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DW CS5属性的英文翻译

DW CS5属性的英文翻译
DW CS5属性的英文翻译


loat - 浮动:设置块元素的浮动效果。可选常用到参数left、right ;

width - 宽:确定盒子本身的宽度,可以使盒子的宽度不依靠它所包含的内容多少。

height - 高:确定盒子本身的高度;

clear - 清除:用于清除设置的浮动效果,常用参数both 、left、right;

margin- 边距:控制围绕边框的边距大小。其中包含4个属性:margin-top控制上边距的宽度、margin-right控制右边距的宽度、margin-bottom控制下边距的宽度、margin-left控制左边距的宽度。

padding-内边界:确定围绕块元素的空格填充数量,其中包含4个属性“padding-top控制上留白的宽度、padding-right控制右留白的宽度、padding-bottom控制下留白宽度、padding-left 控制左留白的宽度。


border-width -宽:控制边框的宽度,其中分为4个属性:border-top-width顶边框的宽度、border-right-width右边框的宽度、border-bottom-width底边框的宽度、border-left-width左边框的宽度。

border-color -颜色:设置各边框的颜色。若要使边框的四边显示不同的颜色,可在设置中分别列出。如,

p{: #ff0000 #009900 #0000ff #55cc00}

浏览器将四种颜色依次理解为:上边框、右边框、底边框和左边框(自上开始顺时针)。border-style -样式:设定边框的样式,共有无(none)、虚线(dotted)、点划线线(dotted)、点划线(dashed)、实线(solid)、双线(double)、槽状(grove)、脊状(ridge)、凹陷(inset)和凸起(outset)等9种。


font-family- 字体:设定时,需考虑浏览器中有无该字体。

font-size - 字体大小:注意度量单位。

font-weight - 字体粗细:除了normal(正常)、bold(粗体)、bolder(特粗)、lighter(细体)外,还有9种以像素为度量为单位的设置方式。


line-height - 行高:行距。注意,行距只能以是字体大小值为

font-variant - 变形:可以将正常文字一半尺寸后大写显示,但IE目前不支持这项属性。text-transform - 大小写:这项属性能轻而易举地控制字母大小写,有首字大写(capitalize、大写(uppercase)、小写(lowercase)和无(none,使所有继承文字和变形参数被忽略,文字将以正常形式显示)等4种。

text-decoration - 修饰:用于控制链接文本的显示形态,有下划线(underline)、无下划线(overline)、删除线(line-through)、闪烁(blink)和无(none,使上述效果均不会发生)等5种修饰方式。但IE4不支持文字闪烁。


background-color- 背景颜色:设置背景颜色。


background-repeat - 背景重复:控制背景图像的平鋪方式,有不重复(no-repeat)、重复(repeat,沿水平、垂直方向平铺)、横向重复(repeat-X,图像沿水平方向平铺)和纵向重复(repeat-Y,沿图像垂直方向平铺)等4种选择。

background-attachment - 附加:用于控制背景图像是否会随页面的滚动而一起滚动。有固定(fixd,文字滚动时,背景图像保质固定)和滚动(scroll,背景图像随文字内容一起滚动)两种选择。

background-position - 水平位置/垂直位置:确定背景图像的水平、垂直位置。共有左对齐(left)、右对齐(right)、顶部(top)、底部(bottom)、居中(center)和值(自定义背景图像的起点位置,可使用户对背景图像的位置做出更精确的控制)等6种选择。


word-spacing - 单词间距:主要用于控制文字间相隔的距离。有正常(normal)和值(自定义间隔值)两种选择方式。当选择值时,可用的单位有英寸(in)、厘米(cm)、毫米(mm)、点数(pt)、12pt字(pc)、字体高(em)、字体x有高(ex)像素(px)。

