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Difference equations for correlation functions of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-face model with boundary

Difference equations for correlation functions of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-face model with boundary
Difference equations for correlation functions of $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-face model with boundary


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Culture Difference

Culture Difference Nowadays, Globalization is changing the world to be a smelting furnace, more and more common things have taken form between the East and West of China. However, there are also many differences, particularly in the area of culture. Now we will take the culture differences between China and America for example to explain the difference between the East and the West. In my mind, the most different area is the culture of diet. Obviously, the foods people eat in the two places are much different. While people in America are enjoying their bread, Chinese focus their attention on rice and cooked wheaten food. American dishes emphasize the high energy which are storage in various kinds of meat and fishes, so when they eat the dishes of China, they often consider it to be grass. Differences between the drinks are also part of the difference in diet. To Chinese, tea is one of the preferences, but coffee and cola is the American favorite, although they are also popular in China. This is a traditional manner which will never be changed. The differences also exist in the custom of diet as well as the food cooking. Chinese people will try their best to prepare the most delicious food, and always persuade their guests to eat more, even they have gotten enough, while the people in America believe their guests when they say‘No, thanks, I am full.’, and will take them into eating any more. Focusing on the reasons of the differences, we will find the different regions which they lie in are very important. For having different climates and location, various histories and culture backgrounds, the two areas formed the discrepancy in many aspects, just like the inside information of culture between the Confucian School and the culture of Ancient Greece. It may trace back to many centuries ago, so we can not make every details clear. Li Xiaofei 080102128 Chinese Ancient literature


第二章复杂网络的基础知识 2.1 网络的概念 所谓“网络”(networks),实际上就是节点(node)和连边(edge)的集合。如果节点对(i,j)与(j,i)对应为同一条边,那么该网络为无向网络(undirected networks),否则为有向网络(directed networks)。如果给每条边都赋予相应的权值,那么该网络就为加权网络(weighted networks),否则为无权网络(unweighted networks),如图2-1所示。 图2-1 网络类型示例 (a) 无权无向网络(b) 加权网络(c) 无权有向网络 如果节点按照确定的规则连边,所得到的网络就称为“规则网络”(regular networks),如图2-2所示。如果节点按照完全随机的方式连边,所得到的网络就称为“随机网络”(random networks)。如果节点按照某种(自)组织原则的方式连边,将演化成各种不同的网络,称为“复杂网络”(complex networks)。 图2-2 规则网络示例 (a) 一维有限规则网络(b) 二维无限规则网络

2.2 复杂网络的基本特征量 描述复杂网络的基本特征量主要有:平均路径长度(average path length )、簇系数(clustering efficient )、度分布(degree distribution )、介数(betweenness )等,下面介绍它们的定义。 2.2.1 平均路径长度(average path length ) 定义网络中任何两个节点i 和j 之间的距离l ij 为从其中一个节点出发到达另一个节点所要经过的连边的最少数目。定义网络的直径(diameter )为网络中任意两个节点之间距离的最大值。即 }{max ,ij j i l D = (2-1) 定义网络的平均路径长度L 为网络中所有节点对之间距离的平均值。即 ∑∑-=+=-=111)1(2N i N i j ij l N N L (2-2) 其中N 为网络节点数,不考虑节点自身的距离。网络的平均路径长度L 又称为特征路径长度(characteristic path length )。 网络的平均路径长度L 和直径D 主要用来衡量网络的传输效率。 2.2.2 簇系数(clustering efficient ) 假设网络中的一个节点i 有k i 条边将它与其它节点相连,这k i 个节点称为节点i 的邻居节点,在这k i 个邻居节点之间最多可能有k i (k i -1)/2条边。节点i 的k i 个邻居节点之间实际存在的边数N i 和最多可能有的边数k i (k i -1)/2之比就定义为节点i 的簇系数,记为C i 。即 ) 1(2-=i i i i k k N C (2-3) 整个网络的聚类系数定义为网络中所有节点i 的聚类系数C i 的平均值,记


