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2013年12二期,“网购”那些事儿 ONLINE SHOPPING

2013年12二期,“网购”那些事儿 ONLINE SHOPPING
2013年12二期,“网购”那些事儿 ONLINE SHOPPING



【微聚焦】“网购”那些事儿Shopping Online


【微口语】购物狂必会:砍价常用10句的英语口语10Words for Bargaining

【微听力】网上购物成为消费新时尚A New Trend of Shopping

【微翻译】购物正当时,那些与“购物”相关的英语翻译Translations Concerning“Shopping”【微阅读】先逛店后网购成风潮,“先逛店后网购”英语怎么说?


【微语录】土豪们的励志名言:越努力越幸福Working Harder,Being Happier

【微智慧】双节血拼靠智慧:购物达人必学淘宝妙招Tips for Shoppers




【微音乐】《Move》(Little Mix)

【微影评】《霍比特人2:史矛革荒漠》(The Hobbit:Desolation of Smaug)

【微书评】《歌剧魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera)



【微聚焦】“网购”那些事儿Shopping Online 曾几何时,网友“就像过春节一样期待着零点钟声的敲响”,







For those who just love to shop online,now is the best time of the year,because Dec12,will see some seemingly irrational discounts,in line with the tradition that was started in2010.


Last year,Taobao,a major online shopping website,set a record of282million yuan in sales on that day alone,with a whopping4.38billion yuan exchanging hands on the website.The number of items sold paralyzed the delivery services due to overloading.On the verge of yet another annual spending spree, it’s worth reading up on tricks and tips to make the most of the shopping carnival.


(1)Select goods early and rationally提前下手,合理选择

Put everything you want in the“shopping cart”to make a list of potential purchases.Then go through it carefully,removing anything you selected on impulse.


(2)Seal a deal in advance提前下单

Talk to service staff as early as possible.They may have already decided on a discount policy for Dec12 and may even ship the product to you in advance,which is a good way to avoid the heavy online traffic on the special day.


(3)Manage your budget精打细算

Popular items will be in strong demand,so make sure you’re ready to pay with the least number of procedures.It’s best to deposit a reasonable amount of money in your Alipay account so that you can pay without going through any lengthy verifications.If you’re planning on using a credit card,you can call the bank to apply for more credit,but only spend as much as you can afford to repay.

热销产品需求量大,因此要确保支付流程越简单越好。最好预先给支付宝充值,这样你不必通过繁琐的验证程序便可轻松付款了。如果你打算划信用卡,可以打电话给银行,申请提高信用额度,但是要量力而行,不要超支。(4)Look at the real items查看实物

With many products,such as shoes and clothes,it’s better to look at them first to check their quality, size and appearance and ensure you’re buying the right one.

对于包括服装和鞋在内的很多商品而言,最好先查看一下实物的质量、大小和外观,以确保拍下的宝贝适合你。(5)It’s all about timing时间选择是关键

According to Alipay,there are several peak hours when online traffic is heavy and there is a higher risk of failed transactions.Try to avoid the following time spans:12pm-1:30am,10-11am,3-5pm,and8-10 pm.


(6)Apps as a helping hand App小助手

Smartphone apps like Huihui Shopping list the best offers on a particular website,while Yitao,a software developed by Alibaba,compares prices of selected items across different websites to bring you the best deal.


(7)Track and open your package跟踪物流,开箱验货

Because of the huge demand,delivery mistakes are inevitable,so try to track the package.If the product is perishable,keep the tracking record in case of a dispute.When the package arrives,check the item carefully before signing for it.Now you can go ahead and enjoy all your new stuff!


【微口语】购物狂必会:砍价常用10句的英语口语10Words for Bargaining






(1)How much do you want for this?这件东西你想卖多少


这句话一般是买者问的。如果是在可以讲价的地方,卖主可能会反问你,“How much do you want to pay for this?”

(2)Hey,don't try to rip me off.I know what this is worth.别想宰我,我识货。

买东西是被宰,所以不管是不是行家都要先造出声势,用这句话镇住卖家。“Rip someone off”意为某商店或商贩企图宰它的顾客,敲竹杠。

如:“The shop tried to rip me off,but I taught them a good lesson。”(那个商店企图宰我,结果让我教训了一顿)。

如果真的被狠宰了一下,你当然还可以说,“I was ripped off。”或者“I was cleaned out。”第二句,有被骗得很惨的意思。

(3)If you don't give me a better price,I won't buy this.如果价格不更优惠些,我是不会买的。

教大家一个讨价还价的秘诀,就是用个“if”从句,即加一个条件,再加一个由这个条件带来的结果。“A better price”就是“a cheaper price”。

(4)What's the lowest you're willing to go?最低你能出什么价?

这句话问的是最低价钱,应该是出自卖者之口了。“Go”就是“charge me”。然而,如果卖者的开价还是太高,

你可以说“Could you go up a little?”。如果你的出价太低,卖者接受不了,他/她也可以相应地说“Could you go up a little?”。这里的“go”却是“pay”的意思了。

(5)I can get this cheaper at other places.这样东西我在别的地方可以买到更便宜的。

“Cheap”这个词挺有意思的,“cheap”是“便宜”。如果说某人“cheap”,大致上有两种含义,都不太好。一个意思是指人很小气,吝啬鬼是“tightwad”或“penny-pincher”;另一个意思是“卑微的”、“有失身份的”,“If you wear like that,you will look cheap。”(要是穿成那样,你看起来挺有失身份的。)

(6)Can you give me a little deal on this?这能卖得便宜一点吗?

(7)Can you give me this for cheaper?能便宜一点给我吗?

大家都希望买到物廉价美的东西,所以就免不了要讨价还价。这两句话往往能使你少花些钱。你要注意的是这样的问题一般只在“market”(市场)这些地方问,像“shopping mall”(购物中心),“supermarket”(超市)和“department store”(百货商场)里说这样的话,就不太合适,因为除了大型商品,一般物品是不打折的。(8)Is there any discount on bulk purchases?我多买些能打折吗?