letter-spacing -字母间距:其作用与字符间距类似,也有正常(normal)和值(自定义间隔值)两种选择方式。

vertical-align - 垂直对齐:控制文字或图像相对于其母体元素的垂直位置。如将一个2×3像素的GIF图像同其母体元素文字的顶部垂直对齐,则该GIF图像将在该行文字的顶部显示。共有基线(baseline,将元素的基准线同母体元素的基准线对齐)、下标(sub,将元素以下标的形式显示),上标(super,将元素以上标的形式显示)、顶部(top,将元素顶部同最高的母体元素对齐)、文本顶对齐(text-top,将元素的顶部同母体元素文字的顶部对齐)、中线对齐(middle,将元素的中点同母体元素的中点对齐)、底部(bottom,将元素的底部同最低的母体元素对齐)及值(自定义)等9种选择。

text-align - 文本对齐:设置块的水平对齐方式。共有左对齐(left)、右对齐(right)、居中(center)和均分(justify)等4种选择。

text-indent - 文字缩进:控制块的缩进程度。

white-space -空白间距:在HTML中,空格是被省略的;在CSS中则使用属性(white-space)控制空格的输入。共有正常(normal)、保留(pre)和不换行(nowrap)等3种选择。


position - 类型:用于确定定位的类型,共有绝对(absolute)、相对(relative)和静态(static)等3种选择。

z-index - Z轴:用于控制网页中块元素的叠放顺序,可为元素设置重叠效果。该属性的参数值使用纯整数,值为0时,元素在最下层,适用于绝对定位或相对定位的元素。

visibility - 显示:使用该属性可将网页中的元素隐藏,共有继承(inherit,继承母体要素的可视性设置)、可见(visible)和隐藏(hidden)等3种选择。

overflow - 溢出:在确定了元素的高度和宽度后,如果元素的面积不能全部显示元素中的内容时,该属性做一日和尚撞一天钟起作用了。其中共有可见(visible,扩大面积以显示所有内容)、隐藏(hidden,隐藏超出范围的内容)、滚动(scroll,在元素的右边显示一个滚动条)和自动(auto,当内容超出元素面积时,显示滚动条)等4种选择。


clip - 剪辑:元素被指定为绝对定位类型后,该属性可以把元素区域切成各种形状,但目前提供的只有方形一种。属性值为rect(top right bottom left),即:rect(top right bottom left),属性值的单位为任何一种长度单位。


list-style-type -类型样式:确定列表每一项前使用的符号,共有圆点(disc)、圆圈(circle)、方形(square)、数字(decimal)、小写罗马数字(lower-roman)、大写罗马数字(upper-roman)、小写字母(lower-alpha)和大写字母(upper-alpha)等8种。

list-style-image - 列表前的项目图像:作用是将列表前面的符号换为图形。

list-style-position -位置:用于描述列表位置,有内(outside)和外(inside)两种选择。

onClick 事件触发的方法,理解为当点击时

onDblClick 同上,理解为当双击时

onError 同上,理解为当错误发生时


onAbort 当访问者中断浏览器正在载入图像的操作时产生。

onAfterUpdate 当网页中bound(边界)数据元素已经完成源数据的更新时产生该事件。onBeforeUpdate 当网页中bound(边界)数据元素已经改变并且就要和访问者失去交互时产生该事件。

