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How has internet changed my life

How has internet changed my life
How has internet changed my life

The internet has done so much for me and my life. It has given me a superlative amount of information about things and people of this world. It has also become a high source of entertainment for me. The internet is a great source of knowledge and I love to add my knowledge to it and help other people out. I've seen things on the internet that have provided great topics of conversation between me and friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. I guess that's one way it has helped me in real life. Now, in this digital age, everyone is sharing so much awesome information. The internet is one of the greatest things ever invented.

I no longer have to remember my friends strange email addresses. I no longer have to remember people's birthdays and I can shop for their present online. I no longer have to go into a bank to do my banking.

It's always funny when people say that the web makes people antisocial. For me, it's done the complete opposite.

A lot of people are on the internet, being busy with numerous activities. But what does our internet activity do for our real life? What is the significance of having a facebook account and what does it do to your everyday life? How does it affect you when you get a reaction on you music myspace or your personal blog? Are your feelings affected when you watch the graphs of viewcounts on your uploaded videos? How did it the internet change your life?

For me, honestly, I have absolutely no idea where I'd be without the internet. Seriously...for the last 8 years or so it has been a huge part of my life and I wont say its role was too big, because I like it like this. The internet has greatly influenced my taste in music, I know artists I'd never even heard about without internet.

Its not really other peoples reactions I care about, for me its more important to express myself through webdesign, on deviant art, my myspace page. The internet is a great source of knowledge and I love to add my knowledge to it and help other people out...I guess thats my style of "community work".

I don't know what I'd do if the internet was to disapear. I've built my whole education and my future career dreams around it.

I haven't thought about this, but I'm sure the internet has changed my life a lot. Living in a society outside the U.S that seems to be a little bit behind in all the tech stuff (which it is not) the internet has really helped me to find some good communities from music to art, passing through Ecology and most importantly technology. I think in this last 4 or 5 years that I've really been into the internet my life has changed a lot. Specially now that im thinking the internet is the right platform to build a business in. I'm in the process of doing it, but im sure something great will

come out. So besides letting me know people from all around the globe it really has inspired me to create some business or collaboration tool on it and to start believing in equal access to all information for all of us is the greatest thing that can happen to anyone.

The internet has done so much for me and my life, and I'm only 16. It has given me a superlative amount of information about things and people of this world. It has also become a high source of entertainment for me. I've seen things on the internet that have provided great topics of conversation between me and friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. I guess that's one way it has helped me in real life. Now, in this digital age, everyone is sharing so much awesome information. The internet is one of the greatest things ever invented,

n real terms my telephone/texting bill on my mobile phone went down. Finally I can bluetooth all of those photos I take on my mobile and put them somewhere worthwhile- on the wall of facebook shame.

I no longer have to remember my friends strange email addresses. I no longer have to remember people's birthdays and I can shop for their present online. I no longer have to go into a bank to do my banking.

I can remind myself to do something at home by sending myself an email/reminder to my mobile/tell someone on MIX to remind me :o)

(And there are amazing people out there who I have never (physically) met but are nice enough to buy something for me and ship it out to Australia! Never thought that possible)

So many little things that day to day add up and make my life - easy.

Wow. The Internet is definitely responsible for a lot of the friends I have now. Moving to a new city and connecting with people who were videoblogging and were in the area gave me a social circle I never thought I would have.

It's always funny when people say that the web makes people antisocial. For me, it's done the complete opposite.


克林顿两届就职演讲稿 克林顿首任就职演讲稿(中英文): My fellow citizens : Today we celebrate the mystery of American renewal. This ceremony is held in the depth of winter. But, by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring. A spring reborn in the worlds oldest democracy, that brings forth the vision and courage to reinvent America. When our founders boldly declared Americas independence to the world and our purposes to the Almighty, they knew that America, to endure, would have to change. Not change for changes sake, but change to preserve Americas ideals; life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Though we march to the music of our time, our mission is timeless. Each generation of Americans must define what it means to be an American. On behalf of our nation, I salute my predecessor, President Bush, for his half-century of service to America. And I thank the millions of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over Depression, fascism and Communism. Today, a generation raised in the shadows of the