全形顏文字 得意<( ̄︶ ̄)> 乾杯[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*滿足( ̄ˇ ̄) 沒睡醒( ̄﹏ ̄) 狡猾(‵﹏′) 被打一巴掌( ̄ε(# ̄)無言( ̄. ̄) 無奈╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ 裝傻( ̄▽ ̄)~* 驚訝(⊙?⊙) 發現( ̄. ̄)+ 驚嚇Σ( ° ?°|||)︴冷( ̄▽ ̄)" 沒辦法╮(╯▽╰)╭貓咪臉(= ̄ω ̄=) 疑惑( ̄3 ̄)a 阿達( ̄0  ̄)y 重創(。_。) 不(>﹏<) 懷疑(→_→) 睏( ̄o ̄) . z Z 崇拜m( __ )m 我想想(ˇ?ˇ)

生氣<( ̄﹌ ̄)> 就是你<( ̄﹌ ̄)@m Orz 挫折系列顏文字 這是經典... 大頭Orz 小頭orz 翹XXXXX Or2 放大版○| ̄|_ 雙手撐地ORZ 有表情囧rz 變化形OTL 換邊STO 換邊(小) _no 動物顏文字豬頭( ˉ(∞)ˉ ) 蝸牛"\@ 章魚(:?)≡ 蟑螂((( ●< 毛毛蟲(??)nnn 蝌蚪(: )~ 顏文字組合 使用時可加( ) 例:˙﹏˙ →(˙﹏˙) ˙?˙˙0˙˙︿˙˙ε˙˙ 3˙˙ω˙˙﹏˙˙?˙˙▽˙小眼睛

⊙?⊙⊙0⊙⊙︿⊙ ̄ε ̄ ̄3 ̄⊙ω⊙⊙﹏⊙⊙?⊙⊙▽⊙大眼睛  ̄? ̄ ̄0 ̄ ̄︿ ̄ ̄ε ̄ ̄3 ̄ ̄ω ̄ ̄﹏ ̄ ̄? ̄ ̄▽ ̄瞇瞇眼 ∩?∩∩0∩∩︿∩∩ε∩∩3∩∩ω∩∩﹏∩∩?∩∩▽∩微笑眼 ∪?∪∪0∪∪︿∪∪ε∪∪3∪∪ω∪∪﹏∪∪?∪∪▽∪悲傷眼 ˋ?ˊˋ0ˊˋ︿ˊˋεˊˋ3ˊˋωˊˋ﹏ˊˋ?ˊˋ▽ˊ生氣眼 >?<>0<>︿<>ε<>3<>ω<>﹏<>?<>▽<緊閉眼ˇ?ˇˇ0ˇˇ︿ˇˇεˇˇ 3ˇˇωˇˇ﹏ˇˇ?ˇˇ▽ˇ不爽眼 ╯?╰╯0╰╯︿╰╯ε╰╯3╰╯ω╰╯﹏╰╯?╰╯▽╰無奈眼 ≧?≦≧0≦≧︿≦≧ε≦≧3≦≧ω≦≧﹏≦≧?≦≧▽≦嬉皮眼 ????0??︿??ε??3??ω??﹏??△??▽?鬥雞眼 ????0??︿??ε??3??ω??﹏??△??▽?金魚眼 ●?●●0●●︿●●ε●● 3●●ω●●﹏●●?●●▽●外星人 +?++0++︿++ε++3++ω++﹏++?++▽+小丑眼 日系顏文字精選 (????)(??`ω′?)(?(?)?)(σ`?д?)σ(o?ω?o) 小眼睛 (???)(???*)(p?_q)(〃?o?〃)(*^?_?) (。???。) (*?0?)(?ε?●)(??ω?)(。?д?。)(???)(/??、)(?□?、*)(?-?。) (?▽?。)(?_?。) (?O?。)(ノ??。)(@???)(*??*)人(?ε?;) (?o ?)(?ェ?o)(′???『) 瞇瞇眼 (*  ̄ー ̄)( ̄ー ̄〃)(@ ̄ー ̄@)(*  ̄︿ ̄)(* ̄? ̄*)<(??*)> ( ̄(●●) ̄)( ̄?? ̄)(ー?ー)( ̄o ̄)( ̄、 ̄)(* ̄? ̄*)( ̄へ ̄)( ̄□ ̄) ( ̄~ ̄;)(。-?-。)( ̄ε ̄;)( ̄┬ ̄;)( ̄? ̄)(ノへ ̄、)(* ̄ro ̄)(ー人ー)(* ̄m ̄) 日系小眼睛 (′▽`〃)(′o`)(′ェ`)(′ε` )(=′ー`) ( ′θ`)(′○` )( ′-`)(′?`=)(*′▽`) (*′ノ0`)( ′ロ` )(′~`;)(′︿`)(*′?`*) (′m`)(′0ノ`*)(@。ε。@) (=′?`=)(●′ω`●) (′~`●)(′へ`、)(〃′o`)(;′⌒`) 日系大眼睛 (ΘΘ)(Θ~Θ〃)(ΘoΘ)(ΘェΘ)(Θ?Θ#)(ΘдΘ;)(Θ皿Θメ)(ΘーΘ*)(Θ0Θ●)(Θ▽Θ)(ΘεΘ?)(Θ?Θ。)(ΘへΘ)(Θ?Θ=)(Θ、Θ)(Θ?Θ@)(Θ3Θ) 圓珠眼 (°ー°〃)(#°Д°) (。□。) (*。?。) (*。?^*)(* ^ー。) (@。ー。@)(。?^?)(o。?。) (。▽。) (#。ε。#) (。?^d)(。?。;)(。皿。メ)(* 。3^) (〃。o。〃) ( °?°)(。?。) (°□°;) (ロ)。。(。Д。;)(*。ノO。)(;。。) 緊閉眼 (><)(;><)(>_<)(>.<)(>o<)(>▽<)(>O<)(o>▽<)(>?< ) (>▽<)(;>?<)( >з<)(o>ェ<)(>д<)(>皿<)(>_<、)(/_<。)(>。;)(>。ヘ)(ノ_<)(>。?)(>y<;)