onBlur 当指定元素不再被访问者交互时产生。

onBounce 当marquee(选取框)中的内容移动到该选取框边界时产生。

onChange 当访问者改变网页中的某个值时产生。

onClick 当访问者在指定的元素上单击时产生。

onDblClick 当访问者在指定的元素上双击时产生。

onError 当浏览器在网页或图像载入产生错位时产生。

onFinish 当marquee(选取框)中的内容完成一次循环时产生。

onFocus 当指定元素被访问者交互时产生。

onHelp 当访问者单击浏览器的Help(帮助)按钮或选择浏览器菜单中的Help(帮助)菜单项时产生。

onKeyDown 当按下任意键的同时产生。

onKeyPress 当按下和松开任意键时产生。此事件相当于把onKeyDown和onKeyUp这两事件合在一起。

onKeyUp 当按下的键松开时产生。

onLoad 当一图像或网页载入完成时产生。

onMouseDown 当访问者按下鼠标时产生。

onMouseMove 当访问者将鼠标在指定元素上移动时产生。

onMouseOut 当鼠标从指定元素上移开时产生。

onMouseOver 当鼠标第一次移动到指定元素时产生。

onMouseUp 当鼠标弹起时产生。

onMove 当窗体或框架移动时产生。

onReadyStateChange 当指定元素的状态改变时产生。

onReset 当表单内容被重新设置为缺省值时产生。

onResize 当访问者调整浏览器或框架大小时产生。

onRowEnter 当bound(边界)数据源的当前记录指针已经改变时产生。

onRowExit 当bound(边界)数据源的当前记录指针将要改变时产生。

onScroll 当访问者使用滚动条向上或向下滚动时产生。

onSelect 当访问者选择文本框中的文本时产生。

onStart 当Marquee(选取框)元素中的内容开始循环时产生。onSubmit 当访问者提交表格时产生。

onUnload 当访问者离开网页时产生


英语翻译方法:直译与意译 这里所讲翻译方法是指通过英、汉两种语言特点对比,分析其异同,阐述表达原文的一般规律。英、汉语结构有相同一面,汉译时可照译,即所谓“直译”——既忠实原文内容,又符合原文结构形式,能传达原文意义,体现原文风格等。但这两种语言之间还有许多差别,如完全照译,势必出现“英化汉语”,这时就需要“意译”,在忠实原文内容前提下,摆脱原文结构束缚,使译文符合汉语规范。特别要注意是:“直译”不等于“死译”,“意译”也不等于“乱译”。试比较: 1、直译与死译 原文结构与汉语结构是一致,照译即可。但如果原文结构与汉语不一致,仍然采取直译方法,就成“死译”了。如: ①、In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line. 在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线。(直译) ②、The earth acts like a big magnet.地球作用着像一块大磁铁。(死译) ③、Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon. 锰有同样影响在强度上像硅。(死译) 例②、例③既不忠实原意,又不符合汉语表达方式。因此,必须运用“词类转换”广成分转换”、“词(语)序调整”等手段使译文通顺。例②、例③应分别译为:“地球作用像一块大磁铁。”…“锰像硅一样会影响钢强度。” 2、意译和乱译 只有在正确理解原文基础上,运用相应翻译方法以调整原文结构,用规范汉语加以表达,这才真正做到“意译”。翻译实践证明,大量英语句子汉译都要采取“意译法”。 如果把“意译”理解为凭主观臆想来理解原文,可以不分析原文结构,只看词面意义,自己编造句子,势必造成“乱译”。如: It is easy to compress a gas,it is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules. Like a liquid a gas has no shape,but unlike a liquid it will expand and fill any container it is put in.气体是很容易压缩,这正是压缩分子之间距离根据。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,气体膨胀时会充满任何盛放它容器。(乱译) 例句中“乱译”是由主观臆想(不正确选择词义、任意转换成分)造成。在这里,将matter译成“根据”在物理学上是讲不通,因为“压缩气体也就是减少分子之间距离”,两者是一回事。matter应作“事情”、“问题”解。 将will expand任意转换为时间状语,致使不符合原义。will expand and fill应译为“会扩张并充满”。综上所述,原译文可改为“气体很容易压缩,那只不过是缩小分子之间距离而已。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,因为气体会扩张并充满任何盛放它容器。” 就翻译方法而论,总来说,就是“直译法和意译法相结合”,又可细分为“照译”、“词义引伸”、“成分转换”、“句转成分”等译法。 英语翻译训练方法-直译 直译是一种重要的翻译方法,它有不少优点,例如能传达原文意义,体现原文风格等。据估算,大约70%的句子要用直译方法来处理,所以直译广为译者采用,由此可见直译法之重要。但是,直译具有一定的局限性。例如译文有时冗长罗唆,晦涩难懂,有时不能正确传达原文意义,有时甚至事与愿违。所以,如果不顾场合条件,不顾中外两种语言的差异,一味追求直译,就必然闯红灯,进入误区,造成误译。直译之所以有误区,是因为语言的形式与内容,句子的表层结构与深层意义有时不统一;另一方面,中外文化历史背景不同,造成了不同的思维方式和不同的语言表达形式。不少人批评过直译硬译,指出过直译有局限性,但是直译到底有哪些局限性,它都表现在什么地方。英语直译至少有五大误区,明确这些误区,就要在翻译中避免一些错误,就可在直译行不通的地方采用意译。 一、否定句型中的直译误区


