修饰的是整个主句,而不是the party)


John stayed here for a week, dring which time we visited the West Lake together.


It might snow this weekend, in which case we won't go to Beijing.



指人时,相当于who 或whom;指物时,相当于which。在定语从句中作主语或宾语(做宾语时常可省略)。He is the man that lives next door.

他就是住在隔壁的那个人。(定语从句修饰先行词the man,作主语)

I don't like stories that have unhappy endings.


The dress (that) Ann boughtdoesn't fit her very well.

安买的衣服不太合身。(定语从句修饰先行词the dress,that作宾语可省略)

Is there anything (that) I can do for you




We left the day (that) he arrived. 他来的那一天,我们就走了。(that替when)

He doesn't see things the way (that) we see them. 他看问题的方法和我们不一样。(that代替in which)

Imagine the speed (that) he drives his car! 很难想象,他开车的速度那么快!(that代替at which)


as 和but也可作关系代词,引导定语从句。



①在限制性定语从句中,as可跟在由suc, so, the same修饰的先行词之后。

Such men as heard him were deeply moved. 听过他说话的人,都会深受感动。(as在定语从句中作heard的主语)I've never heard such stories as he tells. 我从未听过像他讲的这样的故事。(as在定语从句中作tell的宾语)

He lifted so heavy a stone as no one else can lift. 他搬起别人都搬不起的大石头。(as在定语从句中lift的宾语)


在the same as结构中,as也可用that代替。但严格地说,the same a s强调相同,the same that注重同一。She wore the same dress as her younger sister wore.


She wore the same dress that she wore at Mary's wedding.



As everyone knows, Taiwan belongs to China.众所周知,台湾属于中国的领土。

He is from the outh, as we can know from his accent. 他是南方人,这一点我们从他的口音可以知道。



as is known to all 这是众所周知的

as has been said before 如前所说

as is often the case 情况常常如此

as may be imagined 这可以想象得出

as has been pointed out 正如已经指出的那样

as often happens 这种情况常常发生


but作关系词只能引导限制性定语从句,同具有否定意思的主句连用,相当于that not, who not或which not。There is not a single student in my class but would like to study more.

我班上没有一个学生不愿意多学一点的东西的。(but = who not )

There are very few but are against war 很少人不反对战争。(but = who not)



1. 介词+关系代词中介词的位置

关系代词whom, which在从句中作介词宾语时,可以跟介词一起放在从句与主句之间(that, who不可以),也可以把介词放在从句中有关动词的后面,使关系代词紧跟它所修饰的先行词。

He is a man of rich experience, from whom much canbe learned.

= He is a man of rich experience, whom much can be learned from. 他是个经验丰富的人,从他那儿可以学到很多。The school in which he once worked is a key school.

=The school (which that) he once worked in is a key school.他曾经工作过的学校是一所重点学校。

The manager in whosecompany I work pays much attention to improving our working conditions.

=The manager whose company I'm working in pays much attention to improving our working conditions.




This is the famous singerabout whom we have often talked.这就是那位我们经常谈论的著名歌唱家。

Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost. 很幸运,我们带了一张地图,如没有的话,我们就会迷路了。

②名词+of+ whichwhom

Please pass me the book the cover of which is blue. 请把那本蓝封面的书递给我。(也可用whose cover)

③数词+o+ whichwhom

She's got three lucky pens, two of which she never uses. 她有三只幸运笔,其中两只从未用过。

In our school there are about 200 teachers, thirty percent of whom are women. 我校大约有200位教师,其中百分之三十是女教师。

④代词+of+ whichwhom

In the basket I find many apples, some o which have gone bad.我发现篮子里有好些苹果,有些已经坏了。

There are fifty students in our class, most of whom are from big cities. 我们班有50个学生,其中大多数来自大城市。Norman won $50,000, half of which he gave to his parents. 诺曼赢得五万美元,他将其中一半给了他父母。

Tom tried on three shirt, none of which he was satisfied with. 汤姆试穿了三件衬衫,都不满意。

⑤最高级+of+ whichwhom

China has thousands of islands, the largest of which is Taiwan. 中国有数千个岛屿,其中最大的是台湾。


He usually returns home at ten, at which hour his father locks all the doors ad windows.


His wife got seriously ill, in which case he had to give up the chance of going abroad.





The two things of which they felt prud were Jim's watch and Della's hair.

他们引以为豪的两样东西是吉姆的手表和德拉的头发。(feel proud of是固定搭配词组)

In the dark street there was not a single person to whom she could turn for help.

在漆黑的街道上没有一个她可以求助的人。(turn to sb. for help是固定搭配词组)


I'll never forget the ay on which I first met him.

我永远忘不了我第一次遇见他的那一天。(the day前面一般用介词on)

Can you imagine a proper situation in which the expression can be used

你能设想一个使用这个词语的场合吗?(a situation前面一般用in)


Galileo made a telescope through which he could tudy the sky.

