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员工手册Employee Manual

目录Table of contents

第一章总则Chapter 1 General

第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation

第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation

第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation

第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation

第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management

第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation

第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation


Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage 第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation

第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation


第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定。Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company’s personnel management.

第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理。Article2 Staff recruitment, attendance, Leave & Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations.

第三条本公司各级员工,均应遵守本规则各项规定。Article3 Company employees at all levels shall comply with these regulations.

考勤管理规定Work Attendance Regulation

第一条作息时间Article1 work and rest time

一、公司实行八小时工作制,标准工作日为一周五天,周一至周五,周六、周日为公休日。First, the company adopts eight-hour day working system. The standard workday is 5 days per week. The working days are from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are public holidays.

二、工作时间为上午8:30至12:00,下午13:30至18:00。Second, working hours are from 8:30 am to 12 am in the morning and are from 1:30 pm to 6 pm in the afternoon.

三、法定假日依国家规定,按公司具体办法执行Third, statutory holidays will be in accordance with state regulations and be executed as per company’s specific measures.

第二条考勤制度Article2 Attendance system

公司实行上下班考勤制度。员工必须准时上下班。员工在上午8:30之后到达本公司为迟到,下午18:00之前擅自离开本公司为早退。因公外出时,应经部门主管批准并登记后方可离开。The company implements “Punch in/out” attendance system. Staff must clock in and out timely. An employee who arrives at the company after 8:30 am in the morning is deemed as lateness and an employee who leaves the company before 6 pm is considered as tardy. An employee who needs to go out for business affairs shall register and be approved by his/her department supervisor before leaving.

行政人事部每月1日至3日统计上月的考勤情况,各部门须在每月2日前将部门考勤确认情况上报行政人事部,同时附上请假条和加班表。员工可在每月2日前查阅本人考勤情况。Each month, from 1st to 3rd, the administrative and human resources department shall do the last month’s attendance statistics. Each department shall report the confirmed info of its department attendance to the administrative and human resources department before 2nd, with written request for leave and overtime tables together. Employees can check their own monthly attendance before 2nd.

配置有考勤系统的公司的所有员工,每天上下班时都必须亲自打卡并接受监督。考勤卡只能本人使用,任何人不得代为打卡。代打卡行为属于严重违反公司劳动纪律,代打卡者及委托代打卡者将被扣除当月奖金或工资200元,委托代打卡者计旷工一天,并根据情节轻重给予通报批评及至解聘的处分。All employees who are equipped with attendance system must personally punch and accept supervision. The timecard can be only used by the cardholder himself/herself. Being behalf of others to punch is not allowed and is deemed as serious violations of company’s labor discipline. The entrusted employee and the requester will both be deducted that month’s bonuses or 200RMB from that month’s wages. Besides, the requester will be deemed as 1-day absenteeism and be given notice of criticism or even dismissal as per the seriousness.


Employees should keep timecards properly. Compensation for loss or damage of timecard will be 20RMB for card replacement.

每月忘打卡3次(不含)以上的,每次扣20元(不分职务);商务代表外出时须在公司内部进行登记。An employee who forgets to punch for more than 3 times (excluding)

will be deducted 20RMB per time (regardless of position); Business representatives must register before going out.

员工早晨到岗忘带卡时,必须在前台处进行考勤登记,本人和前台人员签字确定。下班前需于18:00分之前到前台处进行考勤登记,本人和前台人员签字确认。In the morning, if an employee forgets to take the timecard to punch in, he/she shall go to the receptionist to do the attendance registration by making signature with reception staff together. Before off duty, the employee will also need to do the attendance registration with reception staff before 6pm.

因公外出须在外出和归来时刷卡,并由经理将外出原因注明在考勤单上,不做缺勤和扣薪处理。An employee who needs to go out for business shall punch in and out. And his/her manager must make notes of reasons on the Attendance Sheet. In this way, the employee won’t be considered as absenteeism and be incurred deduction on his/her salary.

第三条迟到早退的处罚Article3 Punishment for Lateness and Tardy

一、按月统计,不论迟到/早退时间多少,每一次均记迟到/早退一次,累计三次以上(不含三次)者,开始累记惩罚;First, by monthly statistics, regardless of how much time for lateness or tardy, each time will be recorded as lateness/tardy one time. Cumulative time exceeds 3 times (excluding 3 times), the accumulation of punishment will begin.

二、迟到/早退在5分钟以内的,累计惩罚每次扣50元;Second, lateness / tardy within

5 minutes, the cumulative penalties will deduct 50RMB from performance pay per time;

三、迟到/早退在5分钟以上、30分钟以内的,累计惩罚每次扣50元。Third, lateness / tardy for more than 5 minutes but within 30 minutes, the cumulative penalties will deduct 50RMB from performance pay per time;

四、迟到/早退超过30分钟但在4小时以内的,每次另按一天事假计算。此项单独累计三次加计旷工一天,单独累计5次加计旷工二天,单独累计5次以上加计旷工三天和计过一次。Fourth, lateness /tardy for more than 30 minutes but within 4 hours will be deemed as 1 day personal leave. Furthermore, absenteeism for 1 day in additional calculation will start if the above-mentioned behavior accumulates for more than 3 times (including 3 times). If it reaches 5 times, additional calculation will be equal to 2 days of absenteeism. If it reaches more than 5 times, additional calculation will be equal to 3 days plus 1 time demerit record.

五、迟到/早退超过4小时的,每次另按旷工一天计算;此项单独累计2次以上按辞退处理。Fifth, every lateness / tardy reaches more than 4 hours will cause extra calculation equal to 1 day absenteeism. When this item reaches more than 2 times, the staff will be dismissed.


by a hospital on municipal level and above. If the proof is invalid, such type of sick leave will be treated as personal leave. Fraud situation or evidence will be deemed as absenteeism. In that condition, the employee will be deducted 200RMB/per day till he/she is dismissed.

员工休婚假、丧假、产假、事假及年假期间患病的仍按原假考勤,不做病假处理。If an employee is sick during the period of marriage leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, personal leave or annual leave, the leave application will be calculated as the same as the original leave instead of sick leave.

员工享受年假的,可以以年假优先冲抵病假。An employee who can enjoy annual leave has the priority of using the annual leave to offset the sick leave.

员工因患病或非因公负伤,需要停止工作进行医疗,根据本人实际参加工作年限,给予3个月到24个月的医疗期,以员工的基础工资为基数,按照下表比例给付病假工资。病假工资可以低于当地最低工资标准,但不低于最低工资标准的80%。An employee, who is sick or is wounded due to non-work injuries and then needs to stop working for health care, will be given 3- 24 months of medical treatment period as per his/her own actual work experience. The wage payment during the sick leave period will use the employee’s basic wage as the base and be provided as per the ratio in the following table. Sick pay can be lower than the local minimum wage standard but can’t be less than 80% of the minimum wage standard.

给付比例工龄The payment proportion and working age

医疗期3年以内3-5年5-10年10-15年15-20年20年以上Medical treatment period within 3 years 3-5 years 5-10 years 10-15 years 15-20 years 20 + years 1个月(含)以内within 1 month100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 3个月(含)以内within 3 months 80% 85% 90% 100% 100% 100% 6个月(含)以内within 6 months --- 60% 80% 90% 100% 100% 9个月(含)以内within 9 months —--- 60% 80% 90% 100% 12个月(含)以内within 12 months ---- ------ --------- 60% 80% 90% 18个月(含)以内within 18 months ----- ------- --------- ----------- 60% 80% 24个月(含)以内within 24 months ------- -------- ---------- -------------- ---------- 60%

(2)事假Personal Leave

员工申请事假,需经部门经理批准后方可执行。请假须提前一天填写《请假申请表》,如确有特殊情况,口头申请的事假限一天以内,经上级经理同意后方可请假。If an employee wants to take personal leave, he/she needs to get the department manager’s approval first before leaving. The Leave Application Form shall be submitted 1 day prior to leave. If there is special situation indeed, oral application is limited within 1 day and needed to get the approval of immediate manager.

