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II.Reading &Translation (60)

Section 1 (15)

Read the statement and choose the best answer that fits into the blank.

41. Two guests died in the explosion and we do not know the

______it yet.

A.cause for

B.cause of

C.reason for

D.reason of

42.One key point in evacuations is _____you usually don’t have much time.



C.reason for


43.Areas of skin _____chemiecals should be flushed with water as quickly as possible.

A.esposed to

B.exposed with

C.exposing to

D.exposing with

44.If I___really smart , I wouldn’t be here writing reports.



C.had been

D. Were

45.The guest complained that the fish______.

A.smelled bad

B.smelled badly

C.smells bad

D.smells badly

46.The chef should make sure all food pre pared in his kitchen is ___high quality and standard.

A.To be use


C. To use


47.The chef should make sure all food prepared in his kitchen is ___high quality and standare.


B. with

C. of

D. For

48.A hotel employee_____tell a guest’s wife that he had dinner with another woman last night without permission.


B.may not


D.ought not

49.I hope all the uniforms are _____pattern.


B.the same

C.of same

D.of hte same

50.As _____before, staff is one of the biggest expenses in Housekeeping.



C.to mention

D.to be mentioned

51. Some of these promotions are very profitable for

hotels,___moon cakes ___during Mid-Autumn Festival.

A. Such as, selling

B.as, sold



52. The main steps towards ______any security threat

are:detect,respond and record.

A.deal with

B.deling with

C.to do with

D.to doing with

53. The hotel employees should always talk with the guest, no matter how rude he is ,________.



C.in a friendly way

D.as friend 54, The___is not an economy hotel.

A.express hotel


C.resort hotel

D.youth hotel

55.Exactly ,we always have virthday cakes______ in from ourside companies for birthday party.


B.to bring



Section 2 (10)

Read the passages and choose the best item that fits into the blank or answers the question.


High-quality service is entirely dependent on the waiter having a liking for his job and knowledge of its working right down to the last detail. He should be quiet, quick, and neverintrude on the customer. Each persom should ve aware of the time it takes to prepare all the food served a la carte. Close liaison between the kitchen and the resraurant is essential if food is to be served efficiently.

When taking the order, one should know how to advise the customer on the basis of those items available .Find out the customer’s tastes and what his requirements are, and try to discover how much he wants to spend. The nationality of hte customer plays an important part in this process. One should be very careful with the type of customer who prefers silence to

suggestions. To avoid any possible misunderstanding when the time comes to pay the bill,it is preferable to determine in advance the cost of all special items not shown on the menu but which the customer has requested.

The wine order is to be taken immediately after the food order, so that wine can be cooled or brought to room temperature, depending on its nature and on the customer ’s taste. As the selection of the wine is very important, it isnormally the head waiter or wine waiter who takes this order. He must know by heart his wine list, the qualities of each particular year and especially how to select

wine to go with the different types of food being served.

56. a waiter who ____can offer high quality service.

a.loves his job

b. knows what to do and how to do his work

c. Know the details of how to taking order

d. both a and b

57. The food a guest orders can be served in an efficient way when __

a, the waiter works hard b. the chef works hard

c.the waiter and the chef co-ordinate their work closely

d. all of the above

58.A waiter should recommend to the guest______.

a. the item he likes best

b. the item the hotel has

c. the expensive items

d.the cheapest item

59.Which of the following sentences is wrong?

a.A waiter should recommend to the guest the items the hotel has.

b.A waiter should make some suggestions as soon as a guest sits down.

c.People of different countries enjoy different foo


d.A waiter should find out how much the guest wants to spend on the dinner before making suggestion.

60.The most important for a wine waiter to know is ______

a.his wine list by heart

b.the difference between the wine produced in cach particular year

c.how to select wine to go with the food the guest ordered

d.something about imported wine


In most hotels, when maids arrive, they go to locker rooms and change info uniforms. They then go to HK headquarters, usually the linen room, sign in and get their floor assignments. They pick up their rags, supply basket, room status sheet and pencil. They then report to their floors, sign in with their supervisor who gives out room assignments and keys.

This procedure is advisable if there is a big enough sign-in area for all the maids to congregate in the morning and afternoon. Such an arrangement tends to give them a certain sense of belonging to a group and being part of the hotel organization. Checking in and out at a floor linen room, which they see only a few other maids and their supervisors deprives them of the feeling that part of the success of the hotel is heavily dependent upon their effective performance and that of their co-workers.

Every effort is made not to disturb the guest—even if they haven’t had the foresight to put the sign on the doorknob, or double lock their doors. As long as there are check-out or pre-registered rooms to work (or rooms for which early make-up has been required) maids are usually instructed not to knock on doors early in the morning, thus avoiding the danger of awakening guests. Obviously thcv never knock when the “Do Not Disturb” sign is displayed. If by

2:30 pm. The room is still inaccessible, Housekeeping is notified by the supervisor and the room is checked by phone or in person by Assistant Manager.

61. The first thing a chambermaid should do when she arrives at the hotel every day is to ______

a. change into the uniform

b. Sign in

c. report to the manager

d. report to the floors

2. The____gives floor assignments anil the gives the room assignments according to the passage

a. housekeeper, supervisor

b. supervisor, housekeeper

c. housekeeper, housekeeper

d. supervisor, supervisor

63. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a. The chambermaid should try her best not to disturb the guest while offering chamber service

b.The chambermaid should knock at the door and make up the room at 8 though the guest in the room might still be sleeping

c.A cheek -out room should be done later

d.The hotel employee should not disturb the guest in any case if the guest display the DND sign.