make a difference

make a difference 1. 区别对待 2. 有(重要)作用;有影响;有关系 3.促成变化,促成改变 一、make a difference in sth 使…不同;使一个引人注目的变化 1. Today is the only day when you can begin to make a difference in your life. 今天是你可以将你生活变得不同的唯一一天。 2. Do they have enough capability to find those two or three levers that really make a difference in a business? 他们有没有足够的能力去找到使行业发生改变的那两个或三个杠杆? 3. I will make a difference in this world! 我要让这世界有所不同! 二、make a difference to sb/sth 对 ... 产生影响 make a difference to do sth 对做什么产生影响 1. We’ll do something to make a difference to environment. 2.Your absence makes quite a difference to me! 你的缺席对我产生影响! 3. Your submission will make a difference to reform the Sentencing and Parole Reform Bill for tougher sentencing to protect the community! 您的意见将促进量刑与假释改革法案的实施,以严刑峻法保护我们的社区安全!


复杂网络基础理论 第二章网络拓扑结构与静态特征

第二章网络拓扑结构与静态特征 l2.1 引言 l2.2 网络的基本静态几何特征 l2.3 无向网络的静态特征 l2.4 有向网络的静态特征 l2.5 加权网络的静态特征 l2.6 网络的其他静态特征 l2.7 复杂网络分析软件 2

2.1 引言 与图论的研究有所不同,复杂网络的研究更侧重 于从各种实际网络的现象之上抽象出一般的网络几何 量,并用这些一般性质指导更多实际网络的研究,进 而通过讨论实际网络上的具体现象发展网络模型的一 般方法,最后讨论网络本身的形成机制。 统计物理学在模型研究、演化机制与结构稳定性 方面的丰富的研究经验是统计物理学在复杂网络研究 领域得到广泛应用的原因;而图论与社会网络分析提 供的网络静态几何量及其分析方法是复杂网络研究的 基础。 3

2.1 引言 静态特征指给定网络的微观量的统计分布或宏观 统计平均值。 在本章中我们将对网络的各种静态特征做一小结 。由于有向网络与加权网络有其特有的特征量,我们 将分开讨论无向、有向与加权网络。 4 返回目录

2.2 网络的基本静态几何特征 ¢2.2.1 平均距离 ¢2.2.2 集聚系数 ¢2.2.3 度分布 ¢2.2.4 实际网络的统计特征 5

2.2.1 平均距离 1.网络的直径与平均距离 网络中的两节点v i和v j之间经历边数最少的一条简 单路径(经历的边各不相同),称为测地线。 测地线的边数d ij称为两节点v i和v j之间的距离(或 叫测地线距离)。 1/d ij称为节点v i和v j之间的效率,记为εij。通常 效率用来度量节点间的信息传递速度。当v i和v j之间没 有路径连通时,d ij=∞,而εij=0,所以效率更适合度 量非全通网络。 网络的直径D定义为所有距离d ij中的最大值 6