电气工程及其自动化专业英语 考试题型:选择10*2 单词翻译10*2 短句翻译5*4 长句翻译4*10 Exercise All the simple circuit elements that will be 在下面进行的工作中我们要研究的简单电路元件,可以根据流过元件的电流与元件两端的电压的关系进行分类。例如,如果元件两端的电压正比于流过元件的电流,即u=ki,我们就把元件称为电阻器。其他的类型的简单电路元件的端电压正比于电流对时间的导数或正比于电流关于时间的积分。还有一些元件的电压完全独立于电流或电流完全独立于电压,这些是独立源。此外,我们还要定义一些特殊类型的电源,这些电源的电压或电流取决于电路中其他的电流或电压,这样的电源将被称为非独立源或受控源。 It must be emphasized that the linear 必须强调的是线性电阻器是一个理想的电路元件;它是物理元件的数学模型。我们可以很容易地买到或制造电阻器,但很快我们发现这种物理元件只有当电流、电压或者功率处于特定范围时其电压——电流之比才是恒定的,并且这个比值也取决于温度以及其它环境因素。我们通常应当把线性电阻器仅仅称为电阻器。只有当需要强调元件性质的时候才使用更长的形式称呼它。而对于任何非线性电阻器我们应当始终这么称呼它,非线性电阻器不应当必然地被视为不需要的元件。 If a circuit has two or more independent 如果一个电路有两个或多个独立源,求出具体变量值(电流或电压)的一种方法是使用节点分析法或网孔分析法。另一种方法是求出每个独立源对变量的作用然后把它们进行叠加。而这种方法被称为叠加法。叠加法原理表明线性电路某个元件两端的电压(或流过元件的电流)等于每个独立源单独作用时该元件两端的电压(或流过元件的电流)的代数和。 The ratio of the phase voltage to the 相电压与相电流之比等于电路的阻抗,符号为字母Z,阻抗是一个具有量纲为欧姆的复数量。阻抗不是一个相量,因此不能通过把它乘以e jωt,并取其实部把它转换成时域形式。但是,我们把电感器看作是通过其电感量L表现为时域形式而通过其阻抗jωL表现为频域形式,电容在时域里为电容量C而在频域里为1/jωc,阻抗是某种程度 上的频域变量而非时域变量。 Both wye and delta source connections 无论是星型连接的电源还是三角形连接的电源都有重要的实际应用意义。星型连接的电源用于长距离电力传输,此时电阻损耗(I2R)将达到最小。这是由于星型连接的线电压是三角形连接的线电压的√3倍,于是,对于相同的功率来说,三角型连接的线电流是星形连接的线电流的√3倍。三角形连接的电源使用在根据三相电源而需要的三个单相电路中。这种从三相到单相的转变用在住宅布线中因为家用照明和设备使用单相电源。三相电源用在需要大功率的工业布线中。在某些应用场合,无论负载是星形连接还是三角形连接并不重要。

机械毕业设计英文外文翻译460数字控制 (2)