事假以小时为计假单位,原则上员工月事假累计不得超过1个工作日,如有特殊情况须请假3天以上的,须提前一周报部门经理,经主管副总经理以上领导批准交行政人事部备案后方可生效。各部门经理请假由其直属上级批准并报行政人事部备案后方可生效。事假期间员工不得享受公司提供的相关福利。连续事假30天(含)以上的,原则上按暂时停薪留职处理,且公司保留中断其社保福利的权利。The personal leave will be calculated based on hour. In principle, an employee’s cumulative personal leave shall not exceed 1 working day per month. If there is any special situation that requires more than 3-day personal leave, the applicant shall report to his/her department manager 1 week in advance. Only after the deputy general manager of the above leadership approves the leave application and then transfers to the administrative personnel department for filing, can the 3-day or more personal leave application be effective. The personal leave application from each department’s manager can be valid after his/her immediate supervisor approves and the application is filed by administrative personnel department. Employees shall not be entitled to company’s related benefits during the period of personal leave. An employee who has successive personal leave for more than 30 days (including 30 days) can maintain his/her position without wage payment in principle. Besides, the company can reserve the right to interrupt his/her Social Security benefits.

事假按天扣除对应全额工资(工资及补助金费用)。The personal leave will cause corresponding full salary deduction based on day (wages and grants expenses).

(3)非销售岗位病事假其他规定provisions for other non-sales positions on

sick/personal leave

病/事假累计天数固定工资执行时间Sick / personal leave days accumulated and execution time of a fixed salary

5个工作日≤当月病/事假累计, 公司保留下浮固定工资10%的权利. 全年病/事假累计计算按员工签署的劳动合同期为统计周期,在劳动合同生效期间,请假天数累计达到相关规定天数,公司可随即按相关规定执行。5 working days ≤that month’s accumulated sick/personal leave, the company reserves the right of declining 10% of fixed salary. The accumulative calculation of annual sick/personal leave will use the labor contract duration signed by the employee as the statistical period. During the period of valid labor contract, if the accumulative days off reach the relevant allotted days, the company can execute as

per relevant regulations.

11个工作日<全年病/事假累计≤21个工作日, 公司保留下浮固定工资15%-30%的权利11 working days

21个工作日<全年病/事假累计≤32个工作日, 公司保留下浮固定工资30%-50%的权利21 w orking days

全年病/事假累计>32个工作日, 公司保留下浮固定工资50%以上的权利Annual sick / personal leave accumulated> 32 working days, the company reserves the right of declining more than 50% of fixed salary

福利制度Welfare regulation

第一条国家法定假日Article1 Statutory holidays

法定节假日依据国家规定,按公司具体办法执行。Statutory holidays will be in accordance with state regulations and be executed as per company’s specific measures.

第二条带薪年假Article2 Paid annual leave


受2天带薪年假(次一服务年度内使用),连续工作满两年的可享受5天/年带薪年假(次一服务年度内使用);受聘为部门经理以上职务的人员,工作满一年便可享受5天/年的带薪年假(次一服务年度内使用);在公司工作满五年的部门经理以上职务的人员可享受7天/年的带薪年假(次一服务年度内使用)。Employees who do not belong to management team work in the company for successively 1 year (from the on-boarding date, include the probation period) are entitled to 2-day paid annual leave (shall not be taken cross the years); Employees who do not belong to management team work in the company for successively 2 years or more are entitled to 5-day paid annual leave (shall not be taken cross the years). Department managers and above leadership who work in the company for successively 1 year are entitled to 5-day paid annual leave (shall not be taken cross the years); Department managers and above leadership who work in the company for successively 5 years are entitled to 7-day paid annual leave (shall not be taken cross the years).

二、凡要求休年假者,须提前一周填写《请假/休假申请单》,报上级经理批准后方可休假。未经批准强行休假者,按公司考勤制度规定以旷工处理。在一个服务年度内已休产假和/或婚假的员工,不再享受该年度所属的带薪年假。跨服务年度休产假、婚假者,假期所属年度视为前一个年度。Those who want to take annual leave shall fill the Leave Application Form 1 week in advance. After getting the approval from immediate manager,

the applicant can then begin to enjoy annual leave. Annual leave without permission first will be deemed as absenteeism. If an employee has enjoyed the maternity leave or marriage leave in a service year, he/she can’t be entitled to that year’s annual leave. If an employee takes maternity leave or marriage leave beyond the year, then the leave is considered to belong to previous year.

三、一次申请的年假最低天数为半天,员工可自行选择用年假抵病、事假。The minimum of annual leave is 0.5 day each time. Employees can choose whether to use annual leave to offset their sick leave or personal leave.


Annual leave shall not be taken cross the years. If an employee does not run out of his/her annual leave within one calendar year, it is deemed as that the employee gives up his/her annual leave right automatically.

五、由公司或合作伙伴安排的出国学习、旅游、考察出访等人员(需提前到行政人事部将情况备案),本年度不得再享受该年度的带薪年假,当年已休的天数按事假从工资奖金中扣回。An employee (needs to go to administrative personnel department to make filing in advance) who is arranged to study/travel/visit abroad by the company or cooperative partner can’t be entitled to current year’s annual paid leave. If he/she has taken the annual leave, his/her corresponding salary and bonus will be deducted by the way of personal leave.


An employee who enjoys maternity or marriage leave cannot be entitled to the same year’s annual paid leave. If the annual leave of that year has already been taken, corresponding salary and bonus will be deducted by the way of personal leave. If an employee takes maternity leave or marriage leave beyond the year, then the

maternity/marriage leave is considered to belong to previous year.


An employee who has terminated the labor contract with the company cannot be honored or compensated for his/her unused annual leave.

八、在分支机构或利润中心在外地所设平台工作的员工调回北京,应持曾工作地点的人事部门提供的关于年假执行情况等的考勤相关文件提交到人力资源部。If an employee who works in the branch offices or profit centers established in other places is recalled to Beijing, he/she shall provide relative attendance files to current HR department about the situation of implementation of annul leave offered by previous HR department.



the service for the company, those who meet lawful marriage age and get the

approval of marriage registration office can be entitled for 3 days marriage leave.

Those who meet lawful late marriage age (refer to male who are over 25 years old, female who are over 23 years old, shall be first marriage) are entitled for 10 days marriage leave.

2、婚假需提交书面申请并得到上级经理的批准,如因工作安排等影响无法一次性休完婚假,可视工作安排情况在6个月内分两次连续休完。其它特殊安排需部门负责人书面批准并交行政人事部备案。An employee who wants to take marriage leave shall submit written application and get the approval of senior manager first. If he/she can’t take advantage of the marriage leave in 1 time because of work arrangement, the marriage leave can be divided into 2 successive parts and the staff can be entitled to within 6 months. Other special arrangement will need the department head’s writing approval and be filed by the administrative personnel department.

3、员工申请婚假者,须在休假结束后一周内将结婚证原件交行政人事部查验,并留存复印件。情况不属实者,按旷工论处;情况属实,但不能按要求提交结婚证原件查验者,按事假处理。An employee who applies for marriage leave shall submit the original marriage certificate to administrative personnel department for inspection and keeping the copy within 1 week after he/she uses up the marriage leave and return to work. If the situation is not real, he/she will be treated as absenteeism. If the situation is real but he/she can’t submit the original marriage certificate as per the requirement, the leave will be deemed as personal leave.

4、员工婚假期间可享受全额基本工资和基本津贴以及部分福利;不享受与出勤情况和工作绩效相关的绩效奖及部分福利。An employee can enjoy full basic salary and basic allowances and some part of benefits during the marriage leave. He/she can’t enjoy performance awards related to attendance and work performance as well as can’t enjoy part of benefits.