64. The maid usually gets the keys front the_____

A. floor attendant b. Housekeeper c. Supervisor ' d. Linen room clerk

65. If by 2:30 p.m. the room is still inaccessible, the maid should inform the______

a. housekeeper

b. supervisor

c. Assistant Manager

d. floor attendant Section 3 (10)

Read the passage and choose the best item that fits into the blank.

A rich Frenchman went into a shop in New York. He wanted very much to buy a nice-looking ---66— watch. He saw one that he liked, but the owner of the shop asked five hundred US dollars

---67—it. Suddenly a young man came into the shop, and --68—at it. It all happened in a few seconds. When the owner ran into the street. the thief was already lost among the crowds.

The Frenchman went on. At the next corner he saw the young thief with the—69—watch in his hand. “Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?” He --70--. “If is only a hundred dollars.”

“It's --71— the thief doesn't know I saw him --72--the watch," the Frenchman thought. He paid at once and went back to his hotel with the watch. He couldn't help

-73—his friend about his good luck.

His friend took a look at the watch and laughed, saying. “You have been made a fool of. This watch isn’t - -74—even ten dollars. I'm sure that the shop owner and the thief —75—this together. Why don't you ask the police to help you get your money back?"

The rich man decided not. He thought he'd better keep quiet about it.

66.A.golden B.gold C.good D.expensive

67.A.for B.with C.on D.about

68.A.stole B.got C.robbed D.snatched

69. A. Missing B. lost C. stolen D.stealing

0A.said B. talked C. whispered D. told

1A. clear B. clearly C. obviously D. clean

72.A.to steal B. stole C.be stealing D. stealing it

73.A to tell B. tell C. to telling D. telling

74.A. worthy B. worth C. equal to D. worth of

75.A.planed B. planned C.would plan D. has planned

Section 4 (5)

Put the following into Chinese.

1.Their main role iS to serve the guest's need.

2. How about some kind of promotion that is new and exciting?

3. My assignment is to develop new business.

4. This sounds good. We can do it on weekends.

5. We often host world leaders and film stars.

Section 5 (10)

Put the following into English.

Section 6 Practical Writing (10)






Section 6 (10)

W rite a Memo according to the Chinese prompts, paying attention to the form of a memo.




K ey Answ er:

41-45 CC BDA 46-50.DCCCB51-55ABC CA 56 DC ABC61-65 AA ACB66-70 BA ACA 71-75 ADDBB

S ec ti on4





5.我们经常接待世界级的领导人和电影明星。S ec ti on5

1. We nee d to thin k o f some wa ys to in cre ase ho tel s ales.

2.We’l l need a l ow pr ice to g e t the trav el

ag en ts to boo k wi th u s.

3.Beca use of e cono mic pr oble ms, th is y ear’

a chie vem en ts hav e dro pped a li ttle.

4.We a re glad you wi ll pur cha se the

c on fe ren ce se rv ice o f o ur ho tel.

5. Onl y when we k now abou t the ir a c tion s can we ta ke c or re spon ding mea su res.



T o:A l l S t a f f o f F&B

From: HR Department of the Hotel

Date: August 28, 2013

Subject: Matter of Oral English Examination

The coming oral English examination, taken charge of by the Training Centre of Tourism Bureau, held at the hotel, falls on September 4. The staff of the restaurant will begin at 9:00a.m., and the other staff of F&B will take it at 1:00p.m.. The examination room is the Rose room of Sichuan Restaurant. All the managers of F&B have to make proper arrangements to ensure all the candidates of the department can attend it on time and please inform them of bringing their ID card and test card with them for the examination.


上海普陀区2018届高三政治二模试卷(带 答案) 2017-2018学年第二学期普陀区高三质量调研 思想政治试卷 一、选择题(共60分,每小题3分) 第1-16题,每小题只能选一个答案,选出正确答案得3分,错选的0分。 1.人民民主专政是工人阶级(经过共产党)领导的、以工 农联盟为基础的、在人民内部实行民主和对敌人实行专 政的国家政权。工人阶级的领导是我国人民民主专政国 家性质的 A.首要标志B.阶级基础C.社会基础 2.2017年9月1日下午,《中华人民共和国国歌法》获十二届全国人大常委会第二十九次会议表决通过,于2017年10月1日起施行。这是全国人大常委会依法行使A.决定权B.立法权C.监督权 3.读中央国家机关组织系统简表,空白方框中应填入的 国家机关是 A.国家主席 B.国务院总理 C.全国政协 4.党的十九大要求“把人民对美好生活的向往作为奋斗 目标”,这一要求表明

A.中共中央切实履行加强社会建设的职能 B.中国共产党代表最广大人民的根本利益 C.我国公民实际享有的政治权利更加广泛 5.普陀区某中学开展“模拟政协”活动,小政协委员们经过充分调研和讨论,提交了《关于移动摊位合法化和普及化的提案》的议案。中学生参加“模拟政协”活动A.实现了人民政协参政议政职能 B.扩大了中学生行使的民主权利 C.加深了对我国政治制度的理解 6.十九大报告在阐述民族宗教政策时指出:深化民族团结进步教育,铸牢中华民族共同体意识,加强各民族交往交流交融,促进各民族像石榴籽一样紧紧抱在一起,共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展。全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,坚持我国宗教的中国化方向,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应。我国实行上述政策是因为 A.少数民族地区享有管理本民族内部事务的权力 B.宗教信仰自由是我国少数民族地区群众的权利 C.中华民族伟大复兴离不开少数民族地区繁荣发展 7.某校学生在时事述评活动中,收集到我国政府对深化全球治理的建设性主张:尊重各国多样化发展道路;各国转变发展方式,发展绿色经济;各国共享发展机遇,共同应对发展中挑战;各国求同存异,实现共同安全。


