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Banked cloze 1-5

Banked cloze 1-5
Banked cloze 1-5

Banked Cloze选词填空









Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.


Test 1

El Nino is the name given to the mysterious and often unpredictable change in the climate of the world. This strange _____1____ happens every five to eight years. It starts in the Pacific Ocean and is thought to be caused by a failure in the trade wind (信风), which affects the ocean currents driven by these winds. As the trade winds lessen in ____2____, the ocean temperatures rise, causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5°C.

The warming of the ocean has far-reaching effects. The hot, humid (潮湿的) air over the ocean causes severe ____3___ thunderstorms. The rainfall is increased across South America, ____4____ floods to Peru. In the West Pacific, there are droughts affecting Australia and Indonesia. So while some parts of the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face drought, poor crops and _____5____.

E1 Nino usually lasts for about 18 months. The 1982-83 El Nino brought the most ____ 6___ weather in modern history. Its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,000 people dead and caused over eight billion pounds _____7___ of damage. The 1990 El Nino lasted until June, 1995. Scientists ____8____ this to be the longest El Nino for 2,000 years.

Nowadays, weather experts are able to forecast when an El Nino will ____9____, but they are still not ____10___ sure what leads to it or for what affects how strong it will be.

Word Bank for Test 1: A. estimate B. strength C. deliberately D. notify E. tropical F. phenomenon G. stable H. attraction I. completely J. destructive K. starvation L. bringing M. exhaustion N. worth O. strike

Test 2

Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to ____1____, and each

course which he attends gives him a ___2____ which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree ___3___ of thirty-six courses, each lasting for one semester. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each ____4____. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also ___5____ for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a ____6____ practice.

For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is ____7____ for the student to show to prospective employers. All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much ____8____. The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the ____9____, for example, by cheating, has to appear before a student court. With the enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much ___10____ and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.

Word Bank for Test 2: A. common B. enthusiasm C. semester D. possible E. credit F. available G. rules H. class I. attention J. consists K. graduate L. regular M. tempted N. learn O. respected

Test 3

The old-fashioned general store is fast disappearing. This is, perhaps, a pity, because shopping today seems to ____1___ that personal element which existed when the shopkeeper knew all his regular customers personally. He could, for instance, remember which brand of tea Mrs. Smith usually brought or what sort of washing-powder Mrs. Jones preferred. Not ___2___ was the shop a center of buying and selling, but also a social meeting place.

A ___3___ general store might have employed four or five assistances, and so there were very few problems in management as far as the staff were ___4___. But now that the supermarket has replaced the general store, the job of the manager has changed ____5___. The modern supermarket manager has to ___6____ with a staff of as many as a hundred, apart from all the other everyday problems of running a large business.

Every morning the manager must, like the ____7____ of an army division, carry out an inspection of his store to make sure that everything is ready for the business of the day. He must see that everything is running ____8____. He will have to give advice and make decisions as problems arise; and he must know how to get his huge staff to work efficiently with their ____9____ responsibilities.

No matter what he has to do throughout the day, however, the supermarket manager must be ready for any emergency that may ____10____. They say in the trade that you are not really an experienced supermarket manager until you have dealt with a flood, a fire, a birth and a death in your store.

Word Bank for Test 3: A. cope B. commander C. servant D. smoothly E. distant F. respective G. disappear H. arise I. completely J. concerned K. prosperous L. lack M. dramatically N. only O. operator

Test 4

Career breaks have long been regarded as a way to recharge batteries and perhaps mark a change from one career to ____1___. But increasing numbers of employees now regard time spent by their staff working or traveling abroad as ___2___ experiences that can bring benefits back home.

Accountant Price Waterhouse Coopers allows its ____3___ to take career breaks resting from 14 weeks to four years. Liz Brown, UK partner responsible for people and knowledge, says this not only enables employees to learn new skills that may be valuable to clients, but also enables PWC to ___4___ for and retain the best circuits: “Our people are the ____5___ to our success and we must treat them that way. We recognize that much of what they do outside the workplace is the key to how they work with cli ents.”

Cary Cooper, professor of organizational psychology and health at Umist in Manchester, says the benefits _____6____ on what you do during your break, your age and where you are in your career. For twenty-somethings who have gone into a career straight after college, he recommends working in other countries. Thirty and forty-somethings can ____7____ from working or traveling, ____8____ they treat the experience as “quality-of-life audits (审查)”.