伽里略制作了一个望远镜,通过它他得以研究天空。(study the sky through the telescope)

Is that the house in which you once lived那就是你曾经住过的房子吗?(live in the house)


This is my pair of glasses, without which I cannot see clearly. 这是我的眼镜,离了它我什么也看不清。



I, who am your best friend, will do all that I can to help you.我是你的好朋友,我会尽我一切所能来帮你。

The family, who are fond of music, go to the concert once a month. 这家人很爱音乐,他们每月都去听一次音乐会。He is one of the boys in ourclass who speak English well.

他是班上英语说得很好的男生之一。(one of +复数名词+关系代词引导的定语从句谓语动词用复数形式)

He is the only one of the boys in our class who speaks English well.

他是班上唯一英语说得很好的男生。(the (only) one the very one the right one of +复数名词+关系代词引导的定语从句谓语动词用单数形式)


引导定语从句的关系副词有when, where或why等。when, where, why分别在定语从句中作状语,在意义上相当于介词+which结构,分别代替表示时间、地点或原因的先行词。



I still remember the day when I first came to this school.

我仍然记得我第一次来到这所学校的那一天。(when= on which)

He came at a time when we needed him most. 他是在我们最需要他的时候来的。(when= at which)

We will never forget the year 1949, when th People's Republic of China was founded.

我们永远忘不了1949年,那是中华人民共和国成立的一年。(when= in which)



I recently went back to the town where I was born. 我最近曾回过一次我出生的城市。(where = in which)

I would like to live in a country where there is plety of sunshine. 我想住在一个阳光充足的国家。(where = in which)

What's the name of the place where you spent your holiday 你度假的那个地方叫什么名字?(where = at which) C.why


Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. 请告诉我你误机的原因。(why = for which)

Te reason why he was punished is unknown to us. 他受惩罚的原因我们都不知道。

无论是关系代词,还是关系副词,都在定语从句中取代了先行词,因此,先行词在定语从句中不复出现。【误】This is the book that I borrowed it yesterday.

【正】This is the book that I borrowed yesterday.

这就是我昨天借的书。(that在定语从句中取代了先行词the book,作borowed的宾语,因此,要去掉it)【误】The English Corner is the place where people often go there to practise their spoken English.

【正】The English Corner is the place where people often go to practise their spoken English.

英语角是人们经常去练习英语口语的地方。(where在定语从句中取代了先行词the pace,作go的状语,因此,要去掉there)





This is the boy who broke the window.

这就是打破窗子的孩子。(the boy是先行词,who broke the indow是限制性定语从句,明确指出the boy是打破窗子的那个孩子)

I have a book which teaches English grammar.

我有一本讲解英语语法的书。(a book是先行词,which teaches English grammar是限制性定语从句,修饰the book)The people whom you met in the hall are from Japan.

你在大厅见到的那些人来自日本。(定语从句whom you met in the hall定先行词the people)



I, who am your friend, will share the work with you.

我是你的朋友,将与你分担这项工作。(I是先行词,who am your friend是非限制性定语从句,对先行词I起附加说明的作用)

New Concept English is intended for foeign students, which is known to us all.

新概念英语是专为外国学生编写的,这是我们大家都知道的。(which is known to us all是非限制性定语从句,对主句作进一步的补充说明)



The sun, which gives us light and heat, is a fixed star.


Last year I visted the People's Great Hall, where many important meetings are held every year.



Taiwan belongs to China, as everyone knows.


The weather was very terrible, which we hadn't expected.



Mr. Joe lives in Beijing now, which is quite a long way from here.乔先生现在住在北京,那里距离这儿很远。

I congratulate my neighbour, whose son has just won the election. 我祝贺我的邻居,他的儿子刚刚赢得选举。






His mother, who loves him very much, is strict with him. 他妈妈十分地爱他,对他要求很严格。

2.先行词是one, anyone, those时。

One who has nothing to fear for hiself dares to tell the truth. 一个无所畏惧的人敢说真话。

Anyone who breaks the law shall be published. 任何犯法的人都将受到惩罚。

Those who are against the plan put up your hands please. 凡是反对这项计划的人,请举手。

3.在therehere be开头的句子中。

Here is a boy who wants to see you.



Don't tell anyone about the secret who oughtn't to know.


I was the only person in my office who was invited.





The weather was very terrible, hich we hadn't expected. 天气非常糟糕,这我们没有料到。



He climbed up to the top of a large rock, from which he got a good view.

他爬到一块巨大的岩石顶上,从那里他看到很好的景色。(也可用from where)

Sound is a tool, by means of which people communcate with each other. 声音是工具,人们通过这个工具进行交流。They asked me a lot of questions, most of which I couldn't answer. 他们问了我许多问题,大部分我都不会回答。C.只用that


1.当先行词为everything, anything, nothing, all, none, few, little等词时,或当先行词被every, any, all,some, no, little, few, much等词修饰时。

Everything that they said was true. 他所说的一切都是真的。

He is dead and there's nothing that can be done. 他死了,再也没有什么办法了。

There was little that we could do to help her. 我们没有什么能帮助她的。

These walls are all that remain of the ancint city. 这些墙是这座古城所残存下来的全部。


something 后面可用which引导定语从句。

There is something(whichthat) I'd like to tell you. 有些事我想告诉你。


The first place (that) they visited in London was the Big Ben.


