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Energy saving furnace and waste heat utilization

First, macro-surface

Dealing with the fire kiln, furnace output by the daily life of most products occupy, which is also an important part of modern society. Dealing with fire, it involves combustion, involving insulation, related to emissions, so that people attached furnace industry a better life, an attached greenhouse gases and harmful gas emissions, its important can be seen. Based on this understanding, the Copenhagen meeting, if the furnace industry changes, can bring immediate results.

1, the quality of the pursuit of the furnace of the pursuit of product quality, can bring twice the impact. Just think, give up this purpose, what will bring serious consequences. Take the building ceramics industry, the turn of the century, the development of Foshan ceramics impressive, as Foshan, even people relish. But cool to think, how much consumption of Foshan ceramics fossil raw materials, chemical raw materials and fuel? Large number of ceramic products has still retained in our home and decoration of public facilities? In other words, is not there for 10 years or 20 years of happiness and joy in exchange for future generations or even centuries of tragic years? starting from 2009 the national expansion of construction ceramics industry, race, location far below the level of Foshan. The development of society should be going up, and such a situation, energy conservation and emission reduction in crying today, means that we will face even greater tragedy! Industrialization is a perpetual motion machine, not long before the earth disappear ceramic raw materials and fuel can depleted. Besides, we have begun to face non-ceramic material can be dug, recoverable state. The sake of our posterity, we have to consider seriously some of the problems.

The needs of low-quality low-end success of the furnace equipment and other manufacturing equipment market? Or the other hand, because of backward production facilities, it has cultivated a low-end market? This is a subject not tell Road, unknown, but the result is yes, the building ceramics products, the products of low quality means durability, poor persistence, in the near future (maybe this time is about 10 years), social development, and now the rural market and low-income groups, a significant portion of will be renovated, which in turn is a tremendous waste. China is a big country, but it is also resource poor countries, must be considered in the durable goods production conditions, development of appropriate national policy, or economic prosperity, social prosperity will not last long.

Product quality and production equipment for quality products is the largest energy source. Good equipment must be able to produce a good product, good equipment, but it is also more durable and energy efficient, resulting benefits are double. Grasp the product quality, focus on the quality of equipment, saving energy is the key link. We can do this kind of discourse, low quality of the equipment (usually cheap), I will not speak a certain low-quality products and low-cost, on the device itself, may be faced with three years of minor repairs to five years The overhaul, maintenance costs do not say, may soon be eliminated, while the need to remove obsolete equipment, recycled, pay a considerable cost recovery. China's economic development in the early, low-cost investment to make the first pot of gold enterprise development, and enable enterprises to gradually regulate, grow, is feasible but should be necessary, but with considerable capital scale of today, still make such repeat the story, it had to say our sad! if not well resolved, which will be a moment for the future lay hidden dangers of national disaster.

2, industry standards and other thermal equipment furnace is actually involved in multidisciplinary industry, no rules to follow in a few years. Kiln industry norms, can be

divided into the following areas:

First, practitioners, furnace and other thermal equipment industry is essentially a high threshold for industry, country or the relevant trade associations should be the main furnace design and manufacturing, to be provided for construction workers, limiting their qualification.

Followed by furnace and related enterprises to implement qualification system for personnel, equipment and operation of enterprises and to validate the request.

The third is a thermal furnace and related equipment, the product itself to develop industry standards. Furnace product to solve the temperature problem, that firing system (or pressure systems) or heat treatment. Used for different purposes, different temperature, the kilns are classified, on the furnace design, material selection, selection of auxiliary equipment, combustion and control, manufacturing, installation and commissioning of equipment and other aspects of security in particular is a refractory, burner and control system, furnace control systems were provided. In addition, it must be the performance of the product itself, such as furnace fuel consumption indicators, power consumption targets, emission targets, control the level of development testing, evaluation criterion.

Kilns is that most sources of industrial and domestic products, the furnace industry to progress only in the specification, the furnace industry and progress, and industry to progress, social order and progress! What is more, our emission reduction becomes possible.

3, R & D investment industry furnace is interdisciplinary, involving materials science (steel and refractory materials, etc.), combustion and control studies, thermal engineering, mechatronics, automation and control and many other branches of science. Kiln industry is also an ancient industry, has a long history of ancient China, there kilns, Jun ware, kiln, etc., prestigious, but ultimately are kiln, not energy. Furnace of history, is the history of civilization, with the technology, the furnace has also been rapid development of the industry, gave birth to the modern material civilization. All highly sophisticated materials such as aerospace materials, special materials (such as high temperature materials, high strength materials, corrosion-resistant materials, etc.) and so on, no furnace is not a masterpiece. China's technological strength behind the western countries, one important aspect, that is, behind the furnace industry. Furnace with the aforementioned development of the industry's development in all subjects, or conversely, to the latest developments in technology disciplines applied to the furnace industry, facilitate the development and progress of the furnace industry, and then consolidate the material of modern civilization. In China, the economic principle of priority, the lack of kiln industry standards, resulting in the furnace product quite a mixed bag, and then fired low-end products so popular in the market. This is the first, that as new technologies are the means the cost of Zeng Jia, causing the user does not seek the introduction of new technologies; the other, takes in this area of research and development is backward Yu Fadaguojia's.

Second, the design and manufacture of furnace

First, the production of precision; First, the latest technology. Intelligent furnace and related products, is our pursuit. The latest Combustion Theory and combustion equipment (system), the latest control technology in our products can be applied.

