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writing TPO38综合写作阅读听力稿

writing TPO38综合写作阅读听力稿
writing TPO38综合写作阅读听力稿

TPO 38


In 1995 a microscopic fungus called phytophthora ramorum, or P. ramorum, was first detected in the forests of the western United States. P. ramorum infects trees and causes particularly serious damage in oak trees: in many infected oaks, leaves wither rapidly, large cracks appear in the bark, and the trees die. A spread of P. ramorum represents a serious threat to the forests in the western states. Several methods of protecting the forests have been proposed.

First, stopping P. ramorum spores from spreading would surely be an effective method. Spores are small particles through which all fungi, including P. ramorum,reproduce. Researchers have discovered that

many P. ramorum spores can be found along hiking or biking trails, suggesting human-assisted spread by way of shoes and bicycle tires. A few measures to prevent such human-assisted spread-like encouraging hikers to wash their shoes and installing new bike scrubbers on bicycle trails- would be an effective and low-cost way to stop the spread of P. ramorum.

Second, there are a few fungicidal( fungus-fighting) chemicals that can be used to protect the oak trees. Some of these chemicals stimulate the oak trees’natural defenses against the P. ramorum fungus and have been found in small-scale tryouts to significantly reduce the likelihood that the oaks will be infected.

A third way to fight P. ramorum is a practice

called clear-cutting. This approach starts with cutting and burning the diseased oaks, but it also involves cutting and burning the seemingly healthy vegetation( bushes and other kinds of trees) surrounding the oaks. This is done because some of the surrounding plants and trees may be infected even though they do not show any symptoms of the disease. Cleaning larger areas of vegetation in places where diseased trees are found is often an efficient measure to stop the spread of infections.


Unfortunately, the methods described in the passage have serious limitations that make them ineffective or impractical on many situations.

Precautions like cleaning shoes and using bike scrubbers might help a little. But they may not make a huge impact. The problem is that P. ramorum spores did not spread just through human assistance. Studies have detected the spores in water streams following rainfall. It appears that spores are frequently picked up by rain water and washed into water streams with them carried along distances. This type of water assistance spread is much harder to control.

Second, the fungicide referred to in the reading provide effective protection against P ramorum only when they are injected directly into tree trunks. But the effect last only for few months, so the injection have to be repeated. Now this type of treatment might work if you want to protect few oak trees in the city park. But it just not very practical when protecting

whole forests that contains thousands and thousands of oak trees. Can you imagine forest managers have to inject every single oak in a large forest when dose fungicide every few months. That sound impractical and also too expensive.

Third, as the reading explains, clear-cutting destroy the vegetation around the sick oak trees, because some of that vegetation maybe infected. But keep in mind, some of that surrounding vegetation is in fact healthy. And it gets destroyed in the process anyway. Now, in some forests, it makes sense to sacrifice some healthy vegetation in order to stop the spread of dangerous disease; however, the vegetation in many forests of the United State include tree species that very rare and cannot grow back easily. So clear-cutting in these forests would mean destroying many health

rare trees. This would represent the greater ecological damage than the P ramorum damage trying to prevent.