精品—忠言逆耳助我行作文|忠言逆耳助我行议论文三篇 忠言逆耳助我行议论文(一) 在我小时候,因为不听妈妈的话,结果差点就丢了小命,到至今都有些后怕。 事情是这样的,那是一年夏天的中午,我和姐姐吃晚饭后,就在一起嘀嘀咕咕的商量着一会到河边去玩会水,我和姐姐正说着,姐姐正说着,妈妈突然拍了拍我们说:热了在家洗洗澡,我和姐姐拿起书包就跑,我们两个一看,氺好深!我和姐姐不约而同的喊了一声,然后扔下书包就往水边跑,然后各自坐在了一边,脚垂到水里,在水中脚溅起的浪花,在加上又刮来一清风,感觉凉快多了。过了一会姐姐说:你往那边去去,我往你那边坐坐。我猛地点点头,然后小心地往那边移了移,谁知,突然一只脚踩空了,而后陷进了泥土里不知不觉,另一只脚就漂了起来,然后我才知道我掉进了水里,就要刮跑了。这时我条件反射似的一只手突然从水里伸了出来,当时的水都把我整个人都埋住了,姐姐看到这个情况,吓了一跳,赶紧拉着我的手,特别有力的把我往上拉,嘴里还喊着上来,快上来。这时姐姐班的几个男生从旁边经过,开玩笑的说了生:哎,你在捞鱼啊!我妹掉里面了,快过来帮帮忙。听到姐姐说有人掉河里了,那个男生立马跑过来,叫我:哎,把你另一只手伸出来。当时我听到了那个声音,就赶快把手伸了出去,在姐姐和那位哥哥地帮助下,我被拉了出来,看着那位哥哥,我个姐姐说:谢谢你!而那位哥哥却说:没事,以后不要再来这里玩了。然后就走了。但是我的鞋子也被刮跑了一只,然后又跑回家换了一双。不过谁知这件事让妈妈知道了,然后狠狠地教训了我们一下,生气地说:跟你们说了多少遍了,不准往河边去,就在家洗洗,不听话,这次知道了吧!我和姐姐都乖乖地点了点头。从那以后我和姐姐就听了妈妈的话,再也没有去河边玩了。然后我也受到了教训,现在只要有深水,我就特别地害怕。 经过了这件事,我记得了妈妈地许多不可以,因为那些不可以,都是对我好,那些逆耳忠言,也是对我好,它们就像一盏盏指路的明灯,指引我们走向正确的道路。 忠言逆耳助我行议论文(二) 曾几何时,在流言蜚语中派回,找不到方向;曾几何时,在他人的言语中迷茫,不知路在何方。只因为没有忠诚的劝诫,前途一片迷茫。直到现在,才懂得逆耳忠言对我们的谆谆教育。 不曾忘却:忠言逆耳利于行,良药苦口利于病。回眸史册,商纣王,不听忠诚劝告,亲手把自己的国家埋葬;蔡恒公不听扁鹊的建议,最后只能把自己的命搭上。 有人说,那已成为历史,距现在已经相当遥远,不知道的参考。那么说说在我身上所发生的吧! 上中学后,我的几个好朋友都迷上了网络游戏,经常三五成群偷偷的跑去上网,他们也常常告诉我网络游戏如何好玩,在里面想干什么就干什么无不痛快。终于,在他们的勾引下,我也步入其中。刚开始,只觉得好玩,便三番两次的和他们同去,渐渐地我也迷恋上了她。 可是好运总不能永远陪伴我。有一次,我和他们玩得正高兴的时候,老师来了。老师对我说:千万不要网络游戏迷惑了你们,那样,他会毁了你们的一生。我明白老师是为我们好的,可是一旦迷恋上她,就别想一下摆脱它。我仍然是我行我素,只是去的次数逐渐减少。 直到发生了一件事,我才彻底摆脱它。那是星期六的一天,我有去玩了。却没想到爸爸也跟着我,我刚到门口,爸爸的大手拉着我往家去。回到家中,免不了皮肉之苦,过了一会儿,爸爸的气消了,对我一阵心灵教育:孩子,你知道吗,网络游戏对你来说有什么好处呢,网络是一把双刃剑,你总是看到它坏的一面。你自己好好想想,你今后怎么办吧。 从那以后,我再也没有越雷池半步。而同伴的成绩一次不如一次。我这才惊觉老师,爸爸的忠言在帮助我们抵制不良诱惑啊。 忠言逆耳利于行。我终于明白了这个道理。 忠言逆耳助我行议论文(三)