静安区2019 学年第二学期教学质量检 测 高三历史试卷2020.05 注意: 1.本检测设试卷和答题纸两部分,所有答题必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律无效。答题纸与试卷上的试题编号一一对应,答题时应特别注意,不能错位。 2.检测时间 60 分钟,试卷满分 100 分。 一、选择题(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分) 1.为农耕文明的简介配图,恰当的是 A B C D 2.“周文武所封子弟同姓甚众,然后属疏远,相攻击如仇雠,诸侯更相诛伐,周天子弗 能禁止。”廷尉李斯基于以上判断,主张推行 A. 皇帝制度 B. 三公九卿制度 C. 郡县制度 D. 君主专制制度 3.“世祖光武皇帝讳秀,字文叔,南阳蔡阳人,高祖九世之孙也。”材料中的“世祖”建立了 A. 西汉 B.东汉 C.蜀汉 D. 后汉 4.“两宋时期,中国经济重心南移完成”这一结论的最主要依据是 A. 南方的自然条件更有利于发展农业生产 B. 北方持续战乱而南方相对安宁 C. 南方经济发展水平和经济实力超过北方 D. 北宋定都开封而南宋定都临安 5.右图为受污损的三联书店出版物封面。其中污损处的文字当 是

A.咸阳 B.长安

C.洛阳 D. 泉州 6.下图为学生笔记。笔记评价的是 A.东汉的“柔道”政策 B. 唐代的“和亲”政策 C. 宋代的“和议”态度 D. 明清的“闭关锁国” 7.“你们的羊一向是那么驯服,那么容易喂饱,据说现在变得很贪婪、很凶蛮,以至于吃人,并把你们的田地、家园和城市蹂躏成废墟”。托马斯﹒莫尔《乌托邦》中的这段话,谴责的是 A. 圈地运动 B. 黑奴贸易 C. 君主专制 D. 殖民扩张 8.“议会君主制政体的权力重心在议会。议会拥有立法权、财政权和对行政的监督权”。材料中的“议会君主制”也被称作 A. 开明君主制 B. 民主共和制 C. 君主立宪制 D. 等级君主制 9.作为条款,“英王陛下承认合众国为自由、自主和独立的国家”出自 A. 1689 年《权利法案》 B. 1783 年《巴黎和约》 C. 1787 年“联邦宪法” D. 1789 年《人权宣言》 10.区分彼得一世改革与亚历山大二世改革性质的关键在于 A. 是否使俄国走上富强的道路 B. 是否动摇了沙皇的专制地位 C. 是否保留大量封建军事残余 D. 是否为经济提供自由劳动力 11.18 世纪中期开始的经济领域大变革之所以称为“工业革命”,主要是因为 A. 机器生产取代手工劳动 B. 资本主义战胜封建主义 C. 手工作坊变成手工工场 D. 君主统治让位民主政治


期末考试《酒店英语》(A 卷)参考答案及评分标准 一、选择题(下列各题的备选答案中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确答案填在10分) A. knowledge B. preservation C. development D.B and C 2.Resources are a fundamental _______ in the development of tourism. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0716751533.html,parison https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0716751533.html,position https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0716751533.html,pliment https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0716751533.html,ponent 3. The Yangtze River is nearly 6300 kilometers in _______ . A. wide B. long C. width D. length 4.The most important factors for the travel agents to succeed are ______. A.good management and good service B.good offices https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0716751533.html,puter reservations systems D.fare quotations and ticketing skills 5. _______ the temperature, _______ water turns into steam. A. The high, the fast B. Higher, faster C. The more higher, the faster D. The higher, the faster 6.As China's economy shifts to a more market system, the domestic travel industry will face increasing _____ in a more highly competitive environment. A.changes B.charges C.challenges D.chances 7. Our company is _______ of other makers of spare parts for the airplane. A. in advance B. ahead C. abreact D. in front 8. People on vacation often go to_______ to rest or play or to meet other people. A. major cities B. airports C. resorts D. ground transportation 9. A hotel's_______comes from payments made for the use of its rooms and other facilities. A reservations B. file C. income D. responsibility 10. Local people usually see tourism as ______. A.an opportunity to make a profit B.an opportunity to create jobs C.a cultural and employment factor D.a wealth factor in the economy of their jurisdictions 二、判断题(下列说法正确的请用 “T ” 表示,错误的请用“F ” 表示,请将正确答 案填在答题框。每题1分,共10分) Shanghai: a City for Cuisine Exploration Shanghai offers a dazzling variety of food and provides and opportunity for cuisine exploration by learning to use chopsticks. Stylish dining is one area where Shanghai leaves Beijing in the dust. Eating out in Shanghai is about more than just the food: it is a social lubricant, a time when families get together and a major form of recreation for Shanghai ’s chic elite. While friends in the west go out for a beer, the Shanghainese will choose a meal punctuated with numerous shots of rice wine. Even if you are a regular customer at your local Chinese restaurant back in America you won ’t necessarily find yourself at home with Chinese cuisine in China. You ’ll find no fortune cookies or chop suey in Shanghai and only the occasional prawn cracker. Most top-end Chinese restaurants in Shanghai have some kind of English menu but even these don ’t include the more interesting dishes. Go with your Chinese friends and let them order. In general it is always better to eat Chinese food in a group as you ’ll get a better variety of dishes. Restaurants often have set meals for a table of 10, which is


