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做某事很开心的英语意思Be happy to do...

做某事很开心的相关英语例句1. We have done our job today and we have to enjoy it.


2. You'll learn something new and hopefully have fun doing it.


3. I think we would have a ball.


4. No matter makes any as if, he all can do very much happy.

似乎不管做什么, 他都能做得很开心.

5. I am a junior grade one student, in this summer holiday,

I enjoy myself very much.

我是一个初一的学生, 这个暑假我过的很开心,但是我也没有忘记做我的家庭作业.

6. We are all very happy. Mother always cook a lot of delicious food for us.

我们都很开心, 妈妈经常给我们做许多美味的食物.

7. If I can do that here, as I did at Tottenham, I will be happy.

如果我能在这里那样做, 就像我在热刺的一样, 我会感到很开心.

8. I work in a bank and I have to say it is rather dull.


9. Looking at the chocolate tart we made in class 2 weeks ago makes me happy.


做某事很开心的英文例句1. He was having a grand time meeting new sorts of people.


2. I have enjoyed every minute. The craic has been great.


3. I knew we could make a go of it and be happy.


4. They had a wonderful time and so did I.


5. He was gratified to hear that his idea had been confirmed.


6. I'm happy, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.


7. People wore colorful clothes and seemed to be having a good time.


8. "I am happy, so far," he says guardedly.


9. Ruth enjoyed her paddle.


10. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves.


11. We had a lot of fun at Sarah's party.


12. The children were having fun, chasing each other's shadows.


13. The children were outside playing happily in the dirt.


14. They had a whale of a time at the funfair.


15. She seemed greatly amused by his jokes.



Still they seemed to have been rather happy then .


I saw them in the movement to join them, I play very happy.


I like going to the playground with my friends because we are happy there.


This is what we do at this time of the year and everyone is very happy.


Yeah, I was happy to have an apartment, goddamn it.


"Kids are happy because there are no rules against sitting on the back of benches, " the mayorsaid.



Outside, in the streets, in the general community, ‘everyone’ is happy.


All the while they’d just be as happy gobbling down some chocolate.


If you are happy now, you have every reason to want to be happy when you're older.


If you can't come by at that hour, you can send me email and I will be happy to meet with you.


I feel happy here, but the two sides have to agree.


Mother was happy with Dick Kelley, and by now knew that politics was a rough game in which theonly answer to a low blow is winning.

【最新】公司简介英文怎么写-word范文模板 (2页)

【最新】公司简介英文怎么写-word范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议请及时联系,本司将予以删除 == 本文为word格式,简单修改即可使用,推荐下载! == 公司简介英文怎么写 shandong hengtong stainless steel co., ltd. was founded in XX, the company produces cold-rolled stainless steel band, multi-function dianre guo, stainless steel products and chemical products such as the four series. now has more than 4,000 yuan in fixed assets, covers an area of 35,000 square meters and currently employs more than 500 people, has the title of senior and mid-level engineers and technicians, more than 60. now has 700 #, # 550, # 350, # 300 and other models rolling seven, five bright annealing furnace production lines, three large-scale slitting line, cold-rolled stainless steel with annual production of 1.5 million tons; tube machine group 6, in the production of stainless steel pipe more than 3,000 tons; steamed advanced energy-saving stainless steel mesh production line 4, in the production of steam grid 5,000,000; hydraulic stretching machine 18, dianre guo pot in the production of stainless steel products such as body more than 600 only. brazing resume at the end of 10 aircraft, multi-function dianre guo, electric kettles, cookers 3 production line with annual production of multi-function dianre guo, electric kettles, more than 100 cookers 10,000. hengtong chemical plant in the production of sodium silicate (pao huajian) 6,000 tons. company in may XX adopted the national security and 3c certification iso9001 international quality system certification. the company produces stainless steel belt, "jia love" multi-function card dianre guo, electric kettles, cookers and steam grid and stainless steel products, sold throughout the country at home and has a good reputation, and exports of south korea, turkey, south-east asia eastern european countries. stainless steel co., ltd. shandong hengtong developed into a set of production, management, research and service in one group of key enterprises, is always adhere to the "people-oriented, innovative development" business philosophy, the pursuit of scientific and technological progress