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO44综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO44综合写作阅读原文文本: In 1957 a European silver coin dating to the eleventh century was discovered at a Native American archaeological site in the state of Maine in the United States. Many people believed the coin had been originally brought to North America by European explorers known as the Norse, who traveled across the Atlantic Ocean and came into contact with Native Americans almost a thousand years ago. However, some archaeologists believe that the coin is not a genuine piece of historical evidence but a historical fake; they think that the coin was placed at the site recently by someone who wanted to mislead the public. There are three main reasons why some archaeologists believe that the coin is not genuine historical evidence. Great Distance from Norse Settlements First, the Native American site in Maine where the coin was discovered is located very far from other sites documenting a Norse presence in North America. Remains of Norse settlements have been discovered in far eastern Canada. The distance between the Maine site and the Norse settlements in Canada is more than a thousand kilometers, suggesting the coin has no real connection with the settlements. No Other Coins Found A second problem is that no other coins have been found at the Canadian sites that were inhabited by the Norse. This suggests that the Norse did not bring any silver coins with them to their North American settlements. Third, the Norse who traveled to North America would have understood that silver coins would most likely be useless to them. Silver coins may have been in wide use in Europe at the time, but the Norse, as experienced explorers, would have known that native North Americans did not recognize silver coins as money. 托福TPO44综合写作听力原文文本: Professor: Actually many archaeologists believe that the coin discussed in the reading is not a fake. They believe it represents genuine evidence that the Norse came into contact with Native Americans a thousand years ago. First, the great distance of the Maine site from the Norse settlements in Canada. Well, many other objects found at that same Native American site had come from faraway places. Not just the coin. There's a perfectly reasonable historical explanation for these objects. The Native Americans who lived at the Maine site traveled great distances within North America. They were interested in obtaining objects from faraway places. The Native Americans could have reached the Norse settlements during their travels and brought the silver coin back to Maine. Second, does the fact that we found no other coins at Norse settlements mean that the Norse didn't bring any coins with them? Not necessarily. The Norse didn't create permanent settlements in North America. At some point, they went back to Europe. When


五、六年级阅读与写作训练 (一)下面一段文字选自安徒生童话《海的女儿》,小马虎摘抄时有错误和缺漏。请你读一读,然后完成题目。 这个时候,所有的仆人和着优美的音乐,轻盈地跳起舞来。于是,小美人鱼升出白皙、细嫩的手,脚尖踮着地,优雅地在地板上跳起了舞。她的任何每一个动作都衬托着她的美丽。人们都在为她喝采。她不停地舞着,她的脚尖在触到地板时就像踩在锐利的刀尖上一样,她感觉不到痛。(1)第一句中,“和”的读音为。(h h hu 选一个正确的填在横线上)(2)这段话中有两个错别字,依次是、,应改为、。(3)这段话中有一句病句,用“ ”画出,再用修改符号在原句上修改。(4)在横线处缺漏的关联词的序号应该是() A、因为所以 B、虽然却 C、除非才 D、只有才 (二)福娃福娃是北京xx年第29届奥运会吉祥物,是五个可爱的亲密小伙伴。他们都有一个琅(lng ling)琅上口的名字:“贝贝”、“晶晶”、“欢欢”“迎迎”和“妮妮”。当你把五个娃娃的名字连在一起,你会读出北京对世界的盛情邀请“ ”。温柔纯洁的贝贝传递的祝福是繁荣。在中国传统文化艺术

中, “鱼” “水”的图案是繁荣与收获的象征。看到图案,人们自然会想起“鲤鱼跳龙门”“年年有余”的俗语。晶晶是一只憨(kān hān)态可掬的大熊猫,无论走到哪里都会带给人们欢乐。欢欢是福娃中的大哥哥,他外向奔放,是一个火娃娃,象征奥林匹克圣火。欢欢是运动激情的化身,他将激情散播世界。迎迎是一只来自中国辽阔的西部大地的藏羚羊,机敏灵活,驰骋如飞,将健康的美好祝福传向世界。妮妮来自天空,是一只展翅飞翔的燕子。“燕”造型创意来自北京传统的沙燕风筝,而且这个“燕”还代表燕京(古代北京的称谓)。欢快矫捷的妮妮愿把好运带给人们。每个娃娃身上都带着祝福的“语言”:繁荣、欢乐、激情、健康与好运。他们邀请各国人民共聚北京,欢庆xx奥运盛典。 1、把文中括号里不正确的读音划去。 “盛”在字典中主要有以下几个意思: A、兴旺,繁荣 B、充足; C、规模的而隆重; D、深厚。文中“盛情”应选(),“盛典”应选()。选择下面各句中引号的作用,在横线上写出它的序号。 2、 A、表示引用; B、表示特殊含义;