附录 科技译文: Numerical Control Numerical Control(NC) is a method of controlling the movements of machineComponents by directly inserting coded instructions in the form of numerical data(numbers and data ) into the system.The system automatically interprets these data and converts to output signals. These signals ,in turn control various machine components ,such as turning spindles on and off ,changing tools,moving the work piece or the tools along specific paths,and turning cutting fluits on and off. In order to appreciate the importer of numerical control of machines ,let’s briefly review how a process such as machining has been carried out traditionally .After studying the working drawing of a part, the operator sets up the appropriate process parameters(such as cutting speed ,feed,depth of cut,cutting fluid ,and so on),determines the sequence of operations to be performed,clamps the work piece in a workholding device such as chuck or collet ,and proceeds to make the part .Depending on part shape and the dimensional accuracy specified ,this approach usually requires skilled


Heat sink 散热器 Forward conduction 正向导通 Thyristor 晶闸管 Solid-state power device 固态功率器件 Silicon wafer 硅片,硅晶片 Self-latching 自锁 电流额定值current rating 反向击穿电压reverse breakdown voltage 负电流脉冲negative current pulse 交流电动机相位控制phase control AC motor 反向并联二极管reverse shunting diode 正信号positive signal Gate-turn-off thyristors 可关断晶闸管 固态功率器件基础 2.1 引言 在这一章中我们重点讨论固态功率器件,并且只讨论它们在相位控制或频率控制的三相460V交流鼠笼式感应电动机的应用。 2.2 固态功率器件 应用于固态交流电动机控制的功率半导体主要的五个类型如下: (1)二极管 (2)晶闸管(例如:硅控整流器SCRs) (3)(电子)晶体管 (4)可关断晶闸管 (5)双向可控硅 硅控整流器和双向可控硅通常用于相位控制。各种各样的二极管制品、硅控整流器、电子晶体管和可开断晶体管都应用于速度控制。这些器件的共性是:利用硅晶体薄片层层堆叠构成PN结的各种组合。在二极管、硅控整流器和可关断晶闸管中,P结常被叫作阳极,N结常被叫做阴极,在电子晶体管中相应的被叫做集电极和发射极。这些器件的区别在于导通和关断的方法及电流和电压的容量。 让我们来简答看一下这些器件,了解一下他们的参数。 2.2.1 二极管 图2.1是一个二极管。左边是一个中间有硅晶片的PN结,右边是单个二极管的表示符号。当阳极为正阴极为负时,会有电流通过,二极管本身伴随着一个比较小的压降。当极性相反时,只有很小的反向漏电流通过,这在图2.2中有表现出来。正向压降一般是1V左右,与电流额定值无关。 (PN结阳极阴极单个二极管PN结和表示符号) 二极管的正向电流额定值取决于起大小和设计,而这二者是根据器件的散热要求来确定的,一保证掐进不超过最大结温(通常是200℃)。 反向击穿电压(见图2.2)是二极管的另一个重要参数,它的数值较二极管尺寸大小更多地取决于其内部设计。


外文翻译 专业机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名刘链柱 班级机制111 学号1110101102 指导教师葛友华

外文资料名称: Design and performance evaluation of vacuum cleaners using cyclone technology 外文资料出处:Korean J. Chem. Eng., 23(6), (用外文写) 925-930 (2006) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文