第四条丧假funeral leave

本人配偶、父母及子女、配偶父母等直系亲属死亡者,可给丧假3天,要求出具死亡证明复印件。丧假期间发放全额工资。员工申请丧假须提前或在事发三日内由部门经理报总经理或主管副总经理批准。如确有特殊需要延假者,须由本人提前一个工作日向本部门经理和行政人事部提出申请,报总经理签字同意后方可准假。未经同意即自行延假者,所延假期按旷工处理。3 calendar days leave is granted in the case of death of spouse, parents and children and parents-in-law. A copy of death certificate is required. Full salary will be paid

during the funeral leave period. If an employee applies for funeral leave, he/she needs to inform the immediate department manager who will then inform general manager or deputy general manager for getting the approval in advance or within 3 days when the issue has occurred. If there is special need for extending the leave period, the employee himself/herself shall make the application 1 day in advance to department manager and administrative personnel department and then get the written approval with signature of general manager. If an employee extends his/her leave period without approval, the extended time will be deemed as absenteeism.


During the funeral leave, unless there is special notice, the amount of salary won’t change in general. Salary during the extended leave period will be as same as personal leave.

第五条产假Maternity leave

公司鼓励晚育。已婚妇女24周岁以上生育第一胎为晚育。员工必须在公司转正后满1年以上并提供生育证者方可申请产假。有生育计划的员工请提前2个月通知部门负责人,以利安排工作。符合以上条件的女员工可享受公司给予的产期待遇:The company encourages late childbirth which refers to married ladies who give birth to their first babies after 24 years old. The maternity leave is given to employees who are positive in the company for more than 1 year after passing the probation and can provide birth certificate. Employees who plan to have babies shall notify the department heads 2 months in advance for facilitating the organization of work. Female employees who meet the above requirement can enjoy the granted maternity benefits provided by the company:

1. 女职工正常生育的产假为90天;难产的增加15天,多胞胎生育的每多生育1个婴儿增加15天,晚育的增加30天。女员工产前检查可享受累计10天的孕期体检假,根据实际发生天数从产假天数中核减。产假期间每月发放员工相应级别的基础工资,以不低于―当地最低工资标准‖为准发放;3-6个月内的延休产假须经副总裁批准。任何员工休产假最长不得超过6个月。Female employees will be given 90 days maternity leave in normal condition; difficult delivery will be given extra 15 calendar days. Late childbirth will be given extra 30 days. Pregnant female employees can enjoy 10 days in total for prenatal physical examination before giving birth to babies. The actual number of days for prenatal physical examination will be deducted from the amount of maternity leave. During the maternity leave, a female employee can get the basic salary as per her corresponding position level and the amount of basic salary cannot be less than the local minimum wage standard. 3-6 months extension of maternity leave shall be approved by vice president. The maternity leave cannot exceed 6 months for any employee.


Female employees who have spontaneous abortion within 4 months at their marriage will be given 15 days maternity leave with valid proof provided by the hospital. Forced abortion within 4 months will be 30 days with the valid proof provided by the hospital. Female employees who are pregnant for more than 4 months and then have spontaneous abortion will be given 42 days maternity leave with the valid proof provided by the hospital.

5.凡不符合国家计划生育规定情况的,一律按照事假处理,所有费用自理。计划生育失败的,持指定医院,可参照国家有关规定执行。Any leave for pregnant reasons that do not meet national family planning policy will be deemed as personal leave and all fees will be paid by pregnant employees themselves. If the Planned Parenthood fails, the company may refer to relevant state regulations to deal with the pregnant employees who hold proofs provided by designated hospitals.

6.产假期间遇有法定节假日,不得重复计算假期。产假不应与其他公休假、年假连休,如确有特殊需要,员工须向部门经理提出申请,由部门经理与行政人事部协调,报(副)总经理批准后方可休假。When there are public holidays during the maternity leave, the holidays won’t be double counted. Maternity leave should not be conjoint with other public holidays and annual leave together. If there are any special needs, employees must submit application to department manager who will then harmonize with administrative personnel department. Finally, after getting the approval from deputy general manager, the application for leave can be valid.

第六条哺乳假Article6 breastfeeding leave

1.有不满1周岁婴儿的女员工,在每班劳动时间内给与其两次哺乳(含人工喂养)时间,每次30分钟。多胞胎生育的,每多哺乳一个婴儿,每次哺乳时间增加30分钟。每天哺乳时间不可合并使用。For a female employee who has a less than 1-year-old baby, the company will give her 2 times lactation (including artificial feeding) for each work shift. Each time of lactation will last for 30mins. If a female employee gives multiple births, then each extra baby will add extra 30mins per lactation. The lactation time of each day can’t be merged.

2.哺乳期间超过以上哺乳假规定的单位外往返时间不计入哺乳假,可按照本人出勤记录记入公休或事假。If the lactation time is over than the above-mentioned breastfeeding regulation, the overtime of leave can be deemed as public leave or personal leave.


1.婚假、产假、丧假的福利规定不适用于试用期员工。Marriage leave, maternity leave, funeral leave, etc benefits are not applied to employees who are still in probation period.

2.除上述各类假期外,员工有特殊情况需要申请休假的,要事先逐级经上级领导和公司总经理批准,此类假期的薪酬发放由总经理决定,书面通知行政人事部。Except for above

mentioned holidays, if employees need to apply for leave due to special situation, employees must get the approval from department heads and general manager step by step. Once the general manager has decided salaries for such kind of holidays, written notice shall be provided to administrative personnel department.

第八条以上所有假期除有特别说明外,所指天数均为日历月,不得按实际工作日计算。除国家法定假日外,所有员工均须按规定提前取得公司有关领导签字同意后方可休假,否则按旷工论处. Article8 unless there is special statement for all of above mentioned holidays, all days refer to calendar month instead of calculating as per actual working days. Except for national holidays, all staff must get approval in advance from related leaders before being off as per the regulation. Otherwise, the leave will be deemed as absenteeism.

第九条所有员工有义务在公司的统一调配下在适当的时间安排休假,并在休假前就假期内工作做好交接及安排,如未能在预计时间完成工作目标,则假期应自觉顺延。Article9 all of employees have the obligation to arrange holidays in proper time under the company’s unified allocation. Job handover and arrangement must be done well before holidays. If the goal can’t be achieved in the estimated time, holidays shall be automatically postponed.

第十条根据国家有关规定,公司将为符合条件的员工办理社会保险,社会保险的缴纳比例按照国家规定执行,个人部分由本人承担,由公司每月从工资中代扣代缴。凡符合参保条件的员工都可享受社会保险。因员工个人原因暂无法参加保险办理的,需提出书面申请,总经理批准,报行政人事部备案,公司不承担相应责任。Article10 As per relevant state regulations, the company will purchase social insurance for qualified employees. The proportion of the payment of social insurance will be in accordance with state regulations. The individual part of purchasing social insurance shall be borne by employees themselves. The company will deduct the fee from employees’ salaries. All employees who meet the criteria can enjoy social insurance benefits. If it is employees’ reasons that cannot be able to purchase social insurance, the employees need to provide written application and get the approval from general manager and then report to administrative personnel department to file and the company won’t assume corresponding responsibilities.

员工参加社会保险的条件: Conditions for employees who can enjoy participating in purchasing social insurance:

1.公司正式员工;The company’s official employees;

2.不存在有其他单位同时为其办理上述社会统筹保险;There are not other units at the same time handle the social Insurance for employees;

3.符合国家和当地相关法律法规规定的条件和要求。Comply with national and local laws and regulations related to the conditions and requirements.

薪酬制度Salary Regulation

第一条由公司总部人力资源部依据公司年度经营计划与方针,统一制定薪酬计划和调整工资管理制度,经总裁批准后执行。Article1 HR department will firstly develop a unified wages plan and adjust wage management system as per the company’s annual operation planning and policy. The implementation will start after getting approval from the president.

第二条员工薪酬构成分为基础工资、职务工资、绩效工资几部分。公司将每月实行绩效考评,根据绩效考评的结果确定员工每月薪资总额。根据公司的业绩情况及考核结果,可酌情给予员工发放奖金。Article2 employees’ wages are divided into basic income, position income, merit pay, etc parts. The company will implement a monthly performance evaluation which will decide the total amount of employees’ monthly salaries. As per the company’s performance conditions and evaluation results, reason bonus may be given to employees.

