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21世纪大学英语英语课文讲解Unit 7 (a) -

Unit Seven T ext A I Became Her T arget

Warm-up Questions

2. What happened to the writer when he was 12 years old? Skim paragraph 1 to find out.

3. How did he feel at that time? Skim paragraph 2 to find out.

Presenting the text by summing up the discussion.

The author recalled his favorite teacher, Dorothy Bean, with deep emotions. The story concerned how Miss. Bean helped the author, an black boy, built his confidence and did away with loneliness in schools. And the author was accepted by his white students. Miss. Bean’s justness and lov e changed a lonely child’s life who lacked confidence.

Background Information

1.Negroes, blacks and African Americans

Each of these terms refers to the minority group in the U.S. who traces their ancestry to sub-Saharan Africa. Over the years, these words have changed substantially, in their degree of acceptance and their use among the white majority and the black population itself. The term Negro, which is capitalized, became the preferred term in the early 20th century but has been out of date since 1960s. It was replaced by the term black which reflects a greater pride in African identity, as indicated by James Brown's song, “Say it Loud. I’m Black and I’m Proud.”In the 1970s the term Afro-American was used in many formal contexts, but it has now been replaced by African-American. In current usage, “black” is used in most spoken or informal contexts, and African- American in most formal or written context.

2. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Thomas Jefferson served as the third president of United States, was the author of the Declaration of Independence, and founded what came to be the Democratic Party. He played a major part in shaping government theory and practice, putting into words and law the ideals of a nation dedicated to the principle that all men are created equal. Beyond his achievements in politics, Jefferson is noted as a “renaissance man”for his accomplishments in architecture, science, and philosophy, among other fields. He designed his own home, Monticello, which is now a national park, and founded the University of Virginia .

3. The New Y ork Y ankees

Playing in the borough 纽约市五个行政区之一of the Bronx in New Y ork City, the Y ankees are the most famous and the most successful team in the history of major league baseball. They have won the World Series championship, which is played each October, more often than any other team.

4. Racial prejudice/ segregation in the United States

A system of racial segregation arose soon after the American Civil War in most former slave states. In 1948, President Truman ordered to put an end to segregation in the armed forces and segregation of the races in public schools was banned in 1954. However, most white schools remained totally segregated by the mid-1960s regardless of the government’s many efforts, school desegregation has still not seen accomplished in much of the U.S.

5. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882—1945)

The 32nd U.S. president (1933---1945), considered by many to be the greatest American president of the 20th century. He launched the economic and social reform program, “New Deal” to help the “forgotten man” during the Great Depression. He also led the country through most of World War II. He was reelected for a fourth term in 1944, but died in 1945.

6. the Louisiana Purchase

This term refers to a land deal made between U.S. president Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte of France in 1803. Jefferson authorized the purchase of land from the Mississippi River westward to the Rocky Mountains and from the Gulf of Mexico northward to Canada for roughly $ 15million. Though it was a great Bargain, doubling the size of the U.S. at the time and adding richly productive farmlands, the Louisiana Purchase was controversial because it was unclear that the president had the authority to make such a purchase without the approval of Congress.

7. grade schools in the United States

Generally, American schools consist of elementary schools (kindergarten to 5th 0r 6th grade), middle schools (grade6-8) or junior high schools(grades7-9), and high schools(grade 9-12 or 10-12). Many children go to kindergarten at age five, and every child begins first grade at age six. Students do not pay tuition in grades1-12.

Text Organization

In this passage “I Became Her Target”, American Civil Rights leader Roger Wilkins talks about the difficulty of being the only black child in the classroom during the 1940s. He describes with gratitude a teacher who respected him enough to challenge him and hold him to high standards. And it can be divided into four parts :

Part one: introduction (Para.1-2): This part introduces the teacher and the author's situation:

a black newcomer in the neighborhood ignored by others and feeling lonely;

Part two: beginning (Para.3-4): It's so lucky that a teacher, Dorothy Bean treated me differently. Part three: development (Para5-14): some stories between the author and the teacher show us how the teacher helped him in developing him and making him another kid in the school.

Story 1 Para5-6 The teacher asked me a question and made me no more a dark presence in class. Story 2 Para. 7-11 The teacher trained to have a critical and creative thinking.

Story 3 (climax 高潮) Para.12-14 While I was absent-minded in class, the teacher reminded me in his particular way, making me part of a story in class, so I was known to everybody.

Part four: ending (para14 ) I was accepted by other people.