世界各地搞笑的十句蹩脚英语 ①If you want just condition of warm in your room, please control yourself。 日本旅馆:如果您想调节您房间的温度,请控制您自己。 ②Please don't feed the animals. If you have any food, please give it to the guard on duty。 匈牙利动物园:请不要给动物喂食。如果您有食品,请喂给值班警卫。 ③Ladies are requested not to have

children in the bar。 挪威酒吧:女士们不要在酒吧里生孩子。 ④Fur coats made for ladies from their skins。 瑞典皮货商店:为女士们制作的皮大衣,是用她们的皮制成的。 ⑤Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists。 香港牙科诊所:由最新的卫理公会教徒给您拔牙。

⑥Drop your trousers here for best results。 泰国的干洗店:在这里脱掉您的裤子,等待最好的结果。 ⑦Specialist in women and other diseases。 意大利妇科诊所:我们是women 和其他疾病的专家。 ⑧Welcome to the cemetery where famous Russian artists are buried daily except Thursday。

俄国公墓:欢迎访问这个公墓,许多著名的俄国艺术家每天埋在这里,但星期四不埋。 ⑨We take your bags and send them in all directions。 丹麦机场:我们将拿走您的行李,送往四面八方。 ⑩The manager has personally passed all water served here。 墨西哥旅馆:旅馆经理将亲自为您撒尿。


超级雷人的脑筋急转弯大全及答案 1. 一点一横长,一撇到南洋,上面像个丑,下面一张口。答案:唐. 2. 小明看书的时候,为什么不能把书签放在页和页之间?答案:因为是写在一张纸上. 3. 世界上哪个地方下午比早上先到?答案:在字典里. 4. 什么走路早上用四条腿,中午用两条腿,晚上用三条腿答案:人. 5. 什么车坐不了?答案:风车. 6. 什么酒喝不了?答案:天长地久 7. 如果苹果没落在牛顿头顶上,会落到哪里?答案:地上. 8. 钟和九点钟有什么不一样?答案:差一点. 洋洋不慎撞到电线杆,为什么他连手都疼?答案:洋洋狠狠的揍了电线杆一顿. 9. 有一样东西不管你喜欢与否,它却每年一定要增加一点,这是什么东西?答案:年龄. 10.动物园里,小明紧挨着老虎合影留念,老虎却没有咬他,为什么?答案:那是只假 老虎. 如果苹果没落在牛顿头顶上,会落到哪里?答案:地上. 1. 黄河上有座桥,一高一低,这座桥都被接连而来的次洪水淹没了。高桥被淹了次,低桥反只被淹了次,这是为什么?答案:水退后高桥露出来而低桥一直淹着. 2. 王爷爷有个孙子。一天,他买了个小西瓜,一路在想怎样平均分西瓜,总也想不 出个好办法来。在门口,邻居李奶奶只说了个字,王爷爷就愁眉舒展了。李奶奶告诉他的 是什么办法?答案:榨成汁. 3. 一根绳子在当中被一刀剪断了,但它仍是一根完整的绳子,为什么?答案:因为绳 子起初是结成圆形圈的. 4. 陆先生有两位朋友,都在税务局当税务官员,其中一位是另一位的孩子的父亲。 你说会有这种可能吗?答案:两位税务官员是夫妇. 5. 李伯伯一共有个儿子,这个儿子又各有一个妹妹,那么,李伯伯一共有几个子女? 答案:八个子女妹妹最小. 6. 在有个代表队参加的足球淘汰赛中,要决出冠军队,至少需进行多少次比赛?答案:一次只能淘汰一个队故需要次.