第三条工资报酬实行保密管理,任何管理人员及相关工作人员非因履行工作职责之需要,不得向第三方泄露所获悉的公司薪酬结构;任何员工不允许以任何方式询问、议论他人的薪资报酬,并不得向他人泄露自己的薪资报酬。凡违反者公司将作为严重违反劳动纪律者处理。视情节严重予以罚款500~1000元,直至开除处理。Article3 Employee s’ salaries use confidentiality management system. Unless job requirement, any management personnel and related staff shall not divulge to third parties about the company’s remuneration structure. Any employee is not allowed to ask or discuss others’ salaries in any way. Revealing the salaries of one’s own is also forbidden. Any violators will be considered as those who have seriously violated the labor disciplines. The company will give punishment to violators as per seriousness of the case. In serious conditions, a violator will be imposed a fine of 500RMB~ 1000RMB, or even up to expulsion.

第四条薪酬与效益挂钩原则:为适应激烈的市场竞争及经营管理需要,利润中心的员工薪资、福利与所在利润中心的总体效益相结合。其中:业务人员的收入水平与其本人的业务完成额直接挂钩;非业务人员的收入水平与本人的工作绩效及部门任务指标完成情况相关联。Article4 The principle of salary and benefits link together: In order to meet the fierce market competition and business management needs, the profit center’s employees’salaries and benefits will combine with the overall benefits of the profit center. Therein: business personnel’s income level will be linked with the completion of business target; Non-business personnel’s income level will be linked with their work performance and completion of department task indicators.


10时后到行政人事部领取工资条。Article5 wages paid and received: when an employee has finished the entry formalities and started to work in a certain position, the administrative and personnel department shall calculate the employee’s monthly salaries by the actual number of days of the employee’s attendance in that month and wage standards of the employee, withholding the employee’s personal income tax. The amount of last month’s wages will be paid to employees in next month’s 10th (not including those who have not finished check-out procedure as per regulations or whose owned Field Ticket have been up to certain amount). Employees can go to administrative personnel department to get their last month’s salary slips after 10am on 11th of that month.

考核规定Performance Assessment Regulation

第一条员工考核分为月度考核、季度考核、晋升考核等,主要针对员工品德、能力、考勤及绩效等方面进行综合考查。Article1 employees’ performance evaluations refer to monthly performance assessment, quarterly performance assessment, promotion assessment, etc. The evaluation is mainly for comprehensive inspection on employees’integrity, ability, attendance, performance, etc aspects.

第二条员工考核是员工聘用、岗位确定、职级升降、薪酬增减等方面的重要依据,公司将按照―公平、公正‖的原则对每位公司员工进行考评。Article2 Employee evaluation will be important evidences for employees’ recruitment, position arrangement, promotion and demotion, remuneration increase and decrease, etc aspects. The company will use the principals of justice and fairness to evaluate each employee.

第三条各部门、各职位具体考核标准按各职位工作内容及要求另行规定。公司对绩效评价不达标者,视为不胜任本岗位工作,公司将有权扣发全部绩效工资、奖金的权力,并且保留调整其固定薪资额度的权力。Article3 each department and each position’s specific evaluation standard will be prescribed separately as per each position’s work contents and requirement. Those who fail in the company’s performance evaluation will be deemed as not competent in their positions. The company conserves rights of deducting all performance salaries and bonuses as well as the right of adjusting employees’ fixed salary amount.

聘用及岗位管理Recruitment and Position Management

第一节新员工招聘管理Section1 New employees’ recruitment management

第一条本公司所需员工,一律按照公开、公平、公正之原则公开面向社会招聘或内部晋升。Article1 the company will use the principle of Openness, fairness and justice to recruit talents from the society or by the way of internal promotion when there are recruitment needs.

第二条本公司聘用各级员工以学识、品德、能力、经验适合于工作岗位需要为原则。Article2 the company will recruit employees at all levels with suitable

knowledge/integrity/ability/experience needed for work in principle.

第三条新进员工的聘用,根据业务需要,由各部门填报《人才招聘申请表》报行政人事部统一安排招聘;行政人事部将在收到简历后进行简历筛选及初试,合格者行政人事部将安排相关部门经理进行复试,部门经理(主管)以上级别或有特别需求者须经过总经理或主管副总经理第三次复试后方可录用。Article3 As per the business needs, each department shall fill the Talents Recruitment Application Form and submit to administrative personnel department for unified arrangement of recruitment. Then the administrative personnel department will receive resumes and screen resume and arrange the first round test. In second round of test, applicants who pass the first round exam will be arranged by administrative personnel department to attend department manager’s interviews. For department manager and above leadership or talents for special needs, their employment must have the approval of general manager or deputy general manager in the third round of interviews.

第四条复试合格者行政人事部门将对其学历证明等进行资格审查并通知其到会从指定医院进行体检。必检项目有:肝功能、B超、心电图等。经检查有乙肝等传染病、有重大病史的公司将不予以录用。Article4 applicants who pass reexamination will undergo the administrative personnel department’s inspection on their academic qualifications and undergo psychical examination in appointed hospitals. The psychical examination items cover liver function, B ultrasound, electrocardiogram, etc. When hepatitis B and other infectious diseases or significant illness histories are found in an applicant, he/she won’t be hired by the company.

第五条新进员工通过审核及体检后,经公司领导签署同意聘用意见后,由行政人事部办理试用手续。Article5 after passing the inspection and physical examination as well as getting the approval of company leaders, new employees can go to the administrative personnel department to handle the trial procedure.

第六条新进员工入职前应接受入职培训,并办理入职手续,包括但不限于以下资料:原单位的离职证明原件、填写个人《员工情况表》、交登记照片4张、交身份证复印件2份、交学历证书复印件及其他相关证明材料的复印件、领取门禁卡等手续,未领得门禁卡者不得进入公司工作。《员工情况表》必须在到职当日填写,由部门经理写明薪资待遇和试用期限后在当日送交人事部门备案。各分公司人事需每周向中搜总部人力资源部提报新员工入职情况。商务部员工须经过岗前培训与考核后方可办理入职手续。Article5 new employees shall receive induction training and handle the registration procedure before the entry. The registration procedure will include but not be limited to following procedures: submitting materials including original employment termination proof from previous company, written employee info table, 4pcs pictures for registration, 2pcs copy of ID, academic certificate

copy and related proof copies; getting the entrance card. Those who don’t fetch the entrance card are not allowed to enter the company. Employee Info Table shall be filled on the on-board date and then the administrative personnel department will put on records after the department manager has written the salaries and probation period. Each branch company’s human resources department shall report the entry status of new employees to headquarters’ HR department by month. Commerce Department employees are required to go through pre-job training and assessment before they apply for entry clearance.

第七条部门经理及其他高级职员的招聘,由公司总经理或主管副总经理提出申请,经分管副总裁批准后执行。Article7 recruitment application for recruiting department manager and other senior staff must be made by general manager or deputy general manager. The implementation can start after getting the approval of deputy president.

第二节岗位管理Section 2 Position Management

第一条行政人事部与新进员工签订《劳动合同》,首签期限及所含试用期期限的比例按《劳动法》有关规定办理:最长不得超过6个月。除特别在劳动合同中注明者外,一般员工试用期为1-3个月,员工在试用期内品行或能力欠佳不适合工作者,公司可随时停止试用。表现优异之员工可由部门经理提出申请,经总经理批准,在试用期申请提前转正。试用期内累计迟到、早退6次(含)以上、累计病、事假3天以上者,不得提前转正。Article1 when the administrative personnel department signs labor contract with new employees, the proportion for first signed period and probation period will be as per related provisions in the Labor Law. The maximum period of probation cannot exceed 6 months. Unless there is special statement in the labor contract, employees’ probation period will be 1-3 months usually. The company can terminate the probation anytime if employees under probation have poor conduct or are not capable. For excellent employees, department managers can help the employees to apply for advance completion of probation. If the general manager approves the advance completion, the employees can finish trial period earlier. But if the frequency of lateness/leave early are more than 6 times (including 6 times) or the frequency of sick leave/personal leave are over 3 days under probation, advance completion of probation is not allowed.