(9)Give me a discount.给我打个折吧。

“Bulk purchases”就是“大量地购买”,等于“buy something in bulk”。“discount”是折扣的意思。平时在商店里常出现的表示打折的牌子是“on sale”。专门卖廉价物品的商店叫“bargain store”,店里卖廉价商品的柜台叫“bargain counter”。原来表示打折的英文还挺多的,原来这些西文人的商业头脑也挺发达。

(10)Come on,give me a break on this.别这样,你就让点儿价吧。

“Give someone a break”的意思是“give someone a chance”。在不同的语境中,这个词组可以有不同的解释。在这句话里,指的是“让价”。另外如你友写信,你的室友却想让你帮他打水,你就可以对他说,“Give me a break, buddy,I'm busy right now。”(老兄,别烦我,我正忙着呢。)

【微听力】网上购物成为消费新时尚A New Trend of Shopping


With only two weeks to go before Christmas,buying presents is

a high priority for a lot of people.However,this year not so

many people are leaving their homes to browse around the

shops.These days lots of people can do their shopping in the

comfort of their own home with the help of the internet.

Online shopping is becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons;prices are often lower online,you don’t have to queue up in busy shops and you can buy almost any product imaginable with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Computer trends are often male-dominated but this year women are expected to do more shopping on the internet than men.It seems women are now more attracted to the convenience of online shopping than they used to be.

Average spending online this Christmas by women will rise to£240(3360Yuan)compared to the slightly lower average of£233for men,while the average spend per person on the high street is only£197.70% of internet users,male and female,are now buying their Christmas gifts online.

In the past a lot of people were reluctant to shop online.Many were worried about the security of

entering their card details on the internet and the reliability of the internet but as shopping online has become more widespread,these worries have begun to disappear.45%of internet users still do have security worries but it hasn’t slowed down the ever-increasing numbers of online shoppers.

One victim of the online shopping boom is the UK high street.Christmas trading can represent up to60% of turnover for some stores.Many companies are concerned that not enough shoppers are coming through their doors in the run-up to Christmas.As a result there are lots of special offers in the shops.

Most shops traditionally have sales after Christmas but this year the bargains have come early in an attempt to lure consumers to spend.Bad news for the high street has become good news for the bank balances of UK shoppers this Christmas!

【微翻译】购物正当时,那些与“购物”相关的英语翻译Translations Concerning“Shopping”







(1)How are you going to pay?


【析】不住在美国的人,或是刚来美国的人听到这句话一定觉得丈二金刚摸不著头脑。其实这句话跟Charge or debit这句话很像,问的就是你要用什么方式付款如信用卡(credit card)提款卡(debit card)或是现金(cash)来付帐。这句话在《电子情书》这部电影中曾出现过,在男主角去女主角的书店买东西时,店员就问男主角这句,汤姆汉克就答:cash.就是付现的意思了。

(2)Charge or debit?(Credit or debit?)



(3)Cash back?


【析】在美国跨行提款的手续费是$1.5,够吓人的吧?可是偏偏美国那么大,你要找到跟发卡同一家银行的提款机谈何容易?那这是不是意谓著每次去提领现金都要负担高额的手续费?其实只要你善用cash back这个功能,那情况就完全不一样了。Cash back就是说假设你买10块的东西,但刷卡时你可以刷30元,剩下的20元他会拿现金20块找你。如此出门就不必带著大笔的现金,又不必负担高额的提款手续费。唯一缺点是有金额限制,有些店最多可cash back$50,有些店只能cash back$20。一般的情形是只有ATM卡才能cash back的,一般的信用卡是不行的。但是有些特别的信用卡,如Discover,也有提供cash back的功能,他的优点在于不受发卡银行提款机的限制,在亚特兰大拿的ATM卡到波士顿一样可以cash back,而且完全不收手续费,请大家多加利用。(4)We have a clearance sale today.


【析】Clearance sale算是固定的用法,就是所谓的清仓大拍卖,可惜在美国还没听过“跳楼大拍卖”的讲法,不然一定也很有趣。另外,我们去店里如果要找这些拍卖的商品,我们可以问店员说,"Where can I find the clearance items?"所谓的clearance item就是清仓货,零码货的意思,或是odd sizes也代表零码货的意思。

(5)Double coupon.


【析】只要在美国待过一阵子的人,都知道利用coupon来省钱的道理吧!所谓的coupon,就是由制造商所发行的一种折价卷,如Save50c的coupon(折价卷)可以让你在结帐时少付50c,然后再由这些商店拿着这些coupon 去跟制造商换钱。那什么是double coupon呢?就是在美国有一家很有名叫Kroger的grocery store(杂货店),为了促销,所推行的一种政策。他们宣称拿著50c的coupon去他们的店里买东西,就可以折价1元,折价的金额足足多了一倍,多余的这50c是Kroger给顾客的优惠。但是也有一些限制,例如,每张coupon的面额不得超过75c,而且对同样一个商品,double coupon只能使用一次。

(6)I am sorry you are on the Cash Only Lane.


【析】Cash Only故名思义就是只收现金,其它的什么信用卡,支票都一律不收。通常是商家为了增快结帐的速度

所以才会设Cash Only Lane,可是刚来美国时,标示都没注意在看,要是走到这一个lane,身上的现金又偏偏不够时,那麻烦就大了,你就必须花$1.5的提款手续费去领$20来给他,真是气人。此外还有很多不同的lane,例如Express Lane,可能是只受理少于十样商品的顾客,总之,要结帐前先看清标示就不会吃大亏。

(7)Can you give me the invoice?



(8)Bring your receipt to the customer service,and they will refund you.