Cooper says the experience of traveling or living in a foreign country can draw a ___9____ closer. A break can be a quick fix, enabling you to face the next 26 years of employment. For some people who feel they are not going to proceed farther up: the work hierarchy, it can provide a(n) ____10____ to change direction or other their work/life balance.

Word Bank for Test 4: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e88551338.html,pete B. key C. unless D. depend E. itself F. employees G. provided H. benefit I. candidates J. valuable K. another L. potential M. prevent N. opportunity O. family

Test 5

Over time, the Declaration of Independence has ____1___ affected America history. Phrases from the document such as “All men are created equal” quickly took on a life of their own or were applied to groups that the authors never anticipated. Blacks quickly used this language to challenge ___2____ in the United States. The ideal of equality led Northern states to free salves within their borders in the 1780s, 1790s, and early 1800s. Black and white abolitionists used the ideal that all men were created equal to ___3___ slavery in the South before the Civil War. And civil right supporters gathered behind Jefferson’s words in their fight against racism in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1848 the delegates tome Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Co nvention proclaimed that “all men and women are created equal,” and their 20th century feminist ____4____ did the same.

Other groups have focused on the document’s defense of the right to rebel ____5___ an unjust government. The Declaration of Independence had a profound ___6___ on the French Revolution; its influence was strong in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen,

adopted by the National Assembly of France in 1789. In the 19th century the principles of the declaration were ____7 _____ by various Latin American movements fighting for independence from European colonial powers. The declaration influences more recent struggles for national identity; Vietnamese Communist leader HoChi Mink, for example, ____8 ____ the American document as one of the basic principles behind his fight to establish an ___9____ and unified Vietnam. The document itself continues to be an important symbol for the American people. Today, each page of the Declaration of Independence is protected. Over one million Americans view the document each year in Washington, D.C, where it is ___10___ along with the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.

Word Bank for Test 5: A. counterparts B. towards C. slavery D. unfair E. gradually F. impact G. adopted H. against I. impression J. profoundly, K. independent L. attack M. supported N. cited O. displayed


Test 1: 1-5 FBELK 6-10 JNAOI

Test 2: 1-5 KEJCD 6-10 LFBGO

Test 3: 1-5 LNKJI 6-10 ABDFH

Test 4: 1-5 KJFAB 6-10 DHGON

Test 5: 1-5 JCLAH 6-10 FGNKO


大学英语4课后cloze及翻译原题带答案Cloze1 In the 21st century, clouds and stormy weather no longer automatically bring operations to a halt or force a change in targets(目标). Technologies such as the Global Positioning System now allow cruise missiles(巡航导弹)and other smart weapons to home in on(瞄准并飞速接近)their targets. But the weather still is a factor that must be reckoned with, especially with precision-guided weapons that must be highly accurate (高度精确)to be effective. Fortunately, the ability to obtain weather forecasts will get better. In the next few years, remote weather sensors(传感器)will grow rapidly on unmanned vehicles. This will create a network of observing platforms that will give commanders an instant overview of weather in


·In a lecture to the student boby,Professor Warrick introduced a new method of study. 1.fantastic 2.over 3.blamed 4.applauded 5.believed 6.mysterious https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e88551338.html,bors 8.amou nt 9.suggest 10.necessary 11.profited 12.tours 13.assisting 14.however 15.whats oever ·I,fo r,am far from ready to use online coursesfor my learning. 1.wrong 2.tools 3.offered 4.not 5.all 6.into 7.special 8.succeed 9.postive 10.reach out to 11.through 12.relationship 13.access https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e88551338.html,mitment 15. does not ·I'm not sure whether a“generation gap”exis ts,but if it does. 1.does 2.younger 3.who 4.kept 5.admit 6.still 7.Advances 8.to 9.Nowadays 10.str aight 11.allows for 12.such 13.actual 14.awful 15.appeal 16.trying 17.patience 18.negative 19.In any case 20.though ·I was walking from the door of my apartm ent building to the corner store. 1.parked 2.as if 3.Instinctively 4.searched 5.avaluable 6.so 7.what 8.faded 9.c onscious 10.trembling 11.hurt 12.or 13.details 14.so 15.identify 16.reported 17. additional 18.robbed 19.engaged 20.Apparently ·Ithink I am lik e many people in that I have better ideas in my sleep than whe n I am awake. 1.awake 2.hard 3.what 4.justice 5.more 6.unconscious 7.explaining 8.Why is ther e 9.as though 10.does not exist 11.mystery 12.less 13.entertained 14.myself 15.ma ke 16.on to 17.not 18.capture 19.seeking 20.secret ·Is integrity fashionable? 1.sence 2.tempt 3.posing 4.as 5.account 6.were given 7.It 8.make 9.conceded 10. demonstrate 11.instance 12.costs 13.fascinating 14.surveyed 15.when 16.health 1 7.cost 18.suggest 19.conclusion 20.rather than ·Do not put off until tomorrow the good you can do today. 1.possibilities 2.Examples 3.regret 4.of 5.habit 6.attempts 7.Therefore 8.secre t 9.awaken 10.thus 11.Once 12.free 13.arise 14.instead 15.nor 16.save 17.delay 18.built up 19.service 20.benefits