上海市2014年高考历史模拟试卷 一、选择题(共75分) 以下每小题2分,共60分,每题只有一个正确的选项,必须做在答题卡上。 1.“他是乌鲁克国王,他非人非神。众神创造了他完美的身躯,并赋予他美貌、智慧、勇敢,使他具有世人无法具有的完美品质。”该传说出现在 A.古代埃及B.古代两河流域 C.古代中国D.古代印度 2.下列图片说明雅典民主政治 A.开西方民主政治之先河 B.维护了奴隶主的统治地位和利益 C.只适合小国寡民的城邦 D.促进了雅典思想文化繁荣与发展 3.历史学家指出:西周王朝虽然显示出一定的统一性、集权性,但国家结构上的分散性、松散性仍是最本质的特点。造成“分散性、松散性”的原因是 A.贵族拥有土地所有权B.分散的自然经济 C.贵族们拥有世袭特权D.王室的日益腐败 4.战国时期,在治国方略上主张“名礼仪以化之,起法正以治之,使天下皆出于治,合于善也”的著名思想家是 A.孟子 B.韩非子C.墨子 D.荀子 5.公元前452至前451年,在古罗马平民的努力下,由贵族编制出的十个法表,被镌刻在十块青铜板上,但法表中的一些内容引起平民不满。公元前450年,又增两表,形成著名的《十二铜表法》。这一过程说明 A.平民的社会地位有所提高B.贵族的利益肯定受到制约 C.罗马法法律体系渐趋完善D.平民取得罗马法的制定权 6.观察下面两幅不同时期的山东地图。左图到右图的变化主要说明了古代山东地区 A.受中央政府的控制加强B.行政区划范围由小到大 C.在全国的政治地位提高D.行政机构设置由繁到简 7.《剑桥中国秦汉史》认为:秦朝尽管昙花一现,却成功地把一套国家官僚机器的制度传给


上海高考数学模拟卷 一. 填空题 1. 若(1)3 lim 42 n a n n →∞+-=+,则常数a = 2. 椭圆224312x y +=的焦距为 3. 若复数z 满足(34)43i z i -=+,则z z ?= 4. 如图,正四棱锥P-ABCD 中所有棱长均相等,则侧棱与 底面所成角的大小为 5. 已知函数()y f x =和函数2log (1)y x =+的图像关于直 线0x y -=对称,则函数()y f x =的解析式为 6. 满足 sin 0cos x x =的实数x 的取值集合是 7. 某学生参加2门选修课的考试.假设该学生第一门、第二门课程取得A 的概率依次为 45、3 5 ,且不同课程是否取得A 相互独立.则该生只取得一门课程A 的概率为 8. 若z 为复数,则方程2z z =的解集为 9. 已知4024012341(32)x a a x a x a x +=++++L ,若数列1a 、2a 、…、k a (141,)k k ≤≤∈N 是一个单调递增数列,则k 的最大值为 10.有一圆锥,底面和顶点均在一个半径为5的球面上,且圆锥底面经过球面上直线距离为6 的两点,则该圆锥体积的最小值为 11. 若点P 在△ABC 的边界和内部运动,且AP xAB yAC =+u u u r u u u r u u u r .另有0a ≥,0b ≥,且恒有 1ax by +≤,则以a 、b 为坐标的点所形成的平面区域的面积为 12. 在投票评选活动中,经常采用简单多数原则或积分原则. 简单多数原则指n 个评委对k 个候选人进行一次表决,各自 选出认为最佳的人选,按每个候选人所得票数不同决定不同 名次;积分原则指每个评委先对k 个候选人排定顺序,第一 名得k 分,第二名得1k -分…,依此类推,最后一名得1分, 每个候选人最后的积分多少决定各自名次. 右表是33个评委 对A 、B 、C 、D 四名候选人做出的选择,则按不同原则评选, 名次不相同的候选人是 二. 选择题 13. 下列对函数3()3x f x x =+性质判断正确的是( ) (,)P a b


编号:___ 饭店英语课程标准 课程名称:饭店英语 适用专业:中等职业学校国际商务专业 一、课程性质与任务 (一)课程性质 《饭店英语》课程是酒店管理专业的必修课程之一,是培养学生从事涉外酒店服务工作所需的实用服务英语技能的课程。 (二)设计思路 本课程旨在培养学生具有较强的语言表达能力,掌握酒店服务工作的基本流程和技能,在培养学生英语语言表达能力的同时,联系酒店服务工作实际,使学生能用所学英语开展酒店服务活动,培养学生从事涉外酒店接待的实践能力,并为学生进一步从事酒店实践工作奠定良好的基础。 二、参考课时 每周4课时,一个学期20周共80课时,2个学期共160课时 三、课程目标与内容 (一)课程目标 1.知识教学目标 了解酒店服务各项工作任务的基本服务流程和要点,掌握用英语进行酒店各部门服务工作所必备的,基础的专业术语和表达句。 2.能力培养目标 能综合运用所学的英语,从事酒店服务工作环境中的客房预订,接待入住,退房,礼宾服务,商务中心服务,总机服务,各项客房服务,餐位预订,引领入座,点菜,席间服务,结账,客房服务,洗衣服务,处理投诉等各项酒店服务工作。 3.思想教育目标 具备良好的职业道德素养,爱岗敬业吃苦耐劳的精神,有合格的仪容仪表及服务礼貌礼节