应用旋风技术真空吸尘器的设计和性能介绍 吉尔泰金,洪城铱昌,宰瑾李, 刘链柱译 摘要:旋风型分离器技术用于真空吸尘器 - 轴向进流旋风和切向进气道流旋风有效地收集粉尘和降低压力降已被实验研究。优化设计等因素作为集尘效率,压降,并切成尺寸被粒度对应于分级收集的50%的效率进行了研究。颗粒切成大小降低入口面积,体直径,减小涡取景器直径的旋风。切向入口的双流量气旋具有良好的性能考虑的350毫米汞柱的低压降和为1.5μm的质量中位直径在1米3的流量的截止尺寸。一使用切向入口的双流量旋风吸尘器示出了势是一种有效的方法,用于收集在家庭中产生的粉尘。 摘要及关键词:吸尘器; 粉尘; 旋风分离器 引言 我们这个时代的很大一部分都花在了房子,工作场所,或其他建筑,因此,室内空间应该是既舒适情绪和卫生。但室内空气中含有超过室外空气因气密性的二次污染物,毒物,食品气味。这是通过使用产生在建筑中的新材料和设备。真空吸尘器为代表的家电去除有害物质从地板到地毯所用的商用真空吸尘器房子由纸过滤,预过滤器和排气过滤器通过洁净的空气排放到大气中。虽然真空吸尘器是方便在使用中,吸入压力下降说唱空转成比例地清洗的时间,以及纸过滤器也应定期更换,由于压力下降,气味和细菌通过纸过滤器内的残留粉尘。 图1示出了大气气溶胶的粒度分布通常是双峰形,在粗颗粒(>2.0微米)模式为主要的外部来源,如风吹尘,海盐喷雾,火山,从工厂直接排放和车辆废气排放,以及那些在细颗粒模式包括燃烧或光化学反应。表1显示模式,典型的大气航空的直径和质量浓度溶胶被许多研究者测量。精细模式在0.18?0.36 在5.7到25微米尺寸范围微米尺寸范围。质量浓度为2?205微克,可直接在大气气溶胶和 3.85至36.3μg/m3柴油气溶胶。

商务英语翻译练习 - 直译与意译

Translation exercises A.Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.I’ve read your articles and I expected to meet an older man. 2.The ship turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of water beside her. 3.To appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than before, until they were seized with a kind of delirium. 4.For White, to disclose his long-held privacy means to strike the heel of Achilles. 5.In the court action, Alain sprang his trump card by calling a surprise witness. 6.Jefferson believed that the Baghdad Pact had already been reduced to less than a shadow. 7.We in Zambia would like to build a color-blind society where all can have equal opportunities. 8.Every time Robert visits me, one of my books disappears. I’m beginning to smell a rat. 9.We are very sorry to disappoint you, but hope you will understand that stock offers are a touch-and-go kind of things. 10. What sort of force does the sun exert on the planets which causes the planets to move according to the laws which Kepler has discovered. B.Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese In 1776, Adam Smith, a Scottish economist, wrote the wealth of Nations, a book that has had an enormous influence on American economic development. Like many other thinkers, Smith believed that in a capitalist system people are naturally selfish and are moved to engage in manufacturing and trade in order to gain wealth and power. Smith’s originality was to argue that such activity is beneficial because it leads to increased production and sharpens competition. As a result, goods circulate more widely and at lower prices, jobs are created, and wealth is spread. Though people may act from the narrow desire to enrich themselves, Smith argued, “an invisible hand” guides them to enrich and improve all of society. And yet, American industrial development in the 19th century took a toll on working men and women. Factory owners often required them to put in long hours of low wages, provided them with unsafe and unhealthy workplaces, and hired the children of poor families. There was discrimination in hiring: African Americans and members of some immigrant groups were rejected or forced to work under highly unfavorable conditions.


附录 INTEGRATION OF MACHINERY (From ELECTRICAL AND MACHINERY INDUSTRY)ABSTRACT Machinery was the modern science and technology development inevitable result, this article has summarized the integration of machinery technology basic outline and the development background .Summarized the domestic and foreign integration of machinery technology present situation, has analyzed the integration of machinery technology trend of development. Key word:integration of machinery ,technology,present situation ,product t,echnique of manufacture ,trend of development 0. Introduction modern science and technology unceasing development, impelled different discipline intersecting enormously with the seepage, has caused the project domain technological revolution and the transformation .In mechanical engineering domain, because the microelectronic technology and the computer technology rapid development and forms to the mechanical industry seepage the integration of machinery, caused the mechanical industry the technical structure, the product organization, the function and the constitution, the production method and the management system has had the huge change, caused the industrial production to enter into “the integration of machinery” by “the machinery electrification” for the characteristic development phase. 1. Integration of machinery outline integration of machinery is refers in the organization new owner function, the power function, in the information processing function and the control function introduces the electronic technology, unifies the system the mechanism and the computerization design and the software which constitutes always to call. The integration of machinery development also has become one to have until now own system new discipline, not only develops along with the science and technology, but also entrusts with the new content .But its basic characteristic may summarize is: The integration of machinery is embarks from the system viewpoint, synthesis community technologies and so on utilization mechanical technology, microelectronic technology, automatic control technology,


POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ABSTRACT The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable.To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic,between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off. KEYWARDS:power supply and distribution,power distribution reliability,reactive compensation,load distribution


使用高级分析法的钢框架创新设计 1.导言 在美国,钢结构设计方法包括允许应力设计法(ASD),塑性设计法(PD)和荷载阻力系数设计法(LRFD)。在允许应力设计中,应力计算基于一阶弹性分析,而几何非线性影响则隐含在细部设计方程中。在塑性设计中,结构分析中使用的是一阶塑性铰分析。塑性设计使整个结构体系的弹性力重新分配。尽管几何非线性和逐步高产效应并不在塑性设计之中,但它们近似细部设计方程。在荷载和阻力系数设计中,含放大系数的一阶弹性分析或单纯的二阶弹性分析被用于几何非线性分析,而梁柱的极限强度隐藏在互动设计方程。所有三个设计方法需要独立进行检查,包括系数K计算。在下面,对荷载抗力系数设计法的特点进行了简要介绍。 结构系统内的内力及稳定性和它的构件是相关的,但目前美国钢结构协会(AISC)的荷载抗力系数规范把这种分开来处理的。在目前的实际应用中,结构体系和它构件的相互影响反映在有效长度这一因素上。这一点在社会科学研究技术备忘录第五录摘录中有描述。 尽管结构最大内力和构件最大内力是相互依存的(但不一定共存),应当承认,严格考虑这种相互依存关系,很多结构是不实际的。与此同时,众所周知当遇到复杂框架设计中试图在柱设计时自动弥补整个结构的不稳定(例如通过调整柱的有效长度)是很困难的。因此,社会科学研究委员会建议在实际设计中,这两方面应单独考虑单独构件的稳定性和结构的基础及结构整体稳定性。图28.1就是这种方法的间接分析和设计方法。

在目前的美国钢结构协会荷载抗力系数规范中,分析结构体系的方法是一阶弹性分析或二阶弹性分析。在使用一阶弹性分析时,考虑到二阶效果,一阶力矩都是由B1,B2系数放大。在规范中,所有细部都是从结构体系中独立出来,他们通过细部内力曲线和规范给出的那些隐含二阶效应,非弹性,残余应力和挠度的相互作用设计的。理论解答和实验性数据的拟合曲线得到了柱曲线和梁曲线,同时Kanchanalai发现的所谓“精确”塑性区解决方案的拟合曲线确定了梁柱相互作用方程。 为了证明单个细部内力对整个结构体系的影响,使用了有效长度系数,如图28.2所示。有效长度方法为框架结构提供了一个良好的设计。然而,有效长度方法的

英语 直译与意译-试讲教案

Good morning,class. In the last period we have learned chapter one-General principles of translation. And we have studied two important points: Definition of translation and the competence of a translator. And I will check you in the next class. As what we have mentioned last period, the process of translation consists of two phases: comprehension and expression. (理解和表达) Generally speaking, comprehension is of foremost importance, and express is the natural consequence of thorough comprehension. However, in the practice of translation, we may find that now and then some words in their usual senses are very difficult to deal with because of the disparity between the English and the Chinese language. In this case, we have to resort to some special means of translation. Literal translation and free translation are two alternative approaches to tackle this problem. So, in this class, we are going to learn translation strategies in 1.4.1, literal translation and free translation. To begin with, what’s literal translation and free translation? Please open your books and turn to page 12. Literal translation Vs. Free translation 1. Literal translation may be defined as having the following characteristics: 1). Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translating. 直译把句子作为基本单位,同时在翻译的过程中也考虑整个文本。 2). Literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech. 直译是要再现文本的中心内容和原文风格,并且尽可能保留原文的修辞。 2. Free translation may be defined as a supplementary means to mainly convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech. And it is adopted only when and where really impossible for translators to do literal translation. 意译其实是直译的一种补充的翻译手段。意译就是尽可能传达原文的意思和精髓,