旅游与文化 翻译

旅游与文化I Part I 1.charming autumn scenery in a most fresh air and clear weather 秋高气爽,秋色宜人 2.the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织第15届全体大会3.to travel ten thousand li and read ten thousand books 读万卷书,行万里路 4.enriching themselves mentally and physically 承天地之灵气,接山水之精华 5.tourist arrival 旅游人数 6.foreign currency receipts 外汇收入 7.outbound tourists 出境旅游人数 8.unique, rich and varied tourism resources 得天独厚的旅游资源 9.World Cultural and Natural Heritages sites 世界文化遗产地和世界自然遗产地 10.t o add radiance and charm to each other 交相辉映 11.a thriving modern metropolis 繁华的现代化大都市 12.a patchwork of cottages 村舍星罗棋布 13.t o exist side by side 鳞次栉比 14.I nternational Architecture Exhibition 万国建筑博览会 15.c lock towers and turrets , marble pillars 钟塔、角楼和大理石柱 16.e ach representing a distinctively individual appearance 风格迥异,各领风骚 17.t he rainy season 梅雨季节 18.t o linger longer 留连忘返 19.e xcellence, elegance and the best quality 卓越超群,富丽堂皇,一流质量 20.e mbroidery, inlaid lacquer 刺绣,金漆镶嵌 21.g old and silver jewelleries, water-color woodblock prints 金银首饰,木刻水印 22.c arvings in jade, ivory, bamboo and woven bamboo baskets 玉雕、牙雕,竹雕,竹编筐篮 23.b ird cages, lanterns 鸟笼灯笼 24.d ouble-sided embroidery and sandal wood fans from Suzhou 双面绣和苏州的檀香扇 25.t erracotta teapots from Yixing, and clay figures from Wuxi 宜兴的陶制茶壶和无锡的泥人 26.t he Peach Blossom Fair 桃花节 27.t he Daci Temple Fair 大慈寺庙会 28.t he Chengdu Tourism Festival 成都旅游节 29.a place blessed with favorite climate, fertile land, rich resources and outstanding talents 物华天宝,人杰地灵30.s uperb artistic style of aiming at catching the sprit of the landscape 写意山水 31.a rtistic gems 艺术瑰宝 32.U NESCO Heritage Committee 联合国教科文组织遗产委员会 33.t he list of World cultural heritage 世界文化遗产名录 34.b ronzeware 青铜器 35.b amboo, wood and lacquer ware 竹木漆器 36.i nscribed bones and tortoise shells 甲骨 37.s eals 玺印 38.a rchaeology 39.r estoration room 文物修复馆 旅游与文化II Part II景点描述常用语 Match work: 雄伟壮丽imposing 灯火辉煌glittering