从“雷人”的英语翻译说起———谈英语语言的? ? 摘要:双关修辞是英语语言中常见的一种修辞格,大体可以分为语(谐)音双关、语义双关、词性双关和仿拟双关。英语双关修辞历史悠久,广泛运用在英 语各种文体中:文学作品、广告、谜语等,在我们周围无处不在。因此,要想 精准地翻译一篇英文,必须了解并熟悉双关修辞,且经过反复练习,吸收更广 泛的知识,才能战胜这一翻译的难点,越过这个可译性障碍,使译文与原文达 到最大限度的等值。关键词:修辞手法双关语翻译我在十几年的英语教学中, 深切地感受到学生对英语又敬又畏的心情,爱它可又驾驭不了它。于是学生在 与英语的焦灼对峙中,出现了一些雷人的英语翻译,让人叹为观止。1.How are you?How old are you?怎么是你,怎么老是你?2.We two who and who?咱俩谁跟 谁呀。3.You me you me.彼此彼此。4.You give me stop!你给我站住!5.Go past no mistake past.走过路过,不要错过。其实英语与汉语一样,也有多种修辞手法。其中双关运用就在英语语言中占有举足轻重的地位,如果我们对英语的修辞手法,尤其是双关运用不熟悉的话,就会出现更多雷人的语言。下面我将重点阐 述英语语言的双关运用。一、语(谐)音双关词语之间因拼写相似、发音相同 或相近而构成的双关用法。它是利用发音相同或相近但意义不同的词来代替所 要表达的本意,它会让语言变得风趣俏皮,增加感染力。1.There was a man in the restaurant.“You’re not eating your fish.”the waitress said to him, “Anything wrong with it?”“Long time no sea.”the man replied.其中“see”与“sea”发音相同,但意义完全不同。这个顾客的回答,表面上听“Long time no see.”是好久不见的意思,但实际上是说那些鱼离开大海很久了,已经不新 鲜了。2.What is the clearest animal?什么动物最聪明?The pigs that nose everything.什么都能闻的猪。nose是“闻”的意思,碰巧与knows(知道)谐音。如此一来,“什么都能闻的猪”就变成了“什么都知道的猪”,那当然是最聪 明的动物。3.What country has a good appetite?哪个国家的人胃口很好?Hungary. 匈牙利。因为“Hungary”这个国家单词的发音与“hungry”(饥饿)的发音相近,于是在这则笑话中,“Hungary”因语音双关而成为最能吃的国家。二、语义双关因为词语的多重含义而构成的双关用法。在字面上虽然只有一个词语, 而实际上却同时兼顾着两种不同的意义,言在此而意在彼,从而造成一种含蓄、深沉委婉、耐人寻味的意境,增强了语言的表达效果。1.Why is a river rich?Because it always has two banks.“bank”一词有两个含义,一个意思为“河岸”,另一个意思则表示“银行”。大家想想,有两个河岸(银行)的河流能 不富有吗?2.The professor rapped on his desk and shouted,“Gentlemen,order.”The entire class yelled“beer”.这则幽默同样用了双关手法中的同形异义词。


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公司的简介英文翻译范文 本文是关于公司的简介英文翻译范文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 公司的简介英文翻译(一) Do you know what is it? The letter “I” is Luxo Jr., a character from an early pixar film. Now, it is the mascot of pixar Animation Studios. pixar has produced fourteen feature films, beginning with Toy Story and its most recent Monsters University. I have watched all of them. So today I would like to show you that the history of pixar can be divided into three parts and pixar has three successful works. Let’s start with the history of pixar. The history of pixar can be divided into three parts, before 1986, between 1986 and 20xx, and 20xx till now. Before 1986, pixar was the Computer Division of Lucasfilm. It was launched in 1979. Between 1986 and 20xx, pixar was an independent business. In 1986, because of the divorce of George Walton Lucas, he decided to sell this team. Then Steve Jobs became the new Chairman of pixar. In cooperation with The Walt Disney Company, pixar produced many popular feature films. They include Toy Story, A Bug’s life, Finding Nemo and so on. These films not only brought pixar fame, but also gave it big profits. In 20xx, Steve Jobs sold pixar to The Walt Disney Company. The pixar name was guaranteed to continue, and the studio would remain. But the brand of films made post-merger would be “Disney·pixar” , beginning with Cars.


