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产品规格书 BL-4C-英文

ShenZhen CHY Battery Technology Co.,LTD Page Number:1st of 15 Core Model:TMB433450AR Specifications of Product Specifications of Product Customer Name SHANGHAI HUAQIN TELECOM TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. Product Name Cell Phone Lithium-ion Battery Product Model (Customer): ZL20A57 Product Model CHY-ZL20A57 (Manufacturer): Product Size 433450AR/800mAh Material Number(Manufacturer) Material Number(Customer) Prepared Checked approved Customer Confirmation Contents Decision Outcome Signature Date Appearance Structure Electrical Property Company address: Buillding A3, Jindida T echnological Park, Langkou Village, Longhua T own, Shenzhen Tel:(86-0755)61564565/66/67/69 Fax:(86-0755)61564568

ShenZhen CHY Battery Technology Co.,LTD Page Number: 2nd of 15 Core Model:TMB433450AR Specification of Product Content Historical Recording of Date of Change Eidtion The Content Being Modification Edition Modification 00/01 2011-1-1 A0 New Edition Released 00/02 2011-6-21 A1 New Edition Released 1. Applicable Scope 2. Reference S tandard 3. T echnical Parameters 4. Batteries Work Principle Diagram 5. Material List 6. Reliability T est Specifications 7. T ransportation 8. S torage 9. Instructions and Safety Procedures 10. Packages and Marking 11. Warranty 12. Interpretation of Product Change Appendix : 1.PCM Work Principle Diagram 2.BOM of PCM 3.PCB Layout Diagram 4.Dimension Diagram 5.Label Diagram


NPC-National Petro Co. 3600t Revolving/Engineering Crane Technical Specification (Project Plan) Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Group) Co., Ltd. 2005-12-10 Table of Content

1.1 General Description 总则 1.1.1Consist of the Specification 本规格书组成 The specification including general, hull structure, outfitting, machinery, electrical, refrigerating, air conditioning, ventilating, pipelaying, DP, and crane parts describes the 3600t CRANE PIPELAYING VESSEL based on scheme design. 本规格书由船舶总体、舾装、轮机、电气、通风冷藏空调、动力定位、起重机及铺管设备估价等部分组成,表述3600 t全回转起重工程船的主要技术规格方案。 1.1.2Construction Explanation建造说明 The BUILDER’s supply covers the item described in this specification, anything excluding from the scope of the specification will be supplied by the OWNER. 本船的建造估价,所有规格书所规定的项目均由建造方提供。超过规格书部分船东提供。 1.1.3Language and Measuring Unit文种与计量单位 The drawings, instructions, instruments, display, caution sign and nameplate shall be written in English and kept down the foreign nameplate of the importation of machine and equipments. Metric system is used for designing and fabricating of hull, crane and equipment etc. unless otherwise specialized in specification or instruction. 本船的图纸、使用说明书、仪表、显示、警示牌和铭牌等均以英文书写。进口机械、设备保留原来外文铭牌。 船体、起重机、机电设备等设计和建造,除非在规格书或说明书中特别表明,均采用公制计量单位。 1.2General Description船舶航区及用途 1.2.1The Sailing Area and Functions船舶航区及用途 The vessel is designed as a large-scale all revolving self-propelled vessel. The vessel is used for offshore projects. 本船是一艘自航大型全回转起重工程船,航行于无限航区。 本船主要用于海上海洋工程等作业。 1.2.2Type of Vessel船型 The vessel will be a steel, all welded crane ship with streamline bow, round bilge and bilge keel. A helicopter platform will be situated at forecastle deck. One (1) full revolving crane to be installed in the after area of deck. The vessel will be equipped with two (2) 2000kW tunnel thrusters at bow, two (2) 2500kW retractable azimuthing thrusters at the foreship, two (2) 4500kW azimuthing thrusters at the aftship. The dynamic positioning system is GL DYNPOS–AUTR class. 本船是一艘钢质、全电焊起重工程船。设流线型首,尾部纵向及舭部有圆角,设舭龙骨。船首设居住区及直升飞机起降平台。 船尾设置一台全回转吊机。 首部设2台轴隧式侧推装置,功率2×2000kW;设2台伸缩式全回转螺旋桨推进器,功