the difference between chinese and western education

Alex-Bedfordshire-timed writing The Differences between Chinese and Western Education As the communication between china and western developed countries is becoming increasingly frequent, the differences between Chinese and western education has caused a heated discussion in the past few years. For Chinese students, what they have experienced in studying is an organized learning style. Students are required to follow a clear plan and have a set structure to manage their study.They are likely to have easy access to seeking specific facts. In addition, teachers in china are common to include many facts and information in their classes, leaving students with no doubt about the subjects afterwards. What`s more, Chinese classroom tend to be more structured and authoritarian. Compared with Chinese education,western education is more flexible and imaginative. Students there are encouraged to discuss the subject they want to learn. They are probable to use their own imagination and challenge their own abilities. At the same time, teachers will leave some questions in class to be solved by their students. And they expect students to ask themselves and them many questions. In general, classes in western countries are free, which results in an active atmosphere for students to brainstorm. To sum up, there is no sense in debating which education is better. Both have their own advantages and are upgraded. Therefore, the two kinds of education can learn from each other and be beneficial to more and more people.

Difference between male and female

The Differences between Male and Female We all know that there are big differences between male and female. There is a famous book called “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”, which mainly discusses the differences between male and female. So that we can see, the distance between male and female is so long that it can be compared to the distance between two stars! Maybe you’ll be a little confused, why men and women are so different. According to a survey, because of different roles in the process o f evolution, men and women tend to do different things, play different roles and behave in different way in social work. Now, let’s see how different they are. First, biological differences. Women have larger connections and more frequent interaction between their brain’s left and right hemispheres, while men have greater brain hemisphere separation. T ake road for example, women’s brains are like superhighway of connection, long and complicated, but men’s brains are like little crooked country road, simple and direct. Men’s brains are programmed to hunting, which explains their narrow range of vision, while women’s brains are able to decipher a wider range of information. Men tend to retain a firm sense of direction. They need to trace the game, catch it, and find the way home, while women have a better peripheral vision that helps them to see what’s happening around the house, to spot an approaching danger, to notice changes in the children’s behavior and appearance. Second, psychological differences. There are so many psychological distinctions between male and female that I can give you a lot of examples. Here is a list made by an organization in England ----- Men grasp a situation as a whole and think globally, while women think locally, relying on details and nuances; Men take risks and experiment, while women select the most valuable knowledge and pass it over to the next generation; Men are more independent in their thoughts and actions, while women are more willing to follow the ideas suggested by others. We always see a couple quarrel with each other. Why men and women don’t understand each other and can not stop fighting? Maybe one of the reasons is that when a woman shares her problems with a man, she is not looking for solutions. She needs someone to listen to her. But men just can’t understand that, they want to sort out information and archive it in their head. The only thing a husband wants to do is helping his wife solve the problem immediately. But that’s the last thing she wants. Now we can see how male and female are different from each other. Since we know that, the understanding between opposite sex is much easier.


function [DeD,aver_DeD]=Degree_Distribution(A) %% 求网络图中各节点的度及度的分布曲线 %% 求解算法:求解每个节点的度,再按发生频率即为概率,求P(k) %A————————网络图的邻接矩阵 %DeD————————网络图各节点的度分布 %aver_DeD———————网络图的平均度 N=size(A,2); DeD=zeros(1,N); for i=1:N % DeD(i)=length(find((A(i,:)==1))); DeD(i)=sum(A(i,:)); end aver_DeD=mean(DeD); if sum(DeD)==0 disp('该网络图只是由一些孤立点组成'); return; else figure; bar([1:N],DeD); xlabel('节点编号n'); ylabel('各节点的度数K'); title('网络图中各节点的度的大小分布图'); end figure; M=max(DeD); for i=1:M+1; %网络图中节点的度数最大为M,但要同时考虑到度为0的节点的存在性 N_DeD(i)=length(find(DeD==i-1)); % DeD=[2 2 2 2 2 2] end P_DeD=zeros(1,M+1); P_DeD(:)=N_DeD(:)./sum(N_DeD); bar([0:M],P_DeD,'r'); xlabel('节点的度 K'); ylabel('节点度为K的概率 P(K)'); title('网络图中节点度的概率分布图'); 平均路径长度 function [D,aver_D]=Aver_Path_Length(A) %% 求复杂网络中两节点的距离以及平均路径长度 %% 求解算法:首先利用Floyd算法求解出任意两节点的距离,再求距离的平均值得平均路