Through the text, the author uses the technique of making statement or generalization and then supporting it with a specific example or explanation. By doing so, he makes his ideas more convincing and also easier to understand.

Words & Expressions checkup

1.Favorite: adj. & n. best liked, person or thing liked more than others 最喜欢的, 最受喜爱的人或物

Who is your favorite teacher? 你最喜欢的老师是谁?

He is a favorite of his mother’s.他是母亲最疼爱的孩子。

CET—4考题: Purchasing the new production line will be a ----deal for the company.

A. forceful

B. tremendous

C. favorite

D. profitable

2.Ignorant: adj. (be ~ of / about sth. ) knowing little or nothing 无知的

He is very innocent and ignorant of what life really is!他很天真,不知道真实的生活是什么样子. The young man broke the law because he was ignorant. 这位年轻人因为无知触犯了法律。Many young people are surprisingly~ about current politics.

The couple was quite ignorant of the fact that their son failed almost every course he took.


Some city people are very ignorant of country life and hold startling misconceptions.


[C]:ignorant, illiterate, uneducated

ignorant: adj.常指缺乏一般常识或某方面的知识。

As a child of five, he is ignorant about traffic rules.


illiterate: adj.指文盲的,未受教育的,尤指不能读写的。

There are many illiterate people in some underdeveloped countries.


uneducated: adj. 未受教育的,常指未从学校或书本上获得系统的训练或知识。

He was an uneducated but intelligent man. 他未受过教育,但却很聪明。[expand] ignore: vt. to refuse to pay attention to; disregard 不顾,拒绝注视(某事物);忽视He completely ignored all these facts as though they never existed.

他完全无视这一切, 好像它们根本不存在似的。

She saw him coming but she ignored him. 她看见他走过来, 但装做没看到他。

ignorance 无知,愚昧:没有受过教育、不知晓、未被告知的状态

. be in complete ~ of对某事全然无知

We are in complete ignorance of his plans. 我们完全不知道他的计划。

If he did wrong, it was from / through ~.

3.Spoil: vt 1.make useless, valueless or unsatisfactory, ruin损坏, 遭踏,

Her rudeness spoiled the happy atmosphere of the party.


The new road has completely spoiled the character of the village.


Don’t ~ your appetite by eating sweets just before dinner.

Our holiday is spoilt by the bad weather.

The rain has spoilt my painting.

2. harm the character or temperament by wrong upbringing or lack of discipline. 宠坏,溺爱We should avoid spoiling our children, even though we are one-child families.

The little girl is terribly spoiled by her parents, giving all she wants.


vi. to become unfit for use or consumption, as from decay, such as food变质,变坏变得不适合使用或消费,如因腐烂而不能用, 如食品等。

Meat spoils more quickly without preservatives. 不加防腐剂, 肉会坏得快。

CET—4考题: The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villages: several fishing boats were ____and many houses collapsed.






[C]: spoil, ruin

spoil: v. 强调减低某物的价值, 或用途等使之成为无用的东西。

e.g. The rain spoiled our picnic. 雨破坏了我们野餐。

ruin: v. 毁灭,毁坏,强调以破坏力量完全毁坏某人或某物的价值,用途等。

e.g. He ruined his eyes by reading in poor light. 在昏暗的灯光下看书,他把眼睛看坏了。

4. Chase:vt. to follow rapidly in order to catch or overtake; pursue; 追捕;追赶; 捕猎;

chase the thief 追捕窃贼chase foxes 捕猎狐狸chase the dog away 把狗赶走.

n. act of chasing After a long ~, we caught the thief.

[U]:give chase: to engage in pursuit of…追赶, 对猎物的追逐

Police gave chase to the speeding car. 警察追赶那辆超速行驶的轿车

5.Whereas:conj. although, while 而(表示对比关系)

He must be about sixty, ~ his wife looks about thirty.

Y ou eat a massive plate of food for lunch, ~ I have just a sandwich.

I like spending my holidays in the mountains, ~ my wife prefers the seasi

Whereas she is very diligent while he is very lazy. 虽然她很勤奋,可是他却很懒惰。

He earns $8,000 a year whereas she gets at least $20,000.


They want a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat.

他们想要一座房子, 而我们宁愿住在一套房间里。

The wages of men averaged $54,whereas women’s wages averaged but $42.

6.Establish: v. set up, show sth to be true 建立,设立, 证实

The business was established in 1860. 这家企业建立于1860年。

We have established the fact that he’s innocent.我们已经证明他是无辜的。

His second novel established his fame as a writer. 他的第二部小说为他赢得了荣誉。

He established his innocence by showing that he was in another city when the murder was committed.