常用技术要求 before the feeding control and the wind meets the tube welding, to the good center, in the hole guaranteed that ¢204 the pipeline can pass through. the 进料接管和出风接管焊前对好中心,内孔保证¢204管道能穿过。 welding uses the manual arc welding, welding rod trademark J420G. before the 焊接采用手工电弧焊,焊条牌号J420G。 painting, must carry on the superficial stain removal, the elimination welding residual and so on, its quality scale sees JB/T5000.12 the stipulation; Prime, in Huang He the blue color (according to color model) the polyurethane finishes two. Besides various laps spread the yellow paint, other spread the blue color. In the paint does not allow to contain the lead. Does not allow to have leaks flaws and so on paint, wrinkle paint. 涂装前要进行表面除锈、清除焊接残渣等,其质量等级见JB/T5000.12的规定;涂底漆一层、中黄和中蓝色(按颜色样板)聚氨酯面漆二层。除各盖板涂中黄漆外,其余均涂蓝色。漆中不允许含铅。不允许有漏漆、皱漆等缺陷。 sealants and so on lap like seal lax available CH107, JLC-1 spread in the slit main point. on 盖板如密封不严可用CH107,JLC-1等密封胶涂在缝隙大处。


Specifications Receiving Card MRV220-15 Product images provided in this file are for reference only , and the actual products shall prevail. Rev1.0.1 NS110100270 X I ' A N N O V A S T A R T E C H C O ., L T D .

Features MRV220 is the receiving card of Nova with 28-group data mode. It has the following features: 1) Single card outputs 24-group of RGB data; 2) Single card outputs 28-group of RGB data; 3) Single card outputs64-group of serial data; 4) Single card support resolution 256x226; 5) Configuration fileread back; 6) Temperature monitoring; 7) Ethernet cable communication status detection; 8) Power supply voltage detection; 9) Pixel-by-pixel brightness and chromaticity calibration, Brightness and chromaticity calibration coefficients for each LED; 10) Supports dual power backup function: It supports two-way power detection and screen brightness will be adjusted automatically when power failure occurs in any way of the power. NOTE: PWR1_S and WR2_S default to normal. Power shall be guaranteed to be pulled down to GND after power failure occurs; 11) Comply with RoHS standard; 12) Comply with EU CE-EMC Class A standard. X I 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C H C O ., L T D .


产品说明书范文英文版 电子产品说明书——媒体音响英文说明书范例(中英) 便携式多媒体音响 Portable Multimedia Acoustics 使用说明书User’s Manual 专注于完美音质的追求?? Concentrate on perfect sound pursuit? 感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验 产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽的使用说明,您从中可以获 取有关产品的介绍,使用方法等方面的知识。在您开始使用 本机之前请先仔细阅读说明书,以便您能正确的使用本机, 如有任何印刷错误或翻译失误望广大用户谅解,当涉及内容 有所更改时,恕不另行通知。 Thank you for using this digital product of our company. In order to let you experience the product swimmingly, detailed instruction is provided which you can find the product’s introduction, usage and other information. Before using this product, please read the manual carefully, so that you can correctly use it. In case of any printing or translation error, we apologize for the inconvenience. As for the content change, we are sorry for no further notice. 一、产品概述 General Information 本机是一款外观小巧,设计精美、携带方便多媒体小音响, 适用于家居、户外旅游、办公室等场所,随时随地享受音乐


Specifications Independent Controller MCTRL600 V2.1.0 NS110100121 X i ’a n N o v a S t a r T e c h C o ., L t d .