【析】美国是个很重视消费者权益的国家,所以几乎每个商家,都一定会有一个专门的customer service柜台。有任何的问题去找他们,他们多半会给你满意的答覆。我是觉得去超市买东西,他们算错钱的比例蛮高的,只要发现收据上有任何问题,就可以拿著收据去customer service要求退钱(refund)。我觉得老美也蛮有人情味的,有一次我结账时忘了拿会员卡出来,以至于多付了六七块钱,虽然这是我自己的错,但是当我拿著会员卡和收据去跟customer service说明后,他们还是把钱退给我.让我觉得十分感动。








Showrooming is the practice of going to a conventional store to look at a product and then buying it online for a cheaper price.


There are certain things we may want to see before we buy,because any written description or image on the web,no matter how detailed,is just no substitute for looking at the real thing.This is where showrooming kicks in.We pop down to our local bricks-and-mortar retailer who has spent precious time and money displaying products in an appealing way,and check the thing out.If satisfied,we then go home and buy said item from an online retailer,who can give us a much better deal because it doesn't have the costly overheads associated with displaying products for consumers to examine.


Showrooming,it seems,is particularly prevalent in the purchase of electronic products,where consumers

may like to test before they buy.People who engage in the practice,dubbed showroomers,often use mobile phones to check out the online prices whilst physically holding the product in a conventional store.


【必克微课堂讲解】“Showrooming”是源自韩语的英语新词,用于指先在商场看好商品然后上网搜索最低价进行购买的行为,汉语可译为“先逛店后网购”。有这种行为的人被称作showroomer(先逛店后网购族)。showroom 本意为“陈列室,展览室”。网上商店(online shops)与实体商店(conventional store或brick and mortar store)相比,因成本更低(lower cost)可以提供更优惠的价格(lower price),而越来越受到消费者(consumer)的青睐。

【微语录】土豪们的励志名言:越努力越幸福Working Harder,Being Happier





(1)The harder you work,the luckier you get.——Mike



(2)In whatever you do,strive to be the best at it.——Aliko Dangote


(3)Whether you’re a farmer,builder or engineer,the opportunities are equal:Just add a little innovation.——Strive Masiyiwa

不管你是农民、建筑工人还是工程师,机会都是均等的:只要加入一点点创新就行。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦(4)Every morning when I wake up,I make up my mind to solve as many problems,before retiring home.——Aliko Dangote


(5)A vision on its own is not enough.Hard work&dedication is required to make that vision a reality.——Strive Masiyiwa


(6)In today’s world,paradoxically,it is the boldest action that is often the safest.Remaining where you are in a world that is changing so rapidly is in fact the most dangerous of all places to be in.——Hakeem



(7)As you start out in life,it is important that you know at least something about everything,but as you get older it is important that you know everything about something.——Johann Rupert


(8)I grew up in poverty,but I always saw it as a challenge.The good thing is that you can surmount a challenge if you are willing to pay the price.The price is hard work.——Reginald Mengi


(9)I think there are a lot of people with family connections but who are actually nowhere.If you are hardworking and determined,you will make it and that’s the bottom line.I don’t believe in an easy way through.——Isabel Dos Santos


(10)People in Tanzania look at my wealth and think I must be sunbathing and playing golf all day.But I work really hard.I put in a hundred hours a week.It’s a never stopped game.You can never say I’ve worked hard enough now.——Mohammed Dewji


【微智慧】双节血拼靠智慧:购物达人必学淘宝妙招Tips for Shoppers





(1)Plan ahead购物前规划

There's always the risk of buying something you don't really love just because it's a bargain.It's much better to buy something you love and spend that bit more.It's a good idea to plan ahead-decide what your budget is beforehand to avoid post-sales-shopping guilt,and also think about which pieces you might want.Are they something you can wear now and next season?Key trends stick around,so a sale is a good way to snap them up.Right now,look out for coloured leather,think sharp jackets with cigarette pants.


(2)Be open to ideas广泛搜罗

Have a general idea of what you'd like,for example,a jacket or a coat,but be open-minded about the brand or style.The great thing about sales shopping is you might discover brands that you previously didn't know about.


(3)Get in there quickly下手要快

Bags,jewellery and small leather goods are the first things to go in a sale as they are sizeless,and due to the nature of sales shopping,sizes are always limited.If you see a bag or shoes you love and they are on sale,go for it.


(4)Buy classic and statement买品牌经典

If you're looking at designer labels,definitely go for items that are the signature pieces for that brand.So, anything leather from Helmut Lang,red from Valentino.But,as well as the classics,sales are also a good opportunity to buy something like a really amazing evening gown that you couldn't quite justify at full price.


(5)If the dress fits…衣服尺码不对怎么办

If you're shopping online,shop by size.A lot of websites have size filters so you aren't tempted to buy something that's way too big or too small simply because it's a good deal.Having said that,if you completely fall in love with a piece of clothing that's the wrong size,you could always look into getting it tailored.

如果你在网上买衣服,一定要按自己穿衣的尺码买。很多网站都会给出尺码对比表,所以你不会因为价格便宜而买那些号太大或太小的衣服。但如果在促销活动上你实在很喜欢那件尺码不适合你的衣服,买吧,然后让裁缝修改。(6)Time for an upgrade提升衣柜档次

Buying from the sales is an opportunity to upgrade your wardrobe,if you think it's time you invested in better fabrics.For instance,beautiful cashmere is timeless and great to buy when you can.





You should focus on moneymaking matters and stay away from

emotional disputes.Don't offer to pay for others.You can

accomplish a lot if you direct your thoughts toward starting your

own small business on the side.Sudden trips may take you by

surprise;try to include your mate,mixing business with pleasure.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.



Don't be too quick to respond to a plea for help.You won't have much time for your mate this week.Find out if they have other commitments.You will also encounter inpiduals who can help you further your goals.Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.



You are not alone on Monday.You have your troops behind you at every juncture.You are powerful, although you are choosing to exert your power in benevolent,beneficent ways.Tuesday and Wednesday are unexpectedly complicated days,and you get a bit disoriented in the maelstrom,but by Thursday you'll be sailing toward smoother waters and clearer skies.Friday is also sunny--metaphorically and

perhaps literally--which everyone seems to interpret as a reflection on you.Saturday and Sunday,you may be sidetracked by someone else's needs,but you're happy to exercise compassion.