歌舞剧 猫 中英对照歌词

Are you blind when you're born? Can you see in the dark? 你出生时是目盲的吗?你能在黑暗处看到事物吗? Dare you look at a king? Would you sit on his throne? 你敢目室国王吗?你想坐在王位上吗? Can you say of your bite that it's worse than your bark? 你能说你的咬力不如你的叫声吗? Are you cock of the walk when you're walking alone? 当你独自行走时你很自信自傲吗? Because jellicles are and jellicles do 因为杰利克是杰利克能 Jellicles do and jellicles would 杰利克能杰利克会 Jellicles would and jellicles can 杰利克会杰利克能 Jellicles can and jellicles do 杰利克能杰利克做 When you fall on your head, do you land on your feet? 当你头朝下落下时,你能用脚着地吗? Are you tense when you sense there's a storm in the air? 当你感到风暴来临时,你会很紧张吗? Can you find your way blind when you're lost in the street? 当你迷路时,你能本能的找到正确的方向吗? Do you know how to go to the heaviside layer? 你知道如何升向九重天吗? Because jellicles can and jellicles do 因为杰利克能杰利克做 Jellicles do and jellicles can 杰利克做杰利克能 Jellicles can and jellicles do 杰利克能杰利克做 Jellicles do and jellicles can 杰利克做杰利克能 Jellicles can and jellicles do 杰利克能杰利克做 Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant? 你能骑着扫把去很远的地方吗? Familiar with candle, with book, and with bell? 你喜爱玩耍蜡烛,书籍或是铃铛吗? Were you Whittington's friend? The Pied Piper's assistant? 你是惠廷顿的朋友?或是吹笛手的助理吗? Have you been an alumnus of heaven and hell? 你能自由的通往天堂和地狱吗? Are you mean like a minx? Are you lean like a lynx? 你是一个爱出风头的姑娘吗?你瘦的像一只山猫吗? Are you keen to be seen when you're smelling a rat? 当你闻到一只老鼠你会努力的寻找吗? Were you there when the pharaoh commissioned the Sphinx? 当法老委派做狮身人面像时你在场吗? If you were, and you are, you're a jellicle cat 如果你在并且你是,你是一只杰利克猫. Jellicle songs for jellicle cats 杰利克歌咏杰利克猫 Jellicle songs for jellicle cats 杰利克歌咏杰利克猫 Jellicle songs for jellicle cats 杰利克歌咏杰利克猫


美国克林顿总统在北京大学的演讲稿演讲范文 PRESIDENT CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you, President Chen, Chairmen Ren, Vice President Chi, Vice Minister Wei. We are delighted to be here today with a very large American delegation, including the First Lady and our daughter, who is a student at Stanford, one of the schools with which Beijing University has a relationship. We have six members of the United States Congress; the Secretary of State; Secretary of Commerce; the Secretary of Agriculture; the Chairman of our Council of Economic Advisors; Senator Sasser, our Ambassador; the National Security Advisor and my Chief of Staff, among others. I say that to illustrate the importance that the United States places on our relationship with China. I would like to begin by congratulating all of you, the students, the faculty, the administrators, on celebrating the centennial year of your university. Gongxi, Beida. Applause. As I’m sure all of you know, this campus was once home to Yenching University which was founded by American missionaries. Many of its wonderful buildings were designed by an American architect. Thousands of Americans students and professors have come here to study and teach. We feel a special kinship with you. I am, however, grateful that this day is different in one important respect from another important occasion 79 years ago. In June of 1919, the first president of Yenching University, John Leighton Stuart, was set to deliver the very first commencement address on these very grounds. At the appointed hour, he appeared, but no students appeared. They were all out leading the May 4th Movement for China’s political and cultural renewal. When I read this, I hoped that when I walked into the auditorium today, someone would be sitting here. And I thank you for being here, very much. Applause. I come here today to talk to you, the next generation of China’s leaders, about the critical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between China and the United States.