Overview MCTRL600 is an advanced model of Nova controllers, which supports extra-large resolution. With HDMI/DVI video input and four Ethernet port outputs, a single unit is able to load 2560×960. Multiple units can be cascaded for uniform control. Feature 1) HDMI/DVI input; 2) HDMI/external audio input; 3) 12bit/10bit/8bit HD video source; 4) Resolution supported: 2048×1152,1920×1200,2560×960; 5) Resolution supported: 1440×900 (12bit/10bit); 6) 1 light sensor interface; 7) Cascading supported; 8) 18bit gray scale processing and presentation; 9) Video format: RGB, YCrCb4:2:2, YCrCb4:4:4; 10) Standard 1U housing and independent power supply. X i ’a n N o v a S t a r T e c h C o ., L t d .


关于毕业设计说明书(论文)英文文献及中文翻译撰写格式 为提高我校毕业生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)的撰写质量,做到毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)在内容和格式上的统一和规范,特规定如下: 一、装订顺序 论文(设计说明书)英文文献及中文翻译内容一般应由3个部分组成,严格按以下顺序装订。 1、封面 2、中文翻译 3、英文文献(原文) 二、书写格式要求 1、毕业设计(论文)英文文献及中文翻译分毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译和毕业论文英文文献及中文翻译两种,所有出现相关字样之处请根据具体情况选择“毕业设计说明书” 或“毕业论文”字样。 2、毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)英文文献及中文翻译中的中文翻译用Word 软件编辑,英文文献用原文,一律打印在A4幅面白纸上,单面打印。 3、毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)英文文献及中文翻译的上边距:30mm;下边距:25mm;左边距:3Omm;右边距:2Omm;行间距1.5倍行距。 4、中文翻译页眉的文字为“中北大学2019届毕业设计说明书” 或“中北大学××××届毕业论文”,用小四号黑体字,页眉线的上边距为25mm;页脚的下边距为18mm。 5、中文翻译正文用小四号宋体,每章的大标题用小三号黑体,加粗,留出上下间距为:段前0.5行,段后0.5行;二级标题用小四号黑体,加粗;其余小标题用小四号黑体,不加粗。 6、文中的图、表、附注、公式一律采用阿拉伯数字分章编号。如图1.2,表2.3,附注3.2或式4.3。 7、图表应认真设计和绘制,不得徒手勾画。表格与插图中的文字一律用5号宋体。

每一插图和表格应有明确简短的图表名,图名置于图之下,表名置于表之上,图表号与图表名之间空一格。插图和表格应安排在正文中第一次提及该图表的文字的下方。当插图或表格不能安排在该页时,应安排在该页的下一页。 图表居中放置,表尽量采用三线表。每个表应尽量放在一页内,如有困难,要加“续表X.X”字样,并有标题栏。 图、表中若有附注时,附注各项的序号一律用阿拉伯数字加圆括号顺序排,如:注①。附注写在图、表的下方。 文中公式的编号用圆括号括起写在右边行末顶格,其间不加虚线。 8、文中所用的物理量和单位及符号一律采用国家标准,可参见国家标准《量和单位》(GB3100~3102-93)。 9、文中章节编号可参照《中华人民共和国国家标准文献著录总则》。


General Description OC9300 is a buck type constant-current LED driver with high precision. It is suited AC 85V~265V non-isolated LED driver supply. OC9300 operates in critical conduction mode to achieve higher efficiency. OC9300 uses self-powered structure with built-in NPN power transistor, and need no auxiliary winding, which can improve cost performance. OC9300 adopts SOP8 package, and output current can reach 240mA. OC9300 integrates comprehensive protection functions including over temperature protection, output over voltage protection, output short circuit protection, open circuit protection, current limit protection cycle-by-cycle, and VDD under voltage lockout protection and so on. Features y Built-in 600V NPN power transistor y Self-powered: no need auxiliary winding y Output current: up to 240mA y High efficiency: up to 93% y Output current precision:+/-3% y Critical conduction mode y Over temperature protection y Short circuit protection y Open circuit/over voltage protection y UVLO protection y SOP8 Package , Applications y LED lighting y Bulb, PAR, Tube LED lamp Typical Application Figure 1. Typical Application of OC9300 Buck Type High Brightness LED Driver