Be careful not to come on too strongly.Your own small business on the side could ease your financial stress.Although it does look promising,be careful not to overextend yourself or you will lose in the long run.Difficulties will result if you have to deal with controversial groups this week.Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.



This is a great day to beautify your living quarters or to entertain at home.Think of starting a new business or emotional partnership.You need some help this week.Try to bend but by no means should you give in completely.Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.



Invite friends in for a visit.Try not to push your philosophies on others.Travel for business will not only bring you valuable information but also profits as well.You can make drastic changes in your professional direction this week.Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.



Online shopping 关于网上购物(Shopping on the Internet) Directions: you are required to write a 150 word essay on the topic Shopping on the Internet on ANSWER SHEET. 1.近来社会上出现网上购物热 2.人们对此现象的不同反应 3.你对此现象的看法 范文一: With the popularity of the Internet, more and more people do shopping online. Without going out of their home, they may look for whatever items they want and pay online only by clicking the mouse. A couple of days later, the goods they buy online will be delivered at their front door. As for this new phenomenon, people have different ideas about it. Some think that doing shopping online is time- and energy-saving. People can buy anything at anytime they like without a computer hooked onto the Internet. They may say good-bye to the exhausting journey of searching. While others believe that they cannot touch, smell, or taste what they want. They don’t feel certain about their choice. Besides, they doubt whether the companies will deliver the right items at right time to a right place. In my opinion, shopping online is convenient indeed. But we should be very careful when we decide which item to buy and with company is trustworthy. Additionally, we should guard against the hackers who intend to steal our account passwords With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in people’s daily life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. And to facilitate online purchase, stores provide pictures of their products together with other illustrations on the websites. Besides, online products range from small items such as clothes and books to large ones like computers. Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Yet its potential dangers to the consumer could not be ignored. One possible risk is that consumers might not get the exact product they want because the information provided might not be enough or reliable. For a simple example, a consumer who wants to buy a pair of shoes might end up getting a pair with desired style but unfit sizes. After all, people have to try themselves when buying clothes or shoes. Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the credibility of online stores, they might get cheated. Therefore, consumers should firstly be aware of the credibility of an online store. Secondly, people should not jump on the bandwagon because not all online shopping brings about convenience. Instead, they have to make their own judgment as to the kind of products that could be bought online. Thus, they could avoid possible trouble


那一刻我感受到了幸福 本文是关于初中作文的那一刻我感受到了幸福,感谢您的阅读! 每个人民的心中都有一粒幸福的种子,当它拥有了雨水的滋润和阳光的沐浴,它就会绽放出最美丽的姿态。那一刻,我们都能够闻到幸福的芬芳,我们都能够感受到幸福的存在。 在寒假期间,我偶然在授索电视频道,发现(百家讲坛)栏目中大学教授正在解密幸福,顿然引起我的好奇心,我放下了手中的遥控器,静静地坐在电视前,注视着频道上的每一个字,甚至用笔急速记在了笔记本上。我还记得,那位大学教授讲到了一个故事:一位母亲被公司升职到外国工作,这位母亲虽然十分高兴,但却又十分无奈,因为她的儿子马上要面临中考了,她不能撇下儿子迎接中考的挑战,于是她决定拒绝这了份高薪的工作,当有人问她为什么放弃这么好的机会时,她却毫无遗憾地说,纵然我能给予儿子最贵的礼物,优异的生活环境,但我却无当给予他关键时刻的那份呵护与关爱,或许以后的一切会证明我的选择是正确的。听完这样一段故事,我心中有种说不出的感觉,刹那间,我仿拂感觉那身边正在包饺子的妈妈,屋里正在睡觉的爸爸,桌前正在看小说的妹妹给我带来了一种温馨,幸福感觉。正如教授所说的那种解密幸福。就要选择一个明确的目标,确定自已追求的是什么,或许那时我还不能完全诠释幸福。 当幸福悄悄向我走来时,我已慢慢明白,懂得珍惜了。 那一天的那一刻对我来说太重要了,原本以为出差在外的父母早已忘了我的生日,只有妹妹整日算着日子。我在耳边唠叨个不停,没想到当日我失落地回到家中时,以为心中并不在乎生日,可是眼前的一切,让我心中涌现的喜悦,脸上露出的微笑证明我是在乎的。

爸爸唱的英文生日快乐歌虽然不是很动听,但爸爸对我的那份爱我听得很清楚,妈妈为我做的长寿面,我细细的品尝,吃出了爱的味道。妹妹急忙让我许下三个愿望,嘴里不停的唠叨:我知道你的三个愿望是什么?我问:为什么呀!我们是一家人,心连心呀!她高兴的说。 那一刻我才真正解开幸福的密码,感受到了真正的幸福,以前我无法理解幸福,即使身边有够多的幸福也不懂得欣赏,不懂得珍惜,只想拥有更好更贵的,其实幸福比物质更珍贵。 那一刻的幸福就是爱的升华,许多时候能让我们感悟幸福不是名利,物质。而是在血管里涌动着的,漫过心底的爱。 也许每一个人生的那一刻,就是我们幸运的降临在一个温馨的家庭中,而不是降临在孤独的角落里。 家的感觉就是幸福的感觉,幸福一直都存在于我们的身边!