忠言逆耳利于行精选作文 篇一:忠言逆耳利于行 我们每个人都爱听好听话,但是人生道路不可能事事都一帆风顺。假如我们一直伴着好听话成长,一直执迷不悟地沉醉于自己所谓的一点点成绩,那么我们就永远不可能成长。成长的道路上,一定会有人在我们的耳边说着不好听的话,说着令我们难堪的话,或长辈,或兄弟姐妹,或朋友。我们也许会生气,也许会厌恶,但是这些不那么好听的话却能激励我们进步,教诲我们成长,这就是——忠言逆耳利于行。 唐代的名臣魏征经常向唐太宗进谏,甚至有时当面指出唐太宗的不足,弄得唐太宗经常下不来台,甚至扬言要杀掉魏征。但是就是这样的忠臣,这样逆耳的话语,却时时刻刻提醒着唐太宗,勉励着唐太宗。魏征的《谏太宗十思疏》,唐太宗每天早上朗读它一遍,因为它无时无刻不催促着唐太宗为民造福,做一个明君。这是忠言逆耳利于行的正面例子。反之,历史上也一定有反面例子。比如比干劝商纣王不能横征暴敛反被剖心,伍子胥劝吴王杀掉勾践夫妇不成反被杀害。所以忠言不是对所有人都能产生积极影响,有的人一点就通,能够虚心接受别人的意见,有的人却夜郎自大,至死不悟。 但是现代社会和古代不同,我们更应该认真聆听逆耳忠言,更加

需要接受逆耳忠言。对待逆耳的话,我们应该保持一个清醒的头脑,一个冷静的心理,不让自己产生误解,也不让自己消极。我有一位朋友,她很直率,很坦诚,而且十清楚白事理。但是正是因为她的直率、坦诚有时也会很令我难堪,会让我下不来台。我刚开始会很不解,很迷惑,甚至会不耐烦。但是认真想想,她所说的其实不那么好听的话却一直对我有益,一直渐渐地渗透着我。我终于知道,那些只会对自己说好话的朋友,是损友,会让自己沾沾自喜从而一点一点退步;然后一直指出自己不足的朋友,让自己渐渐进步的朋友才是真正的益友。 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。但愿这句传颂千古的至理名言能够就这样传颂、弘扬下去,经久不衰,历久弥新。 篇二:忠言逆耳助我行 “看看你考的这点儿分!还是班长呢,你也不嫌丢人!我看你这学期就没把心思放在学习上,整天熬夜有什么用啊?你看人家考得好的,有几个是天天熬到十一、二点的?就你这样的成绩,别说考一中了,二中都不一定能考上!我看你再这样下去的话,还不如复读呢!”……(中国精选作文网 t262) 家长会后,便怒气冲冲地拿着成绩单来找我。爸爸批评的话语如同一盆冷水,把我从头浇到底,让我那因放假而欢愉的心情霎时从云间跌倒谷底。想起爸爸方才严厉的话语,不悦的心情霎时又被而委屈吞没…… 不就是考砸一次吗?有什么大不了的?还说得那么严重,我的分


我的歌声里 没有一点点防备 也没有一丝顾虑 你就这样出现 在我的世界里带给我惊喜情不自己可是你偏又这样 在我不知不觉中悄悄地消失 从我的世界里没有音讯 剩下的只是回忆 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 还记得我们曾经 肩并肩一起走过那段繁花巷口 尽管你我是陌生人是过路人 但彼此还是感觉到了 对方的一个眼神一个心跳 一种意想不到的快乐 好像是一场梦境命中注定 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 世界之大为何我们相遇 难道是缘分难道是天意 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 如水 期待过我们似细水 可惜蒸发出眼泪 明白你最近有些暂时伴侣偷一刻午睡彷佛专一使你极空虚 怀疑被你抱着我念着谁 无论你再好亦舍得失去 难过亦过难道我 嫌损失未够多