技术规格书模板 -标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

中国石油大庆炼化公司 技术规格书 (物资名称:) 编制人:(专业厂或业务管理部门签字)年月日审核人:(专业厂单位领导签字)年月日 审批人:(业务管理部门领导签字)年月日

目录 1.总则 2. 执行标准 3. 主要技术要求 4. 检验和试验 5. 包装及运输 6. 资料交付 7. 技术服务及售后保证 8. 其它 附件供货范围 1.总则

1.1 本技术规格书适用于大庆炼化公司物资招标,提出了该物资生产、检验、试验、验收、运输、试用和售后服务等方面的基本技术要求; 1.2 投标人所供物资的材料、制造、检验和试验,按标准的最新版本要求执行;其它未列出的与本产品有关的规范与标准,投标人有义务在投标文件中列出。投标人应对所供产品质量承担全部责任。 1.3 在所有技术文件中的文字和计量单位,采用中文(中英文对照)和国际SI单位。 1.4 投标人所采用的专利涉及到的全部费用均被认为已经包含在报价中,投标人承担所提供的设计、制造过程中所涉及的各类专利技术的法律责任。投标人保证所采用技术不侵犯 任何第三方权益,如引发知识产权方面相关的法律纠纷,由投标人负全责。 2. 执行标准: 标准名称:下列标准或规范应为国家标准、行业标准或集团公司标准(不能为供应商企业标准)。 例:GB/T 14976 液体输送用不锈钢无缝钢管 GB/T 14975 结构用不锈钢无缝钢管 ………… 3. 主要技术要求(如有) 针对于标的物的具体要求,在本条列出。 例如具体参数要求,形式形状要求,特殊材质要求等。 4. 检验和试验(如有) 有标准的执行标准 例:执行GB/T 14976检验标准) 4.1 生产过程检验要求(如有) 例:需提供生产过程检验报告 4.2 出厂检验要求(如有) 例:需提供出厂合格证 4.3 第三方检验要求(如有) 例:需提供省级以上质量监督部门检测机构报告 4.4 购买招标文件后递交投标样品要求、试验要求(如有) 填写详细的递交样品方式、数量、包装、检验流程、报告出具等详细要求。 例:需提供样品一份。0.5L瓶装,开标前送至招标管理中心负责人处。 4.5 到货验收要求(如有)