TPO17 综合写作 听力文本

Listening The passage clams that there will be fewer and fewer birds, but the arguments used to support this claim are unconvincing. First, it’s true that urban growth has been bad for some types of birds, but urban development actually provides better and larger habitats for other types, so much so that city and suburban dwellers often complain about increased birds populations—seagulls at landfills, pigeons on the streets and so on. Even birds like hawks and falcons can now be found in cities, where they prey on the increasing populations of pigeons and rodents. So it’s not going to be a story of uniform decline of bird populations in the future. Some populations may shrink, but others will grow. As for agriculture, it’s true that it too will increase in the future, but not in the way assumed by the reading passage. The truth is, in the United States, less and less land is being used for agriculture every year. Increasing in agricultural production have resulted from and will continue to result from the introduction of new, more productive varieties of crops. These new crops produce more food per unit of land, and as a result, there’s no need to destroy wilderness areas. And third, while it’s certainly true that traditional pesticides have been destruct ive to birds, it’s incorrect to project this history into the future. Now that people are aware of the possible consequences of traditional pesticides, two changes have occurred. First, new and much less toxic pesticides have been developed, and that’s imp ortant. Second, and perhaps more importantly there is a growing trend to develop more pest resistant crops, crops that are genetically designed to be unattractive to pests. Pest resistant crops greatly reduce the need for chemical pesticides. And best of all, pest resistant crops don’t harm birds at all.


六年级阅读与写作班教学计划 一、教学目标 要注意激发学生对生活的热爱,调动学生观察、思考和练笔的积极性。无论是写记实作文还是写想象作文,都要鼓励学生自由地表达和有创意地表达,说真话、实话、心里话,表达真情实感。要根据学生的实际情况,灵活地运用教材,尽量地为学生的自主作文创造条件。 通过请教部分老师和自己的经验,该班部分学生基础扎实,语言功底深,想象力丰富,本学期将进一步提高他们的作文水平。少部分学生作文的语句还不够通顺,标点符号还不能正确使用,另外大部分学生缺乏想像力和观察能力,本学期需加强这方面的训练,提高他们的观察能力和想象能力。 二、教学措施: (一)激发作文兴趣,把学生引入有话要说的境地 托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生兴趣。”因此,要让学生有话说,就要求教师把作文课上得生动活泼,使学生喜欢写作文。 第一,先观察后作文。只有引导学生感知具体形象的事物,才能激发其积极地思维,进而产生表达愿望。在教学实践中,让学生观察图画和实物,或者指导学生参观,然后按照教师的指导写作文,学生很有兴趣,写的文章有具体内容,有真情实感。 第二,先实践后作文。让学生亲身参加的实践活动,往往津津乐

道,此时让学生写出实践活动的经过和感受,自然兴趣盎然。由于这些活动丰富了学生生活,增长见识,提高认识能力,因而写的文章很有条理,语言也比较生动活泼,具有一定的生活气息。 第三,抓时机写作文。学生写作文的兴趣,因时间、地点、环境的变化而变化,善于抓住有利时机让学生写作文,学生就会感觉不到困难。例如,课间一个精彩的场面,运动场上精彩的表演,课堂上发生一个有趣的“风波”,不失时机地让学生写下来。学生写起来感兴趣,“难”字似乎不翼而飞,达到练笔的目的。 第四,创设情境写作文。创设情境是为调动学生作文积极性,达到作文训练目的而创设的。试举一例,全校卫生大检查前一天,五年级四班又上作文课了。我迟迟不到教室,而提前做了一番设计:卫生优胜流动红旗被一根教杆支在了黑板中间,摇摇欲坠,旁边写了一个醒目的大问号。学生们见此情景,大惑不解,七嘴八舌,议论纷纷。五分钟后,我才走进教室,要求学生自己起题目把刚才的所见所闻及自己的心理活动写下来。顿时,同学们有了兴致,挥笔写起来。有的同学以《奇怪,带问号的流动红旗》、《我明白了》等新颖的题目,在二十多分钟内,写出了三百多字的富有情趣的作文。 (二)开辟两种渠道,引来作文的活力 开辟作文训练的两种渠道是:其一,从生活中学习作文,即引导学生写观察作文。丰富多采的生活本身就是学生作文的源泉。引导学生留心观察周围的人和事,花鸟虫鱼、风雨雷电、写观察日记,鼓励学生把他们在各种学习活动中所见、所闻、所感写在日记里。这样,