The victory established him as a leading politician.

7. View:n.& v. fine natural scenery, opinion on sb / sth观看,风景,见解,考虑

The lake came into view as we turned the corner. 拐过弯,我们就看到了湖水。

She was soon lost from view among the crowd. 她很快就消失在拥挤的人群中。

The room has a beautiful view of the garden. 从这件房子可以看到花园的美景。

What are your views on her resignation? 你对她辞职有何感想?

The attack on the ship was viewed as an act of war.对这艘船的攻击被看作是一次战争行动。The subject may be viewed in various way.

[U]:in my view 依我之见

in view of sth 鉴于, 由于, In ~ of the facts, it seems useless to continue.

in full view of: 在众目睽睽之下The speaker stood in full ~ of the crowd.

on view: 陈列着,展览着The latest summer fashions are now on ~ in the big shops. come into view:进入视野; 被看到As we rounded the bend the lake came into ~.

come in view of: 能够看到As we rounded the bend, we came in ~ of the lake.

with a view to:为了, 目的在于He is studying with a view to going to university.

on a long view: 从长远看on a short view: 从目前看

CET—4考题:Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful ___through the window.

A. vision视力

B. look

C. picture

D. view

8.Liberal: adj. 1)generous 慷慨的;大方的 a liberal benefactor 一位慷慨的捐助人

2)open to new ideas and tolerant of the ideas/behavior of others; broad-minded 开明的:对别人的思想和行为宽容的;心胸开阔的

Mr. Green is a liberal person and he is always open to the new ideas.


9. Dimension: n. 1. characteristic; quality 特点,特性2. aspect; element方面;因素

He’s a good newsman, and he has that extra dimension.


a problem of alarming dimensions 警报方面的问题

10.Presence: n. being present in a place 出席, 出现,在场

She warned me of the presence of the danger. 她警告我存在有危险。

[U]:in sb’s presence/in the presence of sb 当着某人的面,当某人在场时

He ordered the car in the presence of the sales manager. 他当着销售经理的面定了那辆汽车。[expand]:present v. 提出, 显示;adj. 现在的,目前的; 出席的;现在,目前;n.礼物;the present leader 现任领导present trends 目前的潮流

Thirty guests were present at the ceremony. 有三十位客人出席这次典礼。

Oxygen is present in the bloodstream. 有氧气存在于血管中。

I live in the present, but not in the past.

11.V enture:V. dare to say or utter 冒险,大胆的说; ~ a guess

~ one’s life to save sb from drowning

May I venture to suggest a change? 我能冒昧地要求改变一下吗?

She ventured to visit the doctor. 她冒险去看医生。

She tentatively ventured the opinion that the project would be too expensive to compete, but the boss ignored her.

As we set off into the forest, we felt as though we were venturing (forth) into the unknown.

N:冒险行动,事业Joint venture合资公司

Only a brave man would undertake such a venture.

[Proverb] Nothing venture, nothing gain / win / have不入虎穴,焉得虎子

12. Confident adj. ~ (of / that)有信心的,有把握的confidence: n.自信; 确信

He feels ~ of passing / that he will pass the exam.

He is confident of victory. 他相信会成功。

I am confident that I must succeed. 我相信自己肯定会成功。

[C] I took them into my confidence. 我对他们很信任。

I am telling you this in strict confidence.我相信你会保守秘密才告诉你这件事的。

I have every confidence in your ability to succeed. 我对你的成功有绝对把握。

She lacks confidence in herself. 她缺乏自信心。

We have full confidence that we shall succeed. 我们完全有把握取得成功。

He has the confidence to deny it. 他竟有胆量否认它。

CET—4考题: Y oung people are not ___to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.

A .conservative保守的 B. content C. confident D. generous

13. Incident:n. event or happening, often of minor importance事情,常指小事

e.g. He could remember every trivial inc ident in great detail. 他能记住每件小事情的细节。[U]:be incident to adj伴随...而发生的, 与…有关的

These duties are incident to me as a teacher.作为老师,这些是我的责任。


1). On New Y ear’s Eve, New Y ork City holds an outdoor___, which attracts a crowd of a million or more people. A. incident B. event C. case D. affair

2). The doctor was asked to go back to the hospital because of ___case.

A. an operation

B. an emergency

C. a treatment

D. an incident

1.3 phrases and expressions

1. battle one’s way: fight one’s way 一路奋战

e.g. The soldiers battled their way through the forest.战士们一路奋战穿过了森林。

[U]: elbow one’s way through a crowd; push one’s way to the front;

fight one’s way ; force one’s way .