第二条新进员工试用期结束前两周内,由部门经理完成试用期考评,交行政人事部报总经理或主管副总经理签署意见后,决定是否留用及留用方式。确定留用人员由行政人事部发出《转正通知单》,需经中搜总部行政人事部总监签字确认后方可与其签订劳动合同并办理正式聘用手续及国家规定的各项保险。确定不留用人员由行政人事部提前一周通知其离职。Article2 When there are 2 weeks left before the completion of probation, the department manager will finish the evaluation of probation and transfer the result to administrative

personnel department for asking for general manager or deputy general manager’s opinions on deciding whether keeping the new employees in what way. The administrative personnel department will issue Confirmation Notice to employees who are retained. After the notice is signed by the administrative personnel director, the administrative personnel department can sign labor contract with the retained employees and make formal employment formalities and purchase different kinds of social insurance as per national regulations for retained employees. The administrative personnel department shall inform those who are decided not to be retained 1 week in advance.

第三条公司基于业务上的需要,可调动员工的职务或服务地点。各单位主管依其管辖内所属员工的工作态度、学识和能力,可向行政人事部进行推荐。经总经理批准签字后由行政人事部填写《岗位调动单》上报至中搜总部行政人事部,经总部确认后并下达至员工本人。调岗员工接到调任通知后,按要求需在2个工作日内快办理交接手续就任新职。交接工作完成后由员工本人携带《岗位调动单》到新公司办理入职手续。Article 3 Based on business needs, the company can transfer employees’ positions or service location. Supervisors of each unit can recommend employees under their jurisdiction as per employees’ work attitude, knowledge and abilities. After the unit’s general manager approves, the unit’s administrative personnel department need to fill the Post Mobilization Form and submit it to headquarters’ administrative personnel department. Finally the transferred employees can receive the notice after getting the headquar ters’ approval. The transferred employees shall finish the handover within 2 days as soon as possible after receiving the transferred notice. When the handover is completed, the transferred employees must go to the new department and handle entry formalities with Post Mobilization Form.

第四条分公司部门经理之任免或变更,须由行政人事部门制作《人事任免令》,提交总经理签字后上报总部人力资源部,经总部确认批准后方可生效,同时根据职务之变化决定薪酬变化之具体数额。分公司副总经理以上人员,由分管副总裁或总部人力资源部提名,报总裁批准后任免。Article4 If there is dismissal or change of branch manager, the administrative personnel department shall make Command On Personnel Appointment and Removal, needed to sign by general manager and submit to headquarters’ human resources department for getting the h eadquarters’ approval before becoming valid. Meanwhile, the change of transferred employees’ salaries will be as per the change of positions. Employees whose position levels are upper branch deputy general manager shall be nominated by branch deputy president or headquarters’ human resources department and reported to CEO for approval.

第五条解除劳动合同Article5 Termination of Labor Contract

本公司通过以下途径与员工解除劳动合同:(1)立即解除劳动合同;(2)提前书面通知解除劳动合同;(3)员工辞职。The company can terminate labor contracts with employees

by following methods: (1) terminate labor contract immediately; (2) written notice before terminating labor contract; (3) employees’ resignation.

( 1 )、立即解除劳动合同:(1) terminate labor contract immediately:

在下列情况下,本公司有权立即解除与员工的劳动合同而无任何经济补偿,并有权视情况要求赔偿或给予相应的经济处罚:In the following cases, the company reserves the right to immediately terminate labor contracts with employees without any financial compensation and the right to claim corresponding compensation or give economic penalties to employees:

A、疏忽职守或违章操作或擅离职守导致公司或他人生命财产蒙受损害者;Dereliction of duty or false operation or unauthorized absence from work that cause damage to the company or other people’s life and property;

B、违反操作规程,损坏公司设备、工具、浪费原材料、能源,造成经济损失达5000元以上的或未履行岗位职责及工作流程要求,造成公司财产损失达5000元以上的;abuse operating regulations and cause damage to company’s machinery equipment/tools or cause the waste of raw materials/resources or cause economic losses that are more than 5000RMB; cause over 5000RMB of property losses due to failure to fulfill position responsibilities and work procedure requirement;

C、涂改重要文件或损坏重要公物者;Alter important files or damage important public property;

D、贻误工作或擅自变更工作方法,使公司蒙受重大损失者;lead to great losses to the company by the method of bungled job or unauthorized changes to working methods;

E、在与客户共事中,服务态度恶劣,被客户以此为由终止与公司合作,或有损害客户利益行为的;The service attitude is poor when working with customers, which become the reason for customers to terminate the cooperation with the company or which become the behavior to harm the interests of customers.


Violence/threats/intimidation against colleagues, impair group order, beat colleagues or fights;

G、经营其他非本公司业务、受聘其他公司谋取私利、有损企业经营效益的行为、直接或间接在外从事与本公司业务相近/相同或竞争的业务者;Running other business that has none of relationship with the company, employed by other companies for personal gain, behaviors that cause damage to the company’s management efficiency, directly or indirectly engage in similar/same/competitive business in outside;

H、连续旷工或全年累计旷工触犯规定者;Continuous absenteeism or annual accumulative absenteeism has been violated regulations;

I、偷窃、侵犯他人或公司财物,经查属实者;be found and proved to be theft or cause infringement to others’ or company’s property;

J、滥用职权、违反政策法规、财经纪律,使公司遭受重大损失者;Cause great losses to the company by abusing power or violating policies and regulations/financial discipline

K、有贪污受贿、行贿受贿、敲诈勒索、赌博贩毒以及其它违法行为者;Have activities of embezzlement, bribery, extortion, gambling, drug trafficking or other illegal activities;

L、故意煽动员工罢工或罢工者;Deliberately inciting strikes or make strikes on one’s own M、吸食毒品或其他代用品者;Take drugs or other substitutes;

N、携带枪支、炸药或其他危险违禁品进入公司者;Carry firearms, explosives or other dangerous contraband into the company;

O、泄露公司机密,致使公司蒙受重大损失者;Cause the company to suffer from great losses by reveal company secrets;

P、伪造或滥用公司印鉴,在外行骗者;或利用公司名义在外招摇撞骗,致使公司名誉或经济蒙受损失者;fraudster outside by company seal’s forgery or abuse, taking advantage of company name to fraud outside and leading to harm to company’s reputation or economic losses;

Q、参加非法组织者;Participate in illegal organization;

R、因盗窃、赌博、打架、流氓等行为而违反社会治安、受到公安机关的拘留者;受到刑事控诉而被法院判定有罪者;违反政府的有关法令者;Detainees because of having activities of theft/gambling/fighting/hooliganism that violate public security; facing criminal complaint and being found guilty by the court; violation to relevant laws and regulations by the government;

S、违反公司纪律被记过两次者;Violate company’s disciplines and have 2 times demerits on the record;

T、其他同等错误者。Other equal errors.

( 2 )、员工符合下述情况之一的属于严重违反公司劳动纪律,公司可以依照《劳动法》和《聘用合同》的规定单方面解除双方的劳动合同关系,并且不支付辞退补偿金。Where an employee is under any of the following circumstances, as per Labor Law and Employment Contract, the company may dissolve the labor contract unilaterally without paying compensation to the employees who has seriously violated the company disciplines:

A.违反《聘用合同》所列的劳动纪律,给公司带来较大的经济损失或商誉损失的;Violate labor disciplines prescribed on the Employment Contract and cause great economic losses or damage company reputation seriously;

B.蓄意或轻率导致公司设备或物品材料较大损失者;deliberately or carelessly cause great losses to company equipments or materials;

C.不服从领导合理安排,屡劝不听者;do not obey the leadership’s reasonable arrangement, not any improvement even having receiving many times of education


加培训的;do not attend training organized by the company/department for more than 3 times (including 3 times) without the approval of department manager or above leaderships or without reasonable explanation;


Failure to fulfill the company’s regulations of leave or exceed leave application’s stipulated period for 5 days without any written statement;


The company will execute in accordance with each department’s specific rules and regulations to deal with employees who have other serious mistakes and be in line with the conditions of dismissal.

( 3 )、员工辞职Staff’s resignation

A正式员工辞职须提前一个月向本部门经理提交辞职报告并填写《员工离职申请表》,报给行政人事部备案,经总经理或主管副总经理批准后生效。Any regular staff wishing to terminate the employment contract prior to the expiration date should submit resignation report to his/her own department manager and fill the Employee Resignation Application Form to be filed by the administrative personnel department. After getting the approval of general manager or deputy general manager, the resignation becomes valid.