She was probably the hardest working student (that) I have ever taught.


3.当先行词被the very, the only修饰时。

This is the very grammar book (that) I want to buy.


Beauty is the only thing (that) Emily can be proud of.


4.当先行词为who或前面有who, which等疑问代词时。

Who that has common sense will believe uch nonsense


Who is the man that is standing by the gate


Which is the T-shirt that fits me most



1. 连接作用——连接先行词和定语从句。

I gave her all the money that I had. 我把我所有的钱都给了她。(that 连接先特词money和定语从句I had)

2. 替代作用——在定语从句中替代从句所修饰的先行词。

The man who lives nest door is a famous teacher. 住在隔壁的那个人是个名师。(who 替代the man)

3. 成分作用——在定语从句中作主语、宾语、定语或状语。

I like picrures which are painted in the traditional Chinese style. 我喜欢传统的中国画。(which在定语从句中作主语)


The driver and his car that fell into the river have not yet been discovered.


The boy and his dog that were believed to be lost in the wood were rescued this morning. 被认为在森林里迷路的孩子与狗,今天早上已经获救了。


She is no longer the sweet girl (that) she used to be.

Unit 2.~4被动语态(被动语态全复习)



1. 被动语态的基本时态变化

被动语态通常为十种时态的被动形式, 被动语态由be+过去分词构成,be随时态的变化而变化。以do为例,各种时态的被动语态形式为:

1) am/is/are +done (过去分词) 一般现在时

例Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 2) has /have been done 现在完成时

例All the preparations for the task have been completed, and we're ready to start.

3)am/is /are being done 现在进行时

例A new cinema is being built here.

4) was/were done 一般过去时

例I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.

5)had been done 过去完成时

例By the end of last year, another new gymnasium had been completed in Beijing.

6) was/were being done 过去进行时

例A meeting was being held when I was there.

7)shall/will be done 一般将来时

例Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes.

8)should/would be done 过去将来时

例The news would be sent to the soldier's mother as soon as it arrived.

9)shall/will have been done 将来完成时(少用)

例The project will have been completed before July.

10)should/would have been done 过去将来完成时(少用)

例He told me that his new clothes would have been made very soon.

2. 被动语态的特殊结构形式


例The baby should be taken good care of by the baby-sitter.

2) 有些动词可以有两个宾语,在用于被动结构时,可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语,另一宾语仍然保留在谓语后面。通常变为主语的是间接宾语。

例His mother gave him a present for his birthday. 可改为He was given a present by his mother for his birthday.

3) 当“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”结构变为被动语态时,将宾语变为被动结构中的主语,其余不动。

例Someone caught the boy smoking a cigarette. 可改为The boy was caught smoking a cigarette.

4)在使役动词have, make, get以及感官动词see, watch, notice, hear, feel, observe等后面不定式作宾语补语时,在主动结构中不定式to要省略,但变为被动结构时,要加to。

例Someone saw a stranger walk into the building. 可改为A stranger was seen to walk into the building.

5) 有些相当于及物动词的动词词组,如“动词+介词”,“动词+副词”等,也可以用于被动结构,但要把它们看作一个整体,不能分开。其中的介词或副词也不能省略。

例The meeting is to be put off till Friday.

3. 非谓语动词的被动语态

v.+ing 形式及不定式to do 也有被动语态(一般时态和完成时态) 。

例I don't like being laughed at in the public.



1. 讲话者不知道动作的执行者或不必说出动作的执行者(这时可省by 短语)。

例My bike was stolen last night.

2. 借助被动的动作突出动作的执行者。

例I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should accept the offer.

3. 为了更好地安排句子。

例The well-known person got on the bus and was immediately recognized by people. (一个主语就够了)三、It is said that+从句及其他类似句型

一些表示“据说”或“相信”的动词如believe, consider, expect, report, say, suppose, think等可以用于句型“It +be+过去分词+that从句”或“主语+be+过去分词+to do sth.”。有:

It is said that… 据说,It is reported that…据报道,I t is believed that…大家相信,I t is hoped that…大家希望,It is well known that…众所周知,It is thought that…大家认为,It is suggested that…据建议。

例It is said that the boy has passed the national exam. (=The boy is said to have passed the national exam. )



例This kind of cloth washes well.


试比较:The door won't lock.(指门本身有毛病)

The door won't be locked.(指不会有人来锁门, 指“门没有锁”是人的原因)

2. 表示“发生、进行”的不及物动词和短语,如:happen, last, take place, break out, come out, come about, come true, run out, give out, turn out等以主动形式表示被动意义。

例How do the newspapers come out? 这些报纸是如何引出来的呢?

3. 系动词没有被动形式, 但有些表示感受、感官的连系动词feel, sound, taste, book, feel等在主系表结构中常以主动形式表示被动意义。

例Your reason sounds reasonable.



1.在need,want,require, bear等词的后面,动名词用主动形式表示被动意义,其含义相当于动词不定式的被动形式。

例The house needs repairing(to be repaired).这房子需要修理。


例The picture-book is well worth reading.(=The picture-book is very worthy to be read.)