2. prevailing wisdom: usual or most common opinion (especially of a group of people on a

particular subject) 普遍的想法,普遍认为

This is the prevailing wisdom on the current world situation.

The minister voiced the prevailing wisdom about the need to conserve energy.


3. come of:result from 产生于…, 由…引起

Nothing came of his suggestion.

After all the energy we spent on that advertising campaign, absolutely nothing came of it.

No harm can come of trying. 不妨试一试.

This is what comes of being over-confident. 这就是过分自信的结果。

He promised to help, but I don’t think anything will come of it.


Y ou’re always fooling around. No good will come of it. I assure you.


Nothing much will come of their ideas . 他们的主意不会有什么结果的。

He knew nothing would come of their talk with her. 他知道他们和她谈话不会有任何结果。4. ease in: accustom (sb.) gradually (小心翼翼地)使逐步适应,减轻…的拘束感

He is gradually eased in to the work.

Part of his work in the company is to ease in new employees.


Y ou can’t just blurt out such a sensitive question; you have to ease your way into it.

Because of his sore back, he placed his bag onto the back seat of the car and eased himself into the driver's seat.

5.go at: rush at, make an attack at 向…冲来,袭击…

The food arrived and he went at it as if he had never eaten before.


The two boxers went at each other furiously. 两名拳击手猛烈地扑向对方。

He went at the dog with a stick. 他拿棍子朝狗打去。

How are you going to go at the job? 这项工作你将怎么着手进行?

6.among other things:除了别的以外;其中This expression is used to say that there are more facts , things , etc. like the one or ones mentioned but that the speaker chooses not to discuss them in detail .

At the meeting we discussed, among other things, recent events in the Middle East.

Amy came to Shanghai in 2003 where, among other things, she worked as a journalist. Chairman Mao was, among other things, a highly imaginative poet.


Professor Smith, among other things, has shown us a new approach to the problem.


I want to buy a hat and a pair of boots, among other things.


7. clean up: make clean or tidy 把……打扫干净;清理

e.g. Clean up the broken glass on the floor. 把地板上的玻璃清理掉。

8. be for: be in favor of 支持,赞成

The majority of the people are for peace. 大部分人都是支持和平的。

Are you for or against the proposal that student dorm be equipped with computers?


9. day after day: repeatedly, every day

The same problems keep coming up day after day.

Day after day Mary waited in vain for Jack to telephone her.

10. by chance: by accident, accidentally偶然地, 意外地

It was by pure chance that we met on the line. 我们在网上碰到纯属巧合。

Almost by chance, I found my lost wallet. 我意外地找到了钱包。

Difficult Language Points (25M)

1. battling their way across France(para 1)

Paraphrase-----making their way across France by fighting a series of battles.


2. a school that was otherwise all white(para 1)

Paraphrase-----a school in which all pupils would have been white if I had not entered it.


otherwise: adv under other circumstances; in other respects出这点外;在其他各方面…的;This is a very bad defect毛病in an otherwise perfect piece of work.

The window panes are gone, but otherwise the house is in good condition

3. The prevailing wisdom in the neighborhood was that we were spoiling it and that we ought to go back where we belonged. (para 1)

Paraphrase: The most common opinion of people living in that area was that our presence was ruining the area. Thus, they felt we ought to move back to the area (for blacks) from which we had come. 邻里间普遍认为是我们在糟蹋这个地区,我们应该回到属于我们该去的地方。

4. Whereas my other teachers approached the problem of easing in their new black pupil

by ignoring him for the first few weeks, Miss Bean went right at me. (para 4)Paraphrase------ the problem of carefully and gently fitting their new black pupil in the class.

尽管我的其他老师在最初几个星期里都采用不予理会的办法来减轻他们新来的黑人学生的拘束感,宾恩小姐却径直朝我走来。(Miss Bean attacked me at once.)