Coldplay——冷耍乐队Radiohead ——广电总局乐队 u2——你个2b乐队 The Beatles ——屎壳郎乐队Keane ——染色体乐队 Owl City ——猫头鹰城市乐队blur——白内障乐队 Westlife ——西部大开发歌唱团boy kill boy——男孩杀男孩乐队green day ——植树节乐队 snow patrol ——雪天城管乐队linkin park——林肯停车乐队Eagles——神雕乐队 boyz 2 men ——男人男孩组合super junior——超级小伙子组合

the Rolling Stones ——疯狂的石头乐队Maroon5马龙老五 The Kingsmen——王的男人 AC/DC ——镇流器合唱团 the Mamas & the Papas——妈妈爸爸欢唱团Into Paradise——上西天乐团 Yeah Yeah Yeahs——噎...噎...噎死... Damien Rice ——大米·饭 The Cure——医疗部队 Supergrass ——劲草 Kaiser Chiefs ——天王老子合唱团 Blur ——布勒合唱团 Green Day ——青葱岁月 Lou Reed ——老李 The Who ——这谁

The Radio Dept——广电总局 Bjork ——避谣客 Gomez——割麦子 Infadels——阴风大师Chumbawamba——唱吧王八 Kings of Convenience——便利之王Led Zeppelin ——来的咋不灵 The Charlatans ——插烂他 David Bowie ——大胃鲍鱼 Sigur Ros ——西瓜肉丝/四个螺丝Death Cab for Cutie ——俏妞的灵车Ok Computer——好样的!计算机 Guns N' Roses ——钢丝和螺丝 Arctic Monkeys_ 北极泼猴 Blur的she's so high——她真高


1.有钱就是任性(rich and bitch) “有钱就是任性”具有嘲笑有钱人做事风格的意思,并常在微博炫富的时候使用,作为朋友间的调侃用语。微博红人王思聪曾说过“我交朋友不管他有钱没钱,反正都没我有钱”,从这话开始众网友对有钱人,又有了一次新的认识。进而产生了“有钱就是任性”等事件性的串联。 2.也是醉了。(Are you kidding me?或I become crazy) 这一神回复的创始人,可以追朔到金庸《笑傲江湖》里的令狐大侠。爱开玩笑的令狐冲曾这样讽刺别人的谄媚:“我一看到那些人的谄媚样,可就浑身难受,摇摇晃晃几欲醉倒。”之后一群DOTA玩家们对此词情有独钟,不管对方的技术很渣,还是技术很牛,小伙伴们都喜欢说:“呵呵,这货的技术,我也是看醉了”、“哇,这大神的技术,我也是醉了”。 3.那画面太美我不敢看(That's such a beautiful scene that I dare not have my ey es fixed on it.) 这个流行语出自蔡依林的一首歌《布拉格广场》,“这画面太美我不敢看”,被网友引申为对奇葩事物的形容,比如看到一张很雷人的图片,以此表达自己看到这张图片受到的视觉或心理冲击。 4.且行且珍惜(It is to be cherished) 2014年3月31日,马伊琍微博回应文章出轨事件,全文如下:恋爱虽易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜。迅速有众多网友开始用“且行且珍惜”造句。比如:吃饭虽易,减肥不易,且吃且珍惜。 其实“且行且珍惜”在不同的语境中,可能会有不同的译法。比如,在一部交通安全宣传片中,“且行且珍惜”被译作“It can wait.”可谓无比贴切。 5. 挖掘机技术哪家强?(Which excavator school tops the list?) 源于演员唐国强为蓝翔职业学院代言的广告。由于蓝翔近日出现了各种负面新闻,网民智慧喷薄而出,每说完一件事,发表一个评论跟帖,无论有无关系,末尾都加上一句:“那么,问题来了。挖掘机技术哪家强?” “那么问题来了”则可以翻译成“So here comes the question…” 6.蛮拼的(Pretty strenuous) 挺努力的意思。但是即使很努力了,却没有成功,有反讽刺意味。因在《爸爸去哪儿2》中被歌星曹格多次提及而引发关注。主要表达一些说话者对其所说事件或任务的嘲讽、嘲笑或者鄙夷。 7.保证不打死你(I promise you won't get killed.)