B 试用期员工辞职须提前一周向本部门经理提交辞职报告,并报行政人事部备案。If an employee desires to terminate employment within the probation period, the employee should submit resignation report to his/her own department manager and the report will be filed by the administrative personnel department.

C员工在离职通知期内与各有关部门办理清楚所有离职手续,如员工有欠公司财物款的,须在离开公司前还清所欠所有财物,如员工在辞职前给公司造成了一定的财产损坏或经济损失,须在离开公司之前依照相关规定给予公司相应赔偿,公司并保留向其继续追讨的权利;由员工本人提出辞职解除劳动合同的,本公司不支付其经济补偿金。An employee should deal with all of resignation formalities with all related department during the resignation


质量手册翻译中英文术语表 3.1.1 质量 quality 3.1.2 要求 requirement 3.1.3 等级 grade 3.1.4 顾客满意 customer satisfaction 3.1.5 能力 capability 3.2.1 体系(系统) system 3.2.2 管理体系 management system 3.2.3 质量管理体系 quality management syste m 3.2.4 质量方针 quality policy 3.2.5 质量目标 quality objective 3.2.6 管理 management 3.2.7 最高管理者 top management 3.2.8 质量管理 quality management 3.2.9 质量策划 quality planning 3.2.10 质量控制 quality control 3.2.11 质量保证 quality assurance 3.2.12 质量改进 quality improvement 3.2.13 持续改进 continual improvement 3.2.14 有效性 effectiveness 3.2.15 效率 efficiency 3.3.1 组织 organization 3.3.2 组织结构 organizational structure 3.3.3 基础设施 infrastructure 3.3.4 工作环境 '77ork environment 3.3.5 顾客 customer 3.3.6 供方 supplier 3.3.7 相关方 interested party 3.4.1 过程 process 3.4.2 产品 product 3.4.3 项目 project 3.4.4 设计和开发 design and development 3.4.5 程序 procedure


金融公司员工手册范本 金融公司也称财务公司,在西方国家是一类极其重要的金融机构,那么金融公司的员工手册有什么内容呢?下面学习啦小编给大家介绍关于金融公司员工手册范本的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。 金融公司员工手册如下第一章总则 1、本手册是公司全体员工在实施公司经营目标过程中的指导规范和行为准则。 、公司员工应认真学习、贯彻执行,维护公司利益和形象。 、公司员工应发扬“严谨、细致、进取”的企业精神,为公司的发展而努力。 、公司员工应倡导“勤敏、务实、思取、变通”的企业文化。 第二章员工守则1、遵守国家法律、法规,遵守公司的各项规章制度及所属部门的管理实施细则。 、热爱公司,热爱本职工作,关心并积极参与公司的各项管理。 、树立全局观念,服从指挥,主动配合,不推诿,不扯皮,共同搞好相关工作。 、遵守社会公德,团结友爱,相互尊重,礼貌待人,树立公司良好形象。

、保守公司商业机密,爱惜公司财物,自觉维护公司信誉及利益。 、不营私舞弊,不滥用职权,不拉帮结派,自觉维护公司的团结稳定及良性运作。 、恪守职责,不越权行事,如遇紧急情况,妥善处理后要及时向上级报告。 、实事求是,不搞形式主义;坚持原则,不利用工作之便谋私利。 、不得将公司物品擅自带出公司,不得将公司资料据为己有,对内封锁,对外泄露。 10、不任意翻阅、复制不属于本职范围的文件、函电。 11、工作时间要精神饱满,穿着得体,谈吐文明,举止庄重。 12、严格要求自己,积极进取,努力钻研业务,与公司共同成长。 第三章人事管理制度一、招聘1、各运营中心或总公司直属部门需招聘员工时,应填写《招聘申请单》,经各运营中心人力资源部、区域总监批准后上报总公司人力资源部存档,交各运营中心人力资源部自行招聘。 、人力资源部根据区域总监批准后具体负责实施招聘工作。 、人力资源部根据应聘者的基本情况和岗位需求确定初


员工手册Employee Manual 目录Table of contents 第一章总则Chapter 1 General 第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation 第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation 第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation 第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation 第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management 第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation 第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation 第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用 Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage 第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation 第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation 总则General 第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定。Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company’s personnel management. 第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理。Article2 Staff recruitment, attendance, Leave & Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations. 第三条本公司各级员工,均应遵守本规则各项规定。Article3 Company employees at all levels shall comply with these regulations. 考勤管理规定Work Attendance Regulation 第一条作息时间Article1 work and rest time 一、公司实行八小时工作制,标准工作日为一周五天,周一至周五,周六、周日为公休日。First, the company adopts eight-hour day working system. The standard workday is 5 days per week. The working days are from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are public holidays.


Ningbo XXX Material Technology Co.,Ltd ISO9001:2015 Quality Manual Revision [A/0] - [2018/3/1] (c) [Copyright Year Of 2018] [Ningbo XXX Material Technology Co.,Ltd]; all rights reserved. This document may contain proprietary information and may only be released to third parties with approval of management. Document is uncontrolled unless otherwise marked; uncontrolled documents are not subject to update notification.

Revision [A/0] - [2018/3/1] Page 1 of 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS 0.0 Revision History and Approval ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 Welcome to Ningbo XXX Material Technology Co.,Ltd ................................................................................ 4 2.0 XXX Material: Who We Are ........................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Determining Our Strategic Direction ......................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Scope of the Management System ........................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Scope Statement ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.2 Facilities Within the Scope ................................................................................................................ 4 2.2.3 Permissible Exclusions ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.4 Scope of the ISO9001:2015 Quality Manual ..................................................................................... 5 3.0 Quality Policy................................................................................................................................................. 5 4.0 Management System Structure and Controls ............................................................................................... 5 4.1 Process Approach .................................................................................................................................... 5 4.1.1 Process Identification ........................................................................................................................ 5 4.1.2 Process Controls & Objectives .......................................................................................................... 6 4.1.3 Outsourced Processes ...................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Documentation & Records ....................................................................................................................... 7 4.2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 7 4.2.2 Control of Documents ....................................................................................................................... 7 4.2.3 Control of Records ............................................................................................................................ 7 4.3 Change Management ................................................................................................................................ 8 4.4 Risks and Opportunities ............................................................................................................................ 8 5.0 Management & Leadership ........................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 Management Leadership and Commitment .............................................................................................. 8 5.2 Customer Focus ........................................................................................................................................ 9 5.3 Quality Policy ............................................................................................................................................. 9 5.4 Organizational Roles Responsibilities & Authorities ................................................................................. 9 5.5 Internal Communication ............................................................................................................................ 9 5.6 Management Review .............................................................................................................................. 10 6.0 Resources ................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.1 Provision of Resources ........................................................................................................................... 10 6.2 Human Resources .................................................................................................................................. 10 6.3 Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................................... 11 6.4 Work Environment ................................................................................................................................... 11 6.5 Organizational Knowledge ...................................................................................................................... 11 7.0 Operation ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 7.1 Operational Planning and Control ........................................................................................................... 12 7.2 Customer-Related Activities .................................................................................................................... 12 7.2.1 Capture of Customer Requirements ............................................................................................... 12 7.2.2 Review of Customer Requirements ................................................................................................ 12 7.2.3 Customer Communication ............................................................................................................... 12 7.3 Design and Development ........................................................................................................................ 13 7.4 Purchasing .............................................................................................................................................. 13 7.5 Provision of [Production of adhesive tape] .............................................................................................. 13 7.5.1 Control of Provision of [Production of adhesive tape] ..................................................................... 13 7.5.2 Identification and Traceability .......................................................................................................... 14 7.5.3 Property Belonging to Third Parties ................................................................................................ 14 7.5.4 Preservation .................................................................................................................................... 14 7.5.5 Post-Delivery Activities .................................................................................................................... 14 7.5.6 Process Change Control ................................................................................................................. 15 7.5.7 Measurement and Release of [Production of adhesive tape] ......................................................... 15 7.5.8 Control of Nonconforming Outputs .. (15)