Quadratic Equations

Quadratic Equations Let's glance at an example: The setup cost for the project to develop a new tank design is 50 thousand dollars. The development cost is a function of time. In other words, the cost increases with time. From previous contracts, the cost function is estimated to be t2 - 10 t where t is the time measured in working days. Suppose that a cost analyst has 650 thousand dollars allocated for the project, and he/she wants to know how long before he/she needs to allocate more resources to complete the project? Let's consider a solution

The total cost for the tank is equal to the sum of the initial cost and the development cost. t2 - 10t + 50 If $650 thousand has been given, we want to know how much time before more resources need to be allocated? t2 - 10t + 50 = 650 If we move 650 to the left of the equal sign, this is what we have t2 - 10t - 600 = 0 To solve the equation above, we just factor the terms as follows: (t + 20) (t - 30) The equation yields two answers: t = -20 and t = 30. Since negative time has no physical meaning, t = 30 is the only valid solution. Thus, it takes 30 working days before the cost analyst needs to allocate more resources to fund the project.


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difference,may be和maybe的用法

difference,may be和maybe的用法 difference [英]['d?fr?ns][美][?d?f?r?ns, ?d?fr?ns] n.差别,差异; [数]差数,差额; 意见分歧; 特色; vt.辨别,区分; 例句: 1. Yet there is a difference. 然而还是有一些差异。 2. Can you see the difference? 你能发现这种差别吗? 3. The difference is their attitude. 区别就在于他们的态度。 4. The difference with europe is especially striking. 美国与欧洲的差距尤为显著。 5. This density difference is an index of ocean stratification. 这种水密度差就是海洋分层的标志。 difference 可用作可数名词亦可用作不可数名词,常与介词between 连用,表两者间的不同。 典例: It's hard to see many differences between the two parties. 很难看出两党之间有多少不同。(两党之间并没有很多差异。) What is the difference between American food and Chinese food? 中国食物与美国食物有什么不同? There is not much difference in price. 在价格上没有太大差异 1. 差别,差异[C][(+between)] Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。 Can you tell the difference between an ape and a monkey? 你能区分猿和猴吗? 2. 差,差距;差额[the S][(+between/in)] The difference in temperature between the day and the night there is thirty degrees. 那里白天与黑夜的温差是三十度。3. 争论;不和[P1]


第三章 网络的灵敏度分析 §3.1网络的灵敏度 灵敏度用来表征网络特性对元件参数变化的敏感程度。它在确定产品合格率、寿命及对工作环境的适应性方面起着关键的作用。 网络函数或网络响应都是组成网络的元件参数的函数。在具体实现一个设计方案时,所选择的元件均有其标称值和相对误差。例如100Ω%5.1±即表示标称值是100Ω,相对误差是%5.1的一个电阻。当将一个这样的电阻接入电路时,它的真正值可能是99、100、101等值,不一定刚好等于标称值。另一方面,实际电路在工作时,随着使用时间的增长、周围环境(例如温度、湿度、压力)等因素的变化,元件参数值也难免要发生不同程度的变化而偏离标称值,况且有的元件本身就是作为敏感元件使用的。这些元件参数的变化必将导致网络函数或网络响应的变化,严重时网络无法正常工作。研究元件参数变化对网络函数或网络响应的影响即属于电路灵敏度分析(sensitivity analysis)内容。电路的灵敏度分析还是电路的容差(tolerance analysis)分析、最坏情况分析(worst analysis)和最优设计(optimize design)的重要基础。在最优设计中,灵敏度作为目标函数的寻优梯度。灵敏度分析是电路分析与电路综合的桥梁。著名的电路仿真软件PSPICE 和WORKBANCH 均有灵敏度分析功能。 网络函数H 或网络响应R (统一用T 来表示) 对某元件相关参数p (p 可以是元件参数或影响元件参数的温度、湿度、压力等)变化率称为网络函数对该参数的绝对灵敏度,记作: p T S ??= (3.1a) 有时还要用到相对和半相对灵敏度。相对灵敏度的定义是: p T p T T p S ln ln 00??=??= (3.1b) 相对灵敏度是无量纲量。半相对灵敏度的定义是: p T p S ??=0 (00=T 时), p T T S ??=01 (00=p 时) (3.1c) 式中0p 和0T 分别是元件的标称值及对应标称值的网络函数或网络响应值。 当0p 或0T 为零时,相对灵敏度要么为零要么不存在。此时要用半相对灵敏度。 从各灵敏度的定义式可见,关键是计算绝对灵敏度。因此,本章以下只涉及绝对灵敏度的计算。 图3.1 为常用的电桥测量电路。以1U 为激励,2U 为响应的网络函数为 4 33211 12R R R R R R U U H +++-== (3.2) 设1R 、4R 为热敏电阻,由式(3.2)并根据灵敏度的定义式(3.1a)求得H 对电阻1R 、