ABC 公司是 XX 产品的生产商,拥有齐全的检测设备和雄厚的技术力量。 品种齐全,质量好,价格合理,外观精美,我们的产品广泛的应用于 X (应用的行业领)和其他行业。我们的产品已得到广大用户的一致认可和信赖,并能满足不断发展的经济和社会需求。我们热诚欢迎各行各业的商友,期望与您建立友好合作的商务联系并达到双赢的目标。 对应英文介绍模板 公司英文名称 is a manufacturer of (主营产品) with well-equipped testing facilities and strong technical force. With a wide range, good quality, reasonable prices and stylish designs, our products are extensively used in应用的行业领域and other industries. Our products are widely recognized and trusted by users and can meet continuously changing economic and social needs. We welcome new and old customers from all walks of life to contact us for future business relationships and mutual success! 中文介绍模板 XX公司地处XX专业生产ABC产品。公司拥有一支经验丰富的专业队伍。我们的产品出口到全世界很多国家和地区特别是XX。产品深受客户的好评。我们欢迎客户、商业协会以及来自世界各地的朋友联系我们寻求共赢的合作。 对应英文介绍模板 ( 公司英文名称) is located in (公司所在城市) and is specialized in manufacturing (主营产品). With an experienced and professional team, we have exported our products to many countries and regions all over the world, especially (产品销往地).Our products enjoy a good reputation among our customers. We welcome customers, business associations and friends from all parts of the world to contact us and seek cooperation for mutual benefits. 中文介绍模板 建于XX年,ABC公司致力于XX贸易。座落于XX,我司拥有便利的交通环境。我司占地XX ,员工数量达XX。并且,我们采用现今先进的设备和严格的质检程序以保证产品质量。由于稳定及时的产品供应能力,优质产品质量和真诚的服务,产品畅销海内外。如您对我们的产品感兴趣或有特殊产品要求,请与我们联系。我们将尽力满足您的要求。 对应英文介绍模板


公司的简介用英文怎么写 很多时候,公司都要有自己的英文简介供外商观看。下面由小编为你提供的公司的简介英文模板,希望能帮到你。 公司的简介英文模板(一) Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. 公司的简介英文模板(二) Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. We have over (员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and are currently exporting (出口比例) of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction.


【篇一】关于雷人的中式英语口语 一、on the one hand, on the other hand 这个短语一般被翻译成“一方面,另一方面...”中文里有叙述两方面事件的意思,这两方面并不矛盾冲突,甚至关联不大。然而在英文中,它表达的是两个不同因素或相反角度。在这里提醒大家要注意了,以后不要把该短语当成简单罗列或并列的表达了。 二、play the phone 一问到“玩手机”用英语怎么表达,大多数同学都会脱口而出“play the phone”或“play my phone”,那只能残忍地告诉你:都!不!对!play表示“玩”这层意思的时候,后边接的一定是“玩的对象”。 举个例子:球类、乐器类都可以接在play后面,但我们说的"玩手机",是花时间在手机上用它来进行一些娱乐活动,手机只是一个工具,一个载体。正确的表达是“spend time on the phone”,另外打开/关闭手机不是“open/close the phone”,而是“turn/switch on/off the phone”。 三、no thanks 只会说“thank you”远不够,还要学会回应别人的感谢!表达“不用谢/不客气”别再用“no thanks”,“You are welcome.”“My pleasure.”“Don't mention it.”都可以表达“不用谢”的意思,随便你挑哪个用都可以! 顺便一提,回应别人的“why”,也别再糊里糊涂地用“no why”,英文里根本没这个说法!正确的表达是“no reason”。 四、of course “of course”可不止“当然”那么简单,它背后还有两层隐含的意思:“我当然知道”/“明知故问”。当别人询问,特别是关心地问某事时,回答“of course”,会无意中造成一种傲慢、没礼貌的印象。 举个例子:别人问“Do you speak English?”用“of course”回答就会有一种,“废话!我当然会!”的感觉。所以使用此短语的时候一定要谨慎!用sure 或certainly效果会好得多。 【篇二】10个雷人的中式英语口语 1. Know is know, no know is no know, it's know. 不知道的还以为是英语绕口令,其实这句话翻译自孔子的“知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也”。


公司简介的英语范文 你知道应该怎么用英语翻译公司的简介吗?下面由为你提供的公司简介的英语范文,希望能帮到你。 公司简介的英语范文(一) Tishman Speyer is one of the leading owners, developers, operators and fund managers of first-class real estate worldwide. Across North America, Europe, Latin America, India and China, many of the world’s most prestigious corporations rely on Tishman Speyer to meet their space needs. Since our inception in 1978, we have acquired, developed and operated 391 projects totaling over 166 million square feet. We have assembled a property portfolio in excess of US $80.2 billion in total value across the United States, Europe, Latin America, India and China. Our global real estate professionals blend local knowledge and market-driven insights with an international wealth of expertise and experience.