Banked Cloze Unit 1 Where there is a will, there is a way. This proverb means that if you are really determined to do something, however difficult it might be, you will 1)eventually find a way to do it well. The 2) premier point is that you must have the will to achieve success. Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact that there is no strong will involved. Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not make any 3) endeavor to achieve it. So, instead of getting it, they use the poorest excuse to explain the situation away. On many occasions, people tend to 4) bypass every minute obstacle, making the objective impossible to attain. In reality, if they have the will to succeed, they can get rid of the 5) handicaps and achieve their goals. Only those with a(n) 6) committed and focused will and spirit can fight their way to final victory. Many a famous man has the same experience. They have 7) attained their prestige because they have had the will to 8) transcend apparently insuperable (无法克服的) obstacles. Many artists, statesmen, writers and inventors have manged to succeed because they possess a fierce will, which has helped them to accomplish major 9) feats. Therefore, we can see that the main thing which one needs is a strong will. Weak-willed people never climb to the top. They collapse at the 10) slightest use of force against them. Strong-willed people, on the other hand will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed. 有志者事竟成.这句谚语的意思是,如果你真的下定决心去做某件事,不管它多么困难,你最终会找到一种方法做好它。首要的一点是你必须有获得成功的决心。百分之九十的失败都是因为没有强有力的意志。许多人只是说他们想要什么,但他们并没有努力去实现它。所以,他们没有得到,而是用最可怜的借口来解释情况。在许多情况下,人们倾向于绕过每分钟的障碍,使目标不可能达到。事实上,如果他们有成功的意志,他们就能摆脱障碍,实现自己的目标。只有那些意志坚定、意志坚定的人才能为最终胜利而战。许多名人都有同样的经历。他们已经达到了他们的威望,因为他们已经将超越显然是无法逾越的障碍(无法克服的)。许多艺术家、政治家、作家和发明家都有巨大的成功,因为他们拥有一个强烈的意志,这帮助他们完成主要的本领。因此,我们可以看到,一个人需要的主要东西是坚强的意志。意志薄弱的人永远爬不到顶端。他们一点点地使用武力就崩溃了。意志坚强的人,在另一方面,会站起来反对一切困难,并将它成为一个成功点。


UNIT 8 Many people are hostile to daydreaming, believing that it can interfere with the pursuit of success. They consider that daydreamers will never amount to much in their chosen careers. Recently, however, some experts have begun to argue that indulging in fantasy can have positive benefits. Daydreaming of success, they claim, can contribute to success. One technique they recommend is to picture yourself as you wish to be. Holding this vision clearly in your mind supposedly helps you make it come true. Of course, you should not neglect necessary study or work because daydreaming cannot substitute for hard work. Merely relying on daydreaming will not help you attain your goal.很多人都敌视白日梦,相信它会阻碍成功的追求。他们认为,daydreamers绝不会在自己选择的职业生涯量太多。但最近,一些专家已经开始认为,沉迷在幻想能有正面助益。成功的白日梦,他们声称,可以有助于成功。他们推荐的一种技术,是把自己描绘为您希望的人。持有这种观点在你的头脑清楚据说可以帮助您美梦成真。当然,你不应该忽视必要的学习或工作,因为白日梦不能代替艰苦的工作。仅仅依靠白日梦不会帮助你实现你的目标。 UNIT 9 The beauty of the music was in sharp contrast with the reality of the lives led by the singers. Amid all their suffering, a group of Jewish prisoners had found the courage to stage performances of Verdi’s Requiem. Despite the difficulties and dangers, they threw themselves enthusiastically into rehearsals, which had to be kept a secret. An additional difficulty was that they had only one instrument, an old harmonium. Their greatest triumph came when they performed before an audience containing the infamous Nazi official, Adolf Eichmann. Their voices swelled with passion as they threw in the faces of the Nazis words which sang of how they would have to pay for their crimes.在优美的音乐是与歌手所领导的生活现实形成鲜明对比。在所有这些他们的痛苦,一个犹太囚犯集团找到了勇气阶段威尔第的安魂曲演出。尽管有困难和危险,他们把狂热地排练,这些都必须保持自己的秘密。另外一个困难是,他们只有一台仪器,老风琴。他们最大的胜利来到时,他们就在一个臭名昭著的纳粹军官包含阿道夫艾希曼的观众演出。他们的声音充满了激情,因为他们扔在了纳粹的话,他们将如何为他们的罪行付出唱的面孔。 UNIT 6 The medicines the doctor prescribed for me tasted horrible. They were supposed to bring down my temperature, but when I heard how high it was I was terrified. I thought I was certain to die. I just didn’t see how I could possibly overcome the illness. I couldn’t stop worrying about it. All day I just gazed into space, feeling miserable. The fever made me shiver and gave my face a flush. I couldn’t take an interest in anything and felt very detached from everything around me. I thought my father must know I was going to die, but had said nothing, wanting me to keep from thinking about it. Finally I could bear it no longer and asked him how much longer I could live. When he explained my mistake, all my worries slid away. Only then was I really able to take it easy. 我的医生处方药品尝到可怕。他们应该打倒我的温度,但是当我听到有多高,也就是我吓坏了。我想我一定会死。我只是没看见我怎么能可能克服的疾病。我无