英语作文网上购物 Online shopping

Online Shopping Alone with the advance of society more and more people tend to online shopping instead of going outside to shop.There is a certainty that online shopping will be gradually a common lifestyle as time rolls by.Surely ,just as every coin has two sides,online shopping comes with strengths and weaknesses. On one side,when customers are longing to get one thing which is hard to be discovered in reality but easy to be searched on the Internet only with a click,they may choose online shopping without hesitating.On the other side,for retailers,online shopping make their products to be known by some people lived in the remote places.In a word,to a large extent,online shopping has become a vital convenience in our daily life. However,we cannot ignore the weakness of online shopping.As you see,nowadays a lot of people are tempted by the fascinating appearance of products,which bring about damned unsatisfactory.Additionally,no one could insure a completely secure process of transport.And usually,conflict between retailers and customers occurs when products are damaged .What’s more,it’s highly risky to trade on the Internet especially when one’s computer is invaded by virus. From my point of view,online shopping should be accepted appropriately by people.For one thing,it is the product of social development,and as more and more people purchase in this way,those


第一名: 吉星高照的生肖马,在2013年可谓财运畅旺,尤以正财为明显,无论是事业、生意,都有进账,如果在年初能够选择适宜自己的的行业有针对性的投资或,则有比较大的机会获得财富。 吉星高照的生肖马,在2013年可谓财运亨通,不仅有太阳、青龙、桃花等吉星入命,更临九紫右弼星归于离位,因此而财运畅旺,尤以正财为甚,无论是事业、生意,均颇有进账,如果在年初能够选择适宜自己的命理的行业有针对性的投资或创业,则有比较大的机会获得财富。但要注意两个方面,一是行业的选择与进入的时机,恰当把握才能一切顺利;再者是注意处理好感情方面的问题,切勿因情因色而硬性了自己的事业和财运。文档来自于网络搜索 生肖马 其实生肖马在蛇年一月份的整体运势都比较差,尤其是财运方面,而且在过完元旦之后的一段时间,还会出现破财、漏财的情况,生肖马在这一段时间的小人运相当的旺,多会因小人而导致自己的钱财大量的流失,会出现争财的现象,争自己财的多会是自己身边的朋友,不知不觉的就把本该属于你的钱财给偷”走了,让生肖马的朋友们感到非常的心寒意冷呀。文档来自于网络搜索第二名: 2013癸巳年,生肖虎可谓吉上加吉,具亨通之势,时年多得帮扶、多得机遇而使财富收入轻松得以提升,但是毕竟生肖虎刑于太岁又害于太岁,致使财运受到阻滞,尤其须小心保持与上司或官家之间的关系和谐。文档来自于网络搜索

的人,与太岁相害。今年的命宫中有凶星较多,故此流年运程不旺,幸暗中吉祥出现,有可能逢凶化吉,称心如意。事业方面可获贵人指引,!但若想更上一层楼,便必须靠自己实力奋发向上。文档来自于网络搜索 2013癸巳年,生肖虎有天德、贵神吉星入命,有平步青云、节节高升之兆,象征多财多官,另有八白左辅财星照临,可谓吉上加吉,具财运亨通之势,时年多得帮扶、多得机遇而使财富收入轻松得以提升,但是毕竟生肖虎刑于太岁又害于太岁,致使财运受到阻滞,尤其须小心保持与上司或官家之间的关系和谐。此年必恭敬于太岁,尽可能化解太岁之不利影响,另须使办公、居家之环境顺应风水之规律,方能一路平顺,收获颇丰。文档来自于网络搜索 生肖虎 一向虎虎生威的生肖虎的朋友们,这个年份的转换,却没有将生肖虎的财运转好,过了元旦,生肖虎再次遭到了破财运的侵犯,为留不住财,生肖虎的朋友们的这次破财运比较严重,多是因为自身感情中的一些吵闹、是非等所导致的,其实生肖虎在元旦过后的财运是比较不错的,只是破财运也是比较严重,就算是有财,却也是留不住。从此看来,生肖虎的朋友们,在元旦过后,你们的感情运势也不是很好哦。文档来自于网络搜索 的人,今年将会面对不少挑战和困阻,必须沉着应变,千万不可轻举妄动,否则便会一败涂地。今年的事业发展往往节外生枝,若不小心全力以赴,很可能功败垂成!文档来自于网络搜索


关于我的幸福作文八篇汇总 幸福在每个人的心中都不一样。在饥饿者的心中,幸福就是一碗香喷喷的米饭;在果农的心中,幸福就是望着果实慢慢成熟;在旅行者的心中,幸福就是游遍世界上的好山好水。而在我的心中,幸福就是每天快快乐乐,无忧无虑;幸福就是朋友之间互相帮助,互相关心;幸福就是在我生病时,母亲彻夜细心的照顾我。 幸福在世间上的每个角落都可以发现,只是需要你用心去感受而已。 记得有一次,我早上出门走得太匆忙了,忘记带昨天晚上准备好的钢笔。老师说了:“今天有写字课,必须要用钢笔写字,不能用水笔。”我只好到学校向同学借了。当我来到学校向我同桌借时,他却说:“我已经借别人了,你向别人借吧!”我又向后面的同学借,可他们总是找各种借口说:“我只带了一枝。”问了三四个人,都没有借到,而且还碰了一鼻子灰。正当我急的像热锅上的蚂蚁团团转时,她递给了我一枝钢笔,微笑的对我说:“拿去用吧!”我顿时感到自己是多么幸福!在我最困难的时候,当别人都不愿意帮助我的时候,她向我伸出了援手。 幸福也是无时无刻都在身旁。 当我生病的时候,高烧持续不退时,是妈妈在旁边细心

的照顾我,喂我吃药,甚至一夜寸步不离的守在我的床边,直到我苏醒。当我看见妈妈的眼睛布满血丝时,我的眼眶在不知不觉地湿润了。这时我便明白我有一个最疼爱我的妈妈,我是幸福的! 幸福就是如此简单!不过,我们还是要珍惜眼前的幸福,还要给别人带来幸福,留心观察幸福。不要等幸福悄悄溜走了才发现,那就真的是后悔莫及了! 这就是我拥有的幸福,你呢? 悠扬的琴声从房间里飘出来,原来这是我在弹钢琴。优美的旋律加上我很强的音乐表现力让一旁姥爷听得如醉如痴。姥爷说我是幸福的,读了《建设幸福中国》我更加体会到了这一点。 儿时的姥爷很喜欢读书,但当时家里穷,据姥爷讲那时上学可不像现在。有点三天打鱼两天晒网,等地里农活忙了太姥爷就说:“别去念书了,干地里的活吧。”干活时都是牛马拉车,也没机器,效率特别低。还要给牲口拔草,喂草,拾柴火,看书都是抽空看。等农闲时才能背书包去学校,衣服更是老大穿了,打补丁老二再接着穿,只有盼到过年时才有能换上件粗布的新衣服。写字都是用石板,用一次擦一次,那时还没有电灯,爱学习的姥爷在昏暗的煤油灯下经常被灯火不是烧了眉毛就是燎了头发。没有电灯更没有电视,没有电视更没有见过钢琴,只知道钢琴是贵族家用的。