翻译不可为幽默化过度“接地气”剑指《环太平洋》 福祸相依,赢得众多的票房是一件高兴的事情,但是却在这个时候却迎接着另一场不好的事情,因为字幕的翻译错误,遭到了广大网民的“吐槽”和不愉。近期上映的《环太平洋》就是两件事情的融合者。 《环太平洋》的翻译字幕,“天马流星拳”、“亮剑”等刻意搞笑的词汇频频出现,引发网友们吐槽,更是令影迷和业内人士争议不断。翻译进口大片是该“接地气”,还更是应该忠于原片? 一个周末的时间,热映4天的《环太平洋》轻松突破2亿元票房大关,以绝对优势成为上周票房冠军。针对该片翻译字幕,专家认为,在翻译、配音上的任何创新,都必须以不让观众“跳戏”为前提。 在访问中了解到,不少网友在看完《环太平洋》后,对翻译字幕中出现的“天马流星拳”这个词汇感到是十分的“雷人”,这个原本出自日本动漫《圣斗士星矢》的招数竟然从一部好莱坞大片的男主角口中说出来,实在很出乎意料啊。 另外还有一幕,当科学家避难时高喊的“我是一个博士(doctor)”被翻译成“我是一个医生(doctor也有医生的意思)”,这个意思是多重的但是具体的应该是那一个选择更为恰当呢。其网友对此是大呼:“我和我英语四级都没过的小伙伴们惊呆了。” 针对被吐槽的《环太平洋》,片方华纳公司宣传人员介绍说:在影片送审之前,公司会向中影公司提供一份字幕翻译供参考,但最终的上映字幕由中影另行找人翻译,其间不再咨询片方意见。目前,进口片数量越来越多,可专职的翻译人员却极其缺乏。 据介绍,如今国内可以进行进口片字幕翻译的只有长影译制厂、京译(中影和八一厂)、上影译制厂3支队伍,除此之外,字幕翻译多为具备中英文能力的电影行业相关工作人员,如媒体人、大学老师或者电影公司内部人员。 《环太平洋》、《黑衣人3》等大片之所以会引发如此大的争议甚至恶评,就是因为生硬“接地气”的词语出现过多,让观影过程严重“串味”,甚至翻译者为了追求所谓的搞笑幽默,不惜破坏原片的完整性。 对于进口影片的翻译内容是不是应该有些幽默化或者是忠实于原意呢。上海电影译制厂副厂长表示说,对于进口片翻译的任何创新,都必须以不让观众“跳戏”为前提,这是一条“铁律”。 曾经翻译过美剧《成长的烦恼》的上海外国语大学教授、资深翻译家钱绍昌先生认为,西方电影理应保持它们独特的外国特色,若是刻意迎合中国大众的口味将内容翻译得不伦不类,反而失了电影本身的优美。 是的,一部好的影片就应该保持原有的作风,不能够为了幽默化而过于的“接地气”这样会是使影片失去原有的完整。其翻译的职责不就是翻译其语言让大家更加都知道,遵循的是忠实原意,不失去原意。切不可为了别出心裁而将其职责遗忘。


公司英文描述范文3篇 Model 1 XXXXXX carpet manufacturing Co., Ltd. Was established in 1989, the company is independent legal person, registered capital 50 million yuan.Our company is located in the Town zhuze ,liyang city, jiangsu province ,where have beautiful scenery & a long-term history,The transportation is also very convenent,being close to hangzhou high-speed、the shanghai-nanjing high-speed、also near to nanjing lukou airport. The company covers an area of 19,000 square meters, annual production capacity reaches 5 million square meters, Except for the domestic market, our products are also sold to overseas countries,such as Europe and America, southeast Asia, Australia, Malaysia ,India ,the Middle East etc. Liyang hengye carpet Manufacturing Co, Ltd is a manufacturer ,who specializing in the production of carpet tiles, with advanced equipments and perfect technology, the company has a professional operation team, strong technical sources, a complete production lines &strictly quality testing process,In totally, no matter from professional, innovative, unique and various aspects,we all have unique advantages. The company has passed the certification of national quality certification center and obtained the certificate of quality management system (iso9001:2018 GB/T 19001-2018) and CE certification. Company in good faith, pragmatic business philosophy with the domestic and foreign merchants sincere cooperation, is committed to provide more quality products for customers at home and abroad, to beautify the environment and improve life quality, to provide more convenient and efficient service to the life of people! Model 2 Shanghai XXX New Decorative Materials Co.,Ltd was established in 1996,which is a recognized company specializing in the design,