东莞市铄徕电子有限公司KINGLION ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD HTTP ://WWW.KINGLIONGROUP .COM PA 系列 端子台 平底型和凹槽型(底部加高1.2mm) 高脚型端子台(底部加高4.3mm) 規格尺寸(Dimensions & Data 尺 寸 Dimensions 型 号 Model 线 径 mm2 安 培 Amp 电 压 Volt. 螺 丝 Screw Unit A B C D E F 包 装 Packing PA7F PA7 FDS 1.5 1.5 17.5 17.5 450 450 M2.6×5 M2.6×5 (mm)(mm)96.2096.2017.0017.0014.5014.508.20 8.20 2.90 2.90 2.80 2.80 50pcs/bag 10bags/carton PA8F PA8 FDS 1.5 1.5 17.5 17.5 450 450 M2.6×5 M2.6×5 (mm)(mm)95.8095.8016.3016.3012.7012.708.00 8.00 2.90 2.90 2.80 2.80 50pcs/bag 10bags/carton PA8H PA8HDS 1.5 1.5 17.5 17.5 450 450 M2.6×5 M2.6×5 (mm)(mm)96.2096.2017.0017.0014.5014.508.00 8.00 2.90 2.90 2.80 2.80 50pcs/bag 10bags/carton PA8HT PA8HTDS 1.5 1.5 17.5 17.5 450 450 M2.6×5 M2.6×5 (mm)(mm)96.0096.0016.3016.3017.6017.608.00 8.00 2.90 2.90 2.80 2.80 50pcs/bag 10bags/carton PA9H PA9HDS 2.5 2.5 24.0 24.0 450 450 M3.0×6 M3.0×6 (mm)(mm)116.0116.020.2020.2016.7016.7010.0010.00 3.60 3.60 3.40 3.40 50pcs/bag 10bags/carton PA10F PA10 FDS 2.5 2.5 24.0 24.0 450 450 M3.0×6 M3.0×6 (mm)(mm)117.5117.520.2020.2015.8015.8010.0010.00 3.60 3.60 3.20 3.20 50pcs/bag 10bags/carton PA10H PA10HDS 2.5 2.5 24.0 24.0 450 450 M3.0×6 M3.0×6 (mm)(mm)117.5117.520.2020.2017.0017.0010.0010.00 3.60 3.60 3.20 3.20 50pcs/bag 10bags/carton PA10HT PA10HTDS 2.5 2.5 24.0 24.0 450 450 M3.0×6 M3.0×6 (mm)(mm)117.5117.520.2020.2020.1020.1010.0010.00 3.60 3.60 3.20 3.20 50pcs/bag 10bags/carton PA12H PA12HDS 6.0 6.0 41.0 41.0 500 500 M3.5×7 M3.5×7 (mm)(mm)140.7140.723.8023.8019.0019.0012.0012.00 3.90 3.90 4.20 4.20 50pcs/bag 8bags/carton PA14H PA14HDS 10.0 10.0 57.0 57.0 500 500 M4.0×9 M4.0×9 (mm)(mm)158.0158.025.6025.6025.2025.2013.5013.50 4.40 4.40 5.00 5.00 25pcs/bag 10bags/carton PA16H PA18H 16.0 25.0 76.0 101.0 500 500 M4.0×9 M5.0×11 (mm)(mm)169.8194.4 28.0036.90 23.0028.70 14.5016.50 4.20 4.20 6.00 7.50 10pcs/bag 10bags/carton 内容(Description): ◆底部(base):F 为平底型(Fwith flat base)\H 型底部加高1.2mm(Hwith 1.2mm elevated base)\ HT 型底部加高4.3mm(HTwith 4.3mm elevated base) ◆材质(housing material):高级尼龙66工程塑胶,防火等级UL 94V-2,94V-0(nylon66,natural)。 ◆温度(working temperature):110℃。 ◆弹片(wire protector DS):PA8FDS,PA8HDS,PA10FDS,PA10HDS,PA12HDS,PA14HDS 附加弹片。 (PA8FDS&PA8HDS&PA10FDS&PA10HDS&PA12HDS&PA14HDS with wire protector.) ◆接线排数(poles available) :12排(12poles) 第2.0版2007-05-30


技术规格书 产品名:氢热分析仪系统 数量:1套 1.概要 主要用于测定无机气体的升温脱离分析装置,对升温过程中,从钢材中所逃逸的氢含量进行高精密度定量分析,可为高强度钢以及大型锻件焊接组织的氢脆敏感性以及储氢合金的分析评价提供重要分析数据。 2.系统构成 (1)分析室 (2)样品加热室 (3)样品导入室 (4)排气控制系统(包括烘烤系统) (5)氢含量数据采集系统 3.主要技术规格 3.1分析室 ·检出器:四重极质谱仪 质量测量范围:1~100amu 质量分析精度:0.01ppm wt以下(5g试样中) ·排气性能: 氢背景值:5×10-9Pa以下(产品保证值·、包括样品加热炉心管) 真空泵:两段涡轮分子泵(320L/s磁悬浮型涡轮分子泵,50L/s涡轮分子泵)机械泵 ·可烘烤温度:200℃(带烘烤保护罩) ·真空脱气处理:450℃/10h以上超高真空脱气处理(出場付真空脱气处理 分析数据) ·真空计:UHV規格电离真空计 ·隔离装置:与样品加热室采用全金属超高真空闸阀隔离 ·氢气校正