麦玲玲2013年属鼠运程 麦玲玲蛇年十二生肖运程

麦玲玲2013年属鼠运程 属鼠的人出生年份: 1948年、1960年、1972年、1984年、1996年、2008年。精确的生肖年份查询,是以每年2月5日立春为准。 属鼠的人总体运势: 生肖属鼠的人,今年流年运程畅旺,事业进展得心应手,大有可为,应把握时机奋发向上,定脱颖而出,扶摇直上!但切勿志得意满而目中无人,以免众叛亲离而位高势危!若能谦虚的保持低调,则可减少许多是非纷争,确保胜利成果。属鼠的人几年的头脑清醒,创作力及组织力特强,故此虽然面对不少挑战,但仍可稳操胜券!但努力进取之余必须小心注意财政状况,慎防因经济问题而全面崩溃,属鼠的人今年财运欠佳,事业进展虽好,但可惜经济收入却未能配合,很可能突然出现入不敷支的窘境!幸而健康良好,唯一值得担心的是家居安全,特别要小心防火,属鼠的人建年感情易退难进,故此必须小心维持,否则便会出现情海翻波!属鼠的人今年宜多于家人乐聚天伦,以弥补家庭中的裂痕。 2013年属鼠的人事业运: 属鼠的人今年灵感涌现,创作了极佳,事业方面大有可为,切勿由于畏缩而浪费好好把握时机,今年工作成败的最大关键是人和,得人者兴!所以谨记以和为贵,否则成功的机会便会大打折扣。农历四月,五月以及九月会有诸多变卦,必须小心处理,慎防会有意外之失! 属鼠的人2013年财运: 属鼠的人几年财运似是而非,收入虽多,但支出将会更多,稍一不慎,便会出现经济危机,故此必须量入为出,切勿浪费。全年财运最低沉的月份,是农历的正月,四月,六月,九月以及十二月,在这个期间最要提高警惕,小心理财。全年财运最佳的月份是,农历二月及十月,在这之间正财及横财均甚畅旺,只可惜均低会昙花一现而已。 属鼠的人2013年健康运: 属鼠的人今年健康良好,但要小心饮食卫生,以免病从口入,而尤以农历正月,二月,六月,八月,以及十二月最要提高警惕。今年必须注意家居安全,农历四月及五月最要注意家居防火。今年因有【六害】这颗凶星出现,这显示易成为街头暴力的受害者。 属鼠的人2013年感情运: 属鼠的人今年感情发展有如逆水行舟,易退难进,所以必须要小心培养维护,否则便难以乐观!农历四月、五月以及十一月,感情易气风波,切勿意气用事,以免感情破裂。感情进展较为佳的月份是农历正月,七月,十月以及十二月。


小学生作文《感悟幸福》范文五篇 小草说,幸福就是大地增添一份绿意;阳光说,幸福就是撒向人间的温暖;甘露说,幸福就是滋润每一个生命。下面是为大家带来的有关幸福650字优秀范文,希望大家喜欢。 感悟幸福650字1 生活就像一部壮丽的交响曲,它是由一篇一篇的乐章组成的,有喜、有怒、有哀、有乐。每一个人都有自己丰富多彩的生活,我也有自己的生活。我原本以为,吃可口的牛排,打电脑游戏,和朋友开心玩乐就是幸福。可是,我错了,幸福并不仅仅如此。 记得有一次,我放学回到家里放下书包就拿起一包饼干来吃。吃着吃着,突然我觉得牙齿痛了起来,而且越来越痛,痛得我连饼干也咬不动了。我放下饼干,连忙去拿了一面镜子来看。原来这又是那一颗虫牙在“作怪”。“哎哟哟,哎哟哟,痛死我了……”我不停地说着。渐渐地,那牙疼得越来越厉害,疼得我坐立不安,直打滚。后来在妈妈的陪伴下去了医院,治好了那颗虫牙。跨出医院大门时,我觉得心情出奇的好,天空格外的蓝,路边的樟树特别的绿,看什么都顺眼,才猛然一悟,幸福是简单而平凡的,身体健康就是一种幸福! 这学期我发现我的英语退步了,我决定要把这门功课学好,于是,我每天回

家做完作业后,都抽出半小时时间复习英语,在课上也听得特别认真,一遇到不懂的题目主动请教老师。经过一段时间的努力,终于,在上次考试的时候,我考了97分。妈妈表扬了我,我心里美滋滋的。我明白了经过自己的努力享受到成功的喜悦,这也是一种幸福。 …… 每个人都无一例外的渴望幸福。不同的人有不同的感受,其实,幸福就是那种能在平凡中寻找欢乐、能在困境中找到自信的一种心境。同学们,幸福其实很简单,就在我们的身边,触手可及。用心去认真地品味吧,它一直未曾离开我们身边! 感悟幸福650字2 有的人认为幸福就是腰缠万贯,有的人认为幸福就是找到意中人,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”是陶渊明对邪恶幸福,“从明天起做一个幸福人,喂马、劈柴、周游世界。从明天起,关心蔬菜和粮食,我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开。”这是海子的幸福。一千种人就有一千种对幸福的理解。 我对幸福的理解就是幸福使简单而平凡的,是无处不在的! 我的牙疼得奇怪而顽强不是这颗牙疼就是那颗牙疼;不是吃冷的疼就是吃热