这些常见的英语表达理解错了,可是要被别人笑话的哟~ 文:朗播-王伟超语言有相通之处,但也有不同之处,所以在学习英语的过程中,大家千万不能硬性地用中文思维去理解一些英文句子。正如近些年来,网络上出现的大量雷人英文翻译一样,许多外国朋友看后一头雾水,甚至出现了一些尴尬的情况。而这些“不合适”的翻译,正是因为夹杂了太 多的中文思维。大家可以先看下面这则小笑话,体会一下:小明上英文课时跟老师说:“May I go to the toilet?”老师说:“Go ahead.”小明就坐了下来。过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:“May I go to the toilet?”老师说:“Go ahead.”小明又坐了下来。他旁边的同学于是忍不住问:“你不是跟老师说要上厕所吗?怎么不去?”小明说:“你没听老师说‘去你个头啊’!”哈哈,看完之后大家是不是觉得很好笑?其实这就是一个硬性地 对应中文去理解英文的例子。所以说,我们在学习英语的时候一定要注意中英文思维的转化。下面我们再来看几个英语广告的句子,你会发现英语是多么的神奇!同时也可以检验一下自己有没有理解错误哦!1. 裁缝广告We do not tear your clothing with machinery. We do it carefully by hand.误译:我们不使用机器撕毁您的衣服。我们会小心翼翼地用手撕。大家看上面的句子,是不是很多童鞋就是这样翻译的呢?翻译完了有没有感觉怪怪的?这就是英语句子表达的奇妙

之处。如果这样按中文逐字去翻译,那理解出来的意思肯定是错误的。这句话真正的含义是:我们不使用机器,以避免撕毁您的衣服。我们会用手工小心地修补衣服。你们理解了吗?2. 招聘广告3-year-old teacher need for pre-school. Experience preferred.误译:幼儿园招聘3 岁大的老师。有经验者优先。招聘3 岁的老师,可能吗?所以理解上应该也是错的。这句话真正的含义是:幼儿园招聘照看3 岁幼童的老师。有经验者优先。3. 二手车广告Used Cars: Why go else where to be cheated? Come here first!误译:Used Cars 公司:为什么要去其它地方受骗呢?还是先来这里吧!大家看到这句翻译是不是感觉很可笑?反正都是骗,在哪不一样?来我这儿被骗吧?试问,如果看到这个广告,怎么还有人会来这里买车呢?其实它原意所要表达的含义是:Used Cars 公司:为什么要选择去别的地方?当心受骗!还是先来我们这里看看吧!4. 宠物广告Dog for sale: eats anything and is fond of children.误译:出售小狗:不挑食,喜欢吃小孩。会有出售喜欢吃小孩的狗狗吗?当然不会。所以这里的be fond of 可不是喜欢吃哦!它想要表达的是喜欢相处,所以这句话真正的含义是:出售小狗:不挑食,喜欢与儿童相处。5. 家政广告Tired of cleaning yourself? Let me do it.误译:厌倦自己洗澡了吗?让我来帮你洗吧。cleaning 后面虽然加的是yourself,但是大家注意,洗的可不是自己!而是


公司英文简介模版 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

模版A: Established in (成立年份), (公司英 文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. 对应中文翻译: ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产XXX产品,集产品研发和生产于一体。我公司 地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享 誉海内外众多市场。 如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待 与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。 模版B: Established in (成立年份), (公司 英文名称)is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. We have over (员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and are currently exporting(出口比例) of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction. As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching(主 要出口国家). If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.