(二)课程内容和要求 (三)考核标准 本课程的考核为期末笔试,期末口试,平时项目考核加总的形式,共100分。平时情况(包括旷课,多次请假,迟到等)为倒扣分。具体考核标准如下:

旷课1次减5分,3次以上请假和迟到减2分 三、教学实施建议 (一)教材编写(此项以是否有编写校本教材为选择) (二)教学设计 1. 情境引入。以图片、视频、提问等形式引入本次课将涉及的工作任务或工作环境。明确本次课的能力目标。 2. 布置任务。教师布置任务,并提出若干问题。要求学生用英语完成该项服务任务,同时思考问题。要求语言准确、符合酒店工作用语环境。以独立、对子、小组等不同形式练习,各次课视情况而定。 3. 示范/模仿。抽取若干小组进行演练。 4. 任务完成,知识归纳。根据学生对任务的完成情况,师生共同归纳该项服务任务的基本工作流程和要点、主要的英语表达句、专业术语等。 5. 布置新任务,并完成总结。教师布置新的服务任务,并提出问题。新任务覆盖了第一个任务所涵盖的基本工作要点并对第一个任务所要求的能力进行扩充,比如设置一批不同性质的客人或者客人提出不同的要求。学生练习完成该项任务,并对知识点进行总结。 6. 布置课外学习任务。要求学生用所学技能和知识完成一项新的服务任务,促进学生思考、提高学生的行动能力。 (三)教学方法建议


2019届上海市虹口区高三二模历史试卷【含答案及解 析】 姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________ 一、选择题 1. 在我们的历史书写中,有些仅仅是罗列史料,有些是对史料的解读,有些是史实的叙述,有些是对史事的评价。 ①二里头文化考古发现的农具有石铲、石镰、蚌铲、骨铲和蚌镰等; ②发现了粟、黍之类颗粒; ③当时的居民经济生活以农业为主; ④二里头遗址发现的大量文化遗迹和遗物,为夏史探究提供了资料。 以上属于对史料的解读的是() A.①②③ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①③④ 2. “赞美你,你从大地诞生并来到我们跟前,带来了营养。灌溉了田地,并使牲畜得以生存。你给远离水源的沙漠解了干渴。让大麦和小麦成活。使梁仓盈满,使库房扩张,你给穷人以恩赐。我们为你而演奏竖琴,为你而高唱赞歌。”这条世界著名的长河,非洲主河流之父,孕育了() A.中华文明 B.埃及文明 C.印度文明 D.希腊文明 3. “不是因为房屋最终在这里建起,或是坚固的城墙在这里伫立,不是运河或码头让城邦成为城邦,而是这里的人们能使用他们的机会。”古希腊诗人所言与城邦相关,可以说明该城邦的一大特点是() A.城邦林立 B.独立自治 C.民主政治 D.小国寡民 4. 商朝的农业生产已有长足的发展,人们的生活水平也大为提高,下列资料中,最能反映商朝社会生活状况的是()

A.《史记?殷本纪》 B.《封神演义》 C.《尚书》 D.甲骨文 5. 贾谊说:“古者,天子地方千里,中之而为郡,输将繇使(辗转运送),其远在五百里而至……秦不能分尺寸之地……一输将起海上而来,一钱之赋,数十钱之费,弗轻能至也。”作者在此主要强调的是() A.分封制下赋税的运输成本相对较低 B.中央集权下租税征收成本大幅增加 C.秦朝的苛政导致民众赋役负担沉重 D.汉初的郡国并行制严重威胁中央财政 6. “万乘之国弑其君者,必千乘之家;千乘之国弑杀其君者,必百乘之家”这句话叙述的是下列哪个时期的社会状况() A.西周 B.东周 C.五代十国 D.三国两晋南北朝 7. “礼教始行,源溯春秋,谁挈五常规伦理;儒风独树,靡开汉武,公凭三策正乾坤。”这副楹联中的“公”是指() A.孔子 B.孟子 C.荀子 D.董仲舒 8. 历史发展既有传承又有创新。下表所列信息,属于汉武帝时期的是() A.司礼监、会馆、铜活字、“三言”“二拍” B.政事堂、内作使绫匠、《金刚经》、高转筒车 C.中朝、素纱褝衣、水排、太学 D.三司使、《武经总要》、四书集注、交子 9. 下列一组王朝迁都图,原都城之自然条件恶劣,保守势力强大,不易推行改革。为了学习先进文化而进行迁都的是()p

2017届上海市黄浦区高考二模试卷 (含答案)