网上购物Online Shopping Experience Sharing

Online Shopping Experience Sharing By Koay & Ling Want to go out shopping but afraid of traffic jam on the road? You can always go for a second choice, which is to sit at home and wait for delivery Consumers can buy the products or services they like from any parts of the world. I would like to share one of my online shopping experiences. One of my experiences that I would love to share is online purchasing of air ticket from Air https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa12785469.html,. Previously, when I was still studying at University Malaysia Sabah, I was very new to the environment and without experience; I would go to the counter at the airport in order to purchase the air ticket. One glory morning, I saw an advertisement in newspaper showing that Air Asia launched a new promotion. An air ticket was only RM9.99!! I was so excited and rushed to the airport to get the promotion ticket. But the Air Asia staff told me the promotion was only valid for online purchasing and if I buy from counter in airport, the price will be RM59.99. So I hurried bac k and got the “lucky” ticket. So by doing online shopping, we can get a lot of benefits such as convenience, time saving, and more variety of choices and so on. And the important thing is the price for online purchasing is cheaper than traditional shopping. Thus, we should do more online shopping! 【写作内容】 1.以约30个词概括短文的内容要点; 2.然后以约120个词就“网上购物”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点: (1)“网上购物”的现状; (2)“网上购物”的利弊; (3) 就“网上购物”发表你自己的观点。 【写作要求】 (1)可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; (2)标题自定。 【参考范文】 Online Shopping The passage tells us one of the experiences of Internet shopping by the author, who benefited from online shopping and got the much cheaper ticket compared to traditional shopping. With the Internet entering our daily life, online shopping is commonly used throughout the world nowadays. There are many advantages in online shopping. Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shoppers. The most important advantage is convenience. You can shop when you like as the online shop are open 24 hours a day and you do not have to queue with other shoppers. Secondly, it is easy to find what you are looking for online. However, every coin has two sides, so does Internet shopping. The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality. Some people are also worried about paying for goods using credit cards. As far as I am concerned, Internet shopping has advantages over disadvantages. It is very convenient, time saving and user friendly and online shopping is much cheaper and more secured than before.


Online Shopping 一、 With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computer, shopping online is normal and even necessary in our life. As many of us might have witnessed, more individuals do the shopping on the Internet. Shopping on the Internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters. Undoubtedly, online shopping has made our everyday life more convenient and comfortable. Firstly, the types of the commodities can bedazzle you. Online products range from small items such as garments and books to bulk merchandise, for instance, the computers. Therefore, individuals can buy almost everything on the Internet. Beyond that, With the online tools that facilitate products comparison. Consumers can contrast products prices and features to make a better decision and get the goods at a lower price. However, for another, its potential dangers to the consumers could not be ignored. First, the Internet is visual and we can only see the goods rather than touch them, which let us have false views and make wrong decisions. Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the confidence level of online stores, they might get cheated. Consumers may also lose their private information during online shopping. In my opinion, shopping on the internet is an irreversible tide. More and more consumers will be accustomed to it. In addition, it will be much more popular in the near future. So at the same time it is urgency to regulate the relevant laws according to the rapid growth of online shopping. Only in this way, can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without concern of being treated. 二、 With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in people’s daily life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. And to facilitate online purchase, stores provide pictures of their products together with other illustrations on the websites. Besides, online products range from small items such as clothes and books to large ones like computers. Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Yet its potential dangers to the consumer could not be ignored. One possible risk is that consumers might not get the exact product they want because the information provided might not be enough or reliable. For a simple example, a consumer who wants to buy a pair of shoes might end up getting


2016十二生肖运势完整版,准到爆! 属鼠总体运情:大吉 2016年里会出现不少新的合作机遇,财运亨通,有如鱼得水的感觉。不过因为偏财运较差,投资要操持谨慎,不要一掷千金作大手投资,慎防财运吉中藏凶。幸好贵人运不俗,就算遇上麻烦事亦有贵人相助,凡事有惊无险。从商的亲们,对于合作方提出的计划切忌目标定得太高,而且记得做好后备计划以防万一喔! 财运 属鼠人2016年的收入以正财为主,做生意的朋友出现不少新合作机会,表面似有拓展机会;但由于财运易有破损,不适宜过分冒进寻求突破。幸好贵人运不俗,尤其一些年纪大的长辈可以带来好运。2016年是辛苦得财的年份,除了要亲力亲为约见客户外,更要不断构思新噱头务求杀出重围。由于偏财运不佳,避免听信小道消息而作出投机短炒,保守理财应是今年的投资概念。 事业 2016年吉星「将星」代表事业进步的意象,一直为公司业务竭尽所能的属鼠人,上司有目共睹,对于自己的工作表现深感满意,有幸得到升职加薪的机会,工作上有突破性的发展,能够接触新的工作范畴。如果想出外闯一番事

业,希望能够觅得适合自己的工作,今年同样适宜作转工的决定。今年事业运势稳步上扬,务必要好好把握难得的机会,在思路清晰及分析力强的年份,必须致力为事业发展而卖力,从事管理职位或于大机构工作的肖鼠人士更为有利。 感情 难以遇上心仪的对象,不过单身人士可多加留意身边的朋友或同事,可从相识已久的朋友中寻觅姻缘,但双方关係暧昧,不妨作出主动,以自己的力量撮合这段难得的姻缘。与伴侣的关係受到考验,建议打开心窗,让伴侣知道自己的顾虑及心事,坦诚相对,解开心中疑惑。 健康 情绪陷入低谷,为免受到不利扬声所影响,儘量不宜出入坟场、后巷及酒吧等阳气不足的地方,以免自沾阴气。今年适宜相约朋友或家人到户外远足及旅行,吸纳来自大自然的阳气;及多与朋友畅谈心事,可以减却疑神疑鬼的机会,令心情较为愉快。另外,提防「天哭」凶星,具有遇上惊险及意外凶星的机会。所以,今年出外旅行或公干时,必须要提防出现小意外,每事小心。 属牛总体运情:大吉整体运势趋向稳定,但仍要慎防因情绪不称,而令原本向上的事业发展受到局限。明年你会明显感受到脾气过分暴躁,容易与人发生争执而影响人际关