《论语十则》——《中国文化经典研读》(整理) 1 子曰:“君子食无求饱,居无求安,敏于事而慎于言,就(1)有道(2)而正(3)焉,可谓好学也已。” 【注释】 (1)就:靠近、看齐。 (2)有道:指有道德的人。 (3)正:匡正、端正。 【译文】 孔子说:“君子,饮食不求饱足,居住不要求舒适,对工作勤劳敏捷,说话却小心谨慎,到有道的人那里去匡正自己,这样可以说是好学了。” 2 2?4 子曰:“吾十有(1)五而志于学,三十而立(2),四十而不惑(3),五十而知天命(4),六十而耳顺(5),七十而从心所欲不逾矩(6)。” 【注释】 (1)有:同“又”。 (2)立:站得住的意思。 (3)不惑:掌握了知识,不被外界事物所迷惑。 (4)天命:指不能为人力所支配的事情。 (5)耳顺:对此有多种解释。一般而言,指对那些于己不利的意见也能正确对待。 (6)从心所欲不逾矩:从,遵从的意思;逾,越过;矩,规矩。 【译文】 孔子说:“我十五岁立志于学习;三十岁能够自立;四十岁能不被外界事物所迷惑;五十岁懂得了天命;六十岁能正确对待各种言论,不觉得不顺;七十岁能随心所

欲而不越出规矩。” 3 子曰:“由(1),诲女(2),知之乎,知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。” 【注释】 (1)由:姓仲名由,字子路。生于公元前542年,孔子的学生,长期追随孔子。 (2)女:同汝,你。 【译文】 孔子说:“由,我教给你怎样做的话,你明白了吗,知道的就是知道,不知道就是不知道,这就是智慧啊~” 4.颜渊、季路侍(1)。子曰:“盍(2)各言尔志。”子路曰:“原车马,衣轻裘,与朋友共,敝之而无憾。”颜渊曰:“愿无伐(3)善,无施劳(4)。”子路曰:“愿闻子之志。”子曰:“老者安之,朋友信之,少者怀之(5)。” 【注释】 (1)侍:服侍,站在旁边陪着尊贵者叫侍。 (2)盍:何不。 (3)伐:夸耀。 (4)施劳:施,表白。劳,功劳。 (5)少者怀之:让少者得到关怀。 【译文】 颜渊、子路两人侍立在孔子身边。孔子说:“你们何不各自说说自己的志向,”子路说:“愿意拿出自己的车马、衣服、皮袍,同我的朋友共同使用,用坏了也不抱怨。”颜渊说:“我愿意不夸耀自己的长处,不表白自己的功劳。”子路向孔子说:“愿意听听您的志向。”孔子说:“(我的志向是)让年老的安心,让朋友们信任我,让年轻的子弟们得到关怀。” 5 子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。” 【译文】


1.1 Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer , but he gets buy without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to get through it without losing heart. He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm, though without much laborsaving machinery aside from that old rotary cultivator. I suspect he doesn’t make all that much, though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm. I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, the next stacking firewood. 1.2 A homesteader (自耕农) is a person who lives a self-reliant lifestyle with major emphasis on home production. while the Industrial Age is being replaced by information and electronics, some people try to seek an escape from the social, environmental, and economic madness of the modern age and begin to consider returning to the country. As this lifestyle is so enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding, more and more people are prepared to quit their job in the city and start a new and more meaningful life on their various farms. For some it has become not only a way of life, but a way of looking at the world. Of course, life in the country can be pretty tough. While it is an enjoyment to be so close to Nature, you may have to reduce your dependence on fuels by cutting back on your daily consumption. You may also have to prepare your own meals every day and provide your own low-cost entertainment without the luxuries that are common in cities. On balance, however, living in the country has long been a part of the American Dream. Generations of Americans have considered the country an ideal setting in which to live and raise a family 2.1 The underground Railroad was forged by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against slavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans. Some of those who helped to transport slaves to the north and freedom were former slaves themselves. Others felt compelled to take part because of their deeply held convictions .For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them because a mission. While their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely, in the meantime they were intent on helping to free as many slaves as possible, often at considerable risk. In the eyes of slave owners, they were dangerous enemies and frequently received death threats 2.2 Despite the name, the Underground Railroad was not really a railroad, but was a network of people who assisted fugitive slaves. Many fugitives who escaped to the