To adapt to continuous production of roller kiln tunnel kiln and take the following measures to ensure the quality of the furnace so as to enhance the energy efficiency of the furnace:

1, optimal design. Different products for different customers, different output curves at different temperatures for specific design to meet the product in the case of firing, as saving space, as adapted for multi-product, multi-system firing. In the design and implementing the following basic techniques:

①thermal equilibrium bifurcation diagram. According to bifurcation diagrams, before

embarking on the design of the furnace to make a basic thermal calculation. Bifurcation picture shows the designer pointed out the basic design direction. For example, the treatment of the kiln, the flue gas treatment, can be seen from the bifurcation diagram comes in many forms. Different furnace, thermal equilibrium bifurcation diagram similar.

②high quality materials, including steel and refractory materials. Furnace steel and refractory materials is the basic principal is directly related to the durability and energy-saving furnace indicators. Furnace with fire, dealing with the high temperature products, working environment. Any carelessness furnace structure, would have serious consequences, so the main selection of the furnace must be cautious.

Steel manufacturers have to use the regular high-quality steel, welded solid, polished, rust decontamination, spray rust (zinc-rich paint the best choice) and the metal finish. After such processing and production of long steel will not rust, durable.

Selected according to temperature requirements refractory thermal conductivity, specific gravity (heat specific volume), have better physical properties of high temperature materials, with special emphasis on the consistency of quality materials to ensure that the furnace used to heat □ high to low heat and kiln regenerator, and the furnace to a long life.

2, in addition to the conventional technology, the company also follows for the roller kiln tunnel kiln and unique technology:

①pressure balance system using waste heat. In diameter, under certain conditions, flow depends on the pipeline pressure. And so the company developed the principle of waste heat recovery systems, waste heat can be done for different purposes without the slightest impact on the normal operation of the furnace.

②impulse control impulse control is actually the closest to micro-combustion system variable control theory. Temperature curve for each rise or insulation is actually variable Δ by numerous micro-component heat input, while the pulse is characterized by the need to control the heat input is a fire, do not completely closed when the burner is to do a small variables, to ensure that the temperature curve of continuous and smooth. In addition, since pulse is varied between zero in the fire and, together with the random pulse system balance, high-temperature gas inside the furnace due to mixing and considerable homogenization. So pulse system for wide-body kiln, need a minimum temperature of the products or firing, there is a distinct advantage.

③furnace control PLC + HMI + SCADA system with high-quality, accurate and constant heat output of the combustion and control system, makes the PLC control in the furnace on the practical application possible. The PLC application, supplemented by detailed data such as burner combustion power, fuel air-fuel ratio, temperature curves characteristics, pipeline pressure drop, so that intelligent control of the entire furnace can be effectively achieved. It is worth mentioning that the use of temperature (or pressure) module, due to the use of the PID loop's proportional, integral, differential technique, and these parameters can be set according to different use of the environment, making their application form with the normal temperature control is more effective. HMI that is touch screen user interface for the furnace operation. The company introduced the furnace operating SCADA system is based on iFax4.0 infinite point spread over the Chinese Internet version developed with its function is very powerful.

④gas emission reduction and the use of hot flue gas take away a large proportion of the total heat that can use this part of the heat up, will bring great economic benefits. The Company will adopt two measures of the gas processing:

A semi-automatic and efficient development of the whole closed drying system, full use of flue gas heat.

B the porous ceramics used for flue gas treatment.

Conclusion The primary direction of energy saving furnace is the quality of the furnace,

the State should introduce appropriate measures to restrict the backward, poor materials used in the furnace product, because of inferior materials, in addition to leading to high repair rate, but also led to high elimination rate, operating costs and depreciation costs considerably. Inspection tour in the UK, have seen a kiln for over 30 years, and I was so sad, so kiln made quality to the view of the hope aroused sympathy from colleagues and users. Based on the quality, energy-efficient furnace is the direction of new technology in the successful application of furnace engineering, because any new technology, will certainly bring great economic benefits. And to energy-efficient furnace, to a large extent, is also reducing emissions.













3、研发投入窑炉是多学科交叉行业,涉及到材料学 (钢结构与耐火材料等)、燃烧与控制学、热工学、机电学、自动化与控制学等多分支。窑炉行业同时又是古老的行业,具有相当长的历史,古时的中国就有龙窑、钧窑、官窑等,享有盛誉,但归根结底都是土窑,不节能。窑炉的历史,就是文明进程的历史,随着科技的发展,窑炉行业也有了飞速的发展,催生出了现代的物质文明。所有高尖端材料如航天航空材料、特种材料(如高温材料、高强度材料、耐腐蚀材料等)等,无不是窑炉的杰作。中国的科技实力落后于西方发达国家,其中重要的一方面,就是窑炉行业的落后。窑炉行业的发展是与前述的各学科的发展息息相关的,或者反过来说,把各学科的最新发展技术应用到窑炉行业,促进了窑炉行业的发展与进步,进而夯实了现代的物质文明。在我国,由于经济优先的原则,窑炉行业规范的缺失,导致窑炉产品鱼龙混杂,进而使低端烧成产品在市场上大行其道。这是其一,也就是说由于新技术都是意味着成本的增加,导致用户不会主动采用新技术;其二,我们在相关领域的研发方面也是落后于发达国家的。
















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