英语听力技巧:怎样做好英语听力笔记 关于听力应试方面,我们主张培养学生“抢读预测” +“五边处理 法”这种眼、耳、手、口、脑并用的积极主动的应试技能。“抢读预测”即利用导言及题与题之间的间隙,提前扫视选项,预测出题方向,以便等录音内容开始时能够有目的地捕捉所需信息。“五边处理法” 即边听,边理解,边复述(适用于单句、短对话和数据方面的内容),边做笔记,边猜测(推断)。这里我们重点谈谈“立即复述”、“做笔记”与听的关系以及这“二边”的具体操作方法。 很多同学讲,“考听力时我都听懂了,可等到作选择的时候,却好像有一半都记不清了。”这是极正常的,原因是我们在听的时候,绝大部分注意力在理解方面,加上没有即时对所提细节做笔记,自然便会听了后面忘了前面,而听力测试的重点往往就在细节的辨识上。所以,考生不但要听懂录音中的语言信息,还应通过一些有效途径在短时内强记重要信息,如年代、人物、事件、地点、单价、折扣价(幅度)、门牌号等。一个人即使记忆力再好,要记清如此多的细节也不容 易,那么只有靠笔记帮忙。 (1)养成立即复述的习惯 记笔记是有诀窍的。在听单句(statement)时,因为句子完全孤立,没有任何语境,又只念一遍,听者只能靠一遍的理解和记忆,在选择项中找出意思与原文相同或相近者。所以,准确捕捉所给信息是问题的关键。这时必须借助“立即复述”这个有效手段,即:在听录音时以仅落后1—2 秒的时间立即重复原试句,以协助强化记忆,作出准确选择。有人曾作过实验,结果表明:“一个语言信号只经过外耳道,在大脑中理解记忆的可能性假设为一,那么经过口头复述,在大脑中理解记忆的可能性则为三。因为同一信号经过外耳道传入大脑,而另一部分声音则直接从口腔经过内耳道传入大脑,所以,复述一次的效果是不复述的三倍。”因而,考生在平时训练中很有必要增强复述练习,它一方面能够协助你加深对听懂部分的印象,另一方面也有助于


【托福写作备考】TPO23综合写作文本及解析 TPO 23 综合写作的阅读材料: Populations of the yellow cedar, a species of tree that is common in northwestern North America, have been steadily declining for more than a century now, since about 1880. Scientists have advanced several hypotheses to explain this decline. 译文:黄杉是北美西北部常见的树木。但是从1880年开始的一个多世纪以来,黄杉的数量在逐渐减少。目前,科学家提出了几个假说来解释黄杉数量的下降。 One hypothesis is that the yellow cedar decline may be caused by insect parasites, specifically the cedar bark beetle. This beetle is known to attack cedar trees; the beetle larvae eat the wood. There have been recorded instances of sustained beetle attacks overwhelming and killing yellow cedars, so this insect is a good candidate for the cause of the tree’s decline. 译文:其中一个假说认为黄杉数量下降是由以衫皮甲虫为代表的寄生害虫导致。这种甲虫据了解是以杉树皮为食,而其幼虫则以木质部分为食。史上不乏对于甲虫侵蚀和导致黄杉大量死亡的记录。因为,这种甲虫很可能是黄杉数量减少的原因。 A second hypothesis attributes the decline to brown bears. Bears sometimes claw at the cedars in order to eat the tree bark, which has a high sugar content. In fact, the cedar bark can contain as much sugar as the wild berries that are a staple of the bears’ diet. Although the bears’ clawing is unlikely to destroy trees by itself, their aggressive feeding habits may critically weaken enough trees to be responsible for the decline.