黄浦区2016学年第二学期期中 高三年级英语学科教学质量监测试卷 I. Listening Comprehension II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct. Should Children Ban Their Parents from Social Media ? It might be taken for granted –but no previous generation of children will have had the expenence of having their entire childhoods intensively and publicly documented in this way . But the very first people to have had some of their childhood picture s _____21____(post) online are not always happy about their formative years being preserved in digital world . Parents may not realize it , but by posting photos and videos of their online , they are creating an identity for their children ____22_____might not be welcomed . Lucy is a good example . She said she had asked her dad to de-tag her from “stuff that doesn?t necessary represent ___23_____I am now . That?s not something I?d want to remember every time I log on to Facebook -------- It isn?t the best memories , which is the way you …d like to reveal ___24_____on social media .” Stones about online privacy are often about children and teenagers being warmed of the dangers of publishing too much personal information online. But in this case it?s their parents who are in the spotlight . For some parents , ____25_____(safe) option is avoiding social media altogether . Kasia Kurowaska from Newcastle is expecting her first child in June and has agreed with her partner Lee to impose a blanket ban _____26____her children are old enough to make their own decision about social media . But she has two big concerns about her plan . Firstly , it will be difficult ____27_____(impose) .”When their auntie comes round and takes a picture , we?re going to have to be like paparazzi police , saying , please don?t put these on Facebook . And secondly , the child might dislike _____28_____(not own ) an oline presence , especially if all of their friends do . But I _____29_____(keep ) a digital record of them . It just won?t have been shared on a platform ____30____the masses. Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. criticize B. desperately C. establish D. feature E. focus F. gratitude G. hearfelt H. humanity I . influence J. present K. touch letters Brought Back to Life Letters as a way of communication have long given way to phone calls and WeChat messages . But a TV shows , Letters Alive , is helping bring this old way to keep in touch back into the ___31___. Letters Alive took it idea from a UK program with a similar name , Letters Live . Both shows


2015年上学期《饭店英语》期末考试卷 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 计分___________ I. Multiple choice 单选(20%) 1. May I ______ your name and phone number?. A. know B. to know C. knows 2. We look forward to your _________. A. come B. came C. coming 3.—— How would you like your steak cooked? ——___________,please . A. Rare B. Certainly C. No problem 4. ---Thank you for your help. --- _________________________ A. Never mind B. Very good C. No thanks 5.---What ’s your ______, please? ---1205. A. room number B. ID card C. telephone 6. There are two flights ________ on that day. A. reserve B. available C. introduce 7.--- For which date, sir? ---- ________. A. At half past eight B. On September 1st C. In June 8th 8.--- ________ would you like, first class or business class? ---First class. A. Which class B. What class C. How class 9. --- What kind of ______ do you have? --- We have single, standard and presidential. A. fruit B. room C. vegetables 10. ---I ’ll _____ you ______ so that you can see everyone? ---Thank you. A.show …around. B. show …on. C. show …to II. Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases given below. 选择词汇,用正确形式填空。(10%) 1. Would you like a room ______________gardon? 2. I ’m ____________ recently. 3. The reservation is _____________ Mr. Brown. 4. ---There is__________________________ my telephone. --- Let me have a look. 5. Many guest ___________________ our roast duck.. III. Dialogues. 补全对话。(30%) w: Good evening. Welcome to our hotel. May I help you ? B: Good evening. w: May I take your order now? B: Yes ,show me your menu. w: ______1_______ B: I ’d like cucumber salad. w: Ok,_______2_______ B: Oh ,champagne please. w: With ice or not? B :Without ,_______3_______ w :Ok , What do you recommend for the main course ? B: ______4______ w: Sounds great ,two portions, please!


上海市浦东新区2017届高三政治4月教学质量检测(二模)试题 考生注意: 1.本场考试时间60 分钟。试卷共 5 页,满分100分,答题纸1页。 2.考生作答前,在答题纸指定区域填写好姓名,填涂好准考证号、座位号。 3.作答必须涂或写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的区域,在试卷上答题一律不得分。 4.用2B铅笔填涂选择题,用黑色字迹钢笔、水笔或圆珠笔作答非选择题。 一、单项选择题(第1—16 题,选出正确选项得 3 分,选错得0 分。第17—20 题,选出最佳选项 得3分,选出次佳选项得2分,选错得0 分。共60 分。) 1.在政治生活中,处于核心地位的是 A.国家利益 B .国家主权 C .国家政权 2.来自上海的人大代表在全国人大会议期间,审议国务院总理的《政府工作报告》。这表明,人大代表 A.认真参与政治协商 B .积极行使国家权力 C .实践基层民主自治 3.推进司法体制改革,要紧紧牵住司法责任制这个“牛鼻子”,让审理者裁判,由裁判者负责,以至公无私之心,行正大光明之事。这强调的是 A.人民法院要公正司法 B.人民检察院依法监督 C.公安机关要严格执法 4.在公共文化服务内容提供上,要把政府送文化和群众要文化结合起来,即把政府的“送菜”和群 众“点菜”结合起来。让群众‘点菜’的根本原因是 A.政府履行公共服务的职能 B.政府需提高公共服务效率 C.政府的一切权力来自人民 5.2016 年 6 月以来,全国人大常委会先后多次审议《民法总则》草案,并且向社会全文发布,公 开征求意见。2017年3月15 日,《中华人民共和国民法总则》获十二届全国人大五次会议表决通过。 从民主与法制的关系看,材料表明 A.社会主义法制是社会主义民主的保障 B.社会主义民主是社会主义法制的基础 C.有法可依是社会主义法制的根本前提 6.以下举措直接促进各民族共同繁荣的是


2018-2019学年上海市高考数学模拟试卷 一.填空题 1.函数f(x)=lnx+的定义域为. 2.若双曲线x2﹣y2=a2(a>0)的右焦点与抛物线y2=4x的焦点重合,则a= .3.某校高一年级有学生400人,高二年级有学生360人,现采用分层抽样的方法从全校学生中抽出55人,其中从高一年级学生中抽出20人,则从高三年级学生中抽取的人数为. 4.若方程x2+x+p=0有两个虚根α、β,且|α﹣β|=3,则实数p的值是. 5.盒中有3张分别标有1,2,3的卡片.从盒中随机抽取一张记下号码后放回,再随机抽取一张记下号码,则两次抽取的卡片号码中至少有一个为偶数的概率为. 6.将函数的图象向左平移m(m>0)个单位长度,得到的函数y=f(x)在 区间上单调递减,则m的最小值为. 7.若的展开式中含有常数项,则当正整数n取得最小值时,常数项的值为. 8.若关于x,y,z的三元一次方程组有唯一解,则θ的取值的集合是. 9.若实数x,y满足不等式组则z=|x|+2y的最大值是. 10.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC=3,cos∠BAC=, =2,则?的值为.