早放手可减轻痛楚 不等泡沫给吹破 不想去知谁填补我 无悔在我还是我 任你多么差错 无谓去追问为何 深知告别损失非我 让情人离别 似水清洗我 原谅你对着我说谎 出于好意的作状 明白你最近已经避谈近况 早不敢寄望 心中早把相爱如观光 情如瀑布泻下也未惊慌 心境已随着那水花得到释放 难过亦过难道我 嫌损失未够多 早放手可减轻痛楚 不等泡沫给吹破 不想去知谁填补我 无悔在我还是我 任你多么差错 无谓去追问为何 深知告别损失非我 让情人离别 似水清洗我 难过亦过难道我 嫌损失未够多 早放手可减轻痛楚 不等泡沫给吹破 不想去知谁填补我 无悔在我还是我 任你多么差错 无谓去追问为何 深知告别损失非我 让情人离别 似水清洗我 心中有涟漪吹过又回到最初平静去做我

最新-克林顿就职中文演讲稿 克林顿1993年就职演讲+(中英文) 精品

克林顿就职中文演讲稿克林顿1993年就职演讲+(中英文) 春天重新降临到这个世界上最古老的国家,它给我们带来了重新塑造美国的构想和勇气.WhenourfoundersboldlydeclaredAmerica"sindependencetotheworldandour purposestotheAlmighty,theyknewthatAmerica,toendure,wouldhavetochange. Notchangeforchange"ssake,butchangetopreserveAmerica"sideals;life,libe rty,thepursuitofhappiness.Thoughwemarchtothemusicofourtime,ourmission istimeless.EachgenerationofAmericansmustdefinewhatitmeanstobeanAmeric an.当我们的缔造者们大胆地向全世界宣布美国的独立,向上帝宣布我们的目的时,他们知道,美国要长久地存在下去,就必须改革. 我们不是为改革而改革,而是为了保持美国的理想——生活、自由和追求幸福.虽然我们伴随着时代的乐曲前进,我们的使命却是永恒的. 每一代美国人都必须明确作为一个美国人意味着什么.Onbehalfofournation,Isalutemypredecessor,PresidentBush,forhishalf-centuryofservicetoAmerica.AndIthankthemillionsofmenandwomenwhosestead fastnessandsacrificetriumphedoverDepression,fascismandmunism.我的前任布什总统为美国服务了半个世纪,在此,我代表我们的国家向他致以崇高的敬意. Today,agenerationraisedintheshadowsoftheColdWarassumesnewresponsibili tiesinaworldwarmedbythesunshineoffreedombutthreatenedstillbyancientha tredsandnewplagues.我还要向千百万人民表示感谢,他们以坚定的信念和牺牲战胜了经济萧条、法西斯主义.今天,在冷战的阴影下成长起来的一代人在世界上已肩负起新的责任. 这个世界虽然沐浴在自由的阳光下,但仍然面临着旧的仇恨和新的灾祸的威胁.Raisedinunrivaledprosperity,weinheritaneconomythatisstilltheworld" sstrongest,butisweakenedbybusinessfailures,stagnantwages,increasingin equality,anddeepdivisionsamongourpeople.我们在无与伦比的繁荣中成长,继承了一个仍然是世界上最强大经济,但是. 商业失败、工资停滞、不平等加剧,以及我们自己的人民四分五裂,削弱了这


逆耳忠言助我行 喝一口手中母亲刚熬好的中药,苦涩立即在我口中漫延开来,“咳咳咳……”我立即吐了出来并故意大声地咳着。母亲在我旁边看着,摇摇头:“唉,‘良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行’这道理你怎么就是不懂呢?” “良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行”我在心中默念。手不由得颤抖了一下,老师那充满不屑和鄙视的话突然在我耳际响起…… “凭你这资质,根本就不可能会有所成就,你永远也别妄想成功。这就是整天只知道胡思乱想的结局。”老师就这样当着全班人的面,把我那满是红叉的作业本展示出来,并用不屑的语气对我说了这句话。他的话深深地刺痛了我的心,我低着头,不敢面对老师那鄙视的目光。班上的同学小声地讨论着,我听到全班同学都对老师的话表示赞同,我感到很多人都带着同情的眼光地看着我,但我知道更多的是幸灾乐祸……一阵寒风向我吹来,泪水也簌簌流下,“你们会后悔的!”我在心中愤恨地说道。 从此,我在学校依然像以前一样我行我素,让老师对我的行为叹气,让所有人都以为我依然无药可救,可是我知道,我早已不再是以