Glass is a favored building material for modern architecture, yet it is also very dangerous for wild birds. Because they often cannot distinguish between glass and open air, millions of birds are harmed every year when they try to fly through glass windows. There are, however, several solutions that responsible businesses can use to prevent injuries to birds. One-Way Glass One solution is to replace the regular, clear glass with one-way glass that is transparent in only one direction. The occupants of the building can see out, but birds and others cannot see in. If birds cannot see through a window, they will understand that the glass forms a solid barrier and will not try to fly through it. Colorful Designs A second solution is to paint colorful lines or other designs on regular window glass. For example, a window could have a design of thin stripes painted over the glass. People would still be able to see through the openings in the design where there is no paint, while birds would see the stripes and thus avoid trying to fly through the glass. Architects can be encouraged to include colorful painted patterns on glass as part of the general design of buildings. Magnetic Field The third solution is to create an artificial magnetic field to guide birds away from buildings. Humans use an instrument called a magnetic compass to determine directions—either north, south, east, or west. Bird research has shown that birds have a natural ability to sense Earth’s magnetic fields; this ability works just like a compass, and it helps birds navigate in the right direction when they fly. A building in a bird flight path can be equipped with powerful electromagnets that emit magnetic signals that steer birds in a direction away from the building. Now liste n to part of a lecture on the topic you’ve just read about. None of the solutions you’ve read about will effectively stop birds from getting injured. First, replacing regular glass with one-way glass. Well, the problem with one-way glass is that to the bird on the outside, a one-way glass surface reflects just like a mirror. And a surface that reflects like a mirror is just as bad as regular glass for birds because birds don’t understand mirrors. If they see a reflection of the sky in a mirror or of a tree in the mirror, they think the reflection is the sky or is the tree and they’ll fly right into them. The second solution, painting colorful patterns like stripes on regular glass, also has problems. As the reading said, these designs include openings so people inside the buildings can see out. But birds will perceive these unpainted openings as open holes. And if birds think they’re seeing holes, they will try to fly right through them. To prevent birds from doing this, the unpainted spaces in the window would have to be extremely small. But that would then make the rooms of the buildings too dark for the people inside them. The third solution, creating an artificial magnetic field, won’t work very well, either. While it’s true that birds use Earth’s magn etic field to help them navigate, they use this only when they’re traveling very long distances. For example, if a bird is migrating from a cold country to a warm one during winter, it will use its magnetic sense to figure out which way it should fly. But this ability isn’t used to go over short distances such as going from one side to the city to another.


一阅读目标:理解词语的意思 (一)直接解释词语 1 词素相加法2找反义词法3描述、形容法4 同义词代替法 (二)联系语境解释 阅读(一) 盐一样的智慧 有这么一个故事:老族长带领村民日夜兼程,要把盐运到某地换成大麦过冬,有一天晚上,他们露宿于荒野,星光灿烂。长者依然用祖先世代所传下来的方法,取出三块盐投入营火,占卜山间天气的变化……大家都在等待长者的“天气预报”,若听见火中盐块发出“噼里啪啦”的声响,那就是好天气的预兆,若是毫无声息,那就象征天气即将变坏,风雨随时会来临。 长者神情严肃,因为盐块在火中毫无声息。他认为不吉,主张天亮后马上赶路。但是族中另一位年轻人认为“以盐窥天”是迷信,反对匆忙启程。 第二天下午果然天气骤变,风雪交加,坚持晚走的的年轻人这才领悟到长者的睿智。 其实,用今天的科学解释,老族长也是对的,盐块在火中是否发出声音,与空气中的湿度相关。换句话说,当风雨欲来湿度高,盐块受潮,投入火中自然喑哑无声。 年轻人往往看不起老人的哲学,片面认为他们都是过时的、无用的。其实,一些人生理念如同海盐,它再老,仍然是一种结晶,并且有海的记忆。 1 “兼”字用音序查字法,用部首查字法先查部首 再查画,还可以组词为。(2分) 2 写出下列词语的近义词。(3分) 严肃——()领悟——()匆忙——() 3联系上下文说说下列词语的意思。(2分) 预兆:;以盐窥天 4 用“”画出表示长者的“天气预报”中好天气的句子,用“” 画出表示坏天气的句子。并写一句有关天气情况的谚语。(3分) 5 年轻人认为“以盐窥天”是迷信,对吗?你能根据短文说说老人“以盐窥天”的道理吗?(3分)