全新版大学英语综合教程2unit6 选词填空cloze(中文翻译)

1) Strictly speaking,he is not a southerner. His biography reveals that, though born in the south, he spent a good part of his childhood years in New England. 严格地说,他不是一个南方人。他的传记显示,虽然他出生在南方,他度过了他的童年在英格兰。 2)Right after the Spring Festival, millions of young people drifted from the countryside to the cities to look for work and explore the world. 3)春节之后,成千上万的年轻人离开农村到城市寻找工作和探索世界。 3) It is obvious that Tom resembles his father both in appearance and in character. 很明显,汤姆和他的父亲在外貌和性格上都很像。 4) There is clear evidence that Japan committed many serious crimes against the Chinese people when it invaded China during the Second World War. 有明确的证据表明,在二战侵略中国期间,日本对中国人民犯下了许多严重罪行。 5)Medical scientists expect it will be many years before cancer is conquered. 医学科学家们期望过很多年癌症会被征服。 6)The novel has a fascinating plot. This explains why it has remained number one on the best-seller list for so long. 这部小说有引人入胜的情节。这解释了为什么它很长时间一直保持第一在畅销名单。 7)He must have been very busy these days. He does not go out for lunch but eats a snack in the office. 他这几天一直很忙。他不去吃午饭,而在办公室吃零食。 8) To settle the controversy, we have to put all these different theories into practice to see which one works better. 为了解决争议,我们必须把这些不同的理论付诸于实践,看哪一个更好。 9) The information is supposed to have come from a reliable source. 信息应该是来自可靠的来源 10) We rarely have such terrible weather. The climate here is usually very mild and everything thrives in this region. 我们很少有这样的坏天气。这里的气候通常是非常温和的,一切在这个地区都很繁荣。 11) People felt relieved when the invaders finally put down their arms and surrendered. 当侵略者终于放下武器投降了,人们感到放松了。 12) Our suspicions were first aroused when the two other parties made a deal behind our backs. 当其他双方已在我们背后交易,我们首先起了疑心。 A fascinating feature of the English language is its tolerance of new words and phrases,


1) Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer , but he gets buy without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to get through it without losing heart. He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm, though without much laborsaving machinery aside from that old rotary cultivator. I suspect he doesn’t make all that much, though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm. I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, the next stacking firewood. 2) The underground Railroad was forged by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against slavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans. Some of those who helped to transport slaves to the north and freedom were former slaves themselves. Others felt compelled to take part because of their deeply held convictions . For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them because a mission . While their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely, in the meantime they were intent on helping to free as many slaves as possible, often at considerable risk . In the eyes of slave owners, they were dangerous enemies and frequently received death threats 3) Statistics show that crime in rural areas is now rising faster than in the cities. The era when the countryside stood for safety and secutity has long gong. No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door on the latch . We all feel vnlnerable and seek to strengthen the barriers we use to hold criminals at bay . These can range from old fashioned bolts and bars to the latest electronic devices. A moment’s reflection ,however ,is enough to bring us face to face with the following puzzle : we may have locked the evils out,but in doing so we have locked ourselves in . this hardly seems a civilized way of life. 5) Alex Haley was at sea when he started thinking how best he could mark Thanksgiving . Turning over the meaning of the holiday in his mind , he came to reverse the order of the words and go to thinking about giving thanks . How , he wondered , could he repay those who had been so helpful to him in the past ? It seemde to him that the best way he could express his gratitude would be to write to them . For too long he had gone about without troubling to tell them how much he appreciated all that they had done for him . Before long he had assembled pen and paper and was immersed in writing . Not long after the ship reached port , unloading its cargo together with his letters . The replies were not swift in arriving , but when they did , he found them deeply moving . (1)I suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude. Because we are so busy and on such a tight budget, we don't entertain much. During the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway. Jim and Emily are involved in school activities, but they too spend most of their time at home. The other requirement is energy -- a lot of it. The way to make self-sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the temptation to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices. Instead, you do the work yourself. The only machinery we own (not counting the lawn mower) is a little three-horsepower rotary cultivator and a 16-inch chain saw. Yet this stop was only part of a much larger mission for me. Josiah Henson is but one name on a

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