11.已知f(x)=的最大值和最小值分别是M和m,则M+m= .12.已知四数a1,a2,a3,a4依次成等比数列,且公比q不为1.将此数列删去一个数后得到的数列(按原来的顺序)是等差数列,则正数q的取值集合是. 二.选择题 13.直线(t为参数)的倾角是() A.B.arctan(﹣2)C.D.π﹣arctan2 14.“x>0,y>0”是“”的() A.充分而不必要条件 B.必要而不充分条件 C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 15.若一个水平放置的图形的斜二测直观图是一个底角为45°且腰和上底均为1的等腰梯形,则原平面图形的面积是() A.B.C.2+D.1+ 16.对数列{a n},如果?k∈N*及λ1,λ2,…,λk∈R,使a n+k=λ1a n+k﹣1+λ2a n+k﹣2+…+λk a n 成立,其中n∈N*,则称{a n}为k阶递归数列.给出下列三个结论: ①若{a n}是等比数列,则{a n}为1阶递归数列; ②若{a n}是等差数列,则{a n}为2阶递归数列; ③若数列{a n}的通项公式为,则{a n}为3阶递归数列. 其中,正确结论的个数是() A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 三.简答题


2016学年第二学期普陀区高三质量调研 历史试卷 考生注意: 1.考试时间60分钟,试卷满分100分。 2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求;所有答题做在答题纸上;做在试卷上一律不得分。 3.答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名。 4.答题纸与试卷在试题编号上是一一对应的,答题时应特别注意,不能错位。 一、选择题(每小题2分,共40分。每题只有一个正确选项) 1.以下成果,属于古代东方文明的是 A.汉穆拉比法典 B.荷马史诗 C.十二铜表法 D.玛雅文化 2.关于炎帝、黄帝传说的史料价值,说法准确的是 A.是中华文明源远流长的可靠证据 B.与《史记》记载相互印证故可信 C.反映了早期先民创世的集体记忆 D.在传播中经后人加工虚构无价值 3.具有“社会动荡中的大变革”“思想活跃的多元文化”特征的时代是A.殷商社会 B.春秋战国 C.秦汉帝国 D.宋元时期 4.打破血缘世袭关系和世族的垄断,使“朝为田舍郎,暮登天子堂”成为可能的是A.分封制B.郡县制 C.文官体制D.科举制

5.以下历史事件,命名方式与众不同的是 A.孝文帝改革B.贞观之治 C.开元盛世D.康乾盛世 6.强调集体议政重要性的中央行政机构是 A.秦朝的皇帝B.隋唐的三省 C.明朝的内阁D.清朝军机处 7.右图白底部分是某王朝的局部疆域图,该王朝 是 A.秦朝B.唐朝 C.元朝D.清朝 8.右图漫画反映当时我国对外贸易的特点是 A.闭关锁国 B.榷场贸易 C.丝路贸易 D.朝贡贸易 9.“17世纪40年代的政变使一个国王掉了脑袋,1688年政变使另一个国王失去了王位”的国家是 A.英国B.法国C.德国D.美国 10.表明法国以法律为基础的资产阶级权利取代了以君主意志为标志的封建特权的文献是A.《权利法案》B.《独立宣言》 C.《人权宣言》D.《解放黑奴宣言》 11.“在战争中联邦得到维护和改造,维护了合众国的存在”,材料中“战争”的领导者是A.华盛顿B.林肯C.罗斯福D.杜鲁门


高考政治试卷 第I 卷(选择题,每题2分,共44分) 1、 限价是国家对某些商品规定的价格极限,分 为最高限价(P 2)和最低限价(P l )。最高限价, 指政府 规定某种产品或服务的价格不得超过某 个水平;最低限 价,指政府规定或维持某种产品 的价格不低于某个水 平。根据下图信息,下列相 关推断正确的有( ) ① 最高限价一般低于均衡价格,有利于保障消费者 的 利益 ② 最低限价一般高于均衡价格,不利于生产者扩大生产规模 ③ 最高限价和最低限价是国家运用行政手段直接干预经济运行 ④ 最高限价和最低限价是国家通过经济利益的调整来调节经济 A 、①② B 、①③ C 、③④ D 、①④ 2、 近几年来,我国财政收入一直保持高速增长,这在一定程度上影 响了民众生活水平的稳步提高。对此民众要求减税的呼声一度高涨。 民众要求减税的合理性在于( ) ① 合理的分配政策有利于促进社会分配公平 ② 税收是改善人民生活的物质保障 ③ 税收水平直接反映着一国经济发展的水平 ④ 税收过多不利于消费水平的提高 A 、①③ B 、①④ C 、②③ D 、②④ 3、 2013年9月29日,中国(上海)自由贸易试验区挂牌成立。建 设中国(上海)自由贸易试验区,是顺应全球经贸发展新趋势,实行 更加积极主动开放战略的一项重大举措。建设中国(上海)自由贸易 区旨在 ① 构建与各国合作发展的新平台,培育我国国际竞争的新优势 ② 创新企业走出去”的新方案和新方式,提高企业国际竞争能力 ③ 转变经济增长方式和优化经济结构,增强我国独立自主的能力 ④ 探索我国对外开放的新路径和新模式, 拓展经济增长的新空间 A 、①② B 、①④ C 、②③ D 、③④ 据了解,2013年国庆节后,随着出游人流量的减少,各大旅游 目的地进入传统淡季。对此,各大航空公司和酒店地接等费用的降低 是节后全球 游价”下降的主要原因。回答4~5题。 4、由上述材料信息可知,影响节后全球 “游价 ”下降的因素是( ) p