6 读读短文后的最后一段,说一说你受到了什么启发。(2分) 阅读(二) 别跌倒在自己的优势上 三个旅行者同时住进一个旅店。早上出门时,一个旅行者带了一把伞,另一个旅行者拿了一根拐杖,第三个旅行者什么也没有拿。 晚上归来,拿伞的旅行者淋得浑身是水,拿拐杖的旅行者跌得满身是伤,而第三个旅行者却安然无恙。于是,另外两个旅行者很纳闷,问第三个旅行者:“你怎会没有事呢?” 第三个旅行者没有回答,而是问拿伞的旅行者:“你为什么会淋湿而不会摔伤呢?” 拿伞的旅行者说:“当大雨来到的时候,我因为有了伞,就大胆地在雨中走,却不知怎么淋湿了;当我走在泥泞坎坷的路上时,我()没有拐杖,()走得非常仔细,专拣平坦的地方走,所以没有摔伤。” 然后他又问拿拐杖的旅行者:“你为什么没有淋湿而摔伤了呢?”拿拐杖的说:“当大雨来临的时候,我因为没有带雨伞,便拣能躲雨的地方走,所以没有淋湿;当我走在泥泞坎坷的路上时,我便用拐杖拄着走,却不知为什么常常摔跤。” 第三个旅行者听后笑笑说:“这就是为什么你们拿伞的淋湿了,拿拐杖的跌伤了,而我却安然无恙的原因。当大雨来时我躲着走,当路不好时我小心地走,所以我没有淋湿也没有跌伤。你们的失误就在于你们有凭借的优势,认为有了优势便少了忧患。” 许多时候,我们()跌倒在自己的缺陷上,()跌倒在自己的优势上。因为缺陷常常让我们______________________,而优势却常常使我们_________________________。 1 照样子,写成语。(写出带“然”字的四字成语)(2分) 安然无恙:、 2 联系上下文,解释词语。(2分) 纳闷:忧患: 3 “安然无恙”是说第三个旅行者既不像第一个旅行者那样, 也不像第二个旅行者那样。(2分) 4 请你用自己的话告诉前两个旅行者失误的共同原因是什么?(2分)


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8510009619.html, 初中英语听力应试技巧 作者:倪楠 来源:《速读·中旬》2019年第11期 初中英语听力测试部分在整套试题中占有重要地位,初中英语听力应试技巧是同学们提高总体学习成绩的重要途径,争取在期末考试中取得好成绩! 一、学会预测 预测是在做听力理解之前根据各种暗示,如所给答案选项,段落或对话标题等已有知识,对即将听到的段落或对话内容进行预测。 1.从答案选项中预测 Q:Whatdoes Tom do? A.He’sa truck driver.; ; ; B. He’s a ship captain.; ; ; C. He’s a pilot. 录音原文:W:Tomflew to Anchorage last night,then took somepassengers from there to Dallas .M:Yeah,but he couldn’t land because the airport in Dallas was snowed in.从选项看,问题应是关于职业方面的,再从flew,passengers,airport这些信息词中可知道Tom的职业。 2.从说话人口气预测 在A,B两人的对话中,如果B是附和或赞成,往往说“Yes”,“Iagree”,“Sure”,“Ithink so”等。但如A用否定句,B表同意时则用“No”,“Neither/ Nor?”等。 例如:A:Harvey doesn’t seem to fit into this class. B:No,he is really a fish out ofwater. 二、做简要笔记 听录音时快速,准确,简要地记下有关信息(包括数字,人名,地名,关键词),前提是不要影响跟听速度,采用自己习惯的符号。 例:Howmuch will the man pay for the tickets? A.$18; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. $24; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; C. $30