目录第一某些公司文化 第一章欢迎词 第二章公司LOGO 第三章公司简介 第四章公司文化与理念 第二某些公司组织架构及部门职责 第一章组织架构 第三某些人事管理制度 第一章人事政策 第二章招聘选拔 第三章入职管理 第四章实习与试用 第五章人才举荐管理 第六章离职管理 第七章出勤管理 第八章人事异动管理 第九章培训与教诲管理制度 第十章沟通与申诉 第十一章社会保险 第十二章薪酬 第十三章福利 第十四章奖惩制度

第四某些行政管理制度 第一章寻常行为规范 第二章名片管理 第三章邮递快件管理 第四章办公用品管理 第五章固定资产管理规定 第六章环境、卫生与绿化管理 第七章固定与移动电话管理 第八章办公设施、设备及物资使用与管理 第九章车辆管理 第十章印章管理 第十一章证照管理 第十二章公司图书、报刊、音像资料、软件管理规定第十三章公司VI广告宣传品管理 第十四章客户招待、公关与维护管理 第十五章接待管理及办法 第十六章客户公关维护 第十七章安全管理制度 第十八章 IT信息及设备管理 第五某些运作管理制度 第一章请示报告制度 第二章员工述职与面谈制度 第三章回答制度 第六某些财务管理制度

第一章员工借款管理规定 第二章员工外出管理制度 第三章费用报销管理规定 第一某些公司文化 第一章欢迎词尊敬员工,你好:

欢迎你加入北京海会东方文化传播有限公司,同步感谢你对海会东方信任和支持。 员工是公司最重要财富,员工素质及专业知识水平提高就是公司财富增长。进入海会东方,但愿你在本职岗位上脚踏实地,锐意进取,争取做精、做专,一份耕耘,一份收获,请相信你努力永远不会被公司忽视,机会对每个人都是均等。海会东方注重你才干,更注重你品行。但愿每名员工务必严格遵守公司各项规章制度,不断战胜自我,更新观念,改掉某些不良习惯;你要清晰懂得,自己一言一行都代表了海会东方形象。海会东方始终但愿每个员工能将个人意愿和公司目的最佳结合起来,以实现公司与个人双赢。海会东方深知员工成长对公司发展至关重要,只有你们才是公司最宝贵财富;因此咱们非常注重员工发展,给每一种员工都提供了诸多培训和发展机会,为广大员工创造了良好自然环境和人文环境,并通过组织培训等举措,搭建了供广大员工学习和成长平台。但愿你们通过不断学习,完善自我,变化自己职业生涯,实现自己人生梦想。 我坚信: 海会东方每一种员工都是乐意随着公司发展壮大而一同成长起来,直至成为海会东方将来事业中骨干和中坚力量。 为协助员工全面理解我司,保证员工权益并明确义务,提高工作效率和严格执行规程,特制定本手册。望各位员工务必全面理解本手册并切实遵行。 再一次感谢人们选取北京海会东方文化传播有限公司,谢谢! 最后,祝人们在海会东方工作、学习、生活高兴!


1. General总则 1-1 Purposes 目的 1-1.1 In order that employees have something to follow in the factory during working and living to keep our company?s production and living order and make sure our company?s smooth operation, we hereby worked out this employee handbook. 为了使员工在工厂的工作和生活有所遵循,维持公司的生产生活秩序并确保公司正常运 转,特制定本员工手册。 1-1.2 …Without dividers, no circle?. Any healthily developing company couldn?t live without sound and scientific regulations and good staffs. This employee handbook specifies the working disciplines that employees should obey, basic limit of working conditions. “没有规矩,不成方圆” 。任何一家健康发展的企业,都离不开健全、科学的管理制度和优 秀的员工。本手册规定了员工应遵守的工作纪律、劳动条件的基准及员工在本厂从事生 产、生活之基本准则和劳动纪律。 1-2 Application Scope适用范围 This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period. 本手册适用于全体员工,包括试用期内的员工。 1-3 The company empowers the right on explaining and modifying this employee handbook and other regulations. Any update is subject to the newest publication in Bulletin Board Systems. 公司拥有《员工手册》及其它厂规的解释权并保留修改权。新的补充修改以通告栏最新公布为准。 2. Company Introduction 公司简介 ***Products (Shenzhen) Limited, founded in 2005, is a foreign proprietorship company specialized in bags and other sewn products, mainly producing world famous brand kitbags, school bags for customers over Europe, America, and Asia. Located in**i Industrial District, **, ** Town, **, Shenzhen, the company has workshops, dormitories, and canteen and other establishment. ***成立于1988年,是一家专门生产和经营背包等缝纫制品的外商独资企业,主要生产世界名牌背包、书包等;客户遍及欧美及亚洲等国家和地区。**,拥有多栋生产厂房和宿舍楼,拥有配套的食堂和娱乐设施。 Our idea is quality first, service uppermost. 我们的理念是:品质第一,服务至上。 3. Personnel Management Regulations人事管理制度 3-1 Basic requirement for employees 雇用基本条件 3-1.1 The employees must be over18 years old, hold Health Certificate, valid ID card, education certificate and Birth Controlling Certificate for Floating People provided by local government 年龄18岁以上,持有效《健康证》,持有效身份证件和学历证明,及户口所在地出具的《流动人口计划生育证》。 3-1.2 If employees are found infected with serious infectious disease or not suitable for work, the company has the right to change their work post or request them to leave the company. 如发现有任何严重传染病患者或身体不适的工作者,公司有权调整其工作岗位或要求其自动退厂。 3-1.3 Inveracious certificates or misrepresentation for being employed is cause for dismissal 持有虚假证明进厂者一经发现以无薪解雇处理.


员工手册范本 总经理欢迎致辞 一般由总经理本人或公司办公室主任起草撰写,当然也可以拟定提纲由文秘撰写。 公司概况 由公司办公室主任起草撰写,当然也可以拟定提纲由文秘撰写。 公司经营理念 一、企业目标: 当代水平——xxx无线电厂 面向全国,驶向世界——XX汽车厂 赶超世界先进水平——xxx集团 创造中国的世界名牌——xxx集团 二、企业哲学: 顺应天时,借助地利,营造人和(XX水电厂) 开拓则生,守旧则死 不断改变现状,视今天为落后 为明天而工作 暧字当头(XX燃气器公司) 质量是命,用户是王

信誉是企业生命的黄金法则 仁心待人,严格待人(劳力士手表) 大则死,小则活(日本太阳公司) 创新经营,全球观点(日本本田公司) 开发就是经营(日本卡西欧公司) 以科学技术为经,合理管理为纬(日本丰田公司) 三、公司(经营)宗旨: 以优质取胜,靠适销发展——XXXX钢铁厂通信 选料必求地道,炮炙必求精神——达仁堂中药公司 安全,迅速,舒适,清洁——XX出租公司 实事求是,热心服务——XX计算机公司 用户第一,质量第一,信誉第一——xxx集团 为下道工序,为企业效益,为XX用户——XX品牌牌电视机厂 以优取胜,以新取胜——XX纺织机械公司 以先进的思想,科学的管理、全新的技术、优质的产品、良好的信誉、开拓进取的精神竭诚为用户服务——新奥集团 安全运行,优质服务——XX号客轮 信誉是企业的生命——XX电器集团公司 以服务顾客为经营目标——波音公司 客人至上,恪宇信誉,热情服务——XX星级酒店 创造信息产品,加速人类知识进步,从本质上改善个人及组织的效能——HP公司 四、企业精神 实事求是


公司员工手册范本 The latest model of Employee Handbook

公司员工手册范本 前言:规章制度是指用人单位制定的组织劳动过程和进行劳动管理的规则和制度的总和。本文档根据规则制度书写要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 第一章:总则 第一条、本公司为明确规定公司与员工双方权利与义务,促进双方关系的和谐,为公司持续经营方针,并顾及公司与员工之间基于互惠、互利、平等协商原则,依据《中华人民共和国劳动法》制定本手册。 第二条、本手册所称员工系与公司发生工作关系,由公司正式接受雇用并依据规定签订劳动合同及领有工资者,但因业务需要临时雇用的短期员工,以签订的临时用工合同约定的权利义务为准。 第三条、本手册之专有名称如下: 一、公司---即指_____市_______________有限公司; 二、经营管理者---指的是公司主管级以上人员; 三、员工---每位与公司发生工作关系,已由公司正式接受为员工,并依据劳动合同书内规定领有工资者;