前的我了,上课我会很专心地听讲,吸收老师所传授的知识,回家后也暗暗努力地学习。终于我等到了机会,在期中考,我取得了惊人的进步。可我却没有表现出太多的惊喜,我继续努力着,努力着……就在我一次次得到优异的成绩后,我收敛了我的叛逆,我只在老师的办公桌上放了一张字条“我只想证明给某些人看,他的看法是错误的!”成功的喜悦冲昏了我的头脑,以至于我没有留意到老师对我欣慰的嘴角上扬的弧度…… 自从小学毕业后,我就再也没有回去母校,因为那里有太多不好的回忆。可我却不知道,由于那段奋斗的时光让我能够比别人更快地适应中学繁忙的学习生活,而这一切,都是我一直所“讨厌”的老师给予的。 “良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行,妈,我知道了。”我将手中的药一饮而尽,然后向母校的方向跑去……

英语文化 学英语必须要知道的经典英文歌曲14 Hallelujah

歌曲背景 "Hallelujah" is a song written by Canadian singer Leonard Cohen, originally released on his album Various Positions (1984). Achieving little initial success, the song found greater popular acclaim through a recording by John Cale, which inspired a recording by Jeff Buckley. It has been viewed as a "baseline" for secular hymns. "Hallelujah"为加拿大著名游吟诗人、民谣歌手Leonard Cohen在1985年创作的歌曲,收录在其专辑"Various Positions"中。其歌词充满诗意,内涵丰富,曲调缓慢忧伤,加上Leonard沧桑嗓音的低吟浅唱,演绎出了一种清淡而悠长的回味。 Hallelujah的版本很多,其中最有影响力的还是美国著名创作型歌手Jeff Buckley的翻唱版本,被收录在其1994年的专辑"Grace"中。Jeff被U2的Bono形容为“噪海中的纯净一滴”,他的声音明丽甜蜜又性感飘渺,诠释起悲伤和记忆来却更令人印象深刻。 中国歌手邓紫棋在现场演唱会上翻唱了本曲。 英文歌词 Now I've heard there was a secret chord 我曾听闻一曲传奇中的旋律 That David played, and it pleased the Lord 是大卫弹奏来取悦上帝的赞颂 But You don't really care for music, do You? 但祢真正喜悦的(是人的作为,而)不是音乐,对吧? Well it goes like this 旋律是这样的 The fourth, the fifth F和弦,G和弦(复杂的心情无可言喻) The minor fall, the major lift 大小调起承转合(指戴维泣不成声的祷告颂唱,至五音不全) The baffled king composing Hallelujah


克林顿就职演讲稿 篇一:克林顿就职演讲稿-中英文对照 克林顿就职演讲稿-中英文对照 Inaugural Address of George W.Bush January 20 2001 President Clinton distinguished guests and my fellow citizens:The peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history mon in our country.With asimple oath we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.As I begin I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation and I thank VicePresident Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace.I am honored and humbled to stand here where so many of Americas leaders e before me and so many will follow.We have a place all of us in a long story.A story we continue but whose end we willnot see.It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old a storyof a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom the story of a power thatwent into the world to protect but not possess to defend but not to conquer.It is theAmerican story.A story of flawed and fallible people united across the generations bygrand and enduring ideals.The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promisethat everyone belongs that everyone deserves a chance that no insignificant person wasever born.Americans are called upon to enact this promise in our lives