托福TPO4综合写作阅读+听力原文+满分范文 【雷哥托福整理】 在备考托福写作的过程中,总是将托福的独立作文放在了第一位,但是实际上,综合作文也是占到了作文总分30分里面的50%的分值,不要等到分数出来了,才发现其实是综合作文的limited或者fair极大的影响了自己的分数。 考过的同学会发现托福综合作文分数不高,很大程度上是受我们听力实力的影响,我们很多托福考生的听力分数只有16分上下的时候,对于托福综合作文的听力妥妥的是束手无策,而且很多托福考生还感觉自己都听懂了,那也只能说明你听懂了大意,但是听力里面要的是每一个细节!请注意,是每一个细节! 雷哥托福小托君给大家分享TPO1-33综合作文部分的阅读和听力文本全集与综合作文的满分作文,以及满分作文的解析。如果自己的托福综合作文分数如果可以很给力的话,就已经搞定了15分的分数,可以极大地缓解托福独立作文的压力。如何使用这个文件呢? TPO4 综合写作听力+阅读原文 Reading Endotherms are animals such as modern birds and mammals that keep their body temperatures constant. For instance, humans are endotherms and maintain an internal temperature of 37°C, no matter whether the environment is warm or cold. Because dinosaurs were reptiles, and modern reptiles are not endotherms, it was long assumed that dinosaurs were not endotherms. However, dinosaurs differ in many ways from modem reptiles, and there is now considerable evidence that dinosaurs were, in fact, endotherms. Polar dinosaurs One reason for believing that dinosaurs were endotherms is that dinosaur fossils have been discovered in Polar Regions. Only animals that can maintain a temperature well