≡(▔﹏▔)≡⊙﹏⊙∥∣°ˋ︿ˊ﹀-# ╯︿╰﹀ (=‵′=) <(‵^′)> (-__-)b  ̄□ ̄||-----\\(˙<>˙)/----- <("""O"""> (O ^ ~ ^ O) (*^︹^*︺( /。\ ) ( ' – ' ) ( ^3^ )╱~~ (;°○° ) ( > c < ) <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)/ b( ̄▽ ̄)d 汗( ̄口 ̄)!! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭╮( ̄﹏ ̄)╭ ( ̄▽ ̄@) ○( ̄﹏ ̄)○ <( ̄oo, ̄)/ ╮( ̄▽ ̄"╭︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ 凶手!凶手就是你! <( ̄﹌ ̄)@m 我..我..是大猪头╭(﹊∩∩﹊#)╮来嘛!╮(╯◇╰)╭口禾火~口禾火~…(⊙_⊙;)…○圭~○列~怎么酱? <( ̄oo, ̄)/猪头不是一天造成的! ˋ(′o‵")ˊ这个你问我也不知道~ 有火星人~ \("▔□▔)/\("▔□▔)/ 不要以为我不知道咩!┌(‵▽′)╭<( ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ真烦,来哈根草吧~ 叔叔~这样很冷耶! (#-.-)/ 我是优质大帅哥一枚. \( ̄▽ ̄)♂♀( ̄▽ ̄)/ 我是优质大美女一枚. ┐(─__─)┌你说我有啥米办法咧~ 吃饱饱,睡好好! ○(* ̄︶ ̄*)○有没有被猪揍过啊? ○(#‵︿′#)○ε(┬┬_┬┬)3 我真命苦 .. 拆屋┴┴︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┴┴≡ ̄﹏ ̄≡冷到不行.. <(‵^′)> 我看你还是回火星去好了! <( ̄oo, ̄)/ 没看过猪哥吗??... <( ̄︶ ̄)/ 喜欢吗?把拔买给你~︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿这学期欧趴欧趴啦~无影脚升级版 <(  ̄^ ̄)︵θ︵θ︵θ︵θ︵θ︵θ︵θ︵θ︵θ☆( >_<)~啊! 恶魔集团o(‵▽′)ψ( ̄︶ ̄)ψ( ̄︶ ̄)ψψ(╰_╯)σ☆咒 嘟着嘴 ( ̄)︿( ̄) \(~__~)/ 要抱抱啦... 满意.满足 <( ̄︶ ̄)> []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* ( ̄﹏ ̄) ( ̄ˇ ̄) \( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)/ (‵﹏′) ╮(‵▽′)╭\(‵▽′)/ =============================================

The Difference Between City And Countryside

The Life in City And Countryside Since a long time ago, there had been a plenty of dispute about the relationship between the city and the countryside. It has been a question for many years, especially in China. What caused this situation? I think if we want to get the reason, we should get to know the similarities and the differences between the both. Firstly, we should realize that, although the countryside’s location differs from the city, the countryside have a number of its own culture. For instance, the relationship between the neighbours in the countryside is always harmony and they usually contact with each other closely. However in the city, everyone has a large number of work everyday. They don’t have time and chance to communicate with his or her neighbours. Sometimes they can’t recognize their neighbours on the way to work. Apart from tihis, the coutryside has such a good environment which the city never poccessed. No factory and much vegetation makes the countryside has much more fresh air than the city. Despite of this, compared to the countryside, the city also has many advantages. Because the countryside has less factory and automobiles, the trasportation in city is much more bustling than it in the countryside. The bus and the subway is not easy to appear countryside, but it is common in a city. Not only the trasportation, the city has better education than the coutryside. In China, most of university are located in the big cities. And

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