3. 动词不定式在名词后面作定语,不定式和名词之间有动宾关系时,又和句中另一名词或代词构成主谓关系, 不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。

例I have a lot of things to do this afternoon.(to do与things是动宾关系,与I是主谓关系。)

试比较:I’ll go to the post office. Do you have a letter to be posted? ( 此处用不定式的被动语态作定语表明you不是post动作的执行者。)

4. 在某些“形容词+不定式”做表语或宾语补足语的结构中,句子的主语或宾语又是动词不定式的逻辑宾语时,这时常用不定式的主动形式表达被动意义。这些形容词有nice,easy,fit,hard,difficult,important,impossible,pleasant,interesting等。

例This problem is difficult to work out .(可看作to work out省略了for me).

5.在too… to…结构中,不定式前面可加逻辑主语,所以应用主动形式表示被动意义。

例This book is too expensive (for me) to buy.

6. 在there be…句型中,当动词不定式修饰名词作定语时,不定式用主动式作定语,重点在人,用被动形式作定语,重点在物。

例There is no time to lose(to be lost).(用 to lose可看成for us to lose;用to be lost,谁lost time不明确。)

7. 在be to do结构中的一些不定式通常应用主动表主动, 被动表被动。然而,由于古英语的影响,下列动词rent,blame,let等仍用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。

例Who is to blame for starting the fire?

六、介词in, on, under等+名词构成介词短语表被动意义


1. “under +名词”结构,表示“某事在进行中”。常见的有:under control(受控制), under treatment(在治疗中), under repair(在修理中), under discussion(在讨论中), under construction(在施工中)。

例The building is under construction( is being constructed).

2.“beyond+名词”结构,“出乎……胜过……、范围、限度”。常见的有:beyond belief (令人难以置信),beyond one’s reach(鞭长莫及),beyond one’s control(无法控制),beyond our hope.我们的成功始料不及。

例The rumour is beyond belief(=can’t be believed).

3.“above+名词”结构, 表示“(品质、行为、能力等) 超过……、高于……”。

例His honest character is above all praise.=His honest character cannot be praised enough.4.“for+名

词”结构,表示“适于……、为着……”。如:for sale(出售), for rent(出租)等。

例That house is for sale. (= That house is to be sold).

5.“in+名词”结构,表示“在……过程中或范围内”常见的有:in print(在印刷中),in sight(在视野范围内),等。

例The book is not yet in print.(=is not yet printed)

6.“on+名词”结构, 表示“在从事…… 中”。常见的有:on sale(出售),on show(展出), on trial(受审)。

例Today some treasures are on show in the museum (= are being showed).

7.“out of+名词”结构;表示“超出…… 之外“,常见的有:out of control (控制不了),out of sight (超出视线之外),out of one’s reach(够不着), out of fashion(不流行)等。

例The plane was out of control (can’t be controlled).。


例He took two days off within the teacher's permission.




例The glass is broken.(系表结构)

The glass was broken by the boy.(被动语态)


例The door is locked.(系表结构)

The door hasalready/just been locked.(被动语态)


例The machine is being repaired.



1). In some parts of the world, tea ___ with milk and sugar. (NMET1993)

A. is serving

B. is served

C. serves

D. served

解析 B 因为serve是及物动词,其动作承受者tea作主语,表示经常发生的情况,故用一般现在时的被动语态。

2). This is Ted’s phone. We miss him a lot. He ___ trying to save a child in the earthquake.(NMET2002)

A. killed

B. is killed

C. was killed

D. was killing

解析 C Ted是kill的承受者,用被动语态,且Ted救人发生在过去,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。

3). ---- Have you moved into the new house?

---- Not yet, the rooms _____. (NMET1991) A. are being painted B. are painting

C. are painted

D. are being painting

解析 A “house”和“paint”应该是被动的关系,排除B,D。后者未搬进新居的原因是房子正在油漆,所以要用现在进行时的被动语态。不能用一般现在时表示习惯性动作,排除C。

4). When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ___ yet. (上海春2003)

A. are not decided

B. have not been decided

C. is not being decided

D. has not been decided

解析 D decide是及物动词,动作的发出者通常是人,句中的主语是动作的承受者,所以decide要用被动语态。从题干的语境和关键词yet,可判断用现在完成时,不定式做主语用单数,故用现在完成时的被动语态。

5). The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four-fifths of the tickets ___.(上海春2001)

A. was booked

B. had been booked

C. were booked

D. have been booked

解析 B 句中tickets是book(订票)的承受者,主谓为被动关系,又因票已被订出应发生在entered the office 这个过去动作之前,所以要用过去完成时的被动语态。


当非谓语动词的逻辑主语为动作的承受者时, 须用被动式。弄清非谓语动词与其逻辑主语之间的执行与承受关系是掌握非谓语动词语态的关键。

1). Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ___ whether they will enjoy it. (NMET2002)

A. to see

B. to be seen

C. seeing

D. seen

解析 B 根据题意,那对老夫妇是否到国外旅行是将来的动作,应使用不定式,故排除掉C、D两项;又因remains的逻辑主语it是动词see说表示动作的承受者,即“到国外旅行”这件事,这件事有待于“被决定”,应使用动词不定式的被动形式。