5.They did establish the fact that I could speak English. (para 5)

Paraphrase-----they actually proved that I was bale to speak English, and thus was not completely foreign. 但是却说明了一个事实:我能够说英语。

6. Later in the hour, when one of my classmates had bungled an answer, Miss Bean came back to me with a question that required me to clean up the girl’s mess and established me as a smart person. (para 5)

Paraphrase-----a question that required me to set right the girl's wrong answer and that (when I answered it smartly) clearly demonstrated that I was a smart person. 在这个课时的后半段,当班上有一个学生未能说清楚答案时,宾恩小姐便回过头来问我,要求我把那个女孩弄的一片混乱的问题叙述清楚,从而证明我是一个聪明人。

7.human dimensions(para 6)

Paraphrase -----qualities of a human being (such as, among other things, confidence, dignity and self-respect.) 人的标准,人的品格要求

8. a dark presence(para 6)

Paraphrase----an unknown black person or thing that nobody really cared about or considered carefully 教室后面的“黑孩子”

9. Besides, we didn’t have opinions about historical figures like Jefferson.Like our high school building, he just was. (para 7)


10. she shot back.(para 10)

Paraphrase-----she quickly asked me another question.他反问道

shoot: send forth like a shot or an arrow, send right away and swiftly

The reporters shot question after question at the mayor.

She shot a suspicious look at the young man when he claimed he was in possession of an original painting by Picasso.

11. She was the first teacher to give me the sense that thinking was part of education and that I could form opinions that had some value. (para 11)



5. Grammar Focus

1). So or not represent a whole clause来替代一个从句,肯定或否定前面的提问。

A) so or not can represent a whole clause after believe, expect, suppose, think, hope, be afraid,

and after it appears/seems

Do you think we’ll have good weather?

I expect so / suppose so / think so.

B) for the negative we use a negative verb with so

Will the party be a success?

I don’t believe so / expect so / suppose so / think so.

C) we can also use an affirmative verb with not for the negative

Y ou won’t be late, will you?

No, I believe not / hope not.

He drinks a lot, doesn’t he?

I suppose not / it seems not

D) after hope and be afraid, the negative is formed only with an affirmative verb + not

Do you have the driver’s license?I’m afraid not.

2.Do / did used for “emotive emphasis”用来强调句中的谓语动词,根据时态使用do, does, did 等形式。

A) use do / did + infinitive in the affirmative when we wish to add special emphasis

Y ou do look nice today!

She does talk a lot, does n’t she?

B) the structure is chiefly used when another speaker has expressed doubt about the action

referred to

He hasn’t met the newcomer yet. He did meet him yesterday.

It seems that he heard nothing about the plan. Y es, he did hear about it.

It’s true that I don’t get much exercise now, but I did play football quite often when I was in college.

Compare: 强调句结构:It is/was…that/who…

It was he who suggested that we approach the problem in a more practical way.

It is in the downtown area that the shopping center is located.

3.3 Summary: (10M)

Throughout Text A, the writer uses the technique of making a statement or generalization and then supporting it with a specific example or explanation. Find in the text the examples or explanations given by the writer to illustrate his statements or generalizations.

Useful phrases and expressions in Unit 7

battle one’s way 一路奋战

move in 搬进,入住

be ignorant about / of sth. 对某事一无所知

come of … 是…的结果

chase sb. home 追某人到家

for a time 有一段时间

things begin to change 情况开始改变

a pleasant-looking single women 外表和蔼的单身女士

come to know 逐渐明白

be viewed as … 被当作…,被认为…establish… as 确立为,确定为

a liberal person 开明的人

clean up the mess 将一团糟的东西整理好venture an answer / opinion 敢于回答/发表看法

be for / against sth. 赞成/反对某事

stare at 盯着看

form opinions 形成观点

by chance 偶尔,碰巧

ice breaker 打破僵局的东西

for the most part 通常

be determined to do / that 决心

in one’s mid-forties 四十五岁左右

perch on 栖息…,架在…response to 对…反应,回答substitute A for B 用A代替B

light up 照亮,面露喜色

be at ease 自在,不拘束

on occasion 有时,偶尔

call sb. by his first name 直呼某人的名字

the offending students 捣乱的学生

say in a lowered tone of voice 低声说

care about 关心,热爱

pop quizzes 临时测验

provide background information 提供背景知识

be pleased with 对…满意

an easy grader 打分宽松的人

be to no avail 毫无结果

a walking library 会走路的图书馆,活书库be surrounded by 被…包围

in the presence of sb 某人在场时

share their joy and disappointment 共享喜悦或失望

a menial task 卑下的工作

make (no) sense to sb 对某人有(无)意义voice one’s opinion / pleasure 表达看法/快意

illustrate a truth / theory 阐明真理/理论

major in 选修专业

call roll 点名

complain about 抱怨

lose touch with 失去联系

ship …off 送走…

be disgusted with 讨厌

die a failure 在失败中死去

call for help 求助,救助in a moment of crisis 在危机时刻count on 期待,依靠

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