学而优六年级阅读与写作 阅读训练 车厢里 “咔嚓——呼”,一声尖响,一阵冷风骤雨,沉闷拥挤的车厢里激起一片惊呼。原来,后车厢前排那块有裂纹的窗玻璃,在公共汽车急转弯中被震飞了小半块,幸好没伤人。 一阵忙乱之后,就听见乘客中有人说:“大清早就触霉头!”“现在乘车啊,真是……” 后门那位理着童花式短发的年轻女售票员红着脸,一声不吭的站起来,走到玻璃窗前。座位上一对盲人夫妇手握着手,默默坐着,雨水已打湿了他们的脸和前襟。姑娘的脸更红了,忙撑开手中的花折伞,堵住洞口。 车厢里一下子静了,大家的目光柔和下来。 “对不起,师傅们,这块玻璃应该换了。怪我们……”姑娘柔气轻声地刚说了一半,一阵狂风把她娇小的身子刮退半步,话也咽了进去。这时,一只大手抓住伞柄,助她往前一顶。只听“咝——”,伞面被尖利的破璃撕开一道口子,伞骨也断了一根,但洞口又封住了。“唷——”在乘客的惋惜声中,姑娘却朝着身边这位四十多岁、面带歉意的大汉感激的笑了,笑得弯了眉毛。 “你去吧,我来!”大汉胸前红字告诉人们,他是一位钢铁工人。他的声音也像金属撞击一样铿锵有力。 姑娘又去忙着招呼售票,只是声音更甜更亮。 “玻璃窗修好了?”盲人夫妇问。 “雨停了。”大汉回答。 “那就好。” 乘客们都善意的笑了,车厢里显得格外温暖。 公共汽车又驶过两站。大汉身边一位正在背外语的小伙子突然伸出手说:“你该下车了,交给我吧!”“你怎么知道?”“咱们都是老乘客了。”“那,哈哈……” 又过了两站,小伙子也要下车了,一位女同志刚想接过来,可是伞柄却被一个面皮白白的学生急忙抢了过去。周围的人又笑了。 一站又一站,一人又一人。伞柄被众人握得暖烘烘的。这暖意不断传给后来者,也传给了车厢里的每一个人。(选自小小说《伞》) 1、本文运用的叙述方法是_____________。 2、本文以___________为线索,记叙了在冷风骤雨的天气里,公共汽车车厢玻璃破了以后,售票员和乘客_______________________________________的事。 3、“大汉”“面带歉意”的原因是:________________________________;姑娘却朝“大汉”“感激的笑了”的原因是:________________________________。 4、阅读文中画线部分,想一想:“大汉”为什么要“欺骗”盲人夫妇,乘客们为什么又“都善意的笑了”? 5、本文的情节,可以分为“震飞玻璃”→“_______________________________”→“____________________________”三个部分。 6、联系全文,可见文章结尾处的“暖意”指的是? 摆渡老人 中学时,学校设在邻村,与我们村有一条河隔着,便认识了那摆渡老人。 当时,那老人一直是我们取乐的对象。每到放学,肚子饿得直叫的我们便一窝蜂向渡口跑去,挤在那儿。渡船只要一靠近岸,大家便争先恐后地向船上跃去。虽然老人很有经验,未到岸边便做好回撑的准备。但超载和落水的事仍然时有发生。超载时,船上的,岸上的,都望着老人手忙脚乱的样子大笑。夏天下雨时,大家总是把伞迎着风,看着渡船被吹淌到离渡口好远的地方,老人一番折腾,将船撑到渡口,我们便哄笑着上了岸。 最有意思的要数冬天(当时我是这样认为的)。冬天很冷,河面结了一层厚厚的冰。每天早晨,当我们赶到渡口时,总看见老人在那边晃着船,好长时间,才把船晃过来。望着老人跳舞似的笨拙姿势,我们总是哄笑,一直到船靠岸。我们往往因此耽误了早读,但我们都挺愿意。于是就希望天再冷些,便可迟点起来,反正去早了也是过不了河。我们都为找到一个偷懒的理由而感到高兴。当时的我们,是“心忧读书愿天寒”。 那一天特别冷,我因有事起了个早。吃过早饭后,便不紧不慢地向学校走去。到渡口时,我惊奇地发现,那老



7.16托福写作 综合写作 听力的要点和细节 ●要点: 一般情况下反驳阅读的观点由阅读观点引申其他结论 假设类提出不同观点 ●细节: 1~2个细节 关键词提示 长难句/ 连词 ●听力的注意事项 根据阅读推断听力可能细节第一段找感觉(不需要笔记)顺着逻辑逆推反例 阅读和听力的关系 阅读听力 事实推论?直接推翻 客观证据?反驳关系

缺点不足?解决方案 两种假说?各执一词 听力中慢读、重读的95%是细节点。 写作注意事项 1,分四段(段间空行,段首顶格,句首大写,标点空格) 2,指代称谓固定 3,陈述/ 反驳动词替换 4,阅读:改写为佳;听力:求同最好 阅读:the passage;the writer;the author 听力:the lecture; the professor;the speaker 讨论:争论:辩论:discuss;argue;debate;have a debate on 认为;阐述;声称;主张;拥护;建议: claim ;suggest;maintain;uphold;state;propose;r ecommend;appeal;conclude;put forward 反驳:反对: disagree;refuse;reject;refute;rebut;oppose;contr adict;view the question / issue from an opposite

perspective / angle;does not hold water(站不住脚) 举例:for exampe;for instance;citing the evidence/reason that…… 模板: 语言补充------开头段 The reading passage explores the issue of (讨论 话题). The professor’s lecture deals with the same issue. However, he/she thinks that (话题总论点),which contradicts what the reading states. And in the lecture, he /she uses three specific points to support his /her idea. Explore,exaimines,deals with ,copies with, is concerned with ,is about,focuses, issuue, subject, topic However,but,yet,even so,despite that, Support, confirm, back up ,strengthen Practice:

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