关于以幸福为话题的作文800字记叙文5篇 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是作者为各位家长学生收集整理的作文(日记、观后感等)范本,欢迎借鉴参考阅读,您的努力学习和创新是为了更美好的未来,欢迎下载! 以幸福为话题的作文800字记叙文1: 那是我生病后的第三天,妈妈从早上五点就起来为我准备早点。她蹑手蹑脚地走着“针步”,下楼煮早点,“啪”的一声,妈妈打开了煤气。在拿肉丝,打鸡蛋的她全然不知我正躲在楼梯口“监视”着她的一举一动。不一会儿,蛋炒好了。 她开始切肉丝,一不小心,妈妈的手指切破皮了,鲜血正一滴一滴地流下来,为了不影响我的睡眠,她把手指放在嘴里吸了一下,坚持把剩下的肉丝切完。 此时的我,心中犹如打翻了五味瓶,眼里的泪像断了线的珍珠般掉了下来,我再也忍不住了,一个劲地冲到妈妈面前,她赶紧把手背了过去,生怕让我知道了什么。 她吃惊地问我:“妈妈太吵了,吵到你了?”“不,不,没有”她见我这么早起来就让我再回去补个觉。我关心地问:“妈,你的手没事吧?”她吱唔着说:“没事,擦破点皮,不碍事!”我仔细地帮她清洗了伤口,贴了一片创可贴。 吃饭时,妈妈一直地往我碗里夹肉,“孩子,病刚好,多吃点!”可是我见她始终都没吃一块肉。我也夹了两块放在她的碗里。“儿子懂事了,你自己快点吃吧!补身体要紧!”我冲她点点头笑了笑,“嗯。” 这就是幸福,一份简简单单的幸福!我祈祷这幸福能伴我成长。 以幸福为话题的作文800字记叙文2: 在我眼中,成长就是记录我们长大过程中一点一滴的小事情的,而幸福就在这点点滴滴中。 在我的成长记忆中,永不磨灭的是2017年11月的一天。妈妈要去云南,妈妈早上四点半要到指定地点集合,这么早,妈妈要两三点就起来,可是最近我咳嗽比较严重,所以天天给我煮萝卜汤喝。 “叮铃铃,叮铃铃”闹钟叫了起来,把我从睡梦中吵醒,一醒来,去找妈妈,

Online shopping 四人英语对话

A:Hi,girls . What are you doing this afternoon? B:I am going to buy some short-sleeved T- shirts in ZhongJie with C. It's getting hotter and hotter. C:Year,I also plan to buy a pair of sandals . Will you join us? D:I am afraid I can not go with you.I have class this afernoon.By the way,Why don’t you shop on the Inernet? A:I also want to ask this question.You know I almost buy everything on the Internet. I think It is very convenient and the price is even lower. B:You are about half right.I think it will be very difficult when you want to return goods.I once had that experience. It is an unpleasant experience to me. C:You got a point.And I only buy daily supplies online.I think it hardly to judge if the clothes or trousers fit me.Returning goods is a troublesome thing. D:I have not experience like that. Most online stores have pretty returning goods service,moreover,you can pay for it after you get the goods in some stores,like Fanke,dangdang. A:Yes.And besides that way, you can also buy goods from well-known and trustworthy companies, it’s prrety safe.These companies often have good returning service. B:Sounds great.I just want to buy a pair of earphones .I will have a try in this way this time.I hope it won’t let me down. Can you give me a hand,A? A:Of course. C:But I still have a question.How can you buy the right clothes from the Internet. D:You can first try on the clothes in physical store.And then buy it online.By this way not only can you buy the right one,but also save money. C:Wonderful.I will try it when I back. Thanks for your advice.


On li ne Shopp ing (范文一) With the development of the Internet and the popularization (普及)of computer , shopping on li ne has become a com mon place (普通的)in our life. Chin ese people are buying thi ngs on li ne and the shipping companies(船务公司)are busy to no end. Online shopping is very convenient. All you have to do is sit at home and wait for your package to come in stead of hovering (徘徊)outside in the cold wind. We can buy almost everyth ing without going out. However, enjoyment of retail shopping lost. Many people enjoy shopping with others and it is ofte n a good way to make social connections. Whe n shopp ing on li ne, the enjo yme nt is lost. Besides, you may lose your private information during online shopping. Although having access to a very large number of products is highly desirable, consumers have limited cognitive resources and may simply be un able to process the pote ntially vast amounts of in formatio n about these alter natives It seems that the on li ne bus in ess contains many commercial opport un ities . Many people want to seek their fortune on it. However, I think this kind of bus in ess now is close to saturati on. There are thousands of shops online, it ' asproblem how to make your shop outstanding and attractive among the “ shop sea". (范文二) Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information tech no logy, shopp ing on the internet has bee n a fashi on especially among the youn gsters. Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example, shopp ing on the internet can save stude nts a great deal of time on the way betwee n home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorte n the dista nee betwee n manu facturers and con sumers and thus we can eve n buy goods in other coun tries .On the other han d, lack of the face to face deal makes on li ne shopp ing less reliable and trustworthy. What ' s more the delivery will in crease the risk of items ' damage. In my opinion, shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect. (范文三) Several decades ago, it should be a marvelous won der to purchase our favorite gifts only by click ing the mouse and the n just wait ing for the door knock by a smili ng expressive delivery courier with the exact package you ordered. While, today, it is no long a rare case. Combined with the fast food, the digital com muni cati on ,on li ne shopp ing has bee n a com mon part of our life Admittedly, on line shopp ing offers magical convenien ce. For example, it saves time and offers numerous choices since floods of information can be supplied on Internet. While, every coin has tow sides and online shopping is no different. Have you still remembered the annoying time when you found the commodities you buy on Internet was not the slightest微博) as what you had