忠言逆耳利于行 人生的旅途中总会有许多的岔路口,然而成功的巅峰却只有一个。成功的人,不是因为他们有多么优秀,而是因为他们能接受逆耳忠言、苦口良药,所以我们要明辨并接受逆耳忠言,才能成功。 逆耳忠言如镜,以之可鉴得失。魏征屡次顶撞太宗,太宗能明鉴受之,方得贞观之项羽刚愎自用,仅因几句忠告之言,竟疏远了亚父范增,终被迫乌江之刎。孟尝君接受冯燰买义之言,终居相位数十年。魏征之言可定大逆不道之罪,却能点出太宗治国之得失,范增之言逆耳,却蕴含成功之道,冯燰之言难以让孟尝君接受,却为他指出了治理封地的得失,可以说没有接受他们三人的忠告,就不会有贞观之治和孟尝娇君的富贵,忠言虽然逆耳,但却是歧途上的最佳警钟。 逆耳忠言如星,以之可明方向。清王朝内部以天朝上国自居,却不顾“欲求超胜,必须贯通”之忠言,终尝闭关锁国之恶果,楚杯王不听屈原连齐抗秦之忠言,终于客死它乡。秦穆公不听蹇叔之忠言,终落得大败而归。徐光启的话指明了中国应有的发展方向,却冲击了满清“骑射为本”的思想,倘若清王朝不是对其不屑一顾,怕是就不会再有所谓的半殖民半封建的中国了吧;若是楚怀王信屈原忠言,远离秦使张化的糖衣炮弹,怕是也不会有秦王朝的统一吧;若是穆公听取蹇叔之言,也不会受其大败之辱吧。由此可见,忠言虽然逆耳,却能使人悬崖勒马,重归正途。 逆耳忠言如令,可以定成败。仲达的兵马已达城下,却因猜疑而回绝了攻城之请,反是错失良机。子产告诫子太叔以猛政治民,但子

太叔却以宽政治民,致使盗贼横行;夫差不听信伍子胥之忠言,终被勾践灭国。倘若他们听取了忠告,三国也许会提前结束,子太叔也许会与子产齐名,夫差也就不会亡国。因为忠言与他们内心的想法不符,就回绝其言,往往会引人走上失败之路。由此可见,忠言虽然逆耳,却能打开成功之门,避开失败的深渊。 当我们走在追求成功的路上的时候,请谨慎对待那些逆耳的建议,因为只有它们,才能给予我们真正的成功之路,当你拒绝了它们,也就亲手关闭了成功的大门,所以请接受逆耳忠言。


1A 1.Are You Sleeping? Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John? Morning bells are ringing, Morning bells are ringing. Ding, ding, dong! Ding, ding, dong! 2.Ten Little Indians One little, two little, three little Indians,

Four little, five little, six little Indians, Seven little, Eight little, Nine little Indians, Ten little Indian boys. One little, two little, three little Indians, Four little, five little, six little Indians, Seven little, Eight little, Nine little Indians, Ten little Indian girls. 3.Happy Birthday to You Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear friend. Happy birthday to you.

4.Hot Potato One potato, two potatoes, Three potatoes, four, Five potato, six potatoes, Seven potatoes, more. 5.Hot Cross Buns Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns! One a penny, two a penny. Hot cross buns! If you have no daughters, Give them to you sons!


【克林顿提名奥巴马英语演讲稿完整版】 Former President Bill Clinton's remarks to the Democratic National Convention, as prepared for delivery. Clinton veered from these prepared remarks multiple times throughout his speech. We're here to nominate a President, and I've got one in mind. I want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. A man who ran for President to change the course of an already weak economy and then just six weeks before the election, saw it suffer the biggest co llapse since the Great Depression. A man who stopped the slide into depression and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while that no matter how many jobs were created and saved, there were still millions more waiting, trying to feed their children and keep their hopes alive. I want to nominate a man cool on the outside but burning for America on the inside. A man who believes we can build a new American Dream economy driven by innovation and creativity, education and cooperation. A man who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama. I want Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States and I proudly nominate him as the standard bearer of the Democratic Party. In T ampa, we heard a lot of talk about how the President and the Democrats don't believe in free enterprise and indiv idual initiative, how we want everyone to be dependent on the government, how bad we are for the economy. The Republican narrative is that all of us who amount to anything are completely self-made. One of our greatest Democratic Chairmen, Bob Strauss, used to say that every politician wants you to believe he was born in a log cabin he built himself, but it ain't so. We Democrats think the country works better with a strong middle class, real opportunities for poor people to work their way into it and a relentless focus on the future, with business and government working together to promote growth and broadly shared prosperity. We think "we're all in this together" is a better philosophy than "you're on your own." Who's right? Well since 1961, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24. In those 52 years, our economy produced 66 million private sector jobs. What's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 million! It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics, because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth, while investments in education, infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase it, creating more good jobs and new wealth for all of us. Though I often disagree with Republicans, I never learned to hate them the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate President Obama and the Democrats. After all, President Eisenhower sent federal troops to my home state to integrate Little