2). While shopping, people sometimes can’t help ___ into buying something they don’t really need. (上海1996)

A. to persuaded

B. persuading

C. being persuaded

D. be persuaded

解析 C can’t help doing “禁不住做某事”,排除A和D;顾客应是“被劝说”购物的,要用动名词的被动语态。

3). I feel it is your husband who ___ for the spoiled child. (上海2002)

A. is to blame

B. is going to blame

C. is to be blamed

D. should blame

解析 A feel的宾语从句为强调句型,在be to do结构中,在某些场合可用不定式的主动语态表示被动语态,如to blame, to let等。


高一英语语法填空专题练习 (10篇) (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 一 once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: “The night 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.” Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money. 二· Crying marriage? 31 (surprise), isn’t it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, and 32 (remain) in fashion 33 the end of the Qing Dynasty. Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people, who view it as a 34 (necessary) to marriage procedure. It is very much 35 same in different places of the province. According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding. 36 , the bride’s neighbors would look down upon 37 as a poorly cultivated girl and she would become the laughingstock of the village. In fact, there were cases 38 which the bride was beaten by her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony. In a word, crying at wedding is a 39 by custom to set off the happiness of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words. However, in the 40 (arrange) marriages of the old days of China, there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life. 三 In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are neccessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear ______31________spoken.. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. _____32_______ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success _____33_______ language learning. _____34________ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _____35________(memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and ______36_________meaning, studying the dictionary


高中英语语法易错题专题复习练习 1. My uncle bought me ___ MP4 as my birthday present yesterday. A. an B. a C. the D. / 【答案】A 【解析】此题题意为“叔叔昨天给我买了一个MP4 作为生日礼物”,故答案在A 和B 中选择,MP4 的首字母M 发音为元音,和首字母M 是辅音没有关系,故答案为A。 2. We decided to buy the flat because there was ____ underground station within walking distance and we could both take ___ underground to work. A. a, an B. an, an C. the, \ D. an, the 【答案】D 【解析】此题第一个空根据句意判断有一个地铁站,又根据underground 的发音 判断首字母发元音,故答案为an;第二个空考查乘地铁的两种说法by underground & take an underground,但是此处考查的是特指乘公寓附近的这个地铁去上班, 故要填the,综合两空答案为D 3. Gold is similar __ color ___ brass(黄铜).

A. in, with B. in, to C. of, with D. of, to 【答案】B 【解析】此题考查similar 的搭配, A be similar to B ,相似于 A be the same with B,有一定混淆性,另外表达在某方面相似,搭配介词in,故答案为B。 4. What a dangerous scene! A car has missed the boy playing on the roadside __ only an inch. A. within B. for C. by D. at 【答案】C 【解析】本题题意为“一辆车差一点撞到那个在路边玩耍的男孩”,容易误导学生错选 A ,表示在一英寸以内,而真实意思是差一英尺,在英语中表示增长、降低、或者差距的正确表达是by+数字,故答案为C。 5. The girl has some balloons in her hand. One is red, ___ are yellow. A. others B. another C. the other D. the rest 【答案】D 【解析】此题题意为“那个女孩手上有一些气球,一个是红色的,其余的是黄色


高中英语语法大全之形容词和副词 形容词及其用法 形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。 1)直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot 热的。 2)叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid 害怕的。 (错)He is an ill man. (对)The man is ill. (错)She is an afraid girl. (对)The girl is afraid. 这类词还有:well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake 等。 3)形容词作定语修饰名词时,要放在名词的前边。但是如果形容词修饰以-thing为字尾的词语时,要放在这些词之后,例如: something nice 以-ly结尾的形容词 1)大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词。但friendly,deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively,ugly,brotherly,仍为形容词。 改错:(错)She sang lovely. (错)He spoke to me very friendly. (对)Her singing was lovely. (对)He spoke to me in a very friendly way. 2)有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词。 daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early The Times is a daily paper. The Times is published daily. 用形容词表示类别和整体 1)某些形容词加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与谓语动词的复数连接。如:the dead,the living,the rich,the poor,the blind,the hungry The poor are losing hope. 2)有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体,与动词的复数连用。 the British,the English,the French,the Chinese. The English have wonderful sense of humor. 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别--名词 a small round table a tall gray building