标准4点氢气校正:4.99×10-6atm?cc/sec 2.0×10-5atm?cc/sec 5.0×10-5atm?cc/sec 1.0×10-4atm?cc/sec 可实施至1.0×10-4atm?cc/sec=1atm的氢气校正,高精度(±0.5%)绝对压力计裝備,可对应规定压力值准确填充校正氢气。 填充氢气前实施真空排气,绝对压力计的原点复位每次校正。 氢气填充后,可通过开启阀门操作在超高真空下将标准校正氢气导入至炉心管。整个校正步骤,包括真空排气,2点校正线生成,氢气填充操作以及校正后的预备排气使用提示画面功能执行自动操作。 3.2样品加热室 ·加热方式:外加热式3区高温电气炉(管式) ·炉心管体:石英(超高真空金属法兰焊接规格,氢背景值5×10-9Pa) ·样品导入:磁耦合样品传输,无需使用样品架,低放出气体规格 ·可加热样品尺寸:φ20mm×50mm以下(形状不限) ·最高加热温度:Max.1000℃(均热长200mmm/±5℃) ·升溫速度:50℃/h~600℃/h任意可调,可设定保溫时间 溫度经时数据以及升溫結束信号输出功能 3.3样品导入室 ·排气性能:大气压~超高真空(5×10-5Pa)只需15分 ·真空泵:涡轮分子泵,辅助机械泵 ·可烘烤溫度:150℃ ·真空计:超高真空电离真空计 ·隔离装置:与样品加热室采用超高真空全金属闸阀隔离 3.4排气控制系统 ·触摸式PLC自动控制 分析室,样品导入室的真空排气/停止自动操作 样品交换时的真空排气以及阀门自动操作


Typical Application R CS 1 V IN V IN (a)Low V oltage Application (b) High V oltage Application Figure 1:Typical Application Circuit Diagrams of QX7137 General Description QX7137 is a constant current regulator for LED driver with low quiescent current and low dropout voltage. The LED current ranges from 100mA to 3.0A. In addition to LEDs, QX7137 also needs the external connection of a NMOS and a resistor to set the LED current. QX7137 uses SOT23-5 package Features Power Supply Voltage: 2.7~5.5V Extremely Low Quiescent Current: 26uA Sink Current: 100mA~3.0A Current Accuracy: ±5% Extensible Power Supply: Above 400V Extensible LED Current: Up to 3.0A Applications Power LED Driver

Ordering Information Type Number QX7137 Package Marking 7137X Lot Number Pin Assignments SOT23-5 7137X GND CS VDD DRV EN 1325 4


Page 1 Of 12 ShenZhen C&D Electronics CO.Ltd. Add: Building 2, X iayousong Mountaintop Industrial District,Yousong Village,LongHua T own, Baoan District ShenZhen China Zip 518109 Tel: 86-755- 28142422 Fax: 86-755-28142699 E-mail: export@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d518401852.html, Remote control specification (Rev. A0) Seller Customer Part Name :Remote control Part No. : Part Name : Part No. : Seller approval Customer approval Prepared By: Date:Received by: Date: Checked By: Date: Checked by: Date: Approved By: Date:Approved by: Date: company chop:company chop: Change history Version Date Description Author Page 2 Of 12 2、目录Index

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VX6s All-in-One Video Controller Document Version: V1.0.0 Document Number: NS160100264 Specifications X I 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C H C O ., L T D .

Copyright ? 2018 Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. Trademark is a trademark of X i’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. Statement You are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. Any problem in use or any good suggestion, please contact us through ways provided in the document. We will do our utmost to solve the problems and adopt the suggestions after evaluation as soon as possible. Website: www.novastar.tech X I 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C H C O .,L T D .