忠言逆耳利于行作文(初中初一800字) “良药苦口,益于疾病;忠告逆耳,益于实践”的意思是:良药苦口,难下咽,却能治愈疾病。建议可能与自己的想法不同,但符合自己的利益。每个人都知道这个事实,但是很难做到。 唐太宗李世民任用人才。其中一个是一位名叫魏徵的部长。他敢于直言不讳并向他提出抗议。他经常和唐太宗打架,非常生气,唐太宗几次想杀他,但他都忍了。魏徵死后,唐太宗悲伤地说:“以铜为榜样,穿得得体。从过去学习,我们可以知道国家的兴衰。向他人学习,你就能看到收获和损失。”既然魏徵已经去世,是时候知道他的死讯了。“这种例子不仅在古代很常见,在现实生活中也很常见。 ”梅·许逊的雪比梅的白三倍,但是雪失去了它的香味.”这是我对父亲教诲的总结。 升到初中第一天后,我开始熟悉我的同学。因此,我父亲经常在午饭后和我谈论学校事务。当谈到一些名列榜首的女孩和一些不喜欢她们的女孩时,我的反应非常强烈。我父亲笑着对我说,“那是因为人们学习好,有资本。”“仍然有糟糕的研究!”我很快补充道。“这意味着他们口才很好,但你不能说他们好。”就这样,我被父亲打了。“没错,”我父亲补充道:我有时间问他们如何学习。“‘那帮老...’我在心里骂。很快就被遗忘了。 我父亲和我最后一次参加期末考试就要到了。我父亲告诉我,我不足以帮助我复习,于是我不耐烦地答应了。看到我不听,我父亲批评了我。在考试前几天的复习中,我父亲放弃了午睡时间来监督我的

学习。起初,我很不情愿。渐渐地,我开始全身心地投入到学习中,并且觉得我不能让父亲失望。在那段时间里,我还遇到了一个小学同学,她学习成绩很好。我记得父亲说过的话,并问她如何学习。她坦率地告诉了我。这样,我在班上得了第十名,数学得了第一名。 在回家的路上,风吹在树叶上,好像在为我鼓掌。在我父亲知道这件事之后,他嘴角露出一丝微笑,让我继续努力。 人们说,“没有压力,就没有动力。”在生活中,如果没有逆耳忠言,一个人似乎就失去了通往成功之路的风向标。因此,让我们接受那些不在我们心中的建议,驶向成功!

English song-as long as you love me英文经典脍炙人口歌曲歌词解析

歌名:As Long As You Love Me 歌手:Justin Bieber 所属专辑:Believe Acoustic 作曲 : Persson Svensson 作词 : Persson Svensson As long as you love me yeah 只要你爱我就好 I'm under pressure, seven billion people in the world trying to fit in 我们在压力下跟着全世界70亿人适应这个社会 Keep it together, smile on your face even though your heart is frowning 紧紧相依,你心有困懑却面带笑容 But hey now, you know girl, we both know it's a cruel world 但是现在,宝贝你知道,我们都知道世界多么残酷 But I will take my chances 但我愿意(搏一搏)抓住我的机会 As long as you love me, we could be starving, 只要你爱我,我们可以挨饿(饥肠辘辘) We could be homeless, we could be broke 可以流离失所,也可以支离破碎 As long as you love me I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, i'll be your gold 只要你爱我,我是你的铂金,我是你的银,我是你的财富(我会不离不弃,无坚不摧,所向披靡)

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