高一英语语法填空专项练习 (一) 第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) Do you ever wonder why you yawn? Why do you open your mouth wide and take a deep breath? Well, a scientist at the University of Maryland is searching for the answer. Professor Robert Provine has been studying yawning for the past two years. But he says he still does not know 31 people yawn. In fact, no one seems to know much about it. Professor Provine’s students have helped him find out more about yawning. They agreed to 32 (watch) while sitting alone in small rooms. In the rooms, they watched television programs, or pictures of people yawning. Or they just sat and 33 (think) about yawning. Students also kept records of when they yawned throughout the day. The professor says he has learned 34 number of things from these experiments. He says yawning seems linked in some way to sleeping. His students yawned most just before sleeping or 35 waking from sleep. He also found that people yawn much when they are __36 (bore ) or not interested in what they are doing. Now, Professor Provine is planning future experiments to help him find the purpose of yawning. He said there is some evidence 37 yawning is linked to 38 (excite). Yawning is common among runners 39 (wait) to begin a race. It is also common among people waiting to make a speech. Professor Provine says he is most interested in learning why seeing someone yawn makes others yawn as well. He says almost anything connected with yawning can make people yawn. As a matter of fact, I found 40 yawning a lot as I prepared this report. I wonder if hearing it can make you yawn. If it does, excuse me, if you did yawn, write and tell me. 答案:31.why 32.be watched 33.thought 34.a 35.after 36. bored 37.that 38.excitement 39.waiting 40.myself (二) 第二节语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分) Traditional Chinese culture places much emphasis(重视)on food. Considered to be an important part of each day, __31 __(eat) is far beyond simply meeting a need. However, people are living in fast-paced society now, so they hardly have time to enjoy their food. They need fast food. That is _32_ China’s fast-food market expands. A foreign fast-food restaurant __33__(call)KFC arrived in China first, quickly followed by _34_ such as Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. __35__ the development of China, foreign fast-food chains are realizing high-speed __36__ (grow) in China. However, these “junk foods”have long been criticized by health experts because __37__ can’t provide balanced nutrition(营养). The experts also show that some foreign fast food contains a food colouring, Sudan I , __38___can cause cancer. In fact, China has many of its own traditional fast-food dishes. Among them, dumplings, soybean milk and noodles are __39__ most popular. Compared with foreign fast food, those traditional ones are healthier. __40__ many Chinese still enjoy the special taste and the good environment in the foreign fast-food chains even though there exist some potential(潜在的)risks. 第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或


一、基础练习 1、There are only twelve ______in the hospital.. A. woman doctors B.women doctors C.women doctor D.woman doctor 2、Mr Smith has two _______, both of whom are teachers in a school.. A.brothers-in-law B.brother-in-laws C.brothers-in-laws D.brothers-in law 3、——How many ______ does a cow have——Four. A.stomaches B.stomach C.stomachs D.stomachies 4、Some______visited our school last Wednesday.. A.German B.Germen C.Germans D.Germens 5、The_______ of the building are covered with lots of . A.roofs; leaves B.rooves; leafs C.roof; leaf D.roofs; leafs 6、When the farmer returned home he found three_______ missing.. A.sheeps B.sheepes C.sheep D.sheepies 7、That was a fifty_______ engine.. A.horse power B.horses power C.horse powers D.horses powers 8、My father often gives me ______ A.many advice B.much advice C.a lot of advices D.a few advice 9、Mary broke a ______while she was washing up. A.tea cup B.a cup of tea C.tea’s cup D.cup teas 10、Can you give us some ______ about the writer?. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f919110188.html,rmations https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f919110188.html,rmation C.piece of informations D.pieces information 11、I had a cup of _____and two pieces of_____ this morning. A.teas; bread B.teas; breads C.tea; breads D.tea; bread 12、As is known to us all, ______ travels much faster than ______. A.lights; sounds B.light; sound C.sound; light D.sounds; lights 13、She told him of all her ___ and ____ A.hope; fear B.hopes; fear C.hopes; fears D.hope; fears 14、The rising _____have(has) a lot of ____to the crops. A.water; harm B.water; harms C.waters; harm D.waters; harms 15、How far away is it from here to your school?”----About ______ . A.half an hour”s driv e B.half hours drives C.half an hour drives D.half an hour drive 16、The shirt isn”t mine. It”s _____ . A.Mrs Smith B.Mrs” Smith C.Mrs Smiths’ D.Mrs Smith”s 17、Miss Johnson is a friend of _______. A.Mary’s mother B.Mary’s mothers’ C.Mary mother’s D.Mary’s mother’s 18、Last week I called at my _____Last week I called at my _____. A.aunt B.aunts C.aunt’s D.auntes’ 19、The beach is a ______throw. A.stone B.stones C.stones’ D.stone’s 20、I can hardly imagine ____sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.


按:本套资料省去了名词、代词、形容词等部分,保留了最最核心的句型和动词。希望能有所帮助。 第一章名词性从句 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句。名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 一.主语从句 主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it代替,而本身放在句子末尾。 1. It作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较 It作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句的连接词没有变化。而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调的是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人时也可用who/whom。例如: a) It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film. 你不去看那场电影真可惜。 - b) It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not.我对你成功与否不感兴趣。 c) It is in the morning that the murder took place.谋杀案是在早上发生的。(强调句型) d) It is John that broke the window.是John打碎的窗户。(强调句型) 2. 用it作形式主语的结构 (1) It is +名词+从句 It is a fact that …; It is an honor that…; It is common knowledge that… (2) It is +形容词+从句 It is natural that…It is strange that… . (3) It is +不及物动词+从句 It seems that…It happened that…It appears that… (4) It +过去分词+从句 It is reported that…It has been proved that…It is said that… 3. 主语从句不可位于句首的五种情况: (1)if引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首。 (2)It is said /reported…结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: 正确表达:It is said that President Jiang will visit our school next week. ( 错误表达:That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said. (3)It happens/occurs…结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: 正确表达:It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. 错误表达:That he failed in the examination occurred to him. (4)It doesn’t matter how/whether …结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: 正确表达:It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not. 错误表达:Whether he is wrong or not doesn’t matter. (5)含主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不可提前。例如: ; 正确表达:Is it likely that it will rain in the evening 错误表达:Is that will rain in the evening likely 4. what 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别 what 引导主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语.宾语.表语,而that 则不然。例如:

高中英语语法练习题及参考 答案

3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境! 优尼全能英语:高中英语语法练习题及参 考答案 1. My son got up late this morning. He only had _______ for breakfast. A. two bread B. two slice of bread C. two slices of bread D. two slices of breads 2. _______ room is big and bright. They like it very much. A. Tom and Sam

B. Tom’s and Sam C. Tom and Sam’s D. Tom’s and Sam’s 3. —Do you know how many ___a horse has and how many _____ a bee has? —Of course I know. A. teeth; feet B. tooth; foot C. foot; teeth D. teeth; foot 4. __________ woman in a purple skirt is Betty’s mother. A. The B. A C. An D. / 5. Now telephones are very popular and they are much ______ than before.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheaper 6. —Hi, Tom. Is your brother as active as you? —No, he’s a quiet boy. He is _________. A. less outgoing than me B. not so calm as C. more active than I D. as outgoing as I 7. English ____ in many countries, but Chinese ____ their own language.


《高中英语语法大全》(word下载版) 本文件内容丰富,讲解详细,层次分明,重点突出,包括高中英语中非常详尽的知识点、易错点、易混点、常考点等,是高中学生和老师非常实用而而且管用语法大全。适合不同层次的高中学生使用。 《高中英语语法大全》第01章名词 一、概说 名词是表示人、事物、抽象概念等名称的词,如boy 男孩,mother 母亲,news 消息,progress 进步,computer 计算机,Tom 汤姆,Paris 巴黎,Japan 日本,furniture 家具,等。 名词根据其词汇意义,通常分为专有名词和普通名词。专有名词主要指人、地方、组织、机构等的专有的名称,专有名词的第一个字母通常大写,如Mary 玛丽,Mr Green 格林先生,Beijing 北京,等;普通名词通常指人、物、概念等的一般名称。根据普通名词的语法性质,它又可以细为个体名词、物质名词、集合名词和抽象名词四类:个体名词表示人或物的个体,如girl 女孩,pen 钢笔,等;物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物,如wood 木头,meat 肉,等;集合名词表示若干个体组成的集合体,如:family 家庭,crowd 人群,等;抽象名词表示性质、行为、状态、感情等抽象概念,如work 工作,happiness 幸福,等。 二、名词的数 1.名词复数的构成方法 (1)在一般情况下,加词尾 -s: book / books 书 pen / pens 钢笔 face / faces 脸 (2)以 s, x, z, sh, ch 等结尾的名词,通常加词尾 -es: bus / buses 公共汽车 box / boxes 盒子 dish / dishes 盘子 注:有些以 ch 结尾的名词,由于其发音不是 [k] 而是 [tf],那么其复数形式应加词尾–s,如stomach / stomachs 胃。 (3)以y 结尾的名词,其复数构成要分两种情况:以―辅音字母+y‖结尾的名词,将 y 改为 ies;以―元音字母+y‖结尾的名词,直接加词尾s: city / cities 城市 boy / boys 男孩 key / keys 钥匙


高中英语语法练习题-高考精粹(带解析答案)1. Ms Nancy didn't mind at all ______ to the ceremony. A. being not invited B. not being invited C. not inviting D. not to be invited 2. "_____ your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations. A. How a great success B. What a great success C. How great success D. What great success 3. We must remember that _____fashion is not the most important thing in _______ life. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the 4. It _____ quite a few years _____ the accused was declared innocent and set free. A. was; since B. is; that C. will be; when D. was; before 5. The professor said he could talk on _____ interested the audience. A. any topic B. which topic C. whichever topic D. the topic he thought it no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents. A. children are allowed B. are children allowed C.