2017年上海高考历史模拟试题(含答案) 一、选择题(本大题共35小题,第1—30题每小题2分,第31—35题每小题3分,共75分) 1.历史文献记载:殷人上下“率肆于酒”。下列与之可以相互印证的文物是 2.在古代世界的众多文明成果中,能够被视为王权象征和灵魂安息之所的建筑是 A.长城B.二里头宫殿C.金字塔D.帕特农神庙 3.《千字文》中“九州禹迹,百郡秦并”的历史现象发生于 A.公元前二世纪初B.公元前二世纪晚 C.公元前三世纪初D.公元前三世纪晚 4.“晋楚更霸,赵魏困横。假途灭虢,践土会盟。”直接反映了 A.实力竞争 B.社会变革C.诸侯争霸D.百家争鸣 5.古代某法典规定:当债务人无力偿还债务时,如果债务人的种姓低于债权人,那么债务人只能以人身作为抵押;如果债务人的种姓高于债权人,那么可以暂缓偿还,并且不得用人身作低押。其目的是 A.区别不同的种姓B.维护高等的种姓 C.维护债权人利益D.强调法律的权威 6.某历史文章中描述“其版图西起不列颠,东至幼发拉底河,南起埃及和撒哈拉沙漠以北,北至莱茵、多瑙河一线,统治的人口可能多达6千万,常备军队不过区区25万人左右。”文中指的是 A.罗马帝国B.阿拉伯帝国C.东罗马帝国D.奥斯曼帝国 7.丝绸之路的重镇敦煌出土了大量文献,其中包含一批唐代长安宫廷写经(抄经)。右图是敦博第55号《妙法莲华经》卷六卷尾文字,对此解读最正确的是

A.写经可作为唐代中外交流的证明B.详细罗列了唐代宫廷抄经的流程 C.反映了唐代宫廷热衷佛教的史实D.唐代宫廷抄经有严密的制度保障 8.观察左图,其中建立政权时间先后顺序正确的是 A.①②③④B.①④②③C.④①②③D.④③①② 9.中国历史上有众多的制度创新。下列制度中创设意图与众不同的是 A.刺史制度B.内外朝制C.内阁制度D.金瓶掣签制 10.直接反映我国古代科技领先的是 A.日本派遣唐使B.火药技术的西传 C.传教士的东来D.《几何原本》的翻译 11.探险家麦哲伦环球航行时经过的大洋顺序依次是 A.大西洋—>印度洋—>太平洋—>大西洋 B.大西洋—>太平洋—>印度洋—>大西洋 C.太平洋—>印度洋—>大西洋—>太平洋 D.太平洋—>大西洋—>印度洋—>太平洋 12.“教皇和宗教会议的权力不是神授的,是人为的,都会犯错误。”这个观点最可能出现在A.1492年是否支持远洋探险的西班牙宫廷辩论中 B.1519年探讨神权是否神圣的德意志宗教辩论中


上海市2019学年度高考数学模拟试卷 一、填空题(本大题共有14题,满分56分)只要求直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分, 否则一律得零分. 1.函数) 2(log 1 )(2-= x x f 的定义域为 2.复数z 满足i i z 1=i +1,则i z 31-+= 3.底面边长为2m ,高为1m 的正三棱锥的全面积为 m 2 4.某工厂生产10个产品,其中有2个次品,从中任取3个产品进行检测,则3个产品中至多有1个次品的概率为 5.若非零向量,a b r r 满足32a b a b ==+r r r r ,则,a b r r 夹角的余弦值为_______ 6.已知圆O :52 2=+y x ,直线l :)2 0(1sin cos π θθθ<<=+y x ,设圆O 上到直线l 的 距离等于1的点的个数为k ,则k = 7.已知)(x f 是定义在R 上的奇函数.当0>x 时,x x x f 4)(2 -=,则不等式x x f >)( 的解集用区间表示为 8.已知{}n a 为等比数列,其前n 项和为n S ,且2n n S a =+* ()n ∈N ,则数列{}n a 的通项公 式为 9.设1a >,若对于任意的[,2]x a a ∈,都有2 [,]y a a ∈满足方程log log 3a a x y +=,这时a 的取值范围为_____________ 10.已知F 是抛物线4 2y x =的焦点,B A ,是抛物线上两点,线段AB 的中点为)2,2(M ,则 ABF ?的面积为 11.如图,已知树顶A 离地面 212 米,树上另一点B 离地面 112 米, 某人在离地面 32 米的C 处看此树,则该人离此树 米时, 看A 、B 的视角最大 第11题图

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