四、职务、工作---员工依据劳动合同书内规定,而应履行之权利和义务的内容; 五、职务行为---指以公司员工身份所为的经营管理行为,以及会影响其正常履行职务的个人行为; 六、工资---员工履行职务所得之酬劳金,其酬劳条件系依双方签订合同书或国家法令规定而行,并含一切奖金、津贴在内; 七、惩罚---触犯本手册及公司其它管理制度(包括安全规则)而被处罚者; 八、奖励---对在公司工作上有特殊表现所得之代价; 九、申戒、警告---员工因犯错违规而案情轻微者之惩戒记录; 十、小过、大过---员工因犯错违规而案情严重者之惩戒记录; 十一、厂牌---员工身份之证明卡; 十二、公假---依政府法令及公司规定应给公假者; 十三、公出---员工因公务需要于上班时间内离开岗位出司(厂)办理公务;


公司员工手册范本 、总经理致辞: 略 二、公司的经营理念 略 三、企业文化 略 四、公司简介 略 五、聘用的规定 (一)基本政策 1 、持有中华人民共和国居民身份证的公民。年龄在18-65 周岁,身体健康有完全行使能力的自然人。无不良嗜好和犯罪记录。 2 、公司员工在被聘用及晋升方面享有均等的机会; 3 、工作表现是本公司晋升员工的最主要依据。 4 、所有员工培训费及资料费一经缴纳,一律不退。 5 、实名制注册,银行卡与姓名一致(工行、建行、农行)便于工资发放。 凡有下列情况的不得录用

1 、曾被公司因违纪辞退者 2 、被剥夺政治权力尚未恢复者; 3 、被判刑或被通缉,尚未结案者; 4 、吸食毒品者; 5 、拖欠公款有记录在案者; 6 、精神病或传染病患者 7 、品行恶劣,曾被开除或处分者; 9 、弄虚作假,采取欺骗手段获得录用者 (二)入职手续 1 、提供一寸照片,身份证复印件;填写员工录用表,经公司核实后发放注册工号(此工号是唯一工作号码)。 2 、入职后公司将组织新入司员工参加新员工培训,以使员工对公司概况有初步了解。 (三)工作时间工作时间由乙方自行安排,甲方因需要安排乙方工作时乙方必须根据甲方要求到岗、到位,特殊情况需向甲方请假,经同意后可休假。 (四)劳动报酬 1 、本着多劳多得的原则,双方根据甲方《薪酬管理制度》规定确定乙方岗位绩效工资。个人所得税由乙方承担,并由甲方发放工资时代扣代缴。

2 、甲方应发工资扣除个人应付费用后,在次月10日以货币形式支付。遇不可抗力导致延迟发放须提前 1 个工作日说明。 (五)聘用终止 1 、违反国家的法律、法令被追究刑事责任的 2 、违反劳动纪律,泄露甲方商业机密的 3 、经营活动中因个人原因给公司造成重大损失的 七、福利待遇 1 、根据员工服务的时间,服务质量及工作质量给予一定现金奖励。 2 、根据工作表现给予度假、学习考察等其他形式的奖励。 3 、根据工作业绩给予现金或实物奖励。 4 、如有人身意外或法定退休年龄,可将本人在公司内待遇传承给指定继承人。 八、管理制度 (一)员工行为规范 1 、注重仪容仪表、穿着得体、端正行为举止; 2 、严禁随地吐痰、连扔垃圾破坏公共卫生; 3 、举止文明,注意礼貌用语; 4 、不得损坏公物,禁止乱贴、乱画; 5 、禁止使用暴力、禁止打击报复和恶意攻击,损害公司和他人名誉;


2020年公司员工手册本详细完整版导读:本文是关于2020年公司员工手册本详细完整版,希望能帮助到您! 《员工手册》的目的是向员工介绍关于员工管理的政策和规定,并希望员工在日常工作中依照公司《员工手册》的指引,自觉履行工作责任,遵守法律法规,社会道德规,遵守公司的各项管理制度,做一个合格的“公司员工”。 目录 第一篇前言 第二篇人事管理篇 第三篇行政管理篇 第四篇后勤总务管理篇 第五篇安全管理篇 第六篇附则 第一篇前言 致员工: 热烈欢迎您加入XX,我们的目标是:为每一位员工提供称心如意的工作,在积极奋进、团结合作、健康愉快的环境中,参与公司发展,实现个人成长与公司繁荣共同进步。 我们很高兴向您提供这本《员工手册》,手册概括性地说明了公司的基本管理政策及惯例。您在本公司上班期间,这本手册将成为您工作和学习的指南,请仔细阅读并确保完全清楚和理解手册上的容,如有任何疑问,

可以向直属主管或行政部咨询。 随着公司发展实际情况的变化,《员工手册》的容可能会做必要的修订,届时公司将通过公告、电邮、公司联网等员工沟通渠道及时通知员工。 我坚信公司的繁荣就是大家的幸福!只要我们携手共进,就一定会创造美好的生活! 我们的价值观:平等尊重、敬天爱人、协作创造、共同分享,使公司成为领导潮流的产品供应商。 XX 日期:X年X月X日 公司简介:(略) 企业文化:(略) 公司组织架构图:(略) 第二篇人事管理篇 第一章工作时间 第一条总则 公司根据设置工作岗位的要求,实行《中华人民国劳动法》、《中华人民国劳动合同法》之标准工时工作制、不定时工作制、综合计算工时工作制来设定各岗位的上班时间。 第二条上班时间 公司员工基本工作时间:周一至周五为8小时/天,超过部分按加班计。上班卡在规定的时间前15分钟打卡有效,下班卡在下班时间后的15分钟打卡有效。部门加班时间,根据各部门工作情况由各负责人具体而确定,公司不做统一安排。 第三条休息及加班待遇


员工考勤制度 Work Attendance Regulation

修改说明Modification Description: 第一章总则 Chapter 1 General Provision 第一条为规范员工管理,切实保障公司及员工利益,根据有关法律法规,结合公司实际情况,特制定本制度。 The rule is made based on the company situation in compliance with relevant laws in purpose of standardizing administration of management and safeguarding the interests of both company and staffs. 第二条此制度适用于非工厂编制员工。 The rule applies to non factory staff. 第二章细则 Chapter 2 Implementing Provision 第一节考勤打卡规范/Norm of attendance 第三条所有员工上下班必须按规定打卡,包括中途请假、停产、出差、培训等(应于中途下班时刷卡)。 Staff must punch card when on and off duty. In the halfway during working time, if staff ask leave (include leaving, going out for business, training, production shutdown), they must punch when leave the company. 第四条公司员工出勤均应本人亲自打卡,自觉遵守,相互监督。 Staff must punch the card on his/her own. 第五条委托他人代打卡的或打卡后实际未到岗的,视其情节酌情惩处;代打卡者并同惩处。 Consigning others to punch card or not coming for work after punching card shall be fined upon the circumstances; those help others punch card shall be fined as well. 第六条除外部驻厂员工外,工作时间内出公司大门的,需填写《出门单》交部门主管及人力资源部审批。 Except for QC of outsourcing fac, those going out during the working hours shall submit [Gate Pass] to the dept manager and HR for approval. 第七条正常出勤无刷卡记录,补办考勤证明的审批规定: The approval of attendance certification: 员工正常出勤的,如发生漏刷卡、其他无刷卡记录的合理原因导致考勤记录不全,应填写《考勤证明表》证明出勤情况。 Where there is no attendance record due to reasonable reason while the staff is on duty, he/she shall submit [Attendance Certification] for approval. 1) 《考勤证明表》须在员工未正常刷卡发生后三个工作日内,经部门主管审批,提报人力资源部。