语法填空专题训练 预热题 第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can get rid of them correctly and wisely. 1 , some of us are upset 2 their body styles and looks. It’s unnecessary and it’s not important at all. We needn’t care about it. It is one’s inner beauty 3 matters. Second, we sometimes seem to be misunderstood 4 our teachers, parents and classmates. 5 (face) with this, we can find a proper time to have a heart-to-heart talk with them, trying to remove the 6 (understand). Some of us have fewer friends. I think being open-minded and friendly will do you good. Third, we may fall behind others, 7 makes us stressed. Actually we can encourage 8 to work efficiently, full of 9 (determine). At last, some of us don’t have much pocket money, so they feel unhappy. Isn’t it strange? So long as we have some, that’s enough. And we can learn 10 to spend money 【文章综述】本文讲述高中生成长中有很多的烦恼,我们应该用正确的方式来处理。 【答案解析】 1.First与第三行的Second形成呼应,都表示列举 2.about 考察固定搭配be upset about…对…感到难过,失望;很多人对于自己的体型和外貌感到难过。 3.that本句是一个强调句型It is…that/who…;本句强调的是主语one’s inner beauty,句意:重要的是我们的内在美。 4.by本句话考查被动语态。Be misunderstood by 被。。误解。 5.Faced 本句中的faced是动词face的过去分词转换的形容词,构成be faced with…面对着…;在句中使用形容词来说明后面主句转换主语的情况。 6.misunderstanding考查名词。句意:我们找合适的时间来与父母面对面交谈,来消除误解。 7.which 本句是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代前面一句话的内容在句中做主语。 8.ourselves 本句中使用反身代词ourselves表示强调。我们经常鼓励自己高效工作。 9.determination 本句中介词of后面要接名词作宾语,故使用determine的名词determination。 10. how 本句考察的“特殊疑问词+不定式”在句中做宾语的用法,在本句中how to spend money作为动词learn的宾语。


高中英语语法专题复习教案大全(15个教案) 语法复习专题一——名词 一、考点聚焦 1.可数名词单、复数变化形式 (1)规则变化。 ①单数名词词尾直接加-s。如:boy —boys, pen —pens。 ②以s、x 、ch 、sh结尾的单词一般加-es。如:glass —glasses,box—boxes, watch —watches, brush —brushes。 特例:stomach —stomachs。 ③以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的变“y”为“i”再加“-es”。如: baby —babies, lady —ladies, fly —flies。 ④以“o”结尾的多数加-es。如:tomato —tomatoes, potato —potatoes, hero —heroes。但以两个元音字母结尾的名词和部分外来词中以o结尾的词只加-s。如:radio —radios, zoo —zoos, photo —photos, piano —pianos, kilo —kilos, tobacco —tobaccos。 ⑤以“f”或“fe”结尾的名词复数形式变“f”或“fe”为“v”,之后再加-es。如:wife —wives, life —lives, knife —knives, wolf—wolves, self —selves, leaf —leaves等。特例:handkerchief—handkerchiefs, roof —roofs, chief —chiefs, gulf —gulfs, belief —beliefs, cliff —cliffs。 ⑥改变元音字母的。如:man —men, mouse —mice, foot —feet, woman —women, tooth —teeth, goose —geese, ox —oxen。特例:child —children。 ⑦复合名词的复数形式。(A)在复合词中最后名词尾加-s。如:armchair —armchairs, bookcase —bookcases, bookstore —bookstores。(B)man和woman作定语修饰另一个名词时,前后两个名词都要变成复数。如:man doctor —men doctors, woman driver —women drivers。(C)与介词或副词一起构成的复合名词应在主体名词部分加-s。如:brother-in-law —brothers-in-law, passer-by —passers-by。 ⑧有的名词有两种复数形式。如:zero —zeros 、zeroes, deer — deers 、deer。penny的两种复数形式含义有所不同。如:pence(便士的钱数),pennies(便


高一英语知识点 重点词组:1. hunt for = look for寻找 I have found the book I was hunting for.我找到了那本我在找的书。 hunt for a job 找工作 2. fond of “喜爱,爱好”接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。例如: He’s fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。 Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗? He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。 3. care about 1) 喜欢,对……有兴趣= care for She doesn’t care about money.她不喜欢钱。 2)关心= care for She thinks only of herself. She doesn’t care about other people. 她只考虑自己。她不关心别人。 3)在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分) These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老人说的话。 4. in order to, so as to 这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to可放于句首, so as to 则不能, 其否定形式为in order not to / so as not to. 如: He went to Beijing in order / so as to attend an important meeting. In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。 5. drop * a line 留下便条, 写封短信 6. such as 意为“诸如……”,“像……”,是用来列举人或事物的。 She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry.她教三门科目,像物理、化学。 7、make yourself at home 别客气;随便;无拘束 (1)If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home. 如果你在我之前到我家,自己喝点饮料,随便一点。 8、come about 引起;发生;产生 (1)How did the accident come about?这场事故是怎么发生的? (2)They didn't know how the change had come about.他们不知道这个变化是怎样产生的。 9、stay up 不睡;熬夜 (1)I'll be late home, don't stay up for me.我将回家很晚,不要等我了。 (2)He stayed up reading until 2:00 in the morning.他熬夜看书直到凌晨两点。 10、end up with 以……告终;以……结束 (1)The party ended up with an English song.聚会以一首英文歌结束。 11、except for 除……之外 (1)except 与except for 的用法常有区别。except 多用于引起同类事物中被排除的一项。如:①He answered all the questions except the last one.除去最后一个,他回答了所有问题。 ②We go there every day except Sunday.除了星期天,我们天天去那里。 (2)except for 用于引述细节以修正句子的主要意思。如: ①Except for one old lady, the bus was empty.除去一个老太太,这辆公共汽车全空了。 ②Your picture is good except for the colours.你的画儿很好,只是某些色彩有问题。 (3)但在现代英语中,except for也用于表示except的意思。如上述第一个例子可以是:

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