本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 学院:机电工程学院 专业:机械工程及自动化 姓名:高峰 指导教师:李延胜 2011年05 月10日 教育部办公厅 Failure Analysis,Dimensional Determination And

Analysis,Applications Of Cams INTRODUCTION It is absolutely essential that a design engineer know how and why parts fail so that reliable machines that require minimum maintenance can be designed.Sometimes a failure can be serious,such as when a tire blows out on an automobile traveling at high speed.On the other hand,a failure may be no more than a nuisance.An example is the loosening of the radiator hose in an automobile cooling system.The consequence of this latter failure is usually the loss of some radiator coolant,a condition that is readily detected and corrected.The type of load a part absorbs is just as significant as the magnitude.Generally speaking,dynamic loads with direction reversals cause greater difficulty than static loads,and therefore,fatigue strength must be considered.Another concern is whether the material is ductile or brittle.For example,brittle materials are considered to be unacceptable where fatigue is involved. Many people mistakingly interpret the word failure to mean the actual breakage of a part.However,a design engineer must consider a broader understanding of what appreciable deformation occurs.A ductile material,however will deform a large amount prior to rupture.Excessive deformation,without fracture,may cause a machine to fail because the deformed part interferes with a moving second part.Therefore,a part fails(even if it has not physically broken)whenever it no longer fulfills its required function.Sometimes failure may be due to abnormal friction or vibration between two mating parts.Failure also may be due to a phenomenon called creep,which is the plastic flow of a material under load at elevated temperatures.In addition,the actual shape of a part may be responsible for failure.For example,stress concentrations due to sudden changes in contour must be taken into account.Evaluation of stress considerations is especially important when there are dynamic loads with direction reversals and the material is not very ductile. In general,the design engineer must consider all possible modes of failure,which include the following. ——Stress ——Deformation ——Wear ——Corrosion ——Vibration ——Environmental damage ——Loosening of fastening devices


Foundation of PLC 1. The central processing unit Although referred to as the brain of the system, the Central Processing Unit in a normal installation is the unsung hero, buried in a control cabinet, all but forgotten. 2. Basic Functionality In a programmable controller system, the central processing unit(CPU) provides both the heart and the brain required for successful and timely control execution. It rapidly and efficiently scans all of the system inputs, examines and solves the application logic, and updates all of the system outputs. In addition, it also gives itself a checkup each scan to ensure that its structure is still intact. In this chapter we will examine the central processing unit as it relates to the entire system. Included will be the various functional blocks in the CPU, typical scan techniques, I/O interface and memory users, power supplies, and system diagnostics. 3. Typical Function Block Interactions In practice, the central processing unit can vary in its architecture, but consists of the basic building block structure illustrated in Fig.1.1.The processing section consists of one or more microprocessors and their associated circuitry. While it is true that some of the luxury of using microprocessors, most modern systems use either a single microprocessors such as the AMD 2903, usedin a bit slice architecture. This multiple microprocessor system to break the control system tasks into many small components which can be executed in parallel. The result of this approach is to achieve execution speeds that are orders of magnitude faster than their single-tasking counterparts. In addition to efficiently processing direct I/O control information and being programmable, the real advantage that microprocessor-based system have over their hardwired relay counterparts is the ability to acquire and manipulate numerical data easily. It is this attribute that makes programmable controllers the powerhouses that they are today in solving tough factory automation problems. The factory of tomorrow will run efficiently only if quality information about process needs and status of the process equipment are known on a realtimes basis. This can and will come about only if the unit level controllers, including programmable controllers, are empowered with the ability to collect, analyze, concentrate, and deliver data about the process. As the

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