Shenzhenleyondoptoelectronicsco.,ltd 深圳市立洋光电子有限公司 SPECIFICATION (产品规格书) PARTNO. :LY-WH61L0BLIJ05 (产品型号) SPECNO. :LY-LEYOND-052404 (规格书编号) DESCRIPTION :50瓦白光大功率LED (产品描述) DATE :24/05/2012 R&DDEPARTMENT (技术部) APPROVED (核准) CHECKED (审核) PREPARED (制定) 刘春香 工厂地址:深圳市宝安区石岩镇水田村同富康工业区B栋5楼深圳OFFICE:深圳市福田区华强北路华强广场一楼Q1A224号/ 邮箱: 香港立洋电子有限公司 地址:香港九龙旺角弥敦道555号九龙行11楼1102-1103室 PartNO.:LY-WH61L0BLIJ05 SPECNO.:LY-LEYOND-052404 REVNO.:A1

■Description (描述) ◆PartNO.(产品型号):LY-WH61L0BLIJ05 ◆LEDChip:Material(材质),InGaN/GaN、EmittedColor(发光颜色),Blue(蓝色) ◆LEDEmittedColor(LED发光颜色):White(白色) ◆LensColor(透镜颜色):Clear(透明) ■Feature (特性) ◆50WHighPowerLED(50W大功率LED) ◆Package:SMTPackage(贴片式外形) ◆HalfAngle(2Θ1/2):120°(半光强角度:120°) ◆LensColor:WaterClear(透镜颜色:无色透明) ■Applications (应用) ◆GeneralLinghting(普通照明) ◆Advertisement(广告灯) ◆ArchitecturalLighting(建筑照明) ◆StreetLamps(路灯) PartNO.:LY-WH61L0BLIJ05SPECNO.:LY-LEYOND-052404REVNO.:A1 PackageDimensions (外观尺寸) Equivalentcircuitdiagram (等效电路图) Notes: 1.Alldimensionsareinmillimeters. (所有尺寸以毫米为单位) 2.Toleranceis±0.25unlessotherwisenoted (未标注公差为:±0.25) PartNO.:LY-WH61L0BLIJ05 SPECNO.:LY-LEYOND-052404 REVNO.:A1

登船梯技术规格书 (英文版)

MARITIME TERMINAL OF COMPLEX Technical Specification of Gangway (CHEC NO:13303) (CLIENT NO:013) China Engineering Co. Ltd. (C) September, 2015 Issue status:

CONTENTS 1GENERAL.......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.1FIELD OF APPLICATION ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 1.2DEFINITION OF ITEMS............................................... 错误!未定义书签。2REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.1APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS............... 错误!未定义书签。 2.2APPLICABLE PROJECT DOCUMENTS .................. 错误!未定义书签。 2.3EXCEPTIONS TO REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .... 错误!未定义书签。 2.4DOCUMENTS ORDER OF PRECEDENCE............. 错误!未定义书签。3SCOPE OF SUPPLY ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3.1EQUIPMENT SUPPLY ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.2EXCLUSIONS................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3.3BOUNDARY LIMITS ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.4ERECTION WORKS..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。4INSTALLATION DATA ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 4.1SITE LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. 错误!未定义书签。 4.2AREA CLASSIFICATION ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。5GENERAL SERVICE CONDITIONS ............................. 错误!未定义书签。 5.1PROCESS...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 5.2OPERATING AND DESIGN CONDITIONS .............. 错误!未定义书签。6DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ................................... 错误!未定义书签。 6.1MATERIALS ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 6.2DESIGN REQUIREMENTS......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 6.3SWIVEL JOINTS AND STRUCTURAL BEARINGS错误!未定义书签。 6.4QUICK-CONNECT/DISCONNECT CARGO COUPLERS (QCDC)错误!未定义书签。 6.5SPOOL PIECES ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 6.6POWERED EMERGENCY RELEASE COUPLINGS (PERC)错误!未定义书签。 6.7ACCESSORIES............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 6.8OPERATING AND CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN .. 错误